Law On Sales - Notes 3: Vice Versa
Law On Sales - Notes 3: Vice Versa
Law On Sales - Notes 3: Vice Versa
Art. 1481. In the contract of sale of goods by description or by ART. 1482. Whenever earnest money is given in a contract
sample, the contract may be rescinded if the bulk of the goods of sale, it shall be considered as part of the price and as proof
delivered do not correspond with the description or the of the perfection of the contract. (1454a)
sample, and if the contract be by sample as well as
description, it is not sufficient that the bulk of goods
Meaning of earnest money.
correspond with the sample if they do not also correspond
with the description.
Earnest money is something of value given by the buyer to the
The buyer shall have a reasonable opportunity of comparing seller to show that the buyer is really in earnest, and to bind the
the bulk with the description or the sample. bargain. It is actually a partial payment of the purchase price and is
considered as proof of the perfection of the contract.
(3) Where form is required in order that a contract may be valid. (1) Elect fulfillment upon the vendee’s failure to pay; or
— Where the “applicable statute” requires that the contract of sale (2) Cancel the sale, if the vendee shall have failed to pay two
be in a certain form for its validity, the required form must be or more installments; or
observed in order that the contract may be both valid and (3) Foreclose the chattel mortgage, if one has been constituted,
enforceable. if the vendee shall have failed to pay two or more installments.
(4) Where form is required only for the convenience of the ART. 1485. The preceding article shall be applied to
parties. — In certain cases, a certain form (e.g., public instrument) contracts purporting to be leases of personal property with
is required for the convenience of the parties in order that the sale option to buy, when the lessor has deprived the lessee of the
may be registered in the Registry of Deeds to make effective as possession or enjoyment of the thing.
against third persons the right acquired under such sale.