Must Read Supply Chain and Logistics Management Made Easy
Must Read Supply Chain and Logistics Management Made Easy
Must Read Supply Chain and Logistics Management Made Easy
I also appreciate the support of my wife, Lynne, and son, Andrew, without
support and patience, this book would have taken a whole lot longer to
SCOR Model
Another way to view the supply chain is through the SCOR model, which
was developed by the Supply Chain Council (SCC) (2014) to teach,
understand, and manage supply chains. It is a model to both define and
measure the performance of an organization’s supply chain.
The SCOR model is organized around the five major management processes
(see Figure 1.1):
Plan: Alignment of resources to demand
Make: Conversion or value-added activities within a supply chain
Source: Buying or acquiring materials or services
Deliver: All customer interaction, from receiving order to final
delivery and installation
Return: All processes that reverse material or service flows from the
customer backward through the supply chain
SCOR Metrics
To this aim, the SCOR model is also a hierarchical framework that combines
business activities, metrics, and practices that can be looked at from a high
or very detailed level.
The levels, from broadest to narrowest, are defined as follows:
Level 1: Scope: Defines business lines, business strategy and
complete supply chains.
Level 2: Configuration: Defines specific planning models such
as “make to order” (MTO) or “make to stock” (MTS), which are
basically process strategies.
Level 3: Activity: Specifies tasks within the supply chain,
describing what people actually do.
Level 4: Workflow: Includes best practices, job details, or
workflow of an activity.
Level 5: Transaction: Specific detail transactions to perform a
job step.
All SCOR metrics have five key strategic performance attributes. A
performance attribute is a group of metrics used to express a strategy. An
attribute itself cannot be measured; it is used to set strategic direction.
The five strategic attributes are as follows:
Reliability: The ability to deliver, on time, complete, in the right
condition, packaging, and documentation to the right customer
Responsiveness: The speed at which products and services are
Agility: The ability to change (the supply chain) to support changing
(market) conditions
Cost: The cost associated with operating the supply chain
Assets: The effectiveness in managing assets in support of demand
The SCOR model contains more than 150 key indicators, such as inventory
days of supply and forecast accuracy, that measure the performance of
supply chain operations and are grouped within the previously listed
strategic attribute categories.
Once the performance of supply chain operations has been measured and
performance gaps identified, they are benchmarked against industry best
practices to target improvement, as discussed in more detail later in this
An Integrated, Value-Added Supply Chain
The goal for today’s supply chain is to achieve integration through
collaboration to achieve visibility downstream toward the customer and
upstream to suppliers. In a way, many of today’s companies have been able
to “substitute information for inventory” to achieve efficiencies. The days of
having “islands of automation,” which may optimize your organization’s
supply chain at the cost of someone else’s (for example, your supplier), are
As you will see throughout this book, the concepts of teamwork and critical
thinking aided by technology enable organizations to work with other
functions internally and with other members of their supply chain, including
customers, suppliers, and partners, to achieve new levels of efficiency and to
use their supply chain to achieve a competitive advantage that focuses on
adding value to the customer as opposed to just being a cost center within
the organization.
Over the past 75 years, supply chain and logistics management has evolved
from being a kind of “back water” cost-focused function (the term supply
chain didn’t even come about until the 1980s) to where it is today, a critical
part of an organization’s global growth strategy. It has become a strategic
competitive tool to increase revenue and value to the customer, not just
reduce costs.
Once one has a broader understanding of the topic as covered in this chapter,
it’s not hard to see why it has risen in importance in recent times.
Historical Perspective
Until after World War II, logistics was thought of in military terms for the
most part as the link that supplied troops with rations, weapons, and
equipment. Up to that point, logistics was fragmented within business
organizations, primarily focusing on transportation and purchasing. In
educational institutions, there were no integrated programs. Instead,
individual courses were offered in transportation and purchasing.
After World War II, as businesses began to understand the relationships and
tradeoffs involved such as inventory costs versus transportation costs, which
are discussed later, logistics gained an important place in the business world
as well.
In the 1960s, physical distribution, a more integrated concept that included
activities such as transportation, inventory control, warehousing, and facility
location had become an area of study and practice in education and industry.
Physical distribution involved the coordination of more than one activity
associated with supplying product to the marketplace (that is, more focused
on the outbound side of manufacturing).
In the mid-1960s, the scope of physical distribution was expanded to include
the supply side, including inbound transportation and warehousing, and was
referred to as business logistics. In many cases, purchasing was not included
and went under the heading of materials management or procurement.
In the early 1980s, as American manufacturing had been hammered by
overseas competitors for over a decade and began actively outsourcing
materials, labor, and manufacturing overseas, the term supply chain
management (SCM) entered the common business lexicon. It defined both
the new, complex global world we now live and do business in, as well as an
understanding of the integration and importance of all activities involved in
sourcing and procurement, conversion, and logistics management. This
includes the coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can
be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers.
In contrast to the past, where physical distribution, logistics, purchasing, and
so on were all fragmented, many of today’s organizations feature in
integrated supply chain organization in most cases led by a senior-level
executive (see Figure 2.1).
Mission Statement
To do so, you must first establish a broad mission statement, supported by
specific objectives for your business. A mission statement is a company’s
purpose or reason for being and should guide the actions of the organization,
lay out its overall goal, providing a path, and guiding decision making.
It doesn’t have to be lengthy, but should be well thought out and touch on
the following concepts:
Customers: Who are our customers?
Products or services: Major products or services.
Markets: Where do we compete?
Technology: What is our basic technology?
Future survival, growth, and profitability: Our commitment toward
economic objectives.
Philosophy: The basic beliefs, core values, aspirations, and
philosophical priorities of the firm.
Self-concept: Identify the firm’s major strengths and competitive
Public image: What is our public image?
Concern for employees: Our attitude toward employees.
The mission is a broad statement, but should then lead to specific objectives
with measurable targets a firm can use to evaluate the extent to which it
achieves its mission.
In a typical medium- to large-size organization, individual
functions/departments may have their own mission statements, but most at
least have goals and objectives that tie to the company’s overall mission
statement and objectives (see Table 2.1).
Table 2.1 Company and Supply Chain Mission Statements and Objectives
SWOT Analysis
After specifying the objectives for a business, an organization should
perform a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
to determine strategic choices for the organization to establish a competitive
The components of a SWOT analysis are as follows:
Strengths: Resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for
developing a competitive advantage.
Weaknesses: Characteristics that place the business or project at a
disadvantage relative to other businesses.
Opportunities: External environmental analysis may reveal certain
new opportunities for profit and growth.
Threats: Changes in the external environmental may also present
threats to the firm.
Using the SWOT framework, you can start to develop a strategy that helps
you distinguish your organization from your competitors so that you can
compete successfully in your markets.
Strategic Choices
Strategic choices will be made based on the results of the SWOT analysis
and can fall into the competitive priority categories described in Chapter 1,
“Introduction,” of cost, quality, time, or flexibility.
The supply chain must then be managed to support these strategies.
Industry Framework
Developing an industry framework involves identifying the interaction of
suppliers, customers, technological developments, and economic factors that
may impact competition.
Four drivers can impact supply chain design:
Demand variation: This can be a wide array of manufacturing and
supply chain costs and is therefore a major driver of efficiency and
ultimately cost.
Market mediation costs: Costs incurred when supply doesn’t match
demand, often resulting in either lost sales or higher than needed
supply chain costs and excess inventory.
Product lifecycle: Advances in technology as well as consumer trends
have reduced the time to bring an item to market as well as its useful
life. Affects demand variability as well as marketing and supply chain
Relevance of the cost of assets to total cost: Largely affects
businesses requiring a high utilization rate to remain profitable (for
example, chemical industry). This encourages a push mentality to gain
high utilization of assets but can result in higher than inventory costs
and lower service levels. Industries that have lower cost assets can
focus on being more responsive.
Managerial Focus
To be successful, an organization must make sure that its supply chain is
linked and aligned with its competitive priorities. This can only be
accomplished via its decision-making process and management focus.
It can be very easy for management to only focus on efficiency-oriented
performance measurements at the expense of the competitive priorities set
by the company. A misalignment can result with the supply chain being
suboptimized by attaining local cost efficiencies at the cost of the value
proposition offered to the customer.
Internal Processes
Internal processes must be connected and aligned properly. Thinking in
terms of the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model processes of
source, make, and deliver can help to make sure this occurs. It is of critical
importance to determine the appropriate decoupling point (that is, where a
product takes on unique characteristics or specifications). This goes in to
determining which parts of your internal processes are push (that is, high
asset utilization rate; just before the decoupling point) versus pull (that is,
workload driven by customer demand).
Supply Chain Strategy Methodology
So how might one go about actually establishing a departmental or
functional supply chain strategy for your organization? Paul Dittman, in his
book Supply Chain Transformation (Dittman, 2012), suggests using nine
steps when developing a supply chain strategy. I have modified those
slightly for purposes of clarity and results:
1. Start with customers’ current and future needs. Customer value is
the customer-perceived benefits gained from a product/service
compared to the cost of purchase. Delivering customer value is critical
to a business, as mentioned earlier.
However, delivering financial value to your shareholders is also
important, and is reflected in various business performance measures
such as profit and market growth.
Supply chain strategy should target to deliver customer value while at
the same time meet shareholder needs by enabling reliable supply and
logistics service, low inventory cost, and short cash-to-cash cycle
Using the SCOR model processes of plan, source, make, deliver, and
return can be a great way to make sure that customer and shareholder
value are in alignment.
(Steps 2–6 that follow involve using a kind of SWOT analysis for your
supply chain organization.)
2. Assess current supply chain capabilities relative to best in class.
This can be accomplished through observation, interviews, data
gathering, and benchmarking your organization against industry best-
in-class performance.
Based on your organization’s overall strategy, some metrics and
measurement may be more important than others. For example, if you
have a time-based strategy, speed of delivery may be important,
whereas cost of delivery (relatively speaking) may not be as important
in terms of achieving best-in-class status.
Developing a gap analysis of your current versus ideal future state
based on this analysis can contribute to a clear and easy-to-follow
3. Evaluate supply chain game changers. It is important to scan the
environment on a regular basis to see what trends may impact
customers and the supply chain. Examples include supply chain
collaboration, visibility, sustainability, Lean Six Sigma, and so on
(some of which we discuss later in this chapter in the “Supply Chain
Opportunities and Challenges” section).
4. Analyze the competition. As the saying goes, “Keep your friends
close but your enemies closer.” Competitive analysis is probably not
done often enough in terms of an organization’s supply chain. If you
plan on using your supply chain to achieve a competitive advantage,
this is a must do.
You may evaluate how integrated and responsive the competition’s
supply chain is when compared to yours and if they offer value-added
services, such as the following:
Product customization and testing
Light assembly
Packaging, repackaging, and reboxing
Sorting and recycling
Reverse logistics and returns management
Environmental impact reporting and management
5. Survey technology. Don’t just identifying what is new or being
developed, but what is a good fit (functionally and financially) for your
company. Sometimes it is better to not be on the bleeding edge when it
comes to technology. When I was at Uniliver, they had spent hundreds
of thousands of dollars on artificial intelligence technology to deploy
finished goods inventory to their distribution centers. It never really
went anywhere (at least to my knowledge), for a variety of reasons.
6. Deal with supply chain risk. Risk management needs to be part of
the strategy document. External risks, which are out of your control,
can be driven by events either upstream or downstream in the supply
chain. Here are the main types of external risks:
Demand risks: Can be caused by unpredictable customer or end-
customer demand.
Supply risks: These types of risks are caused by interruptions to the
flow of product for raw material or components, within your supply
chain. For example, if you are utilizing a just-in-time (JIT) strategy
for a critical part or component, you need to think long and hard as
to what risks are involved, because you do not want to risk shutting
down a production line due to a critical part that you have sole
sourced suddenly becoming unavailable.
Environmental risks: Come from outside the supply chain. These
risks usually relate to economic, social, governmental, and climate
factors, and include the threat of terrorism.
Business risks: Can include a supplier’s financial or management
stability or purchase and the sale of supplier companies.
Physical plant risks: This risk can be caused by the condition of a
supplier’s physical facility and regulatory compliance.
Now that you have identified what adds value to your customers while
making sure it is aligned with shareholder needs, as well as identified
possible current and future performance gaps in your supply chain, a
road map for future success can be developed.
7. Develop new supply chain capability requirements and create a
plan to get there. One way to determine these requirements was
formulated by Hau Lee, who concluded that supply chains that offer
best value to the customer differ from typical supply chains in how
they approach three issues that are closely tied to strategic supply
chain management (Lee, 2004):
Agility: The supply chain’s relative capacity to act rapidly in
response to dramatic changes in supply and demand
Adaptability: Refers to a willingness and capacity to reshape
supply chains when necessary
Alignment: Refers to creating consistency in the interests of all
participants in a supply chain
In Lee’s model, these three A’s can be used to service an organization’s
competitive priorities, as discussed earlier (see Figure 2.3).
Figure 2.3 Typical to best value supply chains
8. Evaluate current supply chain organizational structure, people,
and metrics. There is no one-size-fits-all approach for creating an
organization. Traditional supply chain organizations are functionally
oriented. In the 1980s and 1990s, companies started to transition to
structures that grouped some core supply chain functions within one
department. From around 2000 onward, the philosophy of the supply
chain as an end-to-end process took hold more often than not with a
director or vice president of supply chain overseeing the operation.
This also requires giving that manager a set of cross-functional
performance objectives (and metrics) and the resources they require to
meet these objectives
This type of organization requires an evaluation of existing capabilities
and identification of any gaps between currently available skills and
those needed to support this end-to-end strategy.
9. Develop a business case and get buy-in. Of course, any type of
change typically has to be approved by management. To do this, you
need to develop a business case, because whenever resources such as
money or effort are utilized, they should be in support of a specific
business need. An example of a business case for a new supply chain
strategy might state that “improvement initiatives outlined in the plan
will have a broad impact throughout the entire company, increasing
efficiency and aligning business activities across all lines of business.
Different aspects of the enterprise can now coordinate their
procurement efforts and material flows to increase operating
efficiency, and take advantage of their combined buying power to
negotiate better prices and contract terms.”
Growing Demand
According to Bloomberg Business Week, SCM “job openings, comfortable
salaries, and the prospect for advancement have caused the academic
community to take notice, with more students majoring in the subject and
more programs offering courses and concentrations in it” (Taylor, 2011).
For example, Lehigh University’s College of Business and Economics has
recently reported the most undergraduate SCM majors in the program’s 10-
year history.
The article goes on to report that SCM majors and MBAs are in high
demand and that the average entry-level professional supply management
salary is about $49,500 and the average salary of those with 5 or fewer years
of experience is $83,689.
For those professionals already in the field who are looking to improve
themselves, certification programs are available, such as the following:
Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM): Offered by
Institute for Supply Management (ISM) and is recognized
Certified Production and Inventory Management (CPIM):
Certification offered by American Production and Inventory Control
Society (APICS), and is well known to thousands of companies
Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP): Certification also
offered by APICS, and is the most widely recognized credential in the
You should now have a good understanding of the definition and importance
of the field of supply chain management. Next, we examine what I refer to
as the planning and scheduling processes that pertain to supply chain
operations management.
Part II: Planning for the Supply
3. Demand Planning
It’s only been in the past 20 years or so that businesses have truly come to
realize the importance of forecasting. If you think about it, forecasting is
usually the first step in the planning and scheduling process for most goods
and service organizations, and forecasts for demand drive everything in an
organization: from longer-term decisions (3+ years out) as to new facilities
and products, to medium-term decisions (months to years out) such as
production planning and budgeting, and the short-term (months to a year at
most), where we need to know what to produce (or purchase) and deploy
(see Figure 3.1).
Forecasting Realities
You need to understand certain realities about forecasting before getting into
the details of the process:
All forecasts are wrong. It’s rare that a forecast is 100% accurate. The
idea is to have an integrated, collaborative process that minimizes
variance of actual versus target. You’ll learn later in this book about
the process and importance of setting and measuring forecast accuracy
The more “granular” the forecast, the less accurate it is. A national
forecast for a family of items is likely to be more accurate than a
weekly forecast for an SKU at a distribution center that handles a
region of the country. We can compensate for some of the inaccuracy
through proper inventory planning, factoring in scientific safety stock
inventory based on desired service levels and reduced lot sizes and
cycle times included in Lean, as covered later in the book.
It’s easier to forecast next month more accurately than next year.
If we know what we sold yesterday, we typically have a better idea of
what we’ll sell today; whereas 12 months from now, a lot of things can
happen that can affect sales.
You will get a more accurate forecast using demand history rather
than sales history. Years ago, when data storage costs were high and
capacity lower, most companies only stored sales information. Today,
most store order or demand information as well. Unless your company
has a 100% service level, there will be occasions where you ship short,
late, or from the “wrong” location. If you only use sales history, you
would be forecasting to repeat yesterday’s failure. That’s why you
should always use demand history to drive statistical forecasts.
Forecasting really is a blend of art and science. As we will discuss,
there are both qualitative and quantitative methods of forecasting.
Today, the best practice is a combination of both, in addition to
collaboration with supply chain partners, providing better visibility
downstream in the demand chain.
Types of Forecasts
Organizations have various forecasting needs. The major ones are as
Marketing requires forecasts to determine which new products or
services to introduce or discontinue, which markets to enter or exit,
and which products to promote.
Salespeople use forecasts to make sales plans, because sales quotas are
generally based on estimates of future sales.
Supply chain managers use forecasts to make production, procurement,
and logistical plans.
Finance and accounting use forecasts to make financial plans
(budgeting, capital expenditures, and so on). They also use them to
report to Wall Street with regard to their earnings expectations.
Demand Drivers
In general, demand can be driven by a number of internal and external
factors, which need to be identified and understood.
Qualitative Models
The qualitative method is typically used when the situation is somewhat
vague and there is little data that exists. It is useful for creating forecast
estimates for new products, services, and technology. Generally, it relies
heavily upon intuition and experience.
Qualitative methods include knowledge of products, market surveys, jury of
executive opinion, and the Delphi method.
Market Surveys
Market surveys involve the process of gathering information from actual or
potential customers. I’m sure most of us have experienced being asked to
answer a survey in a mall. When I was an employee at Burger King
Corporation at their headquarters in Miami, Florida, we would be asked on
occasion to visit the test kitchen upstairs. We would then try different
versions of current and new/test items. Usually we were asked to compare
items that might have subtle differences, like different brands of ketchup.
Another example are focus groups where people are asked about their
perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes toward a product, service,
concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. Questions are sometimes asked
in a group setting, and participants can talk with other group members.
Delphi Method
In the Delphi method, which is a bit more formal than the jury of executive
opinion method, the results of questionnaires are sent to a panel of experts.
Through an iterative process, multiple rounds of questionnaires are sent out,
and the anonymous responses are aggregated and shared with the group at
the end of each round. The experts are allowed to modify their answers for
each round. The Delphi method seeks to reach the correct response through
Both the Delphi and jury of executive opinion forecasting methods are
usually a bit more strategic in nature and used more in developing higher-
level longer-terms forecasts.
Quantitative Models
As opposed to qualitative methods, quantitative methods are typically used
when the situation is fairly stable and historical data exist. As a result, it is
used primarily for existing/current technology products and involves a
variety of mathematical techniques we cover in some detail later in this
chapter under the two major categories of time series and causal models.
Associative Models
Associative (often called causal) models forecast based on the assumption
that the variable to be forecast (that is, dependent) has a cause-and-effect
relationship with one or more other (that is, independent) variables.
Projections are then based on these associations. Models such as linear and
multiple regression are used in this case.
During the introduction phase, there is very little history, if any, to go on, so
forecasters tend to rely more on qualitative estimates that are generated both
internally and externally. This information can come from sources such as
market research; test markets, where that information can be extrapolated;
similar items that you’ve sold before, which may or may not cannibalize
other existing items; sales and customer estimates; advance orders to fill the
distribution pipeline; and so forth.
As a product gains momentum through expanded marketing and distribution,
some of the simpler time series methods may be used as minimal demand
history becomes available.
A general rule of thumb in forecasting is that to generate a decent statistical
forecast, you need at least 12 months of history. So, during this growth
phase, forecasting is truly a blend of art and science, as both quantitative and
qualitative methods are both used to create a blended forecast.
During the growth phase, it can be very easy to over- or underestimate
forecasts, which can have dramatic effects on cost and service. So, great care
must be taken, and all lines of communication must be established and open
both internally and externally, to avoid surprises where possible (which in
some cases, such as new distribution, may be hard to avoid).
When a product reaches maturity, forecast accuracy tends to improve. For
example, when I was in charge of forecasting at Church & Dwight for Arm
& Hammer, it was relatively easy to forecast demand for a box of 1-pound
baking soda because it had been around for more than 150 years. So, we
could rely on simple models to forecast and didn’t need as much field
information because the item wasn’t gaining many new customers. However,
once a product reaches maturity, there are opportunities for brand extensions,
which is what happened with baking soda. Baking soda actually has
hundreds of applications; so, starting with refrigerator and freezer “packs,”
baking soda gained new life (and new products). This went on to baking
soda toothpaste, baking soda deodorant, and so on in the years that followed.
Once a product goes into its decline phase, besides sales having a general
downward trend, the demand locations start to shift because the trend is not
uniform. On top of that, other alternative channels not previously used such
as dollar stores, discount chains, export, and so on may now be used.
Eventually, the product may be discontinued. However, forecasts must still
be generated to run out existing inventory. Therefore, similar to the
introductory phase, the forecaster relies more on qualitative than on
quantitative methods.
Associative Models
There are more sophisticated models known as associative models, such as
linear regression (also known as least squares method) and multiple
regression analysis, which use the relationship of an independent variable(s)
(x) to predict a dependent variable (y). The reason it is called the least
squares method is that the formula draws a best fit line through the historical
data over time (that is, with the least deviation; see Figure 3.5). That formula
can then be used to predict future values of y.
Once we have solved for a and b, we have our regression formula and can
plug in future sales personnel employment estimates to predict future sales.
To measure correlation (that is, the mutual relation of two or more things),
we calculate a correlation coefficient, also known as r, which is a measure of
the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables
that is defined as the (sample) covariance of the variables divided by the
product of their (sample) standard deviations.
In all the previously mentioned time series methods, as well as linear
regression, we can apply what is known as a seasonality index. As
mentioned, this may reflect actual seasonal sales of an item (that is, we sell
more snow shovels in the winter) or can be artificially created (for example,
a promotional calendar).
A seasonality index is relatively easy to create and can be applied to any of
the previously discussed forecasting methods to give the forecast more
realistic peaks and valleys.
To create a seasonality index, you must do the following:
1. Calculate an average for all item history (for all years and periods).
2. Average each period’s historical data.
3. Divide each period’s average by the overall average.
4. Apply the period index to the existing time series or linear regression
Suppose, for example, that a snow shovel that we sell has historical quarterly
sales, as shown here.
Multiple Regression
When more than one independent variable is going to be used to develop a
forecast, linear regression can be extended to multiple regression, which
allows for several independent variables. (For example, discounting,
promotions, advertising, and so on may all have an impact on sales to one
degree or another.) The formula for this is: y = a + b1 x1 + b2 x2 ... (similar to
the least squares formula, except with multiple independent variables). This
is quite complex and generally done with the help of statistical software.
In the end, you will want to arrive at the best combination of independent
variables for the best possible forecast. A statistic called an r-squared or
coefficient of determination, which is the square of the correlation
coefficient mentioned earlier and is a measure of the strength of the
correlation between y and the various combination of x’s, is calculated. The
closer to 1.0 the r-squared is, the better the correlation, and hopefully, the
more accurate the forecast.
There are many other statistical methods used, ranging from simple to very
complex. The best-in-class methods of forecasting use a blend of qualitative
and quantitative methods that include collaboration both internally with staff
from various departments, including sales, marketing, and finance, and
externally with customers and suppliers.
Forecasting Metrics
You cannot control and improve a process if you don’t measure it, so it is
important to both establish targets and to then track and measure forecast
accuracy. There are many ways to establish forecast targets, including
historical data, contribution, and so on. The one I prefer is the ABC method,
which is a way to classify items based on their sales velocity or contribution
to profits and can be used to not only set forecasting targets but also in
inventory planning and control, as discussed in the next chapter.
To under the ABC method, you needs to understand a phenomenon known
as the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule. It states that a relatively small
number of your items generate a fairly large percentage of your sales or
profits and are referred to as A items (for example, Whopper, fries, and Coke
are A items at Burger King).
In forecasting, these A items require more time and effort put into them and
typically have better accuracy as a result. The slower movers, known as B
and C items, are somewhat less important and require less forecasting time
and effort and typically have more variability (Myerson, 2014).
Tracking Signal
Over time, forecasts can tend to get out of control fast. As a result, it is a
good idea to utilize what is known as a tracking signal.
The tracking signal is used to determine the larger deviation (in both plus
and minus) of error in forecast, and is calculated by the following formula:
Usually, upper and lower control limits (UCL and LCL) for the number of
MADs that the tracking signal represents. There are no “magic” numbers for
the UCLs and LCLs, because they are somewhat subjective, but keep in
mind that 1 MAD = .8 standard deviations.
In a normal distribution, 3 standard deviations (or +/–4 MADs), should
include 99.9% of the occurrences. So, if your tracking signal starts
exceeding those levels, it is a good indication that something isn’t right.
Types of Inventory
There are four major types of inventory, as follows:
Raw materials and components: Inventory is usually classified as
raw materials if the organization has purchased them from an outside
company, or if they are used to make components. This category also
includes goods used in the manufacturing process, such as components
used to assemble a finished product.
Work in process (WIP): These are materials and parts that have been
partially transformed from raw materials but are not yet finished goods
and can include partially assembled items that are waiting to be
Finished goods: Products that are ready to be shipped directly to
customers, including wholesalers and retailers.
Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO): These are items a
business needs to operate, such as office equipment, packing boxes,
and tools and parts to repair equipment.
Costs of Inventory
As inventory works its way from raw material to finished goods, value is
added as well as cost. Inventory, as an asset, not only shows up on a
financial balance sheet but also goes straight the bottom line on income
statements through components of what is known as holding or carrying
Ordering Costs
When placing an order to purchase additional inventory, both fixed and
variable are costs involved.
Fixed costs are incurred no matter what and include the cost for the facility,
computer system, and so on.
Variable costs associated with purchase orders include preparing a purchase
request, creating the purchase order itself, reviewing inventory levels,
receiving and checking items as they are received from the vendor, and the
costs to prepare and process payments to the vendor when the invoice is
Many businesses tend to ignore these costs, especially the variable ones, but
those that do calculate it in the range of $50 to $150+/order.
Setup Costs
If you are a manufacturer versus a wholesaler or retailer, there are costs
associated with changing production over, known as setup, which includes
labor and parts as well as downtime.
Note that a full changeover includes more than just the equipment
changeover and is thought of in Lean terms as “last good piece to first, next
good piece,” as discussed later in this book.
As with ordering costs, setup costs involve both fixed and variable costs.
The fixed costs of setups include the capital equipment used in changing
over the production line used for the old items for the new items.
The variable costs include the employee costs for any consumable material
used in the teardown and setup. The longer the setup takes, the greater the
variable costs.
Fixed-Quantity Model
The Fixed-Quantity, or Q, model has an ROP that is based on inventory
reaching a specific quantity (Q), at which point inventory is replenished
based on the calculated EOQ (see Figure 4.5).
Figure 4.5 Fixed-Quantity (Q) ROP model
The calculation for the ROP = Demand per day × Lead time for a new order
(in days) (or d × L).
In a simple example, if our demand is 10 units per day and our
replenishment lead time is 3 days, our ROP is 30 units (that is, 10 units × 3
This simplistic model assumes that demand and lead time are constant,
which does not reflect reality. So, typically, extra buffer inventory is
included in this calculation to compensate for this variability, which is
known as safety stock.
