Gujarat Technological University: - :: Payment Receipt of Exam Form
Gujarat Technological University: - :: Payment Receipt of Exam Form
Gujarat Technological University: - :: Payment Receipt of Exam Form
2181909 Project – II
2181910 Renewable Energy Engineering
2181920 Quality Engineering
Payment Details
GTU Transection No. : EXF1515489
Paid Amount : Rs. 350
Transection Date : 5/8/2021 12:05:08 AM
Note : Eligible for appearing in exam - Subject to student's backlog <=4 excluding immediate previous semester and other GTU norms. Else form will be cancelled.
- This is student payment receipt,do not submit to institute.Keep it with you for further reference.
- Before generation of hall-ticket the university will verify all parameters for eligibility to appear in exam, in case of any dispute, university has rights to cancel the
exam form and fee will refund to your account.
- Examination hall-ticket will distribute from your respected institute only.
- Verify Your details,for any change kindly contact to institute.