Ashutosh Nayak 20111508 - Cia 3 (Ii)
Ashutosh Nayak 20111508 - Cia 3 (Ii)
Ashutosh Nayak 20111508 - Cia 3 (Ii)
The way of life of design, style, and even games was embraced into India's way of
life through British standards. . They feared a backlash from the public if they
interfered too often with religious views and social practices.
Various developments including the railway system was introduced across India
these ideas were conceived by the Britishers. The course of the textile trade
between Britain and India changed. Machine-made clothing from English factories
was smuggled into Indian markets in large quantities. Since the British goods were
available at a much lower price, the handicraft factories faced an increased threat.
The act of consuming dead monitors spouse and kids killed after British attacked.
There was now a legitimate Sati and an illegitimate Sati, with the former implying
that the widow agreed to it and the latter meaning that she was forced into it.
Advancement of merchandise like tea, indigo, espresso, silk, and the sky is the
limit from there.
In history, the British intrusion is likewise taken a gander at as an adverse occasion
that ever occurred. Except some negative results came from expansionism, the
overall effect of the British principle helped go India to the country, it is today.
British had been invading India since around 1600. However, it didn't start to hold
onto vast land areas until 1757, after the Battle of Plassey.
The East India Company was essentially inspired by the exchange of cotton, silk,
tea, and opium. Yet, following the Battle of Plassey, it worked as the military
expert in developing segments of India also.
Indians were likewise banished from holding high office in their property. The
British considered them innately wrong and dishonest.
Originally India was operated by a corporation (The East India Company) Later
taken over by the British government.
Indians benefited from the colonial rule:
➔ Modern goods
➔ Modern transportation
➔ Education increases
➔ Health care increases
➔ Protection
On the negative side:
➔ The British controlled the government/economy
➔ Indians were seen as “half” citizens