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Python Cheat Sheet: The Basics Learn Python Basics for Data Science on edX

Python Data Types List In d ex ing

Changeable collection of objects Accessin g data from a strin g, list , or tu p le usin g an element number

String my_collection = [1, 1, 3.12, False, "Hi"] my_string [ element_number ]

Series of characters or data stored as text my_collection [ element_number ]

List Operations my_tup [ element_number ]

my_string = "Hello"

# returns the length of a lis t

len(my_collection) Slicing
String Operations
Accessin g a subset of data from a strin g, list , or tu p le usin g element numbers from start to sto p -1

# returns the string with all uppercase letters

# Add multiple items to a list
my_string [ start : stop ]

my_string.upper() my_collection.extend( [ " M ore", " I tems" ] ) my_collection [ start : stop ]

my_tup [ start : stop ]

# returns the length of a string
# Add a single item to a list

len(my_string) my_collection.append(" S ingle")

Co m parison Operators
# returns the index of the first instance of the string inside the
# D elete the o b j ect of a list at a specified inde x

Comparison Operators compare operands and return a result of true or false

# subject string, otherwise -1
del(my_collection [2] )
my_string.find('l') E q ual

# Clone a lis t
a == b
# replaces any instance of the first string with the second in my_string
clone = my_collection [:]
my_string.replace('H', 'C') Less T han

# C oncatenate two lists

a < b
Integer my_collection_2 = ["a", "b", "c"]

my_collection_3 = my_collection + my_collection_2 G reater T han

A whole number

a > b
my_integer = 12321
# C alculate the sum of a list of ints or floats

number_collection = [1,2,3,4.5]
G reater T han or E q ual
Float a >= b
A decimal number
# Chec k if an item is in a list, returns B oolea n
Less T han or E q ual
my_decimal = 3.14 item in my_collectio n

# Chec k if an item is not in a list, returns B oolea n

a <= b

item not in my_collection

Boolean N ot E q ual
Discrete value true or false
a != b
a = True
b = False Unordered collection of unique objects

a = {100, 3.12, False, "Bye"}

Python Operators
Dictionary b = {100, 3.12, "Welcome"}
Changeable collection of key-value pairs +: Additio
Set Operations -: Subtractio
my_dictionary = {'banana': 1, 12: 'laptop', (0,0):'center'}
*: M ulti p licatio
# Con v ert a list to a se t
/: di v isio
my_set = set( [1 , 1 , 2 , 3] )
Dictionary Operations //: I nte g er Di v ision (R esult rounded to the nearest inte g er )

# A dd an item to the se t

# Access value using key

my_dictionary [ 'banana' ]
a.add( 4 )
Con d itional Operators
# R emo v e an item from a se t
Conditional Operators evaluate the operands and produce a true of false result
# Get all keys in a dictionary as a list
a.remo v e(" B ye")

my_dictionary. k eys() And - returns true if both statement a and b are true , otherwise false
# R eturns set a minus b

a and b
# Get all values in a dictionary as a list

my_dictionary. v alues() # R eturns intersection of set a and b

O r - returns true if either statement a or b are true , otherwise false
a or b
Tu ple # R eturns the union of set a and b

Unchangeable collection of objects a.union(b) N ot - returns the o pp osite of the statement

tup = (1, 3.12, False, "Hi") # R eturns T rue if a is a su b set of b, false otherwise
not a
a.issu b set( b )

# R eturns T rue if a is a superset of b, false otherwise

a.issuperset( b ) Page 1

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Python Cheat Sheet: The Basics Learn Python Basics for Data Science on edX

Loops We b scraping Wor k ing w ith Files

For Loops # Im port B eautiful S ou p

Reading a File
fro m bs 4 i m port B eautiful S oup
for x in range(x):
# Opens a file in read mode

# Executes loop x number of times # P arse HTML stored as a strin g

file = open(file_name, " r ")

soup = B eautiful S oup(html, ' html 5 lib ' ) # R eturns the file name

for x in iterable:
file . name

# Executes loop for each object in an iterable like a string, tuple, # R eturns formatted htm l
# R eturns the mode the file was opened i n

soup . prettif y ()
list, or set file . mode

# F ind the first instance of an HTML ta g

While Loops soup . find(tag) # R eads the contents of a file

file . read()
while statement:

# Executes the loop while statement is true # F ind all instances of an HTML ta g

soup . find_all(tag)
# R eads a certain number of characters of a file

file . read(characters)
Conditional Statements
Re qu ests
# R ead a single line of a file

if statement_1:
file . readline()
# Execute of statement_1 is true
# I mport the re q uests librar y

elif statement_2:
import re q uests
# R ead all the lines of a file and stores it in a lis t

# Execute if statement_1 is false and statement_2 is true

file . readlines()

# S end a get re q uests to the url with optional parameter s

# Execute if all previous statements are false

response = re q uests . get(url, parameters)
# Closes a file

file . close()
Try/Except # Get the url of the response

response . ur l

# G et the status code of the response

Writing to a File
response . status_code

# Code to try to execute

# Get the headers of the request
# Opens a file in write mode

except a:
response . re q uest . header s
file = open(file_name, "w")
# Code to execute if there is an error of type a
# Get the body of the requests

except b:

response . re q uest . bod y

# Code to execute if there is an error of type b

# Writes content to a file

# Get the headers of the response

file . write(content)

response . header s

# Code to execute if there is any exception that has not been handled

# G et the content of the response in tex t


response . tex t
# Adds content to the end of a file

# Code to execute if there is no exception

# G et the content of the response in j so n
file . append(content)
response . j son ()
Error Types
Objects and Classes
# S end a post re q uests to the url with optional parameter s

re q uests . post(url, parameters)

IndexError - When an index is out of rang
NameError - When a variable name is not foun # Creating a class

SyntaxError - When there is an error with how the code is written class class_name:

ZeroDivisionError - When your code tries to divide by zero

F u nctions def __init__(self . optional_parameter_1, optional_parameter_2):

self . attribute_1 = optional_parameter_ 1

self . attribute_2 = optional_parameter_ 2

Range # Create a function

def function_name(optional_parameter_1, optional_prameter_2):

def method_name(self, optional_parameter_1):

# code to execute

Produce an iterable se q uence from 0 to sto p -1 # Code to execute

return optional_output
return optional_output
ran g e ( stop )
# Calling a function
# Create an instance of a class

Produce an interable se q uence from start to sto p -1 incrementing by ste p

output = function_name(parameter_1, parameter_2)
object = class_name(parameter_1, parameter_2)
ran g e ( start , stop , step )

# Callin g an ob j ect m etho d

ob j ect .m ethod_na m e ( para m eter_ 3 )

Page 2

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