Safety Stock
You can calculate required safety stock in a variety of ways. Many are rules
of thumb, and some are statistically based.
In general, the safety stock quantity that is arrived at is additive in nature,
and so the ROP calculation becomes d × L + ss.
Probabilistic Safety Stock
The idea behind a probabilistic safety stock calculation is that we would like
to keep a certain quantity of safety stock to meet a desired service level to
compensate for demand variability. If we assume a normal distribution, we
can assign a service (or confidence) level as meeting x% of demand during
the lead time (see Figure 4.6).
To use this method, we also need to calculate the mean and standard
deviation of demand for our item because demand is variable in this case.
Let’s take an example where we have a mean demand of 100 units per day, a
1 day lead time, a standard deviation during lead time of 15 units, and a
desired service level of 99% (Z = 3.0).
In this type of calculation, the ROP is the expected demand during lead time
plus safety stock.
So in our example, the ROP with safety stock calculation would then be 100
+ (3.0 × 15) or 145 units.
This model only considers demand variability during lead time only, but
there are also other models that compensate for the following:
Variable demand with constant lead time
Variable lead time with constant demand
Variable lead time and demand
Fixed-Period Model
The use of periods of supply targets such as in the third example above can
be advantageous when you tend to have seasonality with your products,
which is one of the main features of Fixed-Period, or P, model (see Figure
Figure 4.7 Fixed-Period (P) ROP model
In this type of model, inventory is continuously monitored. Typically, faster
moving items are reviewed more often, with slower movers being reviewed
less often.
As opposed to a ROP quantity, individual SKU inventory targets (usually in
terms of periods of supply) are the trigger point for replenishment.
Fixed-Period models work well where vendors make routine visits to
customers and take orders for their complete line of products, or when it is
beneficial to combine orders to save on transportation costs such as
shipments to a distribution center. A tool known as distribution requirements
planning (DRP), which enables the user to set inventory control parameters
such as safety stock and calculate the time-phased inventory requirements
and is discussed later, is commonly used in the case of managing a network
of distribution centers.
Single-Period Model
A Single-Period model is used by companies that order seasonal or one-time
items. The product typically has no value after the time it is needed, such as
a newspaper or baked goods. There are costs to both ordering too much or
too little, and the company’s managers must try to get the order right the first
time to minimize the chance of loss.
A probabilistic way of looking at this is most helpful. We do this by
estimating both the cost of a shortage (Sales price / Unit – Cost / Unit) and
of an overage (Cost / Unit – Scrap Value / Unit).
We can then determine a service level (that is, probability of not stocking
out) by dividing the cost of shortage by the combined cost of shortage and
The calculated service level percentage can then determine a reorder
quantity using the same method as was outlined for the Q ROP model.
Cycle Counting
In recent years, the concept of cycle counting has taken hold. Cycle counts
use ABC codes to determine when items should be counted and what the
target level of accuracy should be (also referred to as the ranking method of
cycle counting). Because there are fewer, higher-volume/profit A items, they
should be cycled through more often with extremely high accuracy targets.
Table 4.1 shows an example of a cycle counting schedule.
Key Metrics
A number of metrics are important to inventory. The most commonly used is
inventory turnover. This reflects the velocity at which inventory is flowing
through your business and is used both as a budgetary and planning target
and benchmark against best-in-class companies for all forms of inventory.
The calculation for inventory turnover is Cost of goods sold / Current
inventory investment, where inventory investment can be represented a
number of ways, including the average of several periods (that is,
(Beginning plus ending inventory) / 2)), or current on-hand inventory.
For example, if we have $200 million in sales with a cost of goods sold of
$100 million and currently have $20 million invested in finished goods
inventory, we turn our inventory five times per year. This may be good or
bad, and that is where benchmarking comes in. If we have a low-cost
strategy and the best in class in our industry turn their inventory ten times
per year, we have to attempt to turn our inventory faster. We will look at
ways to do that when we discuss Lean thinking later in this book.
A high inventory turnover reflects faster-moving inventory, and thus lower
holding or carrying costs. The inverse of this, which is commonly used as a
target for production and deployment planning, is periods of supply (POS),
which can be stated in days, weeks, or months of supply. In the earlier
example, where our $20 million in finished goods inventory is turned five
times per year, we translate that to an average of 2.4 months of supply on
hand (that is, 12 months / 5 turns). Again, depending on our POS target, that
may be good or bad for our business.
In many cases, a true depletion formula is used for POS instead, where
current on-hand inventory is run out against future requirements to catch
peaks and valleys in demand. (That is, a month of supply for an item may be
100 units in the winter and 1,000 units in the summer.) This is more
accurate, but harder to manually calculate.
Many other relevant measures are used, as well, such as assets committed to
inventory (total inventory investment as a percentage of total assets), current
ratio (current assets divided by current liabilities), quick ratio (current assets
less inventory divided by current liabilities), and gross margin return on
inventory or GMROI (gross margin divided by average inventory cost),
which is used heavily in retail.
As opposed to forecasting software, inventory control software (at least for
the perpetual tracking of inventory) is usually included in an accounting or
ERP software system as a basic function, although it can be licensed as a
standalone system as well.
The basic inventory control systems track the orders, receipts, shrinkage,
allocation, and shipment of products. It will produce reports such as current
inventory balance, out-of-stock products, and inventory transactions.
Many inventory control systems can also track purchase orders and other
inventory value information that is helpful for accounting.
There is a breed of inventory management and control software designed
specifically for warehouse operations called warehouse management system
(WMS) that helps to manage all inventory within the four walls of a
warehouse, as discussed in more detail later.
If you are specifically interested in the planning and scheduling topics
covered in this and the next chapter, you might want to research information
available from various professional organizations.
Both the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
( and the American Production and Inventory Control
Society ( offer certifications in this field, and they have local
chapters, both of which can prove useful in terms of education and career
5. Aggregate Planning and Scheduling
After we’ve made our best estimate of a demand forecast for goods or
services and netted it against our current and targeted inventory position to
determine our future inventory requirements, it becomes necessary to make
sure that we have enough capacity to meet the anticipated demand.
When we think of planning the capacity for a goods or service business, we
typically think in terms of three time horizons:
Long range (1–3+ years): Where we need to add facilities and
equipment that have a long lead time.
Medium range (roughly 2 to 12 months): We can add equipment,
personnel, and shifts; we can subcontract production and/or we can
build or use inventory. This is known as aggregate planning.
Short range (up to 2–3 months): Mainly focused on scheduling
production and people, as well as allocating machinery, generally
referred to as production planning. It is hard to adjust capacity in the
short run because we are usually constrained by existing capacity.
The supply chain and logistics function must actively support all of these
ranges by supplying material and components for production and product to
the customer, and in fact, it has many of its own capacity constraints in terms
of its distribution and transportation services.
In many service organizations, the actual work of capacity and supply
planning for the production of inventory may be partially or totally in
another organization, as is the case of retailers or wholesalers. But even in
those instances, retail and wholesale supply chain organizations are
intertwined with the vendor’s manufacturing process. So, they should
participate, support, and integrate vendor production plans into their own
processes when possible. In addition, service organizations have capacity
constraints in terms of various resources that are impacted by inventory
levels (labor, warehouse capacity, back room retail storage, shelf space, and
so on). Therefore, it is well worth understanding the aggregate planning
process no matter where you are in the supply chain.
The Process Decision
Stepping back for the moment, it should be understood that all organizations,
both goods and services, have to make what is known as the process
decision—that is, how the goods or services are to be delivered.
In most established organizations, there is already an existing process that is
usually based on the industry’s and management’s competitive strategy.
Project Process
Some industries, such as construction or pharmaceutical, are for the most
part project oriented. where they typically make one-off types of products.
They are usually customer specific and too large to be moved; so people,
equipment, and supplies are moved to where they are being constructed or
worked on.
Batch Process
Companies that run a batch process deliver similar items and services on a
repeat basis, usually in larger volumes than a job shop. Batch processes have
average to moderate volumes, but variety is still too high to justify
dedicating many resources to an individual product or service. The flow
tends to have no standard sequence of operations throughout the facility.
They do tend to have more substantial paths than at a job shop, and some
segments of the process may have a linear flow.
Examples of batching processes include scheduling air travel, manufacturing
apparel or furniture, producing components that supply an assembly line,
processing mortgage loans, and manufacturing heavy equipment.
Mass Customization
Mass customization is a process that produces in high volume and delivers
customer-specific product in small batches and can provide a business with a
competitive advantage and maximum value to the customer. It is a relatively
new frontier for most goods and service businesses, and as a result, there
aren’t that many examples of it.
In manufacturing, Dell computer is a primary example used by many
because they allow customers to more or less assemble their own personal
computers (PCs) online. Dell then assembles, tests, and ships the PCs
directly to the customer in as little as 24 to 48 hours. Some clothing
companies manufacture blue jeans to fit an individual customer.
In service industries such as financial planning and fitness, the service is
customized specifically to meet the individual needs and therefore is an
example of mass customization.
Planning and Scheduling Process Overview
An aggregate plan, also known as a sales & operations plan (S&OP), is a
statement of a company’s production rates, workforce, and inventory levels
based on estimates of customer requirements and capacity limitations (see
Figure 5.2).
Aggregate Planning
Aggregate planning, also referred to as sales & operations planning (S&OP),
is an operational activity that generates an aggregate plan (that is, for
product or service families or classes) for the production process for a period
of 2 to 18 months. The idea is to ensure that supply meets demand over that
period and to give an idea to management as to material and other resource
requirements required and when, while keeping the total cost of operations
of the organization to a minimum.
S&OP Process
Best practice companies have a structured S&OP process to ensure success
for aggregate/S&OP planning. The executive S&OP process itself (see
Figure 5.3) actually sits on top of the number crunching and analysis being
done at a lower level of the organization and involves a series of meetings
prior to a final S&OP executive-level meeting, which are used to create,
validate, and adjust detail demand and supply plans. The meetings are as
Demand planning cross-functional meeting (Step 2): Generated
forecasts are reviewed with a team that may include representatives
from supply chain, operations, sales, marketing, and finance. As
mentioned in Chapter 3, “Demand Planning,” forecasts have been
generated statistically and aggregated in a format that everyone can
understand and confirm. (For example, sales might want to see
forecasts and history by customer in sales dollars.)
Supply planning cross-functional meeting (Step 3): After confirmed
forecasts have been netted against current on-hand inventory levels to
create production/purchasing plans. Again, this data will usually be
reviewed in the aggregate by product family in units, for example.
Pre-S&OP meeting (Step 4): Data from the first demand and supply
meetings are reviewed by department heads to ensure that consensus
has been reached.
Figure 5.3 S&OP process
The discussions from this series of monthly management meetings highlight
issues and look at possible resolutions before the outcome of the discussions
is presented to the senior management team as a series of issues to be
resolved. These issues form the basis of the executive S&OP meeting (Step
The actual aggregate plan requires inputs such as the following:
Resources and facilities available to the organization.
Demand forecast with appropriate time horizon and planning buckets.
Cost of various alternatives and resources. This includes inventory
holding cost, ordering cost, and cost of production through various
production alternatives such as subcontracting, backordering, and
Organizational policies regarding the usage of these alternatives.
Table 5.1 is an example of an aggregate plan for a company that
manufactures bicycles.
S&OP in Retail
Also, although S&OP has been a best practice in manufacturing for 25 or so
years, the retail industry has been slow to adapt it to their planning
processes. The migration toward a broader IBF mentioned earlier for
manufacturing may prove to be an impetus to pull retailers into using an
S&OP process. In any case, when it is used in retail, the S&OP process is
similar to that used by manufacturers. The main differences are that the
sponsors and titles of each step as well as the details of each review such as
issues, data, and decisions are different.
System Nervousness
Frequent changes to the MPS (or subsequently, the material requirements
plan, as discussed shortly) can cause what is known as system nervousness,
where small changes, usually as a result of updating the MPS plan too often,
causes major changes to the requirements plan.
To avoid this, many companies use a time fence, whereby the planning
horizon is broken into two parts:
Demand (or firm) time fence (DTF): A designated period where the
MPS is frozen (that is, not changes to current schedule). The DTF
starts with the present period, extending as several weeks into the
future. It can only be altered by senior management. Unfortunately all
too often from what I’ve seen, the frozen segment is changed often due
to firefighting and customer emergencies.
Planning time fence (PTF): A designated period during which the
master scheduler is allowed to make changes. The PTF starts after the
DTF ends and extends several weeks or more into the future.
Bill of Materials
A BOM is like a recipe for a product. (In fact, in the case of food, it is.) A
BOM file has a defined structure to it. In this structure, the independent
demand item is called the parent item (for example, 26-inch boys blue bike)
and any dependent demand requirements (for example, two wheels for each
bike) are called child items, with a quantity (2 / Bike in our example) of each
child item needed to make each parent item. This is often referred to as the
product structure (see Figure 5.4).
Short-Term Scheduling
As mentioned before, the short-term schedule (see Figure 5.6) is where the
rubber meets the road, because effective schedules are necessary to meet
promised customer delivery dates with the highest-quality product or service
at the lowest possible cost.
Figure 5.6 Typical planning and scheduling process
Operations scheduling is the allocation of resources in the short term (down
to days, hours, and even minutes in some cases) to accomplish specific tasks.
Scheduling includes the following:
Assigning jobs to work centers/machines
Job start and completion times
Allocation of manpower, material, and machine resources
Sequence of operations
Feedback and control function to manage operations
Scheduling techniques vary based on the facility layout and production
process used.
Effective scheduling can support the supply chain to create a competitive
advantage for an organization, as discussed earlier in this book.
Types of Scheduling
Two general types of operations scheduling help to determine the load or
amount of work that is put through process centers:
Forward scheduling: Plans tasks from the date resources become
available to determine the shipping date or the due date and used in
businesses such as restaurants and machine shops
Backward scheduling: Plans tasks from the due date or required-by
date to determine the start date and/or any changes in capacity required
and used heavily in manufacturing and surgical hospitals
In many cases, organizations may use a combination of both depending on
the product or service.
The load put on a work center can be infinite (for example, unlimited
capacity, such as in the basic MRP model) or finite (where capacity is
Understanding and minimizing flow time is critical to good scheduling and
the efficient utilization of resources. Flow time is the sum of 1) moving time
between operations, 2) waiting time for machines or work orders, 3) process
time (including setups), and 4) delays.
The concept of sequencing uses both priority rules to determine the order
that jobs will be processed in and the actual job time, which includes both
the setup and running of the job, to schedule efficiently.
Priority Rules
Although there are many priority rules, including the catchall emergency
(that is, rush or priority customers), the basic rules are as follows:
First come, first served (FCFS): Jobs run in the order they are
received. Perhaps the fairest, although not always most efficient, way
of scheduling.
Earliest due date (EDD): Work on the jobs due the soonest.
Shortest processing time (SPT): Shortest jobs run earlier to make
sure that they are completed on time. Larger jobs will possibly be late
as a result.
Longest processing time (LPT): Start with the jobs that take the
longest to get them done on time. This may work well for long jobs,
but the others will suffer as a result.
Critical ratio (CR): Jobs are processed according to smallest ratio of
time remaining until due date to processing time remaining.
The planner can create schedules based on these methods (manually or
automated) to both see the impact on job lateness and flow time and to
determine what works best for the company and its customers. It might not
always be possible to satisfy all customers, though.
Service Scheduling
Although service industries need to schedule production and assembly of
product (for example, restaurants), most are primarily interested in
scheduling staff. To effectively schedule staffy, they use tools such as
appointment systems (to control customer arrivals for service and consider
patient scheduling), reservation systems (to estimate demand for service),
and workforce scheduling systems (often using seniority and skill sets to
manage capacity for service).
These can be manual or automated software systems depending on the size
and complexity of the organization.
Similar to demand planning systems, supply planning tools range from
simple spreadsheets (or even the back of an envelope) to sophisticated
packaged software systems for optimization.
Much of the basic functionality discussed in this chapter, such as inventory
control and management and MRP, is usually part of an organization’s ERP
or accounting system. Other functions described, such as production and
deployment planning and scheduling systems (for example, WMS, DRP, and
FCS systems), are not, and may have to be licensed separately as add-ons
and integrated with existing ERP and accounting systems.
Now that you have a good handle on the planning and scheduling processes
and technologies for the supply chain, it’s time to take a look at supply chain
management from both a strategic and operational viewpoint.
Part III: Supply Chain Operations
6. Procurement in the Supply Chain
Acquiring materials is the next logical step after the planning process is
complete because it is the net result of the planning process just described,
whether for raw materials and components for manufacturing or finished
goods for wholesalers, distributors, or retailers.
Because purchased materials, components, and services make up a great deal
of the supply chain spend for most organizations, resulting in the leverage
effect discussed in the first chapter, it is a very visible and important
component of supply chain management.
Due to the visibility and general rise in awareness of the importance of
supply chain management (SCM) in general, there are many career
opportunities in procurement, from the assistant buyer up to director level in
many goods and service organizations. The institute for supply management
( offers the CPSM (Certified Professional in Supply
Management), which is helpful both in terms of education and career
Purchasing is a basic function in most organizations and for the purposes of
this book is defined as the transactional function of buying products and
services. In a business setting, this commonly involves the placement and
processing of a purchase order.
This definition for purchasing is to avoid confusion with two other
frequently used concepts and terms of procurement (also known as sourcing
or supply management) and strategic sourcing. We will define them as
Procurement: The process of managing a broad range of processes
associated with a firm’s need to acquire goods and services in a legal
and ethical manner that are required to manufacture a product (direct)
or to operate the organization (indirect), the foundation of which is
provided by the purchasing function.
Strategic sourcing: The strategic sourcing process takes the
procurement process further by focusing more on supply chain impacts
of procurement and purchasing decisions, and works cross-functionally
within the business firm to help achieve the organization’s overall
business goals. This includes analysis of the company’s annual (or
more often) spend with suppliers and supply markets and helping to
develop a sourcing strategy that both supports the overall business
strategy while minimizing cost and risk.
In this chapter, we concentrate primarily on the procurement or supply
management process.
Make or Buy
The first decision in this process, at least strategically, is the question of
make or buy, which is the choice between internal production and external
A simple breakeven analysis can be used to quickly determine the cost
implications of a make or buy decision in the following example.
If a firm can purchase equipment for in-house use for $500,000 and produce
requested parts for $20 each (assume that there is no excess capacity on their
current equipment), or they can have a supplier produce and ship the part for
$30 each, what is the correct decision: make (assume with new equipment)
or buy (that is, outsource production)?
To arrive at the correct decision, a simple breakeven point could easily be
calculated as follows:
$500,000 + $20Q = $30Q
$500,000 = $30Q – $20Q
$500,000 = $10Q
50,000 = Q
As the breakeven point is 50,000 units, the answer is that it is better for the
firm to buy the part from a supplier if demand is less than 50,000 units, and
purchase the necessary equipment to make the part if demand is greater than
50,000 units.
Many companies choose to outsource activities, resources, and entire
business processes for a variety of reasons that include not being viewed as a
core competency, high taxes, high energy costs, excessive government
regulation, and high production or labor costs. Outsourcing can also
sometimes involve transferring employees and assets from one firm to
another. Logistics (especially distribution and transportation) is always a
good candidate for outsourcing, as are manufacturing and assembly.
The many benefits of outsourcing include the following:
Focus on core activities: Outsourcing noncore activities helps to put
the focus back on the core functions of the business, such as sales and
Cost savings: The lower cost of operation and labor makes it attractive
to outsource.
Reduce capital expenditures: Outsourcing frees an organization from
investments in technology, infrastructure, and people that make up the
bulk of a back-end process’s capital expenditure.
Increased flexibility: Outsourcing can improve an organization’s
reaction to fluctuations in customer demand and changes in
There are also many disadvantages or risks to outsourcing, such as the
Security risk: There is always the risk of losing sensitive data and the
loss of confidentiality.
Loss of management control of business functions: You may no
longer be able to control operations and deliverables of activities that
you outsource.
Quality problems: The outsourcing provider may not have proper
processes or may be inexperienced in working in an outsourcing
Loss of focus: The outsourcing provider may work with many other
customers, and therefore may not give sufficient time and attention to
your company. This might result in delays and inaccuracies in the work
Hidden costs and legal problems: This can occur if the outsourcing
terms and conditions are not clearly defined.
Financial risks: Bankruptcy and financial loss cannot be controlled if
the outsource partner is or becomes financially unstable.
Incompatible culture: Culture of the outsourcing provider and the
location where you outsource to may eventually lead to poor
communication and lower productivity.
The individual company will have to ultimately make the decision after
determining the probability of both the risks and rewards of outsourcing.
There is also an opposite, more recent trend in outsourcing and offshoring
(the relocation by a company of a business process from one country to
another), where companies are starting to perform tasks that were previously
outsourced themselves and develop facilities back in their home Western
locations, as the results of outsourcing were not exactly as expected (for
example, poor quality or low productivity). This is known as in-sourcing.
Vertical Integration
A concept similar to in-sourcing but used to develop the ability to produce
goods or service previously purchased is known as vertical integration. The
integration can be forward, toward the customer, or backward, toward
suppliers, and can be a strategy to improve cost, quality, and inventory, but
requires capital, managerial skills, and adequate demand. It can be risky in
industries with rapid changes in technology.
Near Sourcing
There is also a recent trend for U.S. companies called near sourcing,
primarily as a result of spike in energy costs (that is, transportation) making
it more economical to produce closer to home, such as in the Caribbean or
Few or Many Suppliers
Companies can choose to go with many suppliers or few suppliers for some
materials or products as a supply chain strategy:
Many suppliers: This strategy is used for commodity products in
many cases where price is the driving decision factor and suppliers
compete with one another.
Few suppliers: In this strategy, the buyer establishes a longer-term
relationship with fewer suppliers. The goal is to create value through
economies of scale and learning curve improvements. Suppliers are
more willing to participate in just-in-time (JIT) programs (a strategy to
reduce in-process inventory and associated carrying costs, as discussed
later in the Lean chapter of the book) and contribute design and
technological expertise. This cost of changing suppliers in this strategy
is great because you tend to have all your eggs in one basket and may
have invested heavily in this relationship as a result.
Joint Ventures
Joint ventures are formal collaborations between two companies that reduce
risk, enhance skills, or reduce costs (or a combination of all three). An
example that ended in 2011 was a 50/50 joint venture between Johnson &
Johnson and Merck that handled the over-the-counter (OTC) product lines
Pepcid, Mylanta, and Mylicon.
Virtual Companies
Virtual companies rely on a variety of supplier relationships to provide
services when needed. They usually have very efficient performance, low
capital investment, flexibility, and speed. An example of this is Vizio, a
company that became the largest-selling brand of LCD television in the
United States in 2010, with only 196 employees. They used contract
manufacturing and a creative distribution, with the result that a relatively
low-cost generic TV could be produced with minimal need for employees or
The Procurement Process
The procurement process typically includes the functions of determining the
purchasing specifications, selecting the supplier, negotiating terms and
conditions, and issuing and administrating purchase orders.
There are some general steps involved in the procurement process, which we
will review in some detail (see Figure 6.1). They are as follows:
1. Identify and review requirements.
2. Establish specifications.
3. Identify and select suppliers.
4. Determine the right price.
5. Issue purchase orders.
6. Follow up to assure correct delivery.
7. Receive and accept the goods.
8. Approve invoices for payment.
Establish Specifications
To establish specifications, you must identify quantity, pricing, and
functional requirements as described here:
Quantity: In the case of small-volume requirements, you need to find
a standard item. If larger volume, it must be designed for economies of
scale to both reduce cost and satisfy functional needs.
Price: This relates to the use of the item and the selling price of the
finished product.
Functional: There is a fundamental need to understand what the item
is expected to do per the users. This includes performance and
aesthetic expectations (for example, hand can opener; how smoothly
does it remove the top of cans as well as how ergonomically appealing
is the design?).
In general, the description of the item may be by brand or specification. You
use brand if the quantity is too small or if the item is patented or is requested
by a customer. It is by specification if you’re looking for very specific
physical or chemical makeup, material, or performance specifications.
The source of the specifications themselves can be based on buyer
requirements or standards that may be set independently.
If the buyer sets the specifications, it can become a long and expensive
process requiring detailed description of parts, finishes, tolerances, and
materials used, resulting in the item being expensive to produce.
Standards, in contrast, set by government and nongovernmental agencies,
can be much more straightforward to use because they tend to be widely
known and accepted, lower in price, and more adaptable to customer needs.
Identify and Select Suppliers
The next step in the procurement process is to identify and select suppliers.
Typically, this involves coming up with a long list of suppliers who meet
your requirements in general, and then whittling the list down to final
candidates before selecting the ultimate vendor.
Identification of potential suppliers can come from a variety of sources,
including the Internet, catalogs, salespeople, and trade magazine and
After you have identified potential vendors, a request for information (RFI)
is issued to them that states a bit about your company and its requirements as
well as requested background on the vendor. It’s usually not too difficult to
refine the vendors that respond down to a smaller list of candidates (usually
five to ten), and from there it is best to include a multifunctional team of
employees to determine the finalists.
Once you have it down to a short list, a request for quotation (RFQ) or
request for proposal (RFP) is issued. An RFQ is an invitation to selected
suppliers to bid or quote on delivering specific products or services and will
include the specifications of the items/service. The suppliers are requested to
return their bids by a set date and time to be considered for selection.
Discussions may be held on the bids, in many cases to clarify technical
capabilities or to note errors in a proposal. The initial bid does not have to
mean the end of the bidding because there may be more than one round.
Vendor Evaluation
I’ve found what is known as the factor rating method (see Figure 6.2) to be
useful in the task of vendor evaluation.
For the most part, negotiations are based on the type of product:
Commodities: The price is usually determined by the market.
Standard products: The price is set by catalog listings, and there is
usually little room for negotiation (other than volume).
Small value items: Companies should try to reduce ordering costs or
increase volume where possible.
Made-to-order items: Prices are based on quotations from a number
of sources, and as a result, prices are negotiated where possible.
Where negotiations are possible, two general types of negotiation can be
used: distributive and integrative.
In distributive bargaining, the goals of one party are in fundamental, direct
conflict to another party, resources are fixed and limited, and maximizing
one’s own share of resources is the goal for both parties. So, in this case,
there is usually a winner and a loser.
You need to set a target point and a walk-away point to negotiate a final
price that is satisfactory to the buyer. Determining these may take a good
amount of research and judgment. The seller may have a listing or asking
price, and you will submit an initial offer or counteroffer. This type of
negotiating usually requires sufficient clout to justify lower pricing. Larger
companies with multiple locations or business units may have sufficient
volume to justify this.
When I was a member of General Electric’s corporate sourcing, we were
able to leverage over $1 billion/year spent annually on transportation
corporation-wide by collecting freight volumes by mode for all the 100+ GE
units to negotiate significant savings. This was accomplished not only by
collecting and analyzing the annual spend, but also by reducing the number
of carriers within each mode to a company-wide group of core carriers to
maximize negotiation power.
Integrative negotiation, in contrast, is more collaborative, with a goal for a
win-win conclusion by the creation of a free flow of information and an
attempt to understand the other negotiator’s real needs and objectives. This
process emphasizes commonalties between the parties and minimizes the
differences through a search for solutions that meet the goals and objectives
of both sides.
Key Metrics
Price is only one measure of cost and only one element of assessing the
attractiveness of a supplier, but it is the most common way most companies
view and manage interactions with their suppliers.
Besides price (which is benchmarked against industry standards in many
cases), most companies also spend a lot of time and attention on operational
dimensions of measurement, which can include quality measures such as
parts per million defect rates, and service-level measures such as time to
respond to inquiries, on-time delivery, and so on.
