History of Journalism
History of Journalism
History of Journalism
Unit 1: Origin and Growth of Newspapers in India – Early Journalism in India - Hick’s Gazette
- Bombay Chronicle- Indian press and Freedom Movement.
Unit 2: - Growth of Nationalist Press - Journalism in 19th century - Contribution of Raja Ram
Mohan Roy, Mahatma Gandhi, BalaGangadharTilak, Dr.B.R.Amedkar, Sadanand to Indian
Journalism -Telugu Journalists in English Press.
Unit 3: Contribution of national eminent newspapers - Amrit Bazaar Patrika, Kesari, Hitvad,
Times of India, The Statesman, The Hindu, Free Press Journal, Indian Express, Leader.
Unit 4:The origin and growth of Telugu newspapers – Freedom Movement and Telugu Press -
KandukuriVeeresalingam, Konda VenkatappaiahPanthulu, KasinadhuniNageswaraRao, Tapi
Dharma Rao, Mutnuri Krishna Rao, NarlaVenkateswaraRao.
Unit 5: Telugu Press after 1970s - Changing trends in Telugu Journalism - Modern Trends in
Journalism Press.
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