Passive Voice 3.32: Is Based Was Built Has Been Visited Was Designed Is Being Filme Was Written
Passive Voice 3.32: Is Based Was Built Has Been Visited Was Designed Is Being Filme Was Written
Passive Voice 3.32: Is Based Was Built Has Been Visited Was Designed Is Being Filme Was Written
l. The movie is based on a famous book.
2. The house was built in the 16th century.
3. The castle has been visited by thousands of tourists.
4. The tower was designed by a famous architect.
5. Where is it being filmed?
6. Who was it written by?
The car was invented by a man, but it was a woman, Mary Anderson, who
in 1903 solved one of the biggest problems of driving. Until her invention it
was impossible for drivers to see where they were going when it was raining
or snowing. They had to open their window. The name of Mary's invention?
Windshield wipers.
And now to our next inventor. In 1956, Bette Nesmith Graham was working
as a secretary. Like all secretaries at that time, she used to get very
frustrated and angry when she made typing mistakes. In those days if you
made a mistake, you had to get a new sheet of
paper and start again from the beginning. Then she
had a brilliant idea, which was to use a white liquid
to paint over mistakes. Her invention is called
‘’wite out’’ today. Mrs Graham was a divorced
mother, and her invention made her a very rich
woman. Her son, Mike Nesmith became a famous pop star- he was a
member of the American group, The Monkeys.
And finally ... policemen, soldiers, and politicians all over the world are
protected by something that was invented by a woman. In
1966 Stephanie Kwolek invented Kevlar, a special material
which was very light, but incredibly strong, much stronger
than metal. This material is used to make bullet-proof
vests. Stephanie's invention has probably saved thousands
of lives.
Presenter: Thank you very much Sally, so ... if you thought that everything
was invented by men, think again.