Midgard Heroes Handbook
Midgard Heroes Handbook
Midgard Heroes Handbook
Design: Chris Harris, Dan Dillon, Greg Marks, Richard Green, and Shawn Merwin
Additional Design: Jon Sawatsky, Michael Ohl, Rich Howard, Scott Carter, and Wolfgang Baur
Development and Editing: Steven Winter
Cover Art: Aaron Miller
Interior Art: Helge C. Balzer, Gabriel Cassata, Kremena Chipilova, Josh Hass,
Russell Jones, Jason Juta, Guido Kuip, Marcel Mercado, Florian Stitz, Bryan Syme, Egil Thompson,
Damon Westenhofer, Michael Witmann
Art Direction: Marc Radle
Layout and Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur
PO Box 2811
Kirkland WA 98083
ISBN 978-1-936781-83-6
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
A New World Awaits!
Enter the world of Midgard, a shared vision built over The 14 dwarven Ironcrag Cantons in the Ironcrag
many years by Kobold Press. It began with collaborative Mountains border the vampire realm of the Blood
adventures and supplements describing the trade city of Kingdom and the dwarves are stout enemies of the
Zobeck, and it soon expanded to detail territories outside undead in both the Blood Kingdom and the underground
the city. The setting now continues in a rich, fully detailed Ghoul Imperium residing below. While their axes are
world in this Midgard Player’s Guide, packed with options sometimes for sale, when danger threatens their cantonal
for players of the land's races and regions. But before you halls, all dwarves unite to drive away the common enemy.
explore all of the mechanical possibilities that this book Also in the Crossroads region is the Magdar Kingdom,
offers, take a moment to step into Midgard’s rich lore. a land of rolling grasslands, noble knights, fickle
Let your adventurers begin their tales and build their mercenaries, and massive war wagons, many of which
legends in one of Midgard’s realms! are built in Zobeck. To the east of Zobeck is the Duchy of
Perun’s Daughter, a realm renowned for the demigoddess
who rules there: Vasilka Soulay, daughter of the storm
WORLD OF god Perun. Just as important are its Amazonian archers,
MYSTERIOUS POWER and its schools for the learned and the wise. This small but
From the days of titanic struggles between giants and powerful duchy also hosts many elvish ruins from the days
dragons, to the time of warring gods, Midgard has been of the Valeran Empire.
a world of great powers and endless change, triumph, The Crossroads is rife for urban adventure and intrigue,
and conflict. Its primary races—dragonkin, dwarves, old-school dungeon delving, and the discovery of ancient
gearforged, humans, kobolds, minotaurs, ravenfolk, secrets long buried.
shadow fey, and trollkin—have each held vast kingdoms,
while just as many lesser races have fought to establish BLOOD KINGDOM
nations of their own, from goblin warbands to nomadic Black King Lucas, the vampire lord of the Blood Kingdom
gnolls. And even among those that have held sway over of Morgau, has recently seized the entire Kingdom of
entire realms, glory can be fleeting and no nation lasts Krakovar for himself in a daring series of lightning strikes
forever. The giants rose and fell long ago. More recently, with undead allies and malign magic to overwhelm and
the elves have largely abandoned the mortal world, having shatter that land’s rightful rulers. His troops have secured
retreated to the Summer Lands of the fey and the Shadow a new province, which they name “Krakovar,” and his
Realm for darker courts and minions. vampire and ghoul allies slaver at the thought of new feasts
The world’s magic is powered by ley lines, rivers of pure and new human peasants to grind beneath their heels.
magical energy that can fuel a wizard’s power, or can help While the new province suffers under the lash of evil
a villain’s plan unfold. This magic enables swift travel masters, all is not lost. A Sister Adelind, a shield maiden
along shadow roads and down catslide alleys, connecting of Sif, died in the defense of the realm, though not before
distant realms for those daring enough to find, unlock, stabbing the notorious vampire lord Otmar the Sallow
and travel on these roads. through the heart with her radiant spear, incinerating him
To understand those places and their connections, here utterly. Many of the decent folk of Krakova pray to Saint
is an overview of 10 great regions where adventure awaits, Adelind for help, and resist the efforts of the invaders to
with a quick summary of important places, events, and build the Red Temples of the Blood Goddess and feed her
history in each area. ever-hungering altars.
The Blood Kingdom is a place of terrors, but some of its
THE CROSSROADS people remain true-hearted, and surely someday, the rule
Here lies the heart of Midgard: The Free City of Zobeck, of King Lucas will end. Adventurers in its borders will find
whose revolt 90 years ago forged a thriving city ruled many opportunities to help the meek and innocent, and
by freepeople and gave birth to a trading hub famous strike down the ghost knights, the mercenaries and the
throughout Midgard for its alchemy, star and shadow dark priests of Marena who rule the realm.
magic, steamworks, and egalitarianism. Known for its
magical clockwork masterpieces, its unique magical ROTHENIAN PLAINS
traditions of gear mages and star mages, its magnificent Bold Centaurs, opportunistic and nomadic Kariv bands,
Arcane Collegium, and its status as a protectorate of fierce Kazzakh nomads, and even Baba Yaga’s dancing
Rava, the Gear Goddess, it is a bustling city of glorious hut wander the Rothenian Plains, a land of endless
achievements and dark, deadly alleyways. grasslands, river barons, and cities on horseback. The
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
inhabitants of the Plains are brave and bold, but there is The Northlands are home to many strange kingdoms:
much abyssal evil to be fought here. Bjornheim, the kingdom of Talking Bears, and Wolfheim,
From the nine cities of Niemheim, where infernal the gray kingdom of the Wolves Who Walk as People. Also
gnomes practice sacrificial rites to please the lords of the here are ancient dwarven halls, some inhabited by doughty
Eleven Hells, to the wizardly Master of Demon Mountain, dwarves, and some by the ghosts of their fallen ancestors.
whose motives are unknown, but who has a hand in In the mountains are Jotunheim, the city of the giants,
most plots and tragedies in the plains, to the kingdom of offshore lies the icebound Island of Loki, and the skies
the Ruby Despotate, ruled by the erratic and iron-fisted sometimes howl under the thunderstorm fortresses of the
Veltrin the Glittering King, a follower of the cruel White cloud giants. In the furthest north stands the icy lair of the
Goddess. Veltrin’s servants scour the grasslands, capturing God of the North Wind, Boreas, who wishes to spread his
slaves to work the kingdom’s fields, mines, or galleys’ oars; frozen halls and living glaciers across the face of Midgard.
and his strong navy controls much of the Ruby Sea with its Will you take up the axe and shield, and dare the fateful
infamous demon-prowed black ships. dangers and golden treasures of the Northlands?
Mystical magic, centaur steel, demonic servants, and
the gratitude of dragons await adventurers braving the GRAND DUCHY OF DORNIG
Rothenian Plains. Sometimes called the Domains of the Princes for its many
lesser nobles, the Principalities of the Grand Duchy of
THE SEVEN CITIES Dornig have a deep and troubled history. Here, petty
The clash of endless war rings eternal in the lands of the elfmarked lords squabble over the scattered northern
Seven Cities, which both revel in, and depend upon, the lands of the once great elven empire of Valera, abandoned
economies of war, even setting aside a season for it and hurriedly during the Elven Retreat. The elderly, elven
creating intricate rules and codes of siegecraft. Imperatrix of the Grand Duchy retained a tenuous throne,
Among the many warring fiefdoms adventurers will find while her great-great-great-grandchildren squabbled over
the August Republic of Valera, which commands feared every castle, honor, and knighthood in the Grand Duchy,
legions of humans and centaurs; the Green Duchy of each hoping to be next in line to replace the ancient Elf
Verrayne, where the druidical order of the Oaken Ring and Queen. For a time, many thought she would never die,
the mighty heroes of the Black Band protect the East from but rule for centuries while keeping her courtiers dancing
invasions of goblins and the twisted monstrosities from to her tune. All that jockeying at the foot of the Golden
the Wasted West. Sphinx throne has recently taken a darker turn, since the
Here too, is the mighty Theocracy of Kammae Straboli, Imperatrix has fallen into a coma, from which none seem
led by a powerful Oracle, who has chained and imprisoned able to revive her.
Nethus, the former god of the sea, and now uses his deific The Grand Duchy is a place where an adventurer with a
powers for her own purposes. strong sword arm, a headful of spells, and a glib tongue
To the south, you will find the Maritime Republic of can win him or herself a fine, petty barony, rife with
Triolo with its magnificent navy and fierce privateers trouble. Enter both the dark forests and the glittering
and its ally, the minotaur-ruled Serene Isle of Kyprion, elvish courts of Dornig at your own precarious discretion,
besieged by the navies of the expanding Dragon Empire however, for both are deadly dangerous, and many of the
of the Mharoti. Most recently, it has been absorbing a tide Grand Duchy’s powerful nobility are choosing sides for a
of refugees fleeing the fall of the Grand Duchy of Illyria, succession struggle that most await with dread—and a few
once an ally to Triolo, now another in the long string of with delight and bloody glee.
draconic conquests.
Adventures in this region include discovering ancient, DRAGON EMPIRE
elven secrets, restoring the glories of the imperial past, In the empire forged by the legendary dragon Mharot,
questing for fame, fortune and power, descending into the the Dread Sultan seeks to expand the borders of his
darkness under ancient imperial ruins, settling ancient desert realm into the lush farmlands of the Crossroads
rivalries, protecting trade routes against draconic raiders, to the north, the islands and coasts of the Seven Cities to
and fighting to free Illyria from the Mharoti yoke. the west, the vast plains of Khandiria and Ishadia, and
the magic-ridden riverlands of Nuria Natal to the south.
THE NORTHLANDS Ruled with a scaly fist by powerful dragon lords and their
The Northlands are a study in opposites. A land of deadly dragonkin descendants, this growing empire inspires
beauty, with sights that can be seen nowhere else on fear in all on their borders. Often the best solution for its
Midgard; but if you find yourself outside on a midwinter’s neighbors is to pay tribute, lest they fall to claw and fire.
night without fire, you are a frozen meal for wolves by Conquest, trade, and tribute have led to a Golden Age of
morning. Like the lands they inhabit, the people here are prosperity in the powerful young empire, and the markets
a mosaic of contrasts: fierce and fearful, honorable but of the empire’s cities are unrivaled. Masterwork jewelry,
cruel, hospitable but vengeful, fateful and furious. armor, and weapons are commonplace; golden treasures
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
are found in abundance here. Even mighty war oliphants Ancient treasures, magic, and technology can be found
and battle lizards are available for purchase, if you dare to here by brave adventurers, if they can survive the goblin
ride them! raiders, the warped and hellbound monsters, and worse,
The Empire’s most recent conquest is the Grand Duchy that dwell here.
of Illyria, once called Land of a Thousand Heroes, despite
its sky militias of hippogriff riders and stout defenders THE SOUTHLANDS
in hills and mountains. Clever dragon generalship and Deserts abound with forgotten tombs, swift sand skiffs,
overwhelming numbers eventually brought Illyria low, and nomadic spirit talkers. The tall grass of the savannahs
though at a price in blood and sorrow. To make up that hides lost cities and fierce warriors, and the dense jungles
cost, the newly conquered lands are being quickly turned swarm with living vines that choke the life from those who
into defensible towns and productive mines, the better to call these lands home and careless visitors alike.
feed gold, silver, and steel to meet the needs of the Mharoti Those who adventure into the Southlands or call it home
armies, and to fuel their next conquests. can find fierce jungles, wild coasts, and ancient cities
The Empire's wealth has led to an explosion of draconic beyond imagining—and perhaps even a spark of divinity
art and architecture. The largest building in Midgard, the itself, the remains of the divine magic of a race of titans.
Temple of Veles, is in Harkesh, the magnificent capital of The great ley line mages of the River Kingdom of Nuria
the Empire. Harkesh surpasses any other capitol, with its Natal are the oldest and most powerful arcane tradition
mighty elemental temples, its schools of philosophy, magic of Midgard, and their magics were taught to them by the
and theosophy, as well as fractious schools of brawling living gods who still walk among the cities of Nuria: Aten,
elementalists, where dragonkin Wind Palm devotees vie Bastet, Horus, Isis, and Ptah. Their magic is great, but
with scaly Fiery Fist monks for bragging rights. their rulers are divided, keeping the River Kingdom from
Adventurers can find draconic intrigues, unique treasures overwhelming its neighbors. Some of those neighbors
and dragon hoards, and fabulous glory and fame fighting are small free cities, such as the Free City of Siwal with its
against (or for) the kobold and dragonkin conquerors. sandships, or the Horus-bound legions of Makuria.
Nearer the Seven Cities stands the remains of Roshgazi
WASTED WEST and Cindass, great minotaur cities razed by dragon fire
Once home to prosperous human kingdoms ruled by and then slowly, ever so slowly, rebuilt. Their power is
powerful mages, dotted with ivory towers and flying small, but the minotaurs are great seafarers and keep a
cities and fortresses, the western heartlands of Midgard long memory. In time, their fallen kingdoms will surely
fell to warring among themselves. Raining acid on their prosper once more.
enemies, summoning mind-warping monstrosities,
sacrificing whole populations to bend ley lines and reality THE SHADOW REALM
to their will, the great mage-kings reduced green forests The Shadow Realm is a dark reflection of Midgard, a place
and lush farmland to dry, blasted deserts, populated by of flickering reality just on the other side of a planar door.
twisted dust goblins reduced to scrounging for ancient With dark reflections of the mortal world, it is haunted by
magics and lost science. shadow fey, undead, and creatures of strange temptations
The Wasted West is a howling wilderness with nothing and corruptions—as well as, truth be told, wellsprings of
but goblin raiders and a few vastly powerful (and power enormous power and weapons of tremendous prophecies.
mad) mage kingdoms, including the White Kingdom Those who have visited and return tell of a charcoal sky,
of Bourgund, known for its sweet perfumes and foul rich in stars and luminous clouds, but never true sunlight,
corruptions; and the Mage Kingdom of Allain, home to and never full dark.
the powerful and victorious survivors of the Mage Wars. Within the Shadow Realm, the shadow fey are strong
Also to be found here is the Seat of Mavros, where the and their courts and kingdoms are a large part of the
god of war first trod the soil of Midgard and showed men place. Their enemies, the bearfolk, are likewise far
how to use fire and steel. Now it is a sprawling fortress more common in Shadow than in the mortal world. Fey
shrine, where pilgrims from the Seven Cities and beyond creatures, darakhul, and hideous abominations best
come to buy the favors of the war god. forgotten are all part of the cities, nations, and tribes of
Stalking through the wastelands are strange, enormous the Shadow Realm, always shifting, far more fickle than
Dread Walkers, creatures summoned by vile rituals and human or dwarven kingdoms.
constrained to move slowly in time. These are the god- Rife with magic and ancient secrets, but also riddled
totems of the dust goblins, and the mere sight of them with pitfalls for both body and soul, the Shadow Realm is
sometimes shakes the courage of great heroes. No wonder, a place where the land and its magic follow different rules
then, that many of the great magical treasures of the than most places. The rewards are often highly magical
region remain undisturbed. and entwined with fate and destiny—what better place for
a hero to visit?
—Wolfgang Baur, Publisher
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Table of
1 Contents
Chapter 1: Races............................................... 8
Bearfolk............................................................ 10
Dhampir............................................................ 13
Dwarves............................................................. 15
Human: Elfmarked............................................21
Human: Kariv Wanderers.................................. 22
Kobolds, Midgard............................................. 22
Minotaurs......................................................... 24
Ravenfolk.......................................................... 26
Shadow Fey....................................................... 28
4 Trollkin............................................................. 29
Winterfolk Halflings........................................... 31
Chapter 2: Martial and
Roguish Characters...................................... 32
Barbarian: Primal Path of the Ancestors.............. 33
Bard: College of Entropy.................................... 33
Bard: Greenleaf College.................................... 34
Fighter: Clanking Mercenary............................. 35
Fighter: Edjet.....................................................36
Fighter: Ghost Knight........................................36
Fighter: Griffon Knight......................................37
Fighter: Shieldbearer..........................................38
Fighter: Sword-Dancer.......................................39
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
M idgard is home to many unique cultures and racial groups. If you'd like
to try something new, we offer fifteen alternative races. These are often
split into major and minor races, but the distinction has more to do with their
prominence in Midgard than anything inherent in the race itself. The major races
covered here are elfmarked, gearforged, humans (Kariv), kobolds, minotaurs,
ravenfolk, and shadow fey. The minor races are bearfolk, centaurs, vampiric
dhampir, gnolls, Midgard gnomes, ratfolk, trollkin, and winterfolk halflings. Also
included are background notes on dwarves and elves of Midgard, both of which are
considered major races, of course.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Starting Age, Height, and Weight
Presented below are tables for randomly determining the starting ages, heights, and weights of characters
of different races. These vary in some respects from similar tables in the standard rules, reflecting unique aspects
of life on Midgard.
Age is given in years, height in feet and inches, and weight in pounds. To determine a character’s starting age, roll
the dice indicated in the Age Modifier column and add the result to the age of adulthood. To determine a character’s
starting height, roll the dice indicated in the Height Modifier column and add the result to the base height. To
determine a character’s starting weight, use the same number that was rolled to modify starting height, multiply it by
the appropriate Weight Modifier, and add the result to the base weight. Gearforged are the exception; they use the
starting height, height modifier, and weight of their original race, and add 2d20 × 5 lbs. to that race’s weight.
Note that these are averages. Some races have gender dimorphism (one gender is larger than the other). These
numbers represent the larger gender. If your character is of the smaller gender of its race—a male kobold, for
example, or a female minotaur—adjust the final height and weight numbers downward by 5 to 20 percent. In all cases,
it’s best to treat these numbers as a starting point and adjust according to taste and your character’s background.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Bearfolk are massive people of iron resolve and deep
nobility, resembling bears that walk upright
rather than all fours. Hailing from either
the cold climates of Midgard’s Northlands
or from a nation of light carved out of the
Shadow Realm itself, bearfolk put their trust
in family and tribe to stand against the world.
In defiance of their brutish appearance, they are
deeply spiritual and artistic.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
countryside any more than necessary. Where possible, they BEARFOLK TRAITS
love to incorporate existing caves and rock formations Your bearfolk character has certain characteristics in
into their architecture. Settlements always hold a totem, common with all other bearfolk.
statue, or some other representation honoring an ancestor Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
of virtue at their center. by 2.
The bearfolk place a high value on honesty, trust, hard
Age. Bearfolk come of age in their late teens and live
work, and community. These are the virtues that bring a
around 80 years.
bearfolk honor, and the same attributes make an outsider
welcome. Laws governing bearfolk life are simple and Alignment. Bearfolk are predominantly good,
loose. They trust in their core values to guide them mistrusting and shunning evil. While they hold rich
wisely when disputes arise. In the rare instance when a traditions, they value their freedom and tend toward
disagreement can’t be settled according to custom, honor, chaotic alignments.
and common sense, the elders become involved. Defying Size. Bearfolk can reach a height of over 7 feet, with thick,
the judgment of elders for personal gain is a source of muscular builds. Your size is Medium.
great shame that can ruin a bearfolk in the eyes of his or Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
her tribe and family.
Bite. Your powerful jaws are natural weapons, which you
PASSION AND WRATH can use to make unarmed strikes. If it hits, you deal 1d6
Their intimidating mien is no veneer. Bearfolk have a deep + your Strength modifier piercing damage.
and impressive capacity for violence when roused to anger Natural Armor. Your hide is thick and tough, granting
or in defense of their own. Bearfolk passions run as strong you a natural AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
as their bodies, and banter that pushes the boundary into Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when
insults and bruised honor often leads to more bruises. determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
Their great physical strength means they excel at battle, can push, drag, or lift.
and even relatively minor physical altercations can
Ursine Talent. You have proficiency in the Athletics and
inadvertently become serious. Many bearfolk wear scars
Perception skills.
from physical contests, both simple competition and more
serious matters of wounded honor, that went a little too far. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common,
Thanks to their physical prowess, many bearfolk follow and either Northern (if you hail from Midgard) or
the path of the warrior. Barbarians and fighters are Umbral (if native to the Moonlit Glades).
common, with rangers and druids following closely. Subrace. Two main subraces of bearfolk exist in Midgard:
When bearfolk go to war, they do so with the clear goal of grizzlehides and purifiers. Choose one of them.
protecting their people in the moment and in the future. If
that means the destruction of a foe, then so be it. They are
adept at weaving their talents together in the same manner As a grizzlehide bearfolk, you are thicker and hardier than
they blend families into tribes. Spellcasters favor turning your cousins. Grizzlehide fur ranges from black to golden,
the natural world against their foes with conjured beasts often with light gray or blonde tips. Tough and ferocious
and manipulating battlefield conditions through weather, grizzlehides are the original bearfolk stock native to the
controlling plants, and even shaping the earth itself. colder northern climes of Midgard.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
BEARFOLK NAMES increases by 1.
Bearfolk are given cub names by their parents, similar to Bear Hug. When you take the Attack action, you can
names found throughout the Northlands. When a bearfolk make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. If you hit,
comes of age, they earn a new name, either bestowed upon you can grapple the target in addition to dealing damage
them by an elder or one they choose themselves. This name to it. You can use this ability a number of times equal to
befits a deed undertaken during their rite of passage into your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1), and you
adulthood, describes some honorable or prominent trait regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
of the bearfolk in question, or honors an ancestor.
Thick Coat. You are resistant to cold damage.
Male Names: Beorst, Cauldvyr, Cirdhan, Dorngal,
Erlundt, Gurralt, Hrosvir, Lhod, Nodhr, Yrn Purifier
Female Names: Anga, Burli, Daegna, Durtta, Farla, As a purifier, you are slighter of build, with reddish or pale
Ingyrd, Johanna, Padhra, Sivaer, Tuli fur and with a strong affinity for nature. Purifiers often
serve as spiritual anchors in their communities. Purifiers
Deed Names: Fireheart, Ironhide, Lightblade, are a recent branch of the bearfolk race. The majority
Moondancer, Razorclaws, Shadowbane, Stonebones, of them originate in the Moonlit Glades as opposed to
Valgerdsdottir, Yellowfang, Yrnsson Bjeornheim in Midgard.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 1.
Nature’s Gift. You know one cantrip of your choice
from the druid spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting
ability score for it.
Stalwart Will. When you make an Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you can roll a d4
and add the result to your total. You can do this after
the roll but before any effects occur. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or
long rest.
On the plains, in the forests, and across the steppes live
creatures who blend humanoid and equine aspects.
Centaurs are neither man nor beast, but occupy a strange
niche in both the civilized and natural worlds. They
are born with grace befitting a human king, but
are possessed of the fierce savagery of a wild
stallion. Centaurs are a scattered race,
roaming in small clan groups from the
Rothenian Plain (where their numbers
are great) to the court of the
young Valeran Emperor, whom
several serve as personal guards.
But they also have a reputation
for banditry and bullying, and most
cultures consider them dangerous.
Centaurs are largely a nomadic
people. Their archery is excellent
and their healing arts are well
advanced. Because they have
little interest in magic or
in writing, other cultures
sometimes disregard centaurs,
but they do so at their peril.
Large centaur hordes have
smashed baronies and even RAIDING AND BANDITRY
small nations flat. Upon reaching the age of majority, all young adult
centaurs embark on their “bandit years,” a practice
designed to siphon off those who are particularly
troublesome and give some experience to more agreeable
colts and fillies. These young centaurs run free, away
Centaur Size and Damage from the clan groups, to exorcise their aggression and
Large creatures are challenging to balance as playable immaturity. At the end of this period, they can choose to
races, because they have innate advantages that let remain outside their clan or horde, or they can return with
them outshine smaller races in combat. The centaur is the understanding that they have tamed their wild ways—
interesting in this regard because, despite their Large at least to the degree that’s acceptable to centaur society.
size, their upper bodies and arms are human-sized, so Most young adults choose to return after their bandit
they use standard weapons. This creates an opportunity years, though the occasional centaur leaves the horde
to design in the Large creature space without risking permanently out of curiosity, romance with another
a catastrophic balance shift from creatures swinging race, or any number of other factors. Young centaurs
enormous weapons, or requiring a list of drawbacks to of the same age go on their bandit years together, with
make them “balanced” (read: unplayable and no fun). instructions from the clan chief about when they’ll be
allowed to return.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Centaurs believe in personal property, but they also Pike Charge. If you move at least 30 feet straight toward
believe that a person who claims to own something should a target and then hit it with a pike attack on the same
be strong enough to defend it. They never steal from their turn, the target takes an extra 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
clan, but anyone else is fair game. Shipments or supplies of The number of extra damage dice you gain increases by
grain and alcohol are their favorite targets. one at 6th level (2d6) and again at 11th level (3d6). You
During a raid, centaurs take advantage of their speed, can apply this extra damage only once per turn. You can
maneuverability, and skill in archery. They use diversions use this ability a number of times per day equal to your
to draw defenders away from targets, or use heavy volumes Constitution modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all
of arrows to keep them pinned down. expended uses when you finish a long rest.
The bandit years are the time when centaurs drink most Humanoid Torso. Although you are Large, you wield
heavily. Within the clan, celebrations can be shockingly weapons and wear armor sized for a Medium creature,
raucous, but everyday life is not. During the bandit years, thanks to the proportions of your humanoid torso.
however, young centaurs are drunk more often than not. Quadruped. You have disadvantage on Stealth checks
This constant inebriation fuels more raids, fights, and because of your size and indelicate hooves. The
reckless behavior. mundane details of the structures of humanoids can
The bandit years are also the time when centaurs are present considerable obstacles for you, such as ladders
most likely to take up a life of adventuring, even if only and manholes.
for a little while. Many centaurs spend their bandit years
Self-sufficient. You have proficiency with the
not strictly as bandits but as wanderers and adventurers,
Medicine skill.
eventually returning to their clans with loot and stories.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Centaur and
CENTAUR NAMES one other language of your choice.
Centaur names are similar in many ways to elven names,
but they emphasize synonyms for speed, strength, and
daring. They sometimes incorporate a long list of deed
names, but those are seldom trotted out except during The half-living children of vampires and human mothers,
formal occasions and when issuing challenges. dhampirs are born into a world that rejects them. Stigma
Male Names. Barrazu, Farrushi, Gaddir, Gadjay, and suspicion follow them regardless of whether the truth
Harunmaza, Himfel, Lahza, Muhktif, Seflenn, Zadat of a dhampir child’s nature is known. This mistrust either
forces a dhampir to develop a disarming wit and charm,
Female Names. Ammida, Bassara, Firnala, Imudeema, or to embrace bitterness and keep others at arm’s length
Lahga, Leezai, Rashij, Simdisa, Tazgizi, Tifalza through guile or outright intimidation.
Few dhampirs find solace with their undead forebears.
CENTAUR TRAITS As living creatures, even tainted ones, the reality of living
Your centaur character has certain characteristics in with an evil, blood-sucking monster seldom appeals
common with all other centaurs. even as they struggle with their own urges or hungers.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases Dhampirs struggle to find acceptance both within society
by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. and within themselves.
Age. Centaurs reach maturity at 15 years of age. Their
lifespans vary because of the harsh conditions and LITHE AND GRACEFUL
martial nature of their culture, but the upper limits are Dhampirs appear much like humans at first glance. Adults
similar to those of humans. stand between 5 and 6 feet tall but are more slender on
average than humans; males weigh around 160 pounds.
Alignment. Centaur alignments are mainly chaotic and
Female dhampirs are only slightly shorter but are a fair bit
leaner, weighing around 120 pounds. Their skin and hair
Size. Centaurs stand between 8 and 9 feet tall and weigh color runs the vast spectrum of tones available to humans,
in excess of 1,000 pounds. Your size is Large. though they tend to be slightly pale.
Speed. Centaurs have a base speed of 40 feet. Their flawless features are tinged with some unnamable
Type. You are of the monstrosity type. exotic quality. Despite the fear and uncertainty that follow
them, the half-dead possess a seductive appearance.
Natural Attacks. You have proficiency with your
Listeners find themselves unconsciously giving weight to
hooves. You make one attack with your hooves, which
a dhampir’s words and are drawn to his or her presence.
deal 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
Dhampirs glide through life with a seemingly effortless
Centaur Weapon Training. You have proficiency with grace that belies their struggle.
the pike and the longbow.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
For most dhampirs, family is all they have. Immediate kin
might be the only source of solace for a dhampir raised
by a mortal family. Driven away by the unconscious or
superstitious derision of their peers, families containing
a dhampir can easily become clannish and reclusive. They
learn to keep the world at a distance to protect themselves
and their loved ones. Dhampirs who grow up in this
situation commonly strike out on their own after reaching
maturity, both out of a need to find connection to the
greater world and to spare their family the burden of their
Conversely, some dhampirs are born into bloodlines
that deliberately cultivate their tainted nature. A true
vampire patron, usually the one who originally began the
line, oversees these bloodlines. Such a bloodline holds its
lineage in the highest regard. There is no doubt among its
members that theirs is a superior stock and upbringing,
and that greatness is their due. The majority of outright
evil dhampirs arise from cultivated bloodlines. They
quickly become true monsters, seeing the fear of the living
world as envy of their station.
Particularly close-knit or cosmopolitan communities can
easily tolerate a dhampir in their midst, but that has more
to do with adherence to tradition or relative anonymity
than true acceptance. Larger cities include dhampirs
sprinkled among the population as the half-dead blend
in and find their niche, relying on their innate charm.
Dhampir don’t relate easily to humans but find a natural
kinship with other half-breed races, particularly the
fiendish tieflings. They, along with half-orcs and half-elves,
know all too well what it’s like to live between two worlds,
never truly fitting in to either.
Some dhampirs choose to band together for safety,
camaraderie, and understanding. These groups are
nomadic, traveling from town to town and making their
living off the land. Such a band adheres to a loose set of
guidelines called the Walking Crow edicts. These rules
dictate the dhampirs’ responsibility to protect one another
from outsiders, for each caravan group to self-govern and
be self-sustaining, and for every Crow to work toward the
prosperity of the caravan. These groups rarely find warm
welcome with outsiders, but they are tolerated because the light and find safety and comfort in darkness. Enticed
the Crows develop diverse adventuring skills by necessity. and repulsed by mortals at the same time, this constant
Despite their trepidation, villagers can resolve threats struggle is at the core of a dhampir’s existence.
to their homes by hiring a band of Crows to handle the Many dhampirs use this struggle as fuel to action. Good
problem for them. dhampirs are horrified by their own corrupted existence
and dedicate themselves to living in opposition to it. They
CANDLES IN THE DARK become priests who venerate gods of light, or they vow to
Dhampirs constantly struggle with their nature. They destroy all undead who perpetuate their misery. Others
suffer from a troubled upbringing and intrinsic corruption are broken by their turmoil. They lash out at the world in a
that gnaws at civilized thoughts and behavior. The truth of rage of bloodlust and hatred. Many evil dhampirs turn to
their heritage weighs on them. Many experience disturbing worship of demons and other gods of darkness and pain,
urges to consume blood or to control others. They shun seeking to conquer and subjugate their mortal peers.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
The elves are a people apart, as they are quick to remind
others. They were not the first settlers of the forests and
fields, but they taught humans and dwarves and others
the arts arcane and the art of civilization. The empire they
founded at Thorn and in the Arbonesse, which later spread
as far east as Sephaya and south to Valera, was a wonder for
the ages. Its magical roads, its slim towers, and its speedy
and lethal armies maintained an age of peace that lasted
until a few centuries ago.
Now the elves are in retreat, and a splintered race.
A few with mixed elven/human blood—the so-called
elfmarked, who are dealt with in their own section—
remain and can claim descent from the great elves of old,
despite being as much human as elf. True elves are rarely
seen, and are confined to three groups: the windrunner
elves of the Rothenian steppes, who are so few in number
and so reclusive that they may as well be myth; the shadow
fey of the Realm of Shadow, who are discussed separately
below; and the reclusive river elves of the Arbonesse, who
are the strongest and wisest of the three groups.
The river elves are what remains of the elves of Thorn,
with the River King retaining only slight contact with
the Domains of the Princes. The Arbonesse forest is their
homeland and the river their highway, and their borders
include all the land where the leaves’ shadow falls. The
river elves sometimes exile one of their number to wander
the world for a time (a span defined in decades), but
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
otherwise, the other races rarely see the elves who built so
many castles, roads, and cities throughout Midgard.
River elves have the traits of high elves.
A true elf of the Arbonesse lineage has three names.
The first is a birth name given by parents, the second is
a common name adopted by the elf upon maturity, and
the last is a lineage name, akin to a family name among
the humans but taken from a list of a few hundred great
heroes of the Elflands known as the Wild Hunt, who
harried the demons back to their hells. The most common
lineage names include Aynwyn, Sheoloss, Kalthania,
Derina, Dammung, Rexthathus, and Larentil. Elves with
the same lineage name might not be related at all, which
leads to confusion among humans. Elves reveal their birth
names to their own kind and trusted friends, and their
common name to all others.
By Dornig law, only individuals with clear elven heritage
are allowed to take an elven lineage name. There is a brisk
trade among up-and-coming gentry for genealogists who
can trace a person’s ancestry in a way that establishes such
a link. Some of these geneologists are very creative.
Originally created as powerful soldiers, gearforged
must now find their own paths to navigate the second
life they’ve been given. Many devote themselves to
civil service, others to their gods. Some dedicate their
extraordinarily long lives to the pursuit of knowledge. A
few, naturally, seek out lives of adventure.
The gearforged are an artificial race. More importantly,
its members are created one at a time and come from a vast
array of backgrounds. Nevertheless, they maintain rich
traditions of history, culture, and spirituality all their own,
largely because of the influence of the race’s patron, the
gear goddess Rava.
The range of gearforged anatomy in all its variants is
remarkable, but all gearforged share some common parts.
Everwound Springs. These magical springs provide
energy over long periods, effectively acting as the power
sources for most of the gearforged’s moving parts. A
broken everwound spring results in the loss of function in
that digit or limb.
Soul Gem. The mind of a gearforged creature is as sharp
as that of any flesh-and-blood soul, but it is more portable.
The animating, vital principle of a gearforged—its will,
its personality, its mind—are retained in a soul gem. Its
destruction means the death of that gearforged.
Memory Gears. These delicate constructions are
scroll‑like ribbons pierced with thousands of pin holes and
wound about with tiny enchantments of great complexity.
The memory of a gearforged for all the days after its
creation lives in the memory gears. Older gearforged have
many such gears, and the material component for the
magic to create them requires one new gear for every 10
years of life. Installing one requires one day’s work and
2,000 gp.
Other gearforged can read memory gears salvaged from
a dead gearforged, but it’s a complex, time-consuming
process. It’s also viewed with some alarm by most
gearforged, since it is akin to peering into the most private
details of a creature’s life. Installing a used memory
gear into a new or existing gearforged requires a new
soulforging and at least one week before the recipient can
interpret and understand the memories.
Some gearforged use the same name they had before they
became gearforged. Others adopt a new name, drawing on
any culture they admire. And a few take on an aspirational
name representing a virtue they hope to embody, such as Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Courage, Noble, Faithful, Endurance, or Truth. Type. You are of the humanoid (gearforged) type.
Constructed Body. Your consciousness and soul reside
GEARFORGED TRAITS within a soul gem to animate your mechanical body. As
Your gearforged character has certain characteristics in such, you are a living creature with some of the benefits
common with all other gearforged. and drawbacks of a construct.
Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores of • You cannot eat, drink, or breathe. You can’t drink
your choice increase by 1. potions or gain benefits that come from drinking,
Age. The soul inhabiting a gearforged can be any age. As eating, or inhaling vapors.
long as its new body is kept in good repair, there is no • You do not naturally sleep.
known limit to how long it can function. • During a rest, you must perform maintenance on your
Alignment. No single alignment typifies gearforged. gears, springs, and joints, following the normal rules
Size. Gearforged are as tall as either dwarves or humans, governing rest and activity. While performing this
but they weigh between 250 and 300 pounds. Your size maintenance, you are aware of your surroundings but
is Medium. you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
The Ritual of Soulforging uncontrolled energy ripping out from the disembodied
spirit. You can maintain the spell, allowing the subject to
The ultimate act in creating a gearforged is casting the
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of your turns,
soulforging ritual. The spell is available to wizards and
with the same consequence to you for each failure. If
clerics. Soulforging can’t be added to a wizard’s spellbook
you choose not to maintain the spell or are unable to do
as one of the two spells learned for gaining a level. It must
so, the subject’s soul is traumatically drawn back to its
be found in written form and copied into the spellbook.
body; the subject immediately drops to 0 hit points and
Clerics can prepare the spell only if they worship a god of
is dying.
smithing, crafting, or a similar portfolio.
If the save succeeds, the subject’s soul is transferred
into the waiting soul gem and immediately animates the
constructed body. The subject is now a gearforged. It
5th-level necromancy (ritual) loses all of its previous racial traits and gains gearfoged
Casting Time: 1 hour (see below) traits. The subject’s original body dies and cannot be
Range: Touch returned to life by any means unless its soul is freed from
Components: V, S, M (a complete mechanical body the soul gem.
worth 10,000 gp) If the spellcaster dies during a soulforging, the
Duration: Instantaneous subject also dies and its soul becomes a wraith.
You and a willing humanoid subject must chant Up to four other spellcasters of at least 5th level can
an incantation in unison during the entire casting assist you in casting soulforging. Each assistant reduces
time. At the end of this period the subject’s soul and the DC of the subject’s Charisma saving throw by 1. In
consciousness leave its body. The subject must make a the event of a failed saving throw, the spellcaster and
DC 14 Charisma saving throw. If it fails, you take 2d10 each assistant take damage. An assistant who drops out
psychic damage and 2d10 radiant damage from waves of of the casting can’t rejoin.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Alignment. As a product of a culture that values laziness,
selfishness, and dominance, most gnolls are evil. On
top of that, an unpredictable existence, where every day
could be the last, usually leads to a chaotic view of the
world. With that said, there are always exceptions to
every norm.
