Short Biography of Shelly

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St Xavier’s College, Mahuadanr

Short Biography of P.B.Shelly.

Percy Bysshe Shelley was born on August 4th 1792 at Field Place,
near Horsham, Sussex, England. On both, his father’s and mother’s side
he was descended from Noble old families, famous in the political and
literary history of England.

At the age of 10 he was sent to Syon House Academy near London.

There he was bullied and often lonely but he acquired an interest in
Science especially astronomy and chemistry and became an ardent
reader of juvenile thrillers filled with horrors of various kinds. His
experience at his first school seemed to him like a combination of hell
and prison.

At the age of 12 in 1804, he entered the famous Preparatory

School at Eton. He was a delicate, nervous, marvelously sensitive boy,
and of great physical beauty but suffered torments at the hands of his
rough school fellows.

He was positive, resentful and brave to the point of rashness; soul

and body rose up against Tyranny and he organized a rebellion against
the cruel system. One finds what one seeks in this world. After his Eton
experiences Shelly found causes for rebellion in all existing forms of
human society.

He went to Oxford University in 1810, but his University days are

but a repetition of his earlier experiences. While at University he
published a pamphlet called “The Necessity of Atheism”. It was a crude
and foolish piece of work which brought conflict with the authorities
and he was expelled from the university in 1811 because he refused to
admit his authorship of the pamphlet.

Shortly after his expulsion he eloped to Scotland with Harriet

Westbrook a schoolgirl of 16 years of old. This marriage alienated him
from his father. However their marriage was even more unfortunate, for
two years they wandered about England Ireland and Wales.

A major turning point in Shelly’s life occurred in July, 1814, when

he eloped with Mary Godwin the daughter of the radical philosopher
William Godwin author of “Political Justice”. Shelly who did not believe
in marriage had convinced himself that his wife Harriet, mother of two
children, no longer supplied him with the complete sympathy he craved
for and that Mary did it. After the death of Harriet he legalized his
association with Mary by marrying her on 29th December 1816. He went
to Italy in 1818 and never returned to England. Here his best poetry
was written and here he found comfort in the friendship of Lord Byron
and Hunt ect., who are forever associated with Shelly’s Italian life.

In 1822 when he was only 30 years of age Shelly was drowned

while sailing in a small boat called Don Juan. His body was washed
ashore several days later and was cremated in the same shore.

In Shelly we deal with a tragic blend of high-mindedness and

light-headedness. Byron wrote of Shelley “The most gentle, the most
amiable and the least worldly-minded person I have ever met.”

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