Some forward-thinking companies are beginning to share information about
their strategic business strategies with their key suppliers and have joint
discussions about how they can contribute and what metrics can be used to
evaluate those contributions. These metrics can be designed to highlight
areas for supplier improvement or development, to provide early warning of
potential problems at suppliers, and to ensure the ongoing financial health
and sustainability of key suppliers.
Most ERP and accounting systems have at least some purchasing features, at
least to create purchase orders directly or from an MRP system.
There are also Internet applications such as e-commerce sites, exchanges,
and auctions, as mentioned previously, for e-procurement.
There are also web-based applications (Ariba software, for example) that
enable companies to facilitate and improve the procurement process by
providing solutions that help companies analyze, understand, and manage
their corporate spending to achieve cost savings and business process
efficiency. Ariba started off with the idea of purchasing staff buying items
from vendors who provided their catalogs online, because the typical
procurement process can be labor intensive and often costly for large
corporations. Customers are offered a large number of supplier catalogs to
purchase from.
Ariba software enables a company to automate, monitor, and control the
complete purchasing lifecycle from requisition to payment. Users can create
requisitions that are approved according to preconfigured business rules that
each company decides upon. Purchase orders can be automatically generated
and sent directly to suppliers, and order acknowledgments and ship notices
are sent back to the original requestor.
The invoicing process is relatively easy for the suppliers using a tool such as
Ariba because they can create an invoice directly from the requestors
purchase order. Invoices are then prematched with the purchase order line
items and any receiving information so that the requestor can reconcile and
pay without any delays.
We cover transportation next, and then distribution operations, both of which
are necessary to keep the entire supply chain process, as discussed so far,
7. Transportation Systems
As the saying goes, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” In the
case of the supply chain, the link is your transportation system, and its
strength can mean the difference between the success and failure of your
To be successful, the transportation system used to connect your supply
chain must be managed and controlled properly, with complete visibility and
great communication between partners. Transportation and logistics costs
(mainly warehouse operations, which are covered in the next chapter) can
account for as much as 7% to 14% of sales depending on the industry you
are in. Transportation costs alone comprise the vast majority of this expense
for most companies. Best-in-class companies have transportation and
logistics related costs in a range of 4% to 7% depending on industry sector.
So, it’s not hard to see both operationally and financially important
transportation is to a successful business.
There are also many professional career opportunities in the transportation
field, both in corporate goods and services organizations (usually in the
transportation, traffic, or logistics departments) as well as in transportation
companies. They can range from corporate to operations and even sales.
Besides the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
organization mentioned previously, there are many others, such as AST&L
(American Society for Transportation & Logistics; and SOLE
(International Society for Logistics;
As a first step, it is important to understand background on the history of
transportation systems in the United States, followed by a discussion of the
various characteristics of transportation types and modes, along with their
cost elements, rate structures, and some of the necessary documentation.
Transportation Costs
Transportation costs are both fixed and variable. The fixed-cost component
refers to costs that do not change with the volume moved, such as buildings,
equipment, and land. Variable costs, in contrast, are costs that do change
with the volume moved, such as fuel, maintenance, and wages.
The areas where these costs occur in transportation are as follows: 1) the
ways (that is, road, air, and water), 2) terminals (including administration)
where goods are loaded and unloaded, and 3) the vehicles themselves used
to haul the freight.
The ways are the land, water, road, space, and so on over which goods are
moved and may be owned by the operator (railroad tracks), run by the
government (roads, canals), or made by Mother Nature (ocean).
The terminals are used to sort, load and unload goods, connect between line-
haul and local deliveries or between different modes or carriers as well as
dispatching (that is, to monitor the delivery of freight over long distances
and coordinate delivery pickup and drop-off schedules), maintenance, and
The vehicles themselves are either owned or leased by the transportation
companies and have a mix of fixed (for example, vehicle capital investment)
and variable (for example, fuel, maintenance, and labor) operating costs.
In general terms, trucks carry the greatest dollar volume of freight in the
United States (71%) because they tend to haul higher-value consumer goods.
Rail, which tends to haul lower-value commodity items longer distances,
matches motor carriers in terms of ton-miles (39% each). Not surprisingly,
air transport has by far the longest average miles per shipment, at 1,304,
followed by rail (728) and then water (520) (U.S. Department of
Transportation, 2007; see Figure 7.1).
Figure 7.1 Shipment characteristics by mode of transportation
The following subsections cover each mode of transport in more detail.
Rail is the slowest, least flexible, yet lowest-cost mode of transportation. So,
it is typically used to transport bulky commodities over long distances.
Because rail carriers must provide own ways, they are actually natural
monopolies, but still must provide their own terminals and vehicles, resulting
in a large capital investment and high volumes required to operate a railroad.
As a result, they tend to have high fixed costs and low variable costs.
Railroads come in three general types:
Class I: At least 350 miles in track and/or revenue at least $272
million (in 2002 dollars). Class I carriers comprise only 1% of the
number of U.S. freight railroads, but they account for 70% of the
industry’s mileage operated, 89% of its employees, and 92% of its
freight revenue. Class I carriers typically operate in many different
states and concentrate largely (though not exclusively) on long-haul,
high-density intercity traffic lanes. There are seven Class I railroads:
BNS, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, CSX Transportation,
Kansas City Southern, Norfolk Southern, and Union Pacific.
Regional and local line haul: Regional railroads are line-haul
railroads with at least 350 route miles and/or revenue of between $40
million and the Class I threshold. There were 31 regional railroads in
2002. Regional railroads typically operate 400 to 650 miles of road
serving a region located in two to four states.
Local line haul carriers operate less than 350 miles and earn less than
$40 million per year. In 2002, there were 309 local line haul carriers.
They generally perform point-to-point service over short distances.
Most operate less than 50 miles of road (more than 20% operate 15 or
fewer miles) and serve a single state.
Switching and terminal (S&T) carriers: Railroads that primarily
provide switching/terminal services, regardless of revenue. They
perform pickup and delivery services within a certain area. In 2002,
there were 205 S&T carriers. The largest S&T carriers handle
hundreds of thousands of carloads per year and earn tens of millions of
dollars in revenue (Association of American Railroads, 2004).
Motor Carriers
Motor carrier is the most widely used mode of transportation in the domestic
supply chain; most consumer products are shipped via this method from
manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors to retailers. In fact, there are
more than half a million private, for hire, and other U.S. interstate motor
The economic structure of the motor carrier industry contributes to the vast
number of carriers in the industry because it has low fixed and high variable
Motor carriers pay for highway, tunnel, and bridge access through taxes or
tolls and provide their own terminals and are fairly fast and flexible because
they can offer door-to-door service and are used for small-volume goods to
many delivery locations.
Within this mode, there are full-truckload, less-than-truckload (LTL; national
and regional), and small-package carriers. Examples of for-hire carriers
include Schneider and Werner (TL), Con-way Freight and Old Dominion
Freight Line (LTL), and UPS (small package).
Full-truckload carriers have the lowest overhead because they gain
economies by filling out one load or trailer with one customer’s freight and
go point to point. In contrast, LTL and small-package carriers must have a
network of terminals called break bulks for sorting and mixing as each
vehicle may have dozens of customer’s small shipments going to a variety of
places. This infrastructure is reflected in their rates, as discussed later in the
Air Carriers
Air cargo carriers are the fastest, most expensive mode of transportation and
are an especially important part of many international logistics networks.
They use government-provided terminals and air traffic control systems, so
they have relatively low fixed costs but operate with high variable costs for
fuel and operating costs and tend to haul high-value, lower-volume, and
time-sensitive cargo at premium rates.
Some cargo airlines are divisions or subsidiaries of larger passenger airlines;
others, such as UPS, FedEx, and DHL, operate for cargo only.
Water Carriers
As noted earlier, water transport is one of the oldest forms of transport. It is
divided between domestic and (deepwater) international transport.
Nature provides ways in most cases; however, canals and ports are
government controlled. The carrier pays for use of terminals and owns the
ships, so there are moderate fixed costs but low operating costs.
This mode is fairly slow and not very flexible and is used to haul low-value
bulk cargo over long distances. However, with the advent of containerization
in the 1970s, it has become a major facilitator of international trade, carrying
81% international freight movement.
Intermodal Carriers
Intermodal refers to freight being transported in an intermodal container or
vehicle. The most widely used intermodal systems are the trailer on a flatcar
(TOFC) and container on a rail flatcar (COFC).
This takes advantage of the economies of each mode of transportation (rail,
ship, and truck), with no handling of the freight itself when changing modes.
As a result, this improves accessibility, reduces cargo handling, and
improves security. It also reduces damage and loss and increases the speed
with which freight is transported.
It has also helped to facilitate the growth of global trade when used in
conjunction with water transport on container ships with standardized
containers that are compatible with multiple modes of transport.
Pipelines are a unique mode of transportation used for high-volume gases or
liquids moving from point to point. The equipment is fixed in place, and the
product moves through it in high volume. There are 174 operators of
hazardous liquid pipelines that primarily carry crude oil and petroleum
products, the most well known of which is the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System
Crude oil pipelines are the basis for our liquid energy supply. The crude oil
is collected by pipelines from inland production areas like Texas, Louisiana,
Alaska, and western Canada. Pipelines also move crude oil produced far
offshore in coastal waters as well as from Mexico, Africa and the Middle
East, and South America delivered by marine tankers, often moving for the
final leg of that trip from a U.S. port to a refinery by pipeline.
In addition, two-thirds of the lower 48 states are almost totally dependent on
the interstate pipeline system for their supplies of natural gas.
Global Intermediaries
There also exists as many global intermediaries as there are a variety of
services required for international trade. Some of them are as follows:
Freight brokers: Similar to any other type of broker, the main
function is to bring together a buyer and a seller. The buyer in this case
is the shipper of the goods, and the seller is the trucking company. The
broker negotiates the terms of the deal and handles much of the
Freight forwarders: Heavily utilized in global trade, for both surface
and air, to comply with export documentation and shipping
requirements, many exporters utilize a freight forwarder to act as their
shipping agent. The forwarder advises and assists clients on how to
move goods most efficiently from one destination to another. A
forwarder has extensive knowledge of documentation requirements,
regulations, transportation costs, and banking practices, thus assisting
in the exporting process for many companies.
They may also provide essential freight services such as assembling
and consolidation of smaller shipments plus taking larger bulk
shipments and breaking them into smaller shipments.
Customs brokers: Perform transactions at ports on for other parties.
Typically, an importer hires a customs broker to guide their goods into
a country. Similar to the forwarder, the broker will recommend
efficient means for clearing goods through customs entry and can also
estimate the landed costs for shipments entering the country. U.S.
exporters typically do not book shipments directly with a foreign
customs broker, because freight forwarders often partner with customs
brokers overseas who will clear goods that the forwarder ships to the
overseas port. However, foreign customs brokers contract the services
of the domestic freight forwarder when the goods are headed in the
opposite direction.
The types of transactions negotiated for an importer may include the
entry of goods into a customs territory, payment of taxes and duties,
and duty drawback or refunds of any kind.
Non-vessel-operating common carriers (NVOCCs): NVOCCs are
also freight forwarders, except that they 1) may own and operate and
sometimes lease the containers they ship, 2) be required to publish a
public tariff (that is, rates), 3) may have to take on the status of a
virtual carrier and take on liabilities of a carrier, and 4) whereas
freight forwarders can be agents for an NVOCC, the reverse is not
true, giving NVOCCs more flexibility.
Legal Types of Carriage
There are two legal types of carriers, for hire and private, as described here.
For Hire
For-hire carriers offer service to the general public and are subject to
government regulations in regard to rates, routes, and markets served.
They come in two major forms:
Common carriers: Licensed to carry only certain goods available to
public to designated points or areas served and offer scheduled service.
Common carriers must file both liability insurance and cargo
insurance. Public airlines, railroads, bus lines, taxicab companies,
cruise ships, motor carriers, and other freight companies generally
operate as common carriers (as do communications service providers
and public utilities).
Contract carriers: For-hire interstate operators that offer
transportation services to certain shippers under contracts. Contract
carriers must file only liability insurance.
There are also independent carriers, referring to an individual owner-
operator or trucker who can make agreements with private carriers, common
carriers, contract carriers, or others as they want.
Carriers are considered private when a company transports only their own
goods. Their primary business is not transportation, and the vehicles are not
for hire. Private carriage usually refers to trucking, but is also found in rail
and water transportation.
Very high volume or specific needs are needed to justify the expense. Many
retail organizations, as well as some manufacturers, distributors, and
wholesalers, operate their own fleets. We’ve all seen Walmart and Toys R Us
trucks (with Jeffrey Giraffe) printed on the side of the trailer on a highway at
one time or another. These are examples of private carriage.
In many cases, private vehicles such as those mentioned here can also be
used to backhaul freight from suppliers after delivering product from
distribution facilities to retail locations. This can avoid the need for the
vehicle to make the return trip empty and to reduce their fleets’ overall
operating costs.
Transportation Economics
In this section, we will deal with the application of demand and cost
principles to transportation.
Cost Factors
The primary factors influencing transportation costs pricing are distance,
weight, and density (see Figure 7.2a, b, c).
Shipping Patterns
There are a variety of shipping patterns, as shown in Figure 7.3. A shipment
may go direct from the origin point to destination or make one or more stops
in between. This will depend on the primary cost factors mentioned above
(for example, TL versus LTL).
Figure 7.3 Common shipping patterns
Cost Elements
Four major elements, the principles, are the same for all modes:
Line haul: Carriers have basic costs to move product from point to
point that include fuel, labor, and depreciation. The costs are pretty
much the same per mile whether the container is full or empty, so the
line haul cost is total of these costs divided by the distance traveled.
So, for example, if the line haul cost to transport material from point A
to point B is $5 per mile and the route is 500 miles, the total line haul
cost is $2,500. The actual cost (in $/CWT) for a shipment weighing
12,000 pounds is $20.83/CWT (that is, $2,500 / 120), and the cost for a
shipment weighing 45,000 pounds is $5.56/CWT.
As a result, the total line haul cost will vary with the cost per mile to
operate the vehicle and the distance the material is moved. The line
haul cost per hundredweight varies based on the cost per mile,
distance, and weight, as you learned in the earlier example.
Other line haul services may be required, as well, including the following:
Reconsignment: This involves changing the consignee while the
shipment is in transit and is used commonly in industries where goods
are shipped before they are sold.
Diversion: The changing of the destination of a shipment while in
transit, which is often used in conjunction with reconsignment.
Pooling: This allows a shipper to use a less-costly container or
truckload rate by consolidating smaller shipments going to one
destination and one consignee into one pool car or truck.
Stopping in transit: This allows the shipper to use a full container or
truckload rate and drop off portions of the load at various intermediate
destinations. The shipper is invoiced for a stop-off charge for each
stop, which is usually a lot less than shipping the load at less than car
or truck load rates.
Transit privilege: This allows for the shipper to unload a car or trailer,
process the shipment, and then reload and ship the processed product
to its final destination using a through rate (that is, a single
transportation rate on an interline haul made up of two or more
separately established rates).
Pickup and delivery: These costs depend on the time spent picking up
and dropping off cargo and not distance. There is a charge for each
pickup, so it is useful to consolidate multiple shipments to avoid
multiple separate trips.
The loading and unloading of freight at pickup and delivery is
generally the responsibility of the carrier in the case of LTL or LCL
(and small-package) shipments, whereas the shipper is usually
responsible for TL and CL loading and unloading.
The carrier will specify the amount of time the shipper and receiver
have for loading and unloading. In the case of rail free time, this is 24
to 48 hours; after free time, rail carriers charge what is called a
demurrage fee; motor charge what is called a detention fee. Motor
carrier loading and unloading times vary, but can be as little as a half
Terminal handling: These costs depend on how many times the
shipment must be handled. In the case of full truckloads (TL), there is
no terminal handling because they go directly to the customer.
However, LTL shipments must be sent to a terminal, sorted, and
consolidated, so charges are incurred. As a result, it is wise to
consolidate shipments into fewer parcels where possible.
There are other terminal services besides handling, including the following:
Consolidation: Many small shipments are consolidated into a one
larger shipment going to a customer, qualifying the shipper for a lower
Dispersion: This is the opposite of consolidation, with one large
shipment being distributed to multiple customers at the destination
Shipment services: The carrier provides freight handling for
consolidation or dispersion.
Vehicle service: Carriers need to maintain a diverse and adequate fleet
of transit vehicles for shipper’s use.
Interchange: Carriers must provide the ability to interconnect with
other carriers of the same or different modes so that through rates may
be used by the shipper.
Weighing: The carrier (or shipper) provides the weight of shipment.
Tracing: Carriers can communicate to shipper where the shipment is
and when it might be delivered. In most cases, this information can be
supplied via the Internet.
Expediting: In some cases, it is necessary to move a shipment faster
than normal, and as a result, this may require a premium over-regular
Billing and collecting: This includes the costs of paperwork and
invoicing the shipper. Carriers also provide clerical services for bills of
lading (documents issued by a carrier for a shipment of merchandise
giving title of that shipment to a specified party), freight bills, and
routing of the shipment.
Rates Charged
Now that we you understand the general economics of transportation cost
and it its major elements, let’s turn our focus to pricing.
Pricing Specifics
Full container or truck load rates may be expressed in a flat dollar or mileage
rate, and less than containers or truckloads may be a discount off of the class
rate from the tariff.
In general, prices (known as rates) are expressed in either dollars (whole or
per mile) or cents per hundredweight (CWT) and are contained in tariffs,
which can be in hard copy or electronic form.
Freight Classifications
The classification of an item must first be determined. The classification is
based on the cost elements of an item mentioned earlier: density, stowability,
ease of handling, and liability. The class given to an item is known as its
Truck and rail each have their own set of classifications. For motor carriers,
it is the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC), and for rail, it is the
Uniform Freight Classification (UFC).
A class of 100 is considered average. A class can range from 35 to 500. (In
general, the higher the rating, the higher the transportation cost.)
Rate Determination
After the class is identified, the rate must be determined and is based on the
origin and destination. There is usually a minimum charge and various rates
at weight breaks as the shipments increase in size. There may also be rate
surcharges or accessorial charges for extra services provided by the carrier.
There are also other types of rates, such as the following:
Cube or density rates: Freight rate computed on the basis of a cargo’s
volume, instead of its weight.
Exception rates: A deviation from the class rate; changes (exceptions)
made to the classification.
Commodity rates: The carrier will offer an all-commodity rate for this
specific route despite the class of the commodity carried. The class of
the commodity does not matter to the carrier.
Freight-all-kinds (FAK) rates: These are rates for a carrier’s tariff
classification for various kinds of goods that are pooled and shipped
together at one freight rate. Consolidated shipments are generally
classified as FAK.
A variety of documents are used in transportation both domestically and
internationally. This section covers the main ones in this section.
Terms of Sale
Transportation costs are the second- or third-highest expense that a
manufacturing company has beyond the cost of labor and raw materials, so it
makes sense to know how they are allocated. Even if your vendor pays the
freight charges, you need to know the amount they paid, because at some
point when you have enough volume, you may want to take control of your
inbound freight and negotiate rates with your own carriers to less than you
are paying now. You should always identify freight costs separate from cost
of goods.
Negotiating the most appropriate terms of sale will allow you to add value to
your purchase.
The terms determine which party is to pay the freight bill, which party has
title to the goods, and which party controls the movement of the goods.
The two major terms are as follows:
F.O.B. origin: The buyer pays for the freight, takes title to the goods
once loaded, and controls movement of the goods.
F.O.B. destination: The seller pays for the freight, has title to the
goods until they are delivered, and controls movement of the goods.
There are variations to these terms, as follows:
F.O.B. origin, freight collect: The buyer pays freight charges, owns
goods in transit, and files claims, if any.
F.O.B. origin, freight prepaid: The seller pays freight charges, and
the buyer owns goods in transit and files claims, if any.
F.O.B. origin, freight prepaid and charged back: The seller pays
freight charges, owns goods in transit, and the buyer files claims, if
F.O.B. destination, freight collect: The buyer pays freight charges,
and the seller owns goods in transit and files claims, if any.
F.O.B. destination, freight prepaid: The seller pays freight charges,
owns goods in transit, and files claims, if any.
F.O.B. destination, freight collect and allowed: The buyer pays
freight charges, and the seller owns goods in transit and files claims, if
Bill of Lading
A bill of lading (B/L) is a contract between the carrier and the shipper issued
by a carrier, which details a shipment of merchandise and gives title of that
shipment to a specified party (that is, a receipt) with specified timing.
A B/L includes title to the goods and name and address of the consignor and
consignee and summarizes the goods in transit and their class rates.
Electronic bills are now used often where the carrier and shipper have an
established strategic partnership.
There are two main types of B/Ls:
(Uniform) straight bill of lading: These are nonnegotiable and
contain terms of the sale, including the time and place of title transfer.
Order (notified) bill of lading: These are negotiable, and the
consignor retains the original until the bill is paid. They can be used as
a credit instrument because there is no delivery unless the original bill
of lading is surrendered to the carrier.
There are also export bills of lading (covered in the section “International
Transportation Documents”) and government bills of lading. Government
B/Ls are used when the product is owned by the U.S. government.
In cases where there are individual stops or consignees when multiple
shipments are placed on a single vehicle, what is known as a shipment
manifest is used. Each shipment still requires a B/L, and the manifest lists
the stop, B/L, weight, and case count for each shipment. The goal of a
manifest is to provide one document that describes the complete contents of
the load.
The B/L also documents responsibilities for all possible causes of loss or
damage and includes terms such as the following:
Common carrier liable for all losses, damage, or delays in shipment.
Exceptions include acts of God, public enemy, shipper, public
authority, and inherent nature of the goods.
Reasonable dispatch.
Shipper liable for mending, cooperage, bailing, or reconditioning of
goods or packages and gathering of loose contents for packages.
Freight not accepted stored at owner’s cost.
Freight Bills
Freight bills are the carrier’s invoice for charges for a given shipment. The
credit terms are specified by the carrier and can vary extensively. In some
cases, credit may be denied if the charges are worth more than the freight.
Bills may also be either prepaid or collect per the previous discussion on
freight terms.
Because there tends to be large changes to fuel costs, low visibility of the
future freight costs, and a relatively high complexity of freight quotes,
freight invoices are susceptible to human and process errors and require
auditing to ensure that the organization does not overpay for services it did
not incur.
These audits can be performed internally or externally, both prepayment and,
in some cases, postpayment.
When I worked in General Electric Corporate Sourcing, I helped to establish
the GE Corporate Freight Payment Center in Fort Myers, Florida. The two
major goals of the service was to both consolidate information for their 100
or so business units to leverage the over $1 billion spent company-wide on
transportation services and to perform a pre-audit on freight bills in a more
standardized, automated fashion (because freight bill errors, including
overcharges and duplicate bills and payments, can range as high as 5%
domestically and even as high as 10% internationally).
Freight Claims
A freight claim is a document filed with the carrier to recover monetary
losses due to losses, damage, delay, or overcharges by the carrier. In most
cases, claims are filed within 9 months, the claimant is notified by receipt
within 30 days, and settlement or refusal usually occurs within 120 days.
The claimants are expected to take some reasonable measures to minimize
the loss, such as requiring the carrier to pay for the difference between the
original value and the damaged or salvage value.
Sales Documents
A sales contract is usually the initial document used international trade. A
letter of credit, a document issued by a financial institution ensuring
payment to a seller of goods or services, may also accompany shipment.
For export, one may need an export license, which is the express
authorization by a country’s government to export a specific product before
it is shipped. Governments may require an export license to exert some
control over foreign trade for political or military reasons, control the export
of natural resources, or control the export of national treasures or antiques.
Also for export, a shipper’s export declaration is required by U.S. Customs,
which is designed to keep track of the type of goods exported from the
United States, as well as their destination and their value.
There may also be export taxes and quotas in effect.
For import, countries require certain documents to ensure that no shoddy
quality goods are imported; and to help determine the appropriate tariff
classification, the correct value of imported goods, the correct country of
origin for tariff purposes; or to protect importers from fraudulent exporters
or limit (or eliminate) imports of products that the government finds
inappropriate for whatever reason.
Import documents include the following:
Certificate of origin: A document provided by the exporter’s chamber
of commerce that attests that the goods originated from the country in
which the exporter is located. It is used by the importing country to
determine tariff of goods.
Certificate of manufacture: A document provided by the exporter’s
chamber of commerce that attests that the goods were manufactured in
the country in which the exporter is located.
Certificate of inspection: A document provided by an independent
inspection company that attests that the goods conform to the
description contained in the invoice provided by the exporter and that
the value of the goods is reflected accurately on the invoice. It is
always obtained by the exporter in the exporting country, before the
international voyage takes place, and the certificate of inspection is the
result of a pre-shipment inspection (PSI).
Certificate of free sale: This shows that the goods sold by the exporter
can legally be sold in the country of export; this certificate is designed
to prevent the export of products that would be considered defective in
the country of export.
Import license: A document issued by the importing country that is
designed to prevent import of nonessential or overly luxurious
products in developing countries short of foreign currency supply.
Certificate of insurance: Some international terms of sale, or
Incoterms (International Commerce Terms), require that the exporter
provide insurance, and a certificate of insurance offers this proof of
Carnet: International customs documents that simplify customs
procedures for the temporary importation of various types of goods.
They ease the temporary importation of commercial samples,
professional equipment, and goods for exhibitions and fairs by
avoiding extensive customs procedures and eliminating payment of
duties and value-added taxes (minimum 20% in Europe, 27% in
China); they replace the purchase of temporary import bonds.
Terms of Sale
International Commercial Terms, also known as Incoterms, are a set of rules
that define the responsibilities of sellers and buyers for the delivery of goods
under sales contracts for domestic and international trade. They are
published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and are widely
used in international commercial transactions. They provide a common set
of rules to apportion transportation costs and clarify responsibilities of
sellers and buyers for the delivery of goods under sales contracts. The goal is
to simplify the drafting of contracts and help avoid misunderstandings by
clearly describing the obligations of buyers and sellers.
The terms may include export packing costs, inland transportation, export
clearance, vehicle loading, transportation costs, insurance, and duties.
The two main categories of Incoterms® 2010 are now organized by modes of
Group 1: Incoterms® that apply to any mode of transport.
EXW Ex Works
FCA Free Carrier
CPT Carriage Paid To
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To
DAT Delivered at Terminal
DAP Delivered at Place
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
Group 2: Incoterms® that apply to sea and inland waterway transport
FAS Free Alongside Ship
FOB Free on Board
CFR Cost and Freight
CIF Cost, Insurance, and Freight
International Transportation Documents
Transport documents are a crucial part of international trade transactions.
The documents are issued by the shipping line, airline, international trucking
company, railroad, freight forwarder, or logistics companies.
To the shipping company and freight forwarder, transport documents provide
an accounting record of the transaction, instructions on where and how to
ship the goods, and a statement giving instructions for handling the
Key Metrics
In addition to budgeting transportation costs by mode and by lane, a variety
of performance measurements are used in transportation for current
performance versus historical results, internal goals, and carrier
commitments. The main categories of key metrics are service quality and
efficiency and may include on-time delivery, loss and damage rate, billing
accuracy, equipment condition, and customer service.
Transportation management systems (TMSs) have been around for a long
while. Historically, they have been an add-on to an existing enterprise
resource planning (ERP) or legacy (that is, homegrown) order-processing or
warehouse management system (WMS).
Like most software today, they can be installed as resident software or web
based and accessed on demand.
A TMS offers benefits to an organization such as automated auditing and
billing, optimized operations, and improved visibility.
They typically include functionality to plan, schedule, and control an
organization’s transportation system, with functionality for the following:
Planning and decision making: Helps to define the most efficient
transport schemes according to parameters such as the following:
transportation cost, lead time, stops, and so on. Also includes inbound
and outbound transportation mode and transportation provider
selection and vehicle load and route optimization.
