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Horoscope Free
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Planetary alignments
The planets run through the signs of the zodiac and form certain con‐
stellations - the: „Aspects”:
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
If, for example, many planets are in the earth signs, then the earth
element is strongly emphasized in the horoscope, and the proper‐
ties of this element strongly influence the personality of a person.
Fire-fueled people are more dynamic, brave, and assertive. Air-fo‐
cused people are more intellectual and rational. People with an
emphasis in earth people are stable, quiet, and enduring. Water-fo‐
cused people are emotional, sensitive, and imaginative.
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Horoscope of Lykke
When Lykke grows up, he is o en the leader, the "doer". This dispo‐
sition gives her many advantages in our performance and informa‐
tion oriented society, especially in regards to his profession. It is ty‐
pical for Lykke not to wait until something happens. He himself
makes sure that things get moving and is responsible for making
sure things “get started”. Lykke has an incredible amount of initiati‐
ve and energy.
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Horoscope of Lykke
Lykke will evolve into a rather turbulent and emotional boy, who
o en – spontaneously and running purely on instinct – makes deci‐
sions that are not well thought-out. He will also display this in his
everyday life. Lykke comes o as lively, authentic, and honest, but
is also o en rash and careless. He is very playful and creative,
wants to try out a lot of new things and likes to experiment.
Later, Lykke will grow into a rather honest and sincere man who will
not be prone to telling lies. Others will easily be able to tell if he
tries to tell lies or make excuses. Lykke has a pronounced sense of
justice and will always defend his friends.
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
Capricorn rising
The little Lykke has difficulty correctly expressing his feelings and
needs to others, especially his parents. It may be that Lykke hides
problems he may be having at school which will require his parents
to have to search or inquire in order to get to the bottom of what is
really bothering him.
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
Nobody would assume that such a boy could develop into a serious
competitor. Lykke has a distinct and healthy self-confidence which
is also clearly perceived by those around him. He stands firmly in
his own life and is not the type who lets someone else walk all over
him. When it really comes down to it, whether in a sporting compe‐
tition or later in his educational and professional life, Lykke can de‐
velop a strong sense of ambition and emerge victorious in any si‐
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Horoscope of Lykke
Since Lykke possesses a good instinct for his boundaries and how
far he can go without creating any damage, he can achieve a lot,
which applies to his entire life. Lykke will always be a somewhat
wild and impetuous boy. As an adolescent, he will want to lock
horns with his friends. Lykke has a lot of trust in himself, which is
actually realistic, because his physical strength and courage are re‐
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Horoscope of Lykke
Lykke can hear fleas cough and the grass grow. He is incredibly sen‐
sitive, permeable to external stimuli and very emotional. His fellow
human beings usually recognize this quickly and treat Lykke accor‐
dingly in a cautious and careful manner. This is a good thing becau‐
se due to his sensitivity he is the type of person who does not want
to annoy or hurt anybody.
Still, Lykke can be offended and hurt very quickly. It only takes a
slight offense or someone using the wrong tone to hurt his feelings.
He will then retreat into a snail shell and wait for an apology.
Also, Lykke can feel sick very quickly. If he is angry or worried about
something, then he will suffer from stomach and headaches, some‐
times also including nausea. It is important that you always get to
the root of the problem. You will find that it can usually be traced
back to a psychological problem, not a physical one.
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Horoscope of Lykke
In general, however, Lykke will usually try to force his will with all of
his might. He also does not like to be sidetracked and can be reluc‐
tant to compromise. Thus, Lykke will frequently achieve the goals
that he has set out to accomplish which will, in turn, reinforce his
drive to follow through with his plans.
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
Sun in Sagittarius
Lykke knows very well how to win the admiration of others. He will
have a hard time being deliberate and is almost incapable of deve‐
loping sophisticated strategies to get through life better. Lykke is
instinctively honest and authentic which is recognized by others
who will encourage and support him in his actions. Little Lykke will
almost always get what he wants from you as parents but also from
others. At the same time, Lykke does not need to quarrel or cry, no,
all of his desires will come flying. He immediately leaves a good im‐
pression and due to his natural, informal, and cordial nature, he im‐
mediately assures himself the sympathy of others. Be it a lollipop at
the bakery or a balloon at the toy store, even his grandparents just
cannot say "no" to him. They will tend to overdo it with candy and
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Horoscope of Lykke
whirl around and roar, because he needs the space and mental free‐
dom for his development.
The young Lykke also has a pronounced sense of justice and is very
generous. Not infrequently, he shares his cookies with playmates
on the playground or gives his little sibling some of his own gi s or
toys. Lykke has a solid and lasting circle of friends. Even in kinder‐
garten, or on the playground, it becomes clear he can quickly find
friends and build lasting relationships which could accompany him
into old age. Through his constantly balanced giving and taking and
honest behavior, Lykke is extremely popular. He is o en chosen as
a class spokesman.
The young Lykke has a good sense for opportunities and favorable
situations. Almost playfully, he always seems to be in the right
place at the right moment. This is the "good fortune" of Sagittarius
which is so much emphasized in astrology. It is simply the gi of
Lykke to recognize and use the situations quickly and aptly which
best contribute to his "good fortune". Especially the positive and
flexible basic life view of Sagittariuses is highlighted here. Your son
is no exception.
