Design of Low-Power High-Gain Operational Amplifier For Bio-Medical Applications
Design of Low-Power High-Gain Operational Amplifier For Bio-Medical Applications
Design of Low-Power High-Gain Operational Amplifier For Bio-Medical Applications
Abstract—In the present paper, an operational amplifier (Op- Low-power and high-gain are particularly the major
Amp) topology that achieves high-gain and low-power dissipation requirements of monitoring and recording bio-potential signals
is designed and analyzed. The design uses a current mirror with (heart, brain, pulse etc.) for medical diagnosis. Modern
a class-A output stage having capacitive Miller compensation. clinical practice requires these signals to be routinely
The low power operational amplifier is the main active power
consuming block. The proposed Op-Amp operates at ±0.75V
recorded. It is usually the practice that patients are connected
supply voltage and consumes a total power of 1.83mW with the to cumbersome recording devices for the purpose of acquiring
gain 90dB. The proposed design has been implemented using signals from the body to aid diagnosis. This affects their
Tanner EDA Tools for 90nm CMOS technology node. mobility and causes general discomfort. This affects the
general diagnosis of ailments [3-6].
Keywords—bio-medical; high-gain; low-power; operational The coupling of bio-potential signals from the body into
amplifier the electronic equipment is accomplished through electrodes.
These electrodes interface ionic currents in the body with
I. INTRODUCTION electrical currents in the electronic instruments. In practice,
because the electrode comprises the first stage of the signal
Equations (1) to (18) present the design relationships that 2I3 (9)
VDS 3 =
are used in designing the overall proposed circuit. The dc gain k ∗ ¨ 3 ·¸
' W
© L3 ¹
of the Op-Amp AV (0) is given as
Equation (10) is used to calculate the saturation voltage
Av (0) = GMI * RI * RII * GMII (1) across M5 ( V DS 5( SAT ) ). It is given as,
where Av (0) is the dc gain of Op-Amp, G MI and G MII are the VICM ( MIN) = VDS5( SAT ) + VGS1 (10)
overall trans-conductance of the first and the second stages of where VICM (MIN) is the minimum input common-mode voltage.
Op-Amp respectively. R I and R II are the overall resistance Relationship to calculate aspect ratio of M5 is obtained as,
of first and second stages of Op-Amp respectively. VDS 5 =
2 I5 (11)
kn' ∗ §¨ 5 ·¸
First step involves the computation of compensation W
© L5 ¹
capacitance ( Cc ). It is derived from angle equation of the Op-
Similarly, (12) and (13) give the relationships to find the
Amp transfer function [12]. C c optimizes the phase margin of
aspect ratio of M6, M7 and M8, M9 respectively.
the system. This in turn makes system more stable. It is given
W6 W 7 2∗I
as = = ' 112 (12)
L6 L7 K P ∗ VSD
C c ≥ 0 .611C L (2)
W8 W9 2 ∗ I8
= = (13)
' 2
where C L is the load capacitor. L8 L9 K P ∗ V DSB
Next step of design flow is to compute trans-conductance of where I11 is the current through transistor M11, K P' is process
input transistors M1 and M2, in order to calculate their aspect
ratio. The input stage amplifier trans-conductance is given as, transconductance parameter of PMOS, VSD represents source-
drain voltage across transistor M6. Equation (13) is used to
G M 1 = GB ∗ C c (3) design the current mirror circuit in the proposed LPHG Op-
where G M 1 the trans-conductance of input stage transistors. GB Amp.
is unity gain bandwidth. Bias current to generate biasing Since the transistors M5, M10 and M16 are configuered in
voltage is given by current mirror circuit. The current through all these three
I Bias = C c ∗ SR (4) transistors are same. Consequently, their aspect ratios are the
where I Bias is the bias current and SR is the slew rate. same.
To compute aspect ratio of M11 and M12, (14) is used.
MOSFET current (Id) in saturation region is defined by (5). This gives the relation between current ( I 11 ) through M11,
I d = k ' ∗ (W ) ∗ (VGS − VT ) 2 (5)
L source to drain voltage across M11 (V SD11 ) and process trans-
Equation (5) is used to drive the relationship in terms of conductance of M11 which is given as,
aspect ratio and the other known parameters values. It is W11 W12 2 ∗ I 11
= = (14)
defined in (6). L11 L12 K P' ∗ V SD
W1 W2 g m1 (6)
= = The gate to source voltage of M8 (VGS8) is defined as
kn' §¨ 1 ·¸
L1 L2 I
© 2¹ VGS 8 = V DD − 2VON (15)
where g m1 is the trans-conductance of M1 and is the k n' where, VON is the saturation voltage, which drive the
process trans-conductance parameter of NMOS transistor. transistors into the saturation region. This voltage is used to
Using aspect ratio from (6), gate to source voltage ( VGS 1 ) of calculate the gate to source (VGS8) voltage of transistor M8 that
helps in calculating the size of transistor M8.
transistor M1 is computed and given by (7). The aspect ratio of M13 is computed using current through
2 I1 M13 ( I 13 ) , M12 ( I12 ) and aspect ratio of M12. It is given as,
VGS 1 = (7)
k ∗ ¨ 1 ·¸
' W
© L1 ¹ W13 § I13 · § W12 ·
= ¨ ¸∗¨ ¸ (16)
For transistor M3 to be in saturation region of operation, the L13 © I12 ¹ © L12 ¹
source to drain saturation voltage of M3 ( VSD3( SAT ) ) is The relationship between trans-conductance of transistors M1
computed using (8). and M14 is defined in (17). Using (17), aspect ratio of M14 is
VICM( MAX ) = VDD − VSD3( SAT ) + VTN (8) computed. These are given as,
where VICM (MAX ) is the maximum input common-mode g m14 = 10 g m1 (17)
voltage, V DD is supply voltage and VTN represents threshold W gm
= (18)
voltage of NMOS transistor. L k n' ∗ V DS ( sat )
Subsequently, (9) is used to determine the aspect ratio of M3
and M4 transistors as The advantage of the topology used in the present work is
that it can be used at various low supply voltages with
negligible variation in power consumption and gain.
Fig. 3. Frequency response of LPHG Op-Amp.
The Input common mode range (ICMR) defines the linear TABLE II. SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE OF THE DESIGNED
part of transfer curve where the slope is unity. The ICMR of LPHG OP-AMP
LPHG Op-Amp is evaluated and shown in Fig. 5. It represents Results
Parameters Specifications [18]
the transfer characteristics between the output voltage (VOut) Obtained
and current through M5 (I5) with respect to input voltage Technology 90nm 0.5μm 90nm
Gain 90dB 110dB 93dB
(VIN). It is the range of value of input VIN where VOUT get
Phase Margin 75 95 70
saturated as the maximum ICMR to the value of VIN where I5
Slew Rate 20V/μSec - 20V/μSec
get saturated as the minimum ICMR. This is an important ICMR -1V to 2V - -0.9V to 1.4V
parameter which is extracted, as it gives the range in which -1.25V
input voltage variations do not affect the analysis. 1.5V Peak to 1.45V Peak to
Output Swing to
Peak Peak
Supply Voltage ±0.75V ±1.5V ±0.75V
<4mW 27.8μW 1.83mW
Gain Bandwidth
30MHz 320kHz 11MHz
Area (mm2) 0.025 0.034 0.00459
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