Size. Gnoll females are taller and more powerfully built
than their male counterparts. The former range from 7
to 8 feet and usually weigh more than 250 pounds, while
the latter average 6 inches and 30 pounds less. Your size
is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Scent. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on smell.
Bully. Although gnolls are cowardly at
heart, they like to disguise their fears by
abusing others. You have disadvantage on
saving throws against being frightened.
On the other hand, whenever you make
a Charisma (Intimidation) check for
dealing with obviously smaller or weaker
targets, you are considered proficient in
the Intimidation skill and add double your
proficiency bonus to the check, instead of
your normal proficiency bonus.
Live to Fight Another Day. When
you take the Disengage action, your base
walking speed is increased by 10 feet.
Gnoll Weapon Training. You have proficiency
with the spear, shortbow, longbow, light crossbow, and
heavy crossbow.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Southern Obsequious. Whenever you make a Charisma
and Gnollish. Gnollish words sound almost like growls (Persuasion) check for dealing with obviously bigger or
for the uninitiated, and gnolls tend to use scents and more powerful targets, you are considered proficient
small gestures to convey subtle meanings. Two gnolls in the Persuasion skill and add double your proficiency
speaking can almost seem like dogs barking at each bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency
other to a casual observer. bonus.
Subraces. Although not, strictly speaking, different races, Savage Gnolls
gnolls from the civilized lands live in an environment
so different from their savage brethren that they are As a savage gnoll, you are in touch with your animal side
considered separate subraces. Choose one of them. and understand the ways of nature. Your tribe has been
raiding the desert or the plains for generations, and you
Civilized Gnolls know the land in which you live like the back of your hand.
As a civilized gnoll, you are well-fed and enjoy the Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
comforts that your primitive cousins can only dream of. by 1.
You were valued as a mercenary, a temple guard, or simply Scavenge. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival)
a thug due to both your inherent toughness and your check for gathering food or locating water, you are
desire to please those that are in charge. considered proficient in the Survival skill and add
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of
increases by 1. your normal proficiency bonus
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Although the elven race is in decline and its members are
scattered, the elves created a lasting legacy. In addition
to the obvious reminders of their past greatness—ruined
cities and straight, level roads—they left an invisible mark
in the elven blood that courses throughout Midgard’s
people. The so-called elfmarked are the result of unions
between elves and humans. Elven blood running through
their veins ties the elfmarked to the realms of the fey; some
trace their lineage back to the great elves of ages long ago.
The elfmarked are spread throughout the kingdoms of
Midgard. They mingle with humans and other races in
cosmopolitan cities and rustic villages, the latent power in
their blood always whispering in their subtly pointed ears.
Elfmarked use half-elf traits.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
HUMAN: KARIV WANDERERS If you tarry too long in one place, you grow barren and
joyless. The colorful silks you wear turn gray and dull, your
A wind blows over the steppes and through the valleys of thoughts turn cloudy, and wolves lurk beyond the low light
the Wandering Realm. Wild thyme and the smoke from a of your campfire. Don’t fall to this curse, nomad; walk,
hundred campfires is carried on it. Listen for the old songs run, or ride from it as fast as you can.
sung with too much wine and a quiet sadness beneath. Kariv humans of the Rothenian Plain are spirited and
You have returned to your clan’s tabor after riding the fierce. They make superior fighters and bards.
trade caravan to Vellarsheim. Kariv is the name of your
people, and you are nomads of the Rothenian plain. The KARIV NAMES
hoof and the wheel are your destiny. None know the land Most Kariv will have three names during their lives: a
as you do, for you’ve seen it all in your wandering, from the child name, an adult name, and an elder name. Children’s
sod huts of the winterfolk in sternest Domovogrod to the names tend to be words for natural objects such as flowers
limits of Kaa’nesh and its brutish inhabitants. Your pony, and animals. Elders’ names usually indicate the most
sash, and blade have accompanied you at each step, as has noteworthy accomplishment of the person’s life. Adult
your love for laughter, for drink, and for games of chance. names are purely cultural, like most humans’ names.
But revelry can’t lighten your strange burden or lessen Male Names: Alekov, Budanyek, Cheslov, Dimirku,
the pull in your heart to take a step when you’ve stood still Gradek, Ksaver, Mikolaj, Serjei, Vilkan, Yavoi
too long. Some call your people cursed, and perhaps they
are, for they have no homes but the saddle and the caravan. Female Names: Chaturia, Enla, Lorema, Malya,
Matviya, Nerbeta, Silya, Tanina, Voreka, Zofi
The following two traits replace the standard human’s
Ability Score Increase trait.
Warriors, Dancers, Lovers. Kariv humans are
strong, lithe, and passionate. Raise your Strength,
Dexterity, and Charisma scores by 1 each. You have
proficiency in Performance and Survival.
Cursed. You have advantage on Charisma checks if
your last two long rests were taken at least a mile apart.
Otherwise, you have disadvantage on Charisma checks.
Of the smaller races, the kobolds have adapted best to the
changing world. Enslaved long ago by reaver dwarves,
kobolds quickly carved a niche for themselves as miners,
scouts, and tinkerers: small enough to be useful, and also
small enough to be dismissed as a threat. At first they were
tolerated, then largely ignored. As a result, the shadows
of dwarven society are rife with kobold rogues and
entrepreneurs (many of them secret worshippers of Loki),
seemingly subservient but busily trading dwarven goods
for resources extracted from the dwarves’ own mines and
storehouses, right under the noses of their “masters.”
Free kobolds defend their mines viciously but otherwise
maintain the ruse of a harmless and subservient little
folk—at least until the opportunity to sheathe a knife in
someone’s kidneys presents itself.
Many other small races have adopted the kobold’s
strategy, including the worship of Loki, embracing his
cunning ways and the advantages of guile and cunning
over brawn and bravado.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
More than anything, kobolds are survivors. Their scaly
skin and keen night vision as well as their dextrous claws
and sensitive snouts make them quick to sense danger, and
their clawed feet move them out of danger with cowardly
speed. They are small but fierce when fighting on their own
terms, and their weight of numbers helps them survive in
places where larger but less numerous races can’t sustain
a settlement. They are great miners, good gearsmiths,
and modest alchemists, and they have a curiosity about
the world that frequently gets them into trouble. They
are merchants to both the surface world and the world
beneath it, with their greatest cities hidden deep below
the earth. Their enemies are the diabolical gnomes, the
dwarves, and any other mining races that seek dominance
of dark, rich territories.
The kobold King of Kings rules from Harkesh, the capital
of the Dragon Empire, where kobolds form a large middle
class known as the kobaldi. Some even own human and
dwarven slaves. Here, kobolds carry themselves upright,
see themselves as naturally superior to the hairy races,
and swagger about their business. Mharoti kobolds loudly
demand the respect of others and greatly disconcert those
accustomed to the paranoid and sniveling kobolds found in
the rest of Midgard. That same sniveling still goes on, but
the kobaldi reserve it for their dragon masters.
The minotaurs of Midgard are a proud people
pushed to the brink. Driven from their
ancestral homelands of Kadralhu
and Roshgazi by the ever‑expanding
Dragon Empire, the bull-folk home
is now the Serene Isle of Kyprion.
Kyprion owes fealty to the Maritime
Republic of Tiolo, and with the support
of the Republic’s navy, the minotaurs have
stability and strength. Triolo may build all
its ships in its own harbor, but many of its best
crews come from Kyprion.
Minotaurs are imposing and powerful, with
a reputation for ferocity that borders on
monstrous. That reputation is well-earned.
They chafe under the yoke of being a vassal
state, but their Queen Kitane understands that
without Triolo, the Dragon Empire would swallow
Kyprion whole. The aegis of Triolo’s fleet, coupled with
the fact that a minotaur has recently risen to lead
the Golden Council of Triolo,
salves the bull-folk pride. At
least for now.
Minotaurs display their achievements proudly
by decorating their horns with engraved sigils and designs.
If one is versed in minotaur custom, one can tell at a glance
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Your ratfolk character has certain characteristics in
common with all other ratfolk.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1,
but your Strength score reduces by 2.
Age. Ratfolk have shorter lifespans than humans,
reaching adulthood at around age 12. They live up to 60 Few races in Midgard live amid so much rumor,
years. suspicion, and outright falsehood as the ravenfolk. They
Alignment. Ratfolk care more about their close-knit make their rookeries in every major city. Depending on
families and acquiring material goods than any lofty whom you ask, they might condemn the ravenfolk as
ideals. Most tend to be neutral in alignment. solitary wanderers bearing misfortune or praise them as
messengers from the gods. Ravenfolk are loyal comrades
Size. Ratfolk are about 3 feet tall and weigh around 40
and treacherous thieves, brave warriors and contemptible
pounds. Your size is Small.
cowards. They are despised for their strange and secretive
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. culture, and criticized for having no true culture of their
Swim. Ratfolk are capable, if slow, swimmers. You have a own. The ravenfolk are a study in contradictions. These
swimming speed of 10 feet. truths, half-truths, and lies conceal a greater mystery that
Darkvision. Accustomed to living underground and in few outsiders know.
other dingy places, you have superior vision in dark and If the ravenfolk have a homeland, it is in Beldestan to
dim conditions. To a distance of 60 feet from yourself, the east; or a branch of Wotan’s tree to the North; or on a
you can see in dim light as if it were bright light and in high cliff of Horus’ hidden temple in the South. They have
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color settlements in Trollheim, Vidim, Domovogrod, Nuria
in darkness, only shades of gray. Natal, and the Dragon Empire. None of these are large,
but in Nuria Natal at least, they serve honorably as temple
Nimbleness. You can move through a hostile creature’s
guards and as defenders of the faithful of Horus.
space in combat as long as it is size Medium or larger.
Ravenfolk have no wings, but they do have tail feathers
Pack Tactics. You have advantage on your attack roll that sometimes flare out when they’re angry.
against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5
feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. OF GODS AND MEN
Rodent Empathy. You have advantage on Handle The ravenfolk of Midgard (also known as the huginn) are
Animal checks to influence the behavior of rodents. wily scoundrels, tricksters, assassins, spies, and thieves.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. The oldest tales say that the god Wotan the Rune Father
brought the clever ravenfolk into being when he plucked
the feathers from his two pet ravens, Huginn (Thought)
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
and Muninn (Memory), and let the feathers drift down to RAVENFOLK TRAITS
Midgard. The feathers became ravenfolk, and they spread Your ravenfolk character has certain characteristics in
across the world as Wotan’s spies. common with all other ravenfolk.
In truth, the ravenfolk are a bridge between everyday life Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
on Midgard and the realm of the gods. They share Wotan’s increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
secret knowledge of the branches of Yggdrasil the world
Age. Ravenfolk reach adulthood at 10 years old, and can
tree. In the far northern reaches, the huginn are both the
live to be 110.
embodiment of the gods’ will and a symbol of inevitable
death in battle. Alignment. Ravenfolk tend toward chaos thanks to
their capriciousness and insatiable curiosity. Greed
THIEVES, ONE AND ALL overwhelms some ravenfolk, drawing them toward evil.
No matter what trade, role, or profession a ravenfolk takes Size. Ravenfolk are slighter and shorter than humans.
up, they are all thieves. They build their rookeries from They range from 4 feet to just shy of 6 feet tall. Your size
found items, and much like normal ravens, have a great is Medium.
fondness for shiny baubles. Beyond physical thievery, they Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
live to steal secrets. Ravenfolk are naturally adept at being
Sudden Attack. You have advantage on attack rolls
unobtrusive, and they use that trait to feed their insatiable
against a surprised creature.
curiosity. The Tsar of Vidim employs a great flock of
huginn as his personal spies and assassins. Mimicry. Ravenfolk can mimic any sound they’ve heard.
Aside from their larcenous instincts, ravenfolk are Make a Charisma (Deception) check against the passive
scrupulous about keeping their word. That’s not to say Wisdom (Insight) of any listeners. Success indicates
they don’t lie; ravenfolk lie as much as anyone else, and they believe the sound you created was real.
maybe a bit more when the pressure’s on. But if a promise Trickster. You have proficiency in the Deception and
or a vow can be extracted from one, it’s as reliable as Stealth skills.
gold—which may be why ravenfolk seldom make promises Languages. You can speak, read, and write Huginn’s
or vows. Otherwise, their personalities are as varied Speech and Northern Tongue.
as those of other races. They adapt readily to whatever
environment they occupy, from remote wilderness
to big cities—although their presence in cities is not
always welcome. They frequently take on local customs,
traditions, and beliefs to fit in with the community.
As with many other races whose native language is
difficult for more humanlike vocal organs to
deal with, ravenfolk tend to use different
names among humans, dwarves, elves,
and other humanoids than they use
among their own kind. When
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
The enigmatic shadow fey of the Shadow Realm dwell in
ebon spires and moonlit keeps, encroaching on the mortal
world in places where barriers between the planes are thin.
They prowl the darkest recesses of the forest, hunting
mortal prey. They dance in the darkly luminous halls of
their shadow palaces, the lords and ladies of
twilight. Their actions brim with contradictions
and their motivations are shrouded in mystery.
They seek to throw their observers off-guard, for
anyone and everyone is a potential enemy.
Shadow fey resemble elves physically, with some
striking differences. Their skin color tends toward
alabaster white, ebon black, or subtle grays. A
few have scintillating, shimmering skin. Many
shadow fey have horns, from subtle nubs to large
and obvious protrusions, either satyr- or fiend-like
depending on the chronicler.
Although a physically beautiful race, the shadow fey
somehow combine the worst features of elves and
goblins. They are at turns benign and cruel, purposeful
and whimsical. They vanish from the world and reappear
seemingly at random, then profess shock at the changes
that occurred during their absence. Their actions can
seem illogical or even mad, but there is always a method
in them. Shadow fey advance their goals subtly, so that
enemies are overtaken before they even become aware of
the danger.
While the shadow fey are often antagonists and usually
are described as malevolent, they are not inherently
evil. Neither are they inherently good. They are fey, and
mortals must always be wary in their interactions with fey
or pay a steep price. Loyalty, devotion, wealth, memories,
lives, souls: the shadow fey deal in all of these things. And
they are stirring once more.
SHADOW FEY NAMES forms. Some trollkin could even be considered beautiful
Naming conventions among the shadow fey are similar by human standards, except for some subtle marker of
to those favored by elves, but their imagery is darker and their monstrosity, such as stone–gray skin or talon-tipped
more guarded. They favor themes of gloom and seclusion fingers.
over sunshine and tinkling brooks. Many trollkin wear tattoos to show tribal loyalty or to
Male Names. Drilfind, Edgwin, Ethdrin, Lorinidral, venerate their ancestor spirits. The bravest among them
Quentor, Shanles, Thanascil, Torvobar, Varratir, Vashrin brand their flesh to show mastery over their own fear, since
only acid and fire leave long-lasting scars on their skin.
Female Names. Anorla, Bornva, Dulira, Fanwi,
Girethdra, Lanrama, Methada, Phorla, Suzenga, Thortha A PLACE IN THE WORLD
While the majority of trollkin live in remote communities,
SHADOW FEY TRAITS some thrive in civilization. But even within cities, trollkin
Shadow fey are a subrace of elf. They enjoy the base elven tend to stick together in their own neighborhoods that
racial traits, along with the following subrace traits. eventually begin to resemble urban tribes. Most urban
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 1.
Alignment. Although they have a malevolent
reputation, the shadow fey are not inherently evil. They
tend toward chaotic neutral, though every variation
Shadow Fey Weapon Training. You have proficiency
with the rapier, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
Path of Shadows. When in darkness, dim light, or a
shadow large enough to cover your body, you can cast
the misty step spell. You can use this ability
a number of times per day equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and you
regain all expended uses when you finish
a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability
for this spell.
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack
rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever
you are trying to perceive is in bright sunlight.
Traveler in Darkness. You have advantage on any
Intelligence (Arcana) check to learn about a particular
shadow road and how it functions.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write
In ancient times, ogres, trolls, and fey sometimes took
human mates. Their descendants are the trollkin. Tall
and lanky with a brutish appearance, trollkin are seldom
welcome among the civilized races of the north, even
when the full extent of their inhuman ancestry is difficult
to determine. As a result, most trollkin live in isolated
tribal settlements and subsist on hunting and raiding.
With a thick hide of green or brown, trollkin are
superficially similar to orcs or hobgoblins. While many
trollkin share a rough and unkempt appearance, their
inhuman lineage can show itself in a wide variety of
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
trollkin find work that exploits their nature. Mercenary Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
work is the most common, but they sometimes join of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
city guard forces. Thieves’ guilds and other disreputable were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
elements love to employ trollkin as arm-breakers and shades of gray.
debt-collectors. Smiths and artisans sometimes take on a Natural Weapons. You have large fangs and sharp
trollkin partner or apprentice to add an exotic or savage claws instead of fingernails and toenails. You can use
flair to their offerings. your claws or fangs to make unarmed strikes. If you hit
with them, claws deal 1d4 + Strength modifier slashing
TROLLKIN NAMES damage, and fangs deal 1d4 + Strength modifier piercing
Trollkin don’t attach much importance to names. damage.
They carry names more as a convenience to the races
Inhuman Vigor. You concentrate regenerative power in
that rely on them than for their own purposes. Among
your blood to swiftly recover from wounds. As a bonus
themselves, trollkin refer to each other by identifying
action, you can expend one hit die to regain hit points as
marks, well-known deeds, or recognizable characteristics
if you finished a short rest. The number of hit dice you
(Bent-nose, Long-claws, Fears-lightning). These labels
can expend increases by one when you reach 6th level (2
change depending on what the trollkin has done recently
hit dice), 12th level (3 hit dice), and 18th level (4 hit dice).
and who’s doing the talking. As long as other trollkin
You must complete a long rest before using this ability
recognize who is being referred to, that’s all that matters.
again. If you take acid or fire damage, you lose access to
It’s common to string several labels together to get an
this ability until you finish a short or long rest.
identifying label (Long-claws-fears-lightning). When
they take a “human” name (meaning, for the benefit of Legacy of Fear. You have proficiency in the
humans), it tends to follow the same pattern. Somewhat Intimidation skill.
confusingly, these names also tend to change every time Languages. You can speak, read, and write Northern
a trollkin introduces itself, since many won’t be bothered Tongue.
to remember what other people called them last week, or Subrace. Trollkin bear different traits depending on the
yesterday. type of creatures in their lineage. The two most common
Names: Broken-fang, Six-fingers, Eye-wart, Hates-birds, types of trollkin are night whispers and stonehides.
Burned-her-cousin, Always-angry, Kicks-children, Sniffs- Choose one of these subraces.
a-lot, Bites-ears
Night Whisper Trollkin
TROLLKIN TRAITS Night whisper trollkin trace their ancestry to enigmatic
Your trollkin character has certain characteristics in fey creatures from the Shadow Realm. Because of their
common with all other trollkin. natural connection to the realm of spirits, many night
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score whisper trollkin become shamans, seers, and priests.
increases by 2. Night whispers tend to have darker skin tones and slighter
builds than their cousins.
Age. Trollkin reach maturity by the age of 15, and live
50 to 60 years. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 1.
Size. Trollkin stand over 6 feet tall and are more solidly
built than humans, weighing around 200 pounds. Spirit Whispers. The spirits of your tribe’s ancestors
Your size is Medium. whisper secrets from beyond the veil of death. Before
making an ability check or saving throw, you can heed the
Alignment. Trollkin tend toward neutrality of one kind wisdom of the spirits to gain advantage on the roll. You
or another. cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Speed. Trollkin have a base speed of 30 feet.
Stonehide Trollkin
Some trollkin are the result of unions between humans
and monstrous brutes, such as ogres, trolls, or even
stranger fey creatures of bloody disposition. Stonehides
have larger frames and more muscle than other trollkin.
Bitter Relations Their skin is brighter in color but also has a rough,
Though the reasons why are lost to history, trollkin stonelike texture.
are implacable enemies of dwarves; the two races Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
despise one another. Trollkin get along with the fey by 1.
well enough, especially the shadow fey, and they tend
Thick Hide. Your skin is knobby, thick, and tough,
to have good relations with gnomes.
granting you a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Martial and Roguish Characters
B arbarian, bard, fighter, paladin, ranger, rogue: these are the classes with fresh
options here. Not surprisingly, some of these are peculiarly well suited to the
Midgard races in Chapter 1. Nature-focused bards, gearforged mercenaries, ghost
knights, griffon riders, sword dancers, valkyrie paladins, vampiric rangers, and
kobold guides are just a few of the exciting options available to martial and rogue-type
adventurers in Midgard.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Beginning at 10th level, while raging, your
melee weapon attacks deal additional psychic
damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
Starting at 14th level, while raging you are under the
effect of a freedom of movement spell. You don’t need to
concentrate to maintain this effect.
When you join the College of Entropy at 3rd level, you gain
BARBARIAN: PRIMAL PATH proficiency with Acrobatics, Athletics, and a gaming set of
your choice.
While other barbarians lose themselves to their fury, the LUCK STEALER
Path of the Ancestors channels the power of the ancient Also at 3rd level, you learn to borrow a little bit of other
spirits of a tribe through rage. When the rage takes you, people's luck for yourself. When a creature that you can see
the spirits of the ancients flow through your body, granting within 60 feet of you makes an attack roll, ability check, or
you their strength and wisdom. Barbarians on the Path of saving throw with advantage, you can use your reaction to
the Ancestors are often leaders, or respected advisors, with expend one of your uses of Bardic Inspiration to grant that
the strength to bring greater tempers to heel. creature a penalty to the check equal to the number rolled
on your Bardic Inspiration die. You gain Inspiration that
WISDOM OF THE ANCIENTS is usable only on yourself and lasts for a number of rounds
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, when you equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die.
rage, the spirits of your ancestors inhabit your body and If you do not expend the Inspiration before that time, it
lend you their might. You have advantage on Wisdom is lost. Stealing luck, regardless of whether you use the
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Inspiration, causes a chaos magic surge.
Also at 3rd level, you learn to infuse your Bardic Inspiration
with a magical seed of healing energy. When a creature uses
a Bardic Inspiration die from you to increase one ability
check, attack roll, or saving throw, it also gains temporary
hit points equal to the number rolled on the Bardic
Inspiration die plus your Charisma modifier.
At 6th level, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain
costs you no extra movement. You can also pass through
nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and
Everything desires to be something else. Starting at 14th
level, as an action, the luck stealer can change one known
spell to another spell of the same or lower level on the bard
spell list. At the end of the bard's next turn, his or her list of
known spells returns to normal. Using this ability causes a
chaos magic surge (see Chapter 4: Arcane Characters).
Starting at 14th level, as an action you can expend one
use of Bardic Inspiration to magically remove one disease
or detrimental condition affecting a creature you can see
within 60 feet. The condition can be blinded, charmed,
deafened, frightened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
The Clanking Legion is a legendary
mercenary company, composed of roughly
half gearforged and half beings of flesh
and blood. Fighters who emulate the
Clanking Mercenary archetype see
the flexibility of flesh in steel and the
strength of metal in their own bodies and minds.
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
gain proficiency with your choice of blacksmith’s tools or
tinker’s tools.
With 1 hour of work (which you can perform once during
a long rest), you can use blacksmith’s or tinker’s tools to
temporarily improve the effectiveness of a weapon or a
suit of armor. The item remains improved for 24 hours
or until the effect is used. An improved effect on a piece
of equipment can be used once. This number of uses
increases by one at 7th level (two uses) and again at 15th
level (three uses). The improvement effects vary by the type UNYIELDING FLESH
of equipment. At 10th level, when you gain exhaustion, you can reduce
Armor (Option 1). When the creature wearing the the number of levels gained by 1. Once you use this ability,
armor is subjected to a damaging effect that allows a you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. You reduce
Constitution or Dexterity saving throw for half damage, your exhaustion level by 1 every time you finish a long or
the wearer can gain advantage on the saving throw. short rest, provided you have adequate food and drink.
Armor (Option 2). The creature wearing the armor can
gain advantage when making an ability check to prevent
itself from being grappled or to escape from a grapple. Starting at 15th level, you can improve two pieces of
equipment when you spend an hour using your Shaper of
Weapon. When a creature is hit with an improved Metal ability.
weapon, the weapon's wielder can choose to add your
proficiency bonus to the damage roll. TEMPERED LEGIONNAIRE
At 18th level, as a bonus action you can expend a hit die to
MIND OF IRON negate a harmful condition affecting you. The condition
Starting at 7th level, you have advantage on saving throws can be grappled, poisoned, prone, stunned, or restrained.
against being charmed or frightened.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
The peerless Edjet is the backbone of the mighty Dragon The Order of Knights Incorporeal, or Ghost Knights,
Empire’s military. These brutal warriors are trained arose in the principalities of Morgau and Doresh. Fighters
to fight in deadly formations. Hardy and resolute, the who follow the Ghost Knight archetype draw power from
Edjet are most commonly dragonkin, but lesser races undeath and bring themselves closer to that grim fate in
sometimes surprise their scaled masters by aspiring to service to their vampiric and ghoulish masters.
draconic perfection.
EDJET FIGHTING Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill.
when you wield a versatile weapon and a shield at the
same time, you can use the versatile damage rating of your PALE RIDER
weapon as if you wielded it in two hands. Also at 3rd level, you can cast find steed. The steed created
is an undead creature that takes the form of a ghostly pale
WEAPON SWEEP or dappled riding horse. Your GM can substitute a camel,
Starting at 7th level, while you're wielding a shield and a a mastiff, or another mount appropriate to your character.
versatile weapon, you can use the Attack action to make When you reach 7th level, a ghostly, undead warhorse
a wide, sweeping attack. Make a Shove attempt against a becomes available.
creature within reach. If you knock the creature prone or You can cast this spell once, and regain the ability to do so
push it away, you can immediately make another Shove when you finish a long rest. While riding your mount, you
against a different creature within reach. You can Shove up can use a bonus action to have the steed make one attack.
to three creatures in this manner. After using this ability
twice, you must complete a short or long rest before using
it again.
At 10th level, when you finish a
short rest, you can choose to tap
into a reserve of draconic vitality.
For each hit die you spend at the
end of this rest, add double your
Constitution modifier to the number
of hit points regained. Also, remove
one level of exhaustion for each hit die
you spent. You can’t use this ability again until
you finish a long rest.
Starting at 15th level, when a creature you can see hits
you with an attack while you are wielding a shield, you
can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to
your AC against that attack. Additionally, when an ally
within 5 feet of you is affected by an effect that allows a
Dexterity saving throw for half damage, you can use your
reaction to grant the ally advantage on the saving throw.
At 18th level, when you successfully Shove a creature with
your Weapon Sweep, you also deal damage as if you hit the
creature with your weapon.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Martial and Roguish Characters
Starting at 7th level, when you move at
least 20 feet and attack a creature, it must succeed
on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma modifier) or become frightened of FIGHTER: GRIFFON KNIGHT
you until the start of your next turn.
TAINT OF UNDEATH The griffon riders of Zobeck were devastated during the
At 10th level, the foul nature of the undead begins fall of House Stross, so they now have only a shadow of
overtaking you. You no longer need to eat or drink, and their former glory. These days, most griffon riders are
you are immune to being frightened. You take on a pale mercenaries and hedge knights, but a few still nobly
or waxy appearance that the living find disturbing. You defend the realm as members of the Order of the Griffon
have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks made Knights. Led by their doughty dwarven commander Sir
against living creatures. Markus Lineguard, the Griffon Knights patrol the Great
Northern Road and keep the Free City safe from attackers.
GRAVESTRIKE Griffon knights swear an oath of allegiance to both the
Starting at 15th level, your weapon attacks deal an order and to their griffon mounts. The knights put the
additional 1d8 necrotic damage, and you have resistance to safety and health of their steeds above all else; you are not a
necrotic damage. griffon knight without a griffon to ride.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Martial and Roguish Characters
SHIELD THE MIND You can use this feature twice, and you regain all
Starting at 15th level, you add your shield’s AC bonus to expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma saving throws.
At 18th level, while wielding a shield, you have resistance OATH OF RADIANCE
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
The Oath of Radiance is a beacon in the night, burning
nonmagical attacks. In addition, when you fail a saving
away the corruption of shadow and undeath. Almost
throw against being charmed, frightened, paralyzed,
exclusively sworn by members of the Order of the Undying
petrified, stunned, or knocked prone, you can choose to
Sun in the Magdar Kingdom, the Oath of Radiance
succeed instead; after using this ability once, you must
nonetheless has adherents across central and southern
complete a short or long rest before using it again. You
Midgard as well. The Free City of Zobeck, canton Grisal,
also have advantage on ability checks and saving throws
and south into Illyria see the white-and-yellow-plumed
against effects that would cause you to drop your shield.
helmets of these warriors of light.Radiant paladins are
bold and brash, abhorring stealth and grandly striding into
FIGHTER: SWORD-DANCER battle against the forces of darkness.Nearly every paladin
that swears this oath is a worshipper of Khors. Paladins of
MARTIAL ARCHETYPE the Oath of Radiance are overwhelmingly good-aligned,
Sword-dancers blur the line between warrior and courtier. and most are lawful. Some reject the rigid nature of
The first sword-dancers hailed from the sultan’s court in knightly orders for the life of a knight errant. Though still
the city of Siwal in the Southlands. Sword-dancers are nearly universally good, these wayward paladins are more
graceful and charming, with wits as sharp as their flashing neutral than lawful, and they use their relative freedom to
blades. Fighters who follow the sword-dancer archetype bring their light to bear as they deem it most necessary.
often attach themselves to powerful lords as bodyguards,
spies, and diplomats.
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd
level, you gain proficiency in the Performance and
Persuasion skills.
At 10th level, after you move at least 10 feet, your melee
attacks deal an additional 1d8 damage until the start of
your next turn.
At 18th level, when you take the Attack action, you
can use the Dash action as a bonus action. When
you Dash in this way, attack rolls made against you
have disadvantage until the start of your next turn.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
TENETS OF RADIANCE Cleanse Corruption. I will burn out all creatures born
Paladins who swear the Oath of Radiance devote of darkness, showing no pity or mercy. I will not suffer the
themselves to fighting the insidious powers of the Shadow company of dark creatures, save those taken in by darkness
Realm that darken mortal hearts and against the undead who I might redeem.
that extinguish the light of life and replace it with hungry Lead with Light. I stand open and courageous in the
darkness. Most importantly, they take it upon themselves face of battle and will be the last of my companions to quit
to rescue those corrupted by Shadow or undead influence. the field, just as the last ray of sun leaves the day.
They will spare mortal foes in the thrall of darkness in the
Preserve the Righteous. I will defend those who
hope that such creatures can be redeemed.
labor and live in fear of shadow. I will shield them from
harm and keep the light upon them.
Redeem the Beguiled. Those tempted into the service
of darkness may yet be saved, and I will do everything
in my power to bring them back to the light. I will be
discerning in offering this mercy, but the redemption of
the corrupted is paramount.
Remain Pure. I will never yield to the lies of darkness or
suffer corruption to take me. I will cleanse myself of dark
taint or die before threatening those I defend.
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
two Channel Divinity options.
Dawn’s Radiance. As an action, you present your holy
symbol or a melee weapon, and it flares with the radiance
of the newly-risen sun. Magical darkness within 20 feet of
you is dispelled. Thereafter, the object continues to shine
for 1 hour or until you lose possession of it. The object
sheds bright light out to 20 feet and dim light 20 feet
beyond that.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Martial and Roguish Characters
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. At 20th level, you can take on the aspect of the thunder
god. While at rest, you seem darkened like a thundercloud.
Once in action, your clothing and hair blow wildly in
Paladin Level Spells a wind that arises from nowhere, your eyes flare with
lightning, and your voice booms like thunder.
3rd heroism, thunderwave
By using your action, you undergo a transformation. For
5th find steed, gust of wind 1 hour, you gain the following benefits.
7th call lightning, elemental weapon • You don’t have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
9th freedom of movement, stoneskin checks because of armor.
17th conjure volley, swift quiver • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and
initiative rolls.
• Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d10 lightning
BONUS PROFICIENCY or thunder damage (your choice when you hit).
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain proficiency
in the Stealth skill. • As an action, you can unleash a terrifying war cry.
Every enemy creature in a 30-foot cone must make a
CHANNEL DIVINITY successful Wisdom saving throw or become frightened
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following of you for 1 minute. While frightened in this way, the
two Channel Divinity options. creature must spend its turn trying to move as far away
from you as it can. It can’t take reactions. For its action,
Storm Strike. As an action, you can use your Channel it can only use the Dash action or try to escape from an
Divinity to infuse a ranged or thrown weapon you are effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere
holding with the wrath of a storm god. Make a ranged to move, the creature can use the Dodge action. A
weapon attack as normal. In addition to the weapon frightened creature that’s more than 30 feet from you
attack, you create a line of lightning 5 feet wide and 60 and can’t see you repeats the saving throw at the start
feet long, beginning at you and extending straight toward of its turn, ending the effect on itself on a success. A
the target. If the target is less than 60 feet from you, the creature that succeeds on its saving throw can’t be
line of lightning extends beyond it. Each creature in the affected by this war cry for 24 hours.
line takes 2d10 + your paladin level lightning damage, or
half damage with a successful Dexterity saving throw. If Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
your ranged or thrown weapon attack hits, the target has finish a long rest.
disadvantage on its saving throw.
Turn the Unclean. As an action, you present your holy RANGER: VAMPIRE
symbol and utter a war cry, using your Channel Divinity.
Each aberration or fiend within 30 feet of you that can see
or hear you must make a successful Wisdom saying throw Vampire slayers wander the forests, hills and mountains
or be turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. of the Blood Kingdom, protecting the common folk who
live in farming villages and remote cabins on the edge of
AURA OF ALACRITY civilisation from creatures of the night. Moving unseen
Beginning at 7th level, you and your allies within 10 feet of through the woodlands, your specialised training allows
you add your proficiency bonus to Initiative rolls. you to hunt vampires, ghouls, werewolves, and other foul
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet. monsters that prey on the innocent. Although you are
most at home in the wilderness, as your experience grows,
STRIKE LIKE LIGHTNING your attention might turn to the ruthless Elders who
Starting at 15th level, when your attack hits a creature that rule the baronies of Morgau from their dark keeps and
hasn’t yet taken its first turn in this combat, or when you sprawling manors.
hit a creature you were hidden from when you attacked, The vampire slayer archetype is a variant of the hunter
that creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability archetype. It follows all the standard rules for hunters
checks, and saving throws until the start of your next turn. except as noted below.
You must choose undead as your favored enemy type at 1st
level. At 6th and 14th level, you can choose freely from the
standard list, and can also select hags or lycanthropes as
an alternative.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Martial and Roguish Characters
At 7th level, you can choose the following feature in place Ranger Level Spells
of Escape the Horde, Multiattack Defense, or Steel Will. 3rd charm person
Ranger’s Resilience. You have advantage on saving
5th knock
throws against paralysis and effects that reduce your hit
point maximum. 9th stinking cloud
13th fabricate
SLAYER’S STRIKE 17th animate objects
At 11th level, you can choose the following feature in place
of Volley or Whirlwind Attack.
Straight Through the Heart. When you use an Starting at 7th level, you gain proficiency with alchemist’s
Attack action, you can choose to make a single melee attack supplies. With 1 hour of work and 50 gp worth of
against a favored enemy in an effort to strike a vulnerable materials, you can create a minor alchemical device.
spot. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 6d6 damage. The device ceases to function when you use an action to
dismantle it or after 24 hours unless you spend 1 hour
SUPERIOR HUNTER’S DEFENSE maintaining the device. If you dismantle the device, you
At 15th level, you can choose the following feature in place can reclaim and reuse its materials. You can maintain one
of Evasion, Stand Against the Tide, or Uncanny Dodge. such device at a time. The number of alchemical devices
Greater Resilience. You have advantage on saving you can maintain increases by one at 11th level (two
throws against the spells and abilities of your favored devices) and again at 15th level (three devices).
enemies. Any creature proficient with alchemist’s supplies can use
its action to activate one of your devices.
When you create a device, choose one of the following
SCOUT ARCHETYPE Caustic Alkali. This vial of chemicals is activated by
The Free City of Zobeck is a crossroads of trade and a applying it to a surface or an object within reach. At the
haven for the resourceful. Some rangers heed the call of end of that turn, the surface or object takes 11 (2d10) acid
opportunity and follow the urban ranger archetype of the damage and a cloud of poisonous fumes fills a sphere with
Zobecker Scout. The majority of such rangers are kobolds, a 10-foot radius around the application point. This area is
but a few tall-folk also possess the necessary cunning. heavily obscured. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud
or enters it for the first time on a turn becomes poisoned
PULSE OF THE CROSSROADS for 1 hour unless it makes a successful Constitution saving
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you add “city” throw against your spell save DC. The cloud lasts 1 minute.
to your list of known favored terrains. Additionally, you Volatile Alkali. This flask of alchemical liquid has a
have advantage on Charisma (Deception and Persuasion) smaller glass vial suspended inside. It’s activated either by
checks made against your favored enemies. placing it somewhere within reach or by throwing it as far
as 20 feet away. Once activated, it explodes at the end of
MARKET AWARENESS that turn. Creatures within 15 feet of the explosion take 27
Also at 3rd level, when you use Primeval Awareness, you (6d8) bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone, or take
can choose one type of item or commodity. This can be a half damage and aren't knocked prone with a successful
general category such as “poison” or “spices,” or a more Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
The roguish duelist is a lightly armored combatant who
favors quick, precise attacks with a light weapon in each
hand. The duelist is murderously effective when fighting
one-on-one. The quick, resourceful, and precise duelist
may look like an artist, but more often he or she is just
another killer for hire—but one with a dashing and lethal
sense of style.
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn
techniques that are fueled by a special reserve of strength
called prowess.
Techniques. You learn three techniques of your choice
from those described below (see “Techniques”). You can
use only one technique per attack. You learn one additional
technique of your choice at 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. Each
time you learn a new technique, you can also replace one
technique you know with a different one.
Prowess. You have an amount of prowess equal to your
proficiency bonus × 2. To spend prowess, you must be
wielding a finesse weapon in one hand and have either
nothing or a dagger in your other hand. You can spend
prowess once per turn. You regain all spent prowess when
you finish a short or long rest.
