CRAN (2020) - Package 'Zoo'
CRAN (2020) - Package 'Zoo'
CRAN (2020) - Package 'Zoo'
May 2, 2020
Version 1.8-8
Date 2020-05-01
Title S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's
Ordered Observations)
Description An S3 class with methods for totally ordered indexed
observations. It is particularly aimed at irregular time series
of numeric vectors/matrices and factors. zoo's key design goals
are independence of a particular index/date/time class and
consistency with ts and base R by providing methods to extend
standard generics.
Depends R (>= 3.1.0), stats
Suggests AER, coda, chron, fts, ggplot2 (>= 3.0.0), mondate, scales,
strucchange, timeDate, timeSeries, tis, tseries, xts
Imports utils, graphics, grDevices, lattice (>= 0.20-27)
License GPL-2 | GPL-3
NeedsCompilation yes
Author Achim Zeileis [aut, cre] (<>),
Gabor Grothendieck [aut],
Jeffrey A. Ryan [aut],
Joshua M. Ulrich [ctb],
Felix Andrews [ctb]
Maintainer Achim Zeileis <[email protected]>
Repository CRAN
Date/Publication 2020-05-02 16:14:00 UTC
R topics documented:
aggregate.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
as.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
coredata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 aggregate.zoo
frequency<- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ggplot2.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
is.regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
lag.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
make.par.list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
MATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
merge.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
na.aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
na.approx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
na.fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
na.locf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
na.StructTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
na.trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
ORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
plot.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
read.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
rollapply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
rollmean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
window.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
xblocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
xyplot.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
yearmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
yearqtr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
zooreg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Index 72
Splits a "zoo" object into subsets along a coarser index grid, computes summary statistics for each,
and returns the reduced "zoo" object.
x an object of class "zoo".
by index vector of the same length as index(x) which defines aggregation groups
and the new index to be associated with each group. If by is a function, then it
is applied to index(x) to obtain the aggregation groups.
FUN a function to compute the summary statistics which can be applied to all subsets.
Always needs to return a result of fixed length (typically scalar).
... further arguments passed to FUN.
regular logical. Should the aggregated series be coerced to class "zooreg" (if the series
is regular)? The default is FALSE for "zoo" series and TRUE for "zooreg" series.
frequency numeric indicating the frequency of the aggregated series (if a "zooreg" series
should be returned. The default is to determine the frequency from the data
if regular is TRUE. If frequency is specified, it sets regular to TRUE. See
examples for illustration.
coredata logical. Should only the coredata(x) be passed to every by group? If set to
FALSE the full zoo series is used.
An object of class "zoo" or "zooreg".
The xts package functions endpoints, period.apply to.period, to.weekly, to.monthly, etc.,
can also directly input and output certain zoo objects and so can be used for aggregation tasks in
some cases as well.
See Also
## averaging over values in a month:
# is jan 1,3,5,7; feb 9,11,13; mar 15,17,19 <- as.Date(paste(2004, rep(1:4, 4:1), seq(1,20,2), sep = "-"));
x <- zoo(rnorm(12),; x
# coarser dates - jan 1 (4 times), feb 1 (3 times), mar 1 (3 times)
x.date2 <- as.Date(paste(2004, rep(1:4, 4:1), 1, sep = "-")); x.date2
x2 <- aggregate(x, x.date2, mean); x2
# same - uses as.yearmon
x2a <- aggregate(x, as.Date(as.yearmon(time(x))), mean); x2a
# same - uses by function
x2b <- aggregate(x, function(tt) as.Date(as.yearmon(tt)), mean); x2b
# same - uses cut
x2c <- aggregate(x, as.Date(cut(time(x), "month")), mean); x2c
# almost same but times of x2d have yearmon class rather than Date class
x2d <- aggregate(x, as.yearmon, mean); x2d
4 aggregate.zoo
# The last one used the first day of the quarter but suppose
# we want the first day of the quarter that exists in the series
# (and the series does not necessarily start on the first day
# of the quarter).[!duplicated(as.yearqtr(time(]
# This is the same except it uses the last day of the quarter.
# It requires R 2.6.0 which introduced the fromLast= argument.
## Not run:[!duplicated(as.yearqtr(time(, fromLast = TRUE)]
## End(Not run)
merge(y2, y0)
# Find the sd of all days that lie in any Jan, all days that lie in
# any Feb, ..., all days that lie in any Dec (i.e. output is vector with
# 12 components)
aggregate(z, format(time(z), "%m"), sd)
6 as.zoo
Methods for coercing "zoo" objects to other classes and a generic function as.zoo for coercing
objects to class "zoo".
as.zoo(x, ...)
x an object,
... further arguments passed to zoo when the return object is created.
as.zoo currently has a default method and methods for ts, fts, irts, mcmc, tis, xts objects (and
zoo objects themselves).
Methods for coercing objects of class "zoo" to other classes currently include: as.ts, as.matrix,
as.vector,, as.list (the latter also being available for "ts" objects). Further-
more, fortify.zoo can transform "zoo" series to "data.frame" including the time index and
optionally melting a wide series into a long data frame.
In the conversion between zoo and ts, the zooreg class is always used.
as.zoo returns a zoo object.
See Also
zoo, fortify.zoo, zooreg, ts, irts, tis, fts, mcmc, xts.
## coercion to zoo:
## default method
## method for "ts" objects
as.zoo(ts(rnorm(5), start = 1981, freq = 12))
Generic functions for extracting the core data contained in a (more complex) object and replacing
coredata(x, ...)
coredata(x) <- value
x an object.
... further arguments passed to methods.
value a suitable value object for use with x.
In zoo, there are currently coredata methods for time series objects of class "zoo", "ts", "its",
"irts", all of which strip off the index/time attributes and return only the observations. The are
also corresponding replacement methods for these classes.
See Also
x an object.
value a frequency.
frequency<- is a generic function for replacing (or assigning) the frequency of an object. Currently,
there is a "zooreg" and a "zoo" method. In both cases, the value is assigned to the "frequency"
of the object if it complies with the index(x).
See Also
zooreg, index
z <- zooreg(1:5)
frequency(z) <- 3
ggplot2.zoo 9
fortify.zoo takes a zoo object and converts it into a data frame (intended for ggplot2). autoplot.zoo
takes a zoo object and returns a ggplot2 object. It essentially uses the mapping aes(x = Time,y =
Value,group = Series) and adds colour = Series, linetype = Series, shape = Series in the
case of a multivariate series with facets = NULL.
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
autoplot(object, geom = "line", facets, ...)
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
fortify(model, data,
names = c("Index", "Series", "Value"),
melt = FALSE, sep = NULL, ...)
facet_free(facets = Series ~ ., margins = FALSE, scales = "free_y", ...)
yearqtr_trans(format = "%Y-%q", n = 5)
scale_x_yearqtr(..., format = "%Y-%q", n = 5)
scale_y_yearqtr(..., format = "%Y-%q", n = 5)
object an object of class "zoo".
geom character specifying which geom to use in qplot.
facets specification of facets for qplot. The default in the autoplot method is to use
facets = NULL for univariate series and facets = Series ~ . for multivariate
... further arguments passed to qplot for autoplot (and not used for fortify).
For the scale_*_* functions the arguments are passed on to scale_*_continuous.
model an object of class "zoo" to be converted to a "data.frame".
data not used (required by generic fortify method).
names (list of) character vector(s). New names given to index/time column, series in-
dicator (if melted), and value column (if melted). If only a subset of characters
should be changed, either NAs can be used or a named vector.
sep If specified then the Series column is split into multiple columns using sep as
the split character.
10 ggplot2.zoo
melt Should the resulting data frame be in long format (melt = TRUE) or wide format
(melt = FALSE).
margins As in facet_grid.
scales As in facet_grid except it defaults to "free_y".
format A format acceptable to format.yearmon or format.yearqtr.
n Approximate number of axis ticks.
Convenience interface for visualizing zoo objects with ggplot2. autoplot.zoo uses fortify.zoo
(with melt = TRUE) to convert the zoo object into a data frame and then uses a suitable aes()
mapping to visiualize the series.
fortify.zoo returns a data.frame either in long format (melt = TRUE) or in wide format (melt
= FALSE). The long format has three columns: the time Index, a factor indicating the Series,
and the corresponding Value. The wide format simply has the time Index plus all columns of
autoplot.zoo returns a ggplot object.
