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Flames of War D-Day British Book - 4th edition
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Flames of War D-Day British Book - 4th edition
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Flames of War D-Day British Book - 4th edition
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The following special rules are characteristic of D-Diay reflecting thetr own syle of equipment, tactics, and approach to Basel. ELS BUNKER KILLER Bunker Killer wame ean hit Nes and Brier “Teame docpire being an Artillery Bomburdmenc As a frucal weapon, any Infantry. Gun Cincludiag Nests and Burkess), ar Unarmoured! ns it its must re-oll succesful Saves, Fank PETARD When firing’s Bombardment wich chcir Petard, AVRE teams * may spot ant ire Bormhardncnascven if hey mow his tars + do not aced vo reroll successful rolls Te Hic for only basing or 2 weapons fisng, and * ignore the Danger Clase rule FLAME TRAILERS Flame ranks cannot Change int Contact aod! cannot Hol Objectives. FLAME-THROWER Infamy, Gu (Ginarmoured Tank Teams sroll sce saucomnarically {Tank Tear te sheis Tap arm fot Savec then hic bya Flame-dhrowerand cho U Prac! Dawn, Ai wes when hit by a Flame-thiowec oy shoot in Defeinine Fir: Homeves while Unie thar is Hi by 2 Hame-chiower is Plata Dorwa this docs roe attamatically sup the assault. Thi sefendler sill eels 1 soone Bee (or eight) hits to stop the assault a8 normal INFANTRY AIRBORNE This Fi make an Airborne Ase i thar use AAssauls res (page 84) UNIT TRANSPORT The Unit Leader nf dhe Transpore Attachiment rust end the Movement Scep within 6°{15cru of the Unit Leader of its Passenger Unit wile te is an vah ot alo abis, then the Transport Arachment must br Sent ae che Rew British forces, MIND AND HEART Teams feo the Commands Truop HQ and Commande that sate chee Mavenieie Step adiacent to 4 elif for sivlar Iropsseable temsin feseure) ral fst A succesful the ceain may coos the teat a 1 Dash spel ‘ NIGHT ATTACK ¥ Ifa Force with Night Auack isthe Acacker ina mision where the Defender hay Minefilds, dhe plaser nay elect t jah. If they do #8, Night Fighring cules ser page rulebook) arcin effece a: che 3 Flee British Unies from Formations with Night Amack can move! fom the sart of the game. Friendly Unixe loo Formations or Support may nor move our of theie fovely oth Panes ag i AIR OBSERVATION POST Nos Ora Ht ah Atcha bin chan the usual 44). for an Artillery Bombardment with am |] nt within (2713Qcrmof che irra. The oppo player may shoor a che Alice immediaely before trolls Range In-asshough the aizraft was Shooting MIKE TARGET When a Spowcing Team successfully Ra Unic with Mike Target, they’ may immediately roll wo Ranges] Inaoehe Aly Un asec he cond Are Wnicis treated as Raiiging [non che same xcempr asthe fist ROCKETS \ Rockers do not need to re-roll success rolls To. Hie For aly weapons firing, Oily Teaans frou the Bombarding Unie can Spor for icYour Farce must cantain atleast one Fermation, and mtayeantsin as many Formations as you tke. PETER) Praesens Gere ey Eos an nam nud "ou miay Reid ene Support Unie from each be, i CENTAUR SUPPOR TANK PLATOONEun Cd "Perna "ext FeShe™ AND SP. ann titne Poor ai ANTETANE TROOP = : 3 = WILDCARD ?Cra Ke NG You must Cet tne Formations HQ ara one Camiae Unit fiom exe black bax You) mid a0 fel ana Comsat Woot Irom each grey be, iL! Bi PARACHUTE. PARACHUTE PLATOON 4 BUATOONPED & eo land and 2x Sien SMG team The paras’ miston on D-Day secure the fsks 10: protect the seabomne fosces ton lie byach fromm heasy aillesy ie and ire vent German armoured counrerattaks, ANE 7x Biren Gun & SMLE rifle ream LsPATani-aokvcam OOD 5x Bren Gun & SMLE rifle team 1s PLAT anti-tank veans ‘oPTiON + Add a addicinnal PLAT anti-tank For +) point ‘he bint Leader i onc ofthe ica Gicw dt SLE fle seams, and is miearad an arasall base ree page 73 the highly uained men of the poy job of securing the extreme eastern OnE minus 1 the aight before HDay}, they-dropped by parachute into Frances In the saknessof de night the paras have bso cd ant rgd by are quickly ealiodand eae Parachute platnonsare well equipped to deal with the difiele sank: projectors em late mission ahead of i They have PLAT sc cacimy: sank as well as knock one slt enemy postions ORITISH INFANTRY: Features BREN GUN:AIRLANDING COMPANY Gre You must Pele tie Foxrnation: HQ. Yeu) rig a0 Held ana C Jone Cambiar Unit (rom eae! black box mat Bet Irom a.ach grey Bee, Ai iceeng EF cun me "TROOP. Michie Mnoieaat 2x Sien SMG team PED is central va mission, wh shia ealagie am bard wan gals fron Gx Bren Gun & SMLE rifleteum 4 PIAT antstank ream 1p Dench mortar tearm six fren Gan 8e SMLE rifle ceam Lc PIAT anti-tank team Tx Linch mortar team ‘ortion + Add wn additions! PLAT auei-tanle wean for +4 point The Bet Leader i wae of de Brat Girw 2 MLE fle seams. and os esmented om anal baie oe x Vickers MMG 2x Vickers MMG Armed with firefox sevecal units SUE tetas Ye Pschneae 1eitben | ent eels “heaillanding platodnthas to be lightly smnallecin size than dhewaidard infabe try platoon in onder ated, and well equlppesd theae men are every bic as dice as theie parachucing brothees-in-aems,AIRBO! 3-INCH MeL awry an Gu Fineh ede rs fe Binch moetie ns 2x inch mortar Eo pee gui Foe actin providing 1 highly mobileand accure 3-INCH MORTAR: Features ejector, SMOKE BOMBARDMEW um packhowiue CAD in pack hewiter Ene fit oider tn make sate atboene forces ave access co artillery support. the ail iegiment lands with its 75mm pack howsrzrs in 1s phe yen ‘hen tht field regiments of the Royal Ailey have rose it of the hes, with an reany nmpesing demands fos fire missions. che aisbomne rmoope expect to have 16 fend for shemsehiee, so this inargral ight artlery supp is essential aaa: ae HOWITZER: Featu ARTILLERY: The 2itg | MANOEURABLEAtpica 2s 6 pdr gun Aiborne companies ty dheit very mature are lighily ssmed, German Pangess have the ability te make ameal ofeven the soughest cops if they ee ussupperced, so you need autitank assets with you o nd/-and ip action inure ately. ‘This i where the 6 pal sirlundingg antitank plaroon comes ro the fore. Landed in slides, these guns can be deployed quickly t meet the German armoured resscunce. AIRBORNE 17 PDR ANTI-TANK TROOP GN ONT SUN SHAD REG aan Despine its sige, the'1? pds gan can be Hamilear glider. Capable of ringing ‘even heavy Tiger tanks, yone 17 prs rast he —— ea , deployed cavctully co dominate likely sanmour iil niin nt earcd recap EL 367800"as ede te Fe black bos eu) mii ae CREE? COMMANDO ‘COMMANDO. SECTION SECTIONat 7x Brea Gun & SMLE rifle teams Lx PIAT anti-tank team Ix 2-inch mortar eG 5x Bren Gun & SMLE rifle team Lx PLAT anti-tank team Tx 2-inch mortar The Eins Leader is mae of se Brn Give & SEE sill tears and ir moented 2 eal be foe Ge Vickers MMG 3e Vickers MMG SPOINTS le suscained supp treap They can just abour malie their Vickers sackine-gutis sing! 66. 