MTH6154 / MTH6154P: Financial Mathematics I: Duration: 2 Hours
MTH6154 / MTH6154P: Financial Mathematics I: Duration: 2 Hours
MTH6154 / MTH6154P: Financial Mathematics I: Duration: 2 Hours
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Question 1. [28 marks] A bank offers interest at nominal rate r that is continuously
(b) Suppose that r = 2%. If you deposit £100 in an account today, how many years
will it take for the account value to grow to £120? [4]
A creditor owes you three payments: (i) £150 due in 1 year’s time, (ii) £250 due in 2
years’ time, and (iii) £400 due in 4 years’ time.
(c) Using the continuously compounded interest rate from part (b), calculate the
present value and effective duration of the total credits owed. [6]
(d) Your creditor proposes paying you the total amount due, £800, in 3 years’ time.
By comparing present values, decide whether you should accept their offer. [3]
A second bank offers term deposits of 1 and 3 years’ duration with respective spot
rates s1 and s3 .
(e) Explain briefly what is meant by the forward rate f t1 ,t2 . [3]
A 3 year bond with face-value £10 million, redeemable at par, with 4% annual
coupons is priced at £8 million.
(g) Show that the yield r of this bond is a solution to the equation:
20(1 + r )3 − (1 + r )2 − (1 + r ) − 26 = 0. [5]
(a) Suppose you place a bet of £2 on outcome B. Write down the return function of
this bet. [4]
(c) Determine whether the odds listed above give rise to an arbitrage opportunity. [4]
Recall that the Arbitrage Theorem states that, given a set of outcomes and a set of
return functions over these outcomes, either (i) there exists an arbitrage opportunity
or (ii) there exists a risk-neutral distribution over the outcomes.
(e) You are offered two investments whose payoffs depend on which of two
possible outcomes, X or Y, occurs:
If Investment 1 costs £12, find the fair price of Investment 2 assuming there is
no arbitrage opportunity. [5]
Question 3. [13 marks] A share is currently priced at £80. You wish to model the
future price of the share using a stochastic process.
(a) Give one reason why it would not be appropriate to model the share price as an
i.i.d. sequence of random variables. [3]
You decide to model the year-on-year values S(n) of the share price as a log-normal
process with parameters S = 80, µ = 0.2 and σ2 = 0.2. You ask your broker to
purchase a European call option on the share with strike K = 140 and expiry T = 10.
(b) Plot the payoff of this option as a function of the share price. [4]
(c) Find the probability that this option ends up ‘out-of-the-money’, i.e. has zero
payoff. You may use the value of the standard normal c.d.f. Φ(1.0185) = 0.85. [6]
Question 4. [25 marks] A share price is modelled via a two-period binomial model
with parameters S = 60, u = 3/2, d = 1/2, and interest rate per time-period r = 2%.
(a) Verify that the no-arbitrage assumption is valid in this model. [4]
(b) Show that the risk-neutral probabilities of up and down movements in the
share price are
p̃u = 0.52 and p̃d = 0.48. [4]
You are considering buying a European put option on the share with strike K = 40
and expiry T = 2.
(c) Find the no-arbitrage price at t = 0 of this option. [9]
Your stock broker advises you to consider buying an American put option.
(d) Explain the difference between an American put option and a European put
option. [3]
(e) Find the no-arbitrage price at t = 0 of an American put option with strike
K = 200 and expiry T = 1. [5]
Question 5. [15 marks] Recall that ‘put-call parity’ is an equation that relates the
prices of put and call options written on the same share with identical strike prices
and expiry times.
(a) Write down the formula for put-call parity in the case of continuously
compounded interest. [3]
(b) Using a ‘replicating portfolios’ argument or otherwise, prove this formula. [4]
The Black–Scholes formula for a European call option with strike K and expiry T
written on a stock with current price S, drift µ and volatility σ is
C = SΦ(η ) − Ke−rT Φ(η − σ T ),
log KS + rT 1 √
η= √ + σ T.
σ T 2
(c) Prove that the Black–Scholes price of a call option is no more than the current
stock price, i.e. C ≤ S. [4]
End of Paper.