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NAME: Thivakaran A/L Moorthy

VIDEO TITLE ทุกคำมีความหมาย | Every Mouthful is Meaningful

VIDEO LINK https://youtu.be/1MG8KeZIuO4

NAME OF COMPANY cpbrand Thailand


1. Who is the target The entire community, which includes people of many ethnicities and
audience? ages.
A mother has only pure intentions and really cares for her daughter
but the daughter does not listen to her.The daughter ends up leaving
the house and stranded with no where to go.At one point she was
2. What is the message in hungry but had no money in her pocket.Her mum was finding for her
the video? daughter all over the place and knowing that she does not cash,she
gave the money to a stall saying that if the her daughter ever passes
by please do serve her food.

3. Is the message clear and

Yes,the message is lucid until I had goosebumps and almost
encountered emotional tears.
4. Which values/ethos of
the company that you Simplication, innovationess
observe in the video?
5. How are these values
Setting, dialogue and action
Value Ways the value is presented


1 Simplication Action:


2 innovationess
1.Setting :


Dialogue :
Yes,cp brand Thailand were effective in presenting the values.Sound
effects in the video were calm,emotional and its easy for audience to
6. In your opinion, has the
catch the values.For example,when the daughter with tears rolling
video been effective in
down and was eating the food that the cook gave her was very
presenting the
saddening .
values/ethos of the
-On time graphics,ther video focuses the audience attention on the
screen of the characters and the visuals with final message were
Why / Why not?
absolutely clear for the audience to catch the values.

Yes,this emotional video from cp brand Thailand was successful in

7. Do you think the video delivering the message and their marketing in the video was on
speaks effectively to its point.To date,the video has accumulated up to 10 million views and
target audience? counting.It focuses on the emotional values as it focuses towards the
Why / Why not? end results which is_Cp brand thailand

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