Instructions For Creating Laboratory Report
Instructions For Creating Laboratory Report
Instructions For Creating Laboratory Report
The report must be prepared and will be graded according to the following outline:
Subject Marks
1. Title page 2
2. Abstract 12
3. Introduction 3
4. Theoretical Background 5
5. Procedure 4
6. Results 8
7. Discussion of Results 24
9. Literature Cited 2
10 Nomenclature 2
A1 Raw Data 5
Total: 100
1. Title Page
The Title page should be separate from the rest of the report. It should contain:
a. The name of the experiment
b. The number of course
c. The date when the experiment was run
d. The name of the writer and his co-workers, ID number, and his group number
e. The name of the instructor to whom the report is submitted
f. The date of submission of report
2. Abstract
The abstract should be informative, and should be written in about three to five sentences. It
should cover all phases of the investigation. It must include the following:
a. An introductory statement about the subject matter
b. Briefly describe what was done.
c. Present some selected result (numerical values, if possible).
d. If possible, present some percentage errors in experimental results in comparison with
theoretical values. While writing the abstract, it should be kept in mind that you should not refer
to any graph or table.
3. Introduction
This section should include few sentences discussing the physical and/or chemical principles
involved in the experiment.
Objective of the Experiment:
● To determine the molecular weight of gas by vapor density method.
4. Theoretical Background
This section should include the theory behind the experiment. It should also contain all those
equations, which are used to acquire a certain result. Theoretical correlations, which are used for
comparison with experimental results, should also be included.
5. Procedure
Here, you should briefly describe the actual step-by-step procedure you followed in running the
experiment. It should be written in your own words, e.g. the needle valve was manipulated in
order to adjust the liquid flow rate.
6. Results
The results should be presented in the form or Tables or graphs. The Table should contain the
results obtain from experiments and from theoretical knowledge. Comparisons should be
presented in terms, e.g. percent deviation.
7. Discussion of Results
In this section you should discuss your experimental results. Show how you make comparison
with the values obtained theoretically. Also discuss the deviation of experimental results from
theoretical values. The possible source of errors should also be mentioned. If the results are
obtained in terms of graphs, then interpret them also.
Guide Questions:
1. Why is it necessary to dry flask completely before vaporizing the liquid?
2. What are the possible errors in the experiment? Account for the possible causes of deviation of
the calculated values from the expected values
9. Literature Cited
Here, you should list the books, Journal’s articles, etc. used in writing your report and analyzing
the experiment. The reference should be completed (name of the book, author, volume, date of
publication, pages, etc.). References should be arranged alphabetically by author.
10. Nomenclature
The symbols, which are used in the report, should be defined in the nomenclature in alphabetical
order. The accompanying definitions must include proper units.
All appendices and graphs should be attached at the end of the report.
No more resubmission for Lab Report, Data Sheet and Lab Exercise