Transportation execution: Allows for the execution of a
transportation plan such as carrier rate acceptance, carrier dispatching,
electronic data interchange (EDI), and so on.
Transport follow-up: Tracking of physical or administrative
transportation operations such as traceability of transport event by
receipt, custom clearance, invoicing and booking documents, and
sending of transport alerts (delay, accident, and so on).
Measurement: Cost control and key performance indicator (KPI)
reporting as it relates to transportation.
Ultimately, a supply chain system is made up of connecting links and nodes,
where the transportation system provides the links, and the facilities provide
the nodes. Therefore, the next logical topic to cover is warehouse
management and operations.
8. Warehouse Management and Operations
Types of Warehouses
We will now look at various types of warehouses that exist today from a
number of views. One view is by customer classification, another by role in
the supply chain, and yet another is by ownership type.
Warehouse Features
All the previously described types of warehouses, depending on the industry
they serve, may have features that define them, such as the following:
Automated warehouses: With advances in computer and robotics
technology, many warehouses now have automated capabilities. The
level of automation ranges from a small conveyor belt transporting
products in a small area all the way up to a fully automated facility
where only a few people are needed to handle storage activity for
thousands of pounds/kilograms of product. In many cases, warehouses
use machines to handle nearly all physical distribution activities such
as moving product-filled pallets (that is, platforms that hold large
amounts of product) around buildings that may be several stories tall
and the length of two or more football fields.
Climate-controlled warehouses: Warehouses handle storage of many
types of products, including those that need special handling
conditions such as freezers for storing frozen products, humidity-
controlled environments for delicate products, such as produce or
flowers, and dirt-free facilities for handling highly sensitive computer
products. These are typically used for agricultural products, but there
are other items besides food that may require temperature/humidity
control, such as some medical products.
Warehouse Strategy
The actual warehouse strategy of an organization may vary by industry,
volume, seasonality pattern, and their competitive strategy. The fact is that
many firms utilize a combination of private, public, and contract facilities.
For example, a private or contract facility may be used to cover basic year-
round requirements, whereas public facilities are used to handle peak
seasons. In other cases, central warehouses may be private, whereas market
area or field warehouses are public facilities.
A good rule of thumb when planning your warehouse strategy is that a
warehouse designed for full-capacity utilization will be fully utilized
between 75% and 85% of the time. (That is, 15% to 25% of the time is only
used for surge capacity to meet peak requirements.) In this case, it may be
more efficient to build private facilities to cover the 75% requirement and
use public facilities to accommodate peak demand.
In other cases, a firm may find that private warehousing is the best route to
go at specific locations on the basis of greater distribution volume, whereas
in other markets, public facilities may be the lower-cost option.
In still other cases, the warehouse strategy may be differentiated by customer
and product, where some customer groups are best served from a private
warehouse, whereas a public warehouse may be the better choice for other
Warehouse Economic Benefits
Warehousing provides specific economic benefits. As discussed earlier, in
supply chain and logistics management, there are many cost and service
tradeoffs (see Figure 8.1). In general, the more warehouses or DCs you have
in your network, the greater the inventory costs but the lower the cost of lost
sales (as a result of being closer to your markets).
This is a form of warehousing that pulls together small shipments from a
number of suppliers in the same geographic area and combines them into
larger, more economical shipping loads intended for the same area as
described in the long in, short out rule mentioned earlier (see Figure 8.2).
This involves the matching of on-hand inventory to customer orders in the
packaging configuration desired by the customer. For example, a wholesaler
may order product from its supplier in pallet quantities, which are made up
of many cases of the same product. Their customer, a small retailer, may
only want one case or even individual bottles of product contained in a case.
The concept of allocation allows for this to occur.
Market Presence
Market presence might not seem to be an obvious benefit of a warehouse;
the idea of having a local warehouse is often mentioned by marketing
managers as a way to gain a competitive advantage. The market presence
factor is based on the perception or belief that local warehouses can be more
responsive to customer needs and offer quicker delivery than more distant
warehouses. In many cases, especially in the grocery industry, customers
have their own fleet of trucks, which they can use to pick up their orders
from a supplier instead of having it delivered, thus saving the customer on
shipping costs.
As a result, it is thought that a local warehouse will enhance market share
and potentially increase profitability.
Warehouse Design and Layout
The first decision is where to locate a warehouse, which can be a strategic
decision using a variety of methods, as discussed later in this book.
Once the site is selected, warehouse design is performed using criteria that
looks at both physical facility characteristics and product movement.
One of the first facility considerations is to decide the size of the facility
within the network.
Size of Facility
One of the major determinants is the demand that is expected to be stored
and distributed through the facility now and in the foreseeable future. This is
effected by the product mix, functional requirements such as allocation
methods (for example, pallet in, pallet out, case pick, or pick and pack by
item), automation, and so on. An area may also be needed for processing
rework and returns, office space might be needed for administrative and
clerical activities, and space must be planned for miscellaneous requirements
and any other value-added functions performed such as kitting, light
assembly, and so on.
There are three factors that need to be considered in the design process, as
covered in the following subsections.
Product Flow
Warehouse design should also allow as much straight product flow through
the facility as is possible, whether items are stored or not. In general, this
means that product should be received at one end of the building, stored in
the middle, and then shipped from the other end (not always the case). The
reasoning for this is that straight line product flow tends to minimize
congestion and confusion.
Where you store product in a warehouse (also known as product slotting)
can have a huge impact on efficiency and can improve labor productivity as
Locating product in the best pick sequence can reduce order-picking
labor requirements.
Matching product unit loads with the appropriate size storage slot can
reduce replenishment labor requirements.
Balancing workload between operators can reduce response time and
improve flow.
Separating similar products can avoid picking errors and, as a result,
increase picking accuracy.
Other benefits of efficient slotting include the following:
Lower product damage as a result of storing by heavier product first in
the pick path, then more easily damaged product later.
Palletizing productivity can be improved by sorting product by case
height. This results in tighter pallets for better trailer utilization.
Building expansion can be put off as a result of having optimum
warehouse layout and cube utilization.
In the case of retail DCs, store-level productivity can be increased by
organizing product in family groups. This reduces sorting of product
for restocking at stores.
Facility Layout
As mentioned, the layout of a warehouse should be designed to maximize
flow of material, people, equipment, and even information. (Figure 8.5
shows an example of storage plan designed to maximize product flow.)
Figure 8.5 Product flow storage plan
It is better for a material handler or piece of handling equipment to make a
longer move than to have a number of handlers make numerous, individual,
short segments of the same move. Exchanging the product between handlers
or moving it from one piece of equipment to another wastes time and
increases the potential for damage. In general, fewer, longer movements in
the warehouse are preferred.
Where possible, all warehouse activities should handle or move the largest
quantities possible. Instead of moving individual cases, warehouse activities
should be designed to move groups of cases such as pallets or containers.
This grouping or batching might mean that multiple products or orders must
be moved or selected at the same time, sometimes referred to as wave or
batch picking of orders for loading and shipping.
This might increase the complexity of an individual’s activities because
multiple products or orders must be moved, but it reduces the number of
activities and the total cost.
We also need to consider product characteristics, especially those relating to
volume, weight, and storage.
Product volume or velocity is the major consideration when determining a
warehouse storage plan.
High-volume sales or throughput product should be stored in a location that
minimizes the distance it is moved, such as near primary aisles and in low
storage racks, because such a location minimizes travel distance and the
need for extended lifting.
In contrast, lower-volume product can be stored in locations that are farther
away from primary aisles or higher up in storage racks.
The storage plan should also have a strategy for products dependent on
weight and storage characteristics. Relatively heavy items should be
assigned to locations low to the ground to minimize the effort and risk of
heavy lifting, often considered as a part of what is called ergonomics (that is,
designing and arranging things so that people can use them easily and
Bulky or low-density products usually require extensive storage volume, so
open floor space or high-level racks may be used for them, whereas smaller
items may be put in storage shelves or drawers.
The storage plan must consider and address the specific characteristics of
each product.
Material Handling
The material handling equipment necessary will also be based on the product
physical and volume characteristics.
The goal of material handling is to increase the cube utilization by using as
much height as possible, keep aisle space to a minimum, improve operating
efficiency, increase the load per move, and improve speed of response.
Material handling costs are associated with all movement of materials within
a warehouse, including incoming transport, storage, finding and moving
material, and outgoing transport. These costs not only include the operators
and equipment cost but also supervision, insurance, and depreciation.
The major types of material handling equipment are as follows:
Storage and handling equipment: This type of equipment usually
includes nonautomated storage equipment including pallet racking and
Engineered systems: These are custom engineered material-handling
systems such as conveyors, handling robots, AS/RS (automated
storage and retrieval), AGV (automated guided vehicle), and most
other automated material-handling systems.
Industrial trucks: These pieces of equipment are operator-driven
motorized warehouse vehicles (for example, forklift truck), powered
manually (for example, hand truck) or by gasoline, propane, or
Bulk material handling: This equipment is used to move and store
bulk materials such as liquids and cereals. This equipment is often seen
on farms, shipyards, and refineries.
Pallet Positioning
The actual layout of a warehouse will depend on the proposed material
handling system and will require development of a floor plan to facilitate
product flow (see Figure 8.5).
Warehouse layouts must be refined to fit specific needs, but in general, if
pallets will be utilized (as is most common), the first step is to determine the
pallet size. While a pallet of nonstandard size may be desirable for
specialized products, it is best to use standardized pallets because of their
lower cost. The most common sizes are 40 by 48 inches and 32 by 40 inches.
In general, the larger the pallet load, the lower the cost of movement per
package over a given distance. However, keep in mind that the items to be
placed on the pallet and the related patterns will determine, to a large degree,
the size of pallet best suited to the operation. No matter the size finally
picked, management should adopt one size for the total operation if possible.
It is also important to consider pallet positioning. In a mechanized
warehouse, the best and most accessible position is usually a 90-degree, or
square, placement, meaning that the pallet is positioned perpendicular to the
It is critical to protect against theft of merchandise in warehouse operations
especially for high-value goods.
Typically, at the entrance, as standard procedure, only authorized personnel
are permitted into the facility and surrounding grounds, and entry to the
warehouse yard should be controlled through a single gate.
Many companies that I’ve visited have both an external gate and internal
security entrance, which operates much like airport security with x-ray
wanding of the body, checking bags, and walking through x-ray machines.
Many shortages are the result of innocent mistakes made during order
picking and shipment, but the purpose of security is to restrict theft from
anywhere. To show how creative theft can be, years ago I worked at an
upscale retail DC. At the time, the Izod alligator was extremely popular. It
was so valuable that temporary employees were cutting the embroidered
alligator logo off of shirts, leaving the shirts behind when they left for the
day. So theft, in many cases, can also come from employees during working
It is also important that items are not released from the warehouse unless
accompanied by a release document, and if samples are authorized for
salespeople, the merchandise should be kept separate from other inventory
and also accounted for.
A variety of things can make an item nonusable or nonmarketable (the most
common of which is damage from careless transfer or storage). Only so
much can be done to protect product from being damaged by rough
handling, such as forks accidentally rammed through product by a forklift
driver or product falling off of racks.
Product that is noncompatible with other products but stored in the same
facility can also cause deterioration (or contamination), but deterioration
from careless handling within the warehouse is the most common form and a
loss that cannot be insured.
Warehouse Operations
The major processes in a warehouse are receiving, putaway, storage, picking,
loading, and shipping (see Figure 8.6). Each involves a series of steps.
Figure 8.6 Major warehouse processes
Receiving: This process can include the scheduling of carriers to
deliver product and the unloading, counting, verifying of order or bill
of lading information, and inspecting of material.
Receiving usually entails a combination of lift truck, conveyors, and
manual processes. When product is floor stacked, it may need to be
manually offloaded and put onto a pallet or conveyor. Unit or pallet
loads can be offloaded with forklift trucks for efficient unloading of a
trailer or container.
Putaway: Product is identified by SKU or part number, sorted, and put
away, with the location being recorded. Product is usually brought to
remote storage.
Storage: Product is stored in a designated location within the
warehouse. This may be racks, bins, shelves, or even on the floor.
Picking: This process occurs when customer orders for product are
ready to be shipped or to replenish a forward case or unit pick area. In
the case of replenishment, pick slots are replenished from storage
locations (typically full pallets or cases). Depending on the size of the
orders (that is, full pallets, case, or eaches), outbound orders are picked
from either storage or pick-and-pack areas, SKUs and quantities are
then validated, and the items are brought to shipping area.
Shipping: The shipping process includes the scheduling of the carrier
for pickup as well as the staging of product in the shipping dock area
and finally loading onto a vehicle.
Once the carrier arrives, the order (both product and documents) is
prepared for shipment and then loaded and secured on the correct
vehicle with protective packaging for shipment and documents.
Dispatch is then called, and the product is sent on its way.
Everything we buy, whether in business or as a consumer, comes in some
kind of packaging. From a logistics perspective, packaging provides
protection for the item as it being handled in the warehouse or when the item
is being shipped, as well as for economies and efficiency in shipping,
storage, and handling.
As mentioned previously, most warehouses use pallets. Therefore, it is
important when developing packaging that items are stored safely and
efficiently on a pallet, thus reducing the cost of materials handling.
Customers who will be purchasing items at the pallet level will also benefit
from efficient packaging.
Packaging must protect the item from damage during handling and from
environmental damage such as extreme temperature, water damage,
contamination with other goods, or damage from static in the case of
electronic items.
Internal packaging is developed mainly as a visual device to interest to
appeal to the consumer as well as information required by law. The external
packaging protects the internal packaging and the item and must also have
enough information so that it identifies the contents, in text and often with
barcodes for use with radio frequency (RF) technology in the warehouse.
The external packaging also needs to have dimensions that allow a
reasonable quantity to be stored on a pallet in the most efficient manner.
When companies develop packaging, they usually look at lightweight
materials where possible, such as paperboard, aluminum, and plastic.
Corrugated cardboard is typically used for efficient exterior packaging, as a
result of its strength, light weight, and recyclability. The corrugated outer
container has information printed on it, as well as barcodes that identify the
item and manufacturer, and in some cases radio frequency identification
(RFID) tags, which use wireless noncontact RF electromagnetic fields to
store and transfer data, for the purposes of automatically identifying and
tracking tags attached to items.
Key Metrics
In a warehouse, there are both customer-facing and internal metrics.
Customer-Facing Metrics
The customer-facing metrics look at order accuracy and completeness,
because customers want to receive the exact products and quantities that
they ordered at the right time, not substitute or incorrect items, and/or wrong
quantities that are shipped late. Timeliness is a critical component of
customer service. There is one measurement that is kind of the white whale
in the logistics field because it is very difficult to attain, known as the perfect
order measurement, which measures whether an order (by line item) is
delivered to the right place, at the right time, in defect-free condition and
with the correct documentation, pricing, and invoicing.
So, for example, consider an order with the following metrics:
Order entry accuracy: 99.9% Correct (10 errors per 10,000 order
Warehouse pick accuracy: 99%
Delivered on time: 97%
Shipped without damage: 99%
Invoiced correctly: 99.5%
It has a perfect order measure of 99.9% * 99% * 97% * 99% * 99.5% =
Internal Metrics
Internal measurements look at speed and efficiency or productivity from a
variety of views, including distribution cost and aggregate cost efficiency
(total distribution spending versus goal or budget), asset utilization, and
resource productivity and efficiency because distribution costs can average
as much as 10% of every sales dollar.
Two general types of software are commonly used today at warehouses and
DCs. They are warehouse management systems (WMSs) and yard
management systems (YMSs).
So far, we have discussed planning for demand and supply and how
transportation and warehouse operations provide time and place utilities to
the customer. Ultimately, it falls upon the shoulders of the supply chain and
logistics function to fulfill orders to meet customer demand, and that is
where order management and customer relationship management come into
Order management refers to the set of activities that occur between the time
a company receives an order from the customer and the time a warehouse is
notified to ship the goods to fill that order. Another term, order fulfillment,
includes the steps involved in receiving, processing, and delivering orders to
end customers. In many cases, they are used interchangeably.
The actual time that it takes to perform these activities is often referred to as
the order cycle or lead time (see Figure 9.1), and some organizations expand
on this to include customer payment, which is referred to as the order-to-
cash cycle.
Order Management
Order management is primarily made up of four stages: order placement,
order processing, order preparation, and loading and order delivery (see
Figure 9.2).
Order Placement
Order placement is the series of events that occur between when a customer
places or sends an order and the time the seller receives the order. There are
a variety of methods of order placement, including in person, mail,
telephone, fax, or electronically via EDI (electronic data interchange) or the
Order Processing
Order processing refers to the time from when the seller receives an order
until an appropriate location (that is, warehouse) is authorized to fill the
Order processing typically may include the following steps:
1. Check for completeness and accuracy.
2. Customer credit check.
3. Order entry into the computer system (manually or electronically).
4. Marketing department credits salesperson.
5. Accounting department records the transaction.
6. Inventory department locates the nearest warehouse to the customer
and advises them to pick the order (again, manually or transmitted
electronically, depending on the company’s technological capabilities).
7. Transportation department arranges for shipment of the order.
Factors that may affect order processing time include the following:
Processing priorities: Similar to short-term scheduling, can be first-
come, first-served, shortest lead time, and so on. This varies based on
an individual organization’s strategy and policies.
Order-filling accuracy: The more accurate the order is received from
the customer and input by customer service, the less time spent
correcting it.
Order batching: It may be more efficient to batch orders for picking
in a warehouse. One batching method, mentioned previously, is known
as wave picking, where orders are assigned into groupings or waves
and released together.
Lot sizing: Full pallet orders may be processed faster than case or unit
pick, as discussed in Chapter 8, “Warehouse Management and
Shipment consolidation: Full truckload orders will be delivered faster
than less than truckload (LTL), as discussed Chapter 7, “Transportation
Systems.” Consolidating small orders going to the same area can not
only decrease transportation costs but also speed delivery.
Order Preparation and Loading
Order preparation and loading includes all activities from when an
appropriate location is authorized to fill the order until goods are loaded
aboard an outbound carrier.
In many cases, this can be one of the best places to improve the effectiveness
and efficiency of an order cycle and can account for the majority of a
facility’s operating cost and time. Technology such as handheld scanners,
radio frequency identification (RFID), voice-based order picking, and pick-
to-light systems (discussed in Chapter 8) can help speed up the process.
Order Delivery
Order delivery is the time from when a carrier picks up the shipment until it
is received by the customer. It is important to closely coordinate picking and
staging of orders with carrier arrival because docks and yards can get
congested easily and charges apply when carriers are made to wait too long
before loading.
Most consumer goods are delivered either from a point of production
(factory or farm) in the case of larger or expedited shipments or more
typically through one or more points of storage (that is, manufacturer,
wholesaler/distributor, or retail warehouses) to a point of sale (that is, retail
store), where the consumer buys the good to consume there or to take home.
There are many variations on this model for specific types of goods and
modes of sale. Products sold via catalog or the Internet may be delivered
directly from the manufacturer or field warehouse to the consumer’s home.
In some cases, manufacturers may have factory outlets that serve as both a
warehouse and a retail store.
While all processes in the supply chain in general, and order management
specifically, are subject to measurement (covered later in the text), this is
where the “rubber meets the road,” so to speak, and is probably one of the
most critical points for success or failure in the supply chain. This is due to
the fact that delivery, which may be performed by a third party in many
cases, is the last point of physical contact with the customer (except in the
case of returns, covered in the next chapter).
Customer Relationship Management
The supply chain and logistics function supports a vast array of entities,
including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers,
and so the “customer” can wear many hats.
From the view of the general supply chain, the consumer is the final
customer. However, depending on where you are in the supply chain, the
customer may be the next step in the supply chain. If you are a supplier or
vendor, a manufacturer may be your customer. To the manufacturer, the
wholesaler, distributor, retailer, or end user may be your customer. Within
each “node” in the supply chain (for example, manufacturing), there are a
host of processes, so the next step in the process may be your customer as
well as the end user.
Customer Service
In general, customer service is a means by which companies try to
differentiate their product, sustain customer loyalty, increase sales, and
improve profitability. Its main elements are price, product quality, and
The supply chain and logistics function is a critical part of the marketing mix
because it has a significant impact on all four of its components of product,
price, promotion, and place. As discussed earlier this book, the supply chain
provides a place and time utility to the customer as provided by the logistics
or physical distribution variables of product availability and order cycle
Levels of Focus
Another way that some companies look at customer satisfaction is by
breaking it into levels of focus.
The first level is a basic focus on customer “service,” where you offer a
product/service and a customer needs that product/service. The transaction
happens, money changes hands, and no major issues come up. You then
benchmark it against industry and competitor practices to achieve internal
The second level, or customer “engagement,” is about building a relationship
and loyalty so that when a customer is ready to buy, they will immediately
purchase from the company they’ve been engaged with during that time.
You also want to consider the customer’s perception of satisfaction and
manage performance to keep them satisfied.
The third level, customer “intimacy,” occurs when companies are close
enough to their customers that they can begin to anticipate a customer need
and respond accordingly. You may even extend the supply chain to include
your customer’s customer and also provide value-added services for select
An order management system (OMS) is a computer software system used in
many industries for order entry and processing. In most cases, it is part of a
larger ERP or accounting system (see Figure 9.5).
Figure 9.5 Order management system (OMS) and other supply chain
execution systems
OMS applications manage processes, including order entry, customer credit
validation, pricing, promotions, inventory allocation, invoice generation,
sales commissions, and sales history.
A distributed order management (DOM) system differs from an OMS in that
it manages the assignment of orders across a network of multiple production,
distribution, and retail locations to ensure that logistics costs and customer
service levels are optimized.
An OMS is usually deployed as part of an enterprise application, such as an
ERP system, because its sales engine is integrated with the organization’s
inventory, procurement, and financial systems.
As previously mentioned, a CRM system manages a company’s interactions
with current and future customers and involves using technology to
organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and
technical support. This includes the management of business contacts,
clients, contract wins, and sales leads within the sales function, sometimes
referred to as sales force automation (SFA) software.
Perhaps the biggest benefit to most businesses when moving to a CRM
system comes from having all your business data stored and accessed from a
single location, whereas before CRM systems, customer data was spread out
over office productivity suite documents, email systems, mobile phone data,
and even paper note cards and Rolodex entries.
The last step in supply chain and logistics operations is known as reverse
logistics and is covered next.
10. Reverse Logistics and Sustainability
Reverse logistics is integrated to an organization’s supply chain in the cases
of the reusable nature of packages such as glass bottles, plastic containers,
print cartridges, and so on.
In case of large refillable water bottles, for example, the delivery truck
delivers filled bottles to and collects the same number of empty bottles from
them for delivery to the factory. No extra transportation costs are involved in
the process because the same delivery truck originates and terminates its
journey at the factory where these reusable bottles are refilled for redelivery
to customers.
Typically, this type of arrangement is accomplished via a hub-and-spoke
distribution system (that is, a centralized distribution system where inventory
is shipped from a central location to smaller locations or directly to
consumers, similar to a bicycle hub-and-spoke configuration).
This is an emergency situation where the products distributed in the market
are called back to the factory because of any of the following reasons:
Product not giving the guaranteed performance
Quality complaints from many customers
Defective products causing harm to human life
Products beyond expiry date
Products with defective design
Incomplete product
Violation of government regulations
Ethical considerations
Save the company image
A product recall puts a large financial burden on a company, but in the
competitive scenario, the companies consider recall as an opportunity to
increase customer satisfaction.
Manufacturers in developed countries are putting in practice a relatively new
concept of remanufacturing because during the usage of the product, it
undergoes wear and tear. During remanufacturing, worn-out parts are
replaced with new ones, and the performance of the product is upgraded to
the level of a new one.
Similarly, equipment sold can be checked after use to the remanufacturing
process and be brought back to the remanufacturing unit.
The investment in remanufacturing and related reverse logistics supply chain
can be justified on the basis of economies of scale.
Publishing Industry
The publishing industry has the highest rate of unsold copies (28% on
average). This has been partially a result of the growth of large chain stores
requiring more books and magazines. To secure a prominent display in
superstores, publishers must supply large numbers of books. The fact is that
superstores sell less than 70% of books they order, and they have a relatively
short shelf life.
Computer Industry
Computers have a relatively short lifecycle, so there are opportunities to
reuse and create value out of computer equipment. They contain what is
known as e-waste, such as lead, copper, aluminum gold, plastics, and glass.
E-waste not only comes from computers but also televisions, cell phones,
audio equipment, and batteries.
For example, in the remanufacturing of toner cartridges, there are 12,000
remanufacturers, employing 42,000 workers, that sell nearly $1 billion worth
of remanufactured cartridges annually.
Automotive Industry
There are three primary areas for reverse logistics in the automotive
Components in working order are sold as is (for example, parts from
Components such as engines, alternators, starters, and transmissions
are refurbished before they can be sold.
Materials are reclaimed through crushing or shredding.
Automotive recyclers handle more than 37% of the nation’s metal scrap, and
the remanufactured auto parts market is estimated at $34 billion annually.
Retail Industry
Profit margins in retail are so slim that good return management is critical
because returns reduce the profitability of retailers marginally more than
manufacturers. In fact, returns reduce the profitability of retailers by 4.3%
(Rogers & Tibben-Lembke, 1998).
Product returns are received at a centralized location, usually a warehouse or
distribution center (usually after being gathered from retail locations or
returned by the end user themselves). In many cases, a first step in this
process is to provide a return acknowledgment.
The returns may arrive via many carriers and in a variety of packages, either
on full pallets or individual containers.
The concept of pre-postponement can be useful in this process, where
companies such as Sauder Woodworking Company, which makes ready-to-
assemble furniture, processes returns as close as possible to the point of sale
so as to determine quickly which returns were recoverable and which were
Returned products are then subsorted into items, based on their stock
keeping unit (SKU) number. They can then be returned to inventory. If they
are vendor returns, they are sorted by vendor.
There is usually some kind of processing station where they are processed by
order of their receipt, type of product, customer type or location, physical
size of the items, and so forth.
Paperwork that came with the return is separated from the item and
compared with the electronic records to identify any discrepancies.
The value of the returned item is determined by trained employees to see
whether it should be repaired or refurbished and which are allowable versus
nonallowable returns, for example.
The last part of this step is the marketing of products that have been
repackaged, repaired, refurbished, or remanufactured, which are usually
shipped to secondary markets.
At this point, returns in good condition such as back-to-stock or -store items
are returned to inventory. If the items require repair, refurbishment, or
repackaging, then diagnostics, repairs, and assembly/disassembly operations
are performed as needed.
Product Location
The first step in the callback process is to identify the product location in the
physical distribution system of the firm. Product location becomes more
difficult after it is sold and handed over to the customer.
It is a bit easier in the case of industrial or high-value products because of
the limited number of customers and personal interaction with the clients
due to direct selling.
Retailer-Manufacturer Conflict
Inefficiencies in a reverse logistics process can lengthen the time for
processing returns, such as the condition and value of the item and the
timeliness of response. The buyer and seller have to develop a good working
partnership to derive mutual benefit.
Reactive Response
In recent years, government regulation or pressure from environmental
agencies has forced companies to begin to focus on an area that is not one of
their core competencies. It has not been possible to justify a large investment
in improving reverse logistics systems and capabilities. Some have been able
to see it as a win-win game by developing strategies mentioned previously
such as good corporate citizenship and recapturing value and recovering
Overall, in many companies, management inattention and the lack of
importance of reverse logistics, especially handling returns and nonsalable
items, has resulted in restrictive policies in this regard. This may be in part
due to not wanting their returns being used to cannibalize existing sales.
