Chapter 5. Bayesian Statistics (II)

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Chapter 5.

Bayesian Statistics (II)

Bayesian for multi-parameter models

The principle remains the same. The (joint) posterior distribution

given data y is once again
p(θ|y) ∝ π(θ) · p(y|θ)
where θ = (θ1, . . . , θd) are the parameters of interest.
For illustration, consider the special case of θ = (θ1, θ2).

1. The joint posterior distribution

p(θ1, θ2|y) ∝ π(θ1, θ2) · p(y|θ1, θ2)
2. The marginalZ posterior distribution
Z of θ2
p(θ2|y) = p(θ1, θ2|y) dθ1 ∝ π(θ1, θ2) · p(y|θ1, θ2) dθ1
3. The conditional posterior distribution of θ1 given θ2 is
p(θ1, θ2|y)
p(θ1|θ2, y) = ∝ π(θ1, θ2) · p(y|θ1, θ2)
Note the difference with joint posterior distribution is that here
θ2 is regarded as fixed and known.

Remark: The following relation is useful for the simulation of

posterior distribution
p(θ1, θ2|y) = p(θ1|θ2, y) · p(θ2|y)

Normal model. Suppose that y = {y1, . . . , yn} are iid samples

from N (θ, σ 2) such that (θ, log(σ 2)) has a flat prior, or
π(θ, σ 2) ∝ 1/σ 2.

The joint posterior distribution p(θ, σ 2|y).

 −1− n 1 2 2
2 2 2 − 2 [n(θ−ȳ) +(n−1)s ]
p(θ, σ |y) ∝ σ e 2σ
where s2 is the sample variance
2 1 X
s = (yi − ȳ)2.
The marginal posterior distribution p(σ 2|y).
p(σ 2|y) = p(θ, σ 2|y)dθ
Z   n 1
2 −1− 2 2
2 − 2 [n(θ−ȳ) +(n−1)s ]
∝ σ e 2σ dθ
 −1− n (n−1)s2 q
2 −
= σ2 e 2σ2 2πσ 2/n
 − n+1 (n−1)s2
2 2 −
∝ σ e 2σ2

It follows that the posterior distribution of

(n − 1)s2 2(n − 1)
y = χ
The marginal posterior distribution p(θ|y).
p(θ|y) = p(θ, σ 2|y)dσ 2
Z   n 1
2 −1− 2 2
2 − 2 [n(θ−ȳ) +(n−1)s ]
∝ σ e 2σ dσ 2
h i− n
2 2 2
∝ n(θ − ȳ) + (n − 1)s
"  2 #− n
θ − ȳ 1
∝ 1+ √
s/ n n − 1

It follows that the posterior distribution of

θ − ȳ
√ y = t(n − 1)
s/ n
The conditional posterior distribution p(θ|σ 2, y).

p(θ|σ 2, y) = N (ȳ, σ 2/n)

The conditional posterior distribution p(σ 2|θ, y).


(n − 1)s2 + n(ȳ − θ)2 2 (n)
θ, y = χ

Remark: To simulate from the posterior distribution p(θ, σ 2|y), one can first
simulate σ 2 from marginal posterior distribution p(σ 2 |y), then simulate θ from
the conditional posterior distribution p(θ|σ 2 , y).
Example. Suppose a stock’s daily return Y was recorded for n =
22 consecutive business days, with ȳ = 5% and s = 4%. Assume
that the daily return Y follows N (θ, σ 2) with prior π(θ, σ 2) ∝
1/σ 2. Find the 95% posterior interval for θ. Also use simulation
to approximate E[θ/σ|y].

Solution: Since  
θ − ȳ
√ y = t(n − 1)
s/ n
The 95% posterior interval is (in %)
s 4
ȳ ± t0.025 (n − 1) √ = 5 ± 2.080 ∗ √ = [3.2, 6.8]
n 21
Below is the histogram of 1000 draws of θ/σ. For each draw, p we (1) draw a
sample of σ: draw a sample say u from χ2(n − 1), then let σ = (n − 1)s2 /u;
(2) given σ, draw a sample θ from N (ȳ, σ 2 /n); (3) θ/σ is a data point. The
sample average of θ/σ is 1.23.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Multinomial model. Let Y = (Y1, . . . , Yd) be multinomial with
parameter (n; θ1, . . . , θd) where
θ1 + · · · + θd = 1.
Consider prior distribution (Dirichlet distribution)
Y α −1
π(θ) ∝ θi i
restricted to non-negative θi’s with θ1 + · · · + θd = 1.
The joint posterior distribution p(θ|y).
Y d
Y d
αi−1 yi αi+yi−1
p(θ|y) ∝ π(θ) · p(y|θ) ∝ θi · θi = θi
i=1 i=1 i=1
That is, p(θ|y) is a Dirichlet distribution with parameter (α1 +
y1, . . . , αd + yd).