Saving Throws. Some of your techniques require your
target to make a saving throw to resist an effect. The saving
throw DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity
Also at 3rd level, you can wield a rapier as a light weapon,
provided you have nothing heavier than a light weapon in
your other hand.
Sustained Reaction. These two small vials of paste
can be combined to start a reaction that gives off energy. STRIKE FIRST, STRIKE LAST
Choose one of these energy types when you create the Starting at 9th level, your reflexes are honed to a razor’s
device: acid, cold, fire, or lightning. The device is activated edge, granting you advantage on initiative checks.
when the paste is applied to one melee weapon or 20 Additionally, if you are surprised, you can take the Attack
pieces of ammunition. For the next hour, the treated action on your first turn by spending 1 prowess.
weapon or ammo does an additional 1d6 damage of the
chosen energy type on every successful hit. VIRTUOSO
At 13th level, choose two skills from the following list:
EVASION Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, History, Intimidation,
At 11th level, when you are subjected to an effect that Persuasion, Sleight of Hand. You gain proficiency in the
allows a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage (such chosen skills, or add double your proficiency bonus if you
as a dragon’s breath attack or a lightning bolt), you instead are already proficient.
take no damage if your saving throw succeeds and half
damage if you fail. DEEP RESERVE
Starting at 17th level, when you roll initiative and have no
QUICK TRIGGER prowess remaining, you regain 2 prowess.
When you reach 15th level, you can use a bonus action to
activate devices created with your Alchemical Talent or to TECHNIQUES
take the Use an Object action. The techniques are presented in alphabetical order.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Martial and Roguish Characters
Clinch. Immediately after you hit with a finesse weapon, Tagging Strike. When you hit a creature with a finesse
you can spend 2 prowess to automatically grapple the weapon, you can spend 2 prowess to impair your target
creature you hit. Normal size and reach restrictions apply. by cutting a strap, injuring a joint, or dealing some other
Select one of the creature's attack actions; for as long as distracting blow. The target must make a successful
the grapple persists, the creature has disadvantage with Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on the
that attack. You can maintain this grapple even if you hold first attack roll or ability check it makes during its turn.
a dagger in your offhand. The effect ends when the creature makes the saving throw
Deep Slice. When you inflict damage with a finesse successfully or spends an action to end it (readjusting its
weapon, you can spend 1 prowess to deal a deep, bleeding gear, regaining its balance, etc.)
wound. At the start of its turn, the bleeding creature must Wall of Flashing Steel. As a reaction when you are
make a successful Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) hit by a melee weapon attack, you can spend 2 prowess to
piercing damage. On a successful save, the effect ends. The attack with a finesse weapon. If the result of your attack
creature or its adjacent ally can end the effect by spending roll exceeds your AC, use the attack roll in place of your
an action to use a healer’s kit or to make a successful AC until the start of your next turn. This can cause the
Wisdom (Medicine) check against your technique save DC. triggering attack to miss.
Any amount of healing also ends the effect. A deep slice has Witty Repartee. As a reaction after a creature you can
no effect against constructs and undead. see makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw
Disarming Parry. When you are missed by a melee but before success or failure is revealed, you can spend 2
attack, you can spend 1 prowess as a reaction to force the prowess to encourage or mock the creature. If the creature
attacker to make a Strength saving throw. If it fails, the can hear you, roll a d4; the result is added to or subtracted
attacker drops the weapon it attacked with. If you have a from the creature's attack roll (your choice).
free hand, you can catch the weapon with a successful DC
10 Dexterity check; otherwise it lands 10 feet away from
the attacker in a random direction. ROGUE: FIXER ARCHETYPE
Driving Assault. When you take the Attack action, you You are a fixer—you make connections between thugs,
can spend 2 prowess to press your target back. Until the burglars, trap-smiths and second-story men. You know
end of your turn, each time you hit with a finesse weapon, people, you know where to find what you need, and you
the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or know who to pay to get things done. You realize the most
move 5 feet away from you. The target can be no more than valuable currency is knowledge, and you make very sure to
one size category larger than you. You can immediately be flush with coin to obtain the information you seek.
advance into the space the target vacated if you wish,
without triggering an opportunity attack. STREET SMART
Effortless Steps. When you take the Dash action, When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can apply
you can spend 1 prowess to ignore nonmagical difficult your proficiency bonus to Intelligence and Charisma
terrain, and climbing doesn’t cost extra movement until ability checks made to identify or locate a person (or type
the end of your turn. You can spend 1 additional prowess of person) that you are seeking. You can also use this
to move through a single foe’s space without triggering an ability when attempting to track down a buyer or seller for
opportunity attack from that creature. exotic equipment or magic items.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
value of items that you can scrounge in a week increases to weren’t already hidden, you can make a Dexterity (Stealth)
100 gp. check to hide as part of this action. After using this ability,
you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
At 9th level, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) BECOME SHADOW
checks to determine whether someone is lying and on At level 13, you learn to harness Shadow Realm energy to
saving throws against illusions. vanish. While you’re in dim light or darkness, you can use
an action to become invisible. You remain invisible for 1
GOING UNDERCOVER hour or until you attack or cast a spell. If you enter an area
At 13th level, you are able to provide others with tools and illuminated with bright light, you must make a successful
coaching to help them conduct acts of subterfuge. With a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check to remain invisible. After
minimum of four hours preparation and by spending 25 using this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a
gp per person, you can give up to six individuals (including short or long rest.
yourself) advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks for
When you reach 17th level, you learn the displacer beast’s
ROGUISH LUCK trick of making itself appear in a slightly different location.
When you reach 17th level, your survival instincts become Attacks against you have disadvantage. If an attack hits
finely tuned. When a melee attack reduces you to 0 hit you, this ability is disrupted until the start of your next
points, you can use your reaction to leap 5 feet in any turn. This ability also does not protect you while you’re
direction. If this moves you out of reach of the attack, you unconscious or incapacitated.
take no damage from it. Using this ability does not trigger
opportunity attacks. After using this ability, you must
complete a long rest before using it again. WEAPON OPTIONS
A weapon is more than the damage it deals. In combat,
ROGUE: WHISPER ARCHETYPE skilled warriors use their weapons to confuse, disorient,
and disadvantage their enemies before moving in for the
You’ve dedicated your life to the arts of deception, illusion, kill. This section offers unique maneuvers for specific
and disappearing. Somewhere along that path, you weapons, giving them a distinct impact on the battlefield.
encountered something from the Shadow Realm that Unless specified otherwise, any of the maneuvers
showed you how to be one with the shadows—or perhaps described here can be used by any character as long as they
you learned your best tricks from the shadows themselves. are wielding the appropriate weapon and are proficient
All whispers have been touched by a shadow, performed a with it. If a maneuver requires a creature to make a saving
ritual to bind a shadow to themselves, or drawn in energy throw, the DC equals 8 + the attacker's proficiency bonus
from the Shadow Realm to enhance their stealthiness and + the attacker's Strength or Dexterity modifier (attacker's
to become supreme thieves, assassins, or spies. choice). Unless specified, these maneuvers have only their
listed effect and don't deal normal weapon damage.
Statistics for seven new weapons presented here can be
Starting at 3rd level, you gain darkvision to 60 feet if you
found on the table at the end of this section.
did not already have it. You also can use the minor illusion
and douse light cantrips.
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you become
able to take the Hide action while you’re in dim light Arcing Slash. When you attack with a greatsword, you
or darkness, even if you’re being observed. You have may choose to target two creatures within your reach with
advantage on the Dexterity (Stealth) check to become a single attack. This attack uses the same attack roll for
hidden. After using this feature, you must complete a short both targets and deals slashing damage equal to 1d6 plus
or long rest before using it again. You gain an additional your Strength modifier to each target.
use of this ability at 7th level and at 15th level. Grinding Halt. Whenever you must make a Strength
saving throw to avoid being moved against your will, you
SHADOW ROAD can dig the blade of your greatsword into the ground as a
Starting at 9th level, you can step from one area of dim reaction. Roll 2d6 and add the number rolled to the saving
light or darkness directly into another that is no more than throw. If the effect pushing you does not have a saving
60 feet away. Doing so uses an action. You must be able to throw, you move 5 feet fewer.
see the destination or be familiar with its location. If you
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Martial and Roguish Characters
Bloody Wound. When you hit a creature with a scimitar, Rebuff. As an attack while you are wielding a halberd,
you can choose to make a superficial but bloody wound. you may use the haft of your weapon to rebuff up to two
The attack deals no damage, but the target takes 1d6 adjacent creatures. Make a single attack roll against one
slashing damage at the beginning of each of its turns until or two adjacent creatures within 5 feet of you. If the attack
it makes a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check as an action hits a target, you push it up to 10 feet away from you.
to stop the bleeding or until it receives magical healing. A
Trip. As an attack while you are wielding a halberd, you
creature can have only one bloody wound at a time.
may sweep your opponent’s legs in an attempt to trip
Short Draw. As an attack, you may draw a sheathed them. Make an attack roll against a Large or smaller
one‑handed sword and make an attack roll to strike the creature. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a Strength
enemy with its pommel, leaving the target gasping for saving throw or fall prone.
breath. This attack deals no damage, but the next attack
roll made against the target has advantage. You must have LANCE
at least one hand free to take this action.
Charge. If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a
SHORTSWORD creature before hitting it with a lance attack, the target
takes an extra 1d12 piercing damage and must make a
Close Quarters Combat. When you successfully Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target falls prone.
grapple a creature or escape a grapple, you may make
Repel Charge. As an action, you can set your lance
a single attack with a short sword as a bonus action.
against a charge. If a creature moves at least 20 feet
Additionally, whenever a creature fails to escape a grapple
straight toward you and attacks you, you may use your
with you, you may make a single attack with a short sword
reaction to make an attack with your lance. If this attack
as a reaction.
hits, it is an automatic critical hit and the target must make
Short Draw. As an attack, you may draw a sheathed a Strength saving throw. On a failure, it falls prone and
one‑handed sword and make an attack roll to strike the falls off its mount if it is mounted.
enemy with its pommel, leaving the target gasping for
breath. This attack deals no damage, but the next attack
roll made against the target has advantage. You must have
at least one hand free to take this action.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
PIKE Blackjack. Make a single attack roll with your club
against a humanoid target. If the attack hits, it does no
As it is a polearm, a pike-wielder always has access to the damage, but the target must make a Constitution saving
disarming parry and trip maneuvers (see “Glaive”). throw or be stunned until the beginning of its next turn.
Phalanx. If you are adjacent to at least two other pike-
wielders, your pike attacks have advantage. FLAIL
Repel Charge. As an action, you can set your pike Chain Garrote. While wielding a flail, you may attempt
against a charge. If a creature moves at least 20 feet to grapple a creature by looping the chain of your flail
straight toward you and attacks you, you may use your around its neck. While grappled in this way, the creature
reaction to make an attack with your pike before the cannot speak, cannot breathe, and has disadvantage on
attacker makes its attack roll. If your attack hits, it is an attack rolls against you. If you surprised the creature with
automatic critical hit, and the target has disadvantage on this grapple, it cannot hold its breath and immediately
its attack roll. begins suffocating. Creatures that you cannot grapple or
do not need to breathe are unaffected by this maneuver.
QUARTERSTAFF Shield Snare. As an action while wielding a flail, you
Vault. You can use your quarterstaff to help you leap may make a single attack roll against a target carrying
long distances. You can use an action to double the length a shield or a similar defensive tool. This attack ignores
of your long jump, allowing you to leap a number of any bonus to AC granted by the shield and deals normal
feet up to twice your Strength score (this jump is part of weapon damage. If the attack hits, the target must also
your movement). If you land adjacent to a creature at the make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, its shield is
end of this jump, you can make a single attack with your pulled from its grip and lands at its feet.
quarterstaff as part of this action.
TRIDENT Hurling Impact. As an action, you can make a single
Pin. As an action, make an attack roll against a Medium attack roll with your greatclub against a Medium or
creature you are grappling. If the attack hits, you catch one smaller target. If the attack hits, it does normal weapon
of the target’s limbs between the tines and bury the trident damage and the target must make a Strength saving throw.
in the ground, restraining the creature until the weapon On a failure, the target is pushed up to 5 feet away from
is dislodged. The target may make a Strength or Dexterity you. On a critical hit, this attack does 2d8 extra damage
saving throw (their choice) at the end of each of their turns and the greatclub breaks.
to escape. Ribshatter. Make a single attack roll with your
Disarming Parry. When a creature attacks you with a greatclub against a humanoid target. This attack does
weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their weapon normal weapon damage and the target must make a
in your trident’s tines and disarm them. Make an attack Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is stunned until
roll with your trident. If the result of this roll equals or the beginning of its next turn. If the damage you dealt was
exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses and they must greater than the creature’s maximum hit dice, it is stunned
succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop their weapon. until the end of its next turn.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
LIGHT HAMMER Svirfneblin Wooziness Tonic. A creature hit
by a dart coated with this poison must make a DC 10
Dazing Blow. As an action, you may make a single Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is poisoned
ranged weapon attack with a light hammer. If the attack until the end of its next turn.
hits, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or
be incapacitated until the end of its next turn. COMPOSITE BOW
Sunder Joints. When you make a melee weapon attack The composite bow’s unique construction gives it an
with a light hammer against a creature in medium or incredibly heavy draw, making it usable only by the
heavy armor, you may choose to damage the joints of strongest archers. Characters with Strength 14 or lower
their armor instead of dealing damage to the creature. If have disadvantage on attacks made with a composite bow.
the attack hits, the creature’s movement is reduced by 10
feet until the end of their next turn. This reduction is not Power Shot. When you make an attack with a composite
cumulative. bow, you may take a penalty on your attack roll equal to
your Strength modifier. This penalty must be applied
before the roll is made. If the attack hits, it deals additional
NET damage equal to twice your Strength modifier.
Nets have the unique property, Ensnaring, described Staggering Shot. As an action while wielding a
below. composite bow, you may make a single ranged weapon
Ensnaring: A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is attack. If this attack hits, the enemy takes full weapon
restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. failure, the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its
A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength next turn.
check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach
on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC HEAVY CROSSBOW AND LIGHT CROSSBOW
10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the
In campaign settings with firearms, these maneuvers can
effect and destroying the net.
also be used by a character who wields a rifle.
Blinding Binds. Instead of restraining your foe, you Shrapnel Shot. As an action, make a single attack
may instead wrap the thick cords of your net around a with your crossbow against an unattended object. The
single creature’s head. A Large or smaller creature hit by attack deals double damage to the target. If the object is
a net when you use this maneuver is blinded but is not destroyed, it explodes into a cloud of shrapnel. Choose
restrained, until the net is removed. one of the following options:
Wing-Wrapping Net. Instead of restraining a flying
• Creatures within 5 feet of the object must make a
creature, you may entangle its wings in your net. A Huge
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 piercing damage on
or smaller winged creature hit by a net when you use
a failure.
this maneuver has its fly speed reduced to 0 (but is not
restrained) until the net is removed. • A creature adjacent to the object must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is
blinded until the beginning of your next turn.
Patient Shot. You carefully align your crossbow’s sights
BLOWGUN over your target. As an action in a turn that you have
not moved, you may make a single crossbow attack with
A blowgun has no specific maneuvers to use in combat,
but a character with a poisoner’s kit (50 gp) can spend a
short rest creating one of the following simple poisons.
Applying a poison to a blowgun dart is a bonus action, and HAND CROSSBOW
each vial of poison has 10 uses before it must be created In campaign settings with firearms, these maneuvers can
again. A poison’s effects are in addition to the 1 piercing also be used by a character who wields a pistol.
damage dealt by a blow dart. Concealed Sidearm. Instead of making a Dexterity
Deathtoad Toxin. A creature hit by a dart coated with (Stealth) check to hide yourself, you may make a Dexterity
this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving (Sleight of Hand) check—contested by an active or passive
throw. On a failure, it takes 2d6 poison damage. Wisdom (Perception) check—to conceal your hand
Chuul Ichor. A creature hit by a dart coated with this crossbow. As an action, you may make a weapon attack
poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On with a concealed crossbow against a creature that has not
a failure, it is paralyzed until the beginning of its next turn. yet acted in combat. This attack has advantage.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Martial and Roguish Characters
Simple Melee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Nurian Hook 6 gp 1d6 piercing 6 lb. Finesse, light
Scorpion Stiletto varies 1d4 piercing + poison 1 lb. Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Martial and Roguish Characters
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Divine Characters
T he divine forces in Midgard include several domains not seen in other
realms, or at least not in exactly the same way. These forces wax and wane,
and some priests hold the skeins of this divine net more tightly than others.
This chapter presents seventeen new clerical domains and one new druidic
circle (Circle of the Stones—out of alphabetical order at the end of the list).
Whether these are allowed in your campaign is entirely up to the GM, but they
provide both variety and depth to the existing list.
It also presents the option of the pantheist priest, who serves a handful of
deities in rotation.
Descriptions of domain spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in
Chapter 7: Spells of this book
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse
Gods with the Apocalypse domain—such as Veles or the your weapon strikes with necrotic energy.
White Goddess—promote fear, judgment, punishment, Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with
and the end of all things. Their priesthoods often consider a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra
themselves the messengers of that doom, and they work 1d8 necrotic damage to the target. When you reach 14th
to spread word of the coming end. Their gloomy, often level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
frightening message makes them unwelcome in many—
but not all—civilized places. HERALD OF THE APOCALYPSE
APOCALYPSE DOMAIN SPELLS At 17th level, you gain resistance to acid, fire, and poison
Level Spells
1 dissonant whispers, hellish rebuke BEER DOMAIN
3 enthrall, magic mouth The heady brew of fortitude, courage, and companionship
5 fear, stinking cloud is your nectar, and you share its blessings with those who
7 blight, phantasmal killer need it.
9 contact other plane, telekinesis BEER DOMAIN SPELLS
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Gods of Midgard
The following tables outline the major regional pantheons of Midgard and provide information about each god’s typical
worshipers and the domains to which they grant their followers access.
Note that some deities are worshiped under different domains in different regions,
reflecting their cultural variations across Midgard.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Divine Characters
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to aid and rally your allies. All friendly creatures within 30
feet of you who are frightened, paralyzed, poisoned,
or stunned gain an immediate saving
throw with advantage to remove the effect.
Creatures that succeed on the saving throw
also heal 2d6 hit points.
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
weapon strikes with radiant energy. Once on each of your
turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you
can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage
to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage
increases to 2d8.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
CAT DOMAIN consistency and decrease confusion, we recommend using
one or the other, but not both, in your campaign.)
You embody the grace, strength, and resilience of felines.
Eventually, you become able to transform physically into a CLOCKWORK DOMAIN SPELLS
lion or tiger.
Cleric Level Spells
CAT DOMAIN SPELLS 1 grease, floating disk
3 heat metal, enlarge/reduce
Cleric Level Spells
5 conjure barrage, haste
1 find familiar (feline only), speak
with animals 7 fabricate, secret chest
3 beast sense, pass without trace 9 animate objects, soulforging*
5 bestow curse, nondetection * See Chapter 1.
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 damage of the same
type dealt by the weapon to the target. When you reach
14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
You can speak with machines and magical or mechanical
constructs, and control constructs. Ultimately, you will
become metal-graced by your deity.
(Note that this version of the clockwork domain is
simplified from the version presented in the Kobold
Press supplement Deep Magic: Clockwork. To maintain
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Divine Characters
DRAGON DOMAIN At 17th level, you gain a Frightful Presence attack similar
When it comes to beings of awesome power, dragons reign to a dragon’s. Using your Frightful Presence is an action.
supreme. How much more awe-inspiring, then, must After using your Frightful Presence, you must complete a
be the gods dragons worship? Dragons embody many short or long rest before using it again.
things: mastery of the elements and the most unforgiving Frightful Presence. Each creature of your choice that
environments, sagacity, long life, and an eternal hunger is within 60 feet of you and aware of you must succeed on
a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of
to acquire greater wealth and power. Those who worship you for 1 minute. A frightened creature repeats the saving
dragons or the gods of dragons may strive to embody throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself
several, or perhaps even all, of these qualities themselves. on a success. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds or the
effect ends for it, the creature is immune to your Frightful
Presence for the next 24 hours.
Level Spells
1 detect magic, thunderwave
3 lair sense*, enthrall You have dedicated your life to the satisfaction of your
appetites, sometimes at the cost of others’ needs. You are
5 catch the breath*, fear
never truly sated, but you know that hunger leads to power.
7 blight, scale rot*
9 claws of the earth dragon*, legend lore HUNGER DOMAIN SPELLS
You are proficient in the Arcana skill, and your proficiency 1 goodberry, ray of sickness
bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses
this skill. You also have advantage on saving throws against 3 locate animals or plants, suggestion
being frightened. 5 hunger of the stars, vampiric touch
7 blight, grasping vine
9 cloudkill, cone of cold
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to charm nonintelligent reptiles. As an action, you present UNSATED
your holy symbol and invoke the name of your deity. When you choose this domain at 1st level, you learn
Each reptilian creature within 30 feet of you that can see the poison spray cantrip. You also gain proficiency in the
you must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or be Survival skill and with cooking tools.
charmed by you for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
While a reptile is charmed by you, it is friendly to you and BONUS PROFICIENCY
to other creatures you designate. You gain proficiency with heavy armor.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Divine Characters
modifier piercing damage. On a critical hit, you can also FOREST MASTER
add your Wisdom modifier to the damage roll in addition At 1st level, you gain proficiency with longbows and heavy
to the normal benefits of a critical hit. crossbows. You also gain proficiency in the Nature and
Survival skills.
Beginning at 6th level, you gain the ability to remove the CHANNEL DIVINITY: UNSEEN
effects of diseases, poisons, and exhaustion from yourself At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
by engaging in ritual cannibalism. As an action, you can camouflage yourself in any environment, gaining
remove the effects of diseases, poisons or the poisoned advantage on Stealth checks made to move quietly or to
condition, or one level of exhaustion, from yourself by hide. You also leave no scent. The effect lasts for a number
consuming a half pound of meat from the corpse of a of rounds equal to your cleric level + Wisdom modifier.
sentient humanoid while invoking your deity. You must
complete one long rest before using this ability again. Your RESOLUTE HUNTER
deity shields you from any negative health consequences At 6th level, you select a favored enemy the same as if you
associated with cannibalism, but you are left to your own were a ranger. You gain all the benefits of the ranger's
devices when it comes to the esteem of your companions. favored enemy feature with one exception: you choose
additional favored enemies (and languages) at 10th level
DIVINE STRIKE and 16th level instead of at 6th level and 14th level.
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
strikes with necrotic energy. Once on each of your turns DIVINE STRIKE
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to strikes with divine energy. On your turn, you can cause
the target. When the cleric reaches 14th level, the extra one successful weapon attack against a creature to deal an
damage increases to 2d8. extra 1d8 damage of the type dealt by the weapon. When
you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
At 17th level, you can sacrifice the vitality of those around HUNTING QUEST
you and inspire an insatiable and horrifying hunger in At 17th level, you can begin a holy quest to slay a known
them. Living creatures within 60 feet of you who fail a quarry selected by you. You can have only one quarry at a
Charisma saving throw take 10d8 necrotic damage and time. During the hunt, you gain a very faint but persistent
then succumb to a ravening hunger, dropping whatever psychic connection to your target, giving you vague
they hold in their hands and attacking the unaffected intimations of its current state of mind but no insight
with their hands and teeth, or with whatever natural into its specific thoughts. If the quarry is slain by you or
weapons they possess, in an attempt to devour them. This your allies within three months of the quest's start, you
effect lasts a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Wisdom can create the following regional effects after one week of
modifier. Each affected creature repeats the saving throw residence in a particular location. These effects last while
at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself with a the home is your primary residence.
success. You can exclude up to ten creatures from the • Hunting within 3 miles of your home becomes
effect, but this doesn't shield them against being attacked remarkably bountiful. Wisdom (Survival) checks made
by those who do succumb. This ability doesn't affect to procure food from hunting and to locate fresh water
constructs or the undead. are made with advantage.
• Wisdom (Survival) checks to find campsites that are
HUNTING DOMAIN secure against predators are made with advantage
You are master of the hunt. The bounty of the land is yours within 3 miles of your home.
for the taking.
Cleric Level Spells All seek some form of justice when they have been
wronged, and many live under the promise of its
1 ensnaring strike, hunter's mark
protection, whether or not the promise is kept, but few
3 locate animals or plants, pass without trace take on the holy burden of delivering the justice of the
5 tiny hut, speak with plants gods. The mercy of the gods, when in evidence at all, is not
7 faithful hound, grasping vine the mercy of mortals, and meting it out makes for a lonely
life. Yet most agree on the urgent need for justice in the
9 commune with nature, hold monster world, with all of its dark places and rulers who give it little
thought. Someone must make the sacrifice.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to determine the general direction of a creature that is
guilty of an injustice or that is wanted for commission of a
serious crime. At 7th level, you can determine the distance
in miles to the creature as well as the direction.
At 6th level, you become immune to the frightened
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to
the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage
increases to 2d8.
At 17th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
persuade others that you hold divine authority to mete
out justice. You must present your holy symbol and invoke
the name of your deity. So long as your deity is one that is
worshipped openly in the land where you are asserting this
authority, you have advantage on Wisdom and Charisma
checks involving justice, judgment, and the law, up to and
including execution for crimes.
The savage and cunning god of minotaurs has few
followers, but those that heed the call are granted brutal
powers to smash and confound their foes. The Labyrinth
domain grants powers linked to the mazes that minotaurs
love and to misleading foes. The maze is your holy temple,
JUSTICE DOMAIN SPELLS and its winding corridors and deadly traps are the litany
Cleric Level Spells that you pray.
9 commune with nature, cone of cold 1 fog cloud, speak with animals
3 locate animals or plants, misty step
5 gaseous form, water breathing
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain 7 conjure minor elementals (excluding fire),
proficiency in the Athletics, Nature, or Survival skill (your black tentacles
choice). 9 awaken, conjure elemental (excluding fire)
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack,
you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8
cold damage to the target. When you reach 14th
level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
At 17th level, you can create crushing gravity in a
60-foot radius circle with you at the center. The area
becomes difficult terrain for the duration. Creatures that
start their turn in the area or that enter it during their turn
must make a Strength saving throw. If the saving throw
fails, the creature takes 7d6 bludgeoning damage and is
slowed (as the spell) until the start of its next turn. You and
up to three creatures you select are immune to the effect.
The gravity lasts for three rounds. All of the effects
cease immediately if you move away from the spot
you were in when you triggered the effect. After
using this ability, you must complete a long rest
before using it again.
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the
service of a minor spirit guide. You can
cast find familiar as a ritual.
As long as you and your spirit guide
(familiar) are within 100 feet of each other,
the spirit guide can maintain concentration
on a druid spell you cast. You must choose
whether to maintain a spell yourself or
make your spirit guide responsible for it at
the moment the spell is cast, and the decision
can't be changed on a later turn. This doesn’t change
the target or the caster of the spell. You can still have
only one concentration spell in effect at a time; if you
concentrate on a different spell or effect, the spirit guide’s CIRCLE SPELLS
concentration ends. You can still share your spirit guide's
senses and cast touch spells through the spirit guide Druid Level Spells
normally while it's maintaining concentration. The spirit 3rd augury, invisibility
guide makes concentration checks when it takes damage,
not when you take damage. 5th speak with dead, spirit guardians
7th divination, hallucinatory terrain
9th antilife shell, scrying
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
SPIRIT DANCE The pantheist priest gains flexibility over normal clerics
Starting at 6th level, as a bonus action you can engage in a at the cost of some complexity and bookkeeping.
dance to channel the power of the spirit world. If you cast
a druid spell on your next turn, one target of the spell has CREATING A PANTHEIST PRIEST
disadvantage on its first saving throw against the spell. To play a pantheist priest, generate a normal cleric up to
You can’t use this ability again until you finish a short or the point of selecting a domain. Instead of choosing a
long rest. single domain, choose one of the regional pantheons listed
on the Pantheons table. You serve all the deities of this
SAVIOR SPIRITS pantheon, one at a time.
At 10th level, the spirits rush to your aid when you're At the start of each week, you must choose one patron
grievously wounded. When you are reduced to 0 hit points god from your pantheon. Each deity is associated with
but not killed outright, you are reduced to 1 hit point just one domain. For that week, you follow the rules of
instead. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again that deity’s domain in every way. Besides affecting spell
until you finish a long rest. selections, this also determines your Channel Divinity
When you reach 14th level, as an action you can dissolve
your flesh into ectoplasm for up to one minute. For the
• you gain a fly speed equal to your base walking speed;
• you are resistant to acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder,
and nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
• you can’t be grappled, petrified, prone, or restrained;
• you can move through creatures and solid objects as if
they were difficult terrain, but you take 5 (1d10) force
damage if you end your turn inside an object.
Maintaining this ability requires concenctration the
same as if it were a spell. Once you use this ability, you
can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Though the gods of Midgard are mysterious and
sometimes distant, they are also all jealous of each other to
some degree. Clever (or cynical) mortals can manipulate
the gods’ jealousy to gain power and favors from them—
mainly by shifting their devotion from one deity to another
on a rotating basis. There’s more than one way to comfort
the grieving, sick, and wounded. All gods might answer a
plea; who answers depends as much on how the request is
worded and addressed as anything else. Many roads lead to
the heavens and to the grace of the gods, and there is more
than one set of revealed mysteries of the divine.
The pantheist priest worships not a single god but a
set of five or six related deities: good and evil, male and
female, varying in their powers and their demands.
These gods are associated with the priest’s region or city.
As a pantheist priest, you know and follow these gods,
and their wisdom sustains you and your flock through
different trials and tests.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Divine Characters
ability and other level-based abilities for the week. You DIVINE OPTION:
must switch deities every week, and you can’t return to
the same deity until at least two weeks have gone by (the RUNE MAGIC
same domain could be reused every three weeks). Finally, Rune spells (see Chapter 6 for the rules regarding
your character must serve each deity at least once every runes and Chapter 7 for rune spells) are available to all
twelve weeks; if it’s been eleven weeks since the last time magic‑using classes, provided characters find the spells
you served a particular deity, you must serve that deity somehow. This usually takes the form of discovered or
this week. Keep a written record, and plan your schedule captured spellbooks or an NPC who can teach the spell.
carefully! If the GM allows, it could also be no more than seeing the
For the sake of simplicity, a week corresponds to spell used by an NPC.
whatever calendar is used in the character’s campaign.
In Midgard, a week is seven days, but in other settings it
might be five to ten days long.
Note that some deities are worshiped under different domains in different regions,
reflecting their cultural variations across Midgard.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Arcane Characters
T his chapter presents two new sorcerous bloodlines (the minotaur‑influenced
mazeborn and shadow-tinged), three new otherworldly patrons for the
warlock (the Great Machine emphasizing clockwork magic, the Light Eater
emphasizing illumination magic, and the Genie Lord emphasizing elemental
magic), and eleven new arcane traditions for wizards (angelic scribe, clockwork
mage, doom croaker, dragon-masked, elementalist, elven high magic, entropist,
geomancer, illuminator, necrophage, and ring warden). Many characters also
have access to rune magic; rune spells usable by different classes are listed at the
end of this chapter.
In presenting wizard options, we sometimes use the terms “arcane tradition”
and “school” interchangeably. In a strict sense, one might argue that all magic
schools are arcane traditions but not all arcane traditions are schools of magic.
All of the wizard options presented here are arcane tradition choices meant to
supplement the eight magic school choices offered in the fifth edition rules.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
To get the full story on these options, you'll also need to
see Chapter 5: Feats and Backgrounds (for magic-related
feats), Chapter 6: Spellcasting Rules (for details on ley
lines, rune magic, and ring magic), and Chapter 7: Spells
to see what these spellcasters can accomplish.
Your magic comes from a blood connection to a minotaur
in your ancestral past. Most sorcerers with this origin
are taller and bulkier than other representatives of their
race because of the tinge of the maze in their blood. While
those that embrace their blood start manifesting the
bestial aspects of a minotaur, eventually the madness of
the maze bleeds through them into the world.
Except as noted below, mazeborn function as sorcerers
and use the sorcerer spell list.
Starting at 1st level, when you use a Dash action, you can
use a bonus action to cast a spell that requires a melee spell
attack (e.g., shocking grasp).
Upon reaching 6th level, your bestial blood further
manifests, twisting your feet into hooves and causing you
to sprout a pair of horns. You can use your horns to make
a melee weapon attack that does (1d6 + your Strength
modifier) piercing damage. You are proficient with your
In addition, you can cast an enlarge spell on yourself by
spending 1 sorcery point.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
SORCEROUS BLOODLINE: and must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened of this effect. The effect lasts until the start of
SHADOW your next turn.
Your magic comes from a place drained of color,
where light fights a losing battle against the relentless WARLOCK PACT:
encroachment of darkness. In the distant past, your
ancestors were touched by the Shadow Realm, and this THE GENIE LORD
contact left its mark on your family bloodline. You have made a pact with a powerful ruler of geniekind
Except as noted below, shadow bloodline sorcerers on one of the Elemental Planes. The Genie Lord’s aims
function as sorcerers and use the sorcerer spell list. swing wildly from inscrutable to the mortal mind, to
startlingly simple and straightforward. Genie lords
TAINT OF SHADOW struggle endlessly to one-up each other, and rivalries
Your magic always acts a bit differently from that of other between these elemental rulers can engulf entire nations.
casters. Your magical fire burns with a deep purple flame They aren’t above bribing a rival’s mortal agents to switch
that sheds little light but casts inky shadows. The influence sides if they think it will gain them an advantage.
of the Shadow Realm can be seen in every manifestation Genie lords include Astallah, djinni Calipha of the Bright
of your magic, whether that’s shadowy bonds tightening Wind from the Plane of Air; Ghorek, dao Khan of the
around the target of a hold person spell or the shadows that Onyx Depths on the Plane of Earth; Ixingaltrix, efreeti
swirl like storm clouds inside your dimension door. At 1st Emir and Keeper of the Molten Tower on the Plane of
level, you gain darkvision out to 60 feet. Within that range, Fire; and Saliandla, marid Pasha of the Pearl Fane from
you see through magical darkness as if it were dim light. the Plane of Water.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Arcane Characters
Starting at 6th level, you can use the elemental energy
stored in your gem token against foes. When you damage
a target with a spell or attack, you can spend stored points
to deal additional damage of a type stored in the gem equal
to your Charisma bonus. If you deal damage to multiple
targets with a single source, choose which one takes
the extra elemental damage.
Additionally, you can extend the protection of your
gem to other creatures. When an ally within 30 feet that
you can see takes damage as described above, you can
use your reaction to transfer some of the damage
into your gem.
Starting at 10th level, you can call upon
your Genie Lord to twist fate in your favor.
Immediately after you make an attack roll,
saving throw, ability check, or damage
roll, you can choose to reroll and take the
better result.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Starting at 14th level, you can channel the power of your
patron into your flesh to magically transform into a herald EXPANDED PACT OPTIONS
of your Genie Lord. Your legs fade away into a swirl of Warlocks of the Genie Lord gain access to the following
elemental energy, and your skin and features take on a cast expanded pact options. At the GM’s discretion, warlocks
that resembles that of your patron. You can transform as of other patrons can discover the means to access these
a bonus action and the transformation lasts for 1 minute, modified pact boons, perhaps by gaining an elemental
during which you gain the following benefits: feat or by performing a quest for a noble genie or other
powerful elemental.
• You gain a flying speed of 60 feet.
• You have advantage on saving throws against spells and PACT OF THE BLADE
other magical effects. Your pact weapon takes on a sheen of elemental power.
• Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, When you create or summon your pact weapon, you can
fire, lightning, or thunder. You gain immunity to that decide to change its damage type to one of the following:
damage type. acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. You can change the
• Once on your turn when you hit with an attack or damage type by repeating the ceremony.
spell, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage of one of the PACT OF THE CHAIN
following types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
When you conjure your familiar or change its form, you
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you can choose the form of a mephit in addition to the usual
finish a short or long rest. form choices. When you use your action to command your
mephit familiar to attack, it can use its breath or cast an
innate spell instead.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
PACT OF THE TOME Spell Level Spells
Your book of shadows is immune to damage or wear 1st pendulum*, tireless*
caused by the elements. This includes something as simple
as being immersed in water, as well as acid, fire, cold, 2nd lock armor*, winding key*
lightning, or thunder damage. 3rd protection from energy, thousand darts*
4th fabricate*, steam blast*
A new Eldritch Invocation, Will of the Master, is available 5th animate objects, mechanical union*
to warlocks.
WILL OF THE MASTER At 1st level, your patron grants you a tiny fraction of its
Prerequisite: 9th level ability to measure and control time. At the beginning of
You can cast planar binding once using a warlock spell slot. another creature's turn (friend or enemy), before that
You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. creature moves or takes any action, you can shift your
position in the initiative order to immediately before that
creature. If you haven't yet taken your turn this round, you
WARLOCK PACT: do so immediately. If you have already acted this round,
THE GREAT MACHINE you can either move or take one action immediately, but
not both. In either case, your spot in the initiative order
The world seems chaotic, but not all worlds are. There shifts to this new position. You must complete a short or
are infinite planes of precisely moving parts, gears long rest before using this feature again.
whose movement is counted in the lifetime of suns in
the material world. There are beings of pure rational law. MACHINELIKE PRECISION
Your patron is such a being of cold precision, to a degree At 6th level, you can call on your patron to grant you
beyond mortal measure. Logical and deliberate but utterly uncanny precision. When you miss with an attack
incomprehensible, it might be a denizen of the plane of in combat, you can choose to reroll the attack with
Rusty Gears or it might have arisen out of the clockwork advantage. Once you use this feature, you must complete a
magic of the material plane. short or long rest before using it again.
