Engineering Mechanics Assignment
Engineering Mechanics Assignment
Engineering Mechanics Assignment
4 333713
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5 Date:14 – June-2021
Center of mass for n particles
As shown in figure consider two particles having mass m1 and m2 lying on X-axis at distance of
x1 and x2 respectively from the origin (O). The centre of mass of this system is that point whose
distance from origin O is given by
𝑥 = 𝑚1𝑥1 + 𝑚2𝑥2/ 𝑚1 + 𝑚2
Here, x is the mass-weight average position of x1 and x2. The centre of mass of the two particles
of equal mass lies at the centre (on the line joining the two particles between the two particles)
Consider a set of n particles whose masses are m1 m2, m3, … mn and whose vector relative to
an origin O are r1, r2, r3, …….. rn respectively,
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The centre of mass of this set of particles is defined as the point with position vector rCM
m1 r⃗ 1+m2 r⃗ 2+m 3 r⃗ 3+⋯+ mnr⃗n
𝑟⃗𝐶𝑀 =
m1+m2+ m3+… … …+ mn
OR r⃗𝐶𝑀 = ∑ mir⃗ / M
Here M is the total mass of the body.
𝑟⃗𝐶𝑀 = 1/ 𝑀 ∫ 𝑟⃗𝑑𝑚
𝑥𝑐𝑚 = 1 /𝑀 ∫ 𝑥 𝑑𝑚
𝑦𝑐𝑚 = 1 /𝑀 ∫ 𝑦 𝑑𝑚
𝑧𝑐𝑚 = 1 /𝑀 ∫ 𝑧 𝑑𝑚
To evaluate the integral we must express the variable m in terms of spatial coordinates x, y, z
Q) Locate the centre of mass of a uniform semicircular rod of radius R and linear density σ kg/m
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From the symmetry of the body we see at once that the centre of mass of the body must lie along y-axis.
So XCM = 0.
In this case it is convenient to express the mass element in terms of the angle θ, measured in radian.
The element, which subtends an angle dθ at the origin, has a length Rdθ and a mass
Ycm=∫ Ydm / M
2 sinθdθ
Ycm=∫ σ R /M
𝑦cm = 2𝜎𝑅^2/ 𝑀
∴ 𝑦cm = 2𝑅/π
Centroids of areas are useful for a number of situations in the mechanics course sequence,
including the analysis of distributed forces, the analysis of bending in beams, the analysis
of torsion in shafts, and as an intermediate step in determining moments of inertia.
The location of centroids for a variety of common shapes can simply be looked up in
tables, such as the table provided in the right column of this website. However, we will
often need to determine the centroid of other shapes and to do this we will generally use
one of two methods.
On this page we will only discuss the first method, as the method of composite parts is
discussed in a later section. The tables used in the method of composite parts however are
derived via the first moment integral, so both methods ultimately rely on first moment
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To find the average x coordinate of a shape (x̄) we will essentially break the shape into a
large number of very small and equally sized areas, and find the average x coordinate of
these areas. To do this sum of an infinite number of very small things we will use
integration. Specifically, we will take the first, rectangular, area moment integral along
the x axis, and then divide that integral by the total area to find the average coordinate. We
can do something similar along the y axis to find our ȳ value. Writing all of this out, we
have the equations below.
As we move along the x axis of a shape from its left most point to its
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right most point, the rate of change of the area at any instant in time
will be equal to the height of the shape that point times the rate at
which we are moving along the axis (dx). Because the height of the
shape will change with position, we do not use any one value, but
instead must come up with an equation that describes the height at
any given value of x. We will then multiply this dA equation by the
variable x (to make it a moment integral), and integrate that equation
from the leftmost x position of the shape (x min) to the right most x
position of the shape (x max)
To find the y coordinate of the of the centroid, we have a similar process, but because we
are moving along the y axis, the value dA is the equation describing the width of the shape
times the rate at which we are moving along the y axis (dy). We then take this dA equation
and multiply it by y to make it a moment integral. We will integrate this equation from the
y position of the bottommost point on the shape (y min) to the y position of the topmost
point on the shape (y max).
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The centroid of volume is the geometric center of a body. If the density is uniform throughout
the body, then the center of mass and center of gravity correspond to the centroid of volume. The
definition of the centroid of volume is written in terms of ratios of integrals over the volume of
the body.
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❑ ❑ ❑
∫ dv ∫ dv ∫ dv
v v v
Either analytical or numerical integration methods can be used to evaluate these integrals and
compute the centroid of volume for the body. The integrals over volume take slightly different
forms depending on the coordinate system you use.
The integrals over volume take slightly different forms depending on the coordinate system you use.
Cartesian Coordinates
❑ z2 y2 x2
∫ dv=∫ +¿ ∫ +∫ dx dy dx ¿
v z1 y1 x1
Straight Line: The centroid of a straight line is located at its midpoint. However, for a
shape made up of multiple straight-line segments, its centroidal location can be found
where xi yi zi represent the centroidal coordinates of the ith line segment. In applying Eq. (1),
we are free to choose any reference coordinate system that simplifies the calculation
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of the centroid. Using the moment-of-a-force analogy, the numerator in Eq. (1)
represents the sum of "moments" produced by the individual line segments, and the
denominator represents the total line length.
3. A 100 ft. long gas pipe is need to transferred from store to ship with the help of crane. find the
point where the pipe is picked up so that the load on both side will remain same.
It is very simple to find the point of straight pipe where load balanced on both sides. Simply find
the Centroid of 100 ft.
When a body is slide or tends to slide on a surface on which is resting, a resisting force opposing
the motion is produces at the contact surface. This resisting force is called friction or friction
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Types Of Friction
Following are the friction types which depend on the types of motion:
1. Static Friction
2. Sliding Friction
3. Rolling Friction
4. Fluid Friction
Static Friction
Static friction is defined as the frictional force that acts between the surfaces when they are at
rest with respect to each other.
The magnitude of the static force is equal in the opposite direction when a small amount of force
is applied. When the force increases, at some point maximum static friction is reached.
Sliding Friction
Fs = µs. Fn
Rolling Friction
Fs = µr. Fn
Fluid Friction
Internal friction:-
Internal friction is the force resisting motion between the elements making up
a solid material while it undergoes deformation. ... As deformation occurs,
internal forces oppose the applied force
Dry friction:-
Is a force that opposes the relative lateral motion of two solid surfaces in
Limiting Friction:
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The maximum value of frictional force, which comes into play, when a body just begins to slide
over the surface of the other body, is known as limiting friction.
1. The force of friction always acts in a direction, opposite to that in which the body tends to
2. The magnitude of force of friction is exactly equal to the force, which tends the body to
3. The magnitude of the limiting friction bears a constant ratio to the normal reaction
between the two surfaces.
4. The force of friction is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces.
5. The force of friction depends upon the roughness of the surfaces.
1. 1. The force of friction always acts in a direction, opposite to that in which the body tends
to move.
2. The magnitude of the kinetic friction bears a constant ratio to the normal reaction
between the two surfaces.
3. For moderate speeds, the force of friction remains constant. But it decreases slightly with
the increase of speed.
Coefficient of Friction:
It is defined as the ratio of limiting friction (F) to the normal reaction (RN) between the two
bodies. It is generally denoted by μ. Mathematically,
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