Jdsu - MTS-5200 (Otdr)
Jdsu - MTS-5200 (Otdr)
Jdsu - MTS-5200 (Otdr)
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2001 Acterna
Acterna Saint-Etienne
34 rue Necker
42000 Saint-Etienne
Tel. +33 (0) 4 77 47 89 00
Fax +33 (0) 4 77 47 89 70
Web www.acterna.com
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Acterna shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or
consequential damages resulting from the use of this material.
This document must not be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another
language without the written consent of Acterna.
Visual Conventions
<Print> Name of the softkey depending on the current function (displayed
on the right of the screen).
Range Information displayed on the screen.
PRINT Direct access key (below the screen).
TITLE Name of the menu displayed in the pull down menus.
Note Information concerning the operation of MTSe.
Attention Message warning the user of the risk of damaging the instrument or
loosing information if the instructions are not respected.
Danger Message warning the user that he could be injured if the instructions
are not respected.
Laser safety
The provisions contained in two standards define the safety procedures to be
observed both by users and by manufactures when utilizing laser products:
• EN 60825-1 : 1994 - Safety of laser products – Part 1: Classification of
products, requirements and user guidelines.
• FDA 21 CFR § 1040.10 - Performance standards for light-emitting products -
Laser products.
Due to the range of possible wavelengths, power values and injection
characteristics of a laser beam, the risks inherent in its usage differ. The laser
classes form groups representing different safety thresholds.
Reference standard
Class 2
Class 3a
Optical connector
The optical connector is the access point to the laser beam (see figure
Laser emission
Maintenance .....................................................................................10-1
1Measurement Principles 1
This chapter give the principle of measurement :
❏ for OTDR modules
❏ for OTS modules
❏ for the WDM modules
Optical fiber
Reflectometer End of fiber
or a break
2 points
Attenuation due
to splice
Attenuation due
to the connection Reflectance
Distance (km)
Measurement result
The backscattered signal primarily allows the location of a segment of the fiber to
be found on the link.
Measurement validity
The ITU-T Recommendations G.651 and G.652 state backscatter measurement as
the second replacement method for the measurement of attenuation. The cut
fiber technique is the reference method.
The field of application for backscatter measurement is not limited, but the
conditions for application of this method are nevertheless stipulated:
• In so far as insertion conditions are concerned, Fresnel reflections should be
limited at fiber input.
• A high power source (laser) should be used.
• Receiver bandwidth should be selected so as to achieve a compromise
between pulse rise time and noise level.
• Backscatter power should be represented on a logarithmic scale.
Reflectance is a characteristic allowing the reflection coefficient of a reflecting
optical element to be quantified. It is defined as the ratio of the power reflected
by the element over the incident power.
The reflections are due to variations in refractive index along the fiber optic link,
in some Telecom applications. If these reflections are not controlled they may
degrade the system performance by perturbing the laser emitter operation
(particularly DFB lasers), or, in the case of multiple reflections, generate
interference noise in the receiver.
The OTDR is particularly suited to reflectance measurements on a fiber link. The
amplitude of the generated Fresnel reflection is measured, then the result is
converted to reflectance.
The conversion formula takes into account:
• the amplitude of the reflection measured
• the pulsewidth used to measure the reflection’s amplitude (in nanoseconds)
Calibrated 1 2
laser light Powermeter
source Reference Link under test
Loss A(dB) = P1 (dBm) - P2 (dBm)
• Use a light source that is stable in time and in respect to the temperature.
• Verify that the connections, the fibers and the receiving cell are perfectly
• Use a reference link between the laser source and the element under test. To
make several measurements with the same light injection conditions, the
reference fiber must not be disconnected during the measurement period.
Two methods are used to measure the fiber optic attenuation:
• The cut fiber method
• Insertion loss measurement method
Cut fiber method
1. The power P1 at the output of the fiber under test is measured, then the fiber
is cut approximately two meters from the extremity at the source end.
2. The power P2 at the output of the fiber section of two meters is measured and
serves as the reference.
The attenuation of the fiber tested is: P1 - P2.
This method is very accurate but is little used due to its destructive nature. It
cannot be used during maintenance or installation but only during the
manufacture of the fiber.
Insertion loss measurement method
1. The power meter is first connected to the laser source via the reference fiber:
P1 is measured.
2. The fiber to test is inserted between the reference fiber and the power meter:
P2 is measured.
3. The difference between P2 and P1 gives the attenuation of the fiber under
It is preferable to use the same type of connector at the extremities of the fiber
tested, in order to have the same connection conditions for the P1 and P2
Although this method is less accurate than the previous method it is the most
common because it is non destructive.
Measurement accuracy
• Very high accuracy is often necessary, It is therefore essential to first make a
calibration without the fiber under test to eliminate as much as possible
losses due to the connections. To do this use the OTS “reference value”
• For measurements in a laboratory where the two extremities of the fiber are at
the same site the repeatability of the attenuation measurements is better than
0.1 dB. For measurements in the field, with the extremities of the fiber at
different sites, the variations between measurements is in the order of ± 0.2
dB (using a relative measurement).
Power measurement
The measurement of the power transmitted or received only requires a power
• To measure the transmitted power, connect the power meter directly to the
output of the optical transmitter.
To measure the power at the input of an optical receiver, the power meter is
connected at the extremity of the fiber, where the optical receiver will be
With this new technology, new measurements are required. During installation
and maintenance of WDM systems, it is important to verify the following
1. Presence of all channels at corresponding wavelengths, without any drift.
2. Right channel power levels, without any power variation
3. Enough signal over noise ratio (SNR). This value is determined by measuring
the ratio of the peak channel power to the noise power level of the ASE1 noise
signals to the left and/or right of the carrier. Usually, the noise measurement
point is chosen as the calculated mid-point between two adjacent channels.
The measured noise power level is converted to a standardized bandwidth of
0.1 nm.
The most important test equipment for WDM systems able to perform those test
is the spectrum analyser. This analyser can be connected along the WDM system
on all critical measurement points, located at the extremities of the links or at the
amplifier locations.
Measurement results
The optical spectrum analyser displays a waveform which is showing all the
channels. Measured results are presented on a complete spectral analysis and as
a WDM table, listing all carriers with their relevant parameters.
The optical spectrum analyser is performing automatic detection and
measurement for all channels.
The number and the composite power are provided like, for each channel:
• the wavelength
• the spacing
• the power level
• the signal over noise ratio
The total power of the system could also be provided.
In order to qualify the amplifier, tilt and slope gain could be calculated. In
principle, the amplification shall be flat over the full WDM spectrum.
2 Introduction 2
The Acterna 5000 series Media Test Set is a fully modular portable platform
designed for the construction, commissioning and maintenance of fiber optic
networks. This dedicated cost effective instrument allows testing to be fast and
It has the following principle characteristics:
❏ It has a modular design that allows interchangeable modules to be adapted
for any present or future fiber optic application requirements. The MTSe
modular structure provides the flexibility and upgradeability for it to be the
tester of choice for extremely dynamic and rapidly growing
telecommunications, CATV and datacom markets. Easy field exchange
modules minimize the number of instruments to be carried.
❏ It can contain in a small package, multiple OTDR functions, Fault Locator,
WDM analyzers, light source, power meter, VFL (Visual Fault Locator), OTS
(Optical Test Set), Talk Set, etc.
❏ Its “RISC” microprocessor coupled with an optimized time base guarantees
excellent acquisition and processing speed.
❏ Multitasking allows several operations to be performed at the same time, i.e.
acquisition, modification of parameters, file analysis, printing.
❏ Software upgrades are easily achieved using the internal 3" 1/2 floppy disk
❏ The measurement results can be stored in the internal 3 Mb SRAM memory
or, as an option, on a hard disk drive (1 Gb) or floppy disk drive.
❏ The measurement tool, printing and file storage in the universal Bellcore GR-
196-CORE format, simplifies report creation.
❏ The easy to use Man-Machine interface means becoming familiar with the
instrument is rapidly achieved. An external keyboard facilitates entry of data.
❏ Its compact rugged box allows the instrument to withstand severe
environmental operating conditions.
❏ The MTS 5100e is a mini-OTDR perfectly designed for field use.
❏ The MTS 5200e, although in a very compact unit, is a classic mainframe
OTDR providing high level performance and functions, including a built-in
printer and IEEE interface.
Interchangeable modules
The MTSe can be equipped simultaneously with one or two of the following
• OTDR singlemode modules: SR, DR, HD, RTU
• OTDR multimode modules: MM, ML
• WDM modules
The MTSe allows long and short range tests to be made, in singlemode or
multimode, on point-to-point or complex optical networks during:
• the design and production of the equipment
• the installation and qualification of the equipment of the network
• the maintenance of the network
Les mesures peuvent être réalisées sur des liaisons optiques en service.
Measurements can be carried out on in service optical links with the 1625 nm
Simply pressing the START/STOP button starts or stops a measurement.
Pressing the SET-UP key provides access to the MTSe configuration menus:
Test setup
On the same screen, dialog boxes allow the selection of measurement
parameters, the results display and the parameters of the fiber.
System setup
On the same screen menus provide selection of:
• the screen parameters (automatic power off, backlight strength, contrast,
welcome message),
• the country parameters (date, time, date/time format, length units, language)
• the printing parameters: internal (MTS 5200e only) or external printer or copy
to file, type of external printer, printing contents (trace or table or both)
• the I/O interface parameters : RS 232 or Ethernet (option) or IEEE (MTS 5200e
only), connector Centronics for keyboard or printer.
For a full description of the system set-up menus see "System setup" on page
Instrument setup
A graphical screen displays all the modules available on the instrument and the
user can select the test functions. Only the Laser Source and Power Meter can be
When the instrument is switched off, its configuration along with the
measurement results are saved.
The configuration menus can be displayed and modified during an acquisition
or a measurement. Some parameters are inhibited during acquisition.
After any measurements, the trace and the associated results are displayed. The
RESULTS key calls back these trace and results after another display.
It is possible to print the displayed screen either on an internal (MTS 5200e) or
external printer or to create a bitmap (.bmp) type file and store it on a floppy
The external printer uses the Centronics port. Epson, Canon or HP compatible
printers can be used.
Simply press the PRINT button to print the trace displayed or create the file on the
floppy disk.
The FILE key calls up the file management menu:
• to choose the storage medium: internal memory (SRAM or hard disk) or
floppy disk; the name and the format of the file; information linked to the
data stored in the file.
• to store files or to retrieve them in order to carry out selection, copy, or
deletion operations; with possibility to store them in directories and sub-
3 Getting Started 3
This chapter explains the operations to carry out to start using the MTSe:
❏ before switching on:
unpacking the instrument,
installation and removal of a module,
charging and installing batteries,
connecting an external power supply,
connecting the fiber,
positioning the unit,
connecting the handle or carrying strap.
❏ after switching on:
installing new software from a 3.5" floppy disk,
configuring the system (date, time, language, etc.).
❏ troubleshooting.
Before switching on
Unpacking the instrument
Remove the MTSe and its accessories from the packing case. Check the presence
of all the ordered accessories.
If any part is missing or damaged please contact your local representative (see
"Wavetek Customer Service Centers" at the end of the manual).
