UX Venn Diagram
UX Venn Diagram
UX Venn Diagram
“[Christianity] sows
seeds of decadence
such as forgiveness,
weakness, humility and
the denial of the
evolutionary laws of
survival of the fittest"
1933: Hitler signed an agreement
Within the Reich Church, Hitler gives his support to the "German
(Concordat) with the Catholic Church –
Christians", who believed that pastors should take an oath of loyalty to
Hitler agreed to leave the Catholics alone if Hitler and that any member of the church who had Jewish ancestry
the Pope kept out of German politics: the should be sacked. Their leader, Ludwig Muller, was given the title of
"Reich Bishop" in 1933. Their slogan was “The swastika on our breasts
Catholic Church viewed the Nazis as a and the cross in our hearts”.
barrier to the spread of communism.