Trevor L. Davis <[email protected]>, Achim Zeileis
See Also
autoplot, fortify, qplot
if(require("ggplot2") && require("scales")) {
## example data
x.Date <- as.Date(paste(2003, 02, c(1, 3, 7, 9, 14), sep = "-"))
x <- zoo(rnorm(5), x.Date)
xlow <- x - runif(5)
xhigh <- x + runif(5)
z <- cbind(x, xlow, xhigh)
## univariate plotting
## by hand
ggplot(aes(x = Index, y = Value), data = fortify(x, melt = TRUE)) +
geom_line() + xlab("Index") + ylab("x")
## adding series one at a time
last_plot() + geom_line(aes(x = Index, y = xlow), colour = "red", data = fortify(xlow))
## add ribbon for high/low band
ggplot2.zoo 11
autoplot(z) +
aes(colour = NULL, linetype = NULL) +
facet_grid(Series ~ ., scales = "free_y")
## mimic matplot
data <- cbind(A = c(6, 1, NA, NA), B = c(16, 4, 1, NA), C = c(25, 7, 2, 1))
autoplot(zoo(data), facet = NULL) + geom_point()
## with different line types
autoplot(zoo(data), facet = NULL) + geom_point() + aes(linetype = Series)
## with/without splitting
z <- zoo(cbind(a.A = 1:2, a.B = 2:3, b.A = 3:4, c.B = 4:5))
fortify(z, melt = TRUE, sep = ".", names = list(Series = c("Lower", "Upper")))
xlab("Month") + ylab("Values")
ggdf ## with default scale_x_yearmon
ggdf + scale_x_yearmon(breaks = df$dates) ## with custom discrete breaks
Generic functions for extracting the index of an object and replacing it.
index(x, ...)
index(x) <- value
x an object.
... further arguments passed to methods.
value an ordered vector of the same length as the "index" attribute of x.
index is a generic function for extracting the index of objects, currently it has a default method and
a method for zoo objects which is the same as the time method for zoo objects. Another pair of
generic functions provides replacing the index or time attribute. Methods are available for "zoo"
objects only, see examples below.
The start and end of the index/time can be queried by using the methods of start and end.
See Also
time, zoo
is.regular is a regular function for checking whether a series of ordered observations has an
underlying regularity or is even strictly regular.
is.regular(x, strict = FALSE)
x an object (representing a series of ordered observations).
strict logical. Should strict regularity be checked? See details.
A time series can either be irregular (unequally spaced), strictly regular (equally spaced) or have an
underlying regularity, i.e., be created from a regular series by omitting some observations. Here,
the latter property is called regular. Consequently, regularity follows from strict regularity but not
vice versa.
is.regular is a generic function for checking regularity (default) or strict regularity. Currently, it
has methods for "ts" objects (which are always strictly regular), "zooreg" objects (which are at
least regular), "zoo" objects (which can be either irregular, regular or even strictly regular) and a
default method. The latter coerces x to "zoo" before checking its regularity.
14 lag.zoo
A logical is returned indicating whether x is (strictly) regular.
See Also
zooreg, zoo
## checking of a strictly regular zoo series
z <- zoo(1:10, seq(2000, 2002.25, by = 0.25), frequency = 4)
frequency(z) ## extraction of frequency attribute
is.regular(z, strict = TRUE)
## by omitting observations, the series is not strictly regular
is.regular(z[-3], strict = TRUE)
Methods for computing lags and differences of "zoo" objects.
lag.zoo 15
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
lag(x, k = 1, na.pad = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
diff(x, lag = 1, differences = 1, arithmetic = TRUE, na.pad = FALSE, ...)
x a "zoo" object.
k, lag For lag the number of lags (in units of observations). Note the sign of k behaves
as in lag. For diff it is the number of backward lags used (or if negative the
number of forward lags.
differences an integer indicating the order of the difference.
arithmetic logical. Should arithmetic (or geometric) differences be computed?
na.pad logical. If TRUE it adds any times that would not otherwise have been in the
result with a value of NA. If FALSE those times are dropped.
... currently not used.
These methods for "zoo" objects behave analogously to the default methods. The only additional
arguments are arithmetic in diff na.pad in lag.zoo which can also be specified in diff.zoo as
part of the dots. Also, "k" can be a vector of lags in which case the names of "k", if any, are used
in naming the result.
The lagged or differenced "zoo" object.
Note the sign of k: a series lagged by a positive k is shifted earlier in time.
lag.zoo and lag.zooreg can give different results. For a lag of 1 lag.zoo moves points to the
adjacent time point whereas lag.zooreg moves the time by deltat. This implies that a point in a
zoo series cannot be lagged to a time point that is not already in the series whereas this is possible
for a zooreg series.
See Also
zoo, lag, diff
x <- zoo(11:21)
lag(x, k = 1)
lag(x, k = -1)
# this pairs each value of x with the next or future value
16 make.par.list
Process parameters so that a list of parameter specifications is returned (used by plot.zoo and
make.par.list(nams, x, n, m, def, recycle = sum(unnamed) > 0)
nams character vector with names of variables.
x list or vector of parameter specifications, see details.
n numeric, number of rows.
m numeric, number of columns. (Only determines whether m is 1 or greater than 1.
def default parameter value.
recycle logical. If TRUE recycle columns to provide unspecified ones. If FALSE use
def to provide unspecified ones. This only applies to entire columns. Within
columns recycling is always done regardless of how recycle is set. Defaults to
TRUE if there is at least one unnamed variable and defaults to FALSE if there are
only named variables in x.
This function is currently intended for internal use. It is currently used by plot.zoo and xyplot.zoo
but might also be used in the future to create additional new plotting routines. It creates a new list
which uses the named variables from x and then assigns the unnamed in order. For the remaining
variables assign them the default value if !recycle or recycle the unnamed variables if recycle.
A list of parameters, see details.
make.par.list(letters[1:5], 1:5, 3, 5)
suppressWarnings( make.par.list(letters[1:5], 1:4, 3, 5, 99) )
make.par.list(letters[1:5], c(d=3), 3, 5, 99)
make.par.list(letters[1:5], list(d=1:2, 99), 3, 5)
make.par.list(letters[1:5], list(d=1:2, 99, 100), 3, 5)
x an object.
table the values to be matched against.
nomatch the value to be returned in the case when no match is found. Note that it is
coerced to integer.
units See trunc.times.
eps See trunc.times.
... further arguments to be passed to methods.
MATCH is a new generic function which aims at providing the functionality of the non-generic base
function match for arbitrary objects. Currently, there is only a default method which simply calls
MATCH.times is used for chron objects. x will match any time in table less than units away.
See Also
MATCH(1:5, 2:3)
18 merge.zoo
Merge two zoo objects by common indexes (times), or do other versions of database join operations.
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
merge(..., all = TRUE, fill = NA, suffixes = NULL,
check.names = FALSE, retclass = c("zoo", "list", "data.frame"),
drop = TRUE)
... two or more objects, usually of class "zoo".
all logical vector having the same length as the number of "zoo" objects to be
merged (otherwise expanded).
fill an element for filling gaps in merged "zoo" objects (if any).
suffixes character vector of the same length as the number of "zoo" objects specifying
the suffixes to be used for making the merged column names unique.
check.names See link{read.table}.
retclass character that specifies the class of the returned result. It can be "zoo" (the
default), "list" or NULL. For details see below.
drop logical. If a "zoo" object without observations is merged with a one-dimensional
"zoo" object (vector or 1-column matrix), should the result be a vector (drop
= TRUE) or a 1-column matrix (drop = FALSE)? The former is the default in the
Merge method, the latter in the cbind method.
The merge method for "zoo" objects combines the columns of several objects along the union of
the dates for all = TRUE, the default, or the intersection of their dates for all = FALSE filling up the
created gaps (if any) with the fill pattern.
The first argument must be a zoo object. If any of the remaining arguments are plain vectors or
matrices with the same length or number of rows as the first argument then such arguments are
coerced to "zoo" using as.zoo. If they are plain but have length 1 then they are merged after all
non-scalars such that their column is filled with the value of the scalar.
all can be a vector of the same length as the number of "zoo" objects to merged (if not, it is
expanded): All indexes (times) of the objects corresponding to TRUE are included, for those cor-
responding to FALSE only the indexes present in all objects are included. This allows intersection,
union and left and right joins to be expressed.
If retclass is "zoo" (the default) a single merged "zoo" object is returned. If it is set to "list"
a list of "zoo" objects is returned. If retclass = NULL then instead of returning a value it updates
merge.zoo 19
each argument (if it is a variable rather than an expression) in place so as to extend or reduce it to
use the common index vector.
The indexes of different "zoo" objects can be of different classes and are coerced to one class in
the resulting object (with a warning).
The default cbind method is essentially the default merge method, but does not support the retclass
argument. The rbind method combines the dates of the "zoo" objects (duplicate dates are not al-
lowed) and combines the rows of the objects. Furthermore, the c method is identical to the rbind
An object of class "zoo" if retclass="zoo", an object of class "list" if retclass="list" or
modified arguments as explained above if retclass=NULL. If the result is an object of class "zoo"
then its frequency is the common frequency of its zoo arguments, if they have a common frequency.