Recently, there seems to be a trend toward reducing or eliminating restrictive
policies and attempting to handle returns more effectively to recover value
from what can be a valuable resource (Rogers & Tibben-Lembke, 1998).
Gatekeeping is the screening of defective or unwarranted returned
merchandise at the beginning of the reverse logistics process.
It is the first critical factor to ensure that the entire reverse flow is both
manageable and profitable. In the past, companies have put most resources
into the forward logistics process and have given very little time and effort
into the reverse process.
While liberal return policies, like those at L.L. Bean, Walmart, and Target,
may draw customers, they can also encourage customer abuse, such as the
return of items lightly used for an event or one occasion.
So, it is important to have a solid gatekeeping process. For example, the
electronic gaming company Nintendo will rebate retailers if they register the
game player sold to the consumer at the point of sale. By doing this,
Nintendo and retailers can determine whether the product is under warranty,
and also if it is being returned inside the allowed time window. The impact
from this new system on their bottom line was substantial: an 80% drop in
return rates.
Zero Returns
A company may have a program that does not accept returns from its
customers. Rather, it gives the retailer an allowable return rate and proposes
guidelines as to the proper disposition of the items. Such policies are usually
accompanied by discounts for the retailer.
This type of policy passes the returns responsibility onto the retailer, while
reducing costs for the manufacturer or distributor.
The drawback is that the manufacturer loses some control over its
Remanufacture and Refurbishment
The advantage of remanufacturing and refurbishment is using reworked
parts, resulting in a cost savings.
There are five categories of remanufacture and refurbishment:
Make the product reusable for its intended purpose:
1. Repair
2. Refurbishing
3. Remanufacturing
Retrieve reusable parts from old or broken products:
4. Cannibalization
Reuse parts of products for different purpose:
5. Recycling
Asset Recovery
Asset recovery is the classification and disposition of returned goods,
surplus, obsolete, scrap, waste and excess material products, and other
assets. It tries to maximize returns to the owner, while minimizing costs and
liabilities for the dispositions.
The objective of asset recovery is to recover as much of the economic (and
ecological) value as is possible, thus reducing the final quantities of waste.
This can be a good cash-generating opportunity for companies, who can sell
these goods that would otherwise end up in landfills.
Negotiation is a key element for all parties of the reverse logistics process.
Because of the inherent lack of expertise on product returns, negotiations
usually are informal and approached without formal pricing guidelines.
Firms often do not maximize the residual value of returned product.
Financial Management
This is one of the most difficult parts of reverse logistic and also one of the
most important.
Returns are sometimes charged against sales. Sales department personnel
may tend to fight returns and delay them as much as possible. Accounts
receivables are also impacted by returns.
As mentioned previously, reverse logistics is usually not a core competence
of the firm. In many cases, it may make more sense for the firm to outsource
their reverse logistics functions than keep those in-house.
Green Logistics
Another term has emerged as a result called green logistics, which refers to
minimizing the ecological impact of logistics. An example of this is a
reduction in the energy usage of logistics activities and reduction in the
usage of materials. Reducing the carbon footprint in a supply chain is a
sustainability priority for logistics.
Environmental considerations have a greater impact on many logistics
decisions. For example, many products can no longer be placed in landfills,
and as a result, many companies must take back their products at the end of
their useful lifetime. At the same time, there is a decrease of landfill
availability resulting in an increase in landfill costs.
Many products are banned from being placed in a landfill either because
they present a health risk, such as cathode ray tubes (CRTs) in old TVs and
computer monitors, or because they take up too much space.
Products that are banned from landfills include the following: motor oil,
household batteries, household appliances, paper products, tires, and some
medical and electrical equipment. Product bans represent a new reverse
logistics opportunity, because when companies are forced to take their
products back when they are banned, they reuse the products and recapture
their value. The firm is also looked upon as an environmentally friendly
Many companies, such as Hewlett-Packard and Xerox, have adopted an
extended product responsibility (EPR) program, which focuses on the total
life of the product, looking for ways to prevent pollution and reduce resource
and energy usage through the product’s lifecycle.
Programs and processes like product takeback and EPR are part of a strategy
that has become known as closed-loop supply chains, which are designed
and managed to encompass both forward and reverse flows activities in a
supply chain.
The reverse logistics activities of reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishing, and
recycling have become to be known as the four R’s of sustainability. The R’s,
while different, are now being used by many organizations together in a
broad program where they complement to each other.
Other examples of companies using green concepts in supply chain to their
advantage include the following:
Walmart, which anticipates its goal of a 5% reduction in packaging by
2013, will produce $3.4 billion in direct savings and roughly $11
billion in savings across the supply chain.
Johnson & Johnson’s energy-efficiency program resulted in an
estimated $30 million in annualized savings over the 10 years prior to
the company’s 2006 sustainability report.
Nestlé, through a combination of packaging source reduction, reuse,
recycling, and energy recovery, saved $510 million, worldwide,
between 1991 and 2006 (Futin, 2010).
The emergence of global supply chains has presented challenges, risks, and
opportunities for both forward and reverse flows, including environmental or
green laws, which is the topic of our next chapter.
11. Global Supply Chain Operations and Risk
Growth of Globalization
In recent years, we have seen a change in how firms organize their
production into global supply chains, with companies increasingly
outsourcing some of their activities to third parties and locating parts of their
supply chain outside their home country (known as offshoring).
They are also increasingly partnering with other firms through strategic
alliances and joint ventures, enabling not only large but also smaller firms
and suppliers to become global.
These types of global business strategies have allowed firms to specialize on
core competencies to sustain their competitive advantage.
This is not limited to just outsourcing manufacturing and supply chain
operations but also includes business process outsourcing (BPO) and
information technology (IT) services that are supplied from a large number
of locations as well as other knowledge-intensive activities such as research
and development (R&D).
Ocean transport is perhaps the most common and important global shipment
method and accounts for approximately two-thirds of all international
movements. Some of the advantages of this mode of international
transportation are low rates and the ability to transport a wide variety of
products and shipment size.
It breaks up into three major categories of 1) liner services, which have
regular routes and operate to a schedule and operate as a common carrier,
and 2) charter vessels, which are for hire to carry bulk (dry or liquid) or
break bulk (cargoes with individually handled pieces) to any suitable port in
the world, and 3) private carriers.
International air transportation is primarily used for premium or expedited
shipments due to its fast transit times. However, as explained previously, this
mode is subject to high transportation rates.
When in a foreign country, like domestically, motor carrier is one of the
most popular forms of transportation because its standardization reduces
complexity. For example, motor transport is the primary form of
transportation when shipping goods to between the United States and
Mexico or Canada and is common in Europe. It also plays a major role in
intermodal shipments, especially at ports when unloading container ships.
International railroad use is also highly similar to domestic rail use, and
intermodal container shipments by rail are increasing.
Global Intermediaries
In addition to the global intermediaries such as freight forwarders and
customs brokers discussed in Chapter 7, “Transportation Systems,” there
may be the need for storage and packaging expertise.
Storage Facilities
What are known as transit sheds can provide temporary storage while the
goods await the next portion of the journey in a foreign land. In some cases,
the carrier may provide storage on-dock, free of charge until the vessel’s
next departure date. Public warehouses are available for extended storage
Bonded warehouses, mentioned in Chapter 8, “Warehouse Management and
Operations,” operate under customs agency’s supervision and can be used to
store, repack, sort, or clean imported merchandise entered for warehousing
without paying import duties while the goods are in storage.
Export shipments moving by ocean transportation typically require stricter
packaging than domestic shipments because the freight handling involves
many firms and the firms are located in different countries. As a result, the
shipper may find settling liability claims for damage to export goods
Sources of Risk
Before determining a risk management strategy for your organization, it is
important to consider the possible sources of risk. There are five sources of
risk in a supply chain, some of which are internal, others external to your
organization (see Figure 11.2) (Christopher & Peck, 2005).
Figure 11.2 Sources of risk in the supply chain
Internal Risks
Process risk refers to the value-adding and managerial activities undertaken
by the firm and to disruptions to these processes. These processes are usually
dependent on internally owned or managed assets and on the existing
infrastructure, so the reliability of supporting transportation, communication,
and infrastructure should be carefully considered.
Control risks are the rules, systems, and procedures that determine how
organizations exert control over the processes and are therefore the risks
arising from the use (or misuse) of these rules. For the supply chain, they
include order quantities, batch sizes, safety stock policies, and so on and any
policies and procedures that cover asset and transportation management.
External Risks
Demand and supply risk are external to the organization, but are internal to
the networks through which materials, products, and information flow
between companies. The organization should consider potential disruptions
to the flow of product and information from within and between all parties in
the extended supply chain network and at least understand and monitor the
potential risks that may affect other supply chain partners.
Supply risk is the upstream equivalent of demand risk and relates to potential
or actual disturbances to the flow of product or information from within the
network, upstream of your organization.
Environmental risks are disruptions that are external to the network of
organizations through which the products flow. This type of event can
impact your organization directly, on those upstream or downstream, or on
the marketplace itself.
Environmental-related events may affect a particular product (for example,
contamination) or place through which the supply chain passes (for example,
an accident, direct action, extreme weather, or natural disasters). They may
also be the result of sociopolitical, economic, or technological events far
removed from your firm’s own supply chains, with the effects often reaching
other industry networks. In some cases, the type or timing of these events
may be predictable (for example, regulatory changes), and many will not be,
but their potential impact can still be evaluated (Christopher & Peck, 2005).
Risk Mitigation
Depending on the type of supply chain risk, what follows are some common
supply chain risks and tactics for risk mitigation (Heizer & Render, 2013):
Supplier failure to deliver: Use multiple suppliers with contracts with
containing penalties. When possible, keep subcontractors on retainer.
Example: McDonald’s planned its supply chain many years before
opening stores in Russia. All plants are monitored closely to ensure
strong links.
Supplier quality failure: Ensure that you have adequate supplier
selection, training, certification, and monitoring processes.
Example: Darden Restaurants (that is, Olive Garden restaurants) uses
third-party audits and other controls on supplier processes and logistics
for reduction of risk.
Logistics delays or damage: Have multiple or backup transportation
modes and warehouses. Make sure that you have secure packaging and
execute contracts with penalties for nonconformance.
Example: Walmart always plans for alternative origins and delivery
routes bypassing problem areas when delivering from its distribution
centers to its stores with its private fleet.
Distribution: Have a detailed selection and management process when
using public warehouses. Make sure that your contracts have penalties
for nonconformance.
Example: Toyota trains its dealers on improving customer service,
logistics, and repair facilities.
Information loss or distortion: Always backup databases within
secure information systems. Use established industry standards and
train of supply chain partners on the understanding and use of
Example: Boeing utilizes a state-of-the-art international
communication system that transmits engineering, scheduling, and
logistics data to Boeing facilities and suppliers worldwide.
Political: Companies can purchase political risk insurance. This is also
the situation where you may decide to go the route of franchising and
licensing with your business.
Example: Hard Rock Cafe restaurants try to reduce political risk by
franchising and licensing in countries where they deem that the
political and cultural barriers are great.
Economic: Hedging, the act of entering into a financial contract to
protect against unexpected, expected, or anticipated changes in
currency exchange rates, can be used to address exchange rate risk.
Example: Honda and Nissan have moved some of its manufacturing
processes out of Japan since the exchange rate for the yen has made
Japanese-made automobiles more expensive.
Natural catastrophes: In many cases, natural disasters can be planned
for by taking out various forms of insurance (for example, flood
insurance). Companies may also consider alternate sourcing for
Example: Toyota, after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, has
established at least two suppliers, in different geographic regions, for
each component.
Theft, vandalism, and terrorism: Again, in some cases, there is
insurance available for these types of risk. Companies also enforce
patent protection and use security measures such as radio frequency
identification (RFID) and Global Positioning System (GPS).
Example: Domestic Port Radiation Initiative. The U.S. government has
established radiation monitors at all major U.S. ports that scan
imported containers for radiation.
One reason that risk exists in a supply chain, global or domestic, is that, due
to its complexity, many companies choose to outsource many services. Risk
of this type can be minimized if managed properly, which is the topic of the
next chapter.
Part IV: Supply Chain Integration
and Collaboration
12. Supply Chain Partners
The supply chain and logistics function is always a prime candidate for
outsourcing. Strategically speaking, most successful companies stay with
their core competencies and let outside entities help with the rest.
This can range from sourcing of functional areas such as materials,
transportation/warehouse services, and manufacturing, to most of an
organization, known as a virtual company.
There are actually four major ways to get things done in business:
Internally: Processes that are core competencies are usually the best
way to perform an activity.
Acquisition: Gives the acquiring firm full control over the way the
particular business function is performed. Can be difficult and
expensive (culture/competitors).
Arm’s-length transactions: Most business transactions are of this
type. These are short-term arrangements that meet a particular business
need but don’t lead to long-term strategic advantages.
Strategic alliances: Longer-term multifaceted partnerships between
two companies that are goal oriented. There are both risks and rewards
to an alliance, which are shared, but alliances can lead to long-term
strategic benefits for both partners. Strategic alliances in the supply
chain include third-party (3PL) and fourth-party (4PL) logistics
Outsourcing is the contracting out of a business process to a third-party
where an organization transfers some internal activities and resources of a
firm to outside vendors. It is really an extension of the subcontracting and
contract manufacturing of product, which have both existed for a very long
time. Outsourcing includes both foreign and domestic contracting, and can
include offshoring (that is, relocating a business function to another country).
Most firms outsource some functions where they don’t feel that they have a
competency, such as the fulfillment of orders, as in the printing industry, or
using for-hire motor carriers for delivery to customers, which is common in
many industries.
In the 1990s, to reduce costs, companies began to outsource a variety of
services, such as accounting, human resources, technology, internal mail
distribution, security, and facility maintenance.
From a supply chain standpoint, a variety of functions may be candidates for
outsourcing, such as warehousing, transportation, freight audit and payment,
procurement, and customer service/call centers.
In today’s global economy, organizations look for long-term strategic
partnerships for functions and services, some that might even be considered
core competencies, to gain a strategic advantage. The rapid increase in
outsourcing can at least partially be attributed to increased technological
expertise, more-reliable and less-costly transportation service, and
advancements in telecommunications and computer systems.
Reasons to Outsource
Reasons to outsource include the following:
Lower operational and labor costs: These are usually the primary
reasons why companies choose to outsource. When properly executed,
it has a defining impact on a company’s revenue and can deliver large
Company focus: So that a company can continue to focus on core
business processes while delegating less-important, time-consuming
processes to external partners.
Knowledge: It can enable companies to leverage a global knowledge
base and have access to world-class capabilities.
Freeing up internal resources: They can be put to more effective use
for other purposes.
Access to resources not available internally: Companies may have
internal resource constraints.
Specialists for hard-to-manage areas: By delegating responsibilities
to external agencies, companies can hand off functions that are
difficult to manage and control while still realizing their benefits.
Risk mitigation: Outsourcing, and especially offshoring, helps
companies to mitigate risk.
Reengineering: Can enable companies to realize the benefits of a
reengineering process.
New markets: Some companies may outsource to help them expand
and gain access to new market areas, by moving the point of
production or service delivery closer to their end users.
There are many advantages to using 3PL service providers, including the
Focus on core strengths: Allows a company to focus on its core
competencies and leave logistics to the experts.
Provides technological flexibility: Technology advances are adopted
by better 3PL providers in a quicker, more cost-effective way than
doing it yourself. 3PLs may already have the capability to meet the
needs of a firm’s potential customers.
Flexibility: The use of a 3PL offers companies flexibility in
geographic locations, service offerings, resources, and workforce size.
Cost savings: 3PLs offer the economic principle of specialization by
building up logistical infrastructures, methodologies, and computer-
based algorithms to maximize shipping efficiency to cut a client’s
logistics costs.
Capabilities: Smaller companies have to make large investments to
expand their logistic capabilities. It may be more cost-effective and
quicker to add capabilities through 3PLs.
Disadvantages of using 3PLs include the following:
Loss of control in outsourcing a particular function: As most 3PLs
are on the outbound side, they heavily interact with an organization’s
customers. Knowing that, many 3PL firms work very hard to address
these concerns by doing things such as painting client company logos
on the sides of trucks, dressing 3PL employees in the uniforms of the
hiring company, and providing extensive reporting on each customer
Pricing models: By handing logistics over to a 3PL service, a
company may be missing the possibility that an in-house logistics
department could come up with a cheaper and more efficient solution.
Dependency: If a 3PL is not working out as expected, switching a
company’s logistical support can cost the company a great deal in
unanticipated costs resulting from the changes in pricing or
unsatisfactory service reliability from the 3PL service.
Logistics is one of the core competencies of a firm: In this case, it
makes no sense to outsource these activities to a supplier who may not
be as capable as the firm’s in-house expertise.
Ryder is one of the largest and most recognizable 3PL brand names. They
are a lead logistics provider for most General Motors plants and services,
Chrysler/Fiat, Toyota, and Honda, plus a multitude of tier-one suppliers.
Among their services, they run inbound supply chain management,
sequencing centers, and just-in-time (JIT) and dedicated contract carriage
operations for clients.
Results that Ryder has had with clients include the following:
Apria Healthcare: In 2012, Apria contracted with Ryder Supply
Chain Services (SCS) to provide dedicated contract carriage
(DCC) dry-van truckload transportation services for products
moving from its seven distribution centers (DCs) and cross-dock
to its branch operations. As part of the operation, Ryder SCS also
manages unattended deliveries, hazardous materials, product
segregation, and vendor returns.
The following actions were taken:
The majority of inbound supplier shipments consolidated onto
full truckloads. (More than 75% shipments now move at
truckload rates.)
Supplier shipment frequency reduced to one to two times per
week to each Apria DC.
Expedited freight greatly reduced, and the standard shipment
method is now truckload and less than truckload.
The network has been optimized by filling Ryder’s dedicated
operation’s backhaul lanes with inbound shipments from
suppliers to Apria DCs.
Carrier Corporation (Mexico): Ryder supports three Carrier air
conditioner-related operations in and around Monterrey.
At the Carrier residential air conditioner factory in Monterrey,
Ryder has 110 employees integrated with 1,100 Carrier
employees. Ryder’s personnel handle receiving, manufacturing
(JIT/Kanban), support, and shipping. Ryder does all phases of
the materials management for Carrier, including sequencing,
kitting, picking, and packing. Ryder also handles a large portion
of inbound material with dedicated and managed transportation
for the facility (Armstrong & Associates, Inc., 2007 and 2013).
The players involved in creating a 4PL organization are as follows:
The client, who provides start-up equity, some assets, working capital,
operational expertise, staff, and, of course, procures logistics services
from the 4PL organization
3PL service providers (primarily for transportation services and
distribution facilities)
The 4PL partner, who may provide a range of resources, including
logistics strategy, reengineering skill, benchmarks, IT development,
customer service, and supplier management and logistics consulting
The typical 4PL organization is hybrid, in that it is formed from a number of
different entities and typically established as a joint venture (JV) or long-
term contract.
The goals of partners and clients are aligned through profit sharing, and the
4PL is responsible for the management and operation of the entire supply
chain, with a continual flow of information between partners and the 4PL
Menlo Worldwide Logistics ( is a leader in 4PL that
specializes in the integration of all functions across the supply chain, from
sourcing of raw materials, through product manufacturing, to the distribution
of finished goods.
Menlo acts as a neutral single point of control for your supply chain by
managing the procurement, optimization, information analytics, and
operations of your supply chain network. They help their clients to create
flexible supply chain solutions that support their corporate strategy while
increasing supply chain savings and service improvements. They act as a
change agent to ensure the success of a client’s supply chain transformation.
They provide the following:
Deployment of Lean tools and methodologies
Self-funding initiatives
Delivery of flexible supply chains built to withstand business change
and improve velocity
Delivery of best-of-breed and customer-specific business solutions
To get an idea of what kind of success companies can have implementing a
4PL strategy, here are some results from some Menlo clients (Con-way,
Automotive customer: Managed more than 12,000 locations, $4
billion logistics spend with $648 million in savings. Utilized business
case methodology to identify and measure savings.
High-tech customer: More than $30 million in savings throughout
engagement, $9 million cost reduction through network rationalization
and optimization in year one, and integration of regional operations
into enterprise-wide network.
Heavy equipment customer: Support $400 million global logistics
network, on track to achieve a 25% reduction in supply chain spend.
Cross-business-unit solutions, including the following:
Global transportation networks
Regional infrastructure requirements
New landed cost modeling
Many of the same career opportunities covered in the transportation and
warehousing chapters are also available with 3PLs and 4PLs. These include
operations, management, consulting, and sales. The field has grown
significantly in the past 25 years, and so it is a great source for supply chain
and logistics careers.
Next, we will discuss collaborative relationships that are primarily between
the major players in the supply chain—retailers, distributors, manufacturers,
and suppliers—who are primarily focused on the sharing of information to
improve planning and management of inventory throughout the entire supply
13. Supply Chain Integration Through
Collaborative Systems
Supply chain integration refers to the degree to which the firm can
strategically collaborate with their supply chain partners and collaboratively
manage the intra- and interorganization processes to achieve the effective
and efficient flows of product and services, information, money, and
decisions (see Figure 13.1). The objective of this integration is to provide the
maximum value to the customer at low cost and high speed.
Internal Integration
Supplier Collaboration
Some of the types of supplier collaboration include the following:
Kanban: A signal-based replenishment process used in Lean or JIT
production that uses cards or other visual signals such as a line on a
wall to signal the need for replenishment of an item.
Using collaborative technologies, the kanban process allows customers
to electronically issue the kanban replenishment signals to their
suppliers, who can then determine requirements and see exceptions.
Dynamic replenishment: This is a process that where suppliers
compare customer forecasts or production schedules with their own
production plans to match supply and demand. It allows suppliers to
adjust to changes in customer requirements or supply shortages.
Invoicing processes: Automating invoicing and related processes
gives the visibility to the vendor for the entire supply side, including
purchase orders, releases, supplier-managed inventory, kanbans, and
dynamic replenishment.
Outsourced manufacturer collaboration: When managing
outsourced manufacturing relationships or contract manufacturers, you
must shift your focus from owning and organizing assets to working
collaboratively with partners.
The collaborative efforts should help simplify processes such as product
development and reduce manufacturing costs and improve reaction to
response to customer demand.
Any efforts to automate these processes should support information sharing,
collaboration, and monitoring activities that are needed to effectively
manage the relationship with a contract manufacturer.
Customer Collaboration
Customer collaboration involves the receiving demand signals and
automatically replenishing the customer’s inventory based on actual
demand. This is seen primarily in consumer products and other industries
that have downstream distribution systems that extend to retailers.
This type of integration and collaborative effort enables manufacturers to
shift from a push system to a demand pull supply chain while combining
both forecasts and actual customer demand.
Collaborative replenishment processes are more responsive than purely
forecast-based processes, and because they are driven largely by actual
customer demand and also provide visibility in out-of-stock situations,
manufacturers and retailers can react more quickly. Several of these are
discussed later in the chapter and go by the names quick response (QR) and
efficient consumer response (ECR). POS information can add visibility
across the entire supply chain, as well, when included in a collaborative
replenishment process.
Another type of customer collaboration that focuses on forecasts is known as
collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (or CPFR, which is a
trademark of the Voluntary Inter-industry Commerce Standard Association
[VICS]). It is an outgrowth from some of the earlier customer replenishment
initiatives such as QR and ECR.
In general, CPFR is an attempt to reduce supply chain costs by promoting
greater integration, visibility, and cooperation between trading partners’
supply chains. It combines the intelligence of multiple trading partners in the
planning and fulfillment of customer demand.
Figure 13.3 shows collaborative or vendor-managed inventory
configurations in terms of the level of sophistication or complexity. Levels 1
and 2 have been implemented in various industries and would include
programs such as QR and ECR. Levels 3 and 4 are more advanced and
would include CPFR-like programs.
Figure 13.3 Types of collaborative or vendor-managed inventory in
supply chains
Benefits to Collaboration
Increased connectivity and collaboration between companies and their
trading partners creates many benefits for both suppliers and your customers,
such as the following:
Higher inventory turns
Lower fulfillment (transportation and warehousing) costs
Lower out-of-stock levels and improved customer service
Shorter lead times
Early identification of changes to demand and improved market
Visibility into customer demand and supplier performance
Earlier and faster decision making (SAP, 2007)
Quick Response
Quick response (QR) was an apparel manufacturing initiative that started
primarily in the United States during the mid-1980s. The main objective of
QR was to drastically reduce lead times and setup costs to allow the
postponement of ordering decisions until right before, or during, the retail
selling season, when better demand information might be available.
Implementation of QR is typically used in conjunction with information
technologies such as electronic data interchange (EDI; a standardized format
for businesses to exchange data electronically), barcodes, and RFID (the
wireless use of radio frequency signals to transfer data to identify and track
tags attached to objects).
A QR strategy can result in efficiencies such as maximized diversity of
offering, quicker deliveries, faster inventory turns, fewer stock-outs, fewer
markdowns, and lower inventory investment.
This type of strategy can also reduce the time between the sale and
replacement of goods on the retailer’s shelf because it places an emphasis on
flexibility and product velocity to meet the changing requirements of a
highly competitive and dynamic marketplace.
Efficient Consumer Response
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR), launched in 1984, is a grocery sector
joint trade and industry organization with the goal of making the industry
more responsive to consumer demand and to remove unnecessary costs from
the supply chain.
The thinking is to improve the efficiency of a supply chain as a whole
beyond the wall of retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers, so that they can
gain larger profits than each pursuing their own business goals.
One of the main practices used in ECR is to place smaller orders more often
to shorten lead times, improve inventory turns, and reduce stock outs (see
Figure 13.4). ECR is similar to QR except that it is targeted toward the
grocery industry, where the supplier takes responsibility of monitoring and
replenishing the retailer’s distribution center inventories with approval of the
Figure 13.4 Efficient consumer response
In the 1990s, when I was with Church and Dwight (Arm & Hammer
products), we successfully implemented an ECR program to both place
orders for and manage the inventory of our products at the distribution
centers of a number of our grocery clients, including Wakefern (that is,
ShopRite) and H. E. Butt.
Like QR, ECR is highly dependent on technology, using tools such as EDI,
forecasting, and distribution requirements planning (DRP) software and
point-of-sale (POS) data to manage the process.
The use of sophisticated technology like this as well as the lack of
capabilities (both skill and technology related), the resistance of wholesalers,
retailers, and manufacturers toward collaboration, and the attitudes of
company personnel can all be barriers to a successful implementation of an
ECR (or QR) type of program. It is well worth the effort, though, and can
prove to be a win-win for all involved, because forecast accuracy tends to
improve for the manufacturer and the retailer is relieved of managing the
replenishment of some of its over 50,000+ stock keeping units (SKUs) while
reducing stock-outs and inventory and ordering costs.
There really isn’t any aspect of supply chain and logistics that isn’t touched
by technology in today’s world. Thanks to both advances in software and
hardware technologies and the Internet, companies of all sizes can automate
and integrate internal processes and connect with customers and suppliers
with ease.
Up to this point, we have briefly discussed technology applications in
various aspects of supply chain and logistics management, including
forecasting, inventory planning, production scheduling, and beyond. In this
chapter, we go into a bit more depth in terms of understanding both the
information flows and the systems used to make decisions at all levels of an
organization, from longer-term decisions such as where to locate plants and
warehouses, down to short-term decisions such as how many cases of
product to ship to an individual warehouse on a given day.
The three types of supply chain consultants involved in the technology
selection and implementation process are as follows:
SCM experts or management consultants: SCM experts help with
the planning and modeling
Software vendor consultants: Consultants employed by the software
vendor who are application software subject matter experts (SME) and
help implement the software
IT consultants: Information technology (IT) consultants who help
with infrastructure, interfaces, and custom programming
(, 2014)
The number and mix of consultants in an SCM software implementation
project will vary depending on the size and scope of the project.