The marginal posterior distribution p(θ1|y).

Z Yd
α +y −1 α +y −1
p(θ1|y) ∝ P θ1 1 1 θi i i dθ2 · · · dθd−1
{ i=2 θi=1−θ1 } i=2
It follows that p(θ1|y) is Beta(α1 + y1, i=2 [αi + yi]).
The conditional posterior distribution p(θ1|y).
α1+y1−1 αi+yi −1
p(θ2, . . . , θd|θ1, y) ∝ θ1 θi
restricted to {θ2 + · · · + θd = 1 − θ1}. It follows that
θ2 θd
,..., θ1, y = Dirichlet(α2 + y2, . . . , αd + yd).
1 − θ1 1 − θ1

Remark on simulation: One way to simulate (θ1 , . . . , θd ) from posterior distribu-

tion is to simulate sequentially θ1 from p(θ1 |y), and then θ2 from p(θ2 |θ1, y), . . . ,
and θd−1 from p(θd−1 |θ1 , . . . , θd−2 , y), and finally set θd = 1 − (θ1 + · · · + θd−1 ).
Note that all these conditional distributions are Beta distributions [up to a
multiplicative constant]. Another way to simulate (θ1 , . . . , θd) from poste-
rior Dirichlet distribution is to simulate xi from Gamma(αi + yi,1/2) for each
i = 1, . . . , d and let θi = xi/(x1 + · · · + xd).
Example. In late October 1988, a pre-election poll was conducted
by CBS news of 1447 adults in US to find out their preferences in
the upcoming Presidential election. Out of 1447 persons, y1 = 727
supported George Bush, y2 = 583 supported Michael Dukakis,
and y3 = 137 supported other candidates or expressed no opin-
ion. Assume that the samples are randomly selected from the
population, then the data follows multinomial distribution with
parameters (θ1, θ2, θ3). The quantity of interest is θ1 − θ2.

Solution: Assume a non-informative prior with α1 = α2 = α3 = 1. The pos-

terior distribution for (θ1 , θ2 , θ3 ) is Dirichlet(728, 584, 138). We will draw 1000
samples of (θ1 , θ2 , θ3) from the posterior Dirichlet distribution, and compute
θ1 − θ2 for each sample. We will simulate using two equivalent approaches.

• Using conditional distribution decomposition. Simulate θ1 from Beta(728,

584+138). Given θ1, simulate u from Beta(584, 138) and let θ2 = (1 − θ1 )u.
Let θ3 = 1 − θ2 − θ3. Record θ1 − θ2 .
• Using Gamma distribution. Simulate independent x1, x2, x3 from, respec-
tively, Gamma(728, 1/2)=χ2 (728*2), Gamma(584, 1/2)=χ2 (584*2), and
Gamma(138, 1/2)=χ2 (138*2). Let θi = xi/(x1 + x2 + x3). Record θ1 − θ2 .

The histograms are attached below, the sample means are 0.099 and 0.100
respectively. None of the sample points of θ1 − θ2 are below zero.



0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

Use decomposition Use Gamma distribution

Comparison of two populations

Comparison of two proportions. Suppose Y1 has distribution B(n1; θ1),

Y2 has distribution B(n2; θ2), and Y1 and Y2 are independent. We
are interested in θ1 − θ2, given the data Y1 = y1 and Y2 = y2.
Assuming a non-informative prior π(θ1, θ2) ∝ 1 on [0, 1]2. The
joint posterior distribution p(θ1, θ2|y) is
y y
p(θ1, θ2|y) ∝ θ1 1 (1 − θ1)n1−y1 θ2 2 (1 − θ2)n2−y2
Thus the posterior distributions of θ1 and θ2 are independent and
p(θ1|y) = Beta(y1 + 1, n1 − y1 + 1)
p(θ2|y) = Beta(y2 + 1, n2 − y2 + 1)

One can use simulation to draws samples of θ1 − θ2 or use normal

approximations (when n1 and n2 large) of θ1 − θ2.
Comparison of two normal means. Suppose x = (x1, . . . , xn1 )
are iid samples from N (θ1, σ 2), y = (y1, . . . , yn2 ) are iid samples
from N (θ2, σ 2), and that the two samples are independent. We are
interested in θ1 − θ2. All the parameters (θ1, θ2, σ) are unknown.
Assume a non-informative prior π(θ1, θ2, σ 2) ∝ 1/σ 2. The poste-
rior is
n − 1 [n (x̄−θ )2 +n (ȳ−θ )2+(n−2)s2 ]
p(θ1, θ2, σ|x, y) ∝ (σ 2)−1− 2 e 2σ2 1 1 2 2 p

(n − 1)s2 + (n − 1)s2
1 x 2 y
n = n1 + n2, s2p =
(n1 − 1) + (n2 − 2)
Analogously, one have the marginal posterior distribution
 − n (n−2)s2p
2 −
p(σ 2|x, y) ∝ σ 2 e 2σ2
or !
(n − 2)s2p
2 x, y = χ2(n − 2).