See Also
## simple merging <- as.Date(paste(2003, 02, c(1, 3, 7, 9, 14), sep = "-"))
x <- zoo(rnorm(5),
merge(z, coredata(z), 1)
20 na.aggregate
## for each index value in x merge it with the closest index value in y
## but retaining x's times.
x<-zoo(1:3,as.Date(c("1992-12-13", "1997-05-12", "1997-07-13")))
y<-zoo(1:5,as.Date(c("1992-12-15", "1992-12-16", "1997-05-10","1997-05-19", "1997-07-13")))
f <- function(u) which.min(abs(as.numeric(index(y)) - as.numeric(u)))
ix <- sapply(index(x), f)
cbind(x, y = coredata(y)[ix])
## c() can combine several zoo series, e.g., zoo series with Date index
z <- zoo(1:5, as.Date("2000-01-01") + 0:4)
z2 <- zoo(6:7, time(z)[length(z)] + 1:2)
Generic function for replacing each NA with aggregated values. This allows imputing by the overall
mean, by monthly means, etc.
na.aggregate(object, ...)
## Default S3 method:
na.aggregate(object, by = 1, ..., FUN = mean,
na.rm = FALSE, maxgap = Inf)
object an object.
by a grouping variable corresponding to object, or a function to be applied to
time(object) to generate the groups.
... further arguments passed to by if by is a function.
FUN function to apply to the non-missing values in each group defined by by.
na.rm logical. Should any remaining NAs be removed?
maxgap maximum number of consecutive NAs to fill. Any longer gaps will be left un-
An object in which each NA in the input object is replaced by the mean (or other function) of its
group, defined by by. This is done for each series in a multi-column object. Common choices for
the aggregation group are a year, a month, all calendar months, etc.
If a group has no non-missing values, the default aggregation function mean will return NaN. Specify
na.rm = TRUE to omit such remaining missing values.
See Also
z <- zoo(c(1, NA, 3:9),
c(as.Date("2010-01-01") + 0:2,
as.Date("2010-02-01") + 0:2,
as.Date("2011-01-01") + 0:2))
## overall mean
## group by months
na.aggregate(z, as.yearmon)
## group by calendar months
na.aggregate(z, months)
## group by years
na.aggregate(z, format, "%Y")
22 na.approx
na.approx(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
na.approx(object, x = index(object), xout, ..., na.rm = TRUE, maxgap = Inf, along)
## S3 method for class 'zooreg'
na.approx(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ts'
na.approx(object, ...)
## Default S3 method:
na.approx(object, x = index(object), xout, ..., na.rm = TRUE, maxgap = Inf, along)
na.spline(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
na.spline(object, x = index(object), xout, ..., na.rm = TRUE, maxgap = Inf, along)
## S3 method for class 'zooreg'
na.spline(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ts'
na.spline(object, ...)
## Default S3 method:
na.spline(object, x = index(object), xout, ..., na.rm = TRUE, maxgap = Inf, along)
Missing values (NAs) are replaced by linear interpolation via approx or cubic spline interpolation
via spline, respectively.
It can also be used for series disaggregation by specifying xout.
By default the index associated with object is used for interpolation. Note, that if this calls
index.default this gives an equidistant spacing 1:NROW(object). If object is a matrix or
data.frame, the interpolation is done separately for each column.
If obj is a plain vector then na.approx(obj,x,y,xout,...) returns approx(x = x[!na],y = coredata(obj)[!na],xout
= xout,...) (where na indicates observations with NA) such that xout defaults to x. Note that if
there are less than two non-NAs then approx() cannot be applied and thus no NAs can be replaced.
If obj is a zoo, zooreg or ts object its coredata value is processed as described and its time index
is xout if specified and index(obj) otherwise. If obj is two dimensional then the above is applied
to each column separately. For examples, see below.
If obj has more than one column, the above strategy is applied to each column.
An object of similar structure as object with NAs replaced by interpolation. For na.approx only
the internal NAs are replaced and leading or trailing NAs are omitted if na.rm = TRUE or not replaced
if na.rm = FALSE.
See Also
zoo, approx, na.contiguous, na.locf, na.omit, na.trim, spline, stinterp
d0 <- as.Date("2000-01-01")
z <- zoo(c(11, NA, 13, NA, 15, NA), d0 + 1:6)
na.approx(z, xout = d0 + 7)
na.approx(z, xout = d0 + 7, na.rm = FALSE)
na.approx(z, xout = d0 + 7, rule = 2)
object an object.
fill a three component list or a vector that is coerced to a list. Shorter objects are
recycled. The three components represent the fill value to the left of the data,
within the interior of the data and to the right of the data, respectively. The
value of any component may be the keyword "extend" to indicate repetition
of the leftmost or rightmost non-NA value or linear interpolation in the interior.
NULL means that items are dropped rather than filled.
ix logical. Should be the same length as the number of time points. Indicates which
time points not to fill. This defaults to the non-NA values.
... further arguments passed to methods.
na.fill is a generic function for filling NA or indicated values. It currently has methods for the
time series classes "zoo" and "ts" and a default method based on the "zoo" method.
Furthermore, na.fill0 works with plain vectors and "Date" objects. It also works with "zoo"
objects provided that no fill component is NULL.
See Also
26 na.locf
Generic function for replacing each NA with the most recent non-NA prior to it.
na.locf(object, na.rm = TRUE, ...)
## Default S3 method:
na.locf(object, na.rm = TRUE, fromLast, rev,
maxgap = Inf, rule = 2, ...)
object an object.
na.rm logical. Should leading NAs be removed?
fromLast logical. Causes observations to be carried backward rather than forward. Default
is FALSE. With a value of TRUE this corresponds to NOCB (next observation
carried backward). It is not supported if x or xout is specified.
rev Use fromLast instead. This argument will be eliminated in the future in favor
of fromLast.
maxgap Runs of more than maxgap NAs are retained, other NAs are removed and the last
occurrence in the resulting series prior to each time point in xout is used as that
time point’s output value. (If xout is not specified this reduces to retaining runs
of more than maxgap NAs while filling other NAs with the last occurrence of a
rule See approx.
... further arguments passed to methods.
coredata logical. Should LOCF be applied to the core data of a (time series) object and
then assigned to the original object again? By default, this strategy is applied to
time series classes (e.g., ts, zoo, xts, etc.) where it preserves the time index.
na.locf 27
An object in which each NA in the input object is replaced by the most recent non-NA prior to it. If
there are no earlier non-NAs then the NA is omitted (if na.rm = TRUE) or it is not replaced (if na.rm
The arguments x and xout can be used in which case they have the same meaning as in approx.
Note that if a multi-column zoo object has a column entirely composed of NA then with na.rm =
TRUE, the default, the above implies that the resulting object will have zero rows. Use na.rm =
FALSE to preserve the NA values instead.
The function na.locf0 is the workhorse function underlying the default na.locf method. It has
more limited capabilities but is faster for the special cases it covers. Implicitly, it uses na.rm=FALSE.
See Also
az <- zoo(1:6)
bz <- zoo(c(2,NA,1,4,5,2))
na.locf(bz, fromLast = TRUE)
cz <- zoo(c(NA,9,3,2,3,2))
## get 5th of every month or most recent date prior to 5th if 5th missing.
## Result has index of the date actually used.
## this is the same as the last one except instead of always using the
## 5th of month in the result we show the date actually used
# idx has NAs wherever does but has 1, 2, 3, ... instead of
#'s data values (so idx can be used for indexing)[idx[as.POSIXlt(time($mday == 5]]
Generic function for filling NA values using seasonal Kalman filter.
na.StructTS(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ts'
na.StructTS(object, ..., na.rm = FALSE, maxgap = Inf)
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
na.StructTS(object, ..., na.rm = FALSE, maxgap = Inf)
object an object.
... other arguments passed to methods.
na.rm logical. Whether to remove end portions or fill them with NA.
maxgap Runs of more than maxgap NAs are retained, other NAs are removed and the last
occurrence in the resulting series prior to each time point in xout is used as that
time point’s output value.
Interpolate with seasonal Kalman filter, using StructTS, followed by tsSmooth. The input object
should be a regular time series and have a frequency. It is assumed the cycle length is 1.
See Also
StructTS, tsSmooth, na.approx
plot(cbind(z, zout), screen = 1, col = 1:2, type = c("l", "p"), pch = 20)
30 na.trim
Generic function for removing leading and trailing NAs.
na.trim(object, ...)
## Default S3 method:
na.trim(object, sides = c("both", "left", "right"), = c("any", "all"), maxgap = Inf, ...)
object an object.
sides character specifying whether NAs are to be removed from both sides, just from
the left side or just from the right side. If "any" then a row will be regarded as NA if it has any NAs. If "all" then a row
will be regarded as NA only if all elements in the row are NA. For one dimensional
zoo objects this argument has no effect.
maxgap maximum number of consecutive NAs to trim. Any longer gaps will be left
... further arguments passed to methods.