The MTSe is delivered with the following accessories:
• a user manual.
• a battery that must be charged before use.
• a mains supply unit to power the instrument from the mains and to charge
the batteries.
• a carrying strap.
• soft carrying case (optional)
• hard transit case (optional)
Removal of module
Attention The MTSe must be switched off and, if AC powered, the cord must
be disconnected.
Attention The MTSe must be switched off and, if AC powered, the cord must
be disconnected.
1. Make sure that the two large locking screws of the module are completely
2. Carefully slide the module back into its slot.
3. Once the module is fully pushed back into its slot, keep pressure applied to
the front face while tightening the two locking screws.
Important You must fully tighten the screws to their stops. The rear panel of the
module should be aligned with the rear panel of the chassis.
When the MTSe is being held during use, the support strap should replace the
carrying handle. Two positions are available:
1. MTSe held in front, with the strap hanging around the neck of the user. The
carrying strap must then be fixed at the upper studs, as shown in the
following figure 1.
2. MTSe held at the side, with the strap hanging around neck and under the arm
of the user. The carrying strap must then be fixed at one upper and one lower
studs, as shown in the following figure 2.
1 2
left side
left side
Use the same procedure to attach the opposite end of the handle or strap.
The transport handle is attached to two metal studs on the left hand side of the
The strap is attached to both sides of the instrument as follows:
• Attached to the top studs on each side of the instrument. In this position, the
strap can be used as a carrying strap. It can also, be passed around the users
neck, to be used to provide support during hand held operation of the
instrument in the field.
• Attached to the top right and bottom left studs. In this position the strap can
be passed around the neck and under an arm to provide support when the
instrument is held at the side.
Important To efficiently charge the battery, the MTSe screen must be switched
Connect the mains adapter from the mains supply to the MTSe (see above).
The LED Charge switches on : the battery will charge in 2,5 hours (for a battery
totally uncharged).
Important If the charge of the battery is ≥ 95% (typical), the charge will not
Once the battery is fully charged the Charge indicator switches off. The mains
adapter can be disconnected and the MTSe can be supplied from the battery or
the batteries and mains adapter can be left in place and it is powered from the
Important It is imperative to let the battery reach the end of its charge to pro-
vide the maximum autonomy. If this is not done this period will be
considerably reduced.
Important The battery charge indication on the screen is only accurate if a full
charge has been performed.
Important If you do not intend to use the MTSe for several weeks, it is recom-
mended to remove the batteries to prolong their life and to fully
recharge them before use.
Attention If the ambient temperature is above safety threshold, the charge is
automatically stopped.
Battery management
On the screen: the presence of one or two batteries is indicated, together with
their state of charge.
If the instrument is fitted with two batteries, as soon as one of them has
discharged, the supply source for the MTSe is automatically switched to the other
• If the battery has been fully charged, the autonomy reaches up to 8 hours of
standard use, with low backlight, according to Bellcore /Telcordia GR-196-
CORE standard.
• If acquisitions are permanently made, with low backlight, the unit can be
operated during 3 hours.
• If acquisitions are permanently made, with high backlight, the unit can be
operated during 2 ½ hours.
Charge indicator
• If the green LED is on: the instrument is switched off and is being charged
from the external source.
To install the battery in the instrument, proceed as follows:
1. Under the MTSe, remove the battery compartment door after removing the
two attachment screws.
Attention If you don’t intend using MTSe for several weeks it is recommended
that you remove the batteries in order to prolong their life cycle, and
to recharge them before re-using them again.
Attention If there is a loss of power during operation the current results and
configuration are lost. The next time the instrument is switched on,
the initial configuration will be used.
Attention Refer to the Maintenance Chapter for all the precautions relative to
fiber optic connectors.
Note The connection quality indicator is displayed on the screen when the
measurement is started.
If the MTSe is blocked, it can be reset by holding down the ON/OFF, button (for
about 4 sec.)
1. This battery level does not appear immediatly. A few minutes are necessary to
have a correct display of this level.
After switching on
Installing a new version of the software
Attention During the installation of a new version of the software, there is a
risk to reset the internal memory. It is therefore recommended,
before installing the new software, to make a copy of the traces in
memory, using the Copy option of the File manager menu, called by
the FILE button.
Attention Do not stop the process of software upgrade: you may damage the
Attention During the installation the MTSe must be used from the mains sup-
ply and not from batteries.
The user will receive the set of floppy disks he need to upgrade his MTSe.
Installation of the boot (if necessary)
1. The MTSe being switched off (AC/DC adapter unplugged), insert the disk 1
of the boot into the floppy disk drive.
2. Plug in the AC/DC adapter. The floppy disk drive will then work and the
MTSe will automatically begin to transfer the software from disk 1 to the
RAM. The screen is switched on :
"Starting file transfert to RAM"
The dots from the left to the right are showing the load in progress.
3. When the following message appears insert disk 2 and hit the OK key.
"Insert next boot disk and hit OK when ready.".
4. If the main power is not on, the following message appears :
You have to connect this external power supply. It is automatically detected.
"Do not remove power before flashing is complete"
This message is very important: if you stop the process, the MTSe may be
5. After the message "Boot flashing has begun" wait for the following
message "Boot flashing successful". The boot software is then installed.
6. You can press ON when the MTSe is ready (LED ON flashing) to check it is
operating correctly.
7. Switch off the MTSe and unplug the external power before starting to load
the application software.
Installation of the application software
Proceed as follows to install the new software:
1. With the MTSe switched off (AC/DC adapter unplugged), insert the disk 1
into the floppy disk drive.
2. Plug in the AC/DC adapter. The green LED of the floppy disk drive lights up
and the MTSe will automatically begin to transfer the software from disk 1 to
the RAM.
"Starting file transfer to RAM"
The screen is switched on and some dots appear from the left to the right to
show the transfer in progress.
3. Insert disk 2 and hit the OK key when the following message appears
"Insert next boot disk and hit OK when ready.".
4. Repeat the preceding step, inserting the next disks.
5. Once all the disks have been transferred, the MTSe prompts you to confirm
that you wish to update the internal memory with this new software release,
by the message:
"Current Flash contents will be erased, continue? (Y/N)"
1. this version is displayed when the MTSe is switched on, during the autotest.
Instrument Set up
The instrument can be equipped with up to two modules and with several test
functions. Before making measurements, it is necessary to select the function or
functions required in the Instrument Set-up menu.
If a module has been changed, after power up, the unit will directly go to this
Instrument Set-up menu.
The Talk Set option can be selected even if an OTDR function is selected. OTDR,
OSA, VFL and Loss Test Set (Power Meter & Laser Source) functions are
exclusive: the selection of one of them will cancel the previous selection.
To configure the instrument
Press the SET-UP button : the configuration menu is displayed with the last type
of configuration defined: Test, System or Instrument.
If the configuration menu displayed is not the one required, press the
<Instrument Setup> key.
The functions of the instrument are graphically displayed : OTDR, OSA, Source,
Power Meter or Visual Fault Locator installed according to the modules present
in the MTSe.
To validate a function:
• Use the directional arrows to move to the function icon.
• Press the Select button to validate the choice. The icon will then be
highlighted (in red with color screen) and the connection to the relevant
connector will be displayed.
If none of the function is selected
• The MTSe is in the OTDR mode if an OTDR module is present, but no
acquisition can be made. You can however analyze, store and recall traces.
• The MTSe is in the WDM mode if an OSA module is present but no OTDR
System setup
When first using the MTSe or before a measurement session, the system
parameters should be configured:
• MTSe hardware parameters
(contrast, automatic power off, bright or dim screen lighting, , black or white
trace background)
• country parameters
(date, time, date/time format, length units, language)
• printer parameters (printer type, copy on file, printer contents)
• input/output parameters (remote control, Centronics port allocation).
Welcome message
The Welcome message gives the main possible actions after powering on the
The HELP key allows to access to an electronic manual :
1. a first press on the HELP key display the presentation and configuration of
the MTSe.
2. a second press on the HELP key calls the electronic manual.
Help contents
• The left windows gives the list of the heading. Select the heading using the
"↑" and "↓" directional arrows.
• The right window gives the contents of the selected rubric. To scroll this
window, press the "→", then the "↑" and "↓" directional arrow.
To allow you to keep a copy of the results as a record, you can, at any moment,
dump the display to:
• the internal printer (if version MTS 5200e),
• an external printer
• or to a file that is stored on a floppy disk in the internal disk drive. To print
stored files report to page 3-27.
You select where you require to print the data in the SYSTEM SETUP menu.
Attention Make sure the printer has paper (see "Loading a new roll of paper"
on page 3-26).
1. Press the SETUP key, then the <System setup> softkey and select the internal
2. On the "Printer contents" line, select to print either only the trace or only the
table, or both trace + table or the screen.
3. If the Screen option is selected, display the data you wish to print.
4. Press the PRINT key.
The selected copy of the screen is printed.
Attention If there is no print on the paper, check if the roll of paper has been
placed in the printer on the right side (see page 3-26) as only one face
of the thermal paper can be printed.
A header containing the mains acquisition parameters will be printed (see the
following table).
A header including the following informations is printed to the top of the copy .
Example of hardcopy
An internal device detects the end of the roll and triggers display of "No paper".
Also a red line is marked on the paper, beginning approximately 1 meter from
the end of the roll.
• On any new roll of paper remove the adhesive and cut back at least one turn
of paper from the beginning of the roll to eliminate all traces of glue which
could damage the print head.
• Remove the protective cover of the printer below the instrument by undoing
the two thumbscrews.
The paper feed path, marked on the printer itself, is given below:
Paper blocking
Rear panel
3. On the Printer contents line, select to print either the trace, or the table, or
both trace + table or to make an hardcopy of the screen.
4. In the I/O interface windows, line Centronics, select the Printer option.
Printing on an external printer
Use the following procedure to print on an external printer:
1. Display the data you wish to print on the screen.
2. Press the PRINT key.
The selected copy of the screen is printed on the external printer. The same
header as for the internal printer is printed (see "Header" on page 3-19).
Dimensions of user’s logo
The user’s logo must have the following dimensions:
Height ≤ 40 pixels
Width ≤ 400 pixels (this dimension must be a multiple of 8)
Height x width ≤ 8000
Format of user’s logo
Bitmap 16 colors.
Configuration of MTSe
The MTSe must be equipped with a floppy disk drive.
• the new logo appears on the screen: it will now replace the previous logo on
the help pages obtained by pressing the HELP button. It will also be present in
headers of the printouts.
Note It is possible that the colors selected on the PC are not the colors dis-
played on the MTSe. It is then recommended to integrate a logo in
black & white.
Nothing happens when the ON/OFF switch is pressed.
Make sure that the internal battery is installed or that the mains adapter is
You are using the MTSe normally when it suddenly switches off.
The instrument may be configured to automatically switch off after five
minutes of inactivity to preserve battery life (see "Auto off" on page 3-14).
The MTSe injection level indicator shows a bad connection.
Clean the MTSe optical socket with dry air.
Clean the input connector of the fiber under test.
The charge is not working (i.e. the charge LED does not switch on when the unit is AC
powered and is off.