Where you fit in this great device is unclear to any but the
being itself, and perhaps its rivals. Its knowledge is vast MIND OF GEARS
and inversely proportional to its tolerance for variation At 10th level, your thoughts become mechanical and
from its plans. It may call on you to enforce the order of ordered like that of your patron, even if your actions do
your land, to hunt down oath breakers, to purge those who not. You are immune to psychic damage and your thoughts
sin, or to make adjustments of the cosmic order in ways cannot be read unless you choose to allow it.
unfathomable to mortals. Rava, the Goddess of Gears, is
but one example of this type of being; Zurvan, the Iron CRUSHING GEARS
Angel, is another, and in the infinity of worlds there are The mortal mind is not meant to understand the vast
countless more. complexity of machine intelligences. Starting at 14th
level, you can, as an action, designate a creature you can
GREAT MACHINE EXPANDED SPELL LIST see within 60 feet of you. It must make a Charisma saving
The Great Machine lets you choose from an expanded list throw against your warlock spell save DC. If it fails, it
of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following experiences a taste of your patron’s mind and its place in
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. the great plan of the multiverse. The creature takes 10d10
psychic damage and must make another Charisma saving
throw; if the second saving throw fails, the creature is also
stunned for 1 minute as it reels from the experience. After
using this feature, you must complete a short or long rest
before using it again.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Arcane Characters
Pact of the Blade: The blade of the Great Machine is a WARLOCK PACT:
thing of clockwork and gears, changing shape as it unfolds
for combat. THE LIGHT EATER
Pact of the Tome: The Great Machine grants no You have made a pact with a being from the Plane of
simple book, but instead a pocket-size device filled with Shadows whose goal is to plunge the world into unending
cogs covered in arcane script. The warlock knows how to darkness. You may or may not share this ambition, but
manipulate the small buttons and levers on the device to you’ve sworn loyalty to this entity. Unlike fiends who
cast each of the cantrips. If spells are added to it via the seek to corrupt and destroy, light-eaters want to make
Book of Ancient Secrets invocation, the Warlock can add the Material Plane more like their own Shadow Realm.
new gears instead of pages by the process described. Many light-eaters were once liches, shadow dragons,
death knights, vampiric wizards, or other shadow beings
ELDRITCH INVOCATIONS that existed long enough to amass great power before
The following invocations are available to Great Machine abandoning their former paths to pursue the glorification
warlocks. of the night as an end in itself.
Except as noted below, light eaters function as warlocks
CLOUD OF COGS and use the warlock spell list.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Starting at 10th level, your patron fortifies your mind
against fear, letting you shake off even the worst of its
effects. You gain immunity to fear-based effects and to the You study the angelic seals that bind the power of celestial
frightened condition. Anytime an enemy uses an effect messengers through their names, and you shape that
that would cause fear in you, you can use your reaction to power into magical effects. Beyond the seals and wardings
redirect it back at that creature; unless the creature makes themselves, you learn esoteric spells to call down the
a successful Wisdom saving throw, it becomes frightened essence of the angelic host. Most angelic scribes take up
of you for 1 minute. A frightened creature repeats the their craft out of reverence and a desire to protect the
saving throw every time it takes damage, ending the effect righteous; a few tempt angelic wrath with their lust for
on itself with a success. power that's otherwise beyond their grasp.
Except as noted below, angelic scribes function as
CALL FROM SHADOW wizards and use the wizard spell list.
Starting at 14th level, you can use an action to summon
a shadow horror, which appears in an unoccupied space ANGELIC SAVANT
within 30 feet. The shadow horror uses the statistics of a Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, the
chuul, but it also understands Common. Roll initiative gold and time you must spend to copy an angelic magic
for the summoned creature, which has its own turns. The spell into your spellbook is halved.
shadow horror is friendly to you and obeys your verbal When you gain a level, one of the two spells you learn for
commands. It remains for up to one hour or until it’s gaining a level can be an angelic magic spell even if you’ve
reduced to 0 hit points. While present, it obeys simple never encountered the spell before. Similarly, when you
verbal commands from you; if you give it no commands, learn a new cantrip, it can be an angelic magic cantrip even
it defends itself. You must maintain concentration on if you’ve never previously encountered it.
the shadow horror as if concentrating on a spell. If your
concentration is broken, the creature vanishes. Once you SEAL SCRIBE
use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Starting at 2nd level, you learn the Celestial language if
short or long rest. you don’t already know it, and you gain the ability to scribe
angelic seals.
When you select your pact boon at 3rd level, it is subtly
altered in the following ways.
Pact of the Chain: Your familiar can take the Hide
action whenever it’s in dim light or darkness. It has
disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception)
checks while in bright light. The same penalties
apply to you while you’re using its senses
or casting spells through it, while it’s in
bright light.
Pact of the Blade: The Light
Eater grants a blade made of
unearthly, shadowy material that
is nearly invisible in dim light or
darkness. Each time you create
it, you can choose whether
it does its standard damage
type or necrotic damage.
Pact of the Tome: Your
book is literally a book of
shadow; shadowy vapor drips
from it whenever it is opened
or held, and it weighs nothing.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Arcane Characters
Seals. You learn two angelic seals of your choice, which benefit of the seal for 1 minute. This replaces the normal
are detailed below under “Angelic Seals.” You can spend benefit while it is active. If you choose a warding seal, for
10 minutes scribing an angelic seal you know on paper, the next hour a creature that fails its saving throw against
canvas, stone tiles, or some other token that can be the ward takes 6d6 radiant damage and automatically fails
carried or displayed. Alternatively, you can spend 8 hours further saves against the ward during this time.
using appropriate artisan tools to carve or etch a more You can use this ability twice, and you regain all
permanent seal into harder material. Once you have a seal, expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
you can activate it as an action.
• You can have one active seal at a time. The number of ANGELIC WRATH
active seals you can maintain increases by 1 at 6th level At 14th level, you add conjure celestial to your spellbook,
(2 seals), 10th level (3 seals), and 14th level (4 seals). As and it is a wizard spell for you.
a bonus action, you can deactivate a seal. A broken or Additionally, you can use a bonus action to infuse your
defaced seal deactivates immediately. seals with angelic wrath. For 1 minute, you and anyone
• A creature can gain the benefits of one active seal it in possession of one of your active seals within 30 feet of
holds or openly wears. The seal’s delicate magic is you deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage with weapon
suppressed while its user concentrates on a spell or a attacks.
similar effect. A suppressed seal still counts against You can’t use this ability again until you finish a short or
your total number of active seals allowed. long rest.
• You learn one additional angelic seal of your choice at
6th, 10th, and 14th levels. Each time you learn a new
seal, you can also replace one seal you know with a The angelic seals consist of the name of an angel, written
different one. in Celestial, that resonates with a given seal’s effect. The
seal effects are presented in alphabetical order.
WARDING SEAL Benevolence (Amnayeth). This seal allows its user to
Beginning at 6th level, you learn to place warding seals to retry a failed ability check to improve another creature’s
protect areas. This follows the same rules for scribing an attitude. Greater: As an action, the user can cause a creature
angelic seal, but the seal must be on the ground, the floor, who can hear the user to make a Wisdom saving throw
or a similarly solid portion of a structure such as a wall, against your spell save DC or be charmed for 10 minutes.
column, or ceiling. As an action, you can touch the seal to This seal can’t be used again on the same creature until
activate it. You must maintain concentration on the effect the user finishes a short or long rest.
as if concentrating on a spell. Clarity (Simil). The user adds half your Intelligence
Once activated, the warding seal creates a spiritual, modifier (minimum of 1) to its Wisdom (Insight) and
spherical boundary with a radius of 30 feet, or surrounding Wisdom (Perception) checks. Greater: The user gains
a small building or series of rooms of similar dimension (a blindsight with a range of 10 feet.
22-foot cube, for example, or any space of approximately
11,000 cubic feet). Aberrations, fey, fiends, and undead Fortitude (Rikbil). When it is hit with an attack,
cannot physically cross that boundary, cast spells across the user can use its reaction to add 2 to its AC against
it, or project their abilities across it unless they make a that attack. It must be able to see the attacker to use this
successful Charisma saving throw against your spell save effect. Greater: The user gains resistance to nonmagical
DC. A creature that fails the saving throw can try again on bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
its next turn. A creature that succeeds and moves across Fortune (Barrateth). The use can add 1 to an attack
the boundary into the protected area isn't affected by the roll, saving throw, or ability check. The addition is made
boundary while it remains inside (the boundary impedes after rolling the die but before the GM reveals whether it
only incoming entities and effects, not outgoing), but it was a success or failure. Greater: After making an attack
must contend with the ward again if it leaves the area. roll, saving throw, or ability check, the user can roll
If a creature can see the seal when it makes the another d20 and choose which result to use. The second
saving throw, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. roll is made after the initial roll but before the GM reveals
Additionally, when a creature you can see and who is whether that roll was a success or failure.
carrying an active seal is targeted by an attack, you can use After using this seal, it can’t be used again until the user
your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. finishes a short or long rest.
Glory (Vrechiel). When the user reduces an enemy to
GREATER SEAL 0 hit points, the user gains temporary hit points equal to
Starting at 10th level, you can use an action to empower your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). Greater: At the
one active angelic seal or warding seal to greater effect. start of its turn, the user gains temporary hit points equal
If you choose an angelic seal, its user gains the greater to your wizard level.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Humility (Ophanim). The user adds half your WIZARD SCHOOL:
Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) to its Dexterity
(Stealth) checks. It loses this bonus until the start of its CLOCKWORK
next turn when it takes a hostile action (any action that The origins of clockwork magic are nebulous at best.
could inflict intentional damage on a creature). Greater: Those of a religious bent say that it's derived from the
If it hasn’t taken a hostile action this turn, the user can divine, that a follower of some god of smiths or machines
use its action to present an aura of humility. A creature or even time had an epiphany. Others, usually those of a
that wishes to attack the user must succeed on a Wisdom less religious bent, claim that clockwork magic was the
saving throw against your spell save DC or choose another discovery of an ancient artificer who, while experimenting
target. If there are no other targets it wishes to attack, the with gears and steam, built the first device animated by
creature wastes its action doing nothing. enchantments. Whatever its origin, clockwork magic
Judgment (Chamule). When the user hits a creature involves time manipulation, constructs, and mechanical
with an opportunity attack, the user can move up to half its devices of all kinds.
speed, provided it ends the move closer to the creature it The school of clockwork magic is a blending of
hit. Greater: As a reaction when it is hit with an attack, the technology and magic not often seen. While some would
user can cause the attacker to take radiant damage equal to argue that all spells of this so-called school are simply
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1), if the attacker applications of the more traditionally acknowledged
is within 60 feet of the user. branches of arcane magic, clockwork mages understand
that there is qualitative difference in thought between
Recovery (Jelaal). The user automatically succeeds on
casting, say, a clockwork(evocation) spell and an ordinary
its first death saving throw and then regains 1 hit point. evocation. The school thrives alongside industry, using a
Once used, this effect doesn’t function again until the user small number of spells, compared to the older schools, to
finishes a short or long rest. Greater: When the user regains create a wide range of styles. Fool is he who fails to notice
hit points, it regains an additional number of hit points arcane glyphs and wands and mistakes a clockwork mage
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). for a common gear grinder or tinkerer.
Temperance (Iaothe). When it makes a Wisdom saving The following class abilities are available to wizards of
throw, the user can use its reaction to add your Intelligence the clockwork school.
modifier to the roll (minimum of 1). The bonus is added
after the die is rolled but before the GM reveals whether CLOCKWORK SAVANT
the saving throw succeeds or fails. This ability doesn’t Beginning when you choose this school at 2nd level,
function again until the user finishes a short or long rest. the gold and time it takes to copy a clockwork spell into
Greater: The user can't be charmed or frightened. your spell book is halved. You also gain proficiency with
Wrath (Xapanie). Once on the user’s turn when it hits clockwork tools (25 gp, 2 lb).
with a weapon attack, the attack deals 1 additional point
of weapon damage. Greater: The user’s attacks are magical, CLOCKWORKER’S CHARM
and once on the user’s turn when it hits with a weapon Beginning at 2nd level, whenever you cast an animate
attack, the attack deals an additional amount of radiant construct spell, increase the duration by a number of
damage equal to half your wizard level. minutes equal to your proficiency bonus. At 20th level, you
can make the spell permanent until dispelled but cannot
have more than one made permanent at a time.
The following spells are added to the spell lists of angelic
scribes. If the GM allows, they can also be used by clerics,
When you reach 6th level, you gain the ability to reshape
paladins, warlocks, and wizards who discover written
metal with a touch. When you grasp a piece of metal of
versions of them.
Small size or smaller, you can alter its form into any shape
Cantrips 5th Level that suits your purpose. The item must be in your hands
benediction blazing chariot and under your control; you can't, for example, reshape a
piece of armor or a weapon that's being worn or wielded by
1st Level 6th Level
someone else. To create a specific object, such as a key or
angelic guardian heavenly crown
mechanical component, you must be completely familiar
2nd Level 7th Level with it. Thus you could replicate a key that you had in your
blessed halo seal of sanctuary possession for an extended period of time, but you could
3rd Level 8th Level not create a working key based on seeing the lock alone.
Objects you create can have up to two hinges and a latch,
blade of wrath quintessence
but finer mechanical detail is not possible. This effect can
4th Level 9th Level be used to repair metal as per the spell. You may use this
deva’s wings greater seal of sanctuary feature once before completing a long or short rest.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Arcane Characters
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
At 14th level, you add legend lore to your spellbook, if it isn’t
there already. When you are at 0 hit points, you can reroll
your first failed death saving throw.
If you die, your soul hangs in the branches of the world
tree for seven days, after which time a huginn egg appears
in the place where you died. You hatch from the egg in a
new body as if a reincarnate spell was cast on you. Once you
use this ability, you can’t use it again for 1 month.
Wizards practice the subtle magic of pulling power from
thin air and shaping it to fit their needs. Sorcerers tame
the chaotic power within themselves, releasing it in barely
controlled gouts of magical eruptions. Mages who walk the
path between these two diverse means of magic are called
dragon magi, and they meld the order of dweomery with
the chaos of sorcery to grant themselves powers beyond
anything the individual traditions could muster alone.
Dragon magi manifest their magic in variety of styles, as
diverse as the draconic species and the types of magic that
populate the worlds. Kobolds serving as councilors to great
wyrms are taught by their masters to harness their innate
draconic natures through the use of more traditional
spells. A wild-eyed human, oozing sorcerous magic from
an ancient draconic ancestor, might find a kindly wizard
to help her focus her power. Special legions of dragonborn
troops train with a master dragon mage, learning all there
is to know to better defend their homeland from invaders.
Except as noted below, dragon magi function as wizards
and use the wizard spell list.
• You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks, as • You gain a breath weapon attack. As an action, a
well as on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. 30-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line of energy (acid, cold,
• Any ranged or melee attack spells you cast while fire, or lightning) shoots from your dragon heart in a
wearing the dragon mask are made with disadvantage, direction you choose. Each creature in the line must
and saving throws against spells you cast while wearing make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d6
the dragon mask are made with advantage. damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful
• As a bonus action, you can spend an additional spell one. The type of damage can be selected when making
slot to augment your dragon mask. Your next dragon the attack and cannot be changed until a new dragon
mask’s bite attack damage increases by +1d8 per level heart is manifested.
of the spell slot spent, and you gain advantage on the • As a bonus action, you can spend an additional spell
attack roll. slot to augment your dragon heart. Your next dragon
heart’s breath weapon attack damage increases by +2d6
INVOKE DRAGON HEART per level of the spell slot spent, and you can add 10 feet
Starting at 6th level, you can invoke a magical dragon of length to the line per level of the spell slot spent.
heart. You use a bonus action and spend a spell slot to
invoke the dragon heart, which lasts for 3 rounds per level INVOKE DRAGON WINGS
of the spent spell slot. The dragon heart remains as long Starting at 10th level, you can invoke a set of magical
as you are not incapacitated, until the duration ends, or dragon wings. You use a bonus action and spend a spell
until it is dismissed or replaced with a bonus action. The slot to invoke the dragon wings, which last for 2 rounds per
dragon heart is a translucent magical force, in the form of level of the spent spell slot. The dragon wings remain as
a beating heart, which covers your chest. long as you are not incapacitated, until the duration ends,
While you wear your dragon heart, you gain the or until they are dismissed or replaced with a bonus action.
following benefits. While you wear your dragon wings, you gain the
following benefits.
• You gain a bonus to Wisdom and Charisma saving
throws equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum • Your speed increases by 10 feet, and you gain a fly speed
of +1). equal to your walking speed.
• You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your • You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
wizard level. These temporary hit points are lost when slashing damage from nonmagical sources.
your dragon heart aspect is removed or lost for any • You gain advantage on any melee or ranged spell attack
reason. rolls.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
• As a bonus action, you can spend an additional spell DRAGON MAGIC SPELLS
slot to augment your dragon wings. Until the start of The following spells are added to the spell lists of dragon
your next turn, you can add 5 feet of additional speed magi.
per level of the spell slot spent. Additionally, you can
choose one creature per level of the spell slot spent Cantrips 4th Level
within 10 feet of you, and ranged attacks against those dragon roar raid the lair
creatures are made at disadvantage. 1st Level scale rot
When you gain a level, one of the two spells you learn harmed by the normal conditions of the plane, you can
for gaining a level can be an elemental magic spell, even breathe normally, and you can use your speed to move in a
if you’ve never encountered the spell before. Similarly, manner appropriate to the plane (flying for air, burrowing
when you learn a new cantrip, it can be an elemental magic for earth, and swimming for water). You regain the ability
cantrip even if you’ve never previously encountered it. to cast plane shift with this mastery when you finish a long
Starting at 2nd level, you learn techniques called masteries ELEMENTAL BINDING
to channel elemental magic into your being and spells.
Prerequisite: 10th level
Masteries. You learn two masteries of your choice,
You add planar binding to your spellbook if you don’t
which are detailed under “Masteries” below. You learn one
already have it, and you can cast it once with this mastery
additional mastery of your choice at 6th, 10th, and 14th
without expending a spell slot. When you cast the spell in
levels. Each time you learn a new mastery, you can also
this way, you must target an elemental creature associated
replace one mastery you know with a different one.
with your elemental focus. If the elemental fails its saving
throw, it gains temporary hit points equal to your wizard
level. You regain the ability to cast planar binding with this
Beginning at 6th level, you can funnel elemental essence
mastery when you finish a long rest.
through your damage-dealing spells. When you cast a spell
that does damage, you can change the damage to the type
associated with your elemental focus.
Prerequisite: 6th level
ABSORB ELEMENTS You gain resistance to the damage type associated with your
Starting at 10th level, when you would take damage of the elemental focus, and you have advantage on Constitution
type associated with your elemental focus, you can use a saving throws made to maintain concentration on spells
reaction to take no damage and regain a number of hit that resonate with your elemental focus.
points equal to half the damage you would have taken. You
can use this ability even if you have resistance or immunity ELEMENTAL COMMAND
to that damage type from another source. You can use
As an action, you can charm an elemental creature for as
this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence
long as you maintain concentration as if concentrating on
modifier (minimum of 1), and you regain all expended uses
a spell, for up to 1 hour. If you or your companions damage
when you finish a long rest.
the charmed elemental or take any harmful action against
IRRESISTIBLE STRIKE it, the charmed condition ends immediately. Once this
ability ends for a given elemental, it is immune to being
At 14th level, your elemental damage spells are
charmed by you for 24 hours.
unstoppable. Your spells that deal damage of the type
associated with your elemental focus ignore immunity to
that damage type. You can use this ability a number of times ELEMENTAL EROSION
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1), and Prerequisite: 10th level
you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. After you damage a target with a spell that deals the
damage type associated with your elemental focus, the
MASTERIES target becomes vulnerable to that damage type until the
end of your next turn. You can use this ability twice. You
Masteries are specialized techniques you can use to regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long
augment your spellcasting. Unless noted otherwise, you rest.
can use only one mastery on a given spell. The masteries
are presented in alphabetical order. IGNITE
Prerequisite: Elemental Focus (Fire)
When you deal fire damage to a target with a spell of 1st
Prerequisite: 14th level level or higher, you can use a bonus action to cause the
You add plane shift to your spellbook if you don’t already target to catch fire. At the start of its next turn, the creature
have it, and you can cast it once with this mastery without takes half as much fire damage as it originally took from
expending a spell slot. You can only travel to the elemental the spell, and the flames go out. This damage can be
plane associated with your elemental focus, or to the prevented if an ally within 5 feet uses an action to put out
material plane. While on that elemental plane, you aren’t the flames. If you damage more than one target with the
spell, choose just one to catch fire.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Your spells that deal the damage type associated with your ELVEN HIGH MAGIC
elemental focus ignore any resistance the target has to that
Elven high magic is very powerful and extremely rare.
damage type.
With high magic and sufficient time, an elven wizard can
accomplish just about anything. It is a closely guarded
STONY REFUGE secret, practiced only by the elves and their shadow fey
Prerequisite: Elemental Focus (Earth) relatives. Non-elves are never taught the ways of this
When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can use school. That's both a sign of the elves' sense of superiority
a bonus action to create a hovering slab of stone that and an unfortunate practicality. High magic can take
interposes itself between you and one creature of your centuries to master, and humans and other short-lived
choice. Until the end of your next turn, the slab provides races simply don't live long enough to become skilled in
half cover to you against attacks from the chosen creature. this art.
Except as noted below, practitioners of elven high magic
SWEEPING SWELL function as wizards and use the wizard spell list.
Prerequisite: Elemental Focus (Water) RITUAL SAVANT
When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can use a Beginning at 2nd level when you select this school, the
bonus action to create a sweeping wave of water to push gold and time you must spend to copy a high magic spell
a target you can see within 20 feet. The creature must into your spellbook is halved.
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 5 feet in
the direction of your choice. RITUAL FOCUS
Starting at 2nd level, you can spend 10 minutes centering
WIND BLAST your mental energy and creating a ritual focus. When you
Prerequisite: Elemental Focus (Air) choose to do so, you can expend your ritual focus to create
When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can use a one of the following effects when casting the ritual version
bonus action to create a line of wind that is 20 feet long of a spell.
and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a • You can cast a ritual version of a spell without adding
Strength saving throw or take 1d6 slashing damage and be the additional 10 minutes to the casting time that's
pushed 10 feet away from you in the direction of the line. normally required.
• You can expend a spell slot equal to or higher than the
ELEMENTAL MAGIC SPELLS spell's nominal level as you cast the ritual version of
The following spells are added to the spell lists of the spell, provided the spell allows that as an option.
sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards who discover written The ritual takes effect at a level one higher than the
versions of the spells. expended spell slot instead of the minimum. You must
be able to cast spells of the ritual's elevated level for the
Cantrips 5th Level ritual to take effect.
pummelstone acid rain
Some spells have additional effects that you can invoke
wind lash frostbite
by expending your ritual focus. You can't use your ritual
1st Level 6th Level focus again until after you complete a short or long rest.
tidal barrier drown
wind tunnel entomb BOUND MAGIC
2nd Level 7th Level At 6th level, you begin to master an understanding of
elven high magic. You bind magic into the fabric of a place,
rolling thunder blizzard
making it last without any concentration. Choose a ritual
spire of stone 8th Level spell you know that targets an area. Cast the ritual version
3rd Level caustic torrent of the spell and expend your ritual focus while burning
frozen razors 9th Level expensive herbs worth 200 gp per level of the ritual. The
riptide pyroclasm spell's duration in that location becomes a year and a day.
If you cast the ritual every day for 30 consecutive days,
4th Level
the spell becomes permanent in that location until it's
dispelled or otherwise destroyed.
flame wave
Additionally, you can expend your ritual focus twice
between rests.
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Arcane Characters
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Starting at 2nd level, you can manipulate the reality- Beginning at 10th level, when you cast a chaos magic
changing forces of chaos to alter the odds of a situation. spell, you gain resistance to a random damage type for a
You can give yourself (as a bonus action) or a creature you number of rounds equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier
can see (as a reaction) advantage on one attack roll, saving (minimum 1). You can choose to cause a chaos magic surge
throw, or ability check that will be made this turn. Doing as part of your casting; if you do, roll twice on the Damage
this causes a chaos magic surge. You must finish a long rest Type table and choose the type you prefer, then determine
before you can use this ability again. the effect (if any) of the chaos magic surge. You must finish
a long rest before you can use this ability again.
Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell that causes MASTER OF CHAOS
damage, you can infuse the spell with greater power Starting at 14th level, anytime you cause a chaos magic
by channeling chaos through yourself. You make this surge, you regain one use of long odds, twisted arcana, or
choice after determining whether the spell has been shifting resistance without taking a long rest. In addition,
successful (i.e., after making a spell attack roll) but before every time you cast a chaos spell, you gain temporary hit
determining damage. If you invoke twisted arcana, roll 1d6 points equal to your Intelligence modifier + the spell's level.
+ 1; this is the maximum number of your spell's damage
dice you can reroll. You can reroll any number of damage CHAOS MAGIC SURGES
dice up to that maximum, and you must use the rerolled Using chaos magic sometimes causes a chaos magic surge.
results. These are similar to wild magic surges caused by sorcerers.
In addition, the type of damage your spell causes When a chaos magic surge occurs, you must roll 1d20.
is replaced randomly. Use the Damage Type table to If you roll a 1, consult the Chaos Magic Surge table to
determine the spell's new damage type. determine the specific result.
Using this ability causes a chaos magic surge. You must
finish a long rest before you can use this ability again.
35-36 Three targets within 30 feet that you can see are targeted by a bolt of light that does 1d8 radiant damage. Each
individual target can negate the damage with a successful Constitution saving throw.
37-38 Every creature within 60 feet of you, except you, teleports 10 feet in a random direction. If the destination is a
solid object or hazardous terrain, the creature doesn't move.
39-40 The sun (or moon if it is night) is eclipsed for 10 minutes.
41-42 You become immune to all damage for 1 round.
43-44 Until you complete a long rest, you leave burning footprints that smolder in your wake for 5 rounds. The flames are
hot enough to ignite easily flammable material (leaves, paper, cloth).
45-46 You turn into a succulent cooked ham for 10 rounds. While a ham, you are incapacitated and are vulnerable to all
damage. The gold plate that you appear upon can be sold for 5 gp.
47-48 For 30 feet around you, the ground turns into broken, uneven, difficult terrain.
49-50 For 1 hour, you gain a bonus to weapon damage equal to your spellcasting ability.
51-52 You open a portal to the Abyss that stays open for 10 rounds. Each round there is a 1 in 20 chance that a fiend or
other Abyssal creature of the GM's choice walks through.
53-54 You cast healing word on a target of your choice.
55-56 Your eyes turn into potatoes and fall from their sockets. You are blinded until you receive a remove curse or
regenerate spell.
57-58 You hear a thunderous sound and are stunned until the end of your next turn.
59-60 You cast moonbeam.
61-62 An item you hold is covered in continual flame. If you are not holding an item, the GM chooses an item within 30
feet of you to be the target.
63-64 You and two targets that you can see within 30 feet of you are affected by a bane spell.
65-66 You gain advantage on your next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw within 24 hours.
67-68 You suffer disadvantage on your next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw within 24 hours.
69-70 Choose a target that you can see within 60 feet other than yourself to gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
71-72 A barrel of lamp oil appears adjacent to you.
73-74 You are targeted by a disguise self spell making you appear as a dirt-covered human child of the opposite gender.
75-76 Dim pink light fills an area 30 feet around your target. If your spell or ability has no target, the light is centered
on you.
77-78 You summon a boar to a space you can see within 30 feet. The boar follows your commands for 1 minute and then
disappears. It is wearing a green dress.
79-80 You cast flame strike centered on yourself.
81-82 You gain 1d4 x 10 pounds of weight.
83-84 You gain a +2 bonus to your AC for a number of rounds equal to your spellcasting ability.
85-86 The ground beneath your target, or beneath you if your spell or ability has no target, sinks 1 foot. It also falls prone
unless it makes a successful Dexterity saving throw.
87-88 Red silk scarves and origami cranes swirl through the air within 500 feet of you, causing light obscurement. The
scarves are worth 100 gp in total if collected.
89-90 A table with a heroes' feast appears within 10 feet of you.
91-92 Three skeletons under the control of the GM claw their way out of the ground and attack random living creatures
until they are destroyed.
93-94 You cast barkskin upon yourself. Your hair is permanently replaced with green leaves until you receive a remove curse
or comparable magic.
95-96 Your teeth turn into moths and fly away.
97-98 You sprout insect wings, giving you a fly speed of 30 feet. The wings last for 1 minute.
99-100 A weapon you can see within 30 feet glows and becomes a magic weapon for 1 minute.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Starting at 10th level, you can bind yourself to weak or
TRADITION: GEOMANCY strong ley lines with your Channel Ley Line feature.
While any spellcaster can tap the potential coursing In addition, you add your proficiency bonus to the ability
through ley lines, the tradition of geomancy teaches the check when tapping a ley line for power.
art of becoming like a ley line and bonding with the great
flow of power. Geomancy is sometimes looked down on LEY LINE MASTERY
by adherents of traditions that focus on individual magic At 14th level, you can bind yourself to weak, strong, or
schools because it eschews specialization in favor of titanic ley lines with your Channel Ley Line feature, and
molding any form of magic through the focused power of you have advantage on the ability check to tap the ley line.
ley lines. As an action, you can lock or unlock a ley line within
Geomancers have an increased facility for tapping into 30 feet of you. When you lock a ley line, choose one of
any ley line, but they also learn to bind themselves to a its effects; the ley line will always have that effect for you
specific ley line. While other spellcasters must be within while it remains locked. Once you use this feature to lock
a ley line’s area of influence to use it, the geomancer or unlock a ley line, you can’t do so again until you finish a
becomes a tributary of his or her chosen river of power, number of long rests depending on the intensity of the line:
capable of siphoning its power anywhere. one for a weak ley line, two for strong, and three for titanic.
Except as noted below, geomancers function as wizards
and use the wizard spell list. LEY MAGIC SPELL LIST
The following spells are normally available to geomancers
LEY LINE SAVANT (in addition to the wizard spell list), but they can also be
Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, the used by druids, sorcerers, and warlocks who have a ley
gold and time you must spend to copy a ley line spell into line feat (ley initiate or ley-bound). Ley magic spells can
your spellbook is halved. be learned only by discovering written versions of them,
When you gain a level, one of the two spells you learn for unless the GM allows otherwise.
gaining a level can be a ley line magic spell, even if you’ve
1st Level 6th Level
never encountered it before.
land bond ley whip
Additionally, you can sense the presence of nearby ley
lines. As an action, you can discern the distance to the 2nd Level 7th Level
closest ley line within 1 mile, as well as the direction to ley disruption greater ley pulse
every ley line within 1 mile. 3rd Level volley shield
ley energy bolt 8th Level
ley sense disruptive aura
Starting at 2nd level, you learn to tap the power of ley lines
to augment your spellcasting, as described in chapter 6. 4th Level 9th Level
Additionally, when you finish a short or long rest within ray of life suppression ley storm
1 mile of a weak ley line, you can bind yourself to that ley 5th Level ley surge
line. You can be bound to only one ley line at a time. If amplify ley field
you later bind yourself to a second ley line, you lose your energy absorption
connection to the previous one.
lesser ley pulse
While you are bound to a ley line, you can channel the
ley leech
power of the line into your spellcasting from any distance,
as long as you are on the same plane as the ley line. You
can use this feature a number of times equal to your WIZARD SCHOOL:
Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest. ILLUMINATION
First created by the shadow fey, the school of illumination
LEY LINE MANIPULATION blends observations of the heavens with the manipulation
Beginning at 6th level, when you augment your magic of light and shadow into an arcane tradition that's
with power from a ley line, you can reroll the effect of an closely tied with the shadow plane. Many of its spells
unlocked ley line or the result of a backlash. You must use have much in common with divination, illusion, and
the rerolled result. After rerolling, you can't use a reaction necromancy. Unlike those schools, illumination magic is
until the end of your next turn. obscure and rarely practiced outside the shadow plane.
Its practitioners have been likened to elementalists who
manipulate shadow instead of fire, earth, air, or water.
This school is not simply about controlling shadow,
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Arcane Characters
however; its focus is simultaneously light and the absence that stored magic as a bonus action to invoke one of the
of light. Starlight, in particular, holds special meaning following effects. The insight is expended by one use, and
within this school. Illumination mages study the ever- it's lost if it hasn't been used within 24 hours or by the start
shifting alignment of the stars in their effort to read the of your next long rest.
road map of fate—a study that inevitably leads them out Comet: Comets are the harbingers of change and
of the starless shadow plane and into contact with the instability. You can change your appearance as if you'd
mortal world. cast an alter self spell, but the effect doesn't require
Members of the School of Illumination, called concentration and lasts until you take a long rest.
illuminators, use the stars to predict when danger is near,
Conjunction: Planetary conjunctions destabilize minds
and draw on the power of darkness to attack their foes.
and emotions. You can give one creature you can see
This school is popular with delvers into the underworld,
disadvantage on a saving throw against one enchantment
because its spells work best where light is dim or absent.
or illusion spell cast by you.
Except as noted below, illuminators function as wizards
and use the wizard spell list. Eclipse: Eclipses plunge the world into darkness and
strengthen connections to the shadow plane. When
Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the
gold and time needed to copy illumination spells into your
spellbook is halved.
Starting at 2nd level, you can forecast danger for the next
24 hours by studying the stars for one hour. The stars must
be visible to you for you to use this ability. Studying the
stars this way gives you advantage on up to two initiative
checks. The bonus remains available for 24 hours or until
the end of your next long rest. Instead of using an omen
yourself, you can grant advantage on an initiative check to
one other creature you can see when initiative checks are
being made, but this prevents you from using the benefit
yourself in that combat. You can choose whether to use
an omen at the moment when initiative is rolled, but you
must make the decision before rolling the die.
Beginning at 10th level, illusions cast by you
that require concentration last for 1 round
after you lose concentration or stop
concentrating, provided the spell hasn't
exceeded its maximum duration.
Starting at 14th level, during a long rest
you can consult the stars and comprehend
some meaning in a cosmic event. The stars
must be visible to you for you to use this
ability. The insight you gather is stored as
a small reserve of magic inside an item that
has meaning to you; a star chart or astrolabe is commonly
used, but any item that can be held in your hand will
suffice. When the item is in your hand, you can consume
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
you cast a spell of 5th level or lower that causes necrotic a Constitution saving throw with a DC = 5 + the damage
damage, you can reroll a number of damage dice up to taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit.
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). You must On a success, the familiar drops to 1 hit point instead.
use the new rolls.
Nova: The nova is a powerful aid to divination spells. You
can treat one divination spell you cast as though you had Beginning at 6th level, as an action you can consume the
used a spell slot one level higher than the slot actually used. flesh of a living, undead, or recently slain (within 1 hour)
creature with Intelligence 6 or greater. You gain temporary
hit points equal to your wizard level, and if the creature
was proficient in any Intelligence skills, you can pick
Cantrips 4th Level one of them. You gain proficiency in that skill or, if you
shadow bite black hand are already proficient, you can add double your normal
shadow blindness flickering fate proficiency bonus when using that skill. You can’t use this
silhouette ability on the same creature again within 24 hours. If you
5th Level
starburst are still under the effect of this ability when you use it on a
different creature, the original effect ends. If your Undead
1st Level 6th Level Familiar is within 100 feet when you use this ability, it also
cloak of shadow black well gains the benefit.
guiding star The temporary hit points and absorbed skill proficiency
7th Level
shadow hands last until you finish a long rest.
icy grasp of the void
2nd Level last rays of the dying sun
orb of light FRUIT OF THE MIND
starry vision
slither Starting at 10th level, when you use Memory of Flesh,
8th Level you can strip information from the creature as if you cast
3rd Level summon star speak with dead, even if the creature is alive or undead. The
compelling fate creature has disadvantage on its saving throw. If the saving
9th Level
shadow trove throw is successful, you can’t use this ability on the same
star's heart
shield of star and shadow creature again for 24 hours. You can use this ability on
a single creature once for each point of its Constitution
modifier (minimum of 1). Otherwise, its usage limits are
WIZARD ARCANE the same as those for Memory of Flesh.
The necrophage tradition is similar to that of the At 14th level, after using Memory of Flesh or Fruit of the
necromancer, but with a much more grisly focus. Mind, you no longer require air, food, drink, or sleep;
Necrophages, sometimes called “death eaters,” consume you gain immunity to disease, to being poisoned, and to
the flesh of both the living and the recently deceased to poison and necrotic damage; and your hit point maximum
steal those creatures' knowledge and power. can’t be reduced. These effects last for 24 hours.
Adherents of this tradition claim that it is the origin
of all necromancy magic and necrotic energy. They view
the Negative Plane as a cosmic necrophage all its own, WIZARD ARCANE
devouring all matter, energy, and life and replacing it with
necrotic energy and undead.
Except as noted below, necrophages function as wizards The dwarves long ago discovered the means to imbue
and use the wizard spell list. magic into metal rings, and the ring wardens were born.
With a focus on the school of transmutation, they blend
NECROMANCY SAVANT dwarven craftsmanship with arcane might. The ring
Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, the wardens are rare outside dwarven nations, but they are
gold and time you must spend to copy a necromancy spell easy to recognize thanks to their signature ring-staves.
into your spellbook is halved. Except as noted below, ring wardens function as wizards
and use the wizard spell list.
Starting at 2nd level, you add the find familiar spell to your TANSMUTATION SAVANT
spellbook if you don’t already have it. When you conjure Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, the
a familiar, the creature is undead instead of celestial, fey, gold and time you must spend to copy a transmutation
or fiend. The familiar gains the trait Undead Fortitude: spell into your spellbook is halved.
If damage reduces the familiar to 0 hit points, it makes
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Arcane Characters
At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in your choice of
blacksmith’s or jeweler’s tools.
Starting at 2nd level, you create a special quarterstaff
with two metal rings embedded in it or fastened around
it. You can use your ring-staff as an arcane focus.
Creating an additional ring takes 8 hours of work with
blacksmith’s or jeweler’s tools and costs 5 gp in raw
materials. Your ring-staff can incorporate a number of
rings equal to your wizard level.
