Design of Highway Alignment: P. Nimitha, Malik Fahad, Mohammmad Abdul Dastagir Ahmed C. Sindhu, G. Mounika
Design of Highway Alignment: P. Nimitha, Malik Fahad, Mohammmad Abdul Dastagir Ahmed C. Sindhu, G. Mounika
Design of Highway Alignment: P. Nimitha, Malik Fahad, Mohammmad Abdul Dastagir Ahmed C. Sindhu, G. Mounika
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 14, Issue 3 Ver. VI. (May - June 2017), PP 01-11
Abstract: To establish the alignment of a highway of length 1km from “huzurabad to parkal” for extension of
highway from two way lane to four way lane and evaluation of soil strength on the field in the form of an open
transverse. The main objective of the project is to design a Highway Alignment from “Huzurabad to Parkal” for
extension of highway from two way lane to four way lanes and evaluation of soil strength on field. It is an
existing road already but now its road width is extended so our aim is to design the highway alignment by the
following steps:
1. To carry out the detailed profile leveling which includes longitudinal sectioning and cross sectioning.
2. To fix up the formation level from the plotted longitudinal section according to prevailing gradients.
3. The earthwork has been calculated and the same is present in the graphical format.
4. Collecting the soil samples from the site and testing it in the laboratory manually.
We used theodolites, chain, arrows, tape, ranging rods, tripod, levelling staff.
Highway Alignment is the position or layout of centre line of the highway on the ground is called the alignment.
it includes straight path, horizontal deviation and curves.
Keywords: Highway alignment, longitudinal sectioning, cross sectioning, earthwork calculations.
I. Introduction
1.1 Highway Alignment:
The position or the layout of the centre line of the highway on the ground is called the alignment.
Alignments surveys are widely provided for safety and protection purposes of different routes and highways.
The alignment surveys include horizontal alignment, cross section angle and vertical alignment of roads. The
process of alignment is available as most important and crucial process for road safety. Different kinds of
advanced and innovative techniques are used to provide the alignment survey. The alignment survey of road is
not carried out in an easy and quick manner.
A new road should be aligned very carefully as improper alignment would result in one or more of the following
a) Increase in construction cost
b) Increase in maintenance cost
c) Increase in vehicle operation cost
d) Increase in accident rate
Once the road is aligned and constructed, it is not easy to change the alignment due to increase in cost of
adjoining land and construction of costly structures by the road side.
Route selection:
The selection of route is made keeping in view the requirements of alignment and the geological,
topographical and other features of the locality. However special care should be taken as regards the geometric
design standards of the road for possible upgrading of speed standards in future, without being necessary to
realign the road. After the alignment is finalized, the plans and working drawings are prepared.
S:I is the ratio of side slopes as horizontal: vertical. For 1 vertical, horizontal is s, for d vertical, horizontal is sd.
Quantity = (Bd + Sd²) x L
When the ground is in a longitudinal slope. The height of bank or the depth of cutting will be different at the two
ends of the section, and mean height or depth may be taken for ‘d’ and sectional area at mid section is taken out
for mean height. Alternatively, sectional area at the two ends may be calculated and the mean of two sectional
areas is taken out.
Mean height= ( )/2
In the present study mid sectional area method is used which is explained below.
A horizontal highway curve is a curve in plan to provide change in direction to be central line of road.
When a vehicle traverses a horizontal curve, the centrifugal force acts horizontally outwards through the centre
of gravity of vehicles. The centrifugal force developed depends on the radius of the horizontal curves and the
speed o the vehicles negotiating the curve. This centrifugal force is countered by the transverse friction
resistance developed between the tyres and the pavement which enables the vehicles changes the direction along
the curve and maintains the stability of the vehicles.
Centrifugal force p is given by the equation:
p=Centrifugal force, k
W=Weight of the vehicle, kg
R=Radius of the circular curve, m
V=Speed of the vehicles, m/sec
The ratio of the centrifugal force to the weight of the vehicle, P/W is known as the centrifugal ratio or the
impact factor. The centrifugal ration is thus equal to
The centrifugal force acting on a vehicle negotiating a horizontal curve has two effects:
i. Tendency to overturn the vehicle outwards about the outer wheels and
ii. Tendency to skid vehicles laterally outwards.
a) Overturning effects:
The centrifugal force that tends the vehicle to overturn about the outer wheels on a horizontal curve
without super elevation is illustrated. The overturning moment due to centrifugal force P is P x h; this is resisted
by the restoring moment due to weight of the vehicle W and is equal to w, b/2,where h is the height of the centre
of gravity of the vehicle above the road surface and b is the width of the wheel base or the wheel track of the
b) skidding effect:
The centrifugal forces developed as also the tendency to push the vehicles outwards in the transverse direction.
If the centrifugal force p developed excess the maximum possible transverse skid resistance due to the friction,
the vehicles will start skidding in the transverse direction. The equilibrium condition for the transverse skid
resistance developed is given by:
P = Fa + Fb = f(Ra+Rb) = Fw
In the above relation f is the coefficient of friction between the tyre and the pavement surface in the transverse
direction, Ra and Rb are normal reactions at the wheels A and B such that (Ra +Rb) is equal to the weight W of
the vehicles, as no super elevation has been provided in this case.
Since P=fW, the centrifugal ratio P/W is equal to ‘f’. Thus to avoid overturning and lateral skidding on a
horizontal curve, the centrifugal ratio should always be less than b/2h and also ‘f’.