There is no battery in the unit or the battery has a good level of charge.
4 MTSe Controls 4
This chapter describes the MTSe commands:
❏ Front panel commands: buttons, softkeys, screen, etc …
❏ Rear panel commands: connectors (power, RS 232, Centronics), disk drive,
optical connector.
Note The MTSe is a multi-tasking instrument: the user can simultaneously
make an acquisition, modify the configuration parameters, print the
results and access an internal memory directory or floppy disk direc-
Front panel
The MTSe front panel contains the controls, display and the indications necessary
to analyze the measurement:
• the display and, to the right, the associated softkeys.
• the ON/OFF switch and the On and battery charge leds.
• the direct access keys:
HELP to call the on-line help pages,
PRINT for all printing operations,
FILE for all file storage and management,
START/STOP to execution measurements, and the “Run” indicator to show
that a measurement is underway,
RESULTS for all measurement analysis operations
• the Run led flashing when the laser is on.
Front Panel
Control keys
The six keys on the screen provide the following functions:
START STOP This START STOP key has two functions. With OTDR module:
- The START function starts an acquisition in accordance with
the chosen parameters. When the key is pressed and held a real
time acquisition is made. The red “RUN” indicator flashes during
the measurement. The results of the measurement are displayed
on the screen at the end of the acquisition.
- The STOP function interrupts the acquisition underway.
SET-UP The SET-UP key calls a menu which provides access to the
following configuration options:
- Test Set up to configure the measurement parameters.
- System Set up to configure the system parameters (display, date,
language, printing, etc …).
- Instrument Set up to configure the instrument (choice of the
module or modules to use).
RESULTS The RESULTS key displays the result (OTDR trace or table) and
allows the measurement to be analyzed.
FILE The FILE key calls the file management menu to save, recall or
delete files from the internal storage media (SRAM or hard disk)
or the floppy disk.
PRINT The Print key starts a printout of the screen or the chosen selection
on the printer configured for the instrument.
HELP Calls the Welcome page giving the main possible actions. A
second press on this key calls the electronic manual (see "Help" on
page 3-18)
Configuration menus
• All the configuration menus are accessible from one another by pressing on
the corresponding key.
• The configuration menu can be displayed and modified during an
acquisition or measurement. The parameters that cannot be modified are
dimmed. The menu provides all the possible options with the exception of
the numerical values.
• To move from one parameter to another use the "↑" and "↓" directional
arrows. Once a parameter is selected its values are displayed to the right of
the parameter.
• To modify the value of a parameter, use the "<" and ">" directional arrows to
highlight the option chosen.
• A message at the bottom of the screen indicates how to modify the parameter.
• To leave a configuration menu, the user can press any of the keys located
below the screen or the <EXIT> softkey.
In the configuration menus it is sometimes necessary to enter alpha-numeric
information for names of files, results or for remarks.
To call the following menu, press the <EDIT> key.
1. When an external keyboard is used (see "Use of the external keyboard" on page
Edition menu
This menu contains:
• in the central window, the list of characters available (which can be
understood by the DOS system) and, in the upper part of this window, the
text to modify or the text that is being entered.
• on the left side, the keys:
<Valid. Char.> to select the character under the cursor.
<Delete Char.> to delete the character under the cursor.
<No Caps/Caps> to change the chosen characters from uppercase
to lowercase and vice versa.
• on the word, an underscore indicates what character is selected.
To enter text:
• Press the <No Caps/Caps> key, to change the characters proposed from
uppercase to lowercase and vice versa if necessary. This option is not valid for
the file name which are always in capital letters.
• Using the directional arrows position the cursor on the first letter required.
• Press the <Valid. Char.> key.
• The character appears in the upper frame.
• Repeat the above steps for the following characters
Rear panel
The rear panel contains the following elements:
• the mains power adapter socket for charging the batteries,
• the floppy disk drive (optional)
• the RS 232 connector
• the Centronics connector for the external printer or keyboard connection
• the optical module or modules
Fiber connector
The optical connector is used to connect the MTSe to the fiber you wish to test.
The connector is protected with a dust cap which should remain in place when
the fiber is not connected.
Attention In the case of a connection to a computer (PC for example) which has
also a DTE behavior, use a cord inverting pins 2 and 3,
4 and 5, 8 and 9.
It can be necessary to use a male/femelle adapter.
IEEE port
Optional, for MTS 5200e mainframe only: 24 pin parallel port allowing the
connection to a controller.
Reference of the option: 5200/IEEE.
All these parameters are configured from the Identifiers menu of the File
Manager window and can be entered before or after the acquisition.
To select the required acquisition, you must call the OTDR TEST SETUP
window measurement result display parameters and fiber parameters, pressing
the <SET-UP> button. If either the SYSTEM or INSTRUMENT SETUP windows
are already displayed press directly the <Test Setup> key.
The available choices are displayed on the screen; these depend on the chosen
function. Make the required choice with the ← and → directional arrows.
Test Auto
The key <Test Auto> sets the following parameters:
• Acquisition parameters
Laser All
Mode Auto
Resolution Auto
• File parameters (see page 8-1)
Autostore Yes
Fiber Num Increment Yes
File naming Auto
Fiber end threshold It is advised to choose the AUTO option (factory default
option) for which the end of fiber is automatically detected.
The MANUAL option allows to select a specific threshold
for the fiber end detection, from 3 to 15 dB using the «<«
and «>» arrows keys.
Display Ghosts Choose whether (yes or no) to display ghost informations.
If ghosts are displayed: the reflection icon is shown dotted
in the result table, the reflection value is shown between
parentheses on the trace; e.g. “(R:-50dB)”.
Factory default value: yes.
Note Ghosts are only detected during an automatic measurement.
The MTSe provides three distinct methods of making an acquisition:
❏ A real-time mode, when the MTSe makes up to 10 acquisitions per second
and displays the resulting trace on the screen along with a connection status
❏ A rapid automatic mode that allows you to make an acquisition with an
automatic configuration process using the minimum of key strokes.
Real-time mode
To make an acquisition in real-time mode you must first configure all the
acquisition parameters you require and then press and hold the START STOP
key for more than one second.
A real-time mode acquisition cannot be used to make accurate measurements,
because of the high noise level, but is invaluable for quickly optimizing the
connections and observing the fiber while it is being manipulated.
1. Use the following procedure to configure the acquisition parameters you
require for the fiber and the test:
• Either select the Acquisition parameters you require in the OTDR TEST
SETUP window (see "Manual acquisition mode" on page 5-11).
• Or press the SET-UP button to have a direct access to:
- the parameters : wavelength, pulse, range, resolution.
- the change to average mode.
2. Press and hold for more than one second the START STOP key to start the
real-time acquisition.
The red RUN LED comes on to indicate a real-time acquisition is underway
and the screen shows the acquired trace in real-time mode. A connection
condition indicator is also displayed on the screen to indicate the status of the
fiber connection, GOOD or BAD.
Note If the connection is not good, verify and clean the connector.
Start Auto-Configuration
Chose range
Detected Range
Short Medium Long
Choose pulse:
Auto select:
- Pulsewidth
- Range
Acquisition for:
Auto-Configuration Process
Use the following procedure to configure your manual acquisition in the OTDR
TEST SETUP window (refer to "Selecting measurement acquisition parameters"
on page 5-3):
1. Select the Laser wavelength with the Acquisition:Laser option.
2. Select the Manual mode with the Acquisition:Mode option.
3. Select the required pulsewidth with the Acquisition:Pulse option.
4. Select the Range you require, from the options available for the length of
fiber you wish to test, Acquisition:Range option.
5. Select the Resolution value you require with the Acquisition:Resolution
6. Select the acquisition period (5 seconds to 10 minutes) with the
Acquisition:Acq. Time option.
7. Press the START STOP key to start the acquisition.
The red laser activity LED is on to indicate that the MTSe is making an
acquisition and the screen shows the acquisition of the trace as it is made. The
quality of the connection is shown for a few seconds and an acquisition status
indicator is also displayed on the screen to indicate the time remaining to
complete the acquisition.
Note You can push the START STOP key at any time to stop the acquisition
measurement. If you do this, an automatic measurement is realized
but certain events may not be detected because the instrument will
not have made the required number of averages for an optimum
Multi-acquisition icon
Detection of traffic
If the fiber connected to the MTSe for analysis is active, no measurement is
possible. The MTSe is fitted with a traffic detector which, in this case, displays a
message indicating the presence of a signal in the fiber being tested. You must
Result analysis
Once you have completed an acquisition, Results are displayed to allow you to
analyze the resulting trace.
Report on page 4-3 to see an example of OTDR Trace result display and its
The following functions are provided to make the analysis:
• Display functions: Cursor, Zoom and Shift of trace (horizontal and vertical)
• Analysis functions: Events, Addition of markers and Event Table
• Expert functions: Trace Overlay, Manual measurements, Free and Lock
markers, Delete measurement results and perform an automatic
Event display criteria
The Event function of the MTSe is an invaluable tool for quickly positioning the
cursor on detected events that have been measured and have their results
displayed on the screen.
Once you have made an acquisition and have results, you can simply press the
Event key to move the cursor from event to event. Using this function in
combination with the ZOOM and CURSOR keys allows you to rapidly analyze
the fiber. When moving from one event to another, the zoom value is retained
(except if this is not possible).
Notes In order to display all the events, verify that the thresholds are set to
ALL in the TEST SET UP menu.
In order to display the results on the trace, verify that the Results on
trace option is activated in the TEST SET UP menu.
The display of an event depends on the selected attenuation and reflectance
thresholds. It will be displayed if either of these values is above a threshold given
in the TEST SET UP menu (refer to "Selecting measurement acquisition
parameters" on page 5-3). Both results for an event will be displayed if both can
be calculated. The following table lists examples of faults displayed for various
attenuation and reflectance thresholds.
The event reflectance is always measured unless all the elements of the event
cannot be measured, e.g. Peak saturation or an event lost in noise. In such cases
instead of giving the exact calculated reflectance value e.g. -30 dB, MTSe displays
> - 30 dB to indicate that the reflectance is worse than -30 dB.
The display of a slope depends on the selected slope thresholds. It will be
displayed if the value is above a given threshold in the TEST SET UP menu (refer
to "Selecting measurement result display parameters" on page 5-4).
The following is an example of only hunting for all splice events that produce a
loss of greater than 0.05 dB.
• Select the different thresholds of the events to be detected by pressing the
SET UP key.
• Use the RESULTS key followed by the <Event> key to quickly move to each
event that results in an attenuation greater than 0.05 dB.
Two point relative measurements can be made using the <Event> key in
conjunction with the two cursors. This enables you for example to analyze the
loss budget of a link which has a launch cable.
1. Position one of the cursors at the end of the launch cable.
2. Select the other cursor.
3. Use the <Event> key. The measurements given are the true distance from the
beginning of the link, and the attenuation of the link plus the attenuation of
the connection.
This function may also be used to determine the loss budget for a partial section
of the fiber under test.
The <Event> key is directly linked to the Table of Results which is described
Table of results
Two types of tables of results are available with the MTSe:
• A single line table below the full trace display giving the type and
characteristics of the event nearest the current cursor on the trace.