The conditional posterior distributions of θ1, θ2 given σ are inde-

pendent, and
p(θ1|σ, x, y) = N (x̄, σ 2/n1), p(θ2|σ, x, y) = N (ȳ, σ 2/n2).

Remark on simulation. To draw samples of (θ1 , θ2 , σ). One can draw u from
χ2(n − 2) and let σ 2 = (n − 2)s2p /u, then draw θ1, θ2 independently from
N (x̄, σ 2/n1 ) and N (ȳ, σ 2/n2 ) respectively. If one is interested in θ1 − θ2, for
each sample point of (θ1 , θ2 , σ) compute θ1 − θ2 . If one is interested θ1 θ2, for
each sample point compute θ1 θ2 . And so on so forth.

The theoretical posterior distribution of θ1 −θ2 can be obtained as

follows. Note that the conditional posterior distribution of θ1 − θ2
given σ is
p(θ1 − θ2|σ, x, y) = N (x̄ − ȳ, σ 2[1/n1 + 1/n2]).
p(θ1 − θ2, σ 2|x, y) = p(θ1 − θ2|σ 2, x, y) · p(σ 2|x, y)
 − n+1 1 (1/n +1/n )−1((θ −θ )−(x̄−ȳ))2 +(n−2)s2
2 − [ p]
∝ σ2 e 2σ2 1 2 1 2

Integrating out σ 2, we have similarly


(θ1 − θ2) − (x̄ − ȳ)
p x, y = t(n − 2)
sp · 1/n1 + 1/n2
Example. Who is a better hitter, Ted Williams (Boston Red Sox)
or Joe DiMaggio (NY Yankees)? Their major league career statis-
tics are given below.
Player At-bats Hits Batting Average Home Run Home Run Average
T.W. 7706 2654 .3444 521 .0676
J.D. 6821 2214 .3246 361 .0529

Find the posterior probability that Ted Williams is a better hitter

than Joe Dimaggio.

Solution: We consider the hits, and leave the home runs as exercise. Let θ1 be
the hit proportion for T.W. and θ2 for that of J.D. Assume a non-informative
prior π(θ1 , θ2) ∝ 1. Then the posterior is
p(θ1 , θ2 |y) ∝ θ12654 (1 − θ1 )5052 · θ22214 (1 − θ2)4607
We are interested in P (θ1 − θ2 > 0|y). We simulate 1000 draws of θ1 − θ2 [we
simulate θ1 and θ2 independently from Beta(2655,5053) and Beta(2215, 4608),
respectively, and compute θ1 − θ2 for each (θ1 , θ2 ).]
Below is the histogram of θ1 − θ2. Among 1000 draws, 995 are positive. There-
fore the posterior probability P (θ1 − θ2 > 0|y) ≈ 0.995.


T.W. − J.D.
50 40 30 20 10 0

If we use normal approximation, θ1 − θ2 are approximately distributed as

2654 2214 2654 ∗ 5052 2214 ∗ 4607
N − , + = N (0.0198, 0.00782 ).
2654 + 5052 2214 + 4607 (2654 + 5052) (2654 + 5052 + 1) (2214 + 4607)2 (2214 + 4607 + 1)

Its density is super-imposed on the histogram.

Example. Does birth weight increase when a mother quits smok-
ing? Below is a data set.
Smokes Quit
4.5 6.1 6.9 7.5 9.9 5.4 7.2
5.4 6.4 6.9 7.6 6.6 7.3
5.6 6.6 7.1 7.6 6.8 7.4
5.9 6.6 7.1 7.8 6.8
6.0 6.6 7.2 8.0 6.9