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Horoscope of Lykke
The position of the sun in the houses shows how a person experien‐
ces himself, what he identifies with and where he feels the most
comfortable. Here he discovers his creative power and finds happi‐
ness and fulfillment.
Since the child has not yet reached the necessary stage of develop‐
ment in order to recognize his nature and accordingly, to take his
life plan into his own hands, the interpretation of the sun in the
houses is rather a tendency during childhood and adolescence. Alt‐
hough it may already be visible at an early age, it will only be truly
apparent as an adult.
The cardinal house stands for action, initiation, and focus on goals.
This creates impulses, the creative power is used to take action and
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Horoscope of Lykke
Earth houses
The earth houses represent the material, the concrete, and the
earthly. They symbolize stability, performance, and the creation of
something new. The real and the practical is important for these
people and helps them to receive recognition and affirmations.
Through work, especially lots and good work, they gain happiness
and satisfaction. All action is directed primarily at the external world.
People with an emphasis on the earth house are looking for a place
within the system, wanting to be useful, important, and need
Show Lykke that there are other things in life that are important.
Teach him to value family life, leisure, and friendships. Also, teach
him that fairness and respect for others should alway come before
one's own professional success.
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
Moon in Aquarius
Lykke is basically always up for change, variety, and any type of in‐
teresting experiments. Nothing frustrates him more than to be con‐
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Horoscope of Lykke
fined by rigid timelines or plans that are calculated down to the mi‐
nute. Lykke places rationality, reason, and logic before feelings, ro‐
mance, and fantasy. He hardly wants to look into the depths of
others and to deal with the accompanying feelings. To him, they
are too illogical, too unpredictable, and too vague. Lykke would like
to approach everything with logic and rationality. Despite this logic
and reason approach, he still tends to place his own plans and
ideas above tangible reality. This can sometimes lead Lykke to hold
on to projects and views which may seem impossible or detached
from reality.
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Horoscope of Lykke
Mercury in Sagittarius
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Horoscope of Lykke
great vigor and speed. These types of subjects will also bring out his
patience and tenacity.
Lykke usually thinks positively and productively and rarely wastes
time with gloomy thoughts. Thus, he attracts happiness and joy
with this open-minded and positive way of thinking. If he does get
stuck in a situation, he seems to almost effortlessly get back on the
right path. In conversations and discussions, he intuitively finds
motivating, uplifting, and liberal words so that he is generally a
pleasant conversation partner even if he sometimes speaks a little
too directly.
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
Lykke tends to pay more attention to his illusions, dreams, and fan‐
tasies than to reason, reality, and school. Because of this, Lykke
may act in a self-willed and incomprehensible manner regarding
school and learning. If a topic really speaks to him, he loves to learn
about it, but if it seems to be boring and uninteresting, he tends to
zone out and retreat into his dream world. Lykke sometimes dis‐
plays a blooming fantasy and tries to sell it as real. It may seem to
others that he is not always too particular about the truth, but that
is actually not the case. His fantasy is simply a lot stronger than
others' and due to his lack of life experience he cannot distinguish
between illusion and truth.
But don't worry, Lykke is not prone to any mental disorders. When
he is older, he will definitely be able to distinguish between illusion
and truth. However, he will always be a little dreamy and quite sen‐
sitive. Lykke will surely develop psychological, social, and artistic
talents which will influence his career choices.
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Horoscope of Lykke
Mars in Scorpio
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Horoscope of Lykke
things than others. That is why his reactions to these trespasses can
be more violent than other people's. In the case of crises, conflicts,
and problems, Lykke can generate considerable energies and
forces, which can have an explosive component. When it comes to
everyday problems, Lykke can really show what he is made of which
will leave others astonished.
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Horoscope of Lykke
Lykke quickly becomes a zealot and justice fanatic who can turn
everything into a battle of conflicting belief systems. You should
correct Lykke here and teach him that that he will not always be
correct; that others can also have a point of view and a different,
correct opinion on or attitude toward a subject. He needs to learn
to accept others and their opinions as well. Stress to your child the
importance of tolerance towards others!
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
When placed in the first house, Jupiter is quite strong and positive;
here, it can be described as a chart ruler. This indicates that Lykke
can expect a positive and pleasant path in life without having to
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
In the long run, however, other people will recognize that Lykke has
a clean, ethical, and honest attitude towards life, with little room
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Horoscope of Lykke
But it can also happen that Lykke relies too much on his luck in
order to achieve his goals. This can lead to him starting projects and
then becoming overwhelmed by them. If this happens he will tend
to act carelessly and negligently. On occasion, Lykke disregards the
laws of reality and tends to exaggerate and be excessive.
Lykke will develop similar life, work, and career ideas as his father.
He will look to him and his behavior and identify strongly with him.
This can be good or bad. If he has a similar inner personality as his
father, this constellation is quite favorable for Lykke because he
then experiences, through his father, a lot of protection and
backing in his life.
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Horoscope of Lykke
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Horoscope of Lykke
It can also be that only a short time later, Lykke behaves moody, ec‐
centric, and crazy and does not fit into any predictable pattern. You
should simply accept this as a parent for a while. When Lykke is
done, he will have learned important lessons, gained experience,
and once again taken one step closer in the direction of his career
and lifestyle. These things, however, scarcely receive the consent of
the broad conservative public. This does not bother Lykke, and you,
too, as parents will be happy with the results.
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