• A eight line table listing the events around the current cursor. The event line
nearest the cursor is highlighted. The highlighted line is updated if you move
the cursor or select the next/previous event.
Notes In order to display all the events, verify that the thresholds are set to
ALL in the TEST SET UP menu.
In order to display the results on the trace, verify that the Results on
trace option is activated in the TEST SET UP menu.
To see this table, in the Results window, press the <Table> key. To scroll the table
if it has more than 7 lines, either move the cursor, or press the <Event> key then
the ↑ or ↓ keys.
Note Each event is identified on the trace by an order number.
Table of results
To return to the display of only one line of the table, press the <Trace> key.
Reflective ghost.
ORL measurement
End of launch cable: losses and distances are referenced from this
• The distance from the beginning of the fiber to the event, given in meters
(kfeet or miles).
• The attenuation loss of the event causes, given in dB.
• The event reflectance, if any, in dB (or ORL if an ORL measurement has been
• The slope value before the event.
• The section length, between the event marker and the previous marker.
• The total loss budget of the trace given in dB.
The Event Result Table is totally interactive and reflects the actual measurements
that you make. Whenever you carry out an operation on the acquired trace the
Event Result Table is immediately updated to show the result of the operation
you made.
When a reflective event is saturated, the maximum value is displayed with a >
sign. This indicates that the real reflectance is greater than the given value (e.g. >-
29.5 dB means that the reflectance could be -18 dB).
When the Results on trace is activated in the TEST SET UP menu, the loss,
reflectance and slope measurements are shown on the trace.
The reflectance of a ghost event is displayed in brackets on the trace.
Notes in table
To each event:
• a note (40 characters max) can be associated.
• an uncertainty indicator concerning the displayed result
They are displayed in the table, below the event line, if they are validated in the
"Test Setup" menu of the "Result", in the Remarks in Table option.
For each wavelength, a maximum of 16 notes are possible.
For each note 40 characters can be entered. When uncertainties are validated,
only the first 17 characters will be displayed or printed.
Note Each note is associated to an event. So, if this event is erased, the
note will be erased too.
To enter a note:
• in the table, choose the event
• press the <Expert> key
• press the <Notes table> key and select the Notes option
• enter the note in the Edit menu.
• press the <Exit > key.
The user can display indicators in the result table to evaluate the uncertainty
about the result. This function must be validated from the Test Setup menu, in
the Result window with the Remarks in table option.
Indication of the level of confidence in result table
The following remarks are possible:
Global The loss displayed is the global result for Fresnels that are not
sufficiently separated.
Close evts Several events being too close, only the attenuation of the last
is displayed.
Few points Slope measurement using the linear regression method not
using many acquisition points.
Note If only automatic measurements are to be made, verify that the lock
marker function is not activated (i.e. icon not shown in the
title bar of the display).
Using this method of detection and measurement allows you to rapidly find all
the events on the fiber under test.
If an automatic measurement does not detect all the events, additional manual
measurements can be made.
To delete all the markers, select <Expert> followed by <Delete Results>.
When no measurements have been made, if you want to make an automatic
measurement, select <Expert> followed by <Auto measure>.
The following measurement sequence is recommended:
1. Full automatic measurement. The instrument automatically locates and
measures the events.
2. Addition of markers (in the case of low loss splices and close events). In this
case, the MTSe automatically measures the slopes before and after the
selected markers and measures the splice losses.
3. Addition of manual measurements if necessary (in the case of very close
events). The MTSe follows the user measurements. All previous
measurements are retained.
Note If you only want to perform automatic measurements when a mea-
surement is already in place:
1. Press the <Expert> key.
2. Press the <Delete results> key.
3. Press the <Auto Measure> key.
Addition of markers
When performing measurements, it is recommended to use the following
• set thresholds to All in the TEST SET UP menu.
• set Results on trace to YES in the TEST SET UP menu.
You can manually position event markers anywhere on the trace where you want
to make specific measurements using the automatic measurement mode with
You can also specify locations where you want to position additional markers to
those automatically placed during an automatic measurement. You can then use
the automatic measurement mode with markers to display the results of all
measurements made using the combination of these markers.
Display of markers
Markers are represented by :
Adding markers
To add event markers:
1. Select a cursor.
2. Use the positioning arrows to move the cursor to the position where you
want to add a marker.
3. Press the <Marker> key.
4. An event marker is displayed at the cursor location and a full measurement is
immediately performed. The slope before the marker will start just after the
previous marker (or the front end dead zone), and the slope after the marker
will end just before the next marker or the end of fiber.
Warning about markers
Note Do not add markers (with the marker key) after manual measure-
ments, because this will convert automatically all the manual mea-
Note If two markers are too close, they appear on the trace and on the
table but no measurement is made for the second marker. In this case
a manual measurement is necessary to have results for both markers.
Note There are two sets of markers: one for 1550 nm, the other for 1310
nm. Markers defined for 1550 nm will not be used at 1310 nm and
vice versa.
Important If the <Marker> key is pressed when the cursor is very close to an
existing marker, this marker will be deleted.
Deleting markers
To delete a marker, position the cursor on the marker and press the <Marker>
key. The selected marker is deleted and a full measurement without the marker is
immediately performed.
To delete several successive markers, use the <Event> key to go to the first
marker and press the <Marker> key as many times as necessary to delete the
markers. The cursor will be positioned automatically on successive markers.
Deleting markers may lead to incorrect measurements.
In this case Distance = Section (distance between the beginning of the link and the end of the slope)
Slope measurement
If no result is displayed
If no result is displayed this can be due to:
• the display slope measurement result threshold is higher than the slope you
are trying to measure,
• the Slope Threshold option in the OTDR Test Setup menu, is set to NO slope
• the distance between A and B is too short.
To delete a slope measurement
To delete an individual slope measurement result, superpose the A and B cursors
on the concerned slope and press the <Slope> key.
If no result is displayed this is due to: the display splice measurement result
threshold being higher than the splice you are trying to measure, the threshold is
set to NO splice display, or the Results on trace function being disabled.
Important If you try to measure a splice on a slope, the measurement is not car-
ried out and the “slope found in region between two cursors” error
message is displayed.
The ORL is measured for the section of the trace defined and the result
indicator shows the ORL in dB in the table of results and on the trace.
Locking markers
To lock the markers in order to repeat exactly the same measurement on a future
acquisition or another trace, press the <Expert> key then the <Lock markers> key.
The lock marker icon is displayed in the display title bar.
The locked markers will then be used to realize the next measurements either at
the end of the acquisition or when recalling a trace.
Note This function locks markers placed by the automatic measurements,
the <Marker> key and measurement markers added manually
(<Manual> key).
Recommended sequence
The following sequence is recommended:
1. Make an automatic measurement
2. add markers using the <Marker> key.
3. add required manual measurements (<Expert> / <Manual> key)
Attention If a marker is added using the <Marker> key, after performing man-
ual measurements, then all markers on the trace ( . AUTO and
MANUAL) will be converted to AUTO markers and an automatic
measurement will be made using these manual markers. Previous
slope results will be lost, 2 point measurements will be recalculated.
Whenever the lock markers icon is displayed, the automatic measurement
following an acquisition is executed using the markers that were present before
the acquisition.
If you only want to make a measurement without markers, press the <Free
Markers> key to deselect the lock markers option.
Overlay conditions
When traces have been set in the overlay memory, if an acquisition is made with
acquisition parameters compatible with the overlay trace (pulsewidth and
range), the acquired trace will remain on the screen to allow the comparison with
the stored traces.
Removing traces
To remove a displayed trace, you must first make it active (see previous section),
then press the <Remove> key.
Shifting traces
Manual shift of the current trace
To vertically shift the active trace while the overlaid traces remain at their
original position, select the Cursor mode, then use the ↑ or ↓ arrow key.
Manual shift of all the traces
To simultaneously shift the displayed traces, select the Shift mode, then use the ↑
and ↓ arrow keys.
Automatic shift of the traces
This vertical shift is made according to the active cursor location on the current
trace. A key in the Expert/Overlay menu, allows the following choice:
Active trace
Y Scale Exact
Y Reset
1 Div.
Y reset Focus the display on the active trace and adjust the
overlaid traces at the cursor-current trace intersection
Y Scale Shift Impose a vertical shift of one division between the traces at
the level of the cursor
Y Scale Exact Remove any Y shifts: the traces are at their exact position.
Measurement Principles
The Both End measurement function uses the Trace Overlay function "Overlay
trace function" on page 5-28.
The traces obtained form the two measurements (one in each direction) are
displayed with event markers. They are first displayed superimposed, then one
of them is inverted (left ↔ right), in order that the markers associated to the same
events are on the same horizontal position (see "Both End Measurement display"
on page 5-34).
The Both End measurement result table show the following loss types:
• The O -> E and E -> O* losses correspond to the measurements made in each
direction. They are different because the insertion loss and reflectance
thresholds of the segments situated at either side of the event are different.
• The last loss is equal to half the sum of the two previous losses. By thus
taking the average value of both previous results we eliminate the error due
to the difference of the reflectance thresholds from either side of the event.
Therefore this loss corresponds to the real value of the insertion loss of the
• The loss displayed in the last line of the table represents the total loss of the
analysed link.
It is possible to define a splice loss threshold beyond which the result is
displayed in red in the table. This threshold can be selected in the OTDR TEST
SET menu, on the Splice Alarm Th. line, (see "Selecting measurement result
display parameters for both end measurement" on page 5-5).
*. O=origin, E=End
Note To swap the traces so the trace in overlay mode becomes the active
trace, press the <Expert>, <Overlay> and <Swap> keys.
The two traces are aligned on the x axis, by taking into account the launch cables
declared "Launch Cables" on page 5-35. The markers corresponding to the same
event, on each trace, are therefore superimposed on the X-axis. A small gap can
separate these two markers linked to the same event (e.g. gap due to a slightly
different length of the fiber according to the measurement direction). You must
select in the OTDR TEST SET menu, on the line Dist. Spacing Th., the threshold
beyond which the markers will be considered as linked to different events.
Description of the active and non-active traces
• The active trace is represented in green (dark grey with a monochrome
screen), the other trace is in blue (light grey with a monochrome screen).
• The characteristics of the active trace are displayed in a status bar above the
• The active trace is represented with its markers and measurement results.
• On the non-active trace the markers are represented with a vertical dash.
Active trace: n te
green (or dark) n atte
nt e
u me
Non-active trace:
blue (or light)
Simplified marker
Results displayed
in red if they
exceed the splice
alarm threshold
defined in the
Non detected event Total result of the fiber link menu.
(distance and loss) without
Result Table
A marker must therefore be placed on the corresponding trace, at the position
where the event was detected in the other direction. A measurement is then
made automatically at this marker (see "Addition of markers" on page 5-21).
To do this, see "Changing the active trace" on page 5-34.
Carry out the same procedure for all the non detected events on each trace. The
result table should then show all the results.
If one or more splices could not be measured in semi-automatic mode, for
example if the segment of the fiber is too short to make linear regressions, then
manual measurements must be made (see "Addition of manual measurements"
on page 5-22).