There is also emerging supply chain technology being developed now that
will have a major impact in the near future, including the following:
Multi-enterprise visibility systems: These are systems providing a
comprehensive and timely view of processes, solutions, and metrics
across the entire value chain. When implementing collaborative
programs such as VMI (vendor-managed inventory), outsourcing, or
JIT (just-in-time), it is important to also implement the infrastructure
or processes necessary to manage inventory in this extended supply
chain. This type of emerging solution offers a 360-degree view of
supply chain events.
People-enabling software: This is technology that empowers people
to analyze, find, use, collaborate, and to share data to maximize
efficiency and workflow. ERP and other enterprise software solutions
help enable and automate business processes, but they only alert users
when problems occur; they don’t help solve the problems themselves.
Technology companies are coming out with productivity tools that
enable people to combine unstructured information and business
processes with the structured business processes that ERP applications
provide. This type of technology platform would enable users to
handle multiple alerts to a smartphone; for example, empowering them
to put the fires out on the spot by connecting customer,
manufacturer/distributor, and supplier systems on a mobile device.
Execution-driven planning solutions: These are tools that utilize data
from current executed processes to drive future planning and
forecasting. Over the years, it has been common for many companies
to have a disconnect between planning and execution. These systems
will use information as to the current state of a business to help drive
planning decisions for the next planning period in real time. This will
enable users to consolidate and aggregate massive amounts of data in
meaningful ways by applying machine learning techniques to data-
mining algorithms to detect data trends. This will give businesses the
chance to respond to problems and take advantage of opportunities
much faster than before.
Human supply chain technology: These are solutions that apply
supply chain technology to the management of human resources (that
is, the labor supply chain) and allow companies to standardize job
descriptions, capture spend and labor rates, and improve their hiring
At this point, you should have a fundamental understanding of the supply
chain and logistics function as well as the technology used to enable it. We
will now take a step back to examine the more strategic concept of supply
chain and logistics network design and its impact on cost and efficiency.
Part V: Supply Chain and Logistics
Network Design
15. Facility Location Decision
As the saying goes, “In retail, the three most important factors for success
are location, location, and location.” This is not only true in retail but also
for manufacturers because it plays a major role in both the cost and service
of the organization.
Unfortunately, it is usually not considered often enough in the case of
manufacturers or, in many cases, in enough detail, and can potentially lead to
Location is a strategic, long-term decision in nature that is not easily
changed in the short term and applies to raw material sourcing,
manufacturing, distribution, and retail.
Strategically, the major goal or priority of the location decision for a
manufacturer is to minimize cost, whereas retailers look to maximize
revenue where possible.
Impact on Service
In terms of service, this type of distribution network design requires fairly
long response times of 1 to 2 weeks because of increased distance and the
two stages for order processing. The response time may vary by product,
which may complicate receiving. Product variety and availability are
relatively easy to provide due to aggregation at the manufacturer. Home
delivery may result in high customer satisfaction, but this can be negatively
affected if orders from multiple manufacturers are sent as partial shipments.
This type of network can help to get products to market fast, with the
product available as soon as the first unit is produced. However, customer
visibility and product returnability may be more difficult and expensive.
Impact on Service
The impacts on service, such as response time, variety, availability, visibility,
and returnability, are all similar to drop shipping. However, the customer
experience may be better than drop shipping because a single order has to be
received rather than multiple orders.
Impact on Costs
In this type of configuration, inventory and warehouse operations costs are
higher than manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge.
Transportation costs are lower than manufacturer storage, with a simpler
information infrastructure required when compared to manufacturer storage.
Impact on Service
Distributor storage with carrier delivery typically has faster response time
than manufacturer storage with drop ship, but offers less product variety and
higher product availability costs. The customer experience, order visibility,
and product returns are better than manufacturer storage with drop shipping.
Impact on Costs
Distributor storage with last-mile delivery inventory costs more than
distributor storage with package carrier delivery. Warehouse operations costs
are greater than manufacturer storage and distributor storage but lower than
the costs of a retail chain. The transportation costs are greater than any other
distribution network option. Information costs are similar to distributor
storage with package carrier delivery.
Impact on Service
Service response times are very quick and in some cases can be same-day to
next-day delivery, with a very good customer experience, particularly for
bulky items. Product variety is less than distributor storage with package
carrier delivery but greater than retail stores, with availability being more
expensive to provide than any other option except retail stores. There is less
of an issue of order traceability than manufacturer storage or distributor
storage with package carrier delivery, and returnability is easier to
implement than other options, except perhaps a retail network.
Impact on Costs
Manufacturer or distributor storage with customer pickup is similar to the
other distribution configurations in terms of inventory costs. Transportation
costs are on the low side because there is not a great use of package carriers,
especially if using an existing delivery network (plus customers pickup
themselves). Warehouse operations costs can be high if new facilities have to
be built, and lower if existing facilities are in place (and handling costs at the
pickup site can be fairly high). Information costs to provide infrastructure in
this option can be very high as well.
Impact on Service
Response times are similar to package carrier delivery with manufacturer or
distributor storage with same-day delivery possible when items are already
stored locally at pickup sites. Product variety and availability are similar to
other manufacturer or distributor storage options. Order visibility is
extremely important and can be greatly aided with the help of technology.
Product returns are somewhat easier because pickup locations can typically
process returns. The customer experience may be lower than the other
options due to the lack of home delivery, but in densely populated areas, the
loss of convenience may be small.
Impact on Costs
Retailer storage with customer pickup has the highest inventory and
warehouse operations costs and lowest transportation costs of all the options.
There may be an increase in handling cost at the pickup site for online and
phone orders, which may also require some investment in infrastructure.
Impact on Service
Response times are the quickest of the options, because same-day pickup is
possible for items stored locally at the retail location. Product variety,
although great, is lower than the other options, and availability is more
expensive to provide than all other options. The customer experience may be
considered positive or negative based on how shopping is viewed by
customer. Order visibility really only applies for online and phone orders,
and returnability is easier than other options, given that retail locations can
handle returns.
Impact of E-Business on the Distribution Network
Operating via an e-business can have both cost and service impacts on the
distribution network.
Cost Impacts
An e-business can reduce its inventory levels and costs by improving supply
chain coordination to better match supply and demand. Also, when
customers are willing to wait for delivery of online orders, e-business can
enable a firm to aggregate inventories remotely from customers.
An e-business can reduce network facility costs (that is, costs related to the
number of facilities in a network) by centralizing operations, thereby
decreasing the number of facilities required. In addition, they can also lower
operating costs by allowing customer participation in selection and order
In general, aggregating inventories, often the case with e-businesses,
increases outbound transportation costs relative to inbound transportation
costs. If a firm’s product is in a form that can be downloaded, the Internet
will allow it to save on the cost and time for delivery (for example,
downloadable music and software).
An e-business can share demand information throughout its supply chain to
improve visibility more readily than a bricks-and-mortar business. This can
help reduce overall supply chain costs and better match supply and demand.
Strategic Considerations
The first thing you need to think about in terms of the location decision is
your particular organization’s competitive strategy, which will drive the
design of your supply chain network. For example, a strategy of cost
leadership will result in a very different supply chain network than one that
is primarily based on responsiveness or product differentiation.
The objective of location strategy is to maximize the benefit of location to
the firm. In the case of a manufacturer or distributor, you want to focus on
cost minimization while meeting service goals. For retail, it is more about
maximizing revenue.
Other things to consider at a more strategic level are identifying your key
competitors in each target market as well as your capital constraints.
As you grow, you need to consider whether to reuse existing facilities, build
new facilities, or partner with other companies (or all of these).
Country Decision
The country decision, especially in today’s global economy, may involve a
wide range of factors to consider, including the following:
Tariffs and tax incentives
Infrastructure factors
Exchange rate fluctuations and currency risk
Demand and supply risk
Competitive environment
Political risks, government rules, attitudes, and incentives
Cultural and economic issues
Location and demand of markets
Labor talent, attitudes, productivity, costs
Availability of supplies, communications, and energy
Regional Decision
Once the country decision has been made, an organization must determine
which region is best for its new location.
Factors to consider include the following:
Corporate desires
Attractiveness of region
Labor availability and costs
Costs and availability of utilities
Environmental regulations
Government incentives and fiscal policies
Proximity to raw materials and customers
Land/construction costs
We’ve all seen states competing against each other to land a new large
manufacturing facility, offering all kinds of incentives such as tax
reductions/postponement, rebates, and so on. So, some of these listed factors
may be artificially modified to influence this decision.
Local Decision
After a company has settled on a location within a relatively small
metropolitan area, it must consider which specific site location is best for its
needs. Factors in the site decision process include the following:
Site size and cost
Air, rail, highway, and waterway systems
Zoning restrictions
Proximity of services/supplies needed
Environmental impact issues
The relative importance of these factors will vary depending on the size and
industry of your organization. For example, some towns are zoned only for
light industry, or your company might need easy access to major highways
and airports for inbound and outbound transportation needs.
Certain types of factors are more important in the goods versus services
location decision.
A variety of network optimization solutions are available today. They range
from standalone systems to modules of larger supply chain systems and can
be installed or on-demand cloud software systems.
JDA, JD Edwards (Oracle), SAP, and Logility all have network optimization
modules that are integrated with their other supply chain planning and
execution modules.
Other systems, such as IBM ILOG LogicNet Plus XE and Logistix Solutions
(see Figure 15.12), offer a standalone system (on demand in the case of
Logistics Solutions) for lower upfront costs, but because they are not
integrated with other supply chain planning and execution modules, they are
perhaps a bit more data intensive.
Although there is no specific career path for supply chain network analysis,
in many cases, as mentioned, consultants perform this type of study. There
are also software vendors who both license and train users at organizations
to use it for their company. In many cases, this responsibility falls on the
shoulders of an internal logistics analyst to run the numbers and do the
analysis with recommendations. The actual decisions are usually made by
senior management.
After the location decision has been made, some effort both upfront and on
an ongoing basis must be given to having a safe and efficient layout, which
we cover in the next chapter.
16. Facility Layout Decision
After selecting a facility’s location, the next major decision is to design the
best physical layout for the facility. The available space needs to be assessed
with workstations, equipment, and storage; and other amenities need to be
arranged. The goal is to create the most efficient workflow necessary to
produce its goods or services at the highest level of quality with the lowest
possible cost.
Layout planning is organizationally important not only for efficient
operations but also for other functions that are impacted as well, such as
marketing, which is affected by layout when clients come to the site, human
resources because layout impacts people, and finance because layout
changes can be costly endeavors.
The layout decision can determine how efficient a facility is. In the case of
the supply chain, this is primarily focused in the warehousing function, in
both the warehouse itself and various other areas, including office and
maintenance areas.
Layout should be considered in a variety of situations, including when a new
facility is being constructed, when there is a significant change in demand or
throughput volume, when a new good or service is introduced to the
customer benefit package, or then different processes, equipment, or
technology are installed.
The focus of layout improvements is to minimize delays in materials
handling and customer movement, maintain flexibility, use labor and space
effectively, promote high employee morale and customer satisfaction,
provide for good housekeeping and maintenance, and enhance sales as
appropriate in manufacturing and service facilities.
Types of Layouts
Managers can choose from five primary types of workflow layouts:
Product layout: Production line (for example, an automobile
assembly plant)
Process layout: Arranged in departments (for example, hospitals,
Hybrid layout: A combination of both product and process layouts
Fixed-position layout: Building a large item (for example, airplane,
cruise ship)
Cellular layout: Reorganizes people and machines into groups to
focus on single products or product groups
We will now discuss each in some detail.
Product Layouts
Product arrangements are based on the sequence of operations that are
performed during the manufacturing of a fairly standardized good or
delivery of a service. Typically, workstations and equipment are located
along the line of production, as with an assembly line, for example. Batches
of semi-finished (that is, work in process) goods are passed to the next
station in a production line.
Some examples of this type of layout include the following: winemaking
industry, credit card processing, submarine sandwich shops, paper
manufacturers, insurance policy processing, and automobile assembly lines.
Advantages of product layouts include lower work-in-process inventories,
shorter processing times, less material handling, lower labor skills, and
relatively simple planning and control systems.
Disadvantages include that a breakdown at one workstation can cause the
entire process to shut down or a change in product design and the
introduction of new products may require major changes in the layout,
resulting in limited flexibility.
Process Layouts
Process layouts usually have a functional grouping of equipment or activities
that perform similar work.
Examples of process layout including the following: legal offices, print
shops, footwear manufacturing, and hospitals.
Advantages of process layouts may include a lower investment in equipment
and that the diversity of jobs can lead to increased worker satisfaction.
Disadvantages may include high movement and transportation costs, more
complex scheduling and control systems, longer total processing time,
higher in-process inventory or waiting time, and higher worker skill
Maximizing Density
By maximizing the total cube or space of a warehouse, you are able to better
utilize its full volume while maintaining low material handling costs.
Material handling costs include all costs associated with a transaction, such
as incoming transport, storage, finding and moving material, outgoing
transport, equipment, people, material, supervision, insurance, and
Warehouse density also tends to vary inversely with the number of different
items stored. Although this might sound counterintuitive, you must realize
that each item or stock keeping unit (SKU) will have its own set of
dimensions. So, if you carried one single item in a warehouse, you would be
able to use almost every inch of storage space. However, most warehouses
have hundreds if not thousands of items, all with different dimensions,
making it more difficult to maximize the use of storage space.
That’s where the concept of random stocking can be used, allowing for the
more efficient use of warehouse space. Random stocking can be greatly
aided by the use of a warehouse management system (WMS; described in
Chapter 8, “Warehouse Management and Operations”).
Key tasks in random stocking include maintaining a list of open locations,
keeping accurate inventory records, the sequencing of items to minimize
travel and picking time, combining of picking orders, and assigning classes
of items to particular areas.
Hybrid Layouts
Hybrid or combination layouts combine elements of both product and
process layouts. They tend to keep some of the efficiencies of product
layouts while maintaining some of the flexibility of process layouts.
For example, a business may have a process layout for the majority of its
process but also have an assembly line in one particular area. Alternatively, a
firm may utilize a fixed-position layout (described later) for the assembly of
its final product, but use assembly lines to produce the components and
subassemblies that make up the final product (for example, a cruise ship).
Fixed-Position Layout
A fixed-position layout consolidates resources necessary to manufacture a
good or deliver a service, such as people, materials, and equipment, at one
physical location. Because the fixed-position layout is typically used with
project types of processes, where the product that is too large or too heavy to
move, required resources must be portable so that they can be taken to the
job for on-the-spot performance.
Production of large items such as heavy machine tools, airplanes, buildings,
locomotives, and ships is usually accomplished in a fixed-position layout.
Service-providing firms often use fixed-position layouts, such as major
hardware and software installations, sporting events, and concerts.
Due to the nature of the product, the user has little choice in the use of a
fixed-position layout.
Disadvantages can include those related to limited space on the site resulting
in a work area being crowded, which can also cause material handling
problems and administration difficulties, because the span of control can be
narrow, making coordination unwieldy.
Table 16.1 Perfume and Packaging Line Balancing Example: Tasks and
Step 2: Determine output rate of final item (for example, 600 bottles per
hour with 8 hours per shift).
Step 3: Determine cycle time (the amount of time each workstation is
allowed to complete its tasks).
The throughput or capacity of this process is limited by the bottleneck task
(the longest task in a process), which can be calculated as follows:
Step 4: Compute the theoretical minimum number of stations (that is, the
number of stations needed to achieve 100% efficiency where every available
second is used).
Note that you should always round up when calculating the number of
Step 5: Assign tasks to workstations.
Start at the first station and choose the longest eligible task following
precedence relationships (that is, A must precede B, G must follow both E
and F, and so on; see Table 16.2). Continue adding the longest eligible task
that fits without going over the desired cycle time. Once no additional tasks
can be added within the desired cycle time, assign the next task to the
following workstation until finished.
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the design and layout of an office or
warehouse can be determined manually by hand, with a spreadsheet, or for
more optimal results, by using packaged software such as Factory Flow,
Proplanner, and CRAFT.
Whereas other functions like industrial engineering may have more say in
terms of the details of warehouse design and layout, supply chain
management has great input, if not the final say, for most, if not all, of the
layout decisions mentioned in this chapter.
At this point, we have covered the major functional areas of supply chain
and logistics management in terms of planning and managing them. Next,
we look at how to control these processes.
Part VI: Supply Chain and
Logistics Measurement, Control,
and Improvement
17. Metrics and Measures
As the saying goes, “If you don’t measure something, you can’t manage (or
improve) it.” This was never truer than in the supply chain and logistics
management field. As discussed throughout this book, an assortment of
tradeoffs exist in a supply chain (for example, cost versus service), which
must be counterbalanced against each other to be successful for the long
It is important to match your supply chain performance measures to fit your
company’s mission and strategy, keeping in mind that performance measures
can affect the behavior of managers and employees.
It is also vital to target and measure supply chain performance to meet
customer expectations, improve supply chain capability, improve asset
performance, motivate the workforce, and provide stakeholders with a
satisfactory return on their investment.
Although technology today makes it much easier to gather and analyze data,
there is a lot more of it available, making it all the more important to
measure only the right things and to avoid wasted effort; otherwise, you
might fall under the dreaded phenomena of paralysis by analysis. The results
of analysis should be used effectively.
Data Analytics
Data analytics is the science of examining raw data to help draw conclusions
about information. When applied to the supply chain, it is often described as
supply chain analytics. It is used in many industries to allow companies and
organization to drive insight, make better business decisions and actions, as
well as the sciences to verify (or disprove) existing models or theories.
One way to look at data analytics is to break it into four categories:
Descriptive analytics: Uses historical data to describe a business; also
described as business intelligence (BI) systems. In supply chain,
descriptive analytics help to better understand historical demand
patterns, to understand how product flows through your supply chain,
and to understand when a shipment might be late.
Diagnostic analytics: Once problems occur in the supply chain, an
analysis needs to be made of the source of the problem. Often this can
involve analysis of the data in the systems to see why the company
was missing certain components or what went wrong that caused the
Predictive analytics: Uses data to predict trends and patterns; often
associated with statistics. In the supply chain, predictive analytics
could be used to forecast future demand or to forecast the price of a
Prescriptive analytics: Using data to select an optimal solution. In the
supply chain, you might use prescriptive analytics to determine the
optimal number and location of distribution centers, set your inventory
levels, or schedule production.
Traditional measures tend to be based on historical data and not focused on
the future, do not relate to strategic, nonfinancial performance goals such as
customer service and product quality, and do not directly tie to operational
effectiveness and efficiency.
Measurement Methods
A number of measurement methods have been developed or enhanced in
recent times, including the following:
The balanced scorecard: A strategic planning and management
system that aligns business activities to the vision and strategy of the
organization, improves internal and external communications, and
monitors organization performance against strategic goals. It adds
strategic nonfinancial performance measures to traditional financial
metrics to give managers and executives a more balanced view of
organizational performance.
The Supply Chain Council’s SCOR model: Metrics in this model
provide a foundation for measuring performance and identifying
priorities in supply chain operations.
Activity-based costing (ABC): A costing and monitoring
methodology that identifies activities in an organization and assigns
the cost of each activity with resources to all products and services
according to actual consumption by each product and service.
Economic value analysis (EVA): The value created by an enterprise,
basing it on operating profits in excess of capital utilized (through debt
and equity financing). These types of metrics can be used to measure
an enterprise’s value-added contributions within a supply chain (not as
useful for detailed supply chain measurements).
No matter, which method you use, it is a good idea that the metrics are
consistent with overall corporate strategy, focused on customer needs, and
that expectations are prioritized and focused on processes and not functions.
Furthermore, metrics should be implemented consistently throughout the
supply chain, with actions and rationale communicated to everyone.
It is also a good idea to use some kind of balanced approach when selecting
and developing metrics, using precise costs to measure improvement (in
detail and in the aggregate), which can be greatly aided by the use of
Measurement Categories
Each method has its own specifics, but it is important to at least include the
measurement categories of time, quality, and cost in one form or another:
Time: Includes on-time delivery and receipt, order cycle time, and
variability and response time.
Quality: Measures customer satisfaction, processing and fulfillment
accuracy, including on-time, complete, and damage-free order delivery,
as well as accurate invoicing. Also includes planning (including
forecasting) and scheduling accuracy.
Cost: This category includes financial measurements such as inventory
turns, order-to-cash cycle time, and total delivered costs broken up by
cost of goods, transportation, carrying, and material handling costs.
Another way of looking at supply chain measurement categories is in terms
of where they will be applied:
Strategic level: Measures include lead time against industry norm
(that is, benchmarking, as discussed later in this chapter), quality level,
cost-saving initiatives, and supplier pricing against market.
Tactical level: Measures include the efficiency of purchase order cycle
time, booking-in procedures, cash flow, quality assurance
methodology, and capacity flexibility.
Operational level: Measures include ability in day-to-day technical
representation, adherence to developed schedule, ability to avoid
complaints, and achievement of defect-free deliveries.
Now let’s look at several of the major models for measuring the supply
chain: the balance scorecard approach and the SCOR model.
Balanced Scorecard Approach
When using the balanced scorecard approach to the supply chain, you need
to consider it from four different perspectives:
Customer perspective: How do customers see us?
Internal business perspective: What must we excel at?
Financial perspective: How do we look to shareholders?
Innovation and learning perspective: Can we continue to improve
and create value?
Next we must put it in a framework that integrates the organization’s overall
goals and strategies with selected supply chain metrics in the categories of
customer service, operations, and finance (see Figure 17.1).
Figure 17.1 Supply chain metrics framework
It is always critical that supply chain and logistics metrics connect to the
overall business strategy. For example, if a company uses a cost strategy, as
described in Chapter 1, a financial metric like inventory turnover would be
critical. If they employ a response strategy, inventory turns might not be as
critical as, say, delivery time.
Operational Metrics
Operational metrics come from internal processes, decisions, and actions
needed to meet or exceed customer expectations. They are drivers of future
financial performance (see Table 17.2).
Financial Metrics
Financial metrics indicate whether the company’s strategy, implementation,
and execution create value for the shareholders by contributing to
improvements in profitability (see Table 17.3).
Source: S&OP Excel Template, published with permission of Logistics Planning Associates, LLC
One way to measure, analyze, and manage supply chain performance is with
the use of a dashboard. The dashboard can range from data that is manually
collected and put into a spreadsheet with some graphs, to a more automated
visual dashboard generated by an ERP system.
A supply chain dashboard helps in decision making by visually displaying in
real time (or close to it) leading and lagging indicators in a supply chain
process perspective. It can help to you visualize trends, track performance
targets, and understand the most critical issues facing your company’s
supply chain.
Metrics used in performance dashboards are typically called key
performance indicators (KPIs). Having a standardized set of KPIs allows
you to review supply chain operations efficiently across regions, business
units, and plants (and even brands and channels).
KPIs usually fall into one of three categories:
Leading indicators: Have a significant impact on future performance
by measuring either current state activities (for example, the number of
items produced today) or future activities (for example, the number of
items scheduled for production this week)
Lagging indicators: Measures of past performance, such as various
financial measurements, or in the case of the supply chain,
measurements in areas such as cost, quality, and delivery
Diagnostic: Areas that may not fit under lead or lagging indicators but
indicate the general health of an organization (Myerson, 2012)
After you have established what KPIs to measure, you need to determine
how to gauge yourself against them. This is known as benchmarking, which
is the process of comparing one’s business processes and performance
metrics to industry bests or best practices from other companies. The
dimensions that are typically measured are quality, time, and cost. There is
both internal and external benchmarking.
Internal benchmarking can be used when the organization is large enough
and data is fairly accessible. For example, a company like General Electric
with over 100 business units can compare some KPIs across businesses.
External benchmarking is a process where management identifies the best
firms in their industry, or in another industry where similar processes exist,
comparing the results and processes of those target companies to their own
results and processes. This allows them to learn how well the targets perform
and, more importantly, the best practice business processes that help to
explain why these firms are successful.
The process of selecting best practices to use as a standard for performance
involves the following general steps:
1. Determine what to benchmark. What processes are most important
to measuring the success of your supply chain? Can be based on your
company’s overall and supply chain strategies, goals, and objectives.
In some cases, you may want to be best in class, and in others, being
average may be just fine.
2. Form a benchmark team. Select those with some skin in the game.
3. Identify benchmarking partners. Should be a combination of those
involved in the day-to-day processes as well as those affected and
management (can also include customers and suppliers).
4. Collect and analyze benchmarking information. There are many
sources of best practice metrics. In many cases, companies can pay for
this information from consultants or through associations that they
belong to.
5. Take action to match or exceed the benchmark. This involves
process improvement, the topic of the next chapter.
18. Lean and Agile Supply Chain and Logistics
It is the goal of every business to be both profitable and efficient. Over the
past 25 years or so, one method has emerged as a way to focus on customer
needs to improve processes and profitability; it is known as Lean, which is
discussed in this chapter, and can be applied throughout the supply chain and
logistics function.
In Lean terms, non-value-added activities are referred to as waste. Typically,
when a product or information is being stored, inspected or delayed, waiting
in line, or is defective, it is not adding value and is 100% waste.
These wastes can be found in any process, whether it is manufacturing,
administrative, supply chain and logistics, or elsewhere in your organization.
Listed here are the eight wastes. One easy way to remember them is that
they spell TIM WOODS:
Transportation: Excessive movement of people, products, and
Inventory: Storing material or documentation ahead of requirements.
Excess inventory often covers for variations in processes as a result of
high scrap or rework levels, long setup times, late deliveries, process
downtime, and quality problems.
Motion: Unnecessary bending, turning, reaching, and lifting.
Waiting: For parts, information, instructions, and equipment.
Overproduction: Making more than is immediately required.
Overprocessing: Tighter tolerances or higher-grade materials than are
Defects: Rework, scrap, and incorrect documentation (that is, errors).
Skills: Underutilizing capabilities of employees, delegating tasks with
inadequate training.
There are a variety of places to look for waste in your supply chain and
logistics function.
One way to consider where waste might exist in the supply chain is in terms
of the SCOR model:
Plan: It all starts (and ends) with a solid sales & operations planning
(S&OP) process (or lack thereof). If there is not one in an organization,
there is probably plenty of waste in the supply chain.
Source: Because purchasing accounts for approximately 50% (or
more) of the total expenditures, using sound procurement approaches
discussed earlier in this book such as economic order quantity (EOQ)
and the use of just-in-time (JIT) principles (including vendor-managed
inventory, or VMI) can go a long way toward reducing waste,
especially excess inventory. Partnerships, collaborations, and joint
reviews with suppliers can also help to identify and reduce waste.
Make (and store): Activities such as (light) manufacturing, assembly,
and kitting, much of which is done in the warehouse or by a third-party
logistics supplier (3PL) these days, can have a huge impact on material
and information flow, impacting productivity and profitability.
Within the warehouse, waste can be found throughout the receiving,
putaway, storage, picking, staging, and shipping processes, including the
Defective products, which create returns
Overproduction or over shipment of products
Excess inventories, which require additional space and reduce
warehousing efficiency
Excess motion and handling
Inefficiencies and unnecessary processing steps
Transportation steps and distances
Waiting for parts, materials, and information
Information processes
Each step in the warehousing process should be examined critically to see
where unnecessary, repetitive, and non-value-added activities might be so
that they may be eliminated:
Deliver: Transportation optimization (especially important with high
fuel prices). This includes routing, scheduling, and maintenance,
among other things.
Return: Shipping mistakes, returns, and product quality and warranty
issues often ignored or an afterthought.
There are a variety of Lean tools available, as discussed briefly in this
chapter. However, it is most important to first have a Lean culture and
support that is conducive to success, because Lean is more of a journey than
any individual project.