Fig 2- Camber
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1403060111 4 | Page
Design of Highway Alignment
Longitudinal Sectioning:
Table 1: Longitudinal section of road
1.30 101.30 100.00
0.00 1.81 101.30 99.49
10.00 2.20 101.30 99.10
20.00 2.39 101.30 98.91
30.00 2.31 101.30 98.99
40.00 2.09 101.30 99.21
50.00 2.08 101.30 99.22
60.00 2.01 101.30 99.29
70.00 2.19 101.30 99.11
80.00 2.20 101.30 99.10
90.00 1.42 101.30 99.88
100.00 1.50 101.30 99.80
110.00 1.57 101.30 99.73
120.00 1.59 101.30 99.71
130.00 1.62 101.30 99.68
140.00 1.64 101.30 99.66
150.00 1.65 101.30 99.65
160.00 1.66 101.30 99.64
170.00 1.68 101.30 99.62
180.00 1.56 101.30 99.74
190.00 1.52 101.30 99.78
200.00 1.50 101.30 99.80
210.00 1.50 101.50 100.00
220.00 1.54 101.50 99.96
230.00 1.55 101.50 99.95
240.00 1.57 101.50 99.93
250.00 1.59 101.50 99.91
260.00 1.60 101.50 99.90
270.00 1.63 101.50 99.87
280.00 1.64 101.50 99.86
290.00 1.65 101.50 99.85
300.00 1.74 101.50 99.76
310.00 1.82 101.50 99.68
320.00 2.21 101.50 99.29
330.00 2.32 101.50 99.18
The cross section of a road is a vertical plane at right angles to the road control line. It is viewed in the
direction of increasing stationing and shows transverse detail of the various elements that make up the road’s
structure, sometimes from boundary to boundary. The main purpose of a cross section is to show the variation of
elements within the design and their interaction with the natural topography. The cross section elements should
be designed to ensure that the use of the space available within the road reserve is sympathetic to the natural
environment and user expectations, while maintaining a balance between construction, maintenance and
operating (including crash) costs.
0.00 101.30 99.949 0.46 1.81 1.35
10.00 101.30 99.451 0.35 2.20 1.85
20.00 101.30 99.081 0.17 2.39 2.22
30.00 101.30 98.94 -0.05 2.31 2.36
40.00 101.30 99.211 0.00 2.09 2.09
50.00 101.30 99.227 0.01 2.08 2.07
60.00 101.30 99.272 -0.02 2.01 2.03
70.00 101.30 99.109 -0.18 2.01 2.19
80.00 101.30 99.178 0.08 2.20 2.12
90.00 101.30 99.872 -0.01 1.42 1.43
100 101.30 99.801 0.00 1.50 1.50
110 101.30 99.802 0.07 1.57 1.50
120 101.30 99.728 0.02 1.59 1.57
130 101.30 99.707 0.03 1.62 1.59
140 101.30 99.678 0.02 1.64 1.62
150 101.30 99.659 0.01 1.65 1.64
160 101.30 99.649 0.01 1.66 1.65
170 101.30 99.638 0.02 1.68 1.66
180 101.30 99.632 -0.11 1.56 1.67
190 101.30 99.744 -0.04 1.52 1.56
200 101.30 99.782 -0.02 1.50 1.52
210 101.30 99.82 0.02 1.50 1.48
220.00 101.50 99.996 0.04 1.54 1.50
230.00 101.50 99.959 0.01 1.55 1.54
240.00 101.50 99.948 0.02 1.57 1.55
250.00 101.50 99.928 0.02 1.59 1.57
260.00 101.50 99.909 0.01 1.60 1.59
270.00 101.50 99.897 0.03 1.63 1.60
280.00 101.50 99.869 0.01 1.64 1.63
290.00 101.50 99.859 0.01 1.65 1.64
300.00 101.50 99.841 0.08 1.74 1.66
310.00 101.50 99.752 0.07 1.82 1.75
320.00 101.50 99.641 0.35 2.21 1.86
330.00 101.50 99.279 0.10 2.32 2.22
340.00 101.50 99.179 0.01 2.33 2.32
350.00 101.50 99.183 -0.12 2.20 2.32
360.00 101.50 99.295 0.05 2.25 2.21
370.00 101.50 99.243 0.06 2.32 2.26
380.00 101.50 99.177 0.03 2.35 2.32
390.00 101.50 99.149 0.01 2.36 2.35
400.00 101.50 99.138 0.02 2.38 2.36
410.00 101.50 99.117 0.03 2.41 2.38
420.00 101.50 99.099 -0.08 2.32 2.40
430.00 101.50 99.19 -0.09 2.22 2.31
440.00 101.50 99.275 0.05 2.27 2.22
450.00 101.50 99.226 0.04 2.31 2.27
460.00 101.50 99.186 0.04 2.35 2.31
470.00 101.50 99.205 -0.5 1.80 2.30
480.00 101.50 99.71 -0.09 1.70 1.79
Earthwork Calculations:
Table 5- Earthwork Calculations for Road:
[1] Khanna S.K & Justo C.E.G, "Highway Engineering". New Chand & Bros., Roorkee, U.K India, 9th Edition:2011
[2] S.K Duggal, " Surveying" Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, 3rd Edition:2009
[3] Yoder &Witczak, "Pavement Design"
[4] Mannering & Kilareski, "Traffic Engineering & Pavement Design"
[5] B.C.Punmia "Surveying" Vol. 1 & 2