Launch Cables
If the fiber uses a launch cable at one or both ends, it is possible to eliminate
results linked to launch cables in identifying it or them in the menu SET-UP / Test
Setup / Results on lines:
- Launch Cable O->E
- Launch Cable E->O.
In each case the identifiers “Marker 1” or “Marker 2” and “Marker 3” are
Note This table contains the links to the two trace files, so when it is
loaded, the traces are loaded too.
Fault location
The OTDR trace is also displayed with the cursors A and B placed on the end of
the fiber. Cursor and Zoom keys are available.
Messages indicate how to return to the instrument configuration menu (SETUP
key) and to locate the end of the fiber again (START key).
The trace may be saved as a normal trace (see chapter 8). After it has been
recorded, it may be viewed:
• either in OTDR mode (with analysis) if the OTDR function is chosen in the
Instrument configuration menu.
• or in Fault location mode (with indication of end of fiber), if the FAULT
LOCATOR function is chosen in the Instrument configuration menu
The macro function gives the possibility of starting a sequence of actions (up to
200) by only a single key.
There are five macros :
• Three user macros (1 to 4)
• A predefined macro, macro 5 (DUAL LASER) which starts a bi-lambda
measurement with storage of acquisition and comparison of traces.
Macro menu
Attention After a software up-grade the macros previously created may not
functions correctly if they use keys which have been modified.
Macro 5 description
The macro 5 starts a measurement at each wavelength (1310 and 1550 nm or 850
and 1300 nm) and stores the results.
Parameters to set-up before starting the macro
1. Acquisition parameters
- Manual mode
- Pulsewidth
- Range
- Resolution
- Acquisition time
2. Configuration parameters
- OTDR Module: Dual-wavelength
- File naming: Auto
- File Nbr Increment: No
OTS TEST SETUP window (including light source and power meter)
In these windows, the selected parameter is high-lighted. Select this parameter
using the ↓ and ↑ directional arrows.
The available choices are displayed on the screen; these depend on the chosen
function. Make the required choice with the ← and → directional arrows.
Note The User Select menu option is only available if User has been
selected from the Wavelength menu option.
1. During storage and printing operations none of the menu options apart from
the Unit and Alarm Threshold can be modified.
Light Source
Light Source Display
The Light source display provides all the details of the currently selected Light
source configuration. It also contains the specific softkeys required to control the
various functions of the Light source when it is selected.
• The selected wavelength.
• The light power in the selected unit and the non-selected unit.
• The power mode: Laser (or LED) Off, Calibrated or Variable (for laser source
• The transmission mode: CW or the modulated frequency (270Hz, 330Hz,
1KHz, or 2KHz). The icon is displayed when the modulated
frequency mode is selected.
• SCANNING and the icon when the scanning mode is
• the icon when the source is in operation.
Power meter
Power meter Display
The power meter display provides all the details of the currently selected power
meter configuration. It also contains the specific softkeys required to control the
various functions of the power meter when it is selected.
• The selected source wavelength: 850 nm, 1310 nm, 1550 nm (Calibrated
values) or any user value between 800 nm and 1650 nm in 1 nm increments.
• The measured light power in the selected unit and the non-selected unit.
• The selected reference level value in dBm.
• The measured light power cursor showing the value in dB.
• The selected threshold cursor showing the current threshold in dB. Pressing
the ← and → directional arrows modifies this value.
• The icon that indicates an audible alarm will be given if the measured
power passes the selected threshold.
• The AUTOLAMBDA indicator shows that the automatic selection of the
same wavelength as the source when a send lambda signal is received.
• The AUTORANGE indicator shows that the optimal measurement range will
be used to measure the received light power.
• The AUTOSTORE indicator shows that measurement results will be
automatically saved when the START/STOP direct access key is pressed and
the RUN indicator is on.
• The AUTOPRINT indicator shows that measurement results will be printed
when the START/STOP direct access key is pressed and the RUN indicator is
• The REALTIME indicator shows that the real time mode is selected and the
measured value displayed is being made in real time rather than as an
averaged measurement.
• ATTENUATION INCLUDED if a value has been selected on the Ext.
Attenuator line of the Test Setup menu (Radiometer).
LEVEL legend on the power meter display and remains displayed until
another value is selected.
• The <Wavelength> key1 is used to select the required measurement
wavelength. Each press of the key toggles the available calibrated
wavelengths (850, 1310 1550nm), the currently entered User Select
wavelength and Autolambda automatic wavelength selection.
• The <Zero Adjust> key1 is used to adjust the zero setting of the power meter
when a blanking cap is fitted to the power meter optical input.
• <Real Time>: selects displaying the results in real time (not averaged).
• The <Thre. On> / <Thre. Of> key toggles the audible threshold alarm on and
• The <Return> key exits the power meter functions and returns the <Source>
and <Power meter> selection softkeys.
OTS Measurements
Use the following general procedure to make measurements with the OTS
• Zero the power meter
• Make a reference measurement with a jumper connected between the light
source output and the power meter input.
• Replace the jumper with the fiber under test and measure the power. The
power measured corresponds to the insertion loss of the fiber under test.
4. From the OTS Results window press the <Source> softkey to access the Light
source functions of the OTS.
5. Press the <Laser On> (or <LED on>) softkey.
The resulting measured power is displayed on the power meter.
6. From the OTS Results window press the <Return>, then <Power meter>
softkey to access the power meter functions of the OTS.
7. Press the <Set Ref. Level> to store the displayed value as the reference level.
8. Press the <Return> then the <Source> softkeys.
9. Press the <Laser Off> (or <LED off>) softkey to switch off the source.
Scanning Mode
In the scanning mode the Light source alternately transmits on the two
wavelengths every 10 seconds. To use the scanning mode:
1. Press the SET-UP direct access key to display the OTS TEST SETUP window.
2. In the Light source configuration menu select Yes for the Scanning menu
option. The CW transmission mode is automatically selected when Scanning
is enabled.
3. Press the RESULTS direct access key to display the OTS Results window.
4. From the OTS Results window press the <Power meter> softkey to access the
power meter functions of the OTS.
5. Use the <Wavelength> key to select the AUTOLAMBDA mode.
6. Press the <Return> key, then the <Source>, then the <Laser On> (or <LED
on>) softkey.
The Light source provides a graphical display of the two sources and
indicates which one is connected to the output during the scanning process.
The power meter automatically switches to the source wavelength and
displays the resulting power measurement.
• To access the memory functions press the <Memories> key. The following
memory functions are displayed.
Number of Selected Save current measured result to selected Sort results in the table
the fiber result in memory location (1 to 300). If the TwinTest by fiber number, time or
memory mode is detected, save the 2 results. lambda
• the <top> key moves the display window to the first set of memorised results
in the table
• the <Middle> moves the display window to the middle of the memorised
results in the table
• the <Bottom> moves the display window to the end of the memorised results
in the table
• the < Current Line> moves the cursor to the last memorised result.
Editing the fiber number
The <Edit Fiber Nb> key enables the modification of the fiber number for the
selected result.
If this number is modified in the Memory menu, then it is automatically updated
in the Configuration menu accessed by the File button. Conversely, if a new fiber
number is entered in the File menu, it will be used when the results are next
stored in the memory.
Incrementing the fiber number
The <Incremen Fiber Nb> key increases the number at the next save. This
number is also incremented in the Configuration menu accessed by the File
Saving the current measurement result
To save the currently displayed measurement result (or, if the TwinTest mode is
detected, the two corresponding results):
1. From the OTS Results window press the <Memories> key, then the
<Display> key.
2. Use the <Top>, <Middle>, <Bottom>or <Current Line> key in conjunction
with the ↓ and ↑ directional arrows to select the memory location to store the
3. Press the <Save Result> key.
The current measurement is saved in the selected line of the memory (and in the
following lines in the TwinTest mode).
5. Press the START/STOP direct access key to execute the automatic result
storage sequence.
Note It is possible to integrate manual storage to an automatic storage.To
do this the cursor must be positioned on the last line of the memory.
Then the <Store Results> key appears. Each time this key is pressed
the current result is saved.
Note If the cursor is positioned on the last line loaded in memory, it is
repositioned after each save to remain on the last line. If not it
remains on the last line.
6. The sequence is stopped either when the START/STOP key is pressed to stop
the execution or when 300 results have been saved. The File window is
automatically displayed at the end of the sequence so that the results can be
saved in a file (Refer to "Manipulating stored data" on page 8-16 for a full
description of the MTSe file management).
Saving the memory in a file
When the START/STOP key is pressed to stop the execution or at the end of the
automatic result storage, the File window is automatically displayed so that the
memorized results can be saved in a file.
This file has the extension .OTS.
• Select the media (see page 8-1)
• Select the file naming mode and the file name (see page 8-2, page 8-7 and
page 8-8)
• Press the <Save> key.
Loading memorized results
1. Find the file as described page 8-18.
2. Press the <Load> then the <Table> key.
9. Press the START/STOP direct access key to execute the automatic result
storage sequence.
The results are printed on the printer at the selected time interval.
10. The sequence is stopped either when the START/STOP key is pressed to stop
the execution or when 300 results have been printed.
Acquisition parameters
Note When a channel power is higher than10 dBm or when the composite
power of the input signal is higher than20 dBm, a warning is dis-
played and the signal is cut off.
Continuous Every two seconds there will be a measurement with a trace
refresh and a real-time display of the results and statistics on these
Single There will only be one measurement and a display of the results.
2. .100 Number of acquisitions required from 2 to 100.
High Sensitivity
No Power scale ranges from +15 to - 65 dBm.
Yes Power scale ranges from - 25 to - 75 dBm.
Full Maximum filter resolution (<0.1 nm).
0.1 / 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4 or 0.5 nm.
Detection parameters
Channel Detection1
1st swap Channels of the first measurement serve as a detection reference.
Grid Manual, ITU and Auto grid serve as a detection reference.
Note The grid selection has priority on the "Channel Detection". For exam-
ple it is not possible to choose Channel Detection = Grid, if the grid
option is Off or Convent.
Signal Threshold1
Channel detection threshold (see "Threshold of channel detection" on page 7-7).
Auto Threshold is automatically determined.
Manual from -79.9 to + 20 dBm.
Statistic Mode
Yes / No To use or not to use statistics.
Note A change in the «Channel Detection» and «Signal Threshold»
parameters will be only transferred to the trace, if the used WDM
module is the one used for acquisition.
Signal/Noise parameters
SNR Method1
Side of the peak where the reference point for the noise is taken (Left, Right, Left
& Right).
S<-> N Distance1
Distance between the channel peak and the reference point for the noise.
Auto distance determined according to the interval (space) between
at 0.2/ 0.4 / 0.8 nm if the unit is nm
(or at 25 GHz, 50 GHz, 100 GHz if the unit is THz)
of the value corresponding to the peak.
Noise Acqu BW
Reference bandwidth used for noise acquisition:
- standard 100 pm
- values ranging from 10 pm to 10 000 pm.
Remarks in table
No / Yes Allows display and entry of notes in table ("Table remarks" on
page 7-11).
Four different types of grid are available in the Display window of the menu:
Off No grid.
Convent. The grid coincides with the graduations. The interval therefore
varies according to the zoom level.