When you roll damage for a spell while holding
your ring-staff, you can add your proficiency
bonus to the result. If the spell generates
multiple damage rolls against multiple targets
(such as scorching ray), you must choose which
roll gains the benefit before you roll it. You
can use this ability a number of times equal
to the number of metal rings fashioned into
your ring-staff, up to a maximum of your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You
regain all expended uses when you finish a
short or long rest.
Beginning at 6th level, you can add double
your normal proficiency bonus with the
tools you chose at 2nd level. When using
your chosen tools to craft mundane or
magical items, you make double the normal
progress each day.
Additionally, you learn the formula to
craft a single type of magical ring chosen
from the following list: ring of jumping, ring
of mind shielding, ring of protection, ring of the
ram, ring of regeneration, ring of resistance. At the
GM’s discretion, you can choose a ring not listed
here. You must meet all the standard prerequisites
for crafting the ring and pay the required gold
as normal, along with any special materials or
conditions set by the GM.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
You can remove an embedded ring (along with its ARCANE OPTION: RUNE MAGIC
attunement) with 1 hour of work, and you can replace it
with a new one at the same time. Rune spells are available to all magic-using classes,
provided characters find the spells somehow. This usually
RING MAGIC SPELL LIST takes the form of discovered or captured spellbooks or an
The following spells are available to ring wardens in NPC who can teach the spell. If the GM allows, it could
addition to those on the wizard spell list, but also to also be no more than seeing the spell used by an NPC.
sorcerers and warlocks who have a ring magic feat (i.e., Within that guideline, the following spells are added to
circle spellcaster or ring-bound). each class's spell list. (Divine spellcasters are included
here, instead of in chapter 3, for the sake of clarity.)
Cantrips 4th Level
hoarfrost spinning axes Bard Rune Spells
1st Level 5th Level 1st Level 4th Level
circle of wind curse ring Loki's gift binding oath
ringstrike 6th Level cursed gift
2nd Level
2nd Level enchant ring unluck on that jotun's jest
bitter chains 7th Level Wotan's rede
reverberate Cleric Rune Spells
ringward 3rd Level
3rd Level 1st Level
8th Level hero's steel
innocuous aspect deep breath
create ring servant
9th Level freeze potion
circle of devastation Loki's gift
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Arcane Characters
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
E ven if the optional rules for feats and backgrounds are in use in your
campaign, check with your GM before adding these options to your
character. The feats included here make some of the new magic spells
(dragon, elemental, illumination, ley line, and ring magic) available to
characters outside those magical traditions.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
FEATS • The creature can dislodge you by
using an action to conduct a contest
The following feats offer options for characters to between its Dexterity (Acrobatics)
channel the power of ley lines, dragon magic, elemental and your Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength
magic, illumination magic, and ring magic. At the GM’s (Athletics), whichever you prefer. If it wins the contest,
discretion, a spellcaster who possesses an appropriate feat you are flung off the creature and land on your feet,
can learn dragon, ley line, illumination, and ring magic unharmed, in an adjacent space of your choice.
spells without finding them in written form.
If the option to gain feats isn't being used in your DRAGONSMITH
campaign but you want to include the forms of magic You have studied the craft of turning components from
that are based on them, then these feats can be gained in a dragon’s body into weapons and armor. Working in
place of level-based ability score improvement, if your conjunction with a master weaponsmith or armorsmith,
GM approves. Alternatively, characters might need to you can create weapons and armor from the teeth, bones,
accomplish other, story-related tasks determined by the scales, hide, or other parts of a dragon. The cost to create
GM to acquire one or more of these feats. these items is ten times the normal cost of the item.
The number and type of items that can be made from a
DRAGON MAGIC FEATS particular dragon's corpse is up to the GM, but considering
The depth and breadth of dragon magic gives its how much violence must be inflicted on a dragon to bring
practitioners unique talents and capabilities unavailable it down, the amount of salvageable raw material is low;
to other wizards or sorcerers. Anyone might be touched by dragons don't die from superficial damage.
dragon magic, however, and these gifts are represented by Any type of melee weapon or bow can be made. The
the following feats. resulting weapon, in the hands of a proficient wielder,
does an additional 1d6 damage of a type appropriate to
CAREFUL DRAGON MASK the dragon whose body was used to create the weapon.
Prerequisite: The ability to invoke a dragon mask For example, a blue dragon dagger does
You've mastered the ability to cast spells while wearing 1d4 piercing damage pluse 1d6
your dragon mask. With this feat, you no longer have lightning damage.
disadvantage on attack rolls with spells and cantrips, and
the targets of your spells don't have advantage on saving
throws, while you're under the effect of your dragon mask.
Prerequisite: Strength or Dexterity of 15 or higher
You have trained to climb atop an opponent much
larger than yourself, giving you an advantage in combat
against enormous foes. You gain the following benefits.
• During your movement, you can try to enter the
space of a creature at least two size
categories larger than you. To do
so, conduct a contest between your
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) opposed by the
creature's Dexterity (Acrobatics).
If you win, you enter the creature's
space and are considered to be
riding it. If you lose, you don't enter the
creature's space and your movement ends.
• While you're riding the creature, if it moves, you
move with it. You also have advantage on your first
melee attack against the creature on each of your turns.
• The creature's attacks against a rider are made with
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Any type of armor can be made except padded or UNTHREATENING
chain (shirt or mail). The resulting armor or shield, in Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher
the panoply of a proficient user, provides resistance You're adept at making yourself seem to be less of a threat
to the damage type appropriate to the source dragon. than you actually are. You gain the following benefits.
For example, black dragon scale mail gives its wearer
• Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum
resistance to acid damage.
of 20.
DUAL DRAGON ASPECT • When a creature two or more size categories larger
Prerequisite: The ability to invoke dragon wings than you targets you with a melee weapon attack, you
You've mastered the difficult ability to wear two different can use your reaction to make yourself seem pathetic
dragon aspects at the same time. When you switch from and unthreatening. The creature must redirect its
one aspect to another, the aspect you remove lingers for attack against a different target; if no alternative target
1 round, provided its maximum duration hasn't expired. is within the attacker's reach or range, it can still attack
During this 1 round of overlap, both aspects are visible and you. Until the end of your next turn, your next melee
you have full access to the benefits and drawbacks of both or ranged attack against that creature is made with
aspects simultaneously. advantage. You must complete a short or long rest
before using this ability again.
Prerequisite: The ability to invoke a dragon mask ELEMENTAL MAGIC FEATS
You can manipulate the visage of your dragon mask to be With these feats, any character can touch the power of
a terrifying sight to your foes. Any target struck by your elemental magic. A would-be practitioner is wise to bear in
mask’s bite attack must make a successful Wisdom saving mind the destructive potential of the elements unleashed.
throw against your spell save DC or be frightened of you
until the end of your next turn. If you augmented the NEGOTIATOR
attack with a spell slot, the frightened condition lasts an You have honed the knack of the deal and counter-deal,
additional number of rounds = the level of the expended perhaps by crossing words with creatures accustomed to
spell slot. getting the upper hand in any negotiation. You gain the
following benefits.
• Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum
You can spot the weaknesses in a foe’s defenses. You gain
of 20.
the following benefits.
• When you try to persuade a creature to engage in
• Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
a course of action or to change its attitude with a
• As an action, you analyze the defenses of one Large or Charisma (Persuasion) check and fail, you can retry the
larger creature you can see. Your next attack against check on your next turn with disadvantage.
that creature is made with advantage, and the attack
• When you purchase a good or service, you can make a
scores a critical hit on a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20.
Charisma (Persuasion) check opposed by the seller’s
FORTIFYING HEALER Wisdom (Insight). If you win the contest, you secure a
10 percent discount on the transaction. Once you use
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
this feature on a given individual, you can’t use it on
Your healing magic is augmented by the fortifying magic them again for one week.
of resolute bravery. If you target one or more allies with
a spell that allows them to regain hit points, those allies • During downtime, when you pay for lifestyle expenses,
are immune to being frightened for a number of rounds they are halved.
= the level of the healing spell. In addition, one ally who SURVIVOR
healed hit points (your choice) gains inspiration. You
You are well-versed in surviving in hostile environments,
must complete a short or long rest before you can grant
even thriving where others are sure to perish. You gain the
inspiration again.
following benefits.
RADIANT DRAGON HEART • Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 1, to a
Prerequisite: The ability to invoke a dragon heart maximum of 20.
You can link radiant power to your dragon heart. In • You require only half the food and water normally
addition to the damage type done by your dragon heart’s required for a creature of your size.
breath attack, the damage is also considered radiant. • You can withstand extreme temperatures indefinitely
A creature that fails its saving throw against the breath and automatically succeed on saving throws against
weapon is also blinded until the end of your next turn. extreme heat and cold for a number of days equal to
your Constitution or Wisdom modifier, whichever is
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
lower. After this time, you must make saving throws • When you finish a long rest within 1 mile of a ley
as normal, until you spend 24 hours in a comfortable line, you can infuse ley energy into a token in your
temperature. possession. If you make a saving throw while you have
the infused token in your possession, you can use your
ILLUMINATION MAGIC FEAT reaction to roll a d4 and add the result to your saving
Illuminators mine the movements of the heavens to throw. You can trigger this ability after rolling the d20
extract valuable insights. A person who understands the but before success or failure is revealed. You can’t use
patterns can discern information about one thing by this ability again until you finish a long rest.
studying another.
STAR AND SHADOW CASTING The ring is a powerful shape, with no beginning and no
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell. end, and potent ties to life. These feats allow any character
By tracking the movements of the heavens, you gain the to touch the power of ring magic.
following benefits.
• When you gain this feat, choose either radiant or
necrotic damage. Spells you cast ignore resistance (but Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell.
not vulnerability) to the type of damage you chose. You have learned to create a circular flow of magic between
yourself and an allied spellcaster to bolster your spells. You
• You can cast augury once between each of your long
gain the following benefits.
rests without expending a spell slot.
• You gain darkvision to a distance of 15 feet. If you • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score
already have darkvision, increase its range by 15 feet. by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You can spend 2 hours (including during a long rest)
LEY MAGIC FEATS creating a mystical bond with another spellcaster. Both
of you must spend this time in meditation, and you
Ley lines crisscross most of the world, carrying magical
must remain within 10 feet of each other. Once the
power to all corners of the land. Great knowledge is
bond is formed, you can work together to bolster one
needed to harness their power.
another’s magic. When one of you casts a spell that
LEY INITIATE requires concentration, the other can use their reaction
Prerequisite: Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher to help maintain the spell. If the caster must make a
Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration
You see ley lines and can draw on their power. You gain the
on the spell, both of you make the saving throw. If
following benefits:
either of you succeeds, concentration is unbroken. If
• Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a both saving throws fail, you both lose concentration
maximum of 20. on any spells you are currently maintaining and you
• You can sense the presence of every ley line within both take 2d6 psychic damage from the strain. You can
1 mile of your location. If you have line of sight to maintain this bond with only one spellcaster at a time.
the line itself, it's visible to you in some obviously If you create a new bond, the previous bond breaks.
magical fashion. Otherwise, it lasts until the end of your next long rest.
• You can tap ley lines for their inherent powers.
• When you finish a short rest within 1 mile of a ley line,
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell.
you can regain one expended spell slot whose level is
no higher than your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier You have acquired a ring-magic-imbued ring as a token of
(your choice, minimum of 1st level). You can’t use this respect. You gain the following benefits.
ability again until you finish a long rest. • You have advantage on saving throws against
transmutation spells.
• You can physically bind your ring token to a weapon
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell. with 1 hour of work that can be completed during a
You instinctively feel the flow of ley line energy and draw short rest. While the ring is attached to the weapon,
insight from it. You gain the following benefits. you can use a bonus action to make the weapon magical
• Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20. until the start of your next turn. After activating this
• You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made ability twice, you must complete a short or long rest
to track a creature overland or forage for food and water. before using it again.
• When you finish a long rest within 1 mile of a ley line, • Ring wardens and others who respect the traditions
you gain inspiration. If unused, this inspiration fades of ring magic are favorably disposed toward you. Their
away after your next long rest. starting attitude toward you automatically improves by
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
one step, and you have advantage on Charisma checks Feature: Bred to the Bow
related to social interaction with such creatures. The care you show to your bow and arrows is unsurpassed.
If you spend 1 hour maintaining your weapons and
RUNE MAGIC FEATS ammunition, for the next 24 hours you can recover
Accessing the magic inherent within runes all arrows that miss their target by spending 1 minute
requires the Rune Knowledge feat. The runes and their searching at the end of an encounter. Further, you
effects are described in chapter 6. decorate your arrows with colored fletching that denotes
RUNE KNOWLEDGE your rank among the amazons. You begin at the lowest
rank with white fletching. Every 4 levels, you advance
Prerequisite: Wisdom 12 or higher
to the next color: green, blue, black, and finally red. You
You are wise in the lore of two runes of your choice. You can expect deference and respect from any amazon you
always have access to their rune bonuses. In addition, outrank, just as you are expected to defer to an amazon
every day you can invoke one rune power for each rune who outranks you.
you've learned, provided you meet any other requirements
such as a minimum level. Suggested Characteristics
You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do, Amazons of Perunalia are universally confident
you gain the bonus and powers of two additional runes of and well-educated, but they hold a default
your choice. assumption of men as the weaker sex with
manifest mental and behavioral faults.
RUNE MASTERY Amazons are disdainful of men in
Prerequisite: Rune Mastery power because of the long, sad
You have mastered the secret powers of one ancient rune. history of patriarchal nations
Choose one rune that you already learned through Rune and armies. Beyond their
Knowledge. Once per day, you can invoke one of its Rune particular assumptions,
Mastery powers. amazons tend to be
You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you shrewd and proud of
do, you learn the Rune Mastery powers of a different rune their skill.
from your repertoire.
Two of these (tinker and beggar, presented at the end)
are variants on backgrounds described in the fifth edition
rules, the artisan and the urchin. Those two use the
standard tables but have an alternative feature. The other
twenty backgrounds are adapted from other Kobold Press
publications or are presented here for the first time.
A strong daughter of a mighty nation, you are among the
most elite warriors of matriarchal Perunalia. All amazons
of Perunalia are female, and all train in the art of archery
first and foremost. Regardless of your chief profession,
you are trusted to defend the nation in time of need and
you enjoy the respect and esteem you earn through service
to the Duchy.
Skill Proficiencies: History, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies: Woodworker’s tools, one gaming
set of your choice
Equipment: A set of woodworker’s tools, a quiver
with 20 arrows, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a pouch
containing 15 gp
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
d6 Ideal You are from the River Court of Arbonesse or one of its
1 Service. The greatest expression of skill is defending far-flung thorpes. Most exiles are elf-blooded or gnomes,
the good of one’s fellows. (Good) but the occasional foundling of another race taken in by
exiles is not unheard of. You are fiercely proud of your
2 Fairness. I treat everyone in an even-handed
home and its legacy, despite its declining prominence. At
manner until they prove themselves unworthy.
the same time, the exiles are a canny people whose elders
pass down lore of the mysterious fey and shadow roads.
3 Dedication. I adhere to my duty above all. (Any) They are always wary of those strange places where the
4 Glory. I’ll show everyone that I'm the best there ever boundary between worlds grows thin.
was. (Chaotic) Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Survival
5 Rulership. The strongest are meant to rule, and no Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan’s tools
one is stronger than I. (Evil)
Languages: One of your choice
6 Tradition. Our nation thrives because of our strict
ways. (Lawful) Equipment: A set of cook’s utensils, a carved humanoid
bone totem, a set of traveler’s clothes, a hunting trap, and
a pouch containing 5 gp
Feature: Arbonesse Heritage
d6 Bond An elder of Arbonesse passed some of their secret
1 I will win the tournament at the Duchess’s Fair to knowledge down to you. You know of one relatively safe
make my mark on the nation. fey road that begins in the Arbonesse and leads elsewhere
2 When I best a worthy foe, I retrieve an arrowhead in Midgard, as well as the means to open the way. Work
from the battle and wear it as a trophy. with your GM to determine the road’s destination and
possible obstacles.
3 My bow is a family heirloom and a symbol of my
house. Suggested Characteristics
Arbonesse exiles refuse to give up their identity, even
4 All knowledge is power, and I’ll go out of my way
in areas where the wider influence of the River Court
to preserve it.
is nonexistent. Proud and hardy, exiles maintain the
5 I never would have passed my training if not for traditions passed by their elders and take grave offense to
my closest friend in school. any who try to stifle them.
6 My family fled to Perunalia to escape a powerful
enemy. One day I will see that enemy defeated.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
d8 Personality Traits d6 Flaw
1 I can always keep a cheerful disposition, no matter 1 Raiders destroyed my home, and I harbor deep
what’s going on. hatred for their kind.
2 Magic of all kinds is a source of constant fascination 2 My village protected an ancient secret, and that
to me. secret has been stolen.
3 I’m most at home near large bodies of water, or 3 I’m quick to think sophisticated people are talking
under the cover of dense tree canopy. down to me. Nothing angers me faster.
4 I work hard to do any job right the first time. 4 I’ll do anything to unlock an ancient or magical
5 Outsiders aren’t to be trusted. secret.
6 I prefer to do for myself rather than relying on others. 5 I have no respect for people who don’t pull their own
7 I’m leery of places steeped in shadow or darkness.
6 Places that might border on other worlds terrify me,
8 I grow resentful of people who come from thriving
and I hate spending time near them.
Bemmean Scholar
d6 Ideal Bemmea, capital city of the Magocracy of Allain, is
1 Revenge. My people will rise again, climbing the the jewel of magical study in Midgard. You walked its
bodies of our enemies if necessary. (Evil) ley‑infused streets and studied among the gleaming spires
that touch the sky. During your time in the arcane city,
2 Survival. As long as I live to fight another day, there’s you ate, drank, slept, and breathed magic, and now you
hope. (Any) carry that legacy into the world. Students with no arcane
3 Ancient Law. The law of the River Court endures, aptitude are rare, but nonmagical scholars do arise from
even if others fail to recognize it. (Lawful) Bemmea’s crackling skyline.
4 Community. My survival depends on the efforts of Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Investigation
my fellows, and their survival depends on me. (Good)
Languages: Two of your choice
5 Tradition. We should be guided by the knowledge
Equipment: A book of lore, a set of fine clothes, five
and experience of our forebears whenever practical.
sheets of parchment, a quill and inkwell, and a pouch
containing 15 gp
6 Independence. Remain loyal to oneself before all
else. (Chaotic) Focus of Study
Years of study at one of the many prestigious academies
in Bemmea has earned you specialized knowledge of one
exotic subject. You can work with your GM to determine
d6 Bond the exact nature of your focus or choose one from the
1 An ancient Arbonesse elf looks after me and my table below.
family. There’s no one I respect more.
2 I’m searching for a specific ruin with ancient power. d8 Focus of Study
3 I love learning new stories of shadow roads and 1 A creature type or tag (such as aberration or
other magical tales. shapechanger)
4 I hold the fey folk in high regard and avoid offending 2 Magic items
them. 3 A school of magic
5 I’ll protect my homestead from any threat. 4 Shadow Realm
6 I want to amass wealth and influence, and to rise 5 Fey roads
above my beginnings. 6 Ley lines
7 Runes and glyphs
8 Gods and masks
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
d8 Personality Traits
1 I won’t drink healing potions at dusk unless it’s a
matter of life or death.
2 Those with no magical talent aren’t worth my time,
and divine spellcasters only slightly less so.
3 I’m most at home while studying or lecturing others,
and I'm horribly uncomfortable anywhere else.
4 I never pass up the chance to share some scrap
of trivia regarding my focused studies. If a good
opportunity doesn’t present itself, I’ll make one.
5 I take time every day to cleanse foreign influences
from spellbooks, holy symbols, or magical items.
6 I constantly note the surrounding terrain or the layout
of construction, looking for magical significance.
7 When I encounter a new creature, I get lost in
gathering information and noting observations.
8 I sometimes take strange, roundabout routes when I
travel from place to place.
d6 Ideal
1 Compliance. Rules exist for a reason. We must
follow them, and punish those that don’t. (Lawful)
2 Greater Good. Sometimes we must sacrifice
personal convenience for the good of others. (Good)
3 Stability. The world constantly veers toward
extremes; the knowledge exists to keep it on an even
keel. (Neutral)
4 Preservation. We enjoy great knowledge because
those who came before passed it down. We must
follow their example. (Any)
5 Forbidden Knowledge. Proscribed lore hides
the key to true power. (Evil)
6 Free Information. Secrets are destructive;
knowledge is the birthright of all. (Chaotic)
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feature: Fearful Respect
d6 Flaw
When you travel openly as a Blood Sister within the
1 While studying, I broke an esoteric law that seemed Principalities, you will be afforded hospitality by the local
harmless at the time. If anyone finds out, there people who both fear and respect you. You will be offered
will be hell to pay. a decent meal, wine or beer, and a warm bed for the night
2 I brought ruin upon my mentor so I could at the village inn, and you will be granted an audience with
escape with a piece of secret lore. the local ruler if you need one. Outside Morgau, you can
3 My curiosity quashes my fear. One day that’ll be the give the secret hand signals and pass phrases needed to be
death of me. granted safe haven and free healing at the Red Goddess’
hidden temple in the city.
4 I stole the identity and position of another to enter
the academy. Suggested Characteristics
Blood Sisters have a dark past as servants of the Red
5 No matter how hard I study or how much I achieve,
Goddess and this is often reflected in their personalities.
my family never seems satisfied.
Ideals and bonds will be shaped by whether or not a Sister
6 I become intensely jealous of anyone who commands is still a member of the cult, or has renounced the Red
stronger magic than I can. Goddess’ teachings. A Blood Sister’s flaws are sometimes
linked to the tenets and practices of Marena’s worship;
sometimes a ritual act becomes a vice in which she takes
BLOOD SISTER twisted pleasure, or an obsession over which she has little
You were brought up in the service of the Red Goddess control.
Marena in one of her temples, likely from a young age. As
a member of the Blood Sisters, you were accorded respect
and often fear on account of your status if your temple
was located within the Principalities. Beyond Morgau’s
borders, however, the goddess’ worship would have been
forbidden and you would have honored her in secret.
You are not necessarily a cleric—the Red Sisterhood
contains plenty of lay worshippers too — but you are adept
at performing bloody sacrifices in Marena’s honor and are
well-versed in her Scarlet Commandments and other holy
texts. You are no stranger to orgiastic rites honoring her as
the goddess of lust, and if you served in Cantri Abbey, you
may have learned the art of midwifery from working in the
Cradle. From time to time you may have been called upon
to mete out punishment to those who transgressed against
the goddess’ rules or the laws of the Blood Kingdom.
Now you have left your temple to strike out on your
own. Perhaps you have tired of the endless bloodshed the
Red Goddess demands and have abandoned her worship?
Or maybe you were sent forth by your temple’s high
priestess to evangelise in Marena’s name and bring
new converts into the fold?
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Religion
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Holy symbol of Marena, a copy of the Book
of Holy Lust or the Scarlet Commandments, blood red
vestments, a human skull stained with ochre, a set of
common clothes, a sacrificial knife, and a belt pouch
containing 15 gp.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
d6 Flaw
1 If there’s a choice between the easy way and the hard
way, the hard way is always best. Easy is for the weak
and incompetent.
2 There’s bad blood between me and someone, or
something, out beyond the city lights. It’s just a
matter of time until the reckoning.
3 People died because of my mistakes, and I’ll do
anything to keep that secret.
4 Locked gates are a challenge, and I never back down.
5 There’s a certain type of client I hate, and I have a
hard time keeping that hidden.
6 I get too used to creature comforts when I’m in
town, and sometimes I get lost in drink, soft beds,
and company.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
EXILE OF THE BLACK CITY d6 Personality Traits
Misto Cherno, also known as the Black City, is the 1 I don't often judge.
traveling fortress that serves as capital to the villains and
bandits of the plains. The size of the city changes to match 2 I am patient with those who express regret for their
the overall health of the Rothenian lands. In times of wrongdoing.
strife, turmoil, and war, the city grows, adding wagons and 3 I am guarded and keep my feelings to myself.
walls to accommodate the increase. During times of peace, 4 I have a gallows’ sense of humor, and respect the
the city's population shrinks. It is said that once Misto choices of others.
Cherno consisted of just four walled wagons. As long as
5 I am slow to express sympathy for the suffering of
there are those with few scruples, the Black City rolls.
You are from this villainous place. Your story before
finding a home among the Khazzak and Kariv bandits is 6 My heart is hard, and little love is found in it.
yours to decide. What events led you to take a place by the
fires of Misto Cherno? What choice did you have? Were
you born inside the wooden walls? Perhaps you were a
d6 Ideal
captive, taken in a raid by foul-tempered centaurs who
thought to sell you to slavers—or worse. 1 Forgiveness. I seek forgiveness for the wrongs I have
Now, and perhaps just this very hour, you have been done, and support others who do the same (Good).
exiled from Misto Cherno. Whether your exile was 2 Social Contract. Too late did I see the value of
self-imposed or decreed by the lord herself, you are no organized society, but I now value the unspoken
longer welcome in the city of bandits. Perhaps you felt rules of civilized folk (Lawful).
called to some other purpose. Perhaps you found a god in 3 Might. In dark times, strength is the only important
the smoke and the callous laughter of thieves. What has quality. (Evil).
changed your heart, such that banditry no longer suits it?
4 Privacy. I value my right to privacy and keep out of
This road will be long. Many will not trust you. The dark
other people's business (any).
and twisting tendrils from your time in Misto Cherno will
always seek you. 5 Nihilism. I have seen the dark heart of mortals
and have little regard for their plans and intentions
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools, vehicles (land)
6 Purpose. I have found a greater purpose in my life
Equipment: a set of traveler’s clothes, a mule, two sacks and pursue it at any cost (any).
containing a set of thieves' tools and 10 gp
Feature: Know Evil
Your time in the Black City left a mark on your spirit and d6 Bond
your flesh. Dark deeds lie in your past, and you have a keen
insight into the motivations of evil-aligned beings. Unless 1 I will have revenge upon those who organized my
a creature’s alignment is obscured by magical means, exile. Misto Cherno will burn.
you know whether a creature's alignment is evil after 2 I reject villainy—so long as I am present, none will
interacting with it or for a minute or more. Also, you must be bullied or oppressed.
choose the location on your body where the five-spoked 3 Power and riches will be mine; I will rise in station
wheel was branded into your flesh. Showing the mark to and tower over those who betrayed me.
bandits, criminals, burglars, thieves, and other unsavory
4 My exile is a blessing and a gift. I will cleanse others
types (GM's discretion) grants you advantage on Charisma
of their evil so that they too might be delivered.
checks when dealing with them, but good folk are likely to
turn against you if your past is revealed. 5 I must flee the Rothenian Plain, and abandon my
former self, becoming an entirely different person.
Suggested Characteristics
Exiles of the Black City have rejected their nefarious 6 One day, I will return to Misto Cherno and take over
past. They strive toward redemption or anonymity in the its rulership.
general population.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Gnoll raiders like throwing alchemist’s fire, smoke
d6 Bond
bombs, and other homemade concoctions to wreak havoc
1 I stand firm as the champion of the poor and when they raid a caravan. They favor giant hyenas as
downtrodden common folk of Morgau. mounts.
2 My trusty weapon saved my life in Krakova and is my Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Intimidation
most treasured possession.
Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist’s supplies
3 If Grand Marshall Princess Hristina gave me the
command, I would gladly lay down my life for her. Languages: One of your choice
4 I would do anything for the men and women who Equipment: A flask of alchemist’s fire, an annotated map
fought alongside me on the battlefield. of the desert showing the most popular caravan routes,
a trophy from a successful raid, a set of traveler’s clothes,
5 One day my parents will be proud of me and what I’ve
and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: Desert Rat
6 I watched a darakhul eat a little boy—someday I will
You know the caravan routes and oases of the Southlands
track him down and make him pay.
like the back of your hand and can move at a fast travel
pace through the desert without taking the usual –5
penalty to your passive Wisdom (Perception) score. Your
d6 Flaw
1 My sleep is still disturbed by terrible nightmares of
ghouls feasting on the dead.
2 I will not run from a fight, whatever the odds.
3 I enjoy the company of the undead more
than the living.
4 Being on a losing streak makes me all
the more determined to win my money back.
5 I did something terrible during my time in the
Order and will stop at nothing to keep it secret.
6 I sometimes think dark, murderous thoughts
about those close to me.
Gnolls are found in large numbers
throughout the Southlands. While
many are civilized (more or less) and
join local armies to fight as shock troops,
their savage cousins roam the deserts
and wilderness preying on caravans.
Gnolls are accomplished raiders,
attacking with stealth, creating chaos
and panic, and then slipping away
with the plunder before the merchants
and their guards know what’s hit
them. While some gnoll raiders
follow Bastet or her jackal-headed
husband Anu-Akma, the worst of
them have turned to the dark god
Laughing Nkishi or have joined the vile
Doomspeakers cult.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
d8 Event d8 Personality Traits
1 You were living in the Electoral Kingdom of Krakova 1 I’m a survivor. Nothing life throws at me now can be
when the vampires of Morgau and Doresh invaded, worse than what I’ve already endured.
and you watched your spouse get eaten by a pack of 2 I speak my mind, and that sometimes causes offense.
3 I’m not cutting my hair or shaving my beard until I’ve
2 Your son was bitten by a werewolf in the forest and avenged my family.
claimed the wound was from a bear. When he turned
4 I eat heartily and belch loudly afterward in
on the night of the full moon and attacked your
appreciation. You never know where your next meal is
spouse, you killed him, only realising what you’d done
coming from.
when his body reverted to human form.
5 I don’t trust people who don’t work with their hands.
3 Your father joined the Order of the Knights
Incorporeal and willingly submitted to ghoul fever to 6 I may never be a hero, but I’ll never be a coward.
become one of the undead. 7 I am driven by wanderlust and always feel compelled
4 Your sister was chosen by lot to be sacrificed by the to move on after a day or two in one place.
local priestess on the altar of the Red Goddess when 8 I’m always picking up odds and ends that I come
the harvest failed. across in my travels. You never know what might
5 Slavers seized your spouse and daughter when they come in handy.
went to visit the neighboring village and took them to
Hengksburg to be sold in the Meat Market.
6 Evil fey stole your newborn child and replaced him or
her with a changeling.
7 Your closest childhood friend served the local Elder
in his castle. Yearning to escape the tortures of the
living, he asked his master to drain his blood and now
serves him as a vampire spawn.
8 The loathsome hag who lives deep in the forest
kidnapped and cooked your children in her cauldron.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
d6 Ideal
1 Greater Good. We must help those who can’t help
themselves. (Good)
2 Freedom. The rule of the so-called Protector and her
foul legions must be brought to an end. (Chaotic)
3 Tradition. The constitution of our great nation
must be restored and power returned to the Slahta.
4 Greed. I want to make money, and the vampires are
cramping my style. (Evil)
5 Nation. My kingdom and my queen are all that
matter. (Any)
6 People. I joined the resistance to help the folks from
my village, not a queen who handed the throne to a
vampire. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I must save my village from the terror of the Blood
2 My sibling saved me when the darakhul soldiers
attacked, and I cannot ever repay that debt.
3 I fight for the rightful Queen of Krakova.
4 I rescued my neighbor’s young children from the
undead army, and now I must keep them safe.
5 I have a notebook filled with the names of resistance
cell leaders. It must not fall into enemy hands.
6 I will get my revenge on the shroud-eater who stole
away my childhood sweetheart.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Suggested Characteristics d6 Flaw
Those who strike bargains with agents of the Master don’t
1 When my patron watches through me, I grow bitter
consider themselves reckless; they see themselves only as
and cruel.
ambitious. If they take great chances, it’s only to win great
rewards in pursuit of that ambition—and in service to the 2 I cannot rest properly for a day after being an active
Master. witness.
3 Visions of the Eleven Hells appear before me at
d6 Personality Traits inopportune times.
1 I am confident and content. 4 If I let someone too close, they will discover
my secret.
2 The bargain has made me paranoid.
5 I am terrible with money.
3 I love to see new things and meet new people.
6 I seek greater and greater danger to impress my
4 I have no problem lying to others. patron.
5 I love spending money.
6 I show my teeth when I smile.
“…I met a man upon the road, (a wanderin’ was I wonderin’)
He said he bore a heavy load,
d6 Ideal I saw no pack upon his back,
1 Power. All that matters is growing your influence. He said look close inside this sack,
(Evil) I saw an egg with two clawed toes! (a reelin’ now a reelin’)
2 Results. If in the end your task is accomplished, why He said, SHE COMES FOR ME AND WHAT I STOLES!
be concerned with your method. (Chaotic) I swore I’d never say a thing (a fearin’ now a fearin’)
3 Service. I perform important work for those above Now I got no tongue for which to sing (she found me, aye she
me. This service is its own reward. (Lawful) found me)…”
-Excerpt from a Kharivian Jig (author unknown)
4 Wealth. Money moves mountains. (any)
5 Bridge. I have sacrificed my privacy so that dark The buzz of bees drunk on pollen, the cracks left by
powers might be transformed by seeing beauty and footsteps on a frozen puddle, the whispering of pines
love. (Good) on windless nights: the signs of Grandmother are
everywhere. You see them, you see them all.
6 Knowledge. Knowledge is the only true resource; I
Baba Yaga, as changing as the Sands of Sorrows, as
must give it to receive it. (any)
steady as the placement of the stars. Grandmother she is
called, though she has only daughters. The legends of this
powerful witch are known far beyond the Rothenian Plain.
d6 Bond You carry the stories of her in your heart, memorized and
trotted out too often in conversation. You have been called
1 I will do my time, then reap my reward.
odd, ill-fated, and worse, but you take comfort in your
2 This cursed bargain must be revoked by any means surety that she is watching you.
necessary. You have spent time in study of her. What was it that
3 I will see the world, meet with queens, slay my drew you to her? Did you have a vision while riding to
enemies, and be judged worthy of a place on the Bjornshafen? Did you hear a raspy voice inside Kariv
mountain. singing that only you could hear? The fog condensed on
4 I must slay the creature I made this bargain with. the window from the breath of tavern-goers in Vidim; did
it show you the shape of your future? Magic has always
5 Demon Mountain will fall, and my bargain is a
drawn you. The ley lines call to you, ask for you. You see
necessary price to get close to its rulers.
the cairns built upon the Rothenian Plain, where the ley
6 I will deceive another creature into replacing me in lines cross and knot. You know it is perilous to invoke
this bargain. her and deadly to seek her company, but there, just now,
you saw the way the sparrow took flight. Its flapping was
portentous. She watches, she knows, she is here.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Insight
Language Proficiencies: Two of your choice
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
d6 Bond
1 I will meet Baba Yaga one day, and she will grant me a
boon as payment for my affection and hard work.
2 The ley lines of Midgard will one day be mine to
3 I will find a magical artifact that grants me access to
Grandmother's hut.
4 I must take the mystery and magic of Grandmother
beyond these plains, working on her behalf across
this world.
5 I will wed a Veela; our child shall bring the end of
6 Baba Yaga and I will rule Midgard together.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
d6 Flaw d8 Personality Trait
1 My belief in signs and portents sometimes leads me 1 I can’t resist double entendres that hint at the dark
astray. truth of my upbringing.
2 My behavior is often erratic and off-putting to others. 2 I keep my lucky skinning knife close and sharpen it
3 I am haunted by nightmares of Grandmother and often.
sometimes cannot sleep. 3 I can stay cheerful in the most dire situations.
4 Having been rejected as eccentric, I am slow to trust 4 New people and new places are my favorite things.
and warm to others. 5 I size people up like they’re livestock.
5 Butterflies and moths terrify me to the point of 6 Riddles are the highest form of
paralysis. entertainment.
6 I am mad. 7 Music and good food are the best ways to melt
a cold heart.
8 I love to haggle with merchants and to debate with
You hail from the gnomish kingdom of Neimheim: a place
of skilled craftsmen, close families, and blood stains so
deep they’ll never wash out. Your homeland labors under
a generations-old curse laid by Baba Yaga. Today, your d6 Ideal
people exist because of a pact struck with a great devil
1 Duty. A sacrifice in time saves nine. (Lawful)
from the Eleven Hells. The pine forests of your home
survive because of blood sacrifice paid to the forces of 2 Revolution. The systems that bind us must be
Hell, so the devils hold Baba Yaga’s wrath at bay. You are broken. (Chaotic)
no stranger to the necessity of keeping up appearances to 3 Hospitality. I love to share what I have with those
cover your desperate situation. who need it. (Good)
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Deception 4 Perfection. Anything worth doing, is worth doing
Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan’s tools of your right. (Any)
choice 5 Expression. Tales must live on so that we are never
Languages: Infernal forgotten. (Neutral)
6 Envy. They don’t know how good they have it, so
Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools (matching your
they deserve to die to keep Baba Yaga at bay. (Evil)
chosen proficiency), a roll of remarkably fine vellum, a set
of traveler’s clothes, five candles, and a pouch containing
5 gp
Feature: “Special” Leather d6 Bond
Growing up in Neimheim, you have learned not to waste 1 The devils that protect my village demand a specific
any useful resources. After all, there’s always a market for sacrifice. I must find someone who fits the bill, or it
fine leather, new candles, carved bone jewelry, or soap. You will be me.
can spend 2 hours salvaging useful materials from a dead
2 My lover fled our village to avoid being sacrificed, and
humanoid. A Medium humanoid yields enough materials
I won’t rest until we find each other again.
to make 5 pieces of soap, 10 candles, 1 sheet of parchment,
or a delicious meat pie that can sustain up to a Medium 3 I’m searching for a way to lift Baba Yaga’s curse so we
creature for one day (1 sp worth of goods). With your GM’s no longer need the devils.
permission, you can also create small goods such as belts, 4 The old artisan who taught me is closer to me than
pouches, and shoes. family.
Suggested Characteristics 5 I was set to be sacrificed to our village devils, so I ran.