An object in which leading and/or trailing NAs have been removed.
See Also
na.approx, na.contiguous, na.locf, na.omit, na.spline, stinterp, zoo
# examples of na.trim
x <- zoo(c(1, 4, 6), c(2, 4, 6))
xx <- zoo(matrix(c(1, 4, 6, NA, 5, 7), 3), c(2, 4, 6))
na.trim(merge(x, cal))
ORDER(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
ORDER(x, ..., na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE)
x an object.
... further arguments to be passed to methods.
na.last for controlling the treatment of NAs. If TRUE, missing values in the data are put
last; if FALSE, they are put first; if NA, they are removed.
decreasing logical. Should the sort order be increasing or decreasing?
ORDER is a new generic function which aims at providing the functionality of the non-generic base
function order for arbitrary objects. Currently, there is only a default method which simply calls
order. For objects (more precisely if is.object is TRUE) order leverages the generic xtfrm. Thus,
to assure ordering works, one can supply either a method to xtfrm or to ORDER (or both).
See Also
32 plot.zoo
Plotting method for objects of class "zoo".
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
plot(x, y = NULL, screens, plot.type,
panel = lines, xlab = "Index", ylab = NULL, main = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xy.labels = FALSE, xy.lines = NULL,
yax.flip = FALSE, oma = c(6, 0, 5, 0),
mar = c(0, 5.1, 0, if(yax.flip) 5.1 else 2.1),
col = 1, lty = 1, lwd = 1, pch = 1, type = "l", log = "",
nc, widths = 1, heights = 1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
lines(x, y = NULL, type = "l", ...)
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
points(x, y = NULL, type = "p", ...)
x an object of class "zoo".
y an object of class "zoo". If y is NULL (the default) a time series plot of x is
produced, otherwise if both x and y are univariate "zoo" series, a scatter plot of
y versus x is produced.
screens factor (or coerced to factor) whose levels specify which graph each series is to be
plotted in. screens=c(1,2,1) would plot series 1, 2 and 3 in graphs 1, 2 and 1.
If not specified then 1 is used if plot.type="single" and seq_len(ncol(x))
plot.type for multivariate zoo objects, "multiple" plots the series on multiple plots and
"single" superimposes them on a single plot. Default is "single" if screens has
only one level and "multiple" otherwise. If neither screens nor plot.type is
specified then "single" is used if there is one series and "mulitple" otherwise.
This option is provided for back compatibility. Usually screens is used instead.
panel a function(x,y,col,lty,...) which gives the action to be carried out in each
panel of the display for plot.type = "multiple".
ylim if plot.type = "multiple" then it can be a list of y axis limits. If not a list
each graph has the same limits. If any list element is not a pair then its range is
used instead. If plot.type = "single" then it is as in plot.
xy.labels logical, indicating if text labels should be used in the scatter plot, or character,
supplying a vector of labels to be used.
plot.zoo 33
xy.lines logical, indicating if lines should be drawn in the scatter plot. Defaults to the
value of xy.labels if that is logical, otherwise to FALSE.
yax.flip logical, indicating if the y-axis (ticks and numbering) should flip from side 2
(left) to 4 (right) from series to series when type = "multiple".
xlab, ylab, main, xlim, oma, mar
graphical arguments, see par.
col, lty, lwd, pch, type
graphical arguments that can be vectors or (named) lists. See the details for
more information.
log specification of log scales as "x", "y" or "xy".
nc the number of columns to use when plot.type = "multiple". Defaults to 1 for
up to 4 series, otherwise to 2.
widths, heights
widths and heights for individual graphs, see layout.
... additional graphical arguments.
The methods for plot and lines are very similar to the corresponding ts methods. However, the
handling of several graphical parameters is more flexible for multivariate series. These parameters
can be vectors of the same length as the number of series plotted or are recycled if shorter. They can
also be (partially) named list, e.g., list(A = c(1,2),c(3,4)) in which c(3,4) is the default value
and c(1,2) the value only for series A. The screens argument can be specified in a similar way. If
plot.type and screens conflict then multiple plots will be assumed. Also see the examples.
In the case of a custom panel the panel can reference parent.frame$panel.number in order to
determine which frame the panel is being called from. See examples.
par(mfrow=...) and Axis can be used in conjunction with single panel plots in the same way as
with other classic graphics.
For multi-panel graphics, plot.zoo takes over the layout so par(mfrow=...) cannot be used. Axis
can be used within the panels themselves but not outside the panel. See examples. Also, par(new =
TRUE) is not supported for multi-panel graphics.
In addition to classical time series line plots, there is also a simple barplot method for "zoo"
See Also
zoo, plot.ts, barplot, xyplot.zoo
## example dates
x.Date <- as.Date(paste(2003, 02, c(1, 3, 7, 9, 14), sep = "-"))
## univariate plotting
x <- zoo(rnorm(5), x.Date)
x2 <- zoo(rnorm(5, sd = 0.2), x.Date)
34 plot.zoo
lines(x2, col = 2)
## multivariate plotting
z <- cbind(x, x2, zoo(rnorm(5, sd = 0.5), x.Date))
plot(z, type = "b", pch = 1:3, col = 1:3, ylab = list(expression(mu), "b", "c"))
colnames(z) <- LETTERS[1:3]
plot(z, screens = 1, col = list(B = 2))
plot(z, type = "b", pch = 1:3, col = 1:3)
plot(z, type = "b", pch = list(A = 1:5, B = 3), col = list(C = 4, 2))
plot(z, type = "b", screen = c(1,2,1), col = 1:3)
# right axis is for broken lines
opar <- par(usr = c(par("usr")[1:2], range(x2)))
lines(x2, lty = 2)
# axis(4)
axis(side = 4)
## End(Not run)
## barplot
x <- zoo(cbind(rpois(5, 2), rpois(5, 3)), x.Date)
barplot(x, beside = TRUE)
## 3d plot
## The persp function in R (not part of zoo) works with zoo objects.
## The following example is by Enrico Schumann.
nC <- 10 # columns
nO <- 100 # observations
dataM <- array(runif(nC * nO), dim=c(nO, nC))
zz <- zoo(dataM, 1:nO)
persp(1:nO, 1:nC, zz)
# interactive plotting
## Not run:
tke.test1 <- list(Parameters = list(
lwd = list("spinbox", init = 1, from = 0, to = 5, increment = 1, width = 5),
lty = list("spinbox", init = 1, from = 0, to = 6, increment = 1, width = 5)
z <- zoo(rnorm(25))
tkexamp(plot(z), tke.test1, plotloc = "top")
## End(Not run)
read.zoo and write.zoo are convenience functions for reading and writing "zoo" series from/to
text files. They are convenience interfaces to read.table and write.table, respectively. To
employ read.csv, read.csv2, read.delim, read.delim2 instead of read.table additional func-
tions read.csv.zoo etc. are provided.
read.zoo(file, format = "", tz = "", FUN = NULL,
regular = FALSE, index.column = 1, drop = TRUE, FUN2 = NULL,
split = NULL, aggregate = FALSE, ..., text, read = read.table)
write.zoo(x, file = "", = "Index", row.names = FALSE, col.names = NULL, ...)
file character string or strings giving the name of the file(s) which the data are to be
read from/written to. See read.table and write.table for more information.
Alternatively, in read.zoo, file can be a connection or a data.frame (e.g.,
resulting from a previous read.table call) that is subsequently processed to a
"zoo" series.
format date format argument passed to FUN.
tz time zone argument passed to as.POSIXct.
FUN a function for computing the index from the first column of the data. See details.
regular logical. Should the series be coerced to class "zooreg" (if the series is regular)?
index.column numeric vector or list. The column names or numbers of the data frame in
which the index/time is stored. If the read.table argument colClasses is
used and "NULL" is among its components then index.column refers to the col-
umn numbers after the columns corresponding to "NULL" in colClasses have
been removed. If specified as a list then one argument will be passed to argument
FUN per component so that, for example, index.column = list(1,2) will cause
FUN(x[,1],x[,2],...) to be called whereas index.column = list(1:2) will
cause FUN(x[,1:2],...) to be called where x is a data frame of characters
read.zoo 39
data. Here ... refers to format and/or tz, if they specified as arguments.
index.column = 0 can be used to specify that the row names be used as the
index. In the case that no row names were input sequential numbering is used.