ITU Press the <Set grid> key to access the ITU grid choices. Two keys
allow to have the ITU grid either only between the A and B cursors
or on the whole band.
Three lines in the menu allows the followings choices:
- ITU reference channel,
- interval (space) between channels: 50, 100 or 200 GHz.
- number of channels: 1 to 100.
Manual Press the <Set grid> key to access a choice of the following grid
- first channel
- interval between channels:
1. The channels which are out of the screen limits are not in the result table.
The results whose standard deviation exceeds a chosen threshold may be
displayed in red in the table.
To define the alarm thresholds:
• select the Alarms line and press the <Set Alarms> key. The alarms selection
menu is displayed.
• Assign Yes to the chosen alarm: the direction arrow keys "<" and ">" allow
you to choose the corresponding threshold value.
According to the chosen statistic, three alarms are possible on:
Delta L (or F): threshold from 0.01 to 4.01 nm (or from 1 to 500 GHz)
Delta P: threshold from 0.1 to 10.0 dB
Delta SNR: threshold from 0.1 to 10.0 dB
Cursors A and B
Channel numbers
Frequency (or wavelength) and Frequency difference (or Displayed channels (current, found
power at point of the trace wavelength) and the power or exceeding the threshold alarm)
marked by the cursors A and B between the points of the trace Composite power of peaks
marked by the cursors A and B (excluding noise) in dBm and in W.
The trace represents the power (in dBm) according to the frequency (in THz) or
the wavelength (in nm). The detected channels are represented by peaks.
Note When several acquisitions are made, the trace corresponding to the
last acquisition is displayed.
To move the A (or B) cursor by pressing the cursor key, first display <Cursor A>
(or <Cursor B>), then use the < or > arrow keys.
To move both cursors simultaneously, press the cursor key to display the <Curs.
AB> key, then use the < or > arrow keys.
The coordinates of the intersection point of the cursors with the trace are
indicated underneath the trace as well as the frequency difference (or the
wavelength) and the power between these points.
Trace shifting
To shift the trace horizontally or vertically, press the <Shift/Zoom> key to
display <Shift>, then use the direction arrow keys to make the required shift.
In order to zoom in on the trace, press the <Shift/Zoom> key to display
<Zoom>, then use the direction arrow keys to zoom in either horizontally or
The zoom of the display is made around the selected cursor. If <Cursor AB> was
selected the zoom is made at the mid point between the cursors.
Note To reset the zoom and see the full trace, press and hold simulta-
neously the < and > keys.
The position of the displayed part of the trace with respect of the complete trace
is located by a (grey or yellow) line on the top of the trace window.
You can also manually zoom in on a part of the trace defining the start and/or
end of the screen in the OSA test-set menu (Display windows). In this case, the
channels which are out of the screen limits are not in the result table.
Successive zooms on each event
• Zoom in on one of the event.
• Press the <Event> key.
• Use the < and > keys to move successively the display window on each
Threshold of channel detection
On the trace some peaks corresponding to a noise could be mistaken for
channels. It is therefore necessary to set a power threshold level: only peaks
exceeding the threshold will be considered as channels and included in the
results table.
This threshold is represented by a red horizontal line on the trace:
To display this threshold or not, press the <Expert> key then the <Threshold>
• if the key indicates <Threshold> the threshold is displayed and can be moved
using the "↑" and «↓» arrow keys;
• if the key indicates < Threshold Off> then the threshold is not displayed.
Grid display
The display window of the trace may contain a grid to facilitate the control of the
position of the channels. Several grid types are possible:
• The Conventional grid has an interval (spacing) indicated in the top right
corner of the window, which varies according to the zoom level.
• The ITU grid uses a channel reference at 193,10 THz and three steps are
possible for the spacing between the channels: 50, 100 or 200 GHz.
• The Manual grid can be defined by the user to correspond exactly to the
channels. The position of the first vertical line must then be defined according
to the wavelength of the first channel, the spacing (from 50 to 400 GHz by 5
GHz steps) and the number of intervals desired.
The grids are defined in the OSA test setup menu (see "Results display
parameters" on page 7-4).
The grid may be put into service either in the OSA test setup menu, or on the
Results page, by pressing the <Expert> key then the <Grid> key.
Display of total power between cursors
To display the total power between the two cursors A and B on the trace:
• Place the cursors.
• Press the <Expert> key, then the <Manual> key, and finally the <T Power A<-
-->B> key.
• The space between the trace and the two cursors is shadowed in grey and the
power is displayed using the «P = -4.95 dBm» format.
• Press the <T power A<-->B> key a second time to remove the total power
measurement result.
Display of Gain Tilt (delta) and Gain Slope results
The MTSe allows for the display of two additional results:
• The Gain Tilt, that is to say the difference between the max. and min. peak
values of the whole spectrum of the signal between the cursors.
• The Gain Slope measured by the least squares method, using a linear
regression algorithm.
To display the results above the channels:
• In the OSA test setup menu, verify that the «Tilt & Slope gain» parameter is
set on «Yes».
• Place the cursors
• Press the <Expert> key, the <Manual> key and finally the <Tilt & Slope> key.
The Gain Tilt is displayed in dB. The Gain Slope is traced and the value is
displayed in dB/THz or dB/nm depending on the chosen unit.
See "Overlay of traces" on page 7-12
Depending on the choice made in the Set-up menu, in the Detection window, for
the «Channel Detection» parameter, the table contains:
• either one line for each detected channel, if the «1st sweep» option is selected
• or a line for each graduation if the grid option is selected.
Display type
By defect only one line of the table is displayed below the trace.
• To display 8 lines of the table, under the trace, press the <1/2 tabl> key or the
RESULTS button.
• to display 18 lines of the table (without trace), press the <Table> key or the
RESULTS button.
• to display again the trace with only a line of the table, press the <Trace> key
or the RESULTS button.
To enter a remark:
• Press the SET-UP button, then the <Test Setup> key.
• In the Results window, in the Remarks in table line, select Yes.
• Press the RESULTS button and, if necessary, on the <Table> key to return to
the Table display.
• In the table, select the channel.
• Press the <Expert> key, then the <Notes> key.
• Enter the text of the note by using the edit menu which is displayed (see
"Editing" on page 4-5).
• Press the <Exit> key.
Display of relative results
The table usually gives the results in absolute values. To obtain these results as
relative values, that is with respect to the reference channel, do the following:
• Press the <Tab Cont> key, then the <Absolute Result> key: this key will then
indicate <Relative Result>.
• Move the cursor on to the channel that must be used as the reference.
• Press the <Set Ref Channel> key. The results are then recalculated in relation
to the reference channel.
Current channels- found channels
If the test initiates multiple acquisitions (2..100 mode or Continuous mode):
• the number of «found channels» is registered with the first acquisition and
the position of the channels is stored.
Overlay of traces
This Overlay Trace function which allows two traces to be displayed
simultaneously on the screen is very useful to compare either the acquired
spectrums from different fibers of the same cable, or to know how the spectrums
from the same fiber evolve over time.
For this, the instrument has an overlay memory in which the trace to be
superimposed on the current trace must be stored. This memory can be used to
store either:
• the current trace to compare it with traces which will be acquired in the
• a reference trace previously saved on a floppy disk or in internal memory, to
compare it with the current trace.
Overlaying a trace
Overlaying the current trace
To copy the current trace in overlay memory, do as follows:
• On the trace display screen, obtained by pressing the RESULTS key, press the
<Expert> key, then the <Overlay>, and finally the <Set overlay> key.
The current trace copied in overlay memory is represented by a pale line (or,
with a colored screen, in blue) which is automatically offset with respect to
the current trace.
• a new acquisition can then be started to compare the new trace with the one
being overlaid.
Transferring a stored trace to the overlay memory
1. Select the trace to be put in the overlay memory by using the procedure
described in "Finding files" on page 8-18.
2. Press the <Load> key, then the <Overlay> key.
The selected trace is then put in the overlay memory: it is represented by a
pale (or blue) line and is automatically offset with respect to the current trace.
It can be compared with the current trace.
File management
This chapter describes the following file management functions:
❏ Choosing the storage medium
❏ Storing data
❏ Using stored data (loading traces, copying and deleting a file)
❏ Automatic and manual file naming
❏ Overlaying traces
❏ Formatting a floppy disk
Storage media
For storing and recalling acquisition data MTSe is equipped with the following:
• an internal RAM memory or an optional hard disk
• an optional high density (HD) MS-DOS compatible 3.5” floppy disk drive.
• In the File window, with the directional keys, select the Media/Dir option,
then the support: Internal or Floppy Disk or Hard Disk (options).
When the Media line is selected, the key <Format> is available to format the
selected media (see "Formatting" on page 8-23).
Storing data
Use the following procedure to store the acquired data (trace and result table
displayed on the screen):
1. Press the FILE key, then select the storage medium.
2. If the file must be stored in a directory, press the <Explore> key, select the
directory then press the <Exit> key to return to the file menu.
3. Choose either the automatic storage after acquisition, or the manual storage.
4. Choose the required file naming mode, Manual or Automatic (see "Filename"
on page 8-2). If the auto storage is selected, then the file naming must be auto
or semi-auto. If not, a warning asks, after each acquisition, if the previous file
must be deleted by the new one.
5. Choose the file format (see "OTDR file format" on page 8-11)
6. Press the <Save> key to save the trace and measurement results that are
displayed on the screen to the selected medium.
Note The date specified with the file name is the date of the storage.
The filename uses the DOS format: eight characters followed by three character
Note If the identifier is in lower case, the three characters will be con-
verted to upper case.
Note If the identifier contains less than three characters, the missing char-
acters will be replaced with Xs.
Attention when you leave the semi-automatic mode for another mode, the cod-
ing is lost.
d O origin to extremity
E extremity to origin
Pulse *
A 3 ns
B 5 ns
C 10 ns
D 20 ns
p E 30 ns
F 100 ns
G 200 ns
H 300 ns
I 500 ns
J 1 µs
K 3 µs
L 10 µs
M 20 µs
Resolution *
0 4 cm
1 8 cm
2 16 cm
3 32 cm
r 4 64 cm
5 125 cm
6 250 cm
7 5m
8 10 m
9 20 m
10 40 m
A 80 m
B 160 m
D 320 m
* the available values are depending on the module used.
Fiber number
ff 0 to 99 decimal coding
A0 to YZ alphanumeric coding (100 to 999)
M mW manual range
r U µW manual range
N nW manual range
A Auto range
s O origin to extremity
E extremity to origin
0 Full
r 1 0.1 nm
2 0.2 nm
3 0.3 nm
4 0.4 nm
5 0.5 nm
File format
OTDR file format
The Format option of the FILE menu provides the following file format choices,
when an OTDR module is selected:
WTK Wavetek format corresponding to a compressed Bellcore format,
which optimizes storage space (recommended format).
SOR 1.1 Format conforming to the Bellcore/Telcordia SR-5731 standard
(issue december 1998).
SOR 2.0 Format conforming to the Bellcore/Telcordia SR-5731 standard
(issue february 2000).
• Save the file on a floppy disk: see "Copying files from one medium to another
(if available)" on page 8-21.
• Copy this file on the PC loaded with the Excel software.
