QAHO1002227 PNC 4th Cls

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(Permutations and Combinations-I)

Ref: QAHO1002227
Directions for questions 1 to 20: Solve the following questions.
1. In a restaurant there are three varieties of starters 11. How many of the words that can be formed using all
and four varieties of main course items. the letters of the word BHUPATI always begin with a
In how many ways can one place an order for consonant and end with a vowel?
(i) a starter AND a main course item?
(ii) a starter OR a main course item but not both? 12. How many words can be formed using all the letters
of the word TUESDAY such that all the vowels are
2. There are three places, A, B and C in a city. A is together?
connected to B through 5 routes and B is connected
to C through 3 routes. In how many ways can one 13. How many different words can be formed using all the
travel from A to C, via B? letters of the word TUESDAY such that no
two vowels are together?
3. (i) How many three-digit numbers can be formed
using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 without repetition of 14. How many different words can be formed using all the
digits? letters of the word TUESDAY such that vowels and
consonants appear alternately?
(ii) How many three-digit odd numbers can be
formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, when each 15. In a party there are 15 guests. Each of them shook
digit occurs at most once in any of the numbers? hands with every other guest once. Find the total
number of handshakes that were exchanged at the
(iii) How many five-digit numbers which are divisible party.
by 5 are formed using the digits 0 to 6 without
repeating the digits? 16. There are twelve friends. On the eve of Diwali, they
exchanged greeting cards among themselves. How
4. Twelve candidates applied for a vacant post in a many cards did they exchange altogether?
company. In how many ways can four candidates be
selected for the interview such that a particular 17. On a rail route between two stations A and B, there are
candidate must be selected? exactly ten stations. How many different tickets of
a particular class are to be printed so that passengers
5. In the above problem, in how many ways can four can travel from any station to any other station?
candidates be selected such that a particular
candidate must be rejected? 18. (i) In how many ways can a girl invite at least two of
her eight friends to a party?
6. In the above problem, in how many ways can four
persons be selected such that one particular person (ii) In the above problem, in how many ways can
is always selected and another particular person is the girl invite at most seven of her friends to the
never selected? party?

7. A committee of four members is to be formed from a 19. (i) In how many ways can seven persons be seated
group of six men and four women. In how many ways around a circular table?
can the committee be formed such that it comprises
(i) two women? (ii) In how many ways can eight distinct flowers be
(ii) at least three women? arranged on a garland?
(iii) at most one woman?
(iv) at least one man and at least one woman? 20. (i) In how many ways six boys and six girls can be
seated around a circular table so that no two
8. Find the number of words that can be formed using boys sit together?
all the letters of the word BHUPATI.
(ii) In how many ways can ten beads be arranged in
9. How many of the words that can be formed using all a necklace such that four particular beads are
the letters of the word BHUPATI begin with B? always together?

10 How many of the words that can be formed using all

the letters of the word BHUPATI begin with H but
don’t end with I?

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Directions for questions 1 to 5: Solve the following questions.

1. A five-dive digit number is formed using the digits 0,1 4. (i) How many different words can be formed using
2, 3, 5 and 8 without repeating the digits. the letters of the word CHILDREN such that the
(i) How many such five-digit numbers can be consonants appear in an alphabetical order?
(ii) How many of them are odd? (ii) Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F have to address
(iii) How many of them are divisible by 3? a gathering. In how many ways can they speak
(iv) How many of them are divisible by 4? such that A speaks before B and B speaks before
2. A committee of five members is to be formed from six
men and five women. In how many ways can the 5. (i) In how many ways can three new cars be parked
committee be formed such that: in seven vacant parking lots if no two cars are
(i) it contains more men than women? parked in adjacent parking lots?

(ii) a particular man and a particular woman never (ii) In how many ways can seven girls be seated in
be together in the committee? a row such that two particular girls never sit
3. A question paper contains three sections, and each
section contains five questions. In how many ways
can a student attempt ten questions such that he
attempts at least three questions from each section?

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