If index.column is specified as an ordinary vector then if it has the same length
as the number of arguments of FUN (or FUN2 in the event that FUN2 is speci-
fied and FUN is not) then index.column is converted to a list. Also it is always
converted to a list if it has length 1.
drop logical. If the data frame contains just a single data column, should the second
dimension be dropped?
x a "zoo" object. character with name of the index column in the written data file.
row.names logical. Should row names be written? Default is FALSE because the row names
are just character representations of the index.
col.names logical. Should column names be written? Default is to write column names
only if x has column names.
FUN2 function. It is applied to the time index after FUN and before aggregate. If FUN
is not specified but FUN2 is specified then only FUN2 is applied.
split NULL or column number or name or vector of numbers or names. If not NULL
then the data is assumed to be in long format and is split according to the in-
dicated columns. See the R reshape command for description of long data. If
split = Inf then the first of each run among the times are made into a separate
series, the second of each run and so on. If split= -Inf then the last of each
run is made into a separate series, the second last and so on.
aggregate logical or function. If set to TRUE, then aggregate.zoo is applied to the zoo
object created to compute the mean of all values with the same time index. Al-
ternatively, aggregate can be set to any other function that should be used for
aggregation. If FALSE (the default), no aggregation is performed and a warning
is given if there are any duplicated time indexes. Note that most zoo functions
do not accept objects with duplicate time indexes. See aggregate.zoo.
... further arguments passed to other functions. In the read.*.zoo the arguments
are passed to the function specified in read (unless file is a data.frame al-
ready). In write.zoo the arguments are passed to write.table.
text character. If file is not supplied and this is, then data are read from the value
of text via a text connection. See below for an example.
read function. The function for reading file (unless it is a data.frame already).
read.zoo is a convenience function which should make it easier to read data from a text file and turn
it into a "zoo" series immediately. read.zoo reads the data file via read.table(file,...). The
column index.column (by default the first) of the resulting data is interpreted to be the index/time,
the remaining columns the corresponding data. (If the file only has only column then that is assumed
to be the data column and 1,2,... are used for the index.) To assign the appropriate class to the
index, FUN can be specified and is applied to the first column.
To process the index, read.zoo calls FUN with the index as the first argument. If FUN is not specified,
the following default is employed:
40 read.zoo
(a) If file is a data frame with a single index column that appears to be a time index already, then
FUN = identity is used. The conditions for a readily produced time index are: It is not character
or factor (and the arguments tz and format must not be specified).
(b) If the conditions from (a) do not hold then the following strategy is used. If there are multiple
index columns they are pasted together with a space between each. Using the (pasted) index column:
(1) If tz is specified then the index column is converted to POSIXct. (2) If format is specified
then the index column is converted to Date. (3) Otherwise, a heuristic attempts to decide between
"numeric", "POSIXct", and "Date" by trying them in that order (which may not always succeed
though). By default, only the standard date/time format is used. Hence, supplying format and/or tz
is necessary if some date/time format is used that is not the default. And even if the default format
is appropriate for the index, explicitly supplying FUN or at least format and/or tz typically leads to
more reliable results than the heuristic.
If regular is set to TRUE and the resulting series has an underlying regularity, it is coerced to a
"zooreg" series.
To employ other functions than read.table to read the initial data, further convenience interfaces
read.csv.zoo etc. are provided.
write.zoo is a convenience function for writing "zoo" series to text files. It first coerces its argu-
ment to a "data.frame", adds a column with the index and then calls write.table.
See also vignette("zoo-read",package = "zoo") for detailed examples.
read.zoo returns an object of class "zoo" (or "zooreg").
read.zoo works by first reading the data in using read.table and then processing it. This implies
that if the index field is entirely numeric the default is to pass it to FUN or the built-in date conversion
routine a number, rather than a character string. Thus, a date field such as 09122007 intended to
represent December 12, 2007 would be seen as 9122007 and interpreted as the 91st day thereby
generating an error.
This comment also applies to trailing decimals so that if 2000.10 were intended to represent the
10th month of 2000 in fact it would receive 2000.1 and regard it as the first month of 2000 unless
similar precautions were taken.
In the above cases the index field should be specified to be "character" so that leading or trail-
ing zeros are not dropped. This can be done by specifying a "character" index column in the
"colClasses" argument, which is passed to read.table, as shown in the examples below.
See Also
## this manual page provides a few typical examples, many more cases
## are covered in vignette("zoo-read", package = "zoo")
read.zoo 41
## Not run:
## descriptions of typical examples
## csv file with first column mm-dd-yyyy. Read times as "Date" class.
z <- read.zoo("foo.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", format = "%m-%d-%Y")
# read in all csv files in the current directory and merge them
read.zoo(Sys.glob("*.csv"), header = TRUE, sep = ",")
## End(Not run)
A generic function for applying a function to rolling margins of an array.
rollapply 43
rollapply(data, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ts'
rollapply(data, ...)
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
rollapply(data, width, FUN, ..., by = 1, by.column = TRUE,
fill = if (na.pad) NA, na.pad = FALSE, partial = FALSE,
align = c("center", "left", "right"), coredata = TRUE)
## Default S3 method:
rollapply(data, ...)
rollapplyr(..., align = "right")
data the data to be used (representing a series of observations).
width numeric vector or list. In the simplest case this is an integer specifying the
window width (in numbers of observations) which is aligned to the original
sample according to the align argument. Alternatively, width can be a list
regarded as offsets compared to the current time, see below for details.
FUN the function to be applied.
... optional arguments to FUN.
by calculate FUN at every by-th time point rather than every point. by is only used
if width is length 1 and either a plain scalar or a list.
by.column logical. If TRUE, FUN is applied to each column separately.
fill a three-component vector or list (recycled otherwise) providing filling values at
the left/within/to the right of the data range. See the fill argument of na.fill
for details.
na.pad deprecated. Use fill = NA instead of na.pad = TRUE.
partial logical or numeric. If FALSE (default) then FUN is only applied when all indexes
of the rolling window are within the observed time range. If TRUE, then the
subset of indexes that are in range are passed to FUN. A numeric argument to
partial can be used to determin the minimal window size for partial computa-
tions. See below for more details.
align specifyies whether the index of the result should be left- or right-aligned or cen-
tered (default) compared to the rolling window of observations. This argument
is only used if width represents widths.
coredata logical. Should only the coredata(data) be passed to every width window?
If set to FALSE the full zoo series is used.
If width is a plain numeric vector its elements are regarded as widths to be interpreted in conjunction
with align whereas if width is a list its components are regarded as offsets. In the above cases if the
length of width is 1 then width is recycled for every by-th point. If width is a list its components
represent integer offsets such that the i-th component of the list refers to time points at positions i
44 rollapply
+ width[[i]]. If any of these points are below 1 or above the length of index(data) then FUN is
not evaluated for that point unless partial = TRUE and in that case only the valid points are passed.
The rolling function can also be applied to partial windows by setting partial = TRUE For example,
if width = 3,align = "right" then for the first point just that point is passed to FUN since the two
points to its left are out of range. For the same example, if partial = FALSE then FUN is not invoked
at all for the first two points. If partial is a numeric then it specifies the minimum number of offsets
that must be within range. Negative partial is interpreted as FALSE.
If width is a scalar then partial = TRUE and fill = NA are mutually exclusive but if offsets are
specified for the width and 0 is not among the offsets then the output will be shorter than the input
even if partial = TRUE is specified. In that case it may still be useful to specify fill in addition to
If FUN is mean, max or median and by.column is TRUE and width is a plain scalar and there are no
other arguments then special purpose code is used to enhance performance. Also in the case of mean
such special purpose code is only invoked if the data argument has no NA values. See rollmean,
rollmax and rollmedian for more details.
Currently, there are methods for "zoo" and "ts" series and "default" method for ordinary vectors
and matrices.
rollapplyr is a wrapper around rollapply that uses a default of align = "right".
If data is of length 0, data is returned unmodified.
A object of the same class as data with the results of the rolling function.
See Also
## rolling mean
z <- zoo(11:15, as.Date(31:35))
rollapply(z, 2, mean)
## non-overlapping means
z2 <- zoo(rnorm(6))
rollapply(z2, 3, mean, by = 3) # means of nonoverlapping groups of 3
aggregate(z2, c(3,3,3,6,6,6), mean) # same
## rolling regression:
rollapply 45
# so will this
rollapply(zoo(1:8), list(seq(-2, 0)), sum, fill = NA)
# by = 3, align = "right"
L <- rep(list(NULL), 8)
L[seq(3, 8, 3)] <- list(seq(-2, 0))
rollapply(zoo(1:8), L, sum)
Generic functions for computing rolling means, maximums, medians, and sums of ordered obser-
rollmean(x, k, fill = if (na.pad) NA, na.pad = FALSE,
align = c("center", "left", "right"), ...)
x an object (representing a series of observations).
k integer width of the rolling window. Must be odd for rollmedian.
fill a three-component vector or list (recycled otherwise) providing filling values at
the left/within/to the right of the data range. See the fill argument of na.fill
for details.
na.pad deprecated. Use fill = NA instead of na.pad = TRUE.
align character specifying whether the index of the result should be left- or right-
aligned or centered (default) compared to the rolling window of observations.
