Welch All Yn Installation Guide
Welch All Yn Installation Guide
Welch All Yn Installation Guide
Installation Guide
CardioPerfect Webstation Installation Guide
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About This Manual ............................................................................................... 3
Cautions................................................................................................................ 3
Installing the Webstation..................................................................................... 4
Pre-installation ...................................................................................................... 4
Which Webstation components are installed?....................................................... 4
Installing the Webstation..................................................................................... 4
Install Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Webstation........................................................ 4
Configuration of Internet Information Server (IIS). ................................................. 5
Database Maintenance ........................................................................................ 8
Create a backup device ........................................................................................ 8
Make a backup ..................................................................................................... 9
Restore the database.......................................................................................... 10
Appendix A Database installation........................................................................ 10
For best performance of the CardioPerfect Webstation, follow the minimum
configuration requirements as listed on the CD jacket.
Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Webstation has a client/server structure. The Webstation application is
hosted on the server computer while the client computers require a web browser to access the
Webstation application.
A prerequisite for the Webstation server is Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
Before installing the Webstation software on a server, install CardioPerfect Workstation with a
valid license key. There are two server components in the CardioPerfect Webstation: a web server
application running within IIS and a database running on Microsoft MSDE or SQL Server database
management system. It is possible to install these components on different computers on the
Unlike the CardioPerfect Workstation setup, the Webstation setup will not install the database
server. If the Webstation database component is to be installed on a different computer than the
CardioPerfect Workstation database, ensure MSDE or SQL Server 7 or higher is installed before
The web application operates within either the http protocol or https protocol. If necessary, firewall
settings should be altered to allow http and/or https communication.
A valid SSL certificate (not supplied) is required to be installed if HTTPS is required.
Non-persistent cookies or in-memory cookies should be enabled within the browser.
Web Application The Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Webstation client software. The license
that you purchased determines which modules are installed.
3. Insert the CD and the installer application should launch automatically. If this does not
happen, browse the CD and double click on the file Setup.exe.
4. Enter your Name, Company, Serial Number, and Release Code.
5. From the components list, select ‘Web Application’ and ‘Administration Tool’. If this server
Material Number: 708961, Rev C -4-
Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Webstation Installing the Webstation
is also the database server select the ’Database’ option. If not, then the database
component needs to be installed on your database server – refer to Appendix A for further
6. Choose a destination directory for the software; the default is C:\Program Files\Cardio
7. If the database component is not installed on the same computer, specify the name of the
server and the name of the database (ccweb by default) in the Web Connection Settings
8. If your CardioPerfect Workstation database is not present on the computer, specify the
server name and database name (ccdb by default) of the computer on which the
CardioPerfect Workstation database is installed.
9. Start and Finish the installation.
2. Set the application path for this virtual directory to be the ASP subfolder of the Webstation
install folder.
(By default this is C:\Program Files\Cardio Control\Web\ASP)
To access the Webstation website, you need to configure the Webstation first. This can be done
using the Web Administration Tool, which can be found by selecting Programs -> Welch Allyn ->
Web Administration Tool from the Start menu. To logon to this tool, use any CardioPerfect
Workstation user with administration rights, such as the ‘admin’ user.
When logged on, select License from the list on the left. The administration tool should look similar
to Figure 1. If required, click on the button Change… and enter the Serial number and Release
code that came with your copy of the CardioPerfect Webstation. If the license information was
entered successfully, the available modules should appear in the list at the bottom of the window.
Go to the User Management section by clicking on its icon on the menu bar on the left (see Figure
2). Edit the default user settings for each user by clicking on the Edit default Profile. Please consult
the CardioPerfect Workstation manual on specific user preferences because these are similar to
the ones found in the CardioPerfect Workstation.
When you are satisfied with the default user preferences start adding users either by Add from
CCW if you already have CardioPerfect Workstation users, or use New User to add a new web
user. Depending on the license you have bought you might be limited to a certain number of user
Figure 2. Web Administration: add new users or add from CardioPerfect Workstation
Return to the web browser, you should be able to login and begin using the CardioPerfect
Webstation. To access the website from another computer, use the address
http://webservername/ccweb, where webservername is the name of the computer connected
through either a Local Area Network or the internet.
Final step
You should have a basic installation of the CardioPerfect Webstation running on your web server.
You can access different sections of the Web Administration Tool by clicking on the icons in the
menu bar on the left.
Database Maintenance
In a computer environment, there is always a possibility that something goes wrong: hard disks
can crash, databases can be corrupted, system software can fail and users can make mistakes.
When one of these events takes place, database tables may be lost or corrupted. To minimize the
impact of data loss you should backup your files regularly.
With the Administrator tool, you can make a full backup of your Webstation database, which
contains the settings of the Webstation. During the backup, copies of the database and the
transaction log are made. These copies can be used to restore the database. After the backup, the
transaction log is truncated.
To access these options open the Web Administration Tool and select Database Tools.
We advise you to create a backup device on a different hard disk than the one that contains the
database. If you do not do this, you run the risk of losing both your database and your backup if
your computer crashes.
Disk Select the location where the backup is created and enter a
When you select a network drive, make sure you have the proper
permissions to access the backup directory and file.
Make sure that the tape driver is connected to the computer that
Material Number: 708961, Rev C -8-
Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Webstation Installing the Webstation
Make a backup
The simplest way to create a backup is to create one manually. You can do this anytime you want;
existing Webstation users do not have to log out.
Before you can make a backup, you need to have created a backup device.
To make a manual backup:
1. Select Backup database.
Problem evaluation
Prior to the recovery of the database you should evaluate the situation very carefully. What is
wrong with the database and what is the date of the most recent database backup?
Important: When performing a database restore you can only recover the database to the point of
the latest backup. Any changes made to the database after the last backup will be lost.
To restore a database:
1. Make sure that all users are logged out. You cannot restore the database while it is being
2. Under Database tools, click on the tab Restore database.
3. Select the backup that you want to restore. If you have moved your backup files to a
different location, use the Locate backup file… button to locate the backup files.
4. Click on the Restore Database button. A warning is displayed.
5. Click Yes to start with the restore process. When the restore process was successful, a
message is displayed.
The Web Database Builder (webdbbuilder.exe available on the installation CD) is a utility for
creating and updating databases for Webstation on SQL Server. It is compatible with MS-SQL
Server 7, MSDE or higher.
The name of the server and the database name for creating or upgrading are required. When
creating a new database, the data folder where the physical files are created must also be given.
This folder must already exist.
For all actions, the Database Builder program will attempt to login into the database with a few
default known user/password combinations. If these fail the program will ask for the password of
the sa user.
Create a new database with the given name on the server with a default size of 10 MB and
automatic growth of 10 percent. A transaction log file is also created. The files are created in the
database folder.
Add server logins for user ccweb when it does not exist.
Run the script ccweb.sql. This script must be present in the folder of the Web Database Builder
Run the script ccwebdata.sql. This script must be present in the folder of the Web Database
Builder program.