Secure Network Design Assignment 2020-2021

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Assessment Brief 2020-2021

Module (tle Privacy and Network Security

CRN 55880 – 55881

Level 7

Assessment (tle
Secure Network Design
Weigh(ng within This assessment is worth 50% of the overall module mark.

Submission deadline 14/05/2021 – 4pm

date and (me

Module Leader/Assessment set by Dr. Tooska Dargahi

Contact details: Due to COVID 19 I will only be available online through MicrosoH Teams during
surgery hours. Please send me an email to set an appointment for you.

Email: [email protected]

Assessment Brief
Assessment task details and instruc(ons
You have to construct a Screened Subnet firewall, with some services and some protecQon. The
basic arrangement is as shown below, but you can add extra if you want. It can be done with
virtualisaQon or with real networks.

The network should have 3 hosts:

1. First host should serve as a router, should have firewall that will filter requests. It should
allow only limited SSH traffic, from the set list of hosts, HTTP traffic and block all other
kinds of traffic. This machine should have Network-based intrusion detecQon system
installed (SNORT). In development of NIDS rules you should be focusing on pracQcal
a]acks, such as syn flood, and trying to prevent some web applicaQon a]acks.
2. The second host should serve as basQon host. It should have installed HTTP proxy that will
be examining all HTTP traffic and Host-based IDS. It is expected that this host will be able
to examine requests and stop a fair share of some web applicaQon a]acks, such as XSS
and SQL injecQon. Also, it HIDS should be checking for file integrity, changes to admin
group (e.g. adding new users), changes to user privileges.
3. The third machine serves as a HTTP and SSH server. It should provide working services and
have installed HIDS that will be checking for file integrity, changes to admin group (e.g.
adding new users), changes to user privileges.

In your report, you should describe your implementaQon process and rules, and criQcally assess
them. You should discuss benefits and limits of the network configuraQon, firewall, HIDS and NIDS
rules. You are required to implement various security policies to ensure the security of the
company’s network, including
a. Implement proper user password policies.
b. Regulate work-Qme behaviour by blocking web browsing of certain websites and
using certain apps, such as Facebook and Youtube. However, you should provide

Assessment Brief
proper access to different websites for employees of different departments, e.g.,
sale or adverQsement.

The deliverables for this assessment are composed of two parts:

1. A demo (or a video if that is more convenient) to be arranged before the deadline, at a
Qme when you feel you are ready (50% of the whole mark of this assignment)
2. A report submi]ed through Blackboard that explains what you have implemented
(design and test plan) (50% of the whole mark of this assignment)
o The virtualisaQon or configuraQon
o The key firewall rules, how they work and what they achieve
o The key IDS rules, how they work, and what they achieve
o For IDS focus on pracQcal rules (e.g. detecQng web based a]acks, password
guessing, brute force, different kinds of DoS and DDoS a]acks for NIDS; file
integrity, changes in admin privileges, detecQng added users to admin group,
failed system log-in a]empts for HIDS).
o Your approach to tuning the IDSs (both NIDS and HIDS)
o Provide a criQcal evaluaQon and reflecQon on the lessons learnt during
performing this assignment, if you were going to carry out the assignment
again what would you do differently and provide suggesQons for someone
who might want to perform this assignment.

Note that you will lose marks for not jus(fying your choices, not providing screenshots and
implementa(on details.

Before preparing your report, read the prac(cal assignment brief carefully and provide requested

Assessment Brief

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