HIRADC Mining 2019

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Health, Safety & Environment

Sinar Terang Mandiri (STM)
Weda Bay Nickel

Overview HSE Concern

Presented By

Galuh Yudha Satriya

OTP October to December 2019
• Objective :
• Safety - Zero Incident (0)
• Enviro - Zero Pollution (0)
• Health - Zero Illness Related to Work (0)

• Scope of Work:
• Coastal Mine Operation Developing HIRADC & IADL , Manual HSE &
Kebijakan, OTP 2020
• Permanent Camp & Workshop Developing HIRADC & IADL
• Kao Rahai Mine Development Developing HIRADC & IADL
• Kao Rahai Mine Operation Developing HIRADC & IADL
high Schedule 2 (2.1.a) Submit to Company its Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan
and supporting safety systems
Safety is Our Value

Commitment to Implementing HSE Standard in Weda Bay Nickel Mine Sinar Terang Mandiri
at Weda Bay Nickel
Staff 33
Non Staff 101
Working Hours 1.474
How to implementing Safety into all Employees
•Employee Concern:
Understanding the Working rules .

•They know what to do and knowing

the risk on every job they will do
Understood & Can do appropriate
high Schedule 2 (2.3.j) The Contractor w ill carry out an induction program w ith each new
high Schedule 2 (2.3.b) Provide the licensing and certificate for operate the equitment

ADT Bell Training: Kompetensi Operasional Pertambangan ;

1) Minimum competencies of Supervisor Level is POP
1 Mechanical Training on October 2019; Certified
2) Minimum competencies of Operator are Basic
Operator Training &
3) Minimum competencies of Mechanics Heavy
Equipment are basic mechanic
2 Operational Training on October 2019
Risk Assessment
Mass Transportation EOS to Coastal Pit

1 Public Road > Slippery while rain> Double 2 Regarding to Transportation road, we has 3 More safer, but we have to take 10
risk ; Un controlled Public & Slipped on Assess & calculating the risk, we are to 20 minutes every shift.
road based decided the IWIP road more safer than
public road
Note : High risk Potential delay time to get started

high Schedule 2 (2.3.c) Be responsible f or the transportation of its employees to and f rom the
Site and generally w ithin the Site at all times and ensure that all vehicles
and drivers used in perf orming the Works shall be properly licensed
Water, Soil & Air Protection:

1 Ake Jira & Tobelo Forest Protection & Monitoring

med Schedule 2 (2.5.c) Sampling and analysis to determine the environmental quality in all areas
med Schedule 2 (2.5.d) Treatment, sampling and analysis of the quality of w astew ater from
settling ponds, silt traps, oil traps, sew erage ponds and other effluent in
Contractor‘s active w ork areas

TSS & pH Meter Needed

Schedule 2 (2.2.x) Conducts environmental management and monitoring
Thinking of ;
Optimum Production , Operational Safety & Environment as well
high Schedule 2 (2.2.u) Identify events w ith potential for significant environmental impacts and
prepare appropriate response plans for the mitigation of such impacts

1 Optimum Production 2 Safety & Enviro

Safe Traffic Operation

Need 1x Compactor at least 30 Ton for planning ;

1. Stabilize Front Loading that was smoothing
2. Compacting mine road
3. Compacting POS access
Justification ;
1. Moisture content after 4x cycle time has get more dried
2. Compactor 30 ton Sheep foot
med Schedule 2 (2.5.a) Ongoing construction and maintenance of all access roads, access
tracks, ramps, disposal dumps and platforms
Safe Traffic Operation
Safe operation with optimum speed to reach Production target with:

Traffic Control Plan.

1 2 Traffic Control Signs

3 Mine Road Construction

Safety is our Value
Field Maintenance & Refueling

high Schedule 2(2.5.f) Provision of fuel storage and distribution of all Contractor's plant and

Pit Fuel Station & Pit Stop Maintenance Needed

Energy Isolation / Lock Out Take Out ( LOTO ) Need to be
Implement in Maintenance & Refueling HE
high Schedule 2 (2.3.n) Ensure that all its Personnel undergo a pre-employment medical check up

Unidentified Infectious
Disease in communal
camp EOS => No Evidence
of Health Screening / MCU

MCU is Mandatory for

Pre-employment MCU,
Specific & Annual.
low Schedule 2 (2.3.o) Submit to the Company the names and supporting qualifications of the
Contractor's site staff at supervisorr level and above

Dapur & Tempat Makan;

1. Katering tidak berijin
2. Penjamah makanan
belum MCU Khusus
Food Handler
3. Housekeeping &
kebersihan belum

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