Assistant Labour Officer 126 - 2018

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Maximum : 100 marks

Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Human Resource Management means :

(A) Organisation (B) Policy
(C) Effective use of people (D) None of the above

2. Which one of the following factor not included in the scope of HRM?
(A) Employment (B) Health and safety
(C) Employees service (D) Termination

3. Recognition of individuals as unique and integrating people in to work situation is :

(A) Motivation function (B) Maintenance function
(C) Development function (D) None of the above

4. The development and practice of HRM begins with :

(A) Industrialisation (B) Education
(C) Consumerism (D) None

5. The total member of workers employed by a company on a specific job is :

(A) Work force (B) Wages
(C) Group (D) Capital

6. Father of Human Resource Management is :

(A) George Elton Mayo (B) Taylor
(C) Robert Merton (D) Edwin

7. Which among the following factors are not escalate the labour supply in India?
(A) Population growth (B) Rural-Urban unemployment
(C) Low degree of Industrialisation (D) Self-Sufficient Rural area

8. Which one of the following factor is not responsible for slow growth of HRM in India?
(A) Low arrival of factory system (B) Low status of Industrial worker
(C) Professionalism (D) Good working condition

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9. The procedure by which pertinant information is obtained about a job is known :
(A) Job analysis (B) Job discription
(C) Job specification (D) None of the above

10. Subdivision of work being performed in the vertical scale provide :

(A) Unit analysis (B) Simple layout
(C) Easy movement (D) Responsible supervision

11. The process of incooperating human resource needs in the light of organisational goal is
known as :
(A) Human Resource Planning (B) Human Resource Management
(C) Human Resource Development (D) None of the above

12. The interview method, which is the procedure for discovery of leadership is called :
(A) Non-direct interview (B) Planned interview
(C) Hiring interview (D) Group- interview

13. The concept by HRD was first introduced by :

(A) Leonard Nadler (B) Elton Mayo
(C) Robert Owen (D) G.H. Mead

14. A frame work and practice for helping employees to develop their personal and
organisational skill is known as :
(A) Human Resource Management (B) Human Resource Development
(C) Human Resource Policy (D) Human Resource Planning

15. Human Resource Development created a structure in the workplace which is really :
(A) Independent (B) Isolation
(C) Self-Oriented (D) Inter-dependent

16. The major function of Human Resource Development is :

(A) Development of individuals and unit
(B) Development of units
(C) Maintenance of units
(D) Isolation of units

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17. Which among the following is the benefits of HRD?
(A) Keep the old skill (B) No appraisal
(C) Not transparent (D) Mutual trust and respect

18. The main goal of training evaluation is :

(A) Improve the skills (B) Omission from job
(C) Giving punishment (D) Reduce work hours

19. Which one of the following is not an element of employee development?

(A) Improving skill in communication (B) Give rewards
(C) Motivation (D) Criticism

20. Based on the skills and abilities of employee, the placement given in higher strata of job is :
(A) Promotion (B) Reversal
(C) Suspension (D) Stagnation

21. A software that provides the storage processes and manages employers data is known as :
(A) Human Resource Information (B) Human Resource Development
(C) Human Resource Management (D) Human Resource Application

22. The benefit of Human Resource information :

(A) Accuracy of employers data (B) More time on clerical work
(C) Need paper file (D) Less accessable

23. The important help provided by HRI to the employee is :

(A) Security and privacy (B) Not Security
(C) No mobile capability (D) Others

24. Which one among the following is not the feature of HRI?
(A) Data Management (B) Performance appraisal
(C) Reporting (D) Paper file system

25. HRI is applicable for :

(A) Big size business (B) Small scale business
(C) Small, medium and big business (D) Others

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26. The performance of an employee is evaluated by an evaluator after observation is :
(A) Structured method (B) Period comparison method
(C) Man-to-Man comparison method (D) Graphic method

27. Aim of performance management is :

(A) Help in sustainable improvement (B) Targeting employee
(C) Critical evaluation (D) Giving punishment