Gnomes of Neimheim are jovial, gregarious, and I’m still running.
hospitable—at least on the surface. While many are 6 My father had to sell his prized possession to a
genuinely bright individuals, their cultural darkness runs foreign merchant, and now I’m off to recover it.
deep. Even the best among them know they must spill
blood to survive. Some embrace this harsh truth, putting
on a friendly face only to lure strangers under the knife to
spare their families. Others reject the infernal darkness
clouding their home.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
The Southlands kingdom of Nuria-Natal is steeped in
1 Honor. I am generous in hospitality, fair in
the magic of life and death. The greatest keeper of this
judgment, and fearless in battle. (Any)
knowledge is the theurge. As a theurge, you study the
2 Greed. What others have is mine for the flow of the River Nuria that gives life to the desert, both
taking. (Evil) physically as a source of fresh water, and magically as one
3 Tradition. Our ways are the legacy of the gods. of the largest ley lines in the world. You are the keeper of
Who are you to say differently? (Lawful) life and preserver of the dead for the next world. Most
theurges are either clerics or wizards, but all have a
4 Provision. I’ll provide for my people and
working knowledge of both divine and arcane magic.
keep them safe. (Good)
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Religion
5 Freedom. We take what we need and
go where we please. (Chaotic) Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher’s tools
6 Survival. The world is harsh, and I’ll Languages: One of your choice between Ancient Nurian
do what must be done to survive. (Neutral) and Celestial
Equipment: A roll of linen strips, sacred texts and
diagrams, a set of common clothes, a small packet of
d6 Bond spices, and a pouch containing 5 gp.
1 My ship is worth more to me than all the Feature: Preservation
mead in Bjeornheim. The first theurges venerated Anu-Akma and learned the
secrets of mummification. By applying those teachings,
2 Those who fight beside me earn my respect.
you can prepare a body for the final journey or even for the
3 Even a hated enemy who shows me honor can return to life. With 8 hours of work and access to proper
expect the same in return. materials such as linen and spices (25 gp cost), you can
4 My father’s axe bears a strange rune. I know preserve a dead creature’s body. This preservation slows
it holds the key to my destiny. decay, allowing a body to remain intact for potentially
5 My mother’s ship was lost at sea, but she’s thousands of years if undisturbed. A preserved body
still out there. I’ll find her. counts as 1 day dead for every month that passes for
purposes of spells or other magical effects.
6 My clan’s home is sacred ground. I’ll do
anything to protect it. Suggested Characteristics
Theurges are somber, solemn individuals. Many of them
serve a god such as Aten or Anu-Akma. All are studious
individuals who hold knowledge of the past in high regard.
d6 Flaw Theurges range from compassionate keepers of the dead,
1 I lose myself in the heat and blood of battle. Orders to dour souls who seek the darkness of preservation
and plans become a distant blur. through undeath.
2 Alliances are all well and good, but gold is gold.
3 A slight demands blood. No other payment will do. d8 Personality Trait
4 I ran from battle once. I’m running from the shame 1 Scriptures of the gods give us insight into any
still. situation, and I quote them often.
5 Everything I have, I took from the one I betrayed. 2 I show great respect for any place of burial.
6 I chafe under the expectations of honor. 3 I am quiet and contemplative. Others tell me I am
unnerving, but I don’t see it.
4 I smell of spices and oils.
5 My clothing always bears some seal of the gods of the
6 Desecration of the dead drives me to righteous rage.
7 I always carry a supply of fresh, potable water.
8 I enjoy learning about other people’s lives.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
d6 Ideal d6 Bond
1 Comfort. Fear is defeated by compassion and by 1 I conduct at least minor funerary rites for all slain
easing the suffering of others. (Good) creatures, even my hated foes.
2 Equality. Ultimately everyone, regardless of station, 2 Death will not claim me; I will rise above it.
will know the gods’ peace. (Neutral) 3 I’ll go out of my way to defend burial sites.
3 Aspiration. Skill and knowledge lead toward 4 I can’t return to my home temple until I recover
self-improvement. (Any) something of great value to my faith.
4 Power. Knowledge of life and death yields mastery 5 I will amass the world’s greatest collection of
over both. (Evil) necromantic lore and magic.
5 Duty. The gods set down expectations that must be 6 An ancient figure of great power has risen as undead,
followed. (Lawful) and I must see it returned to rest.
6 Whim. I choose when and how to exercise my power.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Work with the GM to determine the source and subject
d6 Flaw
of your revelations, and what sorts of people they appeal to
1 I have a disturbing obsession with the undead. or offend.
2 I’m terrified of necromantic magic. I avoid it at all Suggested Characteristics
costs. Prophets all have one trait in common—conviction.
3 I will trade anything or anyone to secure eternal life. Whether they gleefully spread the good word of a
4 I take a fatalistic view of life and death, often benevolent deity or dire tidings of a coming darkness, the
dismissing the deaths of those who aren’t close to prophet knows in her bones that what she sees, and says,
me. is true. Some may fear this internal certainty. They might
attempt to hide their light beneath a bushel and deny the
5 I resent the gods for their greed, and I want to calling. It may take years for a prophet to accept herself,
undermine their power. but in the end she can’t deny the truth.
6 My understanding of the world is unshakable.
d8 Personality Trait
PROPHET 1 I am usually soft-spoken, but I become invigorated
Truth rings throughout the multiverse, and sometimes it when spreading my word.
finds a place to resonate loud and clear. You are one such 2 My followers are like my family.
point. There is a greater power at work in the world, and
3 I enjoy debating the finer points of my revelations,
you can see pieces of its design. Unlike the faint glimpses
especially with nonbelievers.
of a fortuneteller or the twisted lies of a charlatan, your
words stir something in those who hear your message. 4 Nonbelievers sadden me when they deny my words.
From the doomsday ravings of a filthy derelict on the street 5 I see the truth of my words at work in everyday things.
corner to the polished words of an urbane and refined cult 6 I am uncomfortable outside the confines of a place
mistress, a prophet is the servant of a higher power, setting devoted to my faith.
the truth of that power into motion.
7 My temper is short when my visions are challenged.
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Religion
8 Those who refuse to believe in higher powers that
Languages: One of your choice from the following list govern the world confuse me.
appropriate to the power that grants your revelations:
Abyssal, Celestial, Deep Speech, Draconic, Elemental
(one dialect), Infernal, or Sylvan
Tool Proficiency: One of your choice between d6 Ideal
calligrapher’s supplies or painter’s supplies 1 Tenacity. The truth must ring throughout the world.
Equipment: A holy symbol or idol representing the
higher power that grants your revelations, a set of 2 Revolution. The word brings change that can’t be
common clothes, a collection of your recorded thoughts denied. (Chaotic)
and philosophy, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp 3 Dominion. Mine is the voice that speaks truth, and
Feature: Words from on High mine is the word all shall heed. (Evil)
You have seen the truth, and your word brings that truth 4 Stability. My teachings offer the promise of a better
into the world. More important, that truth stirs others to life, and I seek to build that life for those who share
action. People who hear and accept your words are moved my belief. (Lawful)
to action. Such individuals will lend aid and offer their 5 Hope. My revelations bring light to the dark corners
services toward your cause, whether that involves building of the world. (Good)
a new temple, clearing storm damage, or feeding the
6 Fortitude. The message I bear upsets me, but I trust
hungry. They won’t take undue risk, however. Temples and
in my higher power. (Neutral)
other religious organizations commonly accept prophets
of their faith, but noble houses, merchants, trade guilds,
and any other organization might share their resources.
Additionally, you can secure audiences with powerful
individuals or invitations to events that normally exist
above your station. From those who fear or oppose your
vision you can expect social hostility, though some might
fear to act directly against you.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
d6 Flaw
1 In the depths of my soul I am wracked with doubt. If
I can’t reconcile my beliefs, my following will suffer.
2 My devotion to my revelations overrides all else, even
to the point of jeopardizing my own safety.
3 I have done something terrible in defense of my
revelations that remains secret. For now.
4 I am completely dismissive of anyone who doesn’t
accept my revelations.
5 I secretly hope that someone will silence me before
the dread truth I speak comes to pass.
6 A rival of my faith speaks out against my revelations
with a contradictory prophecy and hunts me across
the land.
The stars guide all footsteps on the path. Seers are rare
individuals endowed with the gift to see beyond the
mundane veil cloaking the world to the truth illuminated
by those stars. Cause and effect run in scattered lines to
a seer’s eyes, linking individuals and events seemingly
unrelated to the casual observer. Only a fool discounts the
word of one who sees the twists of fate.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Perception
Tool Proficiencies: One gaming set of your choice
(cards, dice, or some other divination tool)
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A gaming set of your choice, a token of
appreciation from a past client, a set of common clothes,
and a belt pouch containing 5 gp
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Suggested Characteristics
d6 Bond
Seers are a disparate lot. Some embrace their gift and seek
to share their knowledge, while others fear the unbidden 1 I told the fortune of the man who then destroyed my
insights they receive. Seers are resigned to the whim of family, but I ignored the warning. I must find him
happenstance, and they see design where others would and put it right.
see coincidence. 2 My grandmother passed a token to me when she
explained our gift of the sight. It’s my most prized
d8 Personality Trait
3 I told one fortune whose meaning I still can’t
1 I see signs in every little detail of life.
understand, but I know it has great importance.
2 Unexpected events rarely faze me and sometimes feel
4 My family travels the land, and I send most of the
oddly familiar.
money I earn to them.
3 I try to ensure that everyone around me pays
5 I told the fortune of the person I loved, and that led
attention to what I see.
them to the arms of another.
4 I compulsively play with a card, coin, or other tool of
6 I’m driven to read the fortune of powerful people.
my trade.
5 My optimism never wavers. I’ve seen that things will
turn out well in the end, one way or another.
6 While I enjoy sharing my insights, I never give them d6 Flaw
away for free. 1 I saw a truth once that I refused to speak, and tragedy
7 My glimpses of the future frighten me and I try to was the result. It haunts me to this day.
avoid them at all costs. 2 I have terrible nightmares about the dark futures I’ve
8 When a vision is upon me, I have little control over glimpsed.
what I say. 3 No matter how I try, no one ever believes my
4 I can’t resist embellishing a fortune to try to earn a
few more coins.
d6 Ideal
5 I loathe charlatans and tricksters who take advantage
1 Aspiration. I’ve seen a hint of greatness in my future,
of those who seek their fortunes, and I do what I can
and I work hard to achieve it. (Any)
to discredit them.
2 Manipulation. My gifts give me the perfect leverage
6 I’m terribly jealous of any positive fortune I read,
to move others to my tune. (Evil)
since I can read any palm but my own.
3 Freedom. Knowledge of what may come allows for
greater choice. (Chaotic)
4 Serenity. I seek fulfillment with whatever I see in the VARIANT GUILD ARTISAN: TINKER
future. (Neutral) You are a crafter who focuses on repairing a wide variety
5 Truth. I am a servant of the truth, and I will share it of items rather than specializing in a specific trade. You
for good or ill. (Lawful) are familiar with a wide variety of tools and techniques,
enough to get by at just about any crafting trade at an
6 Compassion. My gifts can bring comfort to the apprentice level. Tinkers are much beloved by people who
suffering and peace to the troubled. (Good) aren’t wealthy enough to outright replace anything that
breaks, and smaller settlements rejoice when a tinker rolls
into town.
Variant Feature: Jury Rig
Your experience fixing odds and ends as well as your
familiarity with a wide variety of tools grants you the
ability to make quick repairs on damaged equipment.
You can spend two hours during a long rest or downtime
working on a damaged object using tinker’s tools. Once
you’ve finished, anyone using the object for its intended
purpose can ignore any penalties that arise from damage
to the object. These repairs are temporary and last a
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Feats and Backgrounds
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Spellcasting Rules
G eomancy and runecasting involve unique rules that don't apply
to other types of magic. If your character follows one of those
arcane traditions, you'll need to understand this chapter. Ring magic
has a section here, too, because the school takes an unusual approach
to magic that needs to be understood by players and GMs who
include that form of magic.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
LEY LINES AND GEOMANCY least resistance; it’s not uncommon
for ley lines to follow or closely parallel
Magic exists in countless forms, from the barely waterways. Enterprising rulers and bold
detectable to the massively obvious. Ley lines naturally wizards sometimes manipulate the land to alter
bridge the gap between the subtle but pervasive source a ley line's path—or at least, try to do so. Such meddling
of magic and the concrete, applied force that moves is delicate work, and it can have disastrous consequences
mountains. Ley “lines” are actually channels where if the job is botched. The benefits are tempting enough
magical power flows like an invisible river wending across to outweigh the risk. Specific magical effects or even
the landscape. They are called lines because length is their spectacular marvels such as chunks of rock or earth held
only measurement that has meaning in this dimension. aloft by the flowing power can be engineered via expertly
Scholars and sages hotly debate the origin of ley lines, but channeled ley lines.
their effects are undeniable.
Ley lines fuel both arcane and divine magic. The lines USING LEY LINES
themselves are invisible to normal sight, but divination Spellcasters can tap ley lines to fill their spells with sudden
magic quickly reveals their presence. To spellcasters bursts of power. While this can be dangerous, a skilled
trained to find them, ley lines stand out as glowing caster can create fantastic effects with extra power.
torrents of energy, pulsing bands of light akin to aurorae, Ley lines vary in intensity from weak trickles to titanic
or glittering strings. torrents of mystical power. In general, the more intense
Ley lines are neither homogenous nor ubiquitous. Some the ley line, the more potent its effect on magic and the
geographic regions are rich in ley lines while others have more difficult it is to tap into.
none to speak of. They course through air, water, and solid They are also classified as either unlocked or locked.
earth with equal ease, but some environments, such as These two categories are subjective; a ley line is locked
stone and narrow caverns, make them difficult to find and only to individual spellcasters who've locked it, while it
to trace. remains unlocked to all others. Locked ley lines produce
predictable, repeatable benefits when worked into
POWER OF THE LAND magic. Unlocked ley lines are no more difficult to tap
Ley lines tend to follow the contours of the land they into than locked ones (of the same intensity), but they
flow across. At the same time, the terrain also reacts to are unpredictable and dangerous to use. They also bleed
the magical current. Learned spellcasters, most notably magical energy into the surrounding environment, which
geomancer wizards, can study the features of an area to can cause strange, unnatural effects in the neighborhood.
determine whether ley lines are present and to gain insight To tap the potential of a ley line requires specialized
into what effects they might produce. Creatures with close knowledge, represented by either the Ley Initiate feat
ties to the land can tell the difference between an area or the Geomancy arcane tradition. If your game doesn’t
graced with a ley line and one without. Druids, rangers, utilize optional feats, you can instead allow a spellcaster
woodsmen, farmers, even miners and architects have been who has a geomancer tutor or who has access to ample
known to learn the telltale signs of a ley line’s presence and research material to learn the technique for tapping ley
use them to their advantage. lines via training as a downtime activity.
Natural pathways through the terrain (regardless of Once a spellcaster understands how to access the energy
foliage) are easy channels for ley lines to follow. Like water, of a ley line, the procedure is straightforward. When a
the magical power of ley lines follows an arcane path of spell is cast within 30 feet of a ley line, the spellcaster
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
can tap the line's power to augment his or her magic. STRONG LEY LINE EFFECTS
This requires a successful ability check using the caster's
D10 Effect
spellcasting ability but without including any proficiency
bonus. The DC of the check equals 10 + the level of the 1 You can reroll a number of damage dice up to your
spell being cast. A successful check harnesses the power of spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 1).
the ley line, and the spell is modified according to the line's 2 Treat your spell as if it were cast with a spell slot one
intensity (weak, strong, or titanic). If the check fails but level higher.
the result is within 4 of the DC, the spell is cast normally 3 Creatures damaged by your spell are also poisoned
with no bonus effect and no penalty. If the check fails by for 1 minute. A poisoned creature makes a
5 or more, the spell is cast normally but the spellcaster Constitution saving throw at the end of its turn to
suffers backlash (see below). end the poisoning effect.
When a ley line is tapped successfully, the effect depends
4 You regain 1d6 hit points per level of the spell.
on whether the line is locked or unlocked. A locked ley line
always has the same effect for the spellcaster who locked it. 5 Your spell ignores damage resistance.
An unlocked ley line is unpredictable; every time it's tapped, 6 A creature that takes acid or fire damage from your
the player rolls 1d10 and consults the table corresponding spell takes an additional 3d6 damage of the same
to the ley line's intensity (weak, strong, or titanic). type at the start of its next turn.
7 Targets of your spell have disadvantage on their
saving throws against it.
WEAK LEY LINE EFFECTS 8 You can choose to exclude any creature you can see
D10 Effect from the area of your spell.
1 If your spell attack misses or if the target makes a 9 If your spell has a range of self, you can cast it as a
successful saving throw, you can choose a new target touch spell instead.
within 10 feet of the original target and within range. 10 Roll twice on this table (treat duplicate results as “no
Make a new attack roll with disadvantage, or the new additional effect”), or roll once on the Titanic Ley
target makes a saving throw with advantage. Line Effects table.
2 You can delay the effect of your spell for up to 5
rounds. Choose how many rounds you want the spell
to delay at the moment it's cast. The spell takes effect TITANTIC LEY LINE EFFECTS
at the start of your turn that many rounds later. All D10 Effect
parameters regarding the spell's targeting, area,
color, etc., must be set when the spell is cast, not 1 If your spell affects only one target, it instead affects
when it takes effect. up to six targets of your choice.
3 If your spell deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or 2 If your spell affects an area, double the area’s size.
thunder damage, you can change the damage to one 3 Creatures affected by your spell are incapacitated
of the other listed types. for 1 minute. An incapacitated creature makes a
4 If your spell affects multiple creatures, choose one. Wisdom saving throw at the end of its turn to end the
That creature has disadvantage on any saving throw incapacitation effect.
it makes against the spell. 4 You gain a +5 bonus to your AC until the start of your
5 Double the range of your spell. next turn.
6 A creature that takes cold damage from your spell is 5 Casting your spell this turn uses only a bonus action;
restrained until the end of its next turn. you still have an action to use.
7 Creatures damaged by your spell are also deafened 6 Creatures immune to the damage of your spell take
for 1 minute. A deafened creature makes a half damage instead.
Constitution saving throw at the end of its turn to 7 Treat your spell as if it were cast with a spell slot two
end the deafness effect. levels higher.
8 Cast your spell without verbal components. 8 Concentration on your spell can’t be broken by
9 A creature damaged by your spell is also knocked damage.
prone unless it makes a successful Strength saving 9 A creature damaged by your spell is pushed 10 feet
throw. away from you and knocked prone. Its speed is
10 Roll twice on this table (treat duplicate results as reduced to 0 until it makes a successful Constitution
“no additional effect”), or roll once on the Strong saving throw at the start of its turn.
Ley Line Effects table. 10 Choose one effect listed above.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Spellcasting Rules
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
RING MAGIC Practitioners channel their magic through specially
prepared rings, increasing the devastation wreaked upon
Dwarves are renowned shapers of the physical world. their foes, and they can even imbue spells into a ring that
Earth, stone, and even metal bend to the will of dwarven someone else can unleash later.
hammers. It’s easy to assume that because dwarves have Rings created for this purpose are more than decorative
such tremendous skill at shaping material, they must jewelry. They more often take the form of precious-metal
lack the time and interest to become masters of the rings large enough to adorn a weapon, a staff, or a suit of
arcane, too—but that assumption is dead wrong. Taking armor. Wizards who devote themselves to ring magic are
unformed matter and shaping it minutely to conform to rare outside dwarf lands, but they're instantly recognizable
one's will is the perfect arena for blending the physical and by the ring-adorned staves they carry.
arcane arts. The dwarves’ greatest magic has been bound to
this arena, as evidenced by the legendary weapons, armor, LINKING MAGIC AND THE MATERIAL
and implements of war that emerge from their mountain The ring is a strange shape to the dwarven mindset, which
stronghold forges. Comparatively few dwarves pursue the is firmly rooted in the angles and planes they see constantly
study of magic outside the act of creation or of devotion in the mineral formations around their underground
to their deities, but one discipline bridges the gap between homes. Dwarf architecture is filled with corners, precise
creation and spellcasting: ring magic. angles, saw-toothed runes, patterns of regular and irregular
Ring magic is the dwarven art of forging metal polygons. adornments of gold laid out in precise geometric
into rings, usually with powerful runes inscribed on forms, and stacked blocks or slabs. These aren't just cultural
their surface, and using those rings to shape magic. fashions; such shapes reflect how dwarves think and how
they prefer to see the world. Curves are seldom seen, and
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Spellcasting Rules
a circle—devoid of angles and planes, with no beginning hammers, is a common scene. But this is a secretive
and no end—is a foreign shape that denies boundaries community. The number of outsiders who have seen the
and evokes eternity. It is a construct of the mind and spirit halls of the ring wardens can be counted on one hand,
but not the chisel; it evokes the sun and moon, raindrops, and those few are bound to secrecy by oaths sworn on
flowers, and the cycle of the seasons—things that are adamantine rings they can never remove. The molten fire
seen on the surface world but have no place in the hard, forges still ring under dwarven hammers to this day. While
subterranean realm of the dwarves. Dwarves make sense of it isn’t a requirement to study here for a wizard to become
this alien concept by shaping metal into its likeness. Once a ring warden, it is a pilgrimage all dwarf ring wardens
they can hold this ephemeral concept in their calloused make at least once.
hands, feel its weight and heft, they can better understand.
Yet because it has no beginning and no end, because of
its powerful symbolic ties to life, the ring is uniquely suited
to be a receptacle for magic.
The first practitioners of ring magic gleaned the secrets Accessing the magic inherent within runes requires the
from visions granted by their gods. The seeds of ring magic Rune Knowledge feat (see chapter 5). If the option to
were subtle, woven in dreamlike metaphor that was lost on gain feats isn't being used in your campaign, then Rune
many but needed the dwarves' mastery of craftsmanship Knowledge can be gained in place of level-based ability
to reach fruition. For generations, it was practiced in such score improvement, if your GM approves. Alternatively,
isolation that no one recognized ring magic as a growing characters might need to accomplish other, story-related
craft. Over time the dwarves realized that within their tasks determined by the GM to gain Rune Knowledge.
long-held techniques, the ore of another secret awaited Once those obstacles are cleared, all characters who meet
excavation. These enlightened dwarves retreated deep the prerequisites can gain Rune Knowledge and Rune
under the mountains, to a place where molten rock flowed Mastery. Once a character acquires the Rune Knowledge
freely. There they carved great halls and forges fueled by feat, he or she can begin making use of the runes
the earth’s fire. They worked tirelessly in their delve to described here.
perfect their new art, and their efforts were rewarded. Where a rune calls for a saving throw, the DC equals
Glyphs and sigils decorate every inch of this legendary (8 + the rune maker's ability bonus + the rune maker's
stronghold’s walls, revealing the secrets of ring magic proficiency bonus). The rune maker's applicable ability
and its signature spells to those who can read them. Ring is the same as the ability being used for the saving throw
wardens understand these writings as well as if they were unless a different one is specified; e.g., if a rune calls for
their own spellbooks. In fact, a gathering of wizards at a Charisma saving throw, the rune maker's Charisma
the walls, preparing their spells to the sound of ringing modifies the DC.
Elk and reindeer, evading danger; the god
Rune Bonus: You can make an elk horn rod
Ring Magic in Midgard (see the appendix) in 6 hours, and you gain a
In the Midgard Campaign Setting, ring magic is the +1 bonus on initiative checks.
province of the Reaver dwarves of the Northlands. Rune Power (5th level): Living creatures that
Reaver sorcerers and wizards imbue metal rings are within 10 feet of an algiz rune when it is etched on
with their spells and give the rings to their comrades the ground or on a wall gain a +2 bonus on Wisdom
to unleash in battle. Even in Midgard, ring wardens (Perception) checks and have advantage on saving
are rare outside their home culture, and they throws against sleep and other magical effects that cause
can easily become the object of fear when they're unconsciousness. Both effects last for 8 hours. Scribing the
encountered by outsiders who aren't familiar with rune takes 15 minutes.
ring magic. All dwellers in the Northlands, however,
know the tales of the ring-bedecked dwarves Rune Mastery Power (8th Level): Marking a willing
marauding from their longships. creature with the algiz rune transforms the creature into
The seat of these ring wardens is hidden deep an elk or reindeer, as per polymorph. Drawing the rune on
beneath the northern mountains of Midgard. This the creature takes 1 action and the change lasts while you
delving, known as the Foundry of the Fathers, is concentrate, for up to 1 hour.
where the reaver ring wardens craft the rings that are
the root of their magic and contemplate the secrets
the rings still hold.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
ANSUZ 120 feet. Magical darkness of 3rd level or lower is dispelled
Gods and outsiders if this light overlaps it. The light is blocked normally by
Rune Bonus: You get a +1 bonus on opaque objects or structures. Tracing the rune this way
Intelligence (Arcana) checks made to takes 1 action, and the light lasts while you concentrate,
identify the type, powers, or weaknesses of for up to 1 hour.
aberrations, celestials, fey, and fiends. Once Rune Mastery Power (13th level): Once per week,
per day, the ansuz rune can be sketched on an object dagaz can be sketched onto the ground or a wall to create
to ward off giants and fey hostile to the Aesir. The rune an instantaneous effect identical to a cleric's Channel
must be presented boldly toward such creatures, each of Divinity: Turn Undead class ability. Sketching the rune
which makes a Charisma saving throw. Creatures that takes 1 action, and it affects undead within 30 feet that can
fail the saving throw must stay at least 5 feet away from see it at the moment of its completion.
the rune and cannot touch or make melee attacks against
the creature presenting it, as long as the symbol is boldly EHWAZ
and aggressively presented (which requires an action each Horses, freedom, the Nithing Pole
round). Sketching the rune takes 1 action, and the marked Rune Bonus: You get a +1 bonus to Wisdom
object remains effective for 1 hour. (Animal Handling) checks made to control
Rune Power (7th level): Sketching ansuz on the floor a mount, and to Dexterity checks made to
or a wall allows all worshippers of the Aesir within 10 feet wriggle free of bonds.
of it to add 1d4 to each of their attack rolls, similar to a bless Rune Power (5th level): Spending 1 action to trace
spell. Sketching the rune takes 2 actions, and it remains ehwaz onto a lock or shackles has the same effect as a knock
effective while you concentrate, for up to 1 minute. spell but without the loud knocking sound.
Rune Mastery Power (11th level): When traced on Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When sketched
the forehead of a willing creature, ansuz sends the creature on the ground, ehwaz summons a phantom steed. Sketching
into a trance during which it receives a message from the the rune takes 5 minutes, and the summoned steed
gods, identical in effect to a divination spell. A creature remains for 1 hour.
can experience only one such trance per week. Tracing the
rune takes 10 minutes, and the trance lasts 1 round. Rune Mastery Power (9th level): You can create a
nithing pole (see the appendix) once per month. The process
BERKANAN can only be performed during a new moon, takes 12 hours,
and requires bloodletting that leaves a permanent scar in
Birch tree, love, new beginnings; the Bear Maiden
the shape of the ehwaz rune on the rune maker's left hand.
Rune Bonus: You get a +1 bonus on Each creation of a nithing pole creates a new scar; those
Charisma (Diplomacy) checks. after the first don't need to be on the hand, but they must
Rune Powers: When traced on a living be on the hands or arms.
creature, this rune grants that creature advantage on a
single Charisma (Diplomacy) of its choosing. Tracing the EIWAZ
rune takes 10 minutes, and it remains effective for up to 24 Yew tree, Yggdrasil
hours. This benefit can be granted only once per day. Rune Bonus: You have proficiency on
When berkanan is traced on a living plant, an effect Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
identical to spike growth erupts in a 20-foot radius around Rune Power (4th level): Spending 1
the rune. Tracing the rune on a plant takes 1 action, and action to trace eiwaz onto a suitably-sized piece of wood
the effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to 10 minutes. transforms it into a shillelagh for 1 minute.
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): You can create a Rune Mastery Power (8th level): Sleeping for at
philter of love once per week. least 10 minutes under a tracing of eiwaz on a blanket, a
wall, or the ceiling causes the rune maker to dream of the
DAGAZ Nine Worlds. These dreams produce answers the same as
Day and laying the dead to rest contact other plane (including possible side effects).
Rune Bonus: You always know exactly Rune Mastery Power (11th level): When carved on
how long it will be until the next sunset or the bark of a living tree, eiwaz allows the rune master to
sunrise. travel between that tree and another tree within 500 feet
Rune Power (4th level): Spending 10 minutes tracing also marked with eiwaz, as if under the effect of tree stride.
dagaz onto a creature cures it of magical blindness. Each carving takes 1 action, and the effect lasts while you
Rune Power (6th level): Tracing dagaz onto an object concentrate, for up to 1 minute after the second carving
makes it glow brightly in a 60-foot radius and dimly out to is done.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Spellcasting Rules
FEHU within 150 feet. Sketching the rune takes 4 rounds and the
Cattle, livestock, and wealth storm lasts while you concentrate, for up to 2 minutes.
Rune Bonus: You have advantage on Wisdom Rune Mastery Power (14th level): When sketched
(Animal Handling) checks made on domesticated on the ground within the area of a magical storm caused
animals that aren't used as riding mounts. by sleet storm, ice storm, control weather (hail and blizzard
only), or comparable magic, hagalaz acts as a dispel magic
Rune Power: Sketching fehu on an object makes that
spell cast with a 7th-level slot. If the storm being dispelled
item easier to lift or drag, as if it weighed only half its
is from 8th or 9th level magic, the rune maker uses
actual weight. Sketching the rune takes 1 minute, and
Charisma as his or her spellcasting ability to test the rune's
the effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 hour.
effectiveness. Sketching the rune takes 2 rounds.
This works equally well on a single object, such as a block
of stone, or on a collection of objects that are bundled Rune Mastery Power (14th level): When sketched
together, such as a large chest stuffed with coins. on the ground within the area of a natural (nonmagical)
storm, hagalaz has the effect of a control weather spell.
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): By spending 1 minute
Sketching the rune takes 1 hour and the control lasts while
tracing fehu onto your own skin, you can cast dominate
you concentrate, for up to 8 hours.
beast as though from a 6th–level spell slot. The spell must
be cast within 10 minutes of completing the rune or the
rune's power fades.
Ancestors, Northmen; the god Wotan or Odin
GEBU Rune Bonus: You have proficiency on
Generosity and hospitality, and gifts Intelligence (History) checks.
Rune Bonus: You have advantage on Rune Power (4th level): When 1 action is spent tracing
Intelligence checks to estimate an item's value. ingwaz on a spear, the rune gains favor from the Aesir for
the first character who throws the spear over the heads
Rune Powers: When 1 minute is spent
of an enemy force consisting of nine or more opponents;
carefully examining an item while tracing gebu on it, you
the spear thrower adds 1d4 radiant damage to his or her
learn the item's name and magical properties the same as if
weapon attacks. The bonus can be gained up to 8 hours
you'd cast an identify spell. Alternatively, if 1 action is spent
after the rune is traced, and once triggered it lasts 1
tracing gebu on a willing creature, that creature gains
sanctuary as if affected by the spell. The rune maker can't
invoke sanctuary on him or her self. The sanctuary effect Rune Power (5th level): When ingwaz is traced on
lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 minute. the face of a willing creature, it turns the creature into a
berserker, granting it the benefits of a barbarian's Rage
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): Gebu can be rapidly
class feature as though the recipient were a barbarian of
(1 action) scratched or sketched onto a wall, floor, or other
the rune master's level. Tracing the rune takes 2 rounds,
surface of an enclosed space in a way that makes it clearly
and the effect lasts 1 minute.
visible. For up to 1 minute, the rune maker can activate the
rune with a command word, provided he or she is within Rune Power (7th level): You learn the calling to the vaettir
20 feet of it. All creatures within 20 feet of the rune and ritual (see Rune Rituals).
with a clear line of sight to it (regardless of whether they Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When traced on the
can actually see it) must make a Charisma saving throw. nails and flesh of a corpse, this rune acts as a speak with
Those that fail are affected as if by a calm emotions spell that dead spell. Tracing the rune takes 1 minute and the effect
lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 minute. lasts while you concentrate, for up to 10 minutes.
Hail and winter weather Ice, imprisonment, and paralysis; the gods Boreas and
Rune Bonus: You have advantage on Mara
Wisdom (Survival) checks made to accurately Rune Bonus: When you take cold damage, you take
predict weather conditions for the next 24 1 point less than normal.
hours in your vicinity.
Rune Power (4th level): When 1 action is spent tracing
Rune Power: Spending 1 action tracing hagalaz on a isaz on the ground, slick ice spreads out to cover an area of
willing creature grants it protection from energy (cold) while 225 square feet. The iced area can have any shape the rune
you concentrate, for up to 1 hour. maker wants; if you use a grid of 5-foot squares, the ice
Rune Mastery Power (9th level): When sketched on covers 9 squares. Every square of ice must be connected
the ground under the open sky, hagalaz conjures a sleet to at least one other along one or more sides. Ice-filled
storm centered on a point of the rune maker's choosing squares are difficult terrain, and the difficulty of Dexterity
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
(Acrobatics) checks in the area increases by five. The ice is are magical, causing 2d6 fire damage per round to any
nonmagical and melts normally. creature in the fire. Neither the rune nor the fire can be
Rune Power (5th level): When the isaz rune is traced on a moved once created, but the fire can spread normally to
weapon, the weapon sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius inflammable materials.
and dim light for an additional 10 feet, and it does an extra Rune Power (5th level): Tracing kaunen onto a weapon
1d4 cold damage on a hit. Tracing the rune takes 1 action causes that weapon to shed bright light in a 10-foot radius
and the effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 hour. plus dim light for another 10 feet, and the weapon does
Rune Power (7th level): A shield marked with this rune an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit. Tracing the rune takes 1
glitters like frost in the morning sun. As an action, a action and the effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to
wielder of the shield who is in direct sunlight can focus 1 hour.
its reflection on a single enemy within 30 feet; the target Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When traced on a
must make a successful Constitution saving throw or living creature, kaunan burns away illness and ailments
be affected by the first stage of snow blindness (see the the same as a remove disease spell. Invoking the rune takes 1
appendix). The DC for the saving throw equals 8 + your action.
Dexterity bonus + your proficiency bonus. If the target
creature is already affected by the first stage of snow LAUKAZ
blindness, a failed Constitution saving throw brings on Water, the sea; the god Njord
the second stage of snow blindness. Marking the shield Rune Bonus: You gain Aquan as a bonus
takes 1 action, and the rune remains effective while you language. If you already know this language, you
concentrate, for up to 1 hour. have advantage on Charisma (Diplomacy) checks
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): You learn the ccreate with creatures from the elemental plane of water.
tupilak ritual (see Rune Rituals). Rune Power (4th level): When you spend 1 action tracing
laukaz on an object, it becomes more bouyant. Anyone
JERA grasping the object has advantage on Strength (Athletics)
Abundant harvest; the gods Freyr and Freyja checks to swim or to stay afloat. The effect lasts 24 hours.
Rune Bonus: You have proficiency on Rune Power (7th level): When you trace laukaz on a
Intelligence (Nature) checks. living creature’s chest, it grants them water breathing.
Rune Power (4th level): When traced on Tracing the rune takes 1 action, and the effect lasts 24
the belly of a living creature, the jera rune hours.
guarantees that any sexual union involving that creature in Rune Mastery Power (11th level): When the rune is
the next 24 hours proves fruitful. If traced on a pregnant sketched on a lakebed, riverbed, or sea bottom, laukaz
creature at least once per month during its pregnancy, the allows the rune maker to control nearby water as a control
rune guarantees a successful birth and healthy baby or water spell. Sketching the rune takes 1 action and the effect
babies. Tracing the rune takes 1 action. lasts while you concentrate, for up to 10 minutes.
Rune Power (6th level): When jera is traced on a wooden
table, plate, or platter, all food and drink that's spoiled, MANNAZ
rotten, diseased, poisonous, or otherwise contaminated Humanoids, especially humans and dwarves
within 20 feet becomes pure and safe for consumption. Rune Bonus: You get a +1 bonus on saving
Tracing the rune takes 1 action. throws against petrification and effects
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When marked in that alter your form such as lycanthropy,
the earth among living plants, the rune has the effect of a polymorph, or flesh to stone.
localized (100-foot radius) plant growth spell. Sketching Rune Power (5th level): When traced on the ground, a
the rune takes 1 action. boulder, or a wall, mannaz produces an effect identical to
a calm emotions spell on all living creatures within 20 feet
KAUNEN of the rune. Tracing the rune takes 1 action and the effect
Flaming torch, enlightenment, and ulcers lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 minute.
Rune Bonus: You gain darkvision (30 Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When traced on the
feet). If you already have darkvision, you flesh of a creature, mannaz returns a lycanthrope to its
gain proficiency on Wisdom (Perception) checks. humanoid form or dispels (as dispel magic) a polymorph
Rune Power (4th level): When 1 minute is spent tracing effect the target is currently under. Unwilling creatures
kaunen on the ground, it burns like a campfire for up resist this with a Charisma saving throw; use your Wisdom
to 8 hours. The fire is 2 feet in diameter and the flames modifier to set the DC. Tracing the rune takes 1 action.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Spellcasting Rules
Rune Mastery Power (9th level): Invoking mannaz Rune Mastery Power (13th level): When nyköping is
upon a plant or animal awakens it, per the awaken spell. sketched on the ground beneath open sky, the weather
Invoking the rune this way takes 8 hours, and the effect is in the area improves toward clear skies, the same as if
permanent. you'd cast control weather. The rune can only improve the
weather, not make it more severe. Sketching the rune takes
NAUDIZ 1 hour, and the effect lasts 8 hours.
