Bituthene 3000 - Page-03
Bituthene 3000 - Page-03
Bituthene 3000 - Page-03
Underground roof slabs shall be surface dry, patch applied to a clean dry surface and firmly depending on method of
free from standing water, and laid to falls free rolled. application, surface
from sharp protrusions and hollows. Following the application, care should be texture, porosity and
Horizontal, sloping or vertical faces shall be taken to prevent damage by following trades ambient temperature
smooth, regular, dry and free from nails and by using Servipak boards spot bonded with Liquid Membrane 5.7 litre pails
primed with one coat of Primer 81 applied by Pak Adhesive or a 25mm screed as horizontal Primer 82 25 litre pails
brush or roller, at a rate ol 6-8 sq metre per protection. Vertical faces to be protected (Damp Surface) 8-10 m'zllitre coverage
litre depending on the porosify of the surface, against damage from backfilling and BitutheneMastic S50cccartridges,
and allowed to dry completely before the reinforcement by using Servipak spot bonded 3 litre pails
application of the Bituthene. Brickwork shall with Pak adhesive.
Bituthene Lap Roller Unit
be flush pointed or rendered to provide a Backfill material should be compacted in
smooth surface before priming. layers to prevent settlement and dragging Complementary Materials
Bituthene is to be left temporarily forces being transferred to the waterproofing Servipak See separate data sheet
exposed on vertical surfaces, batten fixing may systems. boards for details
be necessary to prevent slippage. Prior to
Pak Adhesive .5 litre can
backfilling remove battening and cover fully
with a subsequent layer of Bituthene. Supply Serviseal, See separate data sheets
Bituthene 3000 1m x 20m roll (20 sq m) PVC Edgetie, and for details
Bituthene 3000 shall be laid by peeling back Servitite waterstops
weight 32 kg gross
the protective release paper and applying the
Storage Store upright in dry Preprufe See separate data
adhesive face onto the prepared surface. The
conditions below 30'C 150R and 300R sheet for details
material should be brushed onto the surface to
ensure good initial bond and exclude air. Equipment by Others
Ancillary Products
Adjacent rolls are aligned and overlapped
50mm minimum at side and ends and well
Primer 81 18.2 litre pails Soft broom, Stanley knife, brush or roller for
rolled with a firm pressure using a Bituthene
Lap Roller to ensure complete adhesion and
continuity between the layers. Damaged areas
300mm wide
Bituthene 3000
waterstops turned
reinforcing strip
into wall and
150mm above
Bituthene 3000 turned
finish ground level
into 20mm sq chase
and pointed with
Bituthene Mastic
. _tu.
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