• On the PC open Excel
• In the Excel window select the type of file "Text file» and open the file to
• The following window is displayed (example with an OTS file):
Cable Id. Choose an identification name for the cable. The first three
characters of this name are used for the file name when
automatic file naming* is selected.
Fiber Number Select the identification number of the fiber from 0 to 999.
This number is used in the file name when automatic file
naming is selected.
Auto increment Selection of auto-increment file name function. The fiber
number automatically is incremented at each save
operation. This number is also incremented in the file name
(auto mode).
Origin Location Allows a name to be entered for the origin of the fiber.
End Location Allows a name to be entered for the end of the fiber.
Direction Selection of the measurement direction: O → E (origin to
extremity) or E → O.
The Comments zone allows the operator to enter with the Edit menu, comments
about the file for future reference when the file is reloaded.
This zone contains 3 independent lines of 31 characters.
Explore function
When the media is selected, press the <Explore> key. The display (see page 8-19)
presents three windows:
Directory management
Directory window
The left window displays:
• the icons representing the available media RAM or Hard disk and diskette (a
double click on these icons gives a direct access at the corresponding media);
• the directories contained in the selected media;
• the free space in the selected media.
When the cursor is in this window softkeys allows:
<Open Dir> to open the selected directory
<Create Dir> to create a new directory in the selected media or directory (seven
levels of directory are possible). The Edit menu appears to select
the directory name (8 characters max.).
<Remove Dir>to remove the selected directory, on the condition this on is empty.
Files window
The right window displays the number of files contained in the selected media or
directory and lists these files.
If the list of files is not completely displayed, arrows on the right of this window
shows where are the non-displayed files:
• ↑: at the beginning of the list
Finding files
To locate a file:
1. Press the FILE key, then select the storage medium, Internal or optional Hard
disk or optional Floppy disk.
The name of the selected directory is displayed on the following line (DIR).
2. Press the <Explore> key.
The following menu is displayed (if the hard disk has been selected).
3. Select the directory where the file is stored, then press the <Open dir> key.
The list of files contained in this directory is displayed.
4. Select the required file with the →, then ↑ and ↓ keys.
Note To have a faster movement of the cursor, if scrolling by using one of
the ↑ and ↓ arrow keys, maintaining pressure on this key causes the
cursor to skip 3 files at a time.
To deselect a file, place the cursor on this file, then press the <Deselect> key.
Selecting all the files in a directory
The <Select all> key selects all the files of the selected directory.
Then, the <Cancel Select.> key allows to deselect all the files.
Note If there hasn’t been any files selected by the <Select.>key, then the
file where the cursor is currently placed above is considered as
File explorer
A floppy disk icon or internal memory icon is displayed in the title bar
of the display while the trace is loading. Once the trace has been loaded the MTSe
gives a warning tone and the trace is displayed.
Deleting a file
Use the procedure given page 8-18 to locate the file(s) to be deleted, then:
• Either press the <Select> key to select each file you want to delete. Select any
of the stored files you want to delete.
• or press the <Select all> key to select all the files in the directory.
• Press the <Transfer> then the <Delete> key.
• Press the <Confirm> key to delete the file or the <Cancel> key to abort the
A floppy disk icon or internal memory icon is displayed in the title bar
of the display while the file(s) is (are) being deleted. Once the files have been
deleted the MTSe gives a warning beep.
Deleting a directory
Note A directory can only be deleted if it is empty.
So before to start deleting directories you must delete the files they
Use the Find file procedure to locate the directories to be deleted, then:
• Press the <Remove Dir> key.
• Press the <Confirm> key to delete the directory or the <Cancel> key to abort
the operation.
A floppy disk icon or memory icon or hard disk icon is displayed in the title
bar of the display according to the media containing the directory.
Once the directory has been deleted the MTSe gives a warning beep.
Copying from internal memory or hard disk to floppy disk (if option selected)
• Press the FILE key to call the File manager window.
• Select the Internal medium or Hard disk.
• Press the <Explore> key: the corresponding directory is displayed.
• Find the file(s) or directory (ies) to be copied (refer to "Finding files" on page
8-18). Press the <Select> key.
• Press the <Transfer> then the <Copy> key.
• Select the Floppy disk media and the directory, then press the <Open Dir>
• Press the <Confirm copy> key.
The file(s) or directories is (are) copied to the floppy disk.
• the action can be aborted by pressing the <Abort Copy> key.
While the file(s) is (are) being copied:
- a floppy disk icon is displayed in the title bar.
- the name of the file being copied is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Once the files have been copied, the MTSe gives a warning beep.
Printing files
Renaming a file
To rename a file:
• Move the cursor on the filename to change as described above (see "Finding
files" on page 8-18)
• press the <Rename> key: the Editing menu appears. You can then enter the
new name (see "Editing" on page 4-5).
The internal RAM memory cannot be formatted.
While the disk is formatting, the floppy disk icon is displayed in the
window title bar.
No other operation can be carried out while this formatting is in progress. Once
the formatting has completed the floppy disk icon is removed and you can
continue using MTSe normally.
9 Remote control 9
Remote control of the MTSe uses either the IEEE 488 standard (or international
equivalent IEC625-1) or RS232 interface.
English is the default language.
This chapter includes:
❏ Remote control principles (link to controller, format of commands, tree
menus of commands)
❏ Description of programming commands and queries.
• either via the RS232 connector. In this case, in the menu System set-up menu,
on the Remote Access line select the option TCP/PPP.
• or via the Ethernet connector (if the option is present). In this case, in the
menu System set-up menu, on the Remote Access line select the option TCP/
2. Press on the <Init Modem> key: the modem connected to the MTSe is
initialized. You are ready to transfer data.
Command errors
Remote control errors are saved in the event status register.
• a «command error» (bit 5 of the register) is detected:
- if the command is not in the programming dictionary.
- if the parameters are out of range or incorrect.
• an «execution error» (bit 4 of the register) is detected: if the instrument
cannot execute the command in the given context; examples: if
modification of an acquisition parameter while measurement is in
process, etc.
To know the command error, either read the Standard Event Register by <
*ESR?> or enable the selected bit(s) of the Standard Event Enable Register by
<*ESE> to be warned by a SRQ. See "Status structure Registers" on page 9-6.
Command Format
Remote control commands conform to the IEEE 488 (IEC 625-2) standard. They
have a hierarchical structure with a top level (root) and one or more lower-levels
Commands are performed by stringing together nodes.
• ACQ is the root
• :PULS is the second level node
• P5NS is the parameter of the second level node.
Command Syntax
• Commands include upper and lowercase characters
- only uppercase characters are required,
- lower case characters can be removed to abbreviate the commands.
• Successive nodes should be separated by a colon (:)
• A space should separate the last level node from any possible associated
parameter. If there are several parameters, a comma should separate them.
• Examples of command:
- complete: ACQUISITION:LASER L850
- abbreviated: ACQ:LAS L850
Linking commands
Successive commands should be separated by a semicolon(;).
There are several parameter types:
• Numerical: decimal, signed and scientific numbers
Examples: 245, 687E2, -1.48E3, .426, 1.100E-4
• Key words. Examples: OFF, ON, YES, NO
• String of ASCII characters which should be enclosed within quotes
(") or (’)
Example: «TRACE TITLE»
The commands generally have an associated query.
• Most of the queries have no parameters. They are terminated by?
They are not specified in the following dictionary of the commands.
SYST:PRIN? request the printer mode selected
IDEN:OPER? request the identification of the operator
• For queries requiring parameters the “?” is between the last node and the first
parameter. They are given in the following command dictionary. A space is
required just after the “?”.
FIB:K? L1310 request the K coefficient for the wavelength
1310 nm
ONOT? 24 request the note entered in the table for event
number 24
Reset commands
*RST Reset the SLGX1 LP to a predefined configuration (default state)
Status Byte
Event Status
End acq 0
Error 1
Operation complete 0
Temperature 2
Request control 1 warning
Query error 2 (IEEE only)
Device dependent error 3 SRE
5 SRE?
Execution error 4
Command error 5 ESE?
User request 6
7 STB?
Power on
• Bit 0 of STB at 1 at the end of the measurement;
at 0 at the next acquisition or
if STATUS:ACQ? is read
• Bit 1 of STB at 1 if a warning is displayed;
at 0 when a message is read by STATUS:ERROR?
• Bit 2 warning: excessive temperature in a module
• Bit 4 of STB Message Available (MAV)
• Bit 6 of STB Master Summary Status (MSS)
Status commands
MTSe Response : "In-process" or "Stopped"
(reported to bit 0 of STB page 9-6)
They query results from a previous command. A result field indicates if the
command succeeded and an error code in the case of failure.
DATe update the MTSe clock (year, month, day of the month).
TIMe set the time (minutes, hours, seconds)
LANGuage select the language used in the menus (if a VGA monitor is used)
UNITs select the length unit: kilometers, kfeet or miles.
Example of command
SYST:DAT 2000,1,31
• Module functions
OTDR Reflectometer
SOUR Source
PWM Power meter
VFL Visual fault locator
TSET Talk set
OSA Optical Spectrum Analyser (WDM)
• Module on or off
ON Module On
OFF Module Off
• Position of the module in the instrument
LEFT, RIGHt: position of the module in the instrument
(seen from the rear of the MTSe).
FNUMber [0...999]
FNUMber [0...999]
Remarks in table
(Result window display chosen via the Test Setup menu).
Result commands
DSLope [0:2001]
e.g. “(R:-50dB)”.
Factory default value: yes.
Ghosts are only detected during an automatic measurement.
MSLope Slope measurement methods: least squares (LSA) or 2-point loss.
Factory default value: LSA
DCURve Measurements displayed on trace:
No: the trace only
YES: the trace with results and markers
GRAPhic: the trace with markers only.
Factory default value: YES
DREMarks display of notes in the table
NO: no additional display
YES and NOTes: display notes entered by the user
UNCertainty: display notes entered by the user and confidence
indicators for the result measurements.
Factory default value: No
ENDFiber Fiber end threshold from 2 to 15.
2= automatic (factory default option)
3 to 15 = threshold in dB
In most cases the AUTO option is advised.
LCABle Choose to display in the event table, the results referenced to the
launch cable.
- 0: all the results are displayed and the reference is the origin of
the fiber.
- 1, 2 or 3: results are referenced from the marker 1, 2 or 3 selected.
This marker is considered as the «end of launch cable» and is the
reference for loss and distance measurements.
Factory default value: No.
Fiber commands
N Sets the group index of refraction of the total fiber under test from 1.30000
to 1.70000.
K Backscatter coefficient from -99 dB to -50 dB in 0.1 dB steps. Modification
of K modifies the reflectance and ORL measurements.
N and K depends on the wavelength: 850 nm MM, 1300 nm MM,
1310 nm SM, 1550 nm SM and 1625 nm SM.
N? Reads the group index of the fiber, for the given wavelength.
K? Reads the backscatter coefficient of the fiber, for the given wavelength.
CURSor? [A, B]
CVALue? [A, B]
RTABle? [1 : 200]
These commands retrieve test results in the Bellcore GR-196-CORE Issue 1, 1995
Standard OTDR Record (SOR) format.