Necessity and need
Rune Bonus: Once per day, you can cast spare OTALAN
the dying. Property, inheritance, and family
Rune Power (4th level): By spending 1 action to trace Rune Bonus: You gain proficiency on
naudiz on an item, you grant guidance or resistance to any Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
creature that touches it (the creature chooses which). A Rune Power (7th level): When traced on
number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus can a reflective surface (for example, on a mirror, a polished
benefit from this effect. Both the rune and the effect last shield, or even on still water), otalan lets you scry on
while you concentrate, for up to 1 minute. an object that you've possessed for at least one week,
Rune Power (5th level): Naudiz can be traced in the air or on any member of your immediate family within
in such a way that five creatures within 10 feet of you have three generations of you, per the scrying spell. Tracing
their hit point maximums increased by 5, and they gain 5 the rune takes 10 minutes and the effect lasts while you
hit points. Tracing the rune takes 1 action, and the effect concentrate, for up to 10 minutes.
lasts 8 hours. Rune Mastery Power (13th level): When otalan is
Rune Mastery Power (15th level): When naudiz is invoked on an object, the rune's power lingers harmlessly
traced on an object weighing no more than 20 lb., for in the item until the death of the item's owner. The
the next 24 hours you can call that item to you. The moment that creature dies, the object teleports into the
item teleports into your hand instantly when you spend hands of another individual whose identity was specified
an action calling it. The maximum range is 400 feet. when the rune was created. This person can be identified
If another creature is holding the object, that creature by name, by a title, or by relationship (for example, “the
prevents it from teleporting with a successful Charisma king of Noatun” or “my firstborn son”). This power
saving throw; use your Wisdom modifier to set the DC. functions over any range as long as the object and target
Tracing the rune takes just 1 action, and it remains until are on the same plane. If another creature holds the object
it's used or for 24 hours. when its owner dies, that creature can try to prevent the
object from teleporting by making a Charisma saving
NYKÖPING throw; use your Wisdom modifier to set the DC. The rune
remains effective until it's triggered, but it ends when
The passage of time, the seasons, and the phases
the rune maker uses this power to invoke the rune on a
of the moon
different object. Creating the rune takes 10 minutes.
Rune Bonus: You have proficiency with
Wisdom (Survival) checks. PERTO
Rune Power (5th level): When the rune is sketched Things are not as they seem; the god Loki
on the ground, nyköping allows up to six creatures of Rune Bonus: You have a +1 bonus on
your choice to each regain hit points equal to 2d8 + your Wisdom ability checks to solve riddles or
wisdom modifier. You must be able to see the creatures, puzzles, and on Wisdom saving throws
and they must be within 30 feet of you. Invoking the rune against illusions.
this way takes 10 minutes.
Rune Power (4th level): When you spend 1 action
Rune Power (6th level): When 1 action is spent tracing tracing perto on a creature, you can change the creature's
the rune on the ground under open sky, nyköping creates appearance, following the guidelines for disguise self. If the
a gust of wind. The wind lasts while you concentrate, for up creature has Intelligence 3 or higher, it can change its own
to 1 minute. appearance. The rune remains effective for 1 hour.
Rune Mastery Power (9th level): Tracing nyköping on Rune Mastery Power (8th level): Spending 1 action to
a creature grants it haste, per the spell. Creating the rune trace perto on the ground causes all objects within 10 feet
takes 1 action and the effect lasts while you concentrate, of the rune to be undetectable through divination magic or
for up to 1 minute. scrying sensors. The effect lasts for 8 hours.
Rune Mastery Power (11th level): You learn the curse
of the wild moon ritual (see Rune Rituals).
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
RAIDO Rune Power (4th level): If you spend 1 action tracing
Travel tewaz onto a shield, it gains the properties of a shield of
missile attraction for 10 minutes.
Rune Bonus: Your speed increases by 5 feet,
and you always know which way is north. Rune Power (5th level): When tewaz is sketched
somewhere clearly visible, it acts as a calm emotions spell
Rune Power (4th level): The possessor of
on all creatures that can see it within a 20-foot radius.
an object that's had raido sketched onto it has advantage
Sketching the rune takes 1 action and the effect lasts while
on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to ski, skate, or
you concentrate, for up to 1 minute.
control a sled. Sketching the rune takes 1 minute and the
effect lasts while you concentrate, up to 1 hour. Rune Mastery Power (9th level): You learn the Tyr's
peace ritual (see Rune Rituals).
Rune Power (5th level): A living creature with raido
traced on its skin gains the benefit of water walk for 1
minute. Tracing the rune takes 1 action.
Giants; thunder and lightning
Rune Power (7th level): A living creature with raido
Rune Bonus: You gain Giant as a bonus
traced on its skin can undertake a forced march for an
language. If you already know this language,
additional 4 hours before suffering exhaustion penalties.
you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight)
Invoking the rune takes 10 minutes, and the effect lasts 4
checks involving giants.
Rune Power (4th level): A weapon marked with turisaz
SOWILO does an extra 1d4 lightning damage with each hit.
The sun; the god Baldur Marking the weapon takes 1 action, and the effect lasts
until it's been triggered five times or up to 1 hour.
Rune Bonus: You gain immunity to snow
blindness (see the appendix). Rune Power (5th level): Armor marked with turisaz has
resistance to lightning damage and applies a +2 bonus to
Rune Power (5th level): When invoked on a
the wearer’s Strength score. Marking the armor takes 1
creature, the rune grants it magical confidence
action and the effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to
and charisma, enabling it to enthrall an audience, per the
1 hour.
spell. Tracing the rune takes 1 action, and the effect lasts 1
minute. Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When inscribed
on a surface, the turisaz rune acts as a glyph of warding.
Rune Power (7th level): Spending 1 action tracing sowilo
Sketching the rune takes 1 hour, and the effect lasts until
onto an object makes it glow as if with the daylight spell for
it's triggered or dispelled (as a 4th-level spell effect).
1 hour.
Rune Mastery Power (13th level): Spending 1 action URUZ
invoking sowilo on the brow of a creature causes its eyes Wild ox, sacrifice to the gods, and strength
to emit a sunbeam, per the spell. The creature is immune to
Rune Bonus: For the purposes of carrying
blindness for the duration of the effect, which lasts while
capacity, treat your Strength score as if it were
you concentrate, for up to 1 minute.
2 points higher.
TEWAZ Rune Power (4th level): The wielder of a
Fearlessness, assemblies or councils, the god Tyr shield that's been inscribed with uruz gains the benefits of
the Charger feat. Tracing the rune takes 1 minute, and the
Rune Bonus: You have advantage on saving
effect lasts 1 hour.
throws against the frightened condition.
Rune Power (5th level): When uruz is traced on the
Rune Power (4th level): Tewaz can be sketched on an
flesh of a living creature, the creature's carrying capacity
object to ward off wolves, worgs, werewolves, and other
doubles and it has advantage on Strength checks. Tracing
lupine creatures. The rune must be presented boldly
the rune takes 1 action and the effect lasts while you
toward such creatures, each of which makes a Charisma
concentrate, up to 1 hour.
saving throw. Creatures that fail the saving throw must
stay at least 5 feet away from the rune and cannot touch Rune Power (7th level): You learn the sscourge of hateful
or make melee attacks against the creature presenting it, nettles ritual (see Rune Rituals).
as long as the symbol is boldly and aggressively presented Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When invoked on
(which requires an action each round). Sketching the rune an appropriate sacrifice (food, a symbolic weapon, an
takes 1 action, and the marked object remains effective for animal), this rune assures the sacrifice will amend any
1 hour. offenses the sacrifice giver has made against the gods
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Spellcasting Rules
(treat as remove curse). Drawing the gods' attention this way RUNE RITUALS
isn't always entirely beneficial; they may also place a geas These rituals are gained by learning and mastering
or some other effect on an especially bold or interesting individual runes, as noted above. Any character who learns
person, at the GM's discretion. Tracing the rune onto a to use a rune can eventually master its associated ritual.
sacrifice takes 1 hour, and the sacrifice must be offered
within another hour.
WUNJO Necromancy ritual
Happiness and joy Casting Time: 90 minutes
Rune Bonus: Whenever you receive Range: within 20 feet of an appropriate burial place
Inspiration, you have a 20% chance to retain it Components: V, S, M (wine or mead poured onto the
(for a second use, but no more) after using it or ground, gifts for the vaettir worth 500 gp, 2d6 hit points
gifting it to another character. of the caster's blood, and the wound can't be healed until
Rune Power (4th level): Tracing the wunjo rune on the an agreement is reached with the vaettir
ground or on a boulder acts as the animal friendship spell. Duration: up to 28 days
Creating the rune takes 1 action, and the effect lasts 24 “Come forth from your mound, sleeping hero. Come forth for the
hours. honors I would bestow and the honor of those who dwell in your
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): If you spend 1 action shadow. Come forth by the blood I spill and the gold I give you.
sketching wunjo onto an object which you then hold aloft, Come forth and aid the children of your land.”
your allies have advantage on saving throws against effects You call for aid from a vaettir—one of the dead and
that cause fear, charm, or domination. The effect lasts undead ancestors or former occupants of the land. You
while you concentrate, for up to 10 minutes. must be related to the creature, must have lived nearby
for at least a year, or must have a relative of the creature
present at the ritual of their own free will. Entreaties can
raise the vaettir from their barrows to protect, bestow
blessings, or remove curses. The vaettir, however, are
greedy and demanding allies. They're also difficult to
send away once roused, requiring a successful Charisma
(Persuasion) contest at the least, bribery or even a sacrifice
at the most; the specific price is determined by the GM.
The ritual summons an undead creature from beneath
the earth. Typically, a vaettir (Tome of Beasts) is summoned,
but sometimes other undead answer the call, depending
on the nature of the ancestor interred. You can ask the
creature to perform one task, such as defending you
against attack, bestowing or removing a curse, retrieving a
stolen object, avenging an insult, providing information,
or a similar favor. The undead will keep at the task until
it's completed or until 28 days have elapsed. The task
must be within the undead's power to accomplish or it
simply ignores the request and returns to its repose. For
example, a vaettir can't journey to the elemental planes to
retrieve something.
Persuading the vaettir to undertake the task requires
explaining why you need it done and how it also benefits
the vaettir to help—blood relations are strong motivators
here—followed by a successful Charisma (Persuasion)
contest opposed by the vaettir's Charisma (or a Bluff
contest if the caster lies). Vaettir usually awake with an
indifferent attitude; disagreeable, but not outright hostile.
If the vaettir is not persuaded to help or is offended, it's
likely to attack. It may cast bestow curse or geas on you, or
rise from its mound to demand tribute, or physically attack
you and any associates nearby. At no time during this
process is the vaettir under your control. The ritual simply
gets it to listen to you, but it makes its own decisions.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
The creature typically returns to its barrow or grave when DC equals 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency
the task is done and it's collected its payment, tribute, or bonus. If the saving throw succeeds, the intended target
praise. If anything has been stolen during its absence, it's resists the transformation and the curse descends on you
certain to seek recompense or revenge against the person instead!
who called it out. The affected target transforms into its lycanthropic form
10 minutes after the ritual is completed.
CREATE TUPILAK An unwilling target afflicted with lycanthropy through
Necromancy ritual this ritual is driven to hunt and slay the person who
conducted the ritual. They can control their bloodlust
Casting Time: 9 hours per night for 9 consecutive nights
when in human form, but when the beast takes control,
Range: touch they seek the one who cursed them. Because their rational
Components: V, S, M (tupilak construct) mind and memories are suppressed in animal form, the
Duration: until destroyed, or it destroys its creator hunt isn't organized or efficient, but sometimes they
This infamous ritual was learned from the enigmatic stumble onto a scent that puts them on the right trail. In
skraeling of the farthest reaches of the Northlands. It their murderous rage, they'll kill anyone related to the
creates a tupilak, a construct that tracks and kills a hated target of their hate. A lycanthrope created by the ritual
enemy, usually a rival. rebounding on its caster tends to be the most savage,
First, a body must be constructed for the tupilak from unreasoning of all; they're known for slaughtering their
the body parts of recently-dead animals and children. The own families, friends, and neighbors.
body is wrapped in seaweed or vines and then encased in
an outer shell made from bone treated with icy unguents SCOURGE OF HATEFUL NETTLES
and sealing salves worth 3,000 gp. The body can't be Necromancy ritual
animated until a tupilak idol (with a material cost of 2,500 Casting Time: 4 hours
gp) is inserted, to serve as its heart. The verbal component
Range: Self
is an ancient, hours-long song of revenge, sung over
the construct’s body during each night's ritual. This Components: V, S, M (a whip made from nettles;
construction process consumes nine consecutive nights blood, hair, or other sympathetic object from the target,
with a 9-hour ritual each night. smeared or hung around your neck)
The final ritual captures a hungry spirit of Ginnungagap Duration: 1 hour per check
to animate the construct. These spirits are vengeful and How much are you willing to suffer to inflict pain on your
mercenary; many intended victims of tupilaks have saved enemy? Scourge your own flesh with a whip of nettles and
their own lives by figuring out how to turn a resentful, briars, and as long as you can stand the flogging, the target
murderous construct against its creator. suffers three times the pain you do. The target's flesh first
itches uncontrollably, then turns raw and blistered, then
CURSE OF THE WILD MOON bleeds freely. The slightest movement or weight on his
back is agony.
Transmutation ritual
The target of the ritual must be within 10 miles of the
Casting Time: 90 minutes
Range: 25 feet To represent the first hour of the ritual, the caster takes
Components: V, S, M (animal of the kind you wish to 1d6 psychic damage and the target and caster conduct a
create, which is killed during the ritual, plus powdered Constitution contest. The loser of the contest gains one
silver worth at least 500 gp). level of exhaustion. The caster can continue the ritual for
Duration: instantaneous as long as he or she is willing to take the punishment. In
You trace runes in a circle around a sacrificial animal and practical terms, a caster is unlikely to continue the ritual
a bound target, chanting a litany of courtesies and praise after losing the first contest because exhaustion puts
to the old ways and the wildness hidden in all, as a lunar him or her at a disadvantage on subsequent Constitution
eclipse signals that the witching hour approaches. checks.
By creating a circle of arcane and wild natural glyphs Only living creatures that feel pain and injury can cast
from powdered silver, sacrificing an animal, and this ritual, which lasts as long as you continue scourging
sprinkling its blood onto a target while imploring the yourself. For each additional hour spent scourging, the
spirits of the wild and old ways to heed your call, you caster takes another 1d6 psychic damage and the target
transform a living creature into a lycanthrope. The type of and caster conduct another Constitution contest, with
lycanthrope matches the animal that was sacrificed (bear, the loser gaining one level of exhaustion. The caster can
wolf, boar, etc.). An unwilling target must be bound and recover from exhaustion normally through rest, but the
helpless, and it still makes a Charisma saving throw; the target's exhaustion can be removed only by limited wish,
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Spellcasting Rules
remove curse, wish, or comparable magic. If the caster's by the ritual. The duration and area of effect (which can be
pain, damage, or exhaustion is treated in any way during as small as a single room or as large as 12 square miles—a
the ritual, the ritual ends immediately. When the ritual radius of 2 miles around the ritual site) are set during the
ends, the caster takes another 1d6 psychic damage and casting. Performing the ritual adds one level of exhaustion
gains a final level of exhaustion. to the caster, and the blood offerings demanded by Tyr
and the ancestors cause 1d6 slashing damage to each
TYR'S PEACE participant in the ritual.
Once it takes effect, the ritual punishes anyone from
Necromancy ritual
an affected faction who spills blood in the area. Legal
Casting Time: 5 hours
executions, religious sacrifices, and sanctioned duels of
Range: 35 feet honor are exempt. The ritual's protection covers only
Components: S, V (a promise of safe passage and an oath those factions that were invoked and swore the oath of
to do no unlawful violence; oaths need not be sincere but peace in the casting, either as victims or as perpetrators.
must be explicit) Anyone who kills or harms another is cursed (as the bestow
Duration: up to 9 days curse spell), as is every intelligent creature complicit in the
You call upon Tyr to ward off treachery and violence at a misdeed. The curse manifests as bloody hands (no amount
meeting. At least nine men and/or women must swear the of washing can clean away the blood) and disadvantage on
oath of amity, and they must include representatives of Charisma checks. The curse can be lifted by limited wish,
each faction (family, clan, nation, felag, etc.) being covered wish, remove curse, or comparable magic, but the curse must
be lifted individually from each affected person.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
S pells associated with the many new domains, circles, arcane
traditions, patrons, and pacts introduced in previous chapters are
detailed here. The spells are listed in alphabetical order, so you’ll need to
refer to specific spell lists to see which ones your character can use.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
The spell lists are organized by class. Each spell also indicates its school, tradition, domain, pact, or other
origin. Check with your GM to find out which spells are allowed in your campaign. Some GMs might allow only
spells associated with specific schools, domains, backgrounds, etc., or they might allow certain spells only to characters
who have a feat associated with that spell’s origin. On the other hand, some GMs may throw the doors wide open and allow
everything. In any case, it’s always best to ask first.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Heartstop (clockwork) Not This Day! (rune) 2nd Level
Power Word Kneel (hieroglyph) Rain of Blades (rune) Boreas's Breath (Rothenian)
Repair Metal (clockwork) Tongue Tied (high elven) By the Light of the Moon (labyrinth)
Shade (dragon) 6th Level Clearing the Field (high elven)
Shadows Brought to Light (high elven) Conjure Scarab Swarm (hieroglyph)
Shared Sacrifice (battle) Curse of Boreas (rune)
Encroaching Shadows (high elven) Crushing Trample (labyrinth)
Snowblind Stare (rune) Detect Dragons (dragon)
Trench (battle) Extract Knowledge (hieroglyph)
Heavenly Crown (angelic) Elemental Horns (labyrinth)
Warning Shout (battle) Furious Hooves (labyrinth)
Winding Key (clockwork) Sphere of Order (clockwork)
Ley Disruption (ley line)
Wotan’s Rede (rune) 7th Level Poisoned Volley (battle)
3rd Level Curse of Dust (hieroglyph) Snowblind Stare (rune)
Blade of Wrath (angelic) Hellforging (clockwork) Trench (battle)
Catch the Breath (dragon) Molech’s Blessing (clockwork) Vine Trestle (high elven)
Confound Senses (labyrinth) Seal of Sanctuary (angelic) Wresting Wind (battle)
Curse of Incompetence (battle) Timeless Engine (clockwork) 3rd Level
Gloomwrought Barrier (hieroglyph) 8th Level Draconic Smite (dragon)
Hero’s Steel (rune) Bloom (high elven) Freezing Fog (rune)
Mass Hobble Mount (battle) Call the Hunter (clockwork) Ley Energy Bolt (ley line)
Mire (hieroglyph) Costly Victory (battle) Ley Sense (ley line)
Nightfall (battle) Desolation (high elven) Mass Hobble Mount (battle)
Overclock (clockwork) Move the Cosmic Wheel (clockwork) Mire (hieroglyph)
Soul of the Machine (clockwork) Power Word Restore (clockwork) Nightfall (battle)
Spiteful Weapon (rune) Quintessence (angelic) Perun’s Doom (Rothenian)
Sudden Dawn (battle) Phantom Dragon (dragon)
Thunderclap (rune) 9th Level
Potency of the Pack (rune)
Afflict Line (high elven)
4th Level Song of the Forest (high elven)
Form of the Gods (hieroglyph) Sudden Dawn (battle)
Binding Oath (rune) Greater Seal of Sanctuary (angelic)
Blade of My Brother (rune) Thunderous Wave (battle)
Mammon’s Due (Rothenian)
By the Light of the Watchful Moon Time in a Bottle (clockwork) 4th Level
(battle) Brittling (rune)
Desiccating Breath (hieroglyph) DRUID SPELLS By the Light of the Watchful Moon
Deva’s Wings (angelic) Cantrip (battle)
Hirvsth’s Call (Rothenian) Desiccating Breath (hieroglyph)
Inspiring Speech (battle) Bless the Dead (hieroglyph)
Moon Trap (labyrinth)
Moon Trap (labyrinth) 1st Level Ray of Life Suppression (ley line)
Power Word Pain (hieroglyph) Beguiling Gift (hieroglyph) Snow Boulder (rune)
Read Memory (clockwork) Deep Breath (rune)
Scale Rot (dragon) 5th Level
Extract Foyson (high elven)
Shadowy Retribution (high elven) Fire Under the Tongue (rune) Amplify Ley Field (ley line)
Write Memory (clockwork) Flurry (rune) Eidetic Memory (hieroglyph)
Energy Absorption (ley line)
5th Level Freeze Potion (rune)
Gliding Step (rune) Lesser Ley Pulse (ley line)
Blazing Chariot (angelic) Ley Leech (ley line)
Chains of the Goddess (clockwork) Goat’s Hoof Charm (rune)
Claws of the Earth Dragon (dragon) Hearth Charm (rune) 6th Level
Eidetic Memory (hieroglyph) Hobble Mount (battle) Fault Line (battle)
Ensanguinate (Rothenian) Land Bond (ley line) Ley Whip (ley line)
Grasp of the Tupilak (rune) Mosquito Bane (rune)
Trick Question (hieroglyph) 7th Level
Hod’s Gift (rune)
Wolfsong (rune) Curse of Dust (hieroglyph)
Holy Ground (battle)
Greater Ley Pulse (ley line)
Imbue Spell (clockwork)
Triumph of Ice (rune)
Mass Repair Metal (clockwork)
Volley Shield (ley line)
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Machine’s Load (clockwork) Potency of the Pack (rune) Steam Blast (clockwork)
Mosquito Bane (rune) Riptide (elemental) 5th Level
Ringstrike (ring) Spiteful Weapon (rune)
Shadow Armor (shadow) Sudden Dawn (battle) Acid Rain (elemental)
Thunderous Charge (labyrinth) Thousand Darts (clockwork) Amplify Ley Field (ley line)
Tidal Barrier (elemental) Blazing Chariot (angelic)
4th Level Curse Ring (ring)
Trick Question (hieroglyph)
Wind Tunnel (elemental) Deva’s Wings (angelic) Dark Dementing (shadow)
Earthskimmer (elemental) Dragon Breath (dragon)
2nd Level Flame Wave (elemental) Energy Absorption (ley line)
Bitter Chains (ring) Gremlins (clockwork) Ensanguinate (Rothenian)
Black Swan Storm (high elven) Grinding Gears (clockwork) Frostbite (elemental)
Blessed Halo (angelic) Jotun’s Jest (rune) Grasp of the Tupilak (rune)
Dark Path (shadow) Labyrinth Mastery (labyrinth) Lesser Ley Pulse (ley line)
Darkbolt (shadow) Moon Trap (labyrinth) Ley Leech (ley line)
Gear Barrage (clockwork) Night Terrors (shadow) Not This Day! (rune)
Grudge Match (rune) Power Word Pain (hieroglyph) Shadow Realm Gateway (shadow)
Heartache (high elven) Ray of Life Suppression (ley line) Tongue Tied (high elven)
Heartstop (clockwork) Reposition (battle)
Ley Disruption (ley line) Scale Rot (dragon)
Lock Armor (clockwork) Shadow Monsters (shadow)
Negative Image (shadow) Shadowy Retribution (high elven)
Power Word Kneel (hieroglyph) Spinning Axes (ring)
Reverberate (ring)
Rolling Thunder (elemental)
Shade (dragon)
Shadow Puppets (shadow)
Shadows Brought to Light (high elven)
Spin (clockwork)
Spire of Stone (elemental)
Thunderous Stampede (labyrinth)
Unluck On That (rune)
Wotan’s Rede (rune)
3rd Level
Blade of Wrath (angelic)
Call Shadow Mastiff (shadow)
Catch the Breath (dragon)
Confound Senses (labyrinth)
Curse of Incompetence (battle)
Dimensional Shove (labyrinth)
Frozen Razors (elemental)
Gloomwrought Barrier (hieroglyph)
Innocuous Aspect (ring)
Ire of the Mountain (Rothenian)
Legion (shadow)
Ley Energy Bolt (ley line)
Ley Sense (ley line)
Mass Hobble Mount (battle)
Maze, Lesser (labyrinth)
Mire (hieroglyph)
Nightfall (battle)
Outflanking Boon (battle)
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
6th Level scribe (hieroglyph) Blessed Halo (angelic)
Banshee Wail (shadow) Shadow Bite (illumination) Boiling Oil (battle)
Become Nightwing (shadow) Shadow Blindness (illumination) Boreas's Breath (Rothenian)
Catapult (clockwork) Silhouette (illumination) By the Light of the Moon (labyrinth)
Drown (elemental) Starburst (illumination) Chaotic Vitality (chaos)
Enchant Ring (ring) Tick Stop (clockwork) Clearing the Field (high elven)
Encroaching Shadows (high elven) Wind Lash (elemental) Conjure Scarab Swarm (hieroglyph)
Entomb (elemental) 1st Level Dark Path (shadow)
Extract Knowledge (hieroglyph) Darkbolt (shadow)
Adjust Positioning (battle) Detect Dragons (dragon)
Heavenly Crown (angelic) Analyze Device (clockwork)
Ley Whip (ley line) Elemental Horns (labyrinth)
Angelic Guardian (angelic) Enhance Greed (dragon)
Robe of Shards (clockwork) Animate Construct (clockwork)
Walk the Twisted Path (labyrinth) Frenzied Bolt (chaos)
Armored Heart (clockwork) Furious Hooves (labyrinth)
7th Level Armored Shell (clockwork) Gear Barrage (clockwork)
Blizzard (elemental) Auspicious Warning (chaos) Heartache (high elven)
Celebration (high elven) Beguiling Gift (hieroglyph) Heartstop (clockwork)
Conjure Shadow Titan (shadow) Black Ribbons (shadow) Lair Sense (dragon)
Curse of Dust (hieroglyph) Broken Charge (labyrinth) Ley Disruption (ley line)
Greater Ley Pulse (ley line) Circle of Wind (ring) Lock Armor (clockwork)
Ringward (ring) Cloak of Shadow (illumination) Mass Blade Ward (battle)
Seal of Sanctuary (angelic) Cloying Darkness (shadow) Negative Image (shadow)
Symbol of Sorcery (hieroglyph) Converse with Dragon (dragon) Orb of Light (illumination)
Volley Shield (ley line) Deep Breath (rune) Poisoned Volley (battle)
Extract Foyson (high elven) Power Word Kneel (hieroglyph)
8th Level Find the Flaw (clockwork) Repair Metal (clockwork)
Arcane Sight (hieroglyph) Freeze Potion (rune) Reverberate (ring)
Caustic Torrent (elemental) Gear Shield (clockwork) Rolling Thunder (elemental)
Create Ring Servant (ring) Goat’s Hoof Charm (rune) Shade (dragon)
Disruptive Aura (ley line) Guest of Honor (high elven) Shadow Puppets (shadow)
Malevolent Waves (shadow) Guiding Star (illumination) Shadows Brought to Light (high elven)
Quintessence (angelic) Hobble Mount (battle) Shifting the Odds (chaos)
Steam Whistle (clockwork) Ill-fated Word (chaos) Slither (illumination)
9th Level Kobold’s Fury (dragon) Snowblind Stare (rune)
Land Bond (ley line) Spin (clockwork)
Afflict Line (high elven)
Machine Speech (clockwork) Spire of Stone (elemental)
Circle of Devastation (ring)
Machine’s Load (clockwork) Thunderous Stampede (labyrinth)
Greater Seal of Sanctuary (angelic)
Mosquito Bane (rune) Trench (battle)
Ley Storm (ley line)
Pendulum (clockwork) Unluck On That (rune)
Ley Surge (ley line)
Ringstrike (ring) Vine Trestle (high elven)
Mammon’s Due (Rothenian)
Shadow Armor (shadow) Warning Shout (battle)
Pyroclasm (elemental)
Shadow Hands (illumination) Winding Key (clockwork)
Umbral Storm (shadow)
Speak with Inanimate Object
(hieroglyph) 3rd Level
Thunderous Charge (labyrinth) Blade of Wrath (angelic)
Cantrips (0 Level) Tidal Barrier (elemental) Call Shadow Mastiff (shadow)
Benediction (angelic) Tireless (clockwork) Calm of the Storm (chaos)
Claws of Darkness (shadow) Trick Question (hieroglyph) Catch the Breath (dragon)
Douse Light (shadow) Undermine Armor (chaos) Compelling Fate (illumination)
dragon roar (dragon) Wind Tunnel (elemental) Confound Senses (labyrinth)
Encrypt/Decrypt (hieroglyph) Curse of Incompetence (battle)
2nd Level
Fist of Iron (clockwork) Dimensional Shove (labyrinth)
Hoarfrost (ring) Bad Timing (chaos)
Entropic Damage Field (chaos)
Misstep (labyrinth) Bitter Chains (ring)
Freezing Fog (rune)
Pummelstone (elemental) Black Swan Storm (high elven)
Frozen Razors (elemental)
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Gloomwrought Barrier (hieroglyph) Spinning Axes (ring) Icy Grasp of the Ether (illumination)
Innocuous Aspect (ring) Steam Blast (clockwork) Last Rays of the Dying Sun
Ire of the Mountain (Rothenian) Wild Shield (chaos) (illumination)
Legion (shadow) Write Memory (clockwork) Legend Killer (dragon)
Ley Energy Bolt (ley line) Ringward (ring)
5th Level
Ley Sense (ley line) Seal of Sanctuary (angelic)
Mass Hobble Mount (battle) Acid Rain (elemental) Starry Vision (illumination)
Maze, Lesser (labyrinth) Amplify Ley Field (ley line) Symbol of Sorcery (hieroglyph)
Mire (hieroglyph) Blazing Chariot (angelic) Timeless Engine (clockwork)
Nightfall (battle) Claws of the Earth Dragon (dragon) Triumph of Ice (rune)
Outflanking Boon (battle) Curse Ring (ring) Uncontrollable Transformation
Overclock (clockwork) Dark Dementing (shadow) (chaos)
Perun’s Doom (Rothenian) Dragon Breath (dragon) Volley Shield (ley line)
Phantom Dragon (dragon) Eidetic Memory (hieroglyph) Walking Wall (battle)
Riptide (elemental) Energy Absorption (ley line)
8th Level
Shadow Trove (illumination) Ensanguinate (Rothenian)
Frostbite (elemental) Arcane Sight (hieroglyph)
Shield of Star and Shadow
Grasp of the Tupilak (rune) Bloom (high elven)
Hod’s Gift (rune) Caustic Torrent (elemental)
Song of the Forest (high elven)
Imbue Spell (clockwork) Create Ring Servant (ring)
Spiteful Weapon (rune)
Instant Fortification (battle) Deadly Sting (dragon)
Sudden Dawn (battle)
Labyrinthine Howl (labyrinth) Desolation (high elven)
Surge Dampener (chaos)
Lesser Ley Pulse (ley line) Disruptive Aura (ley line)
Thousand Darts (clockwork)
Ley Leech (ley line) Harsh Light of Summer’s Glare
Thunderclap (rune)
Mass Repair Metal (clockwork) (high elven)
Thunderous Wave (battle)
Mass Surge Dampener (chaos) Machine Sacrifice (clockwork)
4th Level Mechanical Union (clockwork) Malevolent Waves (shadow)
Absolute Command (clockwork) Prismatic Ray (rune) Move the Cosmic Wheel (clockwork)
Black Hand (illumination) Shadow Realm Gateway (shadow) Paragon of Chaos (chaos)
Brittling (rune) Starfall (illumination) Power Word Restore (clockwork)
By the Light of the Watchful Moon Tongue Tied (high elven) Quintessence (angelic)
(battle) Steam Whistle (clockwork)
6th Level
Chaotic Form (chaos) Summon Star (illumination)
Cursed Gift (rune) Banshee Wail (shadow) Time Jump (clockwork)
Desiccating Breath (hieroglyph) Become Nightwing (shadow)
9th Level
Deva’s Wings (angelic) Black Well (illumination)
Catapult (clockwork) Afflict Line (high elven)
Earthskimmer (elemental)
Chaotic World (chaos) Circle of Devastation (ring)
Flame Wave (elemental)
Curse of Boreas (rune) Cosmic Alignment (high elven)
Flickering Fate (illumination)
Drown (elemental) Greater Seal of Sanctuary (angelic)
Fluctuating Alignment (chaos)
Enchant Ring (ring) Ley Storm (ley line)
Gremlins (clockwork)
Encroaching Shadows (high elven) Ley Surge (ley line)
Grinding Gears (clockwork)
Entomb (elemental) Mammon’s Due (Rothenian)
Instant Siege Weapon (battle)
Extract Knowledge (hieroglyph) Maze, Greater (labyrinth)
Jotun’s Jest (rune)
Heavenly Crown (angelic) Pyroclasm (elemental)
Labyrinth Mastery (labyrinth)
Ley Whip (ley line) Star’s Heart (illumination)
Moon Trap (labyrinth
Robe of Shards (clockwork) Time in a Bottle (clockwork)
Night Terrors (shadow)
Power Word Pain (hieroglyph) Walk the Twisted Path (labyrinth) Umbral Storm (shadow)
Raid the Lair (dragon) 7th Level
Ray of Life Suppression (ley line)
Blizzard (elemental)
Read Memory (clockwork)
Celebration (high elven)
Reposition (battle)
Conjure Shadow Titan (shadow)
Scale Rot (dragon)
Greater Ley Pulse (ley line)
Shadow Monsters (shadow)
Hellforging (clockwork)
Shadowy Retribution (high elven)
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
SPELL DESCRIPTIONS area for the first time on its turn takes 6d6 acid damage,
or half damage with a successful Dexterity saving throw. A
All spells are listed in alphabetical order. Following each creature takes half damage from the acid (as if it had made
spell’s level and type is a parenthetical notation indicating a successful saving throw) automatically at the start of its
which new school, tradition, domain, pact, etc. the spell is first turn after leaving the affected area.
associated with. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
When a description refers to casting a spell “within the spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by
influence of a ley line” or uses words to that effect, it refers 1d6 for every slot level above 5th.
to instances when the caster must roll on one of the ley
line effects tables or receives the fixed effect of a locked ley
line, unless something different is specified. Usually this
requires being within 30 feet of the ley line (see “Using Ley 1st-level transmutation (battle)
Lines” in chapter 6), but some spells allow greater ranges. Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet
4th-level transmutation (clockwork) Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action You adjust the location of an ally to a better tactical
Range: Touch position. You move one willing creature 5 feet. This
Components: V, S, M (a pair of small gloves fitted with a movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. The
conduit and worth 100 gp) creature moves bodily through the intervening space
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes (as opposed to teleporting or gating), so there can be no
physical blockage (wall, door) between them.
You can control a construct you have built with a challenge
rating of 6 or less. You can manipulate objects with your At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
construct as precisely as its construction allows, and you a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target an
perceive its surroundings through its sensory inputs as if additional willing creature for each slot level above 1st.
you inhabited its body.
The construct uses the caster's Proficiency bonus AFFLICT LINE
(modified by the construct's Strength and Dexterity 9th-level necromancy (ritual; high elven)
scores). You can use the manipulators of the construct Casting Time: 1 hour
to perform any number of skill-based tasks, using the
Range: 1 mile
construct's Strength and Dexterity modifiers when using
skills based on those particular abilities. Components: V, S, M (a statuette carved in the likeness
of the victim worth 1,250 gp)
Your body remains immobile, as if paralyzed, for the
duration of the spell. The construct must remain within Duration: Permanent; one generation
100 feet of you. If it moves beyond this distance, the spell You invoke the darkest curses upon your victim and his or
immediately ends and the caster's mind returns to his her descendants. This spell does not require that you have
body. a clear path to your target, only that your target is within
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using range. Your target must make a successful Wisdom saving
higher-level spell slots, you may control a construct with a throw or be cursed until the magic is dispelled. The victim
challenge rating 2 higher for each slot level you use above has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws made
4th. The construct’s range also increases by 10 feet for each with the ability score that you choose when you cast the
slot level. spell. In addition, the target's firstborn offspring is also
targeted by the curse. The firstborn is allowed a saving
throw of their own if they currently live, or they make one
upon their birth if they're not yet born when the spell is
5th-level conjuration (elemental) cast. If the target's firstborn has already died, the curse
Casting Time: 1 action passes to their next oldest offspring.
Range: 150 feet Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the curse
Components: V, S, M (a drop of acid) becomes hereditary, passing from firstborn to firstborn for
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute the entire length of the family's lineage until one of them
successfully saves against the curse and throws off your
You unleash a storm of swirling acid in a cylinder 20 feet
dark magic.
wide and 30 feet high centered on a point you can see.
The area is heavily obscured by the driving acidfall. A
creature that starts its turn in the area or that enters the
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
AMPLIFY LEY FIELD attack your opponents to the best of its ability. You can
direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to
5th-level evocation (ley line) perform other actions. You choose the object to animate,
Casting Time: 1 action and you can change that choice each time you cast the
Range: Self (10-foot-radius sphere) spell. The cost of the body to be animated is 10 gp x its
Components: V, S hit points. The body can be reused any number of times,
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes provided it isn't severely damaged or destroyed.
If no prepared construct body is available, you can
You create a faintly shimmering field of charged energy
animate a mass of loose metal or stone instead. Before
around yourself. Within that area, the intensity of ley lines
casting, the loose objects must be arranged in a suitable
you're able to draw on increases from weak to strong, or
shape (taking up to a minute), and the construct's hit
from strong to titanic.
points are halved.
If no ley lines are near enough for you to draw on, you
An animated construct has a Constitution of 10,
can treat the area of the spell itself as an unlocked, weak
Intelligence and Wisdom 3, and Charisma 1. Other
ley line.
characteristics are determined by the construct’s size as
1st-level divination (clockwork)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Size HP AC Attack Str Dex Slot
Range: Touch
Tiny 15 12 +3, 1d4+4 4 16 1st
Components: V, S, M (a complete set of clockworker's
tools) Small 25 13 +4, 1d8+2 6 14 2nd
Duration: Instantaneous Medium 40 14 +5, 2d6+1 10 12 3rd
You discover all mechanical properties, mechanisms, Large 50 15 +6, 2d10+2 14 10 4th
and functions of a single construct or clockwork device, Huge 80 16 +8, 2d12+4 18 8 5th
including how to activate or deactivate those functions, if
Gargantuan 100 17 +10, 4d8 +6 20 6 6th
At Higher Levels: Casting this spell using higher level
spell slots allows you to increase the size of the construct
1st-level conjuration (angelic) animated, as shown on the table.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet ARCANE SIGHT
Components: V, S 8th-level divination (hieroglyph)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time: 1 round
You conjure a minor celestial manifestation to protect a Range: Touch
creature you can see within range. A faintly glowing figure Components: V, S, M (a piece of clear quartz)
resembling a human head and shoulders hovers within Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
5 feet of the target for the duration. The figure moves
to interpose itself between the target and any incoming The recipient of this spell gains the benefits of both true
attacks, granting the target +2 to AC. seeing and detect magic for 1 hour, and also knows the name
If the target fails a Dexterity saving throw while the spell and effect of every spell he or she witnesses during arcane
is active, it can use its reaction to roll a new save. The spell sight's duration.
then ends.
