Dechko Uzunov and Ilia Beshkov: Task
Dechko Uzunov and Ilia Beshkov: Task
Dechko Uzunov and Ilia Beshkov: Task
A. Dechko Uzunov and Ilia Beshkov have got a loto f things in common, also with theirs
teacher Nikola Marinov. First of all, both were students of Nikola Marinov. Paintings of
Marinov and his students haven’t got many differences because anyone has used like a
technique of the portrait.
B. The most important difference is that Dechko has used the technique of water-colour for
his paintings while Ilia used to draw comics. His best comic characters was Spekulanta
1. They used obviously two techniques very different: Ilia used technique with classic pencil
for drawing while Dechko used classic technique of water-colour. Comparing them with
the fantastic Marinov we can see that Dechko’s technique is very near to Marinov’s
because both have used water-colours.
2. I like so much Ilia’s because obviously I like a lot water-colour but seeing the new
technique that Ilia wanted to use, well, I have to honest, I like very much Ilia’s because I
think that Ilia’s painting reminds a lot the drawers and painters of my century.I say this
because Ilia is more near to my years: comics’ years.
3. If I were at an auction I’d advise to my parents to buy Dechko’s painting but only because
my house is like a Victorian house so very classic with furniture very classic so putting in it
Ilia’s could be very strange and horrible in my home.
I did not like so much these works because first of all Dechko’s paintings are, in my opinion,
Marinov’s clones and for paintings about Ilias are very good because I like the technique but,
always is my opinion, they’re very surface.
1. I’m not very good at painting! I hate painting, first, and second I prefer other passions like
reading and music.
2. Of course I used water-colours, as to prepare my work for the meeting, but I’m really
denied at painting!!!
The first photography that someone tried to take was Niépce that in 1813 he started to find the
motion by which a photo can be taken. Only in 1816 after a lot of experiments he took his first
photography and also the first photography in the story. He made thefirst permanent photo
from the nature with a camera obscura in 1826. However, because his photographs took
so long to expose (8 hours), he tought to find a new process.
Many advances in photographic glass plates and printing were made in through the 20th
century. In 1884, George Eastman developed the technology of film to
replace photographic plates, leading to the technology used by film cameras today.
Renaissance painters used the camera obscura which, in fact, gives the optical rendering
in color that dominates Western Art.
There are some differences now until we’ve taken that photo. First of all there are
some people that now never talk with me or talk very little because we
understand that we are so much different to be friends, but we’re not sad or angry
for this, we’re happy now. A thing that is never changed is that there’s my best
friend and now we’re yet best friends for about 2 years and I’m very ahppy for
that, really!
These three pencils are always the same but I just moved them with their angle. We can see that
the firs two photos are similar but I just moved them in the opposinte sense but the third pencil is
resally different from the other because moving them for 180° we can’t see his tuber on the top,
but I want to remind that all of these three photoa are always the same picture.
F. I would like to choose the words that you have chosen for makin an example:
monitor, computer, mouse, scanner, printer. The word that i found is
MOCOSANTER: this means that with just one object we can have a lot of
actions: it can print, it can do calculations and we can see something on his
G. There are a lot of designs like: plate camera, large format camera, medium
format camera, folding camera, camera, twin lens camera etc.
If I had to prepare a new design for a camera I’d like a camera that can take two photos in
the same moment.
I really enjoyed these tasks because I could know a lot of things that before I did not know.
The hardest, in my opinion, was to make a collage with some photos because I don’t really
like doing this kind of things. The funniest was to choose an old photo from my personal
album. I liked to find and see how I’m changes in these year.
No I don’t like to become a professional photographer because I think that my life will be
about medicine in a foreign country.
The differences between these kind of art are: in painting, in my opinion, you feel a lot the
scenery, the face or the object that you’re drawing and this feeling continue all the time
that you spend to draw it, while in photography it continues for just a second and then
everything is finished. I certainly prefer the painting because I can see and try to
understand what the author of that painting wanted to send to us, the emotions that he
wanted to send to us.
Of course drawing picture is more difficult than taking normal photos because you have to
have a skill at drawing. The most expressive is painting because we can see what is the
emotion that the auhor wanted to send to us , while in photography we can’t understand
very well that.
Personal library
Roesler Franz
He’s the best Italian water-colourist of the XX century; His works are
about animals and nature:
These paintings are very different. First Franz’s work is about a scenery
and it rapresents an old road of a little town in southern of Italy; we can
see some old houses on the background.On the foreground we can see
some people like a woman who’s sewing and a little boy who’s playing
and other people. In the second Ambrogio’s masterpiece we can see just
a yellow/brown butterfly in a white/brown backgrounf. Both are fantastic
Italian water-colour works.
I like a lot his self-portrait because I love in general this technique and
also I like a lot dark colours so watching this Rembrandt’s masterpiece I
see all the things that I’d like to see in a painting. I like it a lot.
Winslow Homer
I don’t like so much this painting. In my opinion I don’t like clouds on the
background and people on the boat on the foregroung. Always in my
opinion, colours are ver sad and monotonous.
In my opinion I like a lot the first (Van Gogh) because obviously is an artist
that I studied a lot in my scholastic career and also because is my
favourite painter. His technique of painting is ineffable.
I like the assignments a lot because doing this kind of exercise tests us to
realize that there are a lot kind og techniques of painting and not just
pencil and rubber.
I learnt to make a water colour painting and do it very well; a lot of news
information about artists that live or not in Italy and concluding
appreciate and have a new critical spirit of paintings.
Bruno Giulio
Nikola Marinov
water-colour portrait
I did not find any image of Marinov Nikola Marinov was born in 1879 in
the city of Targovishte; His name is respected a lot in his home town in
fact there is an art gallery in his home town with his paintings and a high
school named with his name.
I have chosen this painting for two reasons: first because I did not find
many images about his face and his works; there were just three or four
images and this is the best for me because between a portrait and a
water-colour painting, I prefer a portrait because I can see the face of
someone and therefor find news about life and works of the man or
woman that Marinov has painted.
About this painting I really like the expression of the man and and his
posture. Colours are dark in the foreground so his suit and hair, while
colours begin to became light in the backgroung where we can see a
white wall and a light armchair.
Yes, I have. But paintings that I’ve got at home are really simple like a
painting of Jack Vettriano ‘’The singing Butler’’. This painting is in my
room next to my bed. I don’t know much about the author I just know
that he’s Scottish but with Italian origins and he lived for a couple of year
in some of the most important cities of Art in the world like New York,
London ecc…
This is a photo of my painting:
I find a lit bit hard to find news about Marinov because a portrait of him
doesn’t exist or exits but I did not find it; I made this assingnment is 1
hour and 30 minutes.
About Marinov’s fact I’m really impressed about his travels because I love
travelling a lot and reading about his travels like going to a country to
another and so. Yes, I really like it. Second I liked a lot that he lived for
some years in Italy and studied in Academia Albertina. Turin is my home
And concluding I really liked that there’s a high school named with his
name and I will visit it! That’s fantastic!
My personal library in