Hydrogen Peroxide Plant

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Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

Assignment 01

ChE: 405

Title: Hydrogen Peroxide Manufacturing Plant Overview

Submitted by, Student Id.

Tanvir Chowdhury 1602011

Ananna Samiha 1602022
Md. Nahid Sarkar 1602052
Abdullah Al Kafi 1602055

Submitted to, Date of Submission: 11/04/2021

Dr. Syeda Sultana Razia

Department of Chemical Engineering(BUET)

This report was prepared with the help of information found from various sources. We hereby
express our hearty gratitude towards the authors of the report “Market Demand and Production
Capacity Expansion of Hydrogen Peroxide in Bangladesh”, Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam and Mr.
Md. Khairul Islam Sarkar. We also express our gratitude for the various sources of information
we are unable to mention here.


Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is very pale blue liquid slightly viscous than water. It acts as a
disinfectant. It is a powerful oxidizing agent thus acts as medical grade sanitizer, bleaching agent
and antiseptic. It slowly decomposes in the presence of light. It is typically stored with
a stabilizer in a weakly acidic solution in a dark colored bottle. This report contains brief discussion
about the production plant of H2O2 (35%) in Bangladesh with daily production rate at 60 Tons
with production capacity of 90 Tons. The plant is to be situated at
Madhabpur,Habiganj,Sylhet. The production process chosen is called Autoxidation. The plant
area is 50 acres. The chemicals involved are listed with their “Material Safety Data Sheet”
(MSDS). Their various Allowable Exposure Limit values are also included but unfortunately all
information could not be collected due to some technical issues.

Table of Contents
Contents Page no.
1.Acknowledgement 02
2.Abstract 03
3.Table of Contents 04
4.List of Tables 05
5.Market Analysis 06
6. List of chemicals 07-08
7. Gross Profit Analysis 09
8. Project Definition 09
9. Specification of chemicals and sources 10
10. Specification of Product 11
11.Utilities and Sources 11
12. Plant location 11
13. Plant area 12
14. Justification of Plant Location Choice 12
15. MSDS OF Chemicals 13-14

16. LD50/LC50 PEL/TLV/TWA 15-16

17. References 17

18.Safety Measures for Fire and Explosion Hazards 18

18. Work Allotment 19

List of Tables
Name of Tables Page no.
1.Table 01: Raw materials specification 07
2. Table 02: Solvent specification 07
3. Table 03: Catalyst specification 07
4. Table 04: Additive specification 08
5. Table 05: Operating cost specification (Material & Energy) 09

6. Table 06: Chemical specification and sources 10

7. Table 07: Parameters and corresponding values of H2O2 11

8. Table 08: Utilities and Sources 11

9. Table 9: LD50/LC50 15

10. Table 10: TLV, TWA & OSHA PEL 16

11. Table 11: Potential for fire and explosion 17

Market Analysis

In Bangladesh, Demand for Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is 100 Tons per day. But the current
production tops at 28 Tons per day.1

In order to contribute to offset the market demand, it has been decided that our manufacturing
plant will produce 60 Tons of 35% (w/w) H2O2 per day.1

1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318207138_Market_Demand_and_Production_Capacity_Expa

List of chemicals

Table 01: Raw materials specification

Species Consumption Specifications

NG 600 Nm3/hr CH4-96% (min)
H2 260 Nm3/Ton H2O2 Purity: 98.5% CH4: 1%
2-EAQ 136 kg/Ton H2O2 Purity: 98%
Air 3600 Nm3/hr 4 bar
Process water 25-30 m3 DM

Intermediate products



H2O2 35%(w/w)

Table 02: Solvent specification

Species Consumption Specifications

Heavy Aromatics (HA) 8 kg/Ton Purity: 98.5%
Tri Octyl Phosphate (TOP) 1.2 kg/Ton Purity: 99.0%

Table 03: Catalyst specification

Species Consumption Specifications

Pd content: 0.30%, Bulk
Pd 0.30 Kg/Ton
Density, 0.5 g mL-1
Activated Alumina 10.0 Kg/Ton 3-5 mm White Solid

Table 04: Additive specification

Species Consumption Specifications

Ortho-Phosphoric Acid 1.60 Kg/Ton Purity: 85.00%
Ammonium Nitrate 0.10 Kg/Ton Purity: 98.00%
Potassium Carbonate 3.00 Kg/Ton Purity: 98.50%
Stabilizer (Acetanilide) 0.05 Kg/Ton Purity: 100%
Hydrogen Peroxide (as
110 Ton Purity: 35.00%,
Nitric acid 130 Ton Purity: 60%

Gross Profit Analysis

Table 05: Operating cost specification (Material & Energy)

Species Consumption Price per unit

Electricity 1500 KWh Unit charge (flat rate): 10 bdt

600 Nm3/hr Unit charge: $10/1000 cf

Natural gas
20468 scf/hr LNG
120 Nm3/hr Unit charge: $10/1000 cf
Fuel gas
4094 scf/hr LNG

The natural gas is the source of H2. H2 is the only ingredient that manufacturer has to pay for. That
is why it is included with the energy cost specification.

Total Operating Cost

TOP = 1500 * (10) * 24 + ((20468+4094)/1000) * 10 * 80 * 24 = 831590.4 bdt = 840000 bdt


Total Daily Revenue

TDR = 60 * 1000 * 25 bdt = 1500000 bdt

Total Operating Income

TDR – TOC = 1500000 – 840000 = 660000 bdt per day

Project Definition

Plant capacity

The plant will produce 60 Tons per day of Hydrogen Peroxide but the full capacity of the plant is
90 Tons per day.