3.inch mortat 3x 3-inch morear ens The hearkese weapons cartéed by the commandos are the 3 inch mortars of their support sections, Able tw liner high explasive bamtbs as well ax ‘smoke ammunition hese wi "INPRO HERE RAED» “TN a RoaRIFLE COMPANY uta must Ce te Fornetioes HO ans one Corben You) Mid aso fel one Combat Un from ee aa Bil! aii RIFLE: RIFLE. PURTOON 4 PIRTOON / 2 WELLinne paused at Ls ing oe Ph doce ‘Tha ftatoon oemeg | stocling hinenly against tao Cooma tnid out fons ren ‘Cem Teeubmant was pouting post tis ile iin, completalye sblshsoiye to tho Sargeant emo ‘on tne mantel, Durete aut entcre, Ths beach vee Uuemna with astria meal ‘aassiomy boosie ‘avi Getta errors tae teach toad toa tore: eayond ba onmaede a Pindar ls TB tke hae, ‘Jus leckod pn gun "You too, Roy inated tae Bega pen fe! Colter sd paling fin Fara. st ton setpr ard Fark alms? toe waiet, tre ecie ctea ogg 10 sa) eed lowly mised tonneuaa COMPANY HQ 1¢ Germans and then hold i . ‘ain jag, thax gets ehcena at thin. ‘7x Bren Gun &¢ SMLE rifle team x PIAT anti-tank team ‘Tx 2-inch mortar team EEE 5x Bren Gun & SMLE rifle eum Ie PIAT anti-tank team Ie 2ineh mertae tam ECT The Cnt Lond ioe of th is Ginn SAE ill care: ana it mounted an sxe be ce age 733VICKERS adh alse athe heL) ant Jax Vickers MMG Ena PoEIne ine-gunnces ate bighby getline xe pure saad dic h-< ear eter tensa amar ey support your conapany: [San] eae] | niques developed and ‘ix MMG Carrier (Vickers 2x MMG Caries Vickers) GED platoon can be- mounted and offer their Sre support ro ching infancry platooss whea iis aos: 6x 3-inch: mortar 4s Finch mortar arn ens 2x 3:inch mortar The new ¥* moriac with allows ic co match the Germ fever a greater aren sea tangs weapons and eater cele eet aay 246s fab UNIVERSAL CARRIER (MG) UNIVERSAL CARRIER (PIAT) + fen Gu i bal rt rey - 1 etree aed PE6x6 pargun 4z 6 pdrgun 4x6 pdrgun oo oe ean ‘Your barclion has a. platoon of six lighe 6 per sac:cank gens w prorece your men ls tanks. When used with skill diese supedt ave capable of punching well abure their 3x Universal Cact ‘options + Aum any o¢ all Univetsal Carviee (MG) swith BIAT anetznlefor 1 point each. Pose | wees Dares | eee t allows sou 10 new ustier Thrice weak a aesponid, and giving you the to ng al the criy's ans, Bes , spalling their seine, Forcing 3x Wasp (Flane-thrower) ‘Whaperrions fate been fre with MMG CARRIER (VICKERS) WASP (FLAME-THROWER) 1 Viewers MIG mownred on eugine doch *# Blame gue mounted 8 dull front 1 Ns areapen mrewted in bull front * Buel tank neater om bull rearust el the Foerna You may a SHERMAN BO ERMAN DD ARMOURED TROOP, “ARRKSURED TROOP. ors ndnent tye somien euerouna ing Gotpares Sitter ‘Yen mus bobbing in the mew came Scegount Ruston un snecdit ur tine, or eet. ue gare, by enon one ince tent heeding for the tee iene oF then Boek ye Hino nb. Sho Gove Levcny cealee exes tho om tec, Co sp scent, est cing piveen. Sutton guerer teesugn wie vision wloce tegen teal rem Time to open gure eae peytann cn set High Beglanive SHERMAN DD ARMOURED SQUADRON ilies SHEARED ‘Tie nck Powe Worm ineida, Porowed Oy Hye pueee oF ‘Gust am dethis hooting: ont ns the round dotaretor Bik ap we cen ne 01 dey om tice Tusteees pene dedly thes und the Bee ratios ese ation Boe bontliet rere Ut coil ‘aut coe tots log, tb ten 5 gntson 3, uci ane gpd omen Blak, wiped ear. the hull ok etd of thea an pet rac efteadiad oo tats, pateing erlySHERMAN DD ARMOURED SQU. Uso), HQ ‘San The independent armani infantry divisions as ov landed ahead ol Sherssan DD 3x Firelly (17 pda) eosCHURCHILL ARMOURED SQUADRON eure aca)CHURCHILL ARMOURED SQUADRON HQ 2x Chuchill C5 (95mm) Ax Chuchill (75mm) 2x Chaichill CS (95mm) KEI 1a Chushill CS 05em) SSRIS 1x Churchill (5mm) a prion er + Replace one Chuchill(7S:en) wich & aie (Churchill Gave? Sims) or +2 points hua psy | cn routed Churchill acs work elowe- fy with the infantrs escorting them forward and pooviding dire Fire ‘once the objective KNOW UR CHURCHILLS CHURCHILL (750m) saat cescent : ioe rc ee aca CHURCHILL (6 PDR) Pin pi bore eld eat ore Snocadion 1 Shido tno mnie ' Macede brekeom yom ical sided rove with flared bare Cine sie Hors © Ghremler driver's ofeee dull MG CHURCHILL CS (95am) totic Suave side vers 1 Sau dvr ter @ ul 96 7 CHURCHILL (LATE 