28. Efficient use of organisations existing human resources is known as :

(A) Human Resource Planning (B) Human Resource Management
(C) Human Resource Development (D) Human Resource Utilisation

29. Motivating people is an organisation to develop team-work, which fulfill their objective is :
(A) Human Relation approach (B) Managerial approach
(C) Organisational approach (D) None of the above

30. The usage of HRI in small organisation will help :

(A) To create a good system (B) To demolish a system
(C) To confuse a system (D) Others

31. The relationship between management and workers is known as :

(A) Trade Union (B) Participation
(C) Industrial relation (D) Strike

32. The main objective of industrial relation is :

(A) Make complex structure (B) Prevent industrial conflict
(C) Create conflict (D) None of the above

33. Which among the following is ‘not’ belongs to Industrial relations?

(A) Self organisation (B) Labour union
(C) Collective bargaining (D) Individual bargaining

34. After 1990, what is the reason behind organisational flexibility :

(A) Globalisation (B) Urbanisation
(C) Industrialisation (D) Westernisation

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35. Flexibility and employees involvement are the two key factors connected with :
(A) Individualisation (B) Confirmity
(C) Density (D) Rebellion

36. Voluntary organisation of workers formed with a view to attain their collective interest is
known as :
(A) Movement (B) Activity
(C) Trade Union (D) None of the above

37. One of the main characteristics of Trade Union in India is :

(A) Political rivalry (B) Lack of leadership
(C) Lack of collectivity (D) Lack of ideology

38. Which one of the following factor is responsible for the formation and growth of trade union?
(A) Economic condition of workers
(B) Comfortable condition of workers
(C) Smooth relationship with employer
(D) None of the above

39. Any difference and dispute between employers and employees is known as :
(A) Industrial dispute (B) Industrial relation
(C) Industrial organisation (D) Others

40. Industrial dispute is :

(A) Collective dispute (B) Individual dispute
(C) Unit dispute (D) Others

41. The employer complies with the rules out of the desire to cooperate and achieve goals is
known as :
(A) Positive discipline (B) Negative discipline
(C) Indiscipline (D) Supervision

42. Good disciplinary system always related with :

(A) Knowledge of rules (B) Lack of knowledge
(C) Delay action (D) No procedure

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43. Which among the following is included in the major penality?
(A) Oral warning (B) Written memo
(C) Stopping promotion (D) Fine

44. The Industrial employment (Standing order) Act passed in the year :
(A) 1945 (B) 1946
(C) 1947 (D) 1950

45. Industrial capital punishment and ultimate penality is known as :

(A) Demotion (B) Dismissal
(C) Discharge (D) Fine

46. An effort to make life worth living for workmen is known as :

(A) Labour welfare (B) Labour laws
(C) Labour conflict (D) Labour court

47. Which one of the following is not belong to intra – mural services with in the factory?
(A) Drinking water (B) Washroom
(C) Uniform (D) Travel facility

48. The facilities which are provided out side the workplace is :
(A) Intra – Mural (B) Extra – Mural
(C) Inter – Mural (D) Others

49. According to statutory labour welfare, an adult worker allowed to work in a week :
(A) 48 hrs (B) 55 hrs
(C) 50 hrs (D) 40 hrs

50. The scheme which provide medical facilities insurance for employers is known as :

51. The real or imaginary feeling of dissatisfaction of an employee has about his employment is :
(A) happiness (B) grievance
(C) bargaining (D) dispute

52. The with holding of work from employees and closing down of a work place is known as :
(A) Lock out (B) Strike
(C) Movement (D) Arbitation

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53. The provision that contributes to physical or material comforts is known as :
(A) Patronage (B) Annuity
(C) Bonus (D) Allowance

54. Employees temporary withdrawal of services is known as :

(A) Lockout (B) Strike
(C) Conflict (D) Resolution

55. All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was formed in the year :
(A) 1920 (B) 1925
(C) 1935 (D) 1940

56. Grievance resulting from personal maladjustment is :

(A) Overtime (B) Transfer
(C) Seniority (D) Impractical attitude to life

57. The discipline that are forced to observe rules according to fear or fine is :
(A) Negative Discipline (B) Positive Discipline
(C) Forced Discipline (D) Others