... Further arguments passed to methods.
These functions compute rolling means, maximums, medians, and sums respectively and are thus
similar to rollapply but are optimized for speed.
Currently, there are methods for "zoo" and "ts" series and default methods. The default method
of rollmedian is an interface to runmed. The default methods of rollmean and rollsum do not
handle inputs that contain NAs. In such cases, use rollapply instead.
If x is of length 0, x is returned unmodified.
An object of the same class as x with the rolling mean/max/median/sum.
See Also
rollapply, zoo, na.fill
rollmean(x, 3)
rollmax(x, 3)
rollmedian(x, 3)
rollsum(x, 3)
Methods for extracting time windows of "zoo" objects and replacing it.
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
window(x, index. = index(x), start = NULL, end = NULL, ...)
## S3 replacement method for class 'zoo'
window(x, index. = index(x), start = NULL, end = NULL, ...) <- value
x an object.
index. the index/time window which should be extracted.
start an index/time value. Only the indexes in index which are greater or equal to
start are used. If the index class supports comparisons to character variables,
as does "Date" class, "yearmon" class, "yearqtr" class and the chron pack-
age classes "dates" and "times" then start may alternately be a character
end an index/time value. Only the indexes in index which are lower or equal to end
are used. Similar comments about character variables mentioned under start
apply here too.
value a suitable value object for use with window(x).
... currently not used.
Either the time window of the object is extracted (and hence return a "zoo" object) or it is replaced.
xblocks 51
See Also
## zoo example <- as.Date(paste(2003, rep(1:4, 4:1), seq(1,19,2), sep = "-"))
x <- zoo(matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 2),
## if the underlying time index is a float, note that the index may
## print in the same way but actually be different (e.g., differing
## by 0.1 second in this example)
zp <- zoo(1:4, as.POSIXct("2000-01-01 00:00:00") + c(-3600, 0, 0.1, 3600))
## and then the >= start and <= end may not select all intended
## observations and adding/subtracting some "fuzz" may be needed
window(zp, end = "2000-01-01 00:00:00")
window(zp, end = as.POSIXct("2000-01-01 00:00:00") + 0.5)
Plot contiguous blocks along x axis. A typical use would be to highlight events or periods of missing
52 xblocks
xblocks(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
xblocks(x, y, ..., col = NULL, border = NA,
ybottom = par("usr")[3], ytop = ybottom + height,
height = diff(par("usr")[3:4]),
last.step = median(diff(tail(x))))
x, y In the default method, x gives the ordinates along the x axis and must be in
increasing order. y gives the color values to plot as contiguous blocks. If y is
numeric, data coverage is plotted, by converting it into a logical (!
Finally, if y is a function, it is applied to x (time(x) in the time series methods).
If y has character (or factor) values, these are interpreted as colors – and should
therefore be color names or hex codes. Missing values in y are not plotted. The
default color is taken from palette()[1]. If col is given, this over-rides the
block colors given as y.
The ts and zoo methods plot the coredata(y) values against the time index
... In the default method, further arguments are graphical parameters passed on to
col if col is specified, it determines the colors of the blocks defined by y. If multiple
colors are specified they will be repeated to cover the total number of blocks.
border border color.
ybottom, ytop, height
y axis position of the blocks. The default it to fill the whole plot region, but by
setting these values one can draw blocks along the top of bottom of the plot.
Note that height is not used directly, it only sets the default value of ytop.
last.step width (in native units) of the final block. Defaults to the median of the last 5
time steps (assuming steps are regular).
Blocks are drawn forward in "time" from the specified x locations, up until the following value.
Contiguous blocks are calculated using rle.
Felix Andrews <[email protected]>
xblocks 53
See Also
panel.xblocks, rect
## example time series:
flow <- ts(filter(rlnorm(200, mean = 1), 0.8, method = "r"))
## same thing:
xblocks(time(flow), cut(flow, c(0,15,30,Inf), labels = rev(rgb)))
xyplot methods for time series objects (of class "zoo", "its", or "tis").
x, x0, x1 time series object of class "zoo", "its" or "tis". For panel.plot.default it
should be a numeric vector.
y numeric vector or matrix.
data not used.
... arguments are passed to xyplot.ts, and may be passed through to xyplot and
Some of the commonly used arguments are:
screens factor (or coerced to factor) whose levels specify which graph each
series is to be plotted in. screens = c(1,2,1) would plot series 1, 2 and 3
in graphs 1, 2 and 1. This also defines the strip text in multi-panel plots.
scales the default is set so that all series have the "same" X axis but "free" Y
axis. See xyplot in the lattice package for more information on scales.
layout numeric vector of length 2 specifying number of columns and rows in
the plot, see xyplot for more details. The default is to fill columns with up
to 6 rows.
xlab character string used as the X axis label.
ylab character string used as the Y axis label. If there are multiple panels it may
be a character vector the same length as the number of panels, but NOTE
in this case the vector should be reversed OR the argument as.table set to
lty, lwd, pch, type, col graphical arguments passed to panel.xyplot. These
arguments can also be vectors or (named) lists, see details for more infor-
xyplot.zoo plots a "zoo", "its" or "tis" object using xyplot.ts from lattice. Series of other
classes are coerced to "zoo" first.
The handling of several graphical parameters is more flexible for multivariate series. These parame-
ters can be vectors of the same length as the number of series plotted or are recycled if shorter. They
can also be (partially) named list, e.g., list(A = c(1,2),c(3,4)) in which c(3,4) is the default
value and c(1,2) the value only for series A. The screens argument can be specified in a similar
Note that since zoo 1.6-3 plot.panel.default and plot.panel.custom are no longer necessary,
as normal panel functions (panel.xyplot by default) will work.
Similarly, there are now methods for the generic lattice drawing functions llines, lpoints, and
ltext. These can also be called as panel.lines, panel.points, and panel.text, respectively.
The old interfaces (panel.lines.zoo, panel.points.zoo, and panel.text.zoo), will be re-
moved in future versions. panel.polygon.zoo may also be removed.
Invisibly returns a "trellis" class object. Printing this object using print will display it.
56 xyplot.zoo
See Also
xyplot.ts, zoo, plot.ts, barplot, plot.zoo
if(require("lattice") & require("grid")) {
z <- zoo(cbind(a = 1:5, b = 11:15, c = 21:25) + rnorm(5))
# Plot first two columns in first panel and third column in second panel.
# Plot first series using points, second series using lines and third
# series via overprinting both lines and points
# Use colors 1, 2 and 3 for the three series (1=black, 2=red, 3=green)
# Make 2nd (lower) panel 3x the height of the 1st (upper) panel
# Also make the strip background orange.
p <- xyplot(z, screens = c(1,1,2), type = c("p", "l", "o"), col = 1:3,
par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col = "orange")))
print(p, panel.height = list(y = c(1, 3), units = "null"))
trellis.par.set(strip.background = strip.background)
## Not run:
## playwith (>= 0.9)
# This will give you a spin button to choose the column to plot,
# and a button to print out the current series number.
playwith(xyplot(dat[,c(1,i)]), parameters = list(i = 1:100,
do_something = function(playState) print(playState$env$i))
## End(Not run)
"yearmon" is a class for representing monthly data.
x numeric (interpreted as being “in years”).
yearmon 59
The "yearmon" class is used to represent monthly data. Internally it holds the data as year plus 0
for January, 1/12 for February, 2/12 for March and so on in order that its internal representation is
the same as ts class with frequency = 12. If x is not in this format it is rounded via floor(12*x +
There are coercion methods available for various classes including: default coercion to "yearmon"
(which coerces to "numeric" first) and coercions to and from "yearmon" to "Date" (see below),
"POSIXct", "POSIXlt", "numeric", "character" and "jul". The last one is from the "tis" pack-
age available on CRAN. In the case of as.yearmon.POSIXt the conversion is with respect to GMT.
(Use as.yearmon(format(...)) for other time zones.) In the case of as.yearmon.character the
format argument uses the same percent code as "Date". These are described in strptime. Unlike
"Date" one can specify a year and month with no day. Default formats of "%Y-%m", "%Y-%m-%d"
and "%b %Y".
There is an is.numeric method which returns FALSE.
as.Date.yearmon and as.yearmon.yearqtr each has an optional second argument of "frac"
which is a number between 0 and 1 inclusive that indicates the fraction of the way through the
period that the result represents. The default is 0 which means the beginning of the period.
There is also a date method for as.yearmon usable with objects created with package date.
Sys.yearmon() returns the current year/month and methods for min, max and range are defined
(by defining a method for Summary).