Assume the birth weight of a baby whose mother who smokes

is N (θ1, σ 2) and the birth weight of a baby whose mother once
smoked but quit is N (θ2, σ 2). Find the posterior probability of
θ1 − θ2 > 0, and give a 95% posterior interval for θ1 − θ2.
Solution: The data n1 = 21, n2 = 8, and (for smoke) x̄ = 6.824, sx = 1.093,
(for quit) ȳ = 6.800, sy = 0.589. The pooled estimate
2 2
(n1 − 1)sx + (n2 − 1)s y
s2p = = 0.9749, sp = 0.987
n1 + n2 − 2
To simulate θ1 −θ2, we first draw u from χ2(n−2) and let σ 2 = (n−2)s2p /u, and
then simulate θ1 and θ2 independently from N (x̄, σ 2/n1 ) and N (ȳ, σ 2/n2 ). The
histogram of 1000 draws are below. The 95% posterior interval from simulation
is [−0.807, 0.863]. Out of these 1000 draws of θ1 − θ2 , 499 are positive. So the
posterior probability of θ1 − θ2 > 0 is 0.499.

Note that theoretically


(θ1 − θ2 ) − (x̄ − ȳ)
p x, y = t(n − 2).
sp 1/n1 + 1/n2
Therefore the theoretical 95% posterior interval is
(x̄ − ȳ) ± t0.025 (n − 2) ∗ sp 1/n1 + 1/n2 = [−0.818, 0.866]
" #
(x̄ − ȳ)
P (θ1 − θ2 > 0|x, y) = P t(n − 2) ≥ − p = 0.523.
sp 1/n1 + 1/n2


Smokes − Quit
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
An example of generalized linear model

It is rare that multiparameter models allow simple calculation

of posterior distribution. Simulation is often the only available
tool for data analysis. In this section we discuss in detail a two-
parameter generalized linear model for a bioassay experiment.

The problem and the data. In the development of drugs, acute

toxicity test or bioassay are commonly performed on animals. The animal
responses are typically dichotomous: alive or dead, tumor or no tumor, and so
on. The experiments are often administered by injecting various dose levels of
the compound to batches of animals, which generate data of form (xi, ni, yi),
where xi is the dose level (often measured in logarithmic scale), ni is the size
of the batch of animals receiving dose xi, and yi is the number of animals with
positive response. The specific real data set is shown below.
Dose xi (log g/ml) Size of batch ni Number of deaths yi
−0.86 5 0
−0.30 5 1
−0.05 5 3
0.73 5 5

Statistical model. Assume that yi is Binomial (ni , θi), with θi the population
death rate for animals receiving dose xi. We would like θi to be dependent
on xi, and by definition θi ∈ [0, 1]. The following logistic regression model is
logit(θi ) = α + βxi
where logit(θ) = log(θ/(1 − θ)). The inverse function of logit(·) is
logit−1 (u) = eu/(1 + eu).
Note that in this model xi’s are explanatory variables and regarded as fixed.

Prior and likelihood. We use a flat prior π(α, β) ∝ 1 and the likelihood
 yi  −1
p(yi |α, β) ∝ logit (α + βxi) · 1 − logit (α + βxi) .
The posterior p(α, β|y). We have
4 Y
p(α, β|y) ∝ π(α, β) · p(yi |α, β) ∝ p(yi |α, β)
i=1 i=1

Discretization of the posterior distribution. There is no analytical expression

to the posterior distribution, and we will use simulation to obtain numerical
summaries. Since the problem is only two dimensional, it is reasonable to expect
that simulating from a discretized approximation of the continuous posterior
distribution will do a good job. We will restrict the region to (α, β) ∈ [−2, 6] ×
[−5, 30]. The contour plot is shown below.
The discretization is done on a uniform 400 × 700 grid. For each grid point, we
compute the unnormalized posterior density. Afterwards we normalize these
quantities such that their sum over all the grid points become one. In other
words, we now have a discrete approximation of the posterior distribution.
Remark. A very popular methodology to simulate the posterior distribution is
the so-called Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. It is very different
from the discretization method we used in this example. When the dimension
gets higher, discretization becomes obviously much more difficult.



−2 0 2 4 6


Figure 1: contour plot for the posterior distribution

Simulating from the discrete approximation of the posterior distribution.

1. Draw α from its discrete marginal distribution p(α|y).

2. Given α, draw β from the discrete conditional distribution p(β|α, y).
3. Jitter the sample α and β by adding a uniform random perturbation centered
at zero with a width equal to the spacing of the sampling grid.
4. Repeated these three steps 1000 times to obtain 1000 samples of (α, β).

The histogram is attached below

The quantities of interest. The sign of β is important. For all the 1000 samples
we have β > 0, which indicates the compound is harmful. Another quantity of
interest in LD50 – the dose level at which the probability of death is 50%, or
α + β · LD50 = logit−1 (0.5) = 0 ⇒ LD50 = −α/β.
The histogram of LD50 is attached.





−2 0 2 4 6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4

alpha LD50

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