Lagna and Physical Appearance

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Lagna and Physical Appearance

Postby anuradha » Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:46 pm

e: Lagna and Physical Appearance

by Ann » 290712

Hi Anuradha

Dec 22 1949
No Known Time

Menial job - no qualifications - father menial job - 3 co-borns all Male - 1 Male is not the same father (eldest) - 2 are the
same father as this lady. Mother married twice - this lady (the mother) is now in her late 90's - so great longevity. She
too had menial job and no qualifications. BUT this lady is now quite well off - nice house,devoted husband - married well
- in her Rahu period I think. The 2nd child was born 4 Nov 1976 1st child 3 March 1974 Marriage 18 August 1971 - hope
this helps - Note: both kids are male

Re: Lagna and Physical Appearance
by Ann » 050812

Hi Anuradha

1st child - 3 March 1974 -3:39 am ascendant 7 degrees 14 minutes Sagittarius

2nd child - 4 Nov 1976 - 22:30 pm ascendant 17 degrees 54 minutes Cancer

Place of Birth for both Oxford UK - 1w15 - 51N46

Hope this is OK

Re: Lagna and Physical Appearance
by Ann » 060812

Hi Anuradh

That's good - well done - yes please do check on the other bits of information and let me know if we can get time
absolutely right. My effort was just a stab in the dark.


To fix the correct Lagna of the mother we have to take some astrological parameters into consideration . The birth of a
child takes place in the mahadasha or anter dasha of planet connected with Lagna or LL, 5H or 5L, 9H or 9L[ Sh. K.N
Raoji]. When she conceived the Jupiter and Saturn should aspect the 5H or 5L. Additionally the Mars should aspect the
5H or 5L. Also when she delivers the baby Mars should aspect the 5H or 5L.[ Sh K.N Raoji]. By applying all these
parameters I feel Capricorn Lagna is correct. In May-June 1973 Saturn was in Taurus aspecting the 5H and Jupiter[R] was
in Capricorn . Jupiter was aspecting the 5H. Mars was in Aquarius, aspecting in the 5H of the chart. At the time of birth
Mars was in Taurus[5H].It must be the dasha of Rahu-Mercury[9L]. At the time of second child the dasha must be Rahu-
Mercury[9L] again. At the time[Jan-Feb 1976] of second child the dasha must Rahu-Mercury again, Saturn was in Cancer
aspecting the 9H and Jupiter from Pisces was blessing it.Mars was again in 5H. At the time of birth of second child[4-11-
1976] Mars was in Libra aspecting both the 5H and 5L.The dasha was Rahu-Ketu, Ketu is in the 9H aspected by Jupiter.I
have taken 10.27a.m as her time of birth. Still I have to check it further, may be I have to make some more

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