ECG - Systematic-Approach
ECG - Systematic-Approach
ECG - Systematic-Approach
• Rate
• Rhythm
• Axis
• P wave and PR interval
• ST segment
• T wave
• QT interval
• Additional waves
Rate is fairly easy to quantify given the ECG paper speed is standardised
at 25mm/s.
o Rate = 300/number of large squares of RR interval or
o Rate = 1500/number of small squares of RR interval
If the rhythm is very irregular you should quote a range. If the atrial and
ventricular rates differ, you should calculate both.
Bradycardia is defined as < 60 bpm. Tachycardia is defined as > 100bpm.
This is best appreciated by looking at the rhythm strip at the bottom of the ECG which is
typically lead II.
Sinus Rhythm
Sinus Arrhythmia
Junctional rhythm
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial flutter
Idioventricular rhythm
Torsades de Pointes
P wave
The P wave is best examined in the inferior leads. Its duration should be < 0.12s and
amplitude < 0.25mV. A normal P wave is upright through all leads except for V1 where it is
biphasic and aVR where it is inverted.
PR interval
The normal PR interval is 0.12 to 0.2 seconds. A prolonged interval signifies a degree of AV
blockade. A short interval suggests the presence of an accessory pathway and pre-
excitation or can be seen in some junctional rhythms.
The normal QRS duration is less than 0.1s. Broader complexes are due to aberrant
conduction or are ventricular in origin.
• L axis
• Prominent R waves I, aVL
• Prominent S waves II, III &
• R axis
• Prominent S wave I, aVL
• Prominent R wave III (and
often II & aVF)
Q waves are considered pathological if they are more than 25% of the depth of the QRS
complex or if they are present in V1 to V3. Pathological Q waves usually represent
myocardial infarction, but can be seen in HOCM.
R wave progression throughout the praecordial leads typically transitions at V3, such that
there are small R waves in V1-2 and large R waves in V5-6. Poor R wave progression is a
feature of ischaemia, LVH, right heart strain or imprecise lead placement, although it can be
a normal variant.
ST segment
Normally, the ST segment is isoelectric. It represents the period between ventricular
depolarisation and repolarisation.
Causes of ST elevation:
• Myocardial infarction
• Pericarditis
• Ventricular aneurysm
• Brugada syndrome
• Paced rhythm
T wave
T waves represent ventricular depolarisation and should be upright in all leads except V1 and
aVR, although T wave inversion can also be a normal variant in lead III.
A normal QTc is considered < 440ms for men and < 460ms for women.
A prolonged QT interval puts you at risk of Torsades. More recent research investigating the
association between Torsades and a prolonged QT interval plots the QT data into clouds
from which they developed the QT nomogram – above which a person is much more likely to
develop Torsades. The nomogram roughly correlates with a QTc of 500ms.
For the purposes of ECG interpretation, calculate the QT interval and use Bazett’s formula to
A quick way to determine if the QT is normal for rates of 60 to 100 bpm, can be to see if the
QT interval is less than half the preceding RR interval.
Causes of long QT
• Congenital long QT syndromes
• Ischaemia
• Drugs/Toxins
• Hypokalaemia
• Hypocalcaemia
• Hypomagnesaemia
• Hypothermia
Additional waves
U wave
• The U wave is a small wave seen
immediately after the T wave
• Seen in bradycardia, hypokalaemia,
hypothermia, and following some
Obsorne or J wave
• The Osborne wave refers to a
rounded positive deflection at the J
• Seen classically in hypothermia but
can be a normal variant or 2ndry to
Delta wave
• The delta wave is a slurred upstroke to
the QRS seen in WPW
Epsilon wave
• The epsilon wave is a small blip buried
in the end of the QRS complex seen in
arrhythmogenic RV dysplasia
Special ECG scenarios
Characteristic findings:
1. Upward concave STE
2. Notching at J point
3. Large amplitude T
Characteristic findings:
1. AF
2. Bradycardia
3. Prolonged QRS &
4. Obsborne waves
Characteristic findings:
1. Widespread
concave STE
2. Widespread PR
3. Reciprocal STD &
PR elevation aVR
R heart strain
Characteristic findings:
1. STD V1-3
2. TWI V1-3
Sodium channel blockade
Characteristic findings:
1. Prolonged QRS
2. Terminal R wave
>3mm in aVR
Paediatric ECG
Characteristic findings:
1. Rightward axis due
to dominance of RV
2. Tachycardia
3. TWI in V1-3 “juvenile
4. Shorter PR & QRS
intervals due to less
cardiac mass
5. QTc 490 normal <
Brugada pattern
Characteristic findings:
1. RBBB or incomplete
2. STE right
praecordial leads
Characteristic findings:
1. Largest R + largest S
waves in chest leads >
2. ST depression and TWI in
3. Leftward axis
4. LAE
Characteristic findings:
1. LVH
2. Deep Q waves laterally &
3. LAE
Characteristic Findings:
1. Short PR interval <
2. Broad QRS > 0.1s
3. Delta wave
Other considerations:
Features of VT:
• Extreme axis
• Very broad complex >160ms
• AV dissociation
• Fusion beats
• Capture beats
• Concordance throughout chest leads (either all negative or all positive)
• RSR’ with a taller left peak (compared to RBBB with a taller right peak)