58. An immediate warning for a delinquent employee is known as :

(A) Hot Stove rule (B) Impersonal rule
(C) Short rule (D) Strong rule

59. Which is not a feature of collective bargaining system?

(A) Two-way process (B) Continuous process
(C) Competitive process (D) Negotiative process

60. The industrial employment (standing order) Act, mainly focused on :

(A) Conditions of employment (B) Disciplinary measures
(C) Motivation (D) Others

61. Which among the following is the first step of disciplinary action?
(A) Suspension (B) Issue of charge sheet
(C) Punishment (D) Preliminary enquiry

62. The principle of natural justice give a room for a person :

(A) Explain his point of view (B) Not explain his point of view
(C) Explain the organisation view (D) Others

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63. For an effective discipline, manager should have :
(A) Incorrect view (B) Unfair treatment
(C) Rigid (D) Interest in employee welfare

64. Factory Act, 1948 provides appointment of which category worker in factories?
(A) Industrial Officer (B) Financial Officer
(C) Medical Officer (D) Welfare Officer

65. The local trade unions are organised around :

(A) Occupation (B) Ideology
(C) Business (D) Government

66. Who was associated with Hawthorne experiment?

(A) Max Weber (B) Karl Marx
(C) George Elton Mayo (D) P. Gisbert

67. Industrial sociology as a science was evolved in the period :

(A) 1820 s (B) 1890 s
(C) 1920 s (D) 1990 s

68. Industrial Sociology deals with three different organizations. Which is not included in it?
(A) The management organization (B) Informal organization of workers
(C) Union Organization (D) Formal organization of workers

69. Who is associated with ‘‘Organic Solidarity’’?

(A) Emile Durkheim (B) Auguste Comte
(C) Karl Marx (D) Max Weber

70. —————— is a process of social and economic change caused by the removal or reduction of
industrial capacity or activity in a country or region, especially of heavy industry or
manufacturing industry.
(A) Industrialization (B) Deindustrialization
(C) Urbanization (D) Gentrification

71. Who wrote the book ‘‘The Coming of Post-Industrial Society : A Venture in Social
(A) Manuel castells (B) Anthony Giddens
(C) Daniel Bell (D) Alain Touraine

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72. Which is not a feature of formal organization?
(A) Structure is created intentionally
(B) Each individual is assigned a specific job
(C) Superior-subordinate relations
(D) Does not follow any fixed path of flow of authority or communication

73. —————— is the marked transformation of a society from agrarian to manufacturing

(A) Industrialization (B) Sanskritization
(C) Westernization (D) Gentrification

74. Who is associated with the theoretical concept ‘‘Iron Cage’’?

(A) Max Weber (B) Karl Marx
(C) Daniel bell (D) P. Gisbert

75. —————— is the stage of society’s development when the service sector generates more
wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy.
(A) Agrarian Society (B) Industrial Society
(C) Post industrial Society (D) Folk Society

76. Which of the following is not an objective of Minimum Wages Act 1948?
(A) To stop the exploitation of workers
(B) To empower the Government to take steps for fixing minimum wages
(C) To provide bonus for employees
(D) To provide for appointment of Advisory Committee and Advisory Boards, having
representatives of employer and employee

77. What is the tenure of the members of the internal complaint committee under sexual
harassment of women at work place (prevention, prohibition and redressal) Act 2013?
(A) 2 Years (B) 3 Years
(C) 5 Years (D) 4 Years

78. The philosophy of the Minimum Wages Act 1948 and its significance has been explained by
Hon’ble S.C. in which of the case?
(A) D.N. Banerjee V.P.R. Mukherjee
(B) State of Bombay V. Hospital Mazdoor Sabha
(C) Bangalore Water Supply V. A. Rajappa
(D) Unichogi V. State of Kerala

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79. As per Section 18 of Maternity Benefit Act 1961, if an employer dismisses a women on
account of her absence from work during the maternity leave, then, the punishment faced by
the employer :
(A) 3 months or more and will extend to 1 year
(B) 2 months or more and will extend to 2 years
(C) 3 months or more and will extend to 3 years
(D) None of the above

