Return To Work: Guidelines
Return To Work: Guidelines
Return To Work: Guidelines
Return to Work
Important Notice
Whilst we endeavor to provide you with a comprehensive view on the measures, we are taking
to contain the spread of the pandemic, this guideline is prepared in view of the general safety
of all our employees. It is the responsibility of each one of us to be aware of our own personal
situation and take suitable precautions accordingly. It is also our responsibility to stay
updated on the current state of affairs in your neighborhood before you return to work in view
of the restrictions, rules and regulations imposed by the concerned local authorities.
This handbook provides minimum safety and precautions that an employee must take.
Wipro fully respects your choice if you would like to take more precautions to protect
yourselves during this pandemic. However, note that despite our best efforts to implement the
precautionary measures at workplace, it may not necessarily protect you from this pandemic.
This document is dynamic and will be periodically updated and latest versions will be shared
with all relevant stakeholders.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a It emphasizes and provide assurance to our
massive outbreak that has proliferated staff that our offices are completely
across the globe with the number of cases equipped and designed with all the
increasing each day. necessary safeguards, with guidance from
Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)
Wipro is taking all safety standard pandemic requirements,
Operations, Human resources, and Crisis
and precautionary measures
Management teams.
based on WHO and all other
guidelines laid out by the It also includes a streamlined set of
respective authorities. recommendations based on guidelines
from World Health Organization (WHO), the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Our efforts are primarily (CDC), as well as various country specific
focused on people safety public health authorities.
and continuity of critical
While readjusting to work will pose unique
business. challenges, this document is a critical tool
The lockdown was announced starting as we implement and adapt a “new normal”
from March 2020, and extending to all way of working while continuing to have a
grographies within a short span of safe and healthy workplace.
These protocols represent our current
practices regarding the operation of our
This document is prepared with an intent
facilities during a highly uncertain time and
to provide guidance on our phased
is designed to be a "living" document,
approach of employees getting back to
recognizing that applicable public health
work in the “new normal” as our business
guidance regarding COVID-19 is evolving on
recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. It
almost a daily basis. The latest versions of
provides a framework for restarting our
the document will be made available to all
operations keeping in mind employee
key stakeholders and will have periodic
safety as the topmost priority, reopening of
release to all employees.
facilities across various locations globally
and continuing business critical operations
(only) with a consistent response and
strategy, protecting employees and making
sure everyone stays safe, healthy and
confident about returning to work.
Overview of
the guidelines
5 Acknowledgements
8 Returning to work
11 Access control
12 Employee communication
16 Housekeeping services
17 Space management
18 Transport management
23 Administrative services
24 WFO enablement
29 HR support
30 Compliance references
Globally our offices will resume operations • Employees for whom work from home
based on the local guidance and go ahead (WFH) is not possible or has not yet
from various authorities. been enabled
For all our locations we are gearing up for a • Employees who have been enabled to
gradual come back of our critical resources, WFH but are unable to work effectively
in a phased approach as per below:
• Employees who are enabled to work from
Phase 1 — By end of June operations home (WFH) should continue to do so
planned up to 5%
• If you live in a high-risk area, please
Subsequent phases will be decided by continue to stay at home
• You should plan to work from the office
Note: China operations will be Business as (WFO) only if you are not enabled to WFH
Usual or are facing any challenges
During Phase 1 only employees of these • If in doubt, always reach out to your
categories will resume to work: Manager or your HR Manager
Zoning @ Wipro Campus
• Zones are small group of employees (50 • Zones create a physical partition with
– 75) identified from each account and clear demarcation to reduce the risk of
demarked into a specific Zone. Eg Zone exposure and large group of employees
A – Account X, Zone B – Account Y coming in contact resulting in large
• Subzones are created in case the number of employees being quarantined
account HC is more than 75 per zone • To help employees be safe and not mingle
• Zones and subzones are followed with employees from other zones
across transport cabs, parking lot, • To avoid employees gathering at various
ODCs, pantries, cafeteria, restrooms or places inside the campus
anywhere across the campus
How to follow Zoning protocols?
• Employees should strictly follow the Zones allocated for their accounts and displayed
on the notice boards
• Zone details are available with the managers and location FMG team could also share
this information
• Employees from one zone should not move and gather with employees from other zones
• Adhere to breakout timing published in the notice board at the cafeteria
• Emphasis is on self-discipline
• Follow all safety measures that are implemented
• Zone-specific cabs and drivers are allocated, please follow the same
• Raise any concern to FMG SPOCs for support
COVID – 19
Positive case in campus
Symptoms are
related to COVID-19
Symptoms not
related to COVID-19
Employee is sent back Employee is
home and to re-join work immediately referred
by producing doctor to the nearest hospital
certificate of fitness in an ambulance
6 ft 6 ft 6 ft
Wash your Cover mouth if Aviod touching
hands coughing or sneezing your face
Key steps
Please refer to all employee communication for periodic updates on various topics.
• Pandemic inventory
maintained at campuses
of masks, sanitizers,
gloves, and medicines
• Regular communication
to employees on
updated scenarios and
best practices
• Social distancing
maintained & sanitizers
in all common areas
Cafeteria – Heat and Eat Stations • Before start of operations inside kitchen,
• Floor markers indicating placement and all kitchen equipment will be sanitized
movement of queues will be placed. • Before the start and after the end of café
• Adjacent microwaves will be placed at a operations, the floor is sanitized.
minimum distance of 3 feet. • Cafeteria tables and chairs should be
• Alcoholic swabs and hand sanitizers will sanitized after each usage.
be provided for employees prior/post use • Foot-operated sanitizer stations will be
of microwave. placed at vantage points such as the
Enhanced Hygiene – Kitchen Operation entry/exit at cafés and meeting rooms.
Business Card
• Employees are encouraged to use the e-card format instead of
physical business cards.
• Asset physical
Vehicle & Asset sanitization process
Disinfection • Allow it to air-dry
• Check wetness moisture
content before next step
• Computer security
• Update security patches
• Security sanitization
Movement of • Update security patches
Assets into • Usable Asset transfer to
Campus workstation
• Unusable asset
transferred to IMG Store
of sealed ODCs
IND/TBS/MAY2020 - OCT2020