A yearmon mean method is also defined.
Returns its argument converted to class yearmon.
See Also
yearqtr, zoo, zooreg, ts
Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT")
as.yearmon("mar07", "%b%y")
xx <- zoo(seq_along(x), x)
"yearqtr" is a class for representing quarterly data.
yearqtr 61
as.yearqtr(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'character'
as.yearqtr(x, format, ...)
## S3 method for class 'yearqtr'
format(x, format = "%Y Q%q", ...)
x for yearqtr a numeric (interpreted as being “in years”). For as.yearqtr an-
other date class object. For the "yearqtr" method of format an object of class
"yearqtr" or if called as format.yearqtr then an object with an as.yearqtr
method that can be coerced to "yearqtr".
format character string specifying format. For coercing to "yearqtr" from character:
"%Y" and "%q" have to be specified. For formatting an existing "yearqtr":
"%C", "%Y", "%y" and "%q", if present, are replaced with the century, year, last
two digits of the year, and quarter (i.e. a number between 1 and 4), respectively.
... arguments passed ot other methods.
The "yearqtr" class is used to represent quarterly data. Internally it holds the data as year plus 0
for Quarter 1, 1/4 for Quarter 2 and so on in order that its internal representation is the same as ts
class with frequency = 4. If x is not in this format it is rounded via floor(4*x + .0001)/4.
as.yearqtr.character uses a default format of "%Y Q%q", "%Y q%q" or "%Y-%q" according to
whichever matches. %q accepts the numbers 1-4 (possibly with leading zeros). Due to this %q does
not match to single digits only and consequently formats such as as.yearqtr("Q12000","Q%q%Y")
are ambiguous and do not work (i.e., result in NA).
There are coercion methods available for various classes including: default coercion to "yearqtr"
(which coerces to "numeric" first) and coercion from "yearqtr" to "Date" (see below), "POSIXct",
"POSIXlt", "numeric", "character" and "jul". The last one is from the frame package on
There is an is.numeric method which returns FALSE.
There is also a date method for as.yearqtr usable with objects created with package date.
Sys.yearqtr() returns the current year/month and methods for min, max and range are defined
(by defining a method for Summary).
A yearqtr mean method is also defined.
Certain methods support a frac argument. See yearmon.
yearqtr and as.yearqtr return the first argument converted to class yearqtr. The format method
returns a character string representation of its argument first argument.
62 zoo
See Also
Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT")
zoo is the creator for an S3 class of indexed totally ordered observations which includes irregular
time series.
x a numeric vector, matrix or a factor. an index vector with unique entries by which the observations in x are ordered.
See the details for support of non-unique indexes.
frequency numeric indicating frequency of If specified, it is checked whether and frequency comply. If so, a regular "zoo" series is returned, i.e.,
an object of class c("zooreg","zoo"). See below and zooreg for more details.
calendar logical. If frequency is specified and is 4 or 12: Should yearqtr or yearmon
be used for a numeric index
style a string specifying the printing style which can be "horizontal" (the default for
vectors), "vertical" (the default for matrices) or "plain" (which first prints
the data and then the index).
quote logical. Should characters be quoted?
... further arguments passed to the print methods of the data and the index.
zoo provides infrastructure for ordered observations which are stored internally in a vector or matrix
with an index attribute (of arbitrary class, see below). The index must have the same length as
NROW(x) except in the case of a zero length numeric vector in which case the index length can
be any length. Emphasis has been given to make all methods independent of the index/time class
(given in In principle, the data x could also be arbitrary, but currently there is only
support for vectors and matrices and partial support for factors.
zoo is particularly aimed at irregular time series of numeric vectors/matrices, but it also supports
regular time series (i.e., series with a certain frequency). zoo’s key design goals are independence
of a particular index/date/time class and consistency with ts and base R by providing methods
to standard generics. Therefore, standard functions can be used to work with "zoo" objects and
memorization of new commands is reduced.
When creating a "zoo" object with the function zoo, the vector of indexes can be of (a
single) arbitrary class (if x is shorter or longer than it is expanded accordingly), but it
is essential that ORDER( works. For other functions it is assumed that c(), length(),
MATCH() and subsetting [, work. If this is not the case for a particular index/date/time class, then
methods for these generic functions should be created by the user. Note, that to achieve this, new
generic functions ORDER and MATCH are created in the zoo package with default methods corre-
sponding to the non-generic base functions order and match. Note that the order and hence the
default ORDER typically work if there is a xtfrm method. Furthermore, for certain (but not for all)
operations the index class should have an as.numeric method (in particular for regular series) and
an as.character method might improve printed output (see also below).
The index observations should typically be unique, such that the observations can be
totally ordered. Nevertheless, zoo() is able to create "zoo" objects with duplicated indexes (with
a warning) and simple methods such as plot() or summary() will typically work for such objects.
However, this is not formally supported as the bulk of functionality provided in zoo requires unique
index observations/time stamps. See below for an example how to remove duplicated indexes.
If a frequency is specified when creating a series via zoo, the object returned is actually of class
"zooreg" which inherits from "zoo". This is a subclass of "zoo" which relies on having a "zoo"
64 zoo
series with an additional "frequency" attribute (which has to comply with the index of that series).
Regular "zooreg" series can also be created by zooreg, the zoo analogue of ts. See the respective
help page and is.regular for further details.
Methods to standard generics for "zoo" objects currently include: print (see above), summary, str,
head, tail, [ (subsetting), rbind, cbind, merge (see merge.zoo), aggregate (see aggregate.zoo),
rev, split (see aggregate.zoo), barplot, plot and lines (see plot.zoo). For multivariate
"zoo" series with column names the $ extractor is available, behaving similar as for "data.frame"
objects. Methods are also available for median and quantile.
ifelse.zoo is not a method (because ifelse is not a generic) but must be written out including
the .zoo suffix.
To “prettify” printed output of "zoo" series the generic function index2char is used for turning
index values into character values. It defaults to using as.character but can be customized if a
different printed display should be used (although this should not be necessary, usually).
The subsetting method [ work essentially like the corresponding functions for vectors or matrices
respectively, i.e., takes indexes of type "numeric", "integer" or "logical". But additionally, it
can be used to index with observations from the index class of the series. If the index class of the
series is one of the three classes above, the corresponding index has to be encapsulated in I() to
enforce usage of the index class (see examples). Subscripting by a zoo object whose data contains
logical values is undefined.
Additionally, zoo provides several generic functions and methods to work (a) on the data contained
in a "zoo" object, (b) the index (or time) attribute associated to it, and (c) on both data and index:
(a) The data contained in "zoo" objects can be extracted by coredata (strips off all "zoo"-specific
attributes) and modified using coredata<-. Both are new generic functions with methods for "zoo"
objects, see coredata.
(b) The index associated with a "zoo" object can be extracted by index and modified by index<-.
As the interpretation of the index as “time” in time series applications is more natural, there are
also synonymous methods time and time<-. The start and the end of the index/time vector can be
queried by start and end. See index.
(c) To work on both data and index/time, zoo provides methods lag, diff (see lag.zoo) and
window, window<- (see window.zoo).
In addition to standard group generic function (see Ops), the following mathematical operations are
available as methods for "zoo" objects: transpose t which coerces to a matrix first, and cumsum,
cumprod, cummin, cummax which are applied column wise.
Coercion to and from "zoo" objects is available for objects of various classes, in particular "ts",
"irts" and "its" objects can be coerced to "zoo", the reverse is available for "its" and for
"irts" (the latter in package tseries). Furthermore, "zoo" objects can be coerced to vectors,
matrices and lists and data frames (dropping the index/time attribute). See as.zoo.
Several methods are available for NA handling in the data of "zoo" objects: na.aggregate which
uses group means to fill in NA values, na.approx which uses linear interpolation to fill in NA values.
na.contiguous which extracts the longest consecutive stretch of non-missing values in a "zoo"
object, na.fill which uses fixed specified values to replace NA values, na.locf which replaces NAs
by the last previous non-NA, na.omit which returns a "zoo" object with incomplete observations
removed, na.spline which uses spline interpolation to fill in NA values and na.StructTS which
uses a seasonal Kalman filter to fill in NA values, na.trim which trims runs of NAs off the beginning
zoo 65
and end but not in the interior. Yet another NA routine can be found in the stinepack package where
na.stinterp performs Stineman interpolation.
A typical task to be performed on ordered observations is to evaluate some function, e.g., computing
the mean, in a window of observations that is moved over the full sample period. The generic
function rollapply provides this functionality for arbitrary functions and more efficient versions
rollmean, rollmax, rollmedian are available for the mean, maximum and median respectively.
The zoo package has an as.Date numeric method which is similar to the one in the core of R
except that the origin argument defaults to January 1, 1970 (whereas the one in the core of R has
no default).