80. In which of the case, Hon’ble H.C. of Kerala, held that contract employees also entitled to
Maternity Benefit?
(A) P. Geetha V. The Kerala Livestock Development
(B) Rakhi P.V. Sons V. State of Kerala
(C) Githa Hariharan V. Reserve Bank of India
(D) Kuttappan V. State of Kerala

81. Under the Child Labour (prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986; a child is one who has not
completed his :
(A) 12 Years (B) 18 Years
(C) 15 Years (D) 14 Years

82. A National Policy on child labour was formulated in India in :

(A) 1987 (B) 1986
(C) 1988 (D) 1985

83. Name the legislation enacted in India to uphold the Spirit of Art 39 (d) of Indian Constitution :
(A) Workmen Compensation Act (B) The payment of Bonus Act 1965
(C) Land Reforms Act (D) Equal Remuneration Act 1976

84. How many times has the preamble to the Constitution of India amended?
(A) Thrice (B) Once
(C) Twice (D) Never

85. Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India, recognizes the right against self
(A) Art 20 (1) (B) Art 20 (2)
(C) Art 20 (3) (D) Art 20

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86. In the event of the death or resignation of President, Vice-President discharges the duties of
the office of President :
(A) For a maximum period of six months
(B) For a maximum period of one year
(C) For a maximum period of eight months
(D) For the rest of the term

87. Right to life does not include right to die. It was held in which of the following case?
(A) R. Rathiram V. UOJ (B) D.K. Basu V. State of W.B.
(C) Giankaur V. State of Punjab (D) Kerala PSC V. Dr. Kanjamma Alex

88. Which right was remarked by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the ‘‘Heart and Soul of the
(A) Right to freedom of speech and expression
(B) Right to religion
(C) Right to education
(D) Right to constitutional remedies

89. Organization of agriculture and animal husbandry is a directive principle mentioned in :

(A) Art : 50 (B) Art : 46
(C) Art : 48 (D) Art : 49

90. The Tenth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was inserted in the constitution by :
(A) The Constitution 52nd Amendment Act 1985
(B) The Constitution 42nd Amendment Act 1976
(C) The Constitution 44th Amendment Act 1978
(D) None of the above. It was originally framed in the constitution

91. ‘Right to livelihood’ is an integral facet of :

(A) Right to assemble (B) Right to equality
(C) Right to life and personal liberty (D) None of the above

92. Article which empowers the Government of India to borrow :

(A) Art : 294 (B) Art : 295
(C) Art : 292 (D) Art : 291

93. Protection of Human Rights Act came into force in India on :

(A) 18.9.1992 (B) 17.9.1992
(C) 16.9.1992 (D) 28.9.1993

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94. How many Articles are there is the UN Charter?
(A) 130 (B) 119
(C) 111 (D) 112

95. The International Bill of Human Rights consists of :

(A) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(B) The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(C) The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(D) All of the above

96. The maximum amount of bonus to be paid in an accounting year as per Sec. 10 of the Bonus
Act is :
(A) 10% (B) 15%
(C) 20% (D) 8.33%

97. As per the Bonus Act, what is the minimum number of days an employee must have worked
in an establishment to be eligible for bonus?
(A) 180 working days (B) 366 working days
(C) 240 working days (D) 30 working days

98. A person is eligible to receive gratuity under :

(A) has completed minimum of 5 years of service
(B) he has completed minimum of 3 years of service
(C) he has completed minimum of 4 years of service
(D) he has completed minimum of 1 year of service

99. In which of the following judgment it was held that right to have access to internet becomes
the part of right to education?
(A) Faheema Shirin V. State of Kerala (B) Mohini Jain V. State of Karnataka
(C) Avinash Mehrotra V. Union of India (D) Unnikrishnan V. State of A.P.

100. Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with ‘doctrine of pleasure’?
(A) Art : 310 (B) Art : 311
(C) Art : 312 (D) Art : 309


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