Lean Tools
There are a variety of tools that are now included under the “umbrella” of
Lean. Some are unique to Lean and others come from various improvement
methodologies such as Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma.
Standardized Work
Standardization refers to best work practices—that is, as the work is actually
routinely (and best) performed in real life. The purpose of standardization is
to make operations repeatable and reliable, ensuring consistently high
productivity and reduced variability of output.
It ensures that all activities are safely carried out, with all tasks organized in
the best known sequence using the most effective combination of people,
material, machines, and methods.
It is important, where possible, to make standard work more of a visual job
aid that is easy to understand and follow (for example, a laminated
simplified list of standard instructions supplemented with digital
In the supply chain and logistics function, standardized work (preferably
visual) can applied nearly everywhere. The office and warehouse are the
most common places they are found and can include order processing,
invoicing, and drawings. Out on the warehouse floor itself, most of the basic
activities of receiving, putaway, picking, packing, loading, and shipping can
benefit from standardized work in the form of visual job aids.
Visual Controls
Simple visual signals give the operator the information to make the right
decision. They are efficient, self-regulating, and worker managed.
Examples include visual job aids mentioned previously, kanbans, andon
lights (that is, green = process working; red = process stopped), and color-
coded dies, tools, pallets, and lines on the floor to delineate storage areas,
walkways, work areas, and so on.
Facility Layout
Considering optimal facility layout, like standardized work, is nothing new.
However, as a tool of Lean, it is focused primarily on maximizing flow and
eliminating wastes such as transportation and motion. If used properly, it can
result in the following:
Higher utilization of space, equipment, and people
Improved flow of information, materials, or people
Improved employee morale
Improved customer/client interface
Increased flexibility
Batch Size Reduction and Quick Changeover
The concepts of batch size reduction and quick changeover (sometimes also
referred to as setup reduction) are highly intertwined.
When material is pushed through a supply chain and operations process, you
produce, store, and ship in large quantities to spread your fixed costs among
a large number of items, thus minimizing your costs per unit. In pull, you
schedule what the downstream customer actually wants, using a JIT
approach. The goal is one-piece flow (or at least a reduction in batch or lot
Long changeovers tend to create larger batch sizes, resulting in higher
inventory costs, longer lead times, and potentially larger quality issues; and
that is why we focus on reducing changeover times through setup reduction
kaizen events.
In supply chain and logistics processes, we often see the results of batching
in production to cover manufacturing wastes that result in excess inventory,
and in purchasing to obtain economies of scale. In addition, there is a large
amount of batching of paperwork in the office, which if reduced, can
encourage improved flow and getting orders out faster, resulting in a shorter
order-to-cash cycle.
In warehouse operations, there are setups everywhere, including receiving,
picking, staging, loading, and shipping (especially during shift startups).
Point-of-Use Storage
Point-of-use storage is the storing of raw materials and supplies needed by a
work area that will use them nearby. It works best if the supplier can deliver
frequent, on-time, small deliveries. It can simplify the physical inventory
tracking, storage, and handling processes.
There can be no denying the fact that over the past 30 years, the field of
supply chain and logistics management has come into its own. There are
even commercials on TV that say “I love logistics” (for example, UPS) and
mention the importance of a good supply chain (for example, IBM). Thanks
to trends such as globalization, outsourcing, the Internet, e-commerce,
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and so on, the world has
become a smaller place and is much more interconnected.
The outlook for the function and profession is very bright. After reading
this book, whether you are interested in the field as a profession or just want
to know what it’s all about, you should now have a good fundamental
understanding of both its operation and importance in the world of business.
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3PLs (third-party-logistics providers), 193-196
advantages, 194
disadvantages, 194-195
Ryder case study, 195-196
4PLs (fourth-party-logistics providers), 196-198
components for success, 197
Menlo Worldwide Logistics case study, 197-198
players, 197
5S, 288-289
80/20 rule, 61
ABC method, 267
demand planning, 46-47
inventory planning, 61-63
accumulation warehouses, 133-134
accuracy (order-filling), 149
acquisition, 189
Act to Regulate Interstate Commerce, 104
activity, 6
activity-based costing. See ABC method
aggregate planning and scheduling, 55, 295
collaboration, 206
demand options, 76-77
integrated business planning, 76
MPS (master production schedule), 78-80
MRP (Material Requirements Planning), 80-83
BOM (bill of materials), 80-81
mechanics, 81-83
overview, 69
processes, 74-76
production strategies, 79
S&OP processes, 74-76
short-term scheduling, 83-86
FCS (finite capacity scheduling), 85
sequencing, 84-85
service scheduling, 85-86
types of scheduling, 84
typical planning and scheduling process, 83
strategies, 78
supply capacity options, 77
technology, 86
agility, 6
air carriers
domestic transportation, 108
international transportation, 177
Air Deregulation Act of 1978, 104
air waybill, 122
allocation, warehouses and, 134
American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), 29, 67
American Society for Transportation & Logistics (AST&L), 103
analytics, 298
APICS (American Production and Inventory Control Society), 29, 67
approving invoices, 100
Apria, 195
Ariba, 101
arm’s-length transactions, 189
assemble-to-order (ATO), 79
assembly line design and balancing, 256-258
asset recovery, 170
assets, 6
associative forecasting models
correlation, 45
least squares method, 44
multiple regression, 46
overview, 40
seasonality, 45-46
assortment warehouses, 133-134
AST&L (American Society for Transportation & Logistics), 103
ATO (assemble-to-order), 79
automated warehouses, 130
automotive industry, return rates in, 160-161
moving averages, 43
weighted moving average, 43
backorders, 76
backward scheduling, 84
balanced scorecard approach, 267-270
customer service metrics, 269
financial metrics, 270
operational metrics, 269
batch orders, 149
batch size reduction and quick changeover, 289-290
benchmarking, 274-275
Best Buy, 164-165
best of breed solutions, 213
best-in-class software, 217
BI (business intelligence), 216
bid and auction, 99
bidding, 97
bill of lading (B/L)
domestic B/L, 117-118
international B/L, 121-122
bill of materials (BOM), 73, 80-81
billing, 114
bills. See documents
B/L (bill of lading)
domestic B/L, 117-118
international B/L, 121-122
BOM (bill of materials), 73, 80-81
bonded warehouses, 129-130, 178
break-bulk warehouses, 128, 132-133
bullwhip effect, 23, 212
business intelligence (BI), 216
capacity, FCS (finite capacity scheduling), 85
career outlook
facility layout, 262
inventory planning, 67
supply chain and logistics management, 26-29, 293-294
supply chain network analysis, 247
carnet, 120
Carrier Corporation (Mexico), 195-196
carrying or holding costs, 54
catalog retailer warehouses, 128
categories (measurement), 267-268
causal forecasting models. See associative forecasting models
cellular layouts, 253-254
center of gravity analysis, 243-245
centralized return centers (CRCs), 168-169
certificate of free sale, 120
certificate of inspection, 120
certificate of insurance, 120
certificate of manufacture, 120
certificate of origin, 119
certification programs, 24-29, 89
Certified Production and Inventory Management (CPIM), 29
Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM), 29, 89
Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP), 29
GSCM (global supply chain management), 178-180
reverse logistics, 165-166
SCM (supply chain management), 23-26
channels of distribution, 52
chase plans, 78
claims (freight), 119
Class I railroads, 106-107
classifications (freight), 115
clean B/L (bill of lading), 122
climate-controlled warehouses, 130
cloud computing, 219
COFC (container on a rail flatcar), 108
Colgate, 226
benefits of, 206
collaboration methods, 206
CPFR (collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment), 208-
ECR (Efficient Customer Response), 207-208
QR (quick response), 206-207
customer collaboration, 204-205
versus integration, 199
levels of external collaboration, 202-203
S&OP (sales & operational planning), 206
supplier collaboration, 25, 204
supply chain collaboration by industry, 202
types of external collaboration, 203-204
collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR), 205,
collecting, 114
commodity rates, 116
common carriers, 110
competition, 24-25
competitive advantage, 9-10
competitive bidding, 97
complexity, 296
computer industry, return rates in, 160
configuration, 6
consolidation, 114
consolidation warehouses, 128, 132-133
consultants, 218
container on a rail flatcar (COFC), 108
continuity, 296
continuous production, 127
contract carriers, 110
contract manufacturing, 77
contract warehouses, 129
contracting, 203
control risks, 182
co-operative warehouses, 130
corporate purchase cards, 99
correlation, 45
costs, 6
cost strategy, 9
cost-based pricing, 97
distribution network types
distributor storage with carrier delivery, 231
distributor storage with customer pickup, 234
distributor storage with last-mile delivery, 232
e-business impact, 235
manufacturer storage with direct shipping, 229
manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge, 230
retailer storage with customer pickup, 234-235
facilities, 226-227, 240-242
inventory, 53-55
carrying or holding costs, 54
ordering costs, 54
setup costs, 54-55
total cost minimized, 55
reverse logistics, 161
supply chain software market, 217
transportation, 105
cost elements, 113-114
cost factors, 111-112
rates charged, 114-116
cost-volume (CV) analysis, 240-242
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), 4, 67,
counter seasonal demand, 77
CPFR (collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment), 205,
CPIM (Certified Production and Inventory Management), 29
CPSM (Certified Professional in Supply Management), 29, 89
CR (critical ratio), 85
CRCs (centralized return centers), 168-169
CRM (custom relationship management)
customer service, 150
internal versus external metrics, 152-153
levels of focus, 153
managing, 153-154
multifunctional dimensions of, 151
overview, 150-151
service failure and recovery, 153-154
service quality and metrics, 152
transactional elements of, 151-152
OMSs (order management systems), 155-156
overview, 147-148, 150
software, 214
cross-docking warehouses, 128
CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals), 4, 103
CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional), 29
cube rates, 116
cube utilization (warehouses), 136
culture (Lean), 281-283
customer centricity, 294
customer classification of warehouses, 127-128
customer collaboration, 204-205
customer loyalty with reverse logistics, 163
customer relationship management. See CRM (custom relationship
customer service, 150
internal versus external metrics, 152-153
levels of focus, 153
managing, 153-154
multifunctional dimensions of, 151
overview, 150-151
service failure and recovery, 153-154
service quality and metrics, 152
transactional elements of, 151-152
customer service metrics, 269
customer-facing metrics, 142-143
customers brokers, 109
CV (cost-volume) analysis, 240-242
cycle counting, 63-64
dashboards, 273-274
data analytics, 266-267
data versus information, 211-212
DCs (distribution centers), 128
decline (product lifecycle), 41-42
defects, 280
delivery, 99, 150. See also transportation systems
Dell Computer, 10-11, 226
Delphi method, 39
demand and supply risk, 182
demand drivers, 36-37
external demand drivers, 37
internal demand drivers, 36
demand options, 76-77
demand planning
demand management, 215
forecasting, 37-38
ABC method, 46-47
associative models, 40, 44-46
Delphi method, 39
demand drivers, 36-37
forecasting realities, 35-36
forecasting software, 46-47
history of, 34-35
jury of executive opinion, 39
knowledge of products, 38-39
metrics, 46-48
process steps, 37-38
product lifestyles and, 40-42
pyramid approach to, 34-35
quantitative versus qualitative models, 38-40
time series models, 40, 42-43
types of forecasts, 36
overview, 23, 33-34
technology and best practices, 46-47
typical planning and scheduling process, 33
demand planning cross-functional meetings, 74
demand time fence (DTF), 80
density rates, 116
transportation costs and, 112
dependent demand inventory, 51-53
deregulation, effects on pricing, 115
descriptive analytics, 266
distribution network types, 228
distributor storage with carrier delivery, 230-231
distributor storage with customer pickup, 233-234
distributor storage with last-mile delivery, 232-233
e-business impact, 235-236
manufacturer storage with direct shipping, 228-229
manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge, 229-
retailer storage with customer pickup, 233-234
facility layout
assembly line design and balancing, 256-258
career outlook, 262
cellular layouts, 253-254
facility design in service organizations, 255-256
fixed-position layouts, 255
hybrid layouts, 253
overview, 249-250
process layouts, 250-252
product layouts, 250
technology, 261
warehouse design and layout, 260-261
work cell staffing and balancing, 258-259
facility location
careers in supply chain network analysis, 247
center of gravity analysis, 243-245
cost versus service, 226-227
CV (cost-volume) analysis, 240-242
dominant factors in manufacturing, 240
dominant factors in services, 240
importance of, 225-226
location decisions hierarchy, 238-240
network optimization solutions, 246-247
overview, 225
strategic considerations, 237-238
transportation problem model, 245-246
weighted factor rating analysis, 242-243
for profitability, 295
reverse logistics systems, 162-164
documentation, 165
product collection system, 164-165
product location, 164
recycling or disposal centers, 165
deterioration, 140
diagnostic analytics, 266
diagnostic indicators, 274
digital demand, 294
direct procurement, 93
discrete orders, 98
dispersion, 114
disruptions in supply chain, 183
distance, transportation costs and, 111
distributed order management (DOM) system, 155
distribution centers (DCs), 128
distribution networks, 228, 294
distributor storage with carrier delivery, 230-231
distributor storage with customer pickup, 233-234
distributor storage with last-mile delivery, 232-233
e-business impact, 235-236
manufacturer storage with direct shipping, 228-229
manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge, 229-230
retailer storage with customer pickup, 233-234
distribution requirements planning (DRP), 61, 66-67
distribution warehouses, 125
distributor storage
with carrier delivery, 230-231
with customer pickup, 233-234
with last-mile delivery, 232-233
diversion, 113
B/L (bill of lading), 117-118
freight bills, 118
freight claims, 119
international B/L (bill of lading), 121-122
international transport documents, 121
reverse logistics documentation, 165
sales documents, 119-120
terms of sale, 116-117, 120-121
DOM (distributed order management) system, 155
domestic transportation documents, 116-119
B/L (bill of lading), 117-118
freight bills, 118
freight claims, 119
terms of sale, 116-117
DRP (distribution requirements planning), 61, 66-67
DTF (demand time fence), 80
dynamic replenishment, 204
earliest due date (EDD), 85
e-business impact on distribution networks, 235-236
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) inventory model, 55-57
economic value analysis (EVA), 267
cost elements, 113-114
cost factors, 111-112
shipping patterns, 112
transportation economics, 110-111
economic benefits, 131-135
economic needs for warehousing, 126-127
ECR (Efficient Customer Response), 207-208
EDD (earliest due date), 85
EDI (electronic data interchange), 99
Efficient Customer Response (ECR), 207-208
EFT (electronic funds transfer), 99
electronic data interchange (EDI), 99
electronic funds transfer (EFT), 99
emerging supply chain technology trends, 219-221
hiring, 77
laying off, 77
part-time workers, 77
subcontracting, 77
temporary workers, 77
end-to-end visibility, 296
engineer-to-order (ETO), 79
enterprise resource systems (ERP), 216
enterprise solutions, 213
environmental considerations for reverse logistics, 170-172
environmental risk, 182
EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) inventory model, 55-57
EPR (extended product responsibility) programs, 171
e-procurement, 99
ERP (enterprise resource systems), 216
error measurement, forecasting, 46-48
mean absolute deviation (MAD), 47
mean absolute percent error (MAPE), 47-48
mean squared error (MSE), 47
tracking signals, 48
ETO (engineer-to-order), 79
EVA (economic value analysis), 267
evaluating vendors, 96
event management, 216
exception rates, 116
execution viewpoint, 214
execution-driven planning solutions, 221
execution-level collaboration, 203
supply chain execution, 215-216
executive opinion, jury of, 39
expediting, 114
exponential smoothing, 43
extended enterprise solutions (XES), 213
extended product responsibility (EPR) programs, 171
external demand drivers, 37
external integration, 201-206
benefits of, 206
collaboration methods, 206
CPFR (collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment), 208-
ECR (Efficient Customer Response), 207-208
QR (quick response), 206-207
customer collaboration, 204-205
levels of external collaboration, 202-203
S&OP (sales & operational planning), 206
supplier collaboration, 204
supply chain collaboration by industry, 202
types of external collaboration, 203-204
external risks (GSCM), 182-183
distribution network types, 228
distributor storage with carrier delivery, 230-231
distributor storage with customer pickup, 233-234
distributor storage with last-mile delivery, 232-233
e-business impact, 235-236
manufacturer storage with direct shipping, 228-229
manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge, 229-
retailer storage with customer pickup, 233-234
assembly line design and balancing, 256-258
career outlook, 262
cellular layouts, 253-254
facility design in service organizations, 255-256
fixed-position layouts, 255
hybrid layouts, 253
Lean, 289
overview, 249-250
process layouts, 250-252
product layouts, 250
technology, 261
warehouse design and layout, 260-261
work cell staffing and balancing, 258-259
careers in supply chain network analysis, 247
center of gravity analysis, 243-245
cost versus service, 226-227
CV (cost-volume) analysis, 240-242
dominant factors in manufacturing, 240
dominant factors in services, 240
importance of, 225-226
location decisions hierarchy, 238-240
network optimization solutions, 246-247
overview, 225
strategic considerations, 237-238
transportation problem model, 245-246
weighted factor rating analysis, 242-243
factory warehouses, 127
failure in customer service, 153-154
FAK (freight-all-kinds) rates, 116
FCFS (first come, first served), 85
FCS (finite capacity scheduling), 85
few suppliers, 92
financial management for reverse logistics, 170
financial metrics, 270
finished goods, 53
finite capacity scheduling (FCS), 85
firm infrastructure, 8
first come, first served (FCFS), 85
Fixed-Period model, 60-61
fixed-position layouts, 255
Fixed-Quantity model, 57-60
probabilistic safety stock, 58-60
rule of thumb safety stock calculations, 60
safety stock, 58
flexibility strategy, 10, 295
F.O.B. destination, 117
F.O.B. origin, 117
focus, levels of, 153
ABC method, 46-47
associative models, 40
correlation, 45
least squares method, 44
multiple regression, 46
seasonality, 45-46
Delphi method, 39
demand drivers, 36-37
external demand drivers, 37
internal demand drivers, 36
forecasting realities, 35-36
history of, 34-35
jury of executive opinion, 39
knowledge of products, 38-39
market surveys, 39
metrics, 46-48
mean absolute deviation (MAD), 47
mean absolute percent error (MAPE), 47-48
mean squared error (MSE), 47
tracking signals, 48
overview, 33-34
process steps, 37-38
product lifestyles and, 40-42
decline, 41-42
growth phase, 41
introduction phase, 41
maturity, 41
pyramid approach to, 34-35
quantitative versus qualitative models, 38-40
technology and best practices, 46-47
time series models, 42-43
components, 42-43
exponential smoothing, 43
moving average, 43
naive approach, 43
overview, 40
weighted moving average, 43
types of forecasts, 36
form utility, 15
forward scheduling, 84
foul B/L (bill of lading), 122
fourth-party-logistics (4PL) providers, 196-198
components for success, 197
Menlo Worldwide Logistics case study, 197-198
players, 197
free sale, certificate of, 120
freedom of trade, 174
freight bills, 118
freight brokers, 109
freight claims, 119
freight classifications, 115
freight forwarders, 109
freight-all-kinds (FAK) rates, 116
full-truckload carriers, 107
gatekeeping, 167-168
general warehouses, 125
global intermediaries, 109-110, 178
global supply chain management. See GSCM (global supply chain
globalization, 24, 295
benefits of, 174-175
growth of, 173-175
government warehouses, 130
green logistics, 171-172
of globalization, 173-175
growth phase (product lifecycle), 41
in logistics industry, 295
GSCM (global supply chain management), 11
challenges, 178-180
growth of globalization, 173-175
international transportation methods, 177-178
overview, 173
questions to ask when going global, 179-180
risk management, 181-185
external risks, 182-183
internal risks, 182
potential risk identification and impact, 181
risk mitigation, 184-185
supply chain disruptions, 183
strategy development, 175-177
hardware inventory planning, 67
Hewlett-Packard, 171
for-hire carriers, 107, 110
for-hire transportation industry, 192
hiring employees, 77
forecasting, 34-35
Lean, 278-279
logistics, 13-14
transportation systems, 103-105
warehouse management, 126
human resource management, 8
human supply chain technology, 221
hybrid layouts, 253
IBM ILOG LogicNet Plus XE, 246-247
ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission), 104
identifying risk, 181
idle time, 77
import licenses, 120
inbound logistics, 7
Incoterms, 120-121
independent versus dependent demand inventory, 51-53
indicators, 273-274
indirect procurement, 93
industry framework, 18
influence demand, 76
versus data, 211-212
flows, 212
information utility, 15
needs, 213-214
information technology systems (reverse logistics), 168
in-sourcing, 91
inspection, certificate of, 120
Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning, 34
Institute for Supply Management (ISM), 29, 89
insurance, certificate of, 120
integrated business planning, 76
integration. See supply chain integration
interchange, 114
intermodal carriers, 108
internal demand drivers, 36
internal integration, 200-201
internal metrics (warehouses), 143
internal processes, 19
internal risks (GSCM), 182
international B/L (bill of lading), 121-122
International Commercial Terms, 120-121
International Society for Logistics (SOLE), 103
international transportation documents, 119-122
international B/L (bill of lading), 121-122
sales documents, 119-120
terms of sale, 120-121
transport documents, 121
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 104
introduction phase (product lifecycle), 41
inventory control and accuracy, 63-64
inventory planning
ABC method, 61-63
career outlook, 67
channels of distribution, 52
costs of inventory, 53-55
carrying or holding costs, 54
ordering costs, 54
setup costs, 54-55
total cost minimized, 55
cycle counting, 63-64
EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) inventory model, 55-57
hardware, 67
independent versus dependent demand inventory, 51-53
inventory control and accuracy, 63-64
metrics, 64-65
overview, 51
ROP (Reorder Point) models, 57
Fixed-Period model, 60-61
Fixed-Quantity model, 57-60
Single-Period model, 61
software, 65-67
types of inventory, 53
typical planning and scheduling process, 51
inventory waste, 280
invoice approval, 100
invoicing processes, 204
ISM (Institute for Supply Management), 29, 89
JIT (just-in-time) programs, 92
Johnson & Johnson, 92, 172
joint ventures, 92
jury of executive opinion, 39
just-in-time (JIT) programs, 92
kaizen, 283
Kanban, 204, 291-292
key performance indicators (KPIs), 273-274
knowledge of products, 38-39
KPIs (key performance indicators), 273-274
lagging indicators, 274
laying off employees, 77
facility layout
assembly line design and balancing, 256-258
career outlook, 262
cellular layouts, 253-254
facility design in service organizations, 255-256
fixed-position layouts, 255
hybrid layouts, 253
Lean, 289
overview, 249-250
process layouts, 250-252
product layouts, 250
technology, 261
warehouse design and layout, 260-261
work cell staffing and balancing, 258-259
warehouse layout, 137-140
deterioration, 140
material handling, 138-139
pallet positioning, 139
pilferage, 140
leadership, trends in, 296-297
leading indicators, 274
Lean, 26, 201
culture and teamwork, 281-283
history of, 278-279
kaizen, 283
non-value-added activities, 279-280
overview, 277
tools, 286-287
5S, 288-289
batch size reduction and quick changeover, 289-290
facility layout, 289
point-of-use storage, 291
pull systems/kanban, 291-292
quality at the source, 290
Six Sigma, 292
standardized work, 288
TPM (total productive maintenance), 291
visual controls, 289
work cells, 291-292
value-added activities, 279-280
VSMs (value stream maps), 283-286
waste, 280-281
least squares method, 44
legal types of carriage, 110-111
for-hire carriers, 110
private carriers, 110-111
less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers, 107
level plans, 78
levels (SCOR model), 6
leveraging effect (supply chain), 8-9
lifecycles (product)
forecasting and, 40-42
decline, 41-42
growth phase, 41
introduction phase, 41
maturity, 41
overview, 25
Lighthouse for the Blind, 219
line haul, 113
linear regression, 44
loading orders, 149
local line haul carriers, 107
location (facility)
careers in supply chain network analysis, 247
center of gravity analysis, 243-245
cost versus service, 226-227
CV (cost-volume) analysis, 240-242
distribution network types, 228
distributor storage with carrier delivery, 230-231
distributor storage with customer pickup, 233-234
distributor storage with last-mile delivery, 232-233
e-business impact, 235-236
manufacturer storage with direct shipping, 228-229
manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge, 229-
retailer storage with customer pickup, 233-234
dominant factors in manufacturing, 240
dominant factors in services, 240
importance of, 225-226
location decisions hierarchy, 238-240
network optimization solutions, 246-247
overview, 225
strategic considerations, 237-238
transportation problem model, 245-246
weighted factor rating analysis, 242-243
location cost-volume analysis, 240-242
logistics. See also reverse logistics
career outlook, 293-294
green logistics, 171-172
history of, 13-14
inbound logistics, 7
outbound logistics, 7
percentage of U.S. GDP (gross domestic product), 3
trends in, 295-296
Logistix Solutions, 246-247
longest processing time (LPT), 85
lot sizing, 149
LPT (longest processing time), 85
LTL (less-than-truckload) carriers, 107
MAD (mean absolute deviation), 47
maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO), 53
make versus buy, 90
make-to-order (MTO), 79
make-to-stock (MTS), 79
managerial focus, 19
manufacture, certificate of, 120
manufacturer storage
with direct shipping, 228-229
with direct shipping and in-transit merge, 229-230
manufacturing, trends in, 294-295
many suppliers, 92
MAPE (mean absolute percent error), 47-48
market presence, warehouses and, 135
market surveys, 39
market-based pricing, 97
marketing, 8
master production schedule (MPS), 73, 78-80
material handling, 138-139
Material Requirements Planning. See MRP (Material Requirements
maturity (product lifecycle), 41
maximizing recovery rates with reverse logistics, 163
mean absolute deviation (MAD), 47
mean absolute percent error (MAPE), 47-48
mean squared error (MSE), 47
measurement. See metrics
demand planning cross-functional meetings, 74
pre-S&OP meeting, 74
supply planning cross-functional meeting, 74
Menlo Worldwide Logistics case study, 197-198
Merck, 92
ABC method, 267
balanced scorecard approach, 267, 268-270
customer service metrics, 269
financial metrics, 270
operational metrics, 269
benchmarking, 274-275
customer service
internal versus external metrics, 152
service quality and metrics, 152
data analytics, 266-267
EVA (economic value analysis), 267
forecasting, 46-48
ABC method, 46-47
mean absolute deviation (MAD), 47
mean absolute percent error (MAPE), 47-48
mean squared error (MSE), 47
tracking signals, 48
history of, 266
inventory planning, 64-65
measurement categories, 267-268
overview, 265
procurement, 100-101
SCOR model, 6-7, 267, 270-272
supply chain dashboard and KPIs, 273-274
transportation systems, 122
warehouse management, 142-143
Mission Foods, 219
mission statement, 15-16
mitigating risk (GSCM), 184-185
mixing warehouses, 133-134
MNCs (multinational corporations), 174
mobile computing, 219
SCOR model, 5-6
