Study and Design of Anchorage Corner Blisters of Post-Tensioning Tendons
Study and Design of Anchorage Corner Blisters of Post-Tensioning Tendons
Study and Design of Anchorage Corner Blisters of Post-Tensioning Tendons
The anchorage corner blisters of internal continuity post-tensioning tendons of bridges built with the
cantilever method are singular zones where the simplified formulas for the design of the reinforcement
required to resist transverse tensile forces due to the application of point loads, proposed by the current
standards, are not sufficient as they do not cover all the effects that require reinforcement. Besides being
eccentric and intermediate anchorages, as the anchorages are located in blisters, there is the need to transfer
the prestressing force to the bottom slab and web of the girder.
In addition to the difficulties in design, during construction the high density of steel reinforcement in
anchorage blisters is often responsible for the existence of zones with low concrete compacity, which may
lead to concrete crushing failures under the anchor plates. To reduce the density of steel reinforcement, in
the research project which is the basis of this paper a high-performance fibre reinforced self-compacting
mixture (HPFRC) was used
An experimental program was carried out to study the transmission of prestressing force to the slab and web
of the box girder, assess the strut-and-tie models used in design and to study the feasibility of using a high-
performance fiber reinforced self-compacting mixture (HPFRC) only in the blister.
It can be concluded that the use of HPFRC in anchorage blisters is a very interesting solution regarding the
saving in materials and the reduction of the steel reinforcement density near the local anchorage zone.
Keywords: post-tensioning, anchorage zones, high performance concrete, box girder bridge, steel fibres.
1. Introduction
Previous studies (Haroon et al.,2006; Leung et al., 2009; Gomes, F. and Nunes, S., 2010) have shown the
efficiency of high performance concretes with regard to the reduction of confining steel reinforcement in
anchorage zones. So, with the aim of decrease the amount of reinforcement needed in anchorage blisters
and also reduce its concrete cross-section a high performance fiber reinforced self-compacting mixture was
developed. It is noteworthy that, because of its high strength, the volume of HPFRC needed is about 1/3 to
1/2 of that of conventional concrete for comparable structural elements (Ganz, 2008).
With the aim of studying the behavior of anchorage blisters regarding the transmission of stresses to the
web and the bottom slab of the box girder, as well as the feasibility of using high performance concrete only
in the blister, three half scale models of the inferior corner of a box girder existing bridge were studied: a
reference specimen of ordinary reinforced concrete (ORC) and two high performance fiber reinforced
concrete (HPFRC) blister specimens.
The specimens were self-balanced with anchorages at both ends of the tendons and included a corner blister
for two anchorages with a portion of the slab and the contiguous web. In the HPFRC blister specimens, the
section of the blister was reduced.
The design of the reinforcement of the specimens was based in the tensile forces obtained from strut-and-
tie models. The strut-and-tie models were developed taking into consideration the stress fields obtained
from a linear-elastic analysis.
2. Experimental Program
Fig. 12. Evolution of the blister displacements with the average measured load
The largest measured crack widths correspond to the relative displacement transducers 3, 4, 6 and 7 and are
below 0.15 mm. The variation of the concrete surface relative displacements with the average measured
load, for these transducers (whose location is shown in Figure 14), is presented in Figure 13.
Fig. 15. Evolution of the blister displacements with the average measured load
The measured crack widths were similar to the ones obtained for the previous specimen, except for the
crack between the anchorage blister and the bottom slab which has reached a width of approximately
0.3 mm, as can be seen in Figure 16.
3. Conclusions
Comparing the test results of the HPFRC blister specimens, the two models showed a very similar behavior
during the test satisfying all requirements for serviceability and strength. No significant difference
regarding cracking was observed, except for the crack formed in the connection between the blister and the
bottom slab. Measurements of the relative displacement transducers in that zone showed that the relative
displacement become higher for the precast blister model from a load value of approximately 1250 kN.
However, the crack width did not exceed 0.3 mm for the maximum load achieved in the test.
Regarding the steel reinforcement, although the strain values are not directly related to the tensile force on
the ties of the strut-and-tie models used for design but with the steel reinforcement stress, in most cases the
largest strains were measured in the strain gauges located in the reinforcement that corresponded to ties with
largest tensile force. The measured values were all below the steel yielding strain.
The use of HPFRC in anchorage corner blisters is a very interesting solution regarding the saving of
materials and the reduction of the steel reinforcement density near the local anchorage zone, with the
obvious advantages in concrete quality.
The adoption of solutions with HPFRC precast blisters avoids producing and casting with two different
concretes on site. This solution can be valuable regarding quality control in the execution of HPFRC blisters.
4. Acknowledgements
Collaboration and materials supplying by VSL, Concremat, Secil, Comital, MC-Bauchemie, Sika, and
KrampeHarex is gratefully acknowledged.
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