Note that since zoo uses date/time classes from base R and other packages, it may inherit bugs
or problems with those date/time classes. Currently, there is one such known problem with the c
method for the POSIXct class in base R: If x and y are POSIXct objects with tzone attributes, the
attribute will always be dropped in c(x,y), even if it is the same across both x and y. Although
this is documented at c.POSIXct, one may want to employ a workaround as shown at https:
A vector or matrix with an "index" attribute of the same dimension (NROW(x)) by which x is
Achim Zeileis and Gabor Grothendieck (2005). zoo: S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular
Time Series. Journal of Statistical Software, 14(6), 1-27. URL
and available as vignette("zoo").
Ajay Shah, Achim Zeileis and Gabor Grothendieck (2005). zoo Quick Reference. Package vignette
available as vignette("zoo-quickref").
See Also
zooreg, plot.zoo, index, merge.zoo
## visualization
## or POSIXct
y.POSIXct <- ISOdatetime(2003, 02, c(1, 3, 7, 9, 14), 0, 0, 0)
y <- zoo(rnorm(5), y.POSIXct)
x1. <- x1 <- zoo (matrix (1:12, nrow = 3), as.Date("2008-08-01") + 0:2)
colnames (x1) <- c ("A", "B", "C", "D")
x2 <- zoo (matrix (1:12, nrow = 3), as.Date("2008-08-01") + 1:3)
colnames (x2) <- c ("B", "C", "D", "E")
x1[both.dates, both.cols]
## there is "[.zoo" but no "[<-.zoo" however four of the following
## five examples work
## wrong
## x1[both.dates, both.cols] <- x2[both.dates, both.cols]
# 4 correct alternatives
# #1
window(x1, both.dates)[, both.cols] <- x2[both.dates, both.cols]
## End(Not run)
zooreg is the creator for the S3 class "zooreg" for regular "zoo" series. It inherits from "zoo" and
is the analogue to ts.
zooreg(data, start = 1, end = numeric(), frequency = 1,
deltat = 1, ts.eps = getOption("ts.eps"), = NULL,
calendar = getOption("zoo.calendar", TRUE))
zooreg 69
Strictly regular series are those whose time points are equally spaced. Weakly regular series are
strictly regular time series in which some of the points may have been removed but still have the
original underlying frequency associated with them. "zooreg" is a subclass of "zoo" that is used
to represent both weakly and strictly regular series. Internally, it is the same as "zoo" except it
also has a "frequency" attribute. Its index class is more restricted than "zoo". The index: 1.
must be numeric or a class which can be coerced via as.numeric (such as yearmon, yearqtr,
Date, POSIXct, tis, xts, etc.). 2. when converted to numeric must be expressible as multiples of
1/frequency. 3. group generic functions Ops should be defined, i.e., adding/subtracting a numeric
to/from the index class should produce the correct value of the index class again.
zooreg is the zoo analogue to ts. The arguments are almost identical, only in the case where is specified, zoo is called with zoo(data,,frequency). It creates a regular
series of class "zooreg" which inherits from "zoo". It is essentially a "zoo" series with an addi-
tional "frequency" attribute. In the creation of "zooreg" objects (via zoo, zooreg, or coercion
functions) it is always check whether the index specified complies with the frequency specified.
The class "zooreg" offers two advantages over code "ts": 1. The index does not have to be plain
numeric (although that is the default), it just must be coercible to numeric, thus printing and plotting
can be customized. 2. This class can not only represent strictly regular series, but also series with
an underlying regularity, i.e., where some observations from a regular grid are omitted.
Hence, "zooreg" is a bridge between "ts" and "zoo" and can be employed to coerce back and
forth between the two classes. The coercion function as.zoo.ts returns therefore an object of
class "zooreg" inheriting from "zoo". Coercion between "zooreg" and "zoo" is also available
and drops or tries to add a frequency respectively.
For checking whether a series is strictly regular or does have an underlying regularity the generic
function is.regular can be used.
70 zooreg
Methods to standard generics for regular series such as frequency, deltat and cycle are available
for both "zooreg" and "zoo" objects. In the latter case, it is checked first (in a data-driven way)
whether the series is in fact regular or not.
as.zooreg.tis has a class argument whose value represents the class of the index of the zooreg
object into which the tis object is converted. The default value is "ti". Note that the frequency
of the zooreg object will not necessarily be the same as the frequency of the tis object that it is
converted from.
An object of class "zooreg" which inherits from "zoo". It is essentially a "zoo" series with a
"frequency" attribute.
See Also
zoo, is.regular
## equivalent specifications of a quarterly series
## starting in the second quarter of 1959.
zooreg(1:10, frequency = 4, start = c(1959, 2))
as.zoo(ts(1:10, frequency = 4, start = c(1959, 2)))
zoo(1:10, seq(1959.25, 1961.5, by = 0.25), frequency = 4)
## End(Not run)
# probably a monthly "ts" series rather than a daily one was wanted.
# This variation of the last line gives a result only 6 elements long.
length(as.ts(aggregate(zz, as.yearmon, c))) # 6
as.zoo, 6, 64 frequency<-, 8
as.zoo.factor (zoo), 62 fts, 6
as.zoo.zooreg (zooreg), 68
as.zooreg (zooreg), 68 ggplot2.zoo, 9
autoplot, 10 gpar, 52
autoplot.zoo (ggplot2.zoo), 9
head.ts (zoo), 62
barplot, 33, 56 head.zoo (zoo), 62
barplot.zoo (plot.zoo), 32
ifelse.zoo (zoo), 62
c.POSIXct, 65 index, 8, 12, 64, 65
c.yearmon (yearmon), 58 index2char (zoo), 62
c.yearqtr (yearqtr), 60 index<- (index), 12
c.zoo (merge.zoo), 18 index<-.zooreg (zooreg), 68
cbind.zoo (merge.zoo), 18 irts, 6
coredata, 7, 64 is.numeric.yearmon (yearmon), 58
coredata<- (coredata), 7 is.numeric.yearqtr (yearqtr), 60
cummax.zoo (zoo), 62 is.object, 31
cummin.zoo (zoo), 62 is.regular, 13, 64, 69, 70
cumprod.zoo (zoo), 62 is.zoo (zoo), 62
cumsum.zoo (zoo), 62
cycle, 70 lag, 15
cycle.yearmon (yearmon), 58 lag.zoo, 14, 64
cycle.yearqtr (yearqtr), 60 lag.zooreg (zooreg), 68
cycle.zoo (zooreg), 68 layout, 33
cycle.zooreg (zooreg), 68 lines, 33
lines.zoo (plot.zoo), 32
Date, 69 llines, 55
deltat, 70 llines.its (xyplot.zoo), 54
deltat.zoo (zooreg), 68 llines.tis (xyplot.zoo), 54
deltat.zooreg (zooreg), 68 llines.zoo (xyplot.zoo), 54
diff, 15 lpoints, 55
diff.zoo (lag.zoo), 14 lpoints.its (xyplot.zoo), 54
dim<-.zoo (zoo), 62 lpoints.tis (xyplot.zoo), 54
lpoints.zoo (xyplot.zoo), 54
end.zoo (index), 12 ltext, 55
ltext.its (xyplot.zoo), 54
facet_free (ggplot2.zoo), 9 ltext.tis (xyplot.zoo), 54
facet_grid, 10 ltext.zoo (xyplot.zoo), 54
format.yearmon, 10
format.yearmon (yearmon), 58 make.par.list, 16
format.yearqtr, 10 MATCH, 17, 63
format.yearqtr (yearqtr), 60 match, 17, 63
fortify, 9, 10 MATCH.yearmon (yearmon), 58
fortify.zoo, 6 MATCH.yearqtr (yearqtr), 60
fortify.zoo (ggplot2.zoo), 9 mcmc, 6
frequency, 70 mean, 39
frequency.zoo (zooreg), 68 mean.yearmon (yearmon), 58
frequency.zooreg (zooreg), 68 mean.yearqtr (yearqtr), 60
t.zoo (zoo), 62
tail.ts (zoo), 62
tail.zoo (zoo), 62
text, 32
time, 12
time.zoo (index), 12
time<- (index), 12
time<-.zooreg (zooreg), 68
tis, 6, 69
transform.zoo (zoo), 62
trunc.times, 17
ts, 6, 59, 62, 64, 68, 69
tsSmooth, 29
unique.yearmon (yearmon), 58
unique.yearqtr (yearqtr), 60
window.zoo, 50, 64
window<-.zoo (window.zoo), 50
with.zoo (zoo), 62
write.table, 38–40
write.zoo (read.zoo), 38
xblocks, 51
xtfrm, 63
xtfrm.yearmon (yearmon), 58
xtfrm.yearqtr (yearqtr), 60
xtfrm.zoo (zoo), 62