OTDR? Returns the MTSe type.
ATTenua [0:30]
MEM? [1:300]
Reply to command
PWE? Power emitted by source in W or dBm.
MEA? Power measured by radiometer in W, dBm or dBr.
MODe? Reception mode: continuous (CW) or modulated to following
frequencies: 270 Hz, 330 Hz, 1 kHz or 2 kHz (M270, M330, M1000,
BUFFer? Result of measurement stored by Auto store mode. Response on a
line for each measurement:
Date Hour, Lambda, Result (dBm), result (dBr),
Received mode
Example of response:
22/12/98 09:42:28, 1310 nm, -10,03 dBm, 0,00 dBr, Cw
Only the parts of the buffer containing measurement results are
MEScreen [190.0:198.0]
UNIt [THz, NM]
CNUmber [1.100 ]
SPAcing [
CNUmber [1.100 ]
SPAcing [ 20.0:100.0]
CURsor? [A, B]
CVAlue? [A, B]
NCHannel TOTal?
NCHannel PREsent?
PREsent? [1 : 100]
AVG? [1 : 100]
NOIse? [1 : 100]
SDEV? [1:100]
*. Refer to the "Reading the buffer storing the trace" on page 9-18.
In this example, for the last point, the y value is CB00 in signed hexadecimal.
• CB00 in signed decimal = -13568
• the value in dB is:
A*y + B = [-2.939746e-03 x (-13568)] + 34.590000 =- 13533.412 dB
Number of points in the buffer?
Example of response: 32000
Abscissa of the first point in THz?
Example of response: 196.585464
Interval between 2 points in THz?
Example of response: 7.566895e-04
Coeff B of the function A*y + B?
Example of response: 34.590000
Coeff A of the function A*y + B?
Example of response: -2.939746e-03
10 •
Maintenance procedure
Returning an instrument
When returning an instrument, please indicate the following minimum
• The type and serial number of the instrument
• A description of the fault found with the instrument.
The returned instrument will then be repaired and calibrated.
Guarantee conditions
Any exchange of boards or sub-assemblies during the instrument’s guarantee
period is carried out at the expense of Wavetek. For any work carried out on a
board or sub-assembly other than by Wavetek Service Centers, the cost of the
replacement board or sub-assembly will be invoiced.
Cleaning the front and rear panels and the covers
The front and rear panels, as well as the covers, can become tarnished with use.
To clean them, use soapy water.
Do not use products with a petroleum spirit, trichloroethylene, benzene or
alcohol base, as they attack the printed markings.
• Use a non degradable type of paper, such as Joseph paper, soaked in ethanol.
• Pay particular attention to the polished face of the fiber, rubbing it in a
perpendicular motion to the fiber.
Battery replacement
The MTSe lithium battery found on the microprocessor board ensures that date,
hour and certain information are not lost when the instrument is powered down.
Technical specifications
This chapter gives the specifications of:
❏ the MTS 5100e and MTS 5200e mainframes
❏ the OTDR modules
❏ the OTS modules
❏ the available options and accessories.
Mainframe specifications
• 8" Black & White or color passive (option 5000/PAS)
or 8.4" TFT color (option 5000/COL)
• High resolution display
• Vertical scale display resolution of 0.001 dB
• Horizontal scale display resolution of 0.01 m (0,4 inch)
• Screen saver
• Contrast (Black & White or color passive screen)
• Backlight intensity
• RAM: 3Mb
• Optional 1 Gb Hard disk
• Optional 3.5 inch MS DOS compatible HD floppy disk drive
Storage capacity
• 400 OTDR traces typical in internal memory
• 250 OTDR traces typical on HD floppy disk
• Bellcore GR196 or TD 3000 Laser Precision (write only) compatible format for
OTDR modules; Wavetek format for OTDR and OTS modules.
• RS232C
• Ethernet (option)
• Centronics
• IEEE-488 GPIB (option), for MTS 5200e only.
Power supply
• Up to 2 Nickel Metal Hydrid batteries
• Battery autonomy at 25° C (for 1 battery):
- up to 8 hours of standard use, with normal backlight, according to Bellcore
/ Telecordia GR-196-CORE standard.
- up to 3 hours with permanent acquisition, with normal backlight
- up to 2.5 hours with permanent acquisition, with high backlight
AC/DC Adapter / Charger
Environmental conditions
The MTSe is able to withstand the following vibration tests:
• Complete test consists of 6 cycles for each of the 3 axes x, y, z.
• One cycle sweeps from 5 Hz to 200 Hz and back down to 5 Hz with a sweep
duration of one minute per octave.
• 3 mm amplitude displacement test for the range of 5 Hz to 9 Hz.
• 1G acceleration test for the range of 10 Hz to 200 Hz.
Temperature range
• Operating on mains, options not included: -20° C to + 50° C
(- 4°C to + 122°F)
• Operating, specifications guaranteed, all options included:
0° C to +40° C (+ 32°F to + 104°F)
• Storage: -20° C up to + 60° C (- 4°F up to + 140°F)
• 95% without condensing
• CE compliant
Module ML 5023ML
Wavelength (nm) 1310 1550 1310 & 1550 1625 1550 & 1625
Short Range 5024SR 5025SR 5026SR
Laser source + Power meter 50640 LTS 50650 LTS 50660 LTS
Laser source + Power meter + 50641 LTS/TS 50651 LTS/TS 50661 LTS/TS
LED source
LED source + Power meter + 50611 LTS/TS 50621 LTS/TS 50631 LTS/TS
Chassis options 1
5000/PAS Color passive display
5000/COL Color TFT display
5000/FD Floppy disk unit
5000/HDisk Hard disk
5000/Eth Ethernet Interface.
This option includes:
- an adapter RS232/Ethernet
- an Ethernet crossed cable for direct connection to the PC.
- a software WS-FTP pro.
- the init file for the software WS-FTP pro in a diskette.
5200/PR Internal printer with (MTS 5200e only)
5200/IEEE IEEE interface (MTS 5200e only)
5200/VGA Computer display output (MTS 5200e with color TFT display only)
Application software
9551 WinTrace PC processing software
9552 WinWDM PC processing software
9558 WinCable software to generate measurement report under
5996/MTS WS-FTP Pro software to backup the OTDR hard disk to a PC
Multimode Modules
5023MM 5023 ML
5021MM 5022MM
RMSc 25 dB 23 dB 18/16 dB
Dead zoned at 3 ns
- Event dead zone 1.5 m 1.5 m 2m
- Attenuation dead zone 5m 5m 10 m
a. laser at 25°C at 50ns
b. Specified values, at 25°C, corresponding to the one-way difference (in dB) between the
extrapolated backscattering level at the start of the fiber and the level containing 98 % of noise
data points, after 3 minutes averaging.
c. Typical value at 25°C corresponding to the one-way difference (in dB) between the extrapolated
backscattering level, at the start of the fiber and the RMS noise level, after 3 minutes averaging.
d. Typical Values at 25°C :
- The event dead zone is measured at 1,5 dB down from the peak of an unsaturated reflective
- The attenuation dead zone is measured at ± 0.5 dB from the linear regression on a reflectance
type FC/APC (-50 dB).
Singlemode Modules
Short Resolution High Dynamic Very High Dynamic
Range Medium Long range Long range
Wavelengtha 1310 / 1310 / 1550 1310 / 1550 1625 1310 / 1550 1550/1625
1550 ± 20 nm ± 20 nm ± 10 nm ± 20 nm ± 20 nm
± 20 nm
Dynamic rangeb
with long pulse 27,5 / 25 31 / 29 36,5 / 35 35
dB dB dB dB
RMSc 31 / 29 dB 35 / 33 dB 40 / 38 dB 39 dB 42 / 43 dB 43 / 41 dB
Distance range 260 km 380 km 380 km
Pulsewidth 10 ns to 10 5 ns to 10 10 ns to 20 µs 10 ns to 20 µs
µs µs
Dead zoned (at 10 ns) (at 5 ns) (at 10 ns) (at 10 ns)
- Event dead zone 4m 1m 4m 8m
- Attenuation dead 25 m 15 m 25 m 30 m
a. laser at 25°C at 10 µs
b. Specified values, at 25°C, corresponding to the one-way difference (in dB) between the
extrapolated backscattering level at the start of the fiber and the level containing 98 % of noise
data points, after 3 minutes averaging.
c. Typical value at 25°C corresponding to the one-way difference (in dB) between the extrapolated
backscattering level, at the start of the fiber and the RMS noise level, after 3 minutes averaging.
d. Typical Values at 25°C :
- The event dead zone is measured at 1,5 dB down from the peak of an unsaturated reflective
- The attenuation dead zone is measured at ± 0.5 dB from the linear regression on a reflectance
type FC/APC (-50 dB).
Laser classes applicable to the MTSe modules:
Reference standard
Multimode MM and ML
- at 1300 nm Class 1 Class 1
- at 850 nm Class 3A Class 1
Singlemode SR, DR Class 1 Class 1
Singlemode HD
- at 1310 nm, 20 µs Class 3A Class 1
- at 1310 nm, other pulse widths Class 1 Class 1
- at 1550 nm Class 1 Class 1
Singlemode VHD
- at 1310 nm, 10 and 20 µs Class 3A Class 1
- at 1310 nm, other pulse widths Class 1 Class 1
- at 1550 and 1625 nm Class 1 Class 1
VFL option Class 2 Class 2
Ranges for MM and 5023ML modules
3 ns 20 ns 50 ns 200 ns
500 m (1.6 kft) x x x
1 km (3.25 kft) x x x x
2 km (6.5 kft) x x x x
5 km (16 kft) x x x x
10 km (33 kft) x x x x
20 km (65 kft) x x x x
40 km (131 kft) x x x
80 km (262 kft) x
Range 1525-1570 nm 1525-1610 nm
Sweep time (real time) <1s <1,5 s
Accuracy ± 10 pm
Display Resolution 1 pm
Min. spacing between 10 GHz (80 pm)
Optical Bandwidth (FWHM) 35 pm
Power levels
Display range - 90 dBm at + 30 dBm
Display Resolution 0,01 dB
Measurement range on a - 70 dBm at + 10 dBm
Max. admissible power:
- total (before signal cut off) + 20 dBm
- for a channel + 10 dBm
Accuracy b ± 0,5 dB max
Linearity 1 ±0,1 dB
Flatness ± 0,2 dBc ± 0,2 dBd
Polarization dependence ± 0,2 dB
ORL (Optical Return Loss) > 35 dB
ORR (Optical Rejection Ratio)e- 40 dB at 0,8 nm from the carrier
34 dB at 0,4 nm from the carrier
a. from -40 dBm to +5 dBm.
b. at -30 dBm and 1550 nm, excluding the uncertainty due to the input connector.
c. at -30 dBm and in the range 1530 nm - 1565 nm (reference : 1550 nm)
d. at -30 dBm and in the range 1530 nm - 1605 nm (reference : 1550 nm)
e. from the top of a carrier, in the range 1530 to 1605 nm and at 0 dBm
Visual Fault Locator (VFL) Zero setting (powermeter) 6-11
selection 3-12 Zoom 5-15
specifications 11-14
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