illustration, 5
metrics, 6-7
Value Chain model, 7-8
modes of transportation, 105-110
air carriers, 108
global intermediaries, 109-110
intermodal carriers, 108
motor carriers, 107
pipeline, 108-109
rail, 106-107
shipment characteristics, 106
motion waste, 280
Motor Carrier Act of 1980, 104
motor carriers
domestic transportation, 107
international transportation, 178
Motorola, 292
moving averages, 43
MPS (master production schedule), 73, 78-80
MRO (maintenance, repair, and operations), 53
MRP (Material Requirements Planning), 80-83
BOM (bill of materials), 80-81
mechanics, 81-83
MSE (mean squared error), 47
MTO (make-to-order), 79
MTS (make-to-stock), 79
multichannel sourcing, 296
multi-enterprise visibility systems, 220-221
multifunctional dimensions of customer service, 151
multinational corporations (MNCs), 174
multiple regression, 46
naive approach (time series models), 43
National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC), 115
near shoring, 295
near sourcing, 92
negotiable B/L (bill of lading), 122
price, 97-98
reverse logistics, 170
Nestlé, 172
network design
distribution network types, 228
distributor storage with carrier delivery, 230-231
distributor storage with customer pickup, 233-234
distributor storage with last-mile delivery, 232-233
e-business impact, 235-236
manufacturer storage with direct shipping, 228-229
manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge, 229-
retailer storage with customer pickup, 234-235
facility layout
assembly line design and balancing, 256-258
career outlook, 262
cellular layouts, 253-254
facility design in service organizations, 255-256
fixed-position layouts, 255
hybrid layouts, 253
overview, 249-250
process layouts, 250-252
product layouts, 250
technology, 261
warehouse design and layout, 260-261
work cell staffing and balancing, 258-259
facility location
careers in supply chain network analysis, 247
center of gravity analysis, 243-245
cost versus service, 226-227
CV (cost-volume) analysis, 240-242
dominant factors in manufacturing, 240
dominant factors in services, 240
importance of, 225-226
location decisions hierarchy, 238-240
network optimization solutions, 246-247
overview, 225
strategic considerations, 237-238
transportation problem model, 245-246
weighted factor rating analysis, 242-243
new demand, 77
NMFC (National Motor Freight Classification), 115
non-value-added activities, 279-280
non-vessel-operating common carriers (NVOCCs), 110
notified bill of lading, 117
NVOCCs (non-vessel-operating common carriers), 110
ocean bill of lading, 122
ocean transport, 177
omni-channel marketing, 10, 294
OMSs (order management systems), 155-156
operational metrics, 269
operational-level measurement, 268
defined, 7
GSCM (global supply chain management), 11
challenges, 178-180
growth of globalization, 173-175
international transportation methods, 177-178
overview, 173
questions to ask when going global, 179-180
risk management, 181-185
strategy development, 175-177
delivery, 99
direct procurement, 93
few versus many suppliers, 92
indirect procurement, 93
invoice approval, 100
joint ventures, 92
make versus buy, 90
metrics, 100-101
near sourcing, 92
outsourcing, 90-91
overview, 89-90
price negotiation, 97-98
process overview, 93
purchase orders, 98-99
purchasing, 89
receipt of goods, 100
requirements, 93-94
in-sourcing, 91
specifications, 94-95
strategic sourcing, 89-90
supplier selection, 95-96
technology, 101
vertical integration, 92
virtual companies, 92-93
reverse logistics
challenges, 165-166
costs, 161
environmental considerations, 170-172
managing, 166-170
overview, 157-158
process steps, 161-162
recall, 159
recycling and waste disposal, 160
refilling, 159
remanufacturing, 159-160
repairs and refurbishing, 158
return rates by industry, 160-161
strategic uses of, 162-164
system design, 162-164
transportation systems
costs, 105
domestic transportation documents, 116-119
for-hire carriers, 110
history, 103-105
international transportation documents, 119-122
international transportation methods, 177-178
legal types of carriage, 110-111
metrics, 122
modes, 105-110
overview, 103
private carriers, 110-111
rates charged, 114-116
TMS (transportation management systems), 122
transportation economics, 110-111
warehouse management
distribution warehouses, 125
economic benefits, 131-135
economic needs for warehousing, 126-127
facility layout, 137-140
general warehouses, 125
history of, 126
metrics, 142-143
overview, 125-126
packaging, 141-142
picking, 141
putaway, 140, 143
receiving, 141
shipping, 141
size of facility, 135-137
storage, 141
types of warehouses, 127-131
WMS (warehouse management system), 143-144
YMS (yard management system), 145
opportunities in SCM (supply chain management), 23-26
optimization of supply chains, 298
order batching, 149
order bill of lading, 117
to order B/L (bill of lading), 122
order management
OMSs (order management systems), 155-156
order delivery, 150
order placement, 148
order preparation and loading, 149
order processing, 148-149
order-filling accuracy, 149
overview, 147-148
process, 148
order management systems (OMSs), 155-156
ordering costs, 54
origin, certificate of, 119
outbound logistics, 7
outsourcing, 25, 90-91
3PLs (third-party-logistics providers), 193-196
advantages, 194
disadvantages, 194-195
Ryder case study, 195-196
4PLs (fourth-party-logistics providers), 196-198
components for success, 197
Menlo Worldwide Logistics case study, 197-198
players, 197
outsourced manufacturer collaboration, 204
overview, 189-190
reasons to outsource, 190-191
reverse logistics, 170
steps in outsourcing process, 191-192
traditional service providers, 192-193
overprocessing, 280
overproduction, 280
overtime, 77
ownership type (warehouses), 129-130
packaging, 141-142, 178
pallet positioning, 139
Pareto principle, 61
partnerships, 296
part-time workers, 77
pCards, 99
people-enabling software, 221
performance attributes (SCOR model), 6
periods of supply (POS), 65
physical distribution, 13
picking, 141
pickup and delivery, 113
pilferage, 140
pipeline, 108-109
place utility, 15
placing orders, 148
aggregate planning and scheduling
demand options, 76-77
integrated business planning, 76
MPS (master production schedule), 78-80
MRP (Material Requirements Planning), 80-83
overview, 69
production strategies, 79
S&OP processes, 74-76
short-term scheduling, 83-86
strategies, 78
supply capacity options, 77
technology, 86
demand planning. See demand planning
ABC method, 46-47
associative models, 40, 44-46
Delphi method, 39
demand drivers, 36-37
forecasting realities, 35-36
history of, 34-35
jury of executive opinion, 39
knowledge of products, 38-39
market surveys, 39
metrics, 46-48
overview, 33-34
process steps, 37-38
product lifestyles and, 40-42
pyramid approach to, 34-35
quantitative versus qualitative models, 38-40
technology and best practices, 48-49
time series models, 40, 42-43
types of forecasts, 36
inventory planning
ABC method, 61-63
career outlook, 67
channels of distribution, 52
costs of inventory, 53-55
cycle counting, 63-64
EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) inventory model, 55-57
hardware, 67
independent versus dependent demand inventory, 51-53
inventory control and accuracy, 63-64
metrics, 64-65
overview, 51
ROP (Reorder Point) models, 57-61
software, 65-67
types of inventory, 53
typical planning and scheduling process, 51
supply chain planning, 215
planning time fence (PTF), 80
players, 4PLs (fourth-party-logistics providers), 197
PLM (product lifecycle management) software, 214
point solutions, 213
point-of-use storage, 291
pooling, 113
Porter, Michael, 7
POS (periods of supply), 65
possession utility, 15
postponement, warehouses and, 134
predictive analytics, 266
prenegotiated blanket orders, 98
prenegotiated vendor-managed inventory (VMI), 98
preparing orders, 149
pre-S&OP meeting, 74
prescriptive analytics, 266
price negotiation, 95-96
price stabilization, 127
competitive bidding, 97
cost based, 97
deregulation and, 115
market based, 97
price negotiation, 97-98
price stabilization, 127
priority rules, 85
processing, 149
private carriers, 110-111
private warehouses, 129
probabilistic safety stock, 58-60
forecasting process steps, 37-38
internal processes, 19
process layouts, 250-252
delivery, 99
invoice approval, 100
price negotiation, 97-98
process overview, 93
purchase orders, 98-99
receipt of goods, 100
requirements, 93-94
specifications, establishing, 94-95
supplier selection, 95-96
reverse logistics, 161-162
analysis, 162
processing, 162
receiving, 161
sorting and staging, 161-162
support, 162
risk, 182
S&OP processes, 74-76
orders, 148-149
priorities, 149
reverse logistics, 162
Proctor and Gamble, 36
defined, 8
delivery, 99
direct procurement, 93
few versus many suppliers, 92
indirect procurement, 93
invoice approval, 100
joint ventures, 92
make versus buy, 90
metrics, 100-101
near sourcing, 92
outsourcing, 90-91
overview, 89-90
price negotiation, 97-98
process overview, 93
purchase orders, 98-99
purchasing, 89
receipt of goods, 100
requirements, 93-94
in-sourcing, 91
specifications, 94-95
strategic sourcing, 89-90
supplier selection, 95-96
technology, 101
vertical integration, 92
virtual companies, 92-93
product collection system (reverse logistics), 164-165
product flow (warehouses), 136-137
product layouts, 250
product lifecycle management (PLM) software, 214
product lifecycles
forecasting and, 40-42
decline, 41-42
growth phase, 41
introduction phase, 41
maturity, 41
overview, 25
product location (reverse logistics), 164
production economies of scale, 127
Production Quantity EOQ model, 56
production strategies, 79
profitability, design for, 295
protecting profits with reverse logistics, 163
PTF (planning time fence), 80
public warehouses, 129, 192-193
publishing industry, return rates in, 160
pull systems, 291-292
purchase orders, 98-99
purchasing, 89
putaway, 140, 143
pyramid approach to forecasting, 34-35
QR (quick response), 206-207
qualitative forecasting models
Delphi method, 39
jury of executive opinion, 39
knowledge of products, 38-39
market surveys, 39
quantitative versus qualitative models, 38-39
customer service, 152
quality at the source, 290
strategy, 9
quantitative forecasting models
associative models, 40
correlation, 45
least squares method, 44
multiple regression, 46
quantitative versus qualitative models, 39-40
seasonality, 45-46
time series models, 42-43
components, 42-43
exponential smoothing, 43
moving average, 43
naive approach, 43
overview, 40
weighted moving average, 43
Quantity Discount EOQ model, 57
quick response (QR), 206-207
radio frequency identification (RFID), 67, 219
domestic transportation, 106-107
international transportation, 178
rates (transportation), 114-116
effects of deregulation on pricing, 115
freight classifications, 115
rate determination, 116
raw materials, 53
recall, 159
receipt of goods, 100
receiving, 141, 161
reconsignment, 113
recovery, customer service, 153-154
recycling and waste disposal, 160, 165
refilling, 159
refurbishing, 158, 169-170
regional railroads, 107
linear regression, 44
multiple regression, 46
reliability, 6
remanufacturing, 159-160, 169-170
Reorder Point models. See ROP (Reorder Point) models
repairs, 158
request for quotation (RFQ), 95
requests for proposals (RFPs), 95, 191
responsiveness, 6
retail industry
retail distribution warehouses, 127
retailer storage with customer pickup, 233-234
return rates, 160-161
S&OP (sales & operational planning), 76
return rates by industry, 160-161. See also reverse logistics
automotive industry, 160-161
computer industry, 160
publishing industry, 160
retail industry, 160-161
returns-to-revenue, 162
revenue, positively impacting with reverse logistics, 162-164
reverse logistics
challenges, 165-166
costs, 161
environmental considerations, 170-172
managing, 166-170
asset recovery, 170
CRCs (centralized return centers), 168-169
financial management, 170
gatekeeping, 167-168
information technology systems, 168
negotiation, 170
outsourcing, 170
remanufacture and refurbishment, 169-170
zero returns, 169
overview, 157-158
process steps, 161-162
analysis, 162
processing, 162
receiving, 161
sorting and staging, 161-162
support, 162
recall, 159
recycling and waste disposal, 160
refilling, 159
remanufacturing, 159-160
repairs and refurbishing, 158
return rates by industry, 160-161
automotive industry, 160-161
computer industry, 160
publishing industry, 160
retail industry, 160-161
strategic uses of, 162-164
system design, 162-164
documentation, 165
product collection system, 164-165
product location, 164
recycling or disposal centers, 165
warehouses, 129
RFID (radio frequency identification), 67, 219
RFPs (requests for proposals), 95, 191
RFQ (request for quotation), 95
risk management
GSCM (global supply chain management), 181-185
external risks, 182-183
internal risks, 182
potential risk identification and impact, 181
risk mitigation, 184-185
supply chain disruptions, 183
overview, 295
risk matrix, 181
ROP (Reorder Point) models, 57
Fixed-Period model, 60-61
Fixed-Quantity model, 57-60
probabilistic safety stock, 58-60
rule of thumb safety stock calculations, 60
safety stock, 58
Single-Period model, 61
routine viewpoint, 213
rule of thumb safety stock calculations, 60
rules, priority, 85
Ryder, 195-196
S&OP (sales & operational planning). See aggregate planning and
S&T (switching and terminal) carriers, 107
SaaS (software-as-a-service), 217, 219
safety stock
explained, 58
probabilistic safety stock, 58-60
rule of thumb safety stock calculations, 60
sales, 8
sales & operational planning (S&OP). See aggregate planning and
sales documents, 119-120
Sawtooth model, 56
SCC (Supply Chain Council) SCOR model, 5-6
illustration, 5
metrics, 6-7
scheduling. See aggregate planning and scheduling
SCM (supply chain management), 4, 13
career outlook, 26-29, 293-294
certification programs, 24-29
competitive advantage, 9-10
CRM (custom relationship management)
customer service, 150-154
OMSs (order management systems), 155-156
overview, 147-148, 150
defined, 4-5
GSCM (global supply chain management), 11
history of, 13-14
leveraging effect, 8-9
opportunities and challenges, 23-26
optimization of supply chains, 298
order management
order delivery, 150
order placement, 148
order preparation and loading, 149
order processing, 148-149
overview, 147-148
process, 148
SCOR model, 5-6
illustration, 5
metrics, 6-7
segmentation, 10-11
strategy, 15
elements and drivers, 17-19
methodology, 19-23
mission statement, 15-16
strategic choices, 17
SWOT analysis, 16-17
logistics trends, 295-296
supply chain leadership trends, 296-297
supply chain trends, 294-295
technology trends, 297-299
value as utility, 14-15
Value Chain model, 7-8
scope, 6
SCOR model, 5-6, 267, 270-272
illustration, 5
metrics, 6-7
overview, 45-46
seasonal demand, 127
seasonal production, 126
segmenting supply chain, 10-11, 298
selecting suppliers, 95-96
sequencing, 84-85
defined, 8
service orientation, 298
service scheduling, 85-86
service utility, 15
setup costs, 54-55
shipment characteristics by mode of transportation, 106
shipment consolidation, 149
shipping, 112, 114, 141
shortest processing time (SPT), 85
short-term scheduling, 83-86
FCS (finite capacity scheduling), 85
sequencing, 84-85
service scheduling, 85-86
types of scheduling, 84
typical planning and scheduling process, 83
short-term supply chain technology trends, 218
signals (tracking), 48
simulation, 298
single integrated solution software, 217
Single-Period model, 61
Six Sigma, 26, 201, 291-292
size of warehouses, 135-137
cube utilization, 136
number of stories, 135
product flow, 136-137
skills waste, 280
small-package carriers, 107
Social Security Administration (SSA), 219
aggregate planning and scheduling, 86
forecasting software, 46-47
inventory planning, 65-67
procurement, 101
software market (SCM software), 214-218
best-in-class versus single integration solution, 217
BI (business intelligence), 216
consultants, 218
costs, 217
emerging trends, 219-221
short-term trends, 218
supply chain event management, 216
supply chain execution, 215-216
supply chain planning, 215
software-as-a-service (SaaS), 217, 219
TMS (transportation management systems), 122
SOLE (International Society for Logistics), 103
sorting and staging (reverse logistics), 161-162
source control, 290
sources of risk, 182-183
sourcing, 295
multichannel sourcing, 296
in-sourcing, 91
specifications (procurement), 94-95
SPT (shortest processing time), 85
SRM (supplier relationship management) software, 214
SSA (U.S. Social Security Administration), 219
stabilization of prices, 127
standardized work, 288
STB (Surface Transportation Board), 115
stopping in transit, 113
distribution network types, 228
distributor storage with carrier delivery, 230-231
distributor storage with customer pickup, 233-234
distributor storage with last-mile delivery, 232-233
e-business impact, 235-236
manufacturer storage with direct shipping, 228-229
manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge, 229-
retailer storage with customer pickup, 233-234
global intermediaries, 178
point-of-use storage, 291
warehouse storage, 141
stories (warehouse), 135
stowability, transportation costs and, 112
straight bill of lading, 117
strategic alliances. See supply chain partners
strategy, 15
aggregate planning and scheduling, 78
elements and drivers, 17-19
GSCM (global supply chain management) strategy development, 175-
methodology, 19-23
mission statement, 15-16
reverse logistics, 162-164
strategic choices, 17
strategic collaboration, 202
strategic sourcing, 89-90
strategic viewpoint, 213
strategic-level measurement, 268
SWOT analysis, 16-17
subcontracting, 77
supplier relationship management (SRM) software, 214
collaboration with, 25
few versus many suppliers, 92
selecting, 95-96
supplier collaboration, 204
supplier management, 295
supplier relationship management (SRM) software, 214
supply capacity options, 77
supply chain collaboration, 25
Supply Chain Council SCOR model. See SCC (Supply Chain Council)
SCOR model
supply chain dashboard and KPIs, 273-274
supply chain defined, 4
supply chain disruptions, 183
supply chain execution, 215-216
supply chain integration. See also supply chain partners
collaboration methods, 206
CPFR (collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment), 208-
ECR (Efficient Customer Response), 207-208
QR (quick response), 206-207
external integration, 201-206
benefits of, 206
customer collaboration, 204-205
levels of external collaboration, 202-203
S&OP (sales & operational planning), 206
supplier collaboration, 204
supply chain collaboration by industry, 202
types of external collaboration, 203-204
internal integration, 200-201
overview, 199-200
supply chain partners
3PLs (third-party-logistics providers), 193-196
4PLs (fourth-party-logistics providers), 196-198
overview, 189-190
reasons to outsource, 190-191
steps in outsourcing process, 191-192
traditional service providers, 192-193
technology, 211
best of breed solutions, 213
bullwhip effect, 212
customer relationship management (CRM) software, 214
data versus information, 211-212
enterprise solutions, 213
information needs, 213-214
point solutions, 213
product lifecycle management (PLM) software, 214
supplier relationship management (SRM) software, 214
supply chain information flows, 212
supply chain software market, 214-218
XES (extended enterprise solutions), 213
supply chain management. See SCM (supply chain management)
supply chain operations
GSCM (global supply chain management), 11
challenges, 178-180
growth of globalization, 173-175
international transportation methods, 177-178
overview, 173
questions to ask when going global, 179-180
risk management, 181-185
strategy development, 175-177
delivery, 99
direct procurement, 93
few versus many suppliers, 92
indirect procurement, 93
invoice approval, 100
joint ventures, 92
make versus buy, 90
metrics, 100-101
near sourcing, 92
outsourcing, 90-91
overview, 89-90
price negotiation, 97-98
process overview, 93
purchase orders, 98-99
purchasing, 89
receipt of goods, 100
requirements, 93-94
in-sourcing, 91
specifications, 94-95
strategic sourcing, 89-90
supplier selection, 95-96
technology, 101
vertical integration, 92
virtual companies, 92-93
reverse logistics
challenges, 165-166
costs, 161
environmental considerations, 170-172
managing, 166-170
overview, 157-158
process steps, 161-162
recall, 159
recycling and waste disposal, 160
refilling, 159
remanufacturing, 159-160
repairs and refurbishing, 158
return rates by industry, 160-161
strategic uses of, 162-164
system design, 164-165
transportation systems
costs, 105
domestic transportation documents, 116-119
for-hire carriers, 110
history of, 103-105
international transportation documents, 119-122
international transportation methods, 177-178
legal types of carriage, 110-111
metrics, 122
modes, 105-110
overview, 103
private carriers, 110-111
rates charged, 114-116
TMS (transportation management systems), 122-123
transportation economics, 111-114
warehouse management
distribution warehouses, 125
economic benefits, 131-135
economic needs for warehousing, 126-127
facility layout, 137-140
general warehouses, 125
history of, 126
metrics, 142-143
overview, 125-126
packaging, 141-142
picking, 141
putaway, 140, 143
receiving, 141
shipping, 141
size of facility, 135-137
storage, 141
types of warehouses, 127-131
WMS (warehouse management system), 143-144
YMS (yard management system), 145
supply chain partners. See also supply chain integration
3PLs (third-party-logistics providers), 193-196
advantages, 194
disadvantages, 194-195
Ryder case study, 195-196
4PLs (fourth-party-logistics providers), 196-198
components for success, 197
Menlo Worldwide Logistics case study, 197-198
players, 197
overview, 189-190
reasons to outsource, 190-191
steps in outsourcing process, 191-192
traditional service providers, 192-193
supply chain planning, 215
supply chain segmentation, 298
supply chain strategy, 15
elements and drivers, 17-19
methodology, 19-23
mission statement, 15-16
strategic choices, 17
SWOT analysis, 16-17
supply chain technology, 211
best of breed solutions, 213
bullwhip effect, 212
customer relationship management (CRM) software, 214
data versus information, 211-212
emerging trends, 298
enterprise solutions, 213
information needs, 213-214
point solutions, 213
product lifecycle management (PLM) software, 214
supplier relationship management (SRM) software, 214
supply chain information flows, 212
supply chain software market, 214-218
best-in-class versus single integration solution, 217
BI (business intelligence), 216
consultants, 218
costs, 217
emerging trends, 219-221
short-term trends, 218
supply chain event management, 216
supply chain execution, 215-216
supply chain planning, 215
trends in, 297-299
XES (extended enterprise solutions), 213
supply chain trends, 294-295
supply management, 215
supply planning cross-functional meeting, 74
supply risk, 182
support, reverse logistics, 162
Surface Transportation Board (STB), 115
surveys, market surveys, 39
sustainability, 171, 295-299
switching and terminal (S&T) carriers, 107
SWOT analysis, 16-17
system design, reverse logistics, 162-164
documentation, 165
product collection system, 164-165
product location, 164
recycling or disposal centers, 165
tactical collaboration, 202
tactical viewpoint, 213
tactical-level measurement, 268
talent development, 295
TAPS (Trans-Alaska Pipeline System), 108
teams (Lean), 281-283
technology, 211
aggregate planning and scheduling, 86
best of breed solutions, 213
bullwhip effect, 212
customer relationship management (CRM) software, 214
data versus information, 211-212
development, 8
emerging trends, 298
enterprise solutions, 213
facility layout, 261
information needs, 213-214
network optimization solutions, 246-247
OMSs (order management systems), 155-156
point solutions, 213
procurement, 101
product lifecycle management (PLM) software, 214
reverse logistics, 168
supplier relationship management (SRM) software, 214
supply chain information flows, 212
supply chain software market, 214-218
best-in-class versus single integration solution, 217
BI (business intelligence), 216
consultants, 218
costs, 217
emerging trends, 219-221
short-term trends, 218
supply chain event management, 216
supply chain execution, 215-216
supply chain planning, 215
technology trends, 297-299
transportation systems, 122
warehouse management
WMS (warehouse management system), 143-144
YMS (yard management system), 145
XES (extended enterprise solutions), 213
temporary workers, 77
terminal handling, 114
terminals, 105
terms of sale, 116-117, 120-121
third-party-logistics (3PL) providers, 193-196
advantages, 194
disadvantages, 194-195
Ryder case study, 195-196
time series forecasting models, 42-43
components, 42-43
exponential smoothing, 43
moving average, 43
naive approach, 43
overview, 40
weighted moving average, 43
time strategy, 9
time utility, 15
TMS (transportation management systems), 122, 215-216
TNCs (transnational corporations), 174
TOFC (trailer on a flatcar), 108
tools (Lean), 286-287
5S, 288-289
batch size reduction and quick changeover, 289-290
facility layout, 289
point-of-use storage, 291
pull systems/kanban, 291-292
quality at the source, 290
Six Sigma, 292
standardized work, 288
TPM (total productive maintenance), 291
visual controls, 289
work cells, 291-292
total cost minimized, 55
total productive maintenance (TPM), 291
Toyota, 278
TPM (total productive maintenance), 291
tracing, 114
tracking signals, 48
traditional service providers, 192-193
trailer on a flatcar (TOFC), 108
transactional elements, customer service, 151-152
transactions, 6
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), 108
transit privilege, 113
transit sheds, 178
transnational corporations (TNCs), 174
transportation management systems (TMS), 122, 215-216
transportation problem model, 245-246
transportation systems
costs, 105
domestic transportation documents, 116-119
B/L (bill of lading), 117-118
freight bills, 118
freight claims, 119
terms of sale, 116-117
for-hire carriers, 110
history, 103-105
international transportation documents, 119-122
international B/L (bill of lading), 121-122
sales documents, 119-120
terms of sale, 120-121
transport documents, 121
international transportation methods, 177-178
legal types of carriage, 110-111
metrics, 122
modes, 105-110
air carriers, 108
global intermediaries, 109-110
intermodal carriers, 108
motor carriers, 107
pipeline, 108-109
rail, 106-107
shipment characteristics by mode of transportation, 106
overview, 103
private carriers, 110-111
rates charged, 114-116
effects of deregulation on pricing, 115
freight classifications, 115
rate determination, 116
TMS (transportation management systems), 122
transportation economics, 110-111
cost elements, 113-114
cost factors, 111-112
shipping patterns, 112
transportation waste, 280
trends in supply chain management
logistics trends, 295-296
supply chain leadership trends, 296-297
supply chain trends, 294-295
technology trends, 297-299
UFC (Uniform Freight Classification), 115
uniform bill of lading, 117
Uniform Freight Classification (UFC), 115
unique value proposal, 19
UPS, 196
U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA), 219
utilities, 14-15
Value Chain model, 7-8
value chains, 7-8
value stream maps (VSMs), 283-286
value-added activities, 279-280
value-added networks (VANs), 99
VANs (value-added networks), 99
varying inventory levels, 77
vehicles, 105, 114
vendor evaluation, 96
vertical integration, 92
VICS (Voluntary Inter-industry Commerce Solutions), 208
virtual companies, 92-93
visibility, 296
visual controls, 289
Vizio, 92
Voluntary Inter-industry Commerce Solutions (VICS), 208
VSMs (value stream maps), 283-286
vulnerability maps, 181
waiting, 280
Walmart, 172
Warehouse Educational and Research Council (WERC), 126
warehouse management. See also facilities
distribution warehouses, 125
economic benefits, 131-135
accumulation, mixing, and sorting, 133-134
allocation, 134
consolidation, 132-133
market presence, 135
postponement, 134
economic needs for warehousing, 126-127
facility layout, 137-140
deterioration, 140
material handling, 138-139
pallet positioning, 139
pilferage, 140
general warehouses, 125
history of, 126
metrics, 142-143
overview, 125-126
packaging, 141-142
picking, 141
public warehouses, 192-193
putaway, 140, 143
receiving, 141
shipping, 141
size of facility, 135-137
cube utilization, 136
number of stories, 135
product flow, 136-137
storage, 141
types of warehouses, 127-131
warehouse features, 130
warehouse strategy, 130-131
warehouses by customer classification, 127-128
warehouses by ownership type, 129-130
warehouses by role in supply chain, 128-129
warehouse design and layout, 260-261
WMS (warehouse management system), 65-66, 143-144, 215
YMS (yard management system), 145
warehouse management systems (WMS), 65-66, 143-144, 215
waste (Lean), 280-281
waste disposal and recycling, 160, 165
ways, 105
American Production and Inventory Control Society, 67
AST&L (American Society for Transportation & Logistics), 103
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, 67
Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning, 34
SOLE (International Society for Logistics), 103
WERC (Warehouse Educational and Research Council), 126
weighing, 114
weight, transportation costs and, 111
weighted factor rating analysis, 242-243
weighted moving average, 43
WERC (Warehouse Educational and Research Council), 126
WIP (work in progress), 53
WMS (warehouse management systems), 65-66, 143-144, 215
work cells, 291-292
layouts, 253-254
staffing and balancing, 258-259
work in progress (WIP), 53
workflow, 6
Xerox, 171
XES (extended enterprise solutions), 213