Specification of chemicals and sources

Table 06: Chemical specification and sources

Species Specification Source

Jalalabad Gas transmission and

NG CH4-96% (min)
Distribution System limited

H2 Purity: 98.5% CH4: 1% NG

Air 4 bar Nature
Process water DM Underground aquifer
Heavy Aromatics (HA) Purity: 98.5% SUNNYCHEM CO.LTD
Shenzhen Pengcheng Redstar
Tri Octyl Phosphate (TOP) Purity: 99.0%
Industry Co.ltd
Pd content: 0.30%, Bulk Indian Platinum Private
Density, 0.5 g mL-1 Limited
Indian Platinum Private
Activated Alumina 3-5 mm White Solid
Ortho-Phosphoric Acid Purity: 85.00% POLYMET Commodities Ltd
Saan Chemical Technology
Ammonium Nitrate Purity: 98.00%
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Saan Chemical Technology
Potassium Carbonate Purity: 98.50%
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Saan Chemical Technology
Stabilizer (Acetanilide) Purity: 100%
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Saan Chemical Technology
Nitric acid Purity: 60%
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd

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Specification of Product

35% (w/w) H2O2

Table 07: Parameters and corresponding values of H2O2

Parameters Values
HSCN 2847 00 00
CAS 7722-84-1
Characteristics Medical grade
Appearance Colorless
H2O2% 35%
Free acid content 0.04%
Stability % >97.00
Non-Volatile Matters % <0.08
TOC (PPM) <150
Specific gravity @20°C 1.13

Utilities and Sources

Table 08: Utilities and Sources

Species Sources
Cooling water Underground aquifer
Electricity BPDB, Sylhet
Jalalabad Gas transmission and Distribution
Fuel gas
System limited
Steam In-situ

Plant location

Madhabpur, Habiganj, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

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Plant area

The required area for a 60 Tons per day Hydrogen Peroxide plant is 50 acres.

Justification of Plant Location Choice

The production of hydrogen peroxide depends exclusively on hydrogen extraction from natural
gas. Since in Madhabpur,Sylhet natural gas is in abundant supply, the plant is chosen to be set up
there. Another reason is fresh water can be found in Sylhet. The water is not saline. Besides, the
dust content of air is also very low. Finally, the temperature variance is not very extreme in Sylhet.
The only concern regarding raw material supply is the humidity of air in that region. But
incorporating an industrial dehumidifier can resolve the issue cost effectively.

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MSDS OF Chemicals

1. NG
2. H2
3. 2-EAQ
4. HA
5. Pd on activated alumina
6. Ortho-phosphoric acid
7. Ammonium nitrate
8. Potassium Carbonate
9. Acetanilide

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10. Nitric acid
11. H2O2 (35%)

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Table 9: LD50/LC50

Species LD50(mg/Kg) LC50(ppm)

Inhalation LC50 Mouse 326
NG -
g/m3 2 h
H2 - -
2-EAQ Rat-2,795; Rabbit->20,000 Poecillia reticulata-0.27
Oral: Rat LD50 >
5,000mg/kg Inhalation: Rat LC50(4h) >
Dermal: Rabbit LD50 > 5.28mg/L
Pd on activated alumina - -
Ortho-phosphoric acid Rat-2600(oral) Rat-0.85
Ammonium nitrate Rat-2217(oral) Rat->88.8
Potassium Carbonate Rat-1870(oral) Rat->4.96
Acetanilide Rat-800(oral) Lepomis macrohirus-100
Nitric acid Not listed Rat-2500
Rat-75(oral); Rabbit-
H2O2 (35%) Rat-2

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Table 10: TLV, TWA & OSHA PEL


NG - 2 ppm 5 mg/m3
H2 - - -
2-EAQ - - -
HA - - -
Pd on activated
- - -
- - 1 mg/m3
Ammonium nitrate - - -
Potassium Carbonate - - -
Acetanilide - - -
2 ppm
Nitric acid 2 ppm 5 mg/m3
5 mg/m3
1 ppm
H2O2 (35%) 1 ppm 1.4 mg/m3
1.4 mg/m3

16 | P a g e

2. 3. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2005-149/pdfs/2005-149.pdf

Table 11: Potential for fire and explosion

Fire and Explosion

Species Description
Colorless, odorless,
Extremely flammable and
NG comprised of hydrocarbon
Extremely flammable and
H2 Colorless, odorless gas
2-EAQ Pale yellow organic solid -
HA Cyclic hydrocarbons Flammable
Pd on activated alumina Grey pellets -
Ortho-phosphoric acid Odorless, colorless syrup Non-flammable
Ammonium nitrate White crystalline solid Explosive
Potassium Carbonate White salt Non-flammable
Acetanilide Odorless flaky solid -
Nitric acid Colorless liquid Non-flammable
H2O2 (35%) Very pale blue liquid Non-flammable

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Safety Measures for Fire and Explosion Hazards

There are two types of hazards encountered in a chemical manufacturing plant which are chemical
exposure and fire/explosion hazards

Some preventive measures are listed below that should be ensured for workers and environmental


1. The first priority should be proper instrumentation so the chemical can not escape the
desired routes.
2. If these get exposed then the source should be pinpointed and the situation must be
responded to properly like evacuating the building, turning on fume hood and get
professional cleaner to bring the chemical exposure limit under control as soon as possible.
3. Proper venting of chemicals. Vents should be checked regularly and activated carbon
absorber, water absorber, in case of acids neutralizer, flares should be employed because
the chemicals must not be allowed to escape to nature.

Fire and explosions

1. According to the MSDS of chemicals, in each section airborne chemical detector should
be installed.
2. Sprinkler and fire extinguishers should be standby and operational.
3. Operators working near explosives should be provided fire proof jackets and gears.
4. Flare stacks must be functional to prevent accidents.

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Work Allotment

Student ID Work Allotment





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