75ém)eee ae litle ty TROOP 3x Churchill (75mm as 2x Churchill (75mm x Churchill (6 pde) cca ‘geTion Pease roropan * Replace one Chucchill (Sinm) itt « at lala Churchill late 75mm! fer +2 pints, tank has had its ir share 0? ‘overcame end the sar In fast, the Laten ve cchicles Yearsof'eaining in partnership with the tnfan machine, che Tank Brigades into a formidable combir roared Now; equipped with the heavily-armoured ‘Ch sill ro the Allies, they have landed! on Feench soil ready to Furope and deal 2 decisive blow have shaped arms force: Sill canker it the oppres CHURCHILL: Features THICK ARMOUR: Toe ea el 1s ld de) a Pe) CROCODILE (75MM & FLAME-THROWER) * Musele brat an gun 2 Vtaticat aided atte with flere bace * Giealor vile doors + Hlamecthrawer iitead of il MCE + Towing heal bal ver ind flome. three fd rails : AVRE (PETARD) + Sealy far gure 2 Spnne side tons 5 Sars deceiver bull 8CROMWELL ARMOURED RECCE SQUADRON TANK FORMATIONCROMWELL ARMO! Bee 2x Cromwell CS eee STAN Foouaron «feu 1x Cromyall (75mm) Bs “The Armonsed Divisions armanced recor reg sanited and equipped (and mostly KNOW YOUR CROMWELLS CROMWELL (75mm) * me gu ich cle rike + Had ie 1 Pomerfel Rall Rayce Mateos engine CROMWELLCS (95MM) vig 2 inert Bale Roye Meteor cagve KNOW YOUR SUPPORT TANKS CENTAUR (95MM) + Short guu with counterweight + Ranking nlare cover Bieitnetctting = + Dllerkabersy engineART RECCE PATROL “Ta x Setar (37m x Stuare (37mm)SHERMAN ARMOURED SQUADRON Bronte iy ‘one’ Combat anit from each black bor i from each gray box or ‘SHERMAN ARWGURED TROOP Say | ARMOURED TROOP KNOW YOUR SHERMANS ‘SHERMAN (75@M) 1 eeu lengh ps vine * ges Finery (17 por) 1 Lome ih mse bai Sewage ber on bullrrar relator om bark af unt * SeitenSHERMAN ARMOURED SQ = “ix Sherman (75mm) EE 3x Sherman (75mm) EEE 2x Shermin (75mm) Ena Mow of ie Pet srmanired ivlong Eos Decree Normandy wese-equipped These eltble American-made balance af ftcpomet, armour and oxnbiligy tha they had long lacked, SHERMAN: Features ” SERVICEABLE ARMOUR: SHERMAN 2 Sherman (75mm) 1s Fieefly (17 pas) rm) 2 Sherman (75mm) x Firefly (17 po nave EGE ‘armani win | |e fe Banu aac o sand rl There sewn | 2 | 1 [16 | ae [mie it) win | 2 | teleMOTOR COMPANY HQ being 1° Bastion, the Grenadier Guards, the senior bartalion of the whole British Army 4 Rren Gun team x PIAT anci-rank ceant Ix 2-lnch mortar team nia 3x Bren Gun team Vx PIAT anti-tank team Tx Sehnert Usa Ss The nit Leder oe of the Be Gin sats ites om rll dave ‘ee ge 79) SeaAateae ing to bear the 4x6 pdrgun ons 2e6 pdr gunDESERT RATS aot aae eta sQu Bere) You must Cet tne Formations HQ ara one Camiae unit fo exe black bax You) Mid aso fel one Combat Un from ea: ee geomet. growwe. ARMOURED THCOP ARMOURED TROOP ORT RECEE PATROLcE Enns Ensyaa ye CROMWELL ARMOURED TROOP CROMWELL FIREFLY EeePas STUART RECCE PATROL « Stuart ( on 3x Stuart (37mm! Pistia} CRUSADERADESERT RATS MOTOR COMPANY ini sd You must ete the Fosrnations HO an one Cartas uni You) mig a fel ana Comsat Wet from ch black bos PNoTGe COMPANY Ho aH ir HOR PuRTOON PURTGON UNIVERSAL CARRIER PATROLce. Their small ix Bren Gun team Ts PIAT anti-tank seam Ie 2-inch marist team 3s Bren Gun team Ts PIAT anti-tank team Le 2-inch mortar feam ESERT (i Rone: ¥ eu se 6 par gun eb pdcge NTs PLATO ONDESERT RATS RIFLE COMPANY tio) You must Cet tne Formations HQ ara one: Camiae Unt fo exe black bax You) mid a fel ane Comsat Wek frome wae CONPARY Hi RIVERS. ele eats unin nak. Teathod ‘Fuideuly thopr i the mrxperted Light. Yonso onary ta eaetson Thin gun, and tees toe wale Li ay fed bese: cough oh, “gusee aiid sicited in deep ans} ont cortitlogedl You could reve: proteetion—yeicb of ‘hed cought taan
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