ANIMATE CONSTRUCT 1st-level conjuration (clockwork)
1st-level transmutation (clockwork) Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch
Range: 30 feet Components: V,S,M (5 gp worth of mithral dust
Components: V, S, M (a construct body of appropriate sprinkled on the target’s skin)
size) Duration: 1 round
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes (see below) The targeted creature gains resistance to bludgeoning,
This spell animates a carefully prepared construct of Tiny slashing, and piercing damage. This resistance can be
size. The object acts immediately, on your turn, and can overcome with adamantine or magical weapons.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
1st-level conjuration (clockwork) 1st-level divination (chaos)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when an ally
Range: Self rolls an attack, ability check, or saving throw
Components: V, S, M (a rivet) Range: 30 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. Components: V
This spell creates a suit of magical studded leather armor Duration: Instantaneous
(AC 12). It does not grant you proficiency in its use. Just in time, you call out a fortunate warning to a creature.
Casters without the appropriate armor proficiency suffer The target rolls a d4 and adds the number rolled to one
disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack attack roll, ability check, or saving throw that they have
roll that involves Strength or Dexterity and cannot cast just made and uses the new result for determining success
spells. or failure.
At Higher Levels: Casting armored shell using a
higher‑level spell slot creates stronger armor: a chain shirt BAD TIMING
(AC 13) at level 2, scale mail (AC 14) at level 3, chain mail 2nd-level divination (chaos)
(AC 16) at level 4, and plate armor (AC 18) at level 5. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
7th-level transmutation (dragon) Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action You point toward a creature that you can see and twist
Range: Self strands of chaotic energy around its fate. If the target fails
Components: V, S, M (a dragon scale) a Charisma saving throw, the next attack roll or ability
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute check the creature attempts within 10 minutes is made
By tapping into your very blood, this spell draws out the with disadvantage.
ancient nature inside, demonstrating to the world you are
not like the rest; you are descended from dragons. This BANSHEE WAIL
spell allows you to assume the form of any dragon-type 6th-level necromancy (shadow)
creature of challenge 10 or less. Casting Time: 1 action
You assume the hit points and Hit Dice of the new form. Range: Self (30-foot cone)
When you revert to your normal form, you return to the
Components: V, S, M (a swatch from a death shroud)
number of hit points you had before you transformed.
Duration: instantaneous
If you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any
excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long You emit a soul-shattering wail. Every creature within a
as the excess damage doesn’t reduce your normal form to 30-foot cone who hears the wail must make a Wisdom
0 hit points, you aren’t knocked unconscious. saving throw. Those that fail take 6d10 psychic damage and
You retain the benefit of any features from your class, become frightened of you; a frightened creature repeats
race, or other source and can use them, provided that your the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on
new form is physically capable of doing so. You can speak itself on a success. Those that succeed take 3d10 psychic
only if the dragon can normally speak. damage and aren't frightened. This spell has no effect on
When you transform, you choose whether your constructs and undead.
equipment falls to the ground, merges into the new form,
or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions normally, but BECOME NIGHTWING
equipment doesn’t change shape or size to match the new 6th-level enchantment (shadow)
form. Any equipment that the new form can’t wear must Casting Time: 1 action
either fall to the ground or merge into the new form. The
Range: Self
GM has final say on whether the new form can wear or use
a particular piece of equipment. Equipment that merges Components: V, S, M (a crow's eye)
has no effect in that state. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
By channeling the essence of the Shadow Realm into
yourself, this spell imbues you with wings of shadow. For
the duration of the spell, you gain a fly speed of 60 feet and
a new attack action: nightwing breath.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Nightwing Breath (recharge 4–6). You exhale details. Depending on the nature of the oath, this may or
shadow‑substance in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the may not invalidate the oath for the other targets. If so, the
area takes 5d6 necrotic damage, or half damage with a spell ends for all other affected creatures, but curse effects
successful Dexterity saving throw. already bestowed remain until dispelled.
6th-level necromancy (illumination)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 300 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You summon a seething sphere of dark energy 5 feet
in diameter. The sphere pulls creatures toward it and
devours the life force of those it envelops. Every creature
other than you that starts its turn within 90 feet of the
black well must make a successful Strength saving throw
or be pulled 50 feet toward the well. A creature pulled
into the well takes 6d8 necrotic damage and is stunned; a
successful Constitution saving throw halves the damage
and reduces the stun to incapacitation. A creature that
starts its turn inside the well also makes a Constitution
saving throw; the creature is stunned on a failure or
incapacitated on a success. An incapacitated creature that
leaves the well recovers immediately and can take actions
and reactions that turn. Creatures take damage only upon
entering the well—they take no additional damage for
remaining in it—but if they leave the well and are pulled
back in again, they take damage again. A total of nine
Medium creatures, three Large creatures, or one Huge
creature can be inside the well's upper-dimensional space
at one time. When the well's duration ends, all creatures
inside it tumble out in a heap, landing prone.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
damage. The weapon fights for up to 4 rounds, at which can cause the chariot to overrun creatures in its path. For
point it falls to the ground. the remainder of the turn, the chariot can enter a hostile
creature’s space. The creature takes damage as if it touched
BLADE OF WRATH the chariot and must make a successful Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.
3rd-level evocation (angelic)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a rebuke of evil, written in Abjuration cantrip (hieroglyph)
Celestial) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Range: Touch
Components: V, S
You create a sword of pure white fire in your free hand. The
blade is similar in size and shape to a longsword, and it lasts Duration: Instantaneous
for the duration. If you let go of the blade it disappears, but You grant a blessing to one deceased creature, allowing it
you can call it forth again as a bonus action. to cross over to the realm of the dead in peace. A creature
You can use your action to make a melee spell attack that benefits from bless the dead can't become undead. The
with the blade. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 fire damage spell has no effect on either the living or the undead.
and 2d8 radiant damage. An aberration, fey, fiend, or
undead creature damaged by the blade must succeed on BLESSED HALO
a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the start of 2nd-level evocation (angelic)
your next turn.
Casting Time: 1 action
The blade sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim
Range: Self
light for an additional 20 feet.
Components: V, S
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the fire damage or the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
radiant damage (your choice) increases by 1d8 for each slot A nimbus of golden light surrounds your head for the
level above 3rd. duration. The halo sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius
and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
BLAZING CHARIOT This spell grants you a pool of 10 points of healing. When
you cast the spell and as an action on subsequent turns
5th-level conjuration (angelic) during the spell’s duration, you can expend points from
Casting Time: 1 action this pool to restore an equal number of lost hit points to
Range: 30 feet one creature within the spell’s bright light that you can see.
Components: V, S, M (a small golden wheel worth Additionally, you have advantage on Charisma checks
250 gp) made against good creatures within the blessed halo's light.
Duration: 1 hour If any of this spell’s area overlaps an area of magical
Calling upon the might of the angels, you conjure darkness created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell
a flaming chariot made of gold and mithral in an that created the darkness is dispelled.
unoccupied space you can see within range. Two horses At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
made of fire and light pull the chariot. You and up to spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the spell’s pool of healing
three other Medium or smaller creatures you designate increases by 5 points for each spell slot above 2nd and this
can board the chariot (at the cost of 5 feet of movement) spell dispels darkness spells of a level equal to the slot used
and are unharmed by the flames. Any other creature who in casting blessed halo.
touches the chariot or hits it or a creature riding in it with
a melee attack while within 5 feet of the chariot takes 3d6 BLIZZARD
fire damage and 3d6 radiant damage. The chariot is AC 18,
7th-level conjuration (rune)
has 50 hit points, is immune to fire, poison, psychic, and
radiant damage, and is resistant to all other nonmagical Casting Time: 1 action
damage. The horses are not separate creatures but are part Range: 100 feet
of the chariot. The chariot vanishes if it's reduced to 0 hit Components: V, S
points, and any creature riding it falls. The chariot has a Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
speed of 50 feet and a fly speed of 40 feet. A howling storm of thick snow and ice crystals appears
On your turn, you can guide the chariot in place of your in a cylinder 40 feet high and 40 feet in diameter. The
own movement. You can direct it to Dash, Disengage, area is heavily obscured by the swirling snow. When the
or Dodge by using your bonus action. As an action, you storm appears, each creature in the area takes 8d8 cold
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
damage, or half damage with a successful Constitution
saving throw. A creature also makes this saving throw and
takes damage when it enters the area for the first time on 2nd level transmutation (Rothenian; ritual)
a turn or ends its turn there. In addition, a creature that Casting Time: 1 action
takes cold damage from this spell has disadvantage on Range: Touch
Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration Components: V, S
until the start of its next turn. Duration: Instantaneous
You freeze standing water in a 20-foot cube or running
water in a 10-foot cube centered on you. The water turns
8th-level conjuration (ritual; high elven) to solid ice. The surface becomes difficult terrain, and
Casting Time: 1 hour any creature that ends its turn on the ice must make a
Range: 1 mile successful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
Components: V, S, M (a silver acorn worth 500 gp, which Creatures that are partially submerged in the water when
is consumed in the casting) it freezes become restrained. While restrained this way,
Duration: 1 year a creature takes 1d6 cold damage at the end of its turn.
It can break free by using an action to make a successful
You plant a silver acorn in solid ground and spend an
Strength check against your spell save DC.
hour chanting a litany of praises to the natural world,
Creatures that are fully submerged in the water when it
after which the land within 1 mile of the acorn becomes
freezes become incapacitated and cannot breathe. While
extremely fertile, regardless of its previous state. Any
incapacitated this way, a creature takes 2d6 cold damage
seeds planted in the area of effect grow at twice the natural
at the end of its turn. A trapped creature makes a DC 20
rate. Food harvested regrows within a week. After one
Strength saving throw after taking this damage at the end
year, the land slowly reverts to its normal fertility, unable
of its turn, breaking free from the ice on a success.
to stave off the march of nature.
The ice has AC 10 and 15 hit points. It is vulnerable to
Choose one of the following effects, which appears and fire damage, has resistance to nonmagical slashing and
grows immediately: piercing damage, and is immune to cold, necrotic, poison,
• A field planted with vegetables of your choice, ready for psychic, and thunder damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
• A thick forest of stout trees and ample undergrowth. spell slot of 3rd level or higher, increase the size of the cube
• A grassland with wildflowers and fodder for grazing. by 10 feet for each slot level above 2nd.
• An orchard of fruit trees of your choice, growing in
orderly rows and ready for harvest. BRITTLING
Living creatures that take a short rest within the area 4th level transmutation (rune)
of a bloom receive the maximum hit points for hit dice Casting Time: 1 action
expended. Bloom counters the effects of a desolation spell.
Range: Touch
Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the Components: V, S, M
duration becomes permanent.
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell uses biting cold to make
a metal or stone item brittle
2nd-level conjuration (battle) and easy to shatter. The item's
Casting Time: 1 action hit points are permanently
Range: 60 feet reduced by a number equal
Components: V, S, M (a vial of oil) to your spellcasting level,
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute and Strength checks to
shatter or break the item
You conjure a shallow, 30-foot-diameter pool of boiling within 1 minute of the
oil centered on a point within range. The pool is difficult spell's casting are
terrain, and any creature entering the pool or beginning made with advantage.
its turn in the pool takes 3d8 fire damage and falls prone. If the item isn't
Creatures that make a successful Dexterity saving throw shattered, it can be
take half damage and don't fall prone. repaired as normal.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by
1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
1st-level illusion (illumination)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You draw upon the endless Void to cloak yourself in
shadow, giving you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks against creatures that rely on sight.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
CURSE OF DUST ring suffers the chosen effect with no saving throw. The
curse transfers from the ring to the wearer once the ring
7th-level necromancy (hieroglyph) is put on; the ring becomes a mundane ring that can be
Casting Time: 10 minutes taken off, but the curse remains on the creature that put it
Range: 500 feet on until the curse is removed or dispelled. An identify spell
Components: V, S, M (a piece of spoiled food) cast on the cursed ring reveals the fact that it is cursed.
Duration: 1 week
You cast a curse on a creature that you're familiar with,
causing them to be unsatiated by food no matter how 4th-level abjuration (rune)
much they eat. This isn't merely an issue of perception; the Casting Time: 1 action
target physically can't draw sustenance from food and is Range: Touch
in real danger of starving to death. Within minutes after Components: V, S, M (an object worth at least 75 gp)
the spell is cast, the target feels constant hunger no matter Duration: 1 day
how much food is consumed. The target must make a
Constitution saving throw against the spell after every 24 Cursed gift imbues an object with a curse or other
hours during the spell's duration. Each time the saving unwanted, harmful magical effect that the caster or
throw fails, the target gains one level of exhaustion. The another creature in physical contact with the caster is
effect ends after 1 week or when the target's Constitution currently suffering from. If this item is given to someone
saving throw succeeds for a second day in a row. who freely accepts it during the duration of the spell, then
the curse temporarily transfers to them. A successful
CURSE OF INCOMPETENCE Charisma saving throw negates the transfer. If the saving
throw fails, the original target of the curse no longer
3rd-level necromancy (battle) suffers from the affliction, which transfers to the recipient
Casting Time: 1 action of the item for the duration of the spell. Returning,
Range: 120 feet destroying, or giving away the item a second time has no
Components: V, S effect. Remove curse and comparable magic can relieve the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute person who received the item, but the curse still returns to
the original victim when the spell expires.
With mocking gestures, you leave the target incapable of
Cursed gift can also be cast on a cursed object. This allows
performing at or even near its best. If the target fails an
the object to be given away to someone who freely accepts
Intelligence saving throw, then for the spell’s duration, it
it, but it returns to the previous owner when the spell
has disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
checks made to direct a battle, determine tactics, or give
directions or orders to other creatures. Additionally, each At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
time the target gives commands, directions, or orders spell slot of 5th level or higher, the duration of the spell
to other creatures, those creatures must roll a d4 and increases by 1 day for each slot level beyond 4th.
subtract the result from their Initiative as they struggle
to comprehend and implement the confusing new DARK DEMENTING
directions. This applies to command abilities such as the 5th-level illusion (shadow)
orc war chief 's Battle Cry and the hobgoblin warlord's
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Components: V, S, M (a moonstone)
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the maximum duration
increases by 1 minute for each slot level above 3rd. Duration: 10 minutes
A dark shadow creeps across the target's mind and leaves a
CURSE RING small bit of shadow essence behind, triggering a profound
fear of the dark. The target creature must make a Charisma
5th-level necromancy (ring) saving throw. If it fails, the target becomes frightened of
Casting Time: 1 action you for the duration. A frightened creature repeats the
Range: Touch saving throw each time it takes damage, ending the effect
Components: V, S, M (250 gp worth of diamond dust, on a success. While frightened this way, the creature will
which the spell consumes) not willingly enter or attack into a space that isn't brightly
Duration: Permanent until discharged lit. If it's in dim light or darkness, the creature must either
move toward bright light or create its own (by lighting a
You lay a curse upon a ring that isn’t being worn or carried.
lantern, casting a light spell, etc.).
When you cast this spell, select one of the possible effects
of bestow curse. The next creature who willingly wears the
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
2nd-level conjuration (shadow) 1st-level transmutation (rune)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a lodestone) Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: 2 hours
You conjure a shadowy road between points to create The recipient of this spell can breathe and function
a bridge or path where there was none before. This can normally in thin oxygen, suffering no ill effect at altitudes
bridge a chasm or create a smooth path through difficult up to 30,000 feet. If more than one creature is touched
terrain to speed movement. The dark path is 10 feet wide during casting, the duration is divided evenly among all
and up to 50 feet long. It can support up to 500 pounds of creatures touched.
weight at one time. A creature that adds more weight than At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
the path can support sinks through the path as if it didn't spell slot of 5th level or higher, the duration of the spell
exist. increases by 2 hours for each slot level beyond 4th.
2nd-level evocation (shadow) 8th-level necromancy (ritual; high elven)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 60 feet Range: 1 mile
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (an obsidian acorn worth 500 gp,
Duration: Instantaneous which is consumed in the casting)
You say a quick invocation to create a black nimbus around Duration: 1 year
your hand, then hurl three rays of darkness at one or more You plant an obsidian acorn in solid ground and spend
targets in range. The rays can be divided between targets an hour chanting a litany of curses to the natural world,
however you like. Make a ranged spell attack for each after which the land within 1 mile of the acorn becomes
target (not each ray); each ray that hits does 1d10 cold unfertile, regardless of its previous state. Nothing will
damage. A target that was hit by any number of rays must grow there, and all plant life in the area dies over the
make a successful Constitution saving throw or be unable course of a day. Plant creatures are not affected. Spells that
to use a reaction until the start of its next turn. summon plants, such as entangle, require an ability check
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 3rd level using the caster's spellcasting ability against your spell save
or higher, you create one additional ray for each level DC. If the check succeeds, the spell functions normally; if
above 2nd. the check fails, the spell is countered by desolation.
After one year, the land slowly reverts to its normal
DEADLY STING fertility, unable to stave off the march of nature.
8th-level transmutation (dragon) Living creatures that take a short rest within the area
of a desolation halve the result of any hit dice they expend.
Casting Time: 1 action
Desolation counters the effects of a bloom spell.
Range: Self
Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the
Components: V, S, M (a thorn)
duration becomes permanent.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You grow a 10-foot-long tail as supple as a whip, tipped DESICCATING BREATH
with a horrible stinger. During the spell's duration, you
can use the stinger to make a melee spell attack with a 4th-level evocation (hieroglyph)
reach of 10 feet. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 piercing Casting Time: 1 action
damage plus 4d10 poison damage, and a creature must Range: Self (30-foot cone)
make a successful Constitution saving throw or become Components: V, S, M (a clump of dried clay)
vulnerable to poison damage for the duration of the spell. Duration: Instantaneous
You spew a cloud of black dust that draws all moisture
from a 30-foot cone. Animals in the cone take 22 (4d10)
necrotic damage, or half damage with a successful
Constitution saving throw. The damage is 33 (6d10)
against plants and plant creatures, halved with a successful
Constitution saving throw.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
You touch a willing creature. The target grows feathery Transmutation cantrip (shadow)
wings of pure white that grant it a flying speed of 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
(hover). When the creature takes the attack action, it can Range: 30 feet
use a bonus action to make a melee weapon attack with the Components: V, S
wings with a reach of 10 feet. If the wing attack hits, the Duration: Instantaneous
target takes 1d6 plus your spellcasting ability modifier in
With a simple gesture, you are able to douse a single, small
bludgeoning damage and must make a successful Strength
source of light within range. This spell extinguishes a
saving throw or fall prone. When the spell ends, the wings
torch, a candle, a lantern, or a light or dancing lights cantrip.
disappear and the target falls if it was aloft.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using DRACONIC SMITE
a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can choose one
additional target for each slot level above 4th. 1st-level evocation (dragon)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Components: V
3rd-level conjuration (labyrinth)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon
attack during the spell’s duration, your weapon takes on
Components: V, S
the form of a silver dragon’s head. Your attack deals an
Duration: Instantaneous
extra 1d6 cold damage, and up to four other creatures of
This spell pushes your target through a dimensional your choosing within 30 feet of the attack's target must
portal, causing it to disappear, then reappear a short each make a successful Constitution saving throw or take
distance away. If the target fails a Wisdom saving throw, 1d6 cold damage.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a DROWN
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra cold damage and
the cold damage done to the secondary creatures increases 6th-level conjuration (elemental)
by 1d6 for each slot above 1st. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
DRAGON BREATH Components: V, S, M (water from the lungs of a
drowned creature)
5th-level evocation (dragon)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (15-foot cone or 30-foot line) Water swirls up in a sphere around a creature you can see
within range, forcing itself into the creature’s mouth and
Components: V, S, M (a piece of a dragon’s tooth)
nose. The creature must make a Strength saving throw. On
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute a failed save, it is stunned until the start of its next turn by
You summon draconic power to gain a breath weapon. the water blocking its air passages. On a successful save,
When you cast dragon breath, you can immediately exhale a the creature isn’t affected.
cone or line of elemental energy, depending on the type of An affected creature can’t speak and begins to suffocate.
dragon you select. While the spell remains active, roll a d6 As an action, the creature can try to cough the water out of
at the start of your turn. On a roll of 5 or 6, you can take a its esophagus by repeating the saving throw. On a success,
bonus action that turn to use the breath weapon again. the spell ends.
When you cast the spell, choose one of the dragon A creature that can breathe water isn’t affected by drown.
types listed below. Your choice determines the range and
damage of the breath attack for the spell's duration. EARTHSKIMMER
4th-level transmutation (elemental)
Dragon Breath
Casting Time: 1 action
Type Weapon Range Damage
Range: Self
Black 30-foot line, 5 feet wide 6d6 acid damage Components: V, S, M (a piece of shale or slate)
Blue 30-foot line, 5 feet wide 6d6 lightning Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You cause earth and stone to rise up beneath your feet,
Green 15-foot cone 6d6 poison damage lifting you up to 5 feet. For the duration, you can use your
Red 15-foot cone 6d6 fire damage movement to cause the slab to skim along the ground or
White 15-foot cone 6d6 cold damage other solid, horizontal surface at a speed of 60 feet. This
movement ignores difficult terrain. If you are pushed
or moved against your will by any means other than
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a teleporting, the slab moves with you.
spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by
When you take the Dash action, until the end of your
2d6 for each slot level above 5th.
turn you can enter the space of a creature up to one size
larger than yourself. The creature takes 4d6 bludgeoning
DRAGON ROAR damage and is knocked prone, or takes half damage and
Evocation cantrip (dragon) isn’t knocked prone if it makes a successful Strength
Casting Time: 1 action saving throw.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous 5th-level transmutation (ritual; hieroglyph)
Casting Time: 1 action
Your voice is amplified to assault the mind of one creature.
Range: Self
The target must make a Charisma saving throw. If it fails,
the target takes 1d4 psychic damage and is frightened Components: V, S, M (a string tied in a knot)
of you until the start of your next turn. A target can be Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
affected by your dragon roar only once per 24 hours. When you cast this spell, you remember everything you've
This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th ever read or heard in the past. This grants you a +10 bonus
level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4). when making Intelligence checks for the duration.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
ELEMENTAL HORNS Spells with “shadow” in their names and spells that
create darkness or shadow take effect in the area as if a
2nd-level evocation (labyrinth)
one-level-higher spell slot was used casting them.
Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
Range: Touch
a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the effect lasts for an
Components: V, S, M (a torch) additional 12 hours for each slot level above 6th.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the spell's
The target of this spell must be a creature with horns or duration increases by 12 hours and it cannot be dispelled
the spell fails. Elemental horns causes the target’s horns to by spells that create light, even if they are cast with a
crackle with elemental energy. Select one of the following higher-level spell slot.
energy types when casting this spell: acid, cold, fire,
lightning, or radiant. The creature’s gore attack deals 3d6
damage of the chosen type in addition to any other damage
the attack normally does. Alteration cantrip (hieroglyph)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Casting Time: 1 action
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by Range: Touch
2d6 for each slot level above 2nd. Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
ENCHANT RING By touching a written message or book, you can hide its
6th-level enchantment (ring) contents. All creatures who try to read it see the page
Casting Time: 1 action markings as nothing but gibberish. The effect ends when
encrypt/decrypt is cast on the material again or when dispel
Range: Touch
magic is cast on the affected script.
Components: V, S, M (500 gp worth of diamond dust,
which the spell consumes)
Duration: Permanent until discharged
5th-level abjuration (ley line)
You enchant a ring that isn’t being worn or carried. The
Casting Time: 1 action
next creature who willingly wears the ring becomes
charmed by you for 1 week or until it is harmed by you Range: Touch
or your ally. If the creature dons the ring while directly Components: V, S
threatened by you or your ally, the spell fails. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The charmed creature regards you as a friend. When the For the duration, a creature you touch has resistance to
spell ends, it doesn’t know it was charmed by you, but it acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, and thunder damage.
does realize its feeling toward you changed (potentially If the spell is used against an unwilling creature, you
vastly) in a short time. How the creature reacts and regards must make a melee spell attack with a range of 5 feet.
you in the future is up to the GM. If it hits, then for the duration of the spell, the affected
creature must make a saving throw with its spellcasting
ENCROACHING SHADOWS ability whenever it casts a spell that causes one of the listed
6th-level illusion/illumination (ritual; high elven) damage types. If the saving throw fails, the spell fails and
Casting Time: 1 hour its slot is wasted; if the saving throw succeeds, the spell is
cast but its damage is halved before applying the effects of
Range: 150 feet
saving throws, resistance, etc.
Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood smeared on a
silver rod worth 100 gp)
Duration: 12 hours
2nd-level divination (dragon)
You cause menacing shadows to invade an area 200 feet on
Casting Time: 1 action
a side and 50 feet high. Illumination in the area drops one
step (from bright light to dim, from dim light to darkness). Range: Self
Any spell that creates light in the area that's cast using Components: V, S
a lower-level spell slot than was used to cast encroaching Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
shadows is dispelled, and spells that create light don't You detect precious metals, gems, and jewelry within 60
function in the area if they are of a lower spell slot level. feet. You do not discern their exact location, only their
Nonmagical effects can't increase the level of illumination presence and direction. Their exact location is revealed if
in the affected area. you are within 10 feet of the spot.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Enhance greed penetrates barriers but is blocked by 1 foot immune to poison and psychic damage, and is vulnerable
of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 to thunder damage. When reduced to 0 hit points, the
feet of dirt or wood. tomb crumbles into harmless powder.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the duration of the spell ENTROPIC DAMAGE FIELD
increases by 10 minutes and another 30 feet can be added 3rd-level transmutation (chaos)
to its range for each slot level above 2nd. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
ENSANGUINATE Components: V, S, M (a silver wire)
5th level necromancy (Rothenian) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action By twisting a length of silver wire around your finger,
Range: 30 feet you tie your fate to those around you. When you take
Components: V, S, M (the desiccated heart of a horse) damage, that damage is divided equally between you and
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute all creatures in range who fail a Charisma saving throw.
You cause a creature’s body to become engorged with Any leftover damage that can't be divided equally is taken
blood or ichor. You target one creature that you can by you. Creatures are allowed a fresh saving throw against
see within range. The target must make a Constitution this spell each time you take damage, and a success ends
saving throw. If it succeeds, it takes 2d6 bludgeoning the spell's effect on that creature. Creatures that approach
damage and the spell ends. If it fails, the creature takes to within 60 feet of you after the spell was cast are affected.
4d6 bludgeoning damage and its hit point maximum
is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. In EXTRACT FOYSON
addition, the creature is incapacitated and cannot breathe 1st-level transmutation (ritual; high elven)
as it vomits up torrents of blood or ichor. An affected Casting Time: 1 minute
creature repeats the saving throw at the start of its turn. Range: 30 feet
On a success, the spell ends; on a failure, the creature takes
Components: V, S, M (a wooden bowl)
another 4d6 bludgeoning damage, its hit point maximum
is reduced by the amount of damage taken, and it remains Duration: Permanent
incapacitated and unable to breathe. You extract the goodness in food, pulling all the nutrition
The reduction in the creature’s hit point maximum lasts out of three days' worth of meals and concentrating it
until the creature finishes a long rest. The creature dies if into about a tablespoon of bland, flourlike powder. The
its hit point maximum is reduced to 0. flour can be mixed with liquid and drunk or baked into
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a elven bread. Foyson used in this way still imparts all the
spell slot of 6th level or higher, one additional creature can nutritional value of the original food, for the amount
be targeted for each spell slot level above 5th. consumed.
The original food appears unchanged and though it's still
filling, it has no nutritional value. Someone eating nothing
but foyson-free food will eventually starve.
6th-level transmutation (elemental) At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Casting Time: 1 action spell slot of 2nd level or higher, an additional three meals'
Range: 90 feet worth of food can be extracted for each slot level above 1st.
Components: V, S, M (a chip of granite) Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, you can
Duration: 8 hours choose to have each day's worth of foyson take the form of
You cause slabs of rock to burst out of the ground or other a slice of delicious elven bread.
stone surface to form a hollow, 10-foot cube within range.
A creature inside the cube when it forms must make a EXTRACT KNOWLEDGE
successful Dexterity saving throw or be trapped inside the
6th-level necromancy (ritual; hieroglyph)
stone tomb. The tomb is airtight, with enough air for a
Casting Time: 1 action
single Medium or Small creature to breathe for 8 hours. If
more than one creature is trapped inside, divide the time Range: Touch
evenly between all the occupants. A Large creature counts Components: V, S, M (a blank page)
as four Medium creatures. If the creature is still trapped Duration: Instantaneous
inside when the air runs out, it begins to suffocate. By touching a recently deceased corpse, you gain one
The tomb has AC 18 and 50 hit points. It is resistant to specific bit of knowledge from it that was known to the
fire, cold, lightning, bludgeoning, and slashing damage, is creature in life. You must form a question in your mind as
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
part of casting the spell; if the corpse has an answer to your Duration: 24 hours
question, it reveals the information to you. The answer You have mastered the skraeling art of keeping fire under
is always brief—no more than a sentence—and very your tongue. You can consume a nonmagical fire up to the
specific to the framed question. The corpse doesn't need size of a normal campfire. The fire is stored harmlessly in
a functioning mouth to speak its answer; you receive the your mouth and dissipates if not used before the end of the
information telepathically. It doesn't matter whether the spell’s duration. You can vomit forth the stored fire as an
creature was your friend or enemy; the spell compels it to action. If you’re trying to hit a particular target, then treat
answer in any case. this as a ranged attack with a range of 5 feet. Campfire-
sized flames cause 1d6 fire damage, while torch-sized
FAULT LINE flames cause 1 point of fire damage. Once you've spit it out,
6th-level evocation (battle) the fire burns normally. It goes out immediately unless it
Casting Time: 1 action hits inflammable material and sets it alight.
Range: Self (60-foot line)
Components: V, S FIST OF IRON
Duration: Permanent Transmutation cantrip (clockwork)
The ground thrusts sharply upward along a 60‑foot line Casting Time: 1 action
that you designate. All spaces affected by the spell become Range: Self
difficult terrain. In addition, all creatures in the affected Components: V, S
space are knocked prone and take 8d6 bludgeoning Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
damage. Creatures that make a successful Dexterity saving You transform your naked hand to iron. Your unarmed
throw take half damage and are not knocked prone. This attacks do 1d6 bludgeoning damage and are considered
spell doesn’t damage permanent structures. magical.
19-20 Neutral
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical weapons, plus one additional type
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
FLURRY Languages Speaks all languages known in previous form
1st-level transmutation (rune) Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self Awesome Presence. Each creature of your choice within 60
feet of you must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw
Components: V, S, M or become frightened of you for 1 minute. A frightened
Duration: 1 round creature repeats the saving throw at the end of its turn,
A flurry of snow surrounds you in a 5-foot radius. While ending the effect on itself with a success. Once a creature
it lasts, anyone trying to see into, out of, or through the makes a successful saving throw, that creature is immune to
your Awesome Presence for 24 hours.
affected area (including you) has disadvantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks. The same penalty applies to attack Actions
rolls into, out of, or through the area. Multiattack. You make two slam attacks and one bite attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
FREEZE POTION or run out of potential targets. All targets must be within
range from you. You and your allies are legal targets for
1st-level transmutation (rune) this spell, if you are particularly lucky—or unlucky.
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
creature within range of the spell about to use a potion
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you create an additional
Range: 25 feet bolt for each slot level above 2nd. Each potential target can
Components: V,S be hit only once by the spell, not once per bolt.
Duration: Instantaneous
A blue spark flies from your hand into a potion vial, FROSTBITE
drinking horn, waterskin, or similar container, instantly 5th-level evocation (elemental)
freezing the contents. The contents melt normally and are
Casting Time: 1 action
not otherwise harmed, but it’s not possible to consume
them while they're frozen (they won't come out of the Range: 90 feet
container). Components: V, S, M (a strip of dried flesh that has been
frozen at least once)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the range of the spell Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
increases by 5 feet for every spell slot beyond 1st level. Biting cold settles onto a creature you can see. The creature
must make a Constitution saving throw. If it succeeds,
FREEZING FOG the spell has no further effect. If the saving throw fails,
the creature takes 4d8 cold damage. In addition, for the
3rd-level conjuration (rune) duration of the spell, the creature’s speed is halved, it has
Casting Time: 1 action disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, and it takes
Range: 100 feet another 4d8 cold damage at the start of each of its turns.
Components: V, S An affected creature repeats the saving throw at the start
Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes of its turn. The effect ends when the creature makes its
The spell creates a 20-foot-radius sphere of mist similar third successful save.
to a fog cloud spell centered on a point you can see within Creatures that are immune to cold damage are
range. The cloud spreads around corners, and its area of unaffected by frostbite.
effect is heavily obscured. A wind of moderate or greater At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it in one a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target two
round. The fog is freezing cold; any creature that ends its additional creatures for every slot level above 5th.
turn in the fog takes 2d6 cold damage and gains a level of
exhaustion; a successful Constitution saving throw halves FROZEN RAZORS
the damage and prevents the exhaustion.
3rd-level evocation (elemental)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Casting Time: 1 action
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by
Range: 90 feet
1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
Components: V, S, M (water from a melted icicle)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Razor-sharp blades of ice erupt from the ground or other
2nd-level evocation (chaos)
surface, filling a 20-foot cube centered on a point you
Casting Time: 1 action can see within range. For the duration, the area is lightly
Range: 120 feet obscured and is difficult terrain. A creature that moves
Components: V, S more than 5 feet into or inside the area on a turn takes 2d6
Duration: Instantaneous slashing damage and 3d6 cold damage, or half damage
You direct a bolt of rainbow colors toward a creature of with a successful Dexterity saving throw. A creature that
your choice within range. If it hits, the target takes 3d8 takes cold damage from frozen razors is reduced to half
damage of a random type (determined by rolling on the speed until the start of its next turn.
Damage Type table; see Twisted Arcana under the entropy At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
school in chapter 4). If your attack roll was odd (the roll spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by
itself, not the adjusted result), the bolt leaps to a new 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
target of your choice within range that has not already
been targeted by frenzied bolt, requiring a new spell attack
roll to hit. The bolt continues leaping to new targets until
you roll an even number on your spell attack, miss a target,
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
FURIOUS HOOVES 10d8 cold damage, or half damage with a successful
Constitution saving throw. A creature killed by this spell
2nd-level transmutation (labyrinth) is transformed into pure ice, leaving behind no trace of its
Casting Time: 1 action original body.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a nail) GLIDING STEP
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 1st-level abjuration (rune)
You enhance the hooves of a target creature, imbuing it Casting Time: 1 action
with power and swiftness. The target increases its base Range: Self
speed by 30 feet (to a maximum of twice its base speed). Components: V, S
In addition to any attacks the creature can normally Duration: 10 minutes
make, this spell grants two additional hoof attacks that
each does 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus the target’s Provided you're not carrying more than a normal heavy
Strength modifier (the damage is 1d8 if the target of the load, you can walk on the surface of snow rather than
spell is Large). For the duration of the spell, the affected wading through it, and ignore its effect on movement. Ice
creature automatically does hoof damage to the target of a also supports your weight no matter how thin it is, and you
successful shove attack. can travel on it as if you're wearing ice skates. You still leave
tracks normally under these effects.
GEAR BARRAGE At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration increases by
3rd-level conjuration (clockwork)
10 minutes for every slot above 1st.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (60-foot cone)
Components: V, S, M (a handful of gears and sprockets
worth 5 gp) 3rd-level conjuration (hieroglyph)
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100 feet
You create a burst of magically-propelled gears. Each
creature within a 60-foot cone takes 3d8 slashing damage, Components: V, S, M (a piece of obsidian)
or half damage with a successful Dexterity saving throw. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Constructs have disadvantage on the saving throw. When you cast this spell, you erect a barrier of energy from
the realm of death and shadow. This creates a wall 20 feet
GEAR SHIELD high and 60 feet long, or a ring 20 feet high and 20 feet
in diameter. The wall lightly obscures vision through it
1st-level abjuration (clockwork)
from one side of your choice but is transparent from the
Casting Time: 1 action
other side. A creature that tries to move through the wall
Range:60 feet must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or become
Components: V, S, M (a small handful of gears and frightened of the wall until the start of the creature's
sprockets worth 5 gp) next turn, when it can try again to move through. Once a
Duration: 10 minutes creature makes a successful saving throw against the wall,
You cause a handful of gears to orbit the target's body. it's immune to being frightened of this gloomwrought barrier.
These shield the spell's target from incoming attacks,
granting a +2 bonus to AC and to Dexterity and GOAT'S HOOF CHARM
Constitution saving throws, without hindering the 1st-level transmutation (rune)
subject's movement, vision, or outgoing attacks. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a goat’s hoof)
8th-level evocation (dragon) Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
The target creature traverses craggy slopes with the
Range: Self (60-foot sphere) surefootedness of a mountain goat. When climbing slopes
Components: V, S, M (a piece of alexandrite) and inclines (but not vertical surfaces) that normally
Duration: Instantaneous reduce speed by half, the target moves at three-quarters
By harnessing the power of ice and frost, you cause pure normal speed instead. The target also gains a +2 bonus on
cold to emanate from yourself, filling a 30-foot-radius checks to prevent falls, to catch a ledge or otherwise stop
sphere. Creatures other than you in the sphere take themselves when falling, and on Dexterity checks to move
along narrow ledges.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 9th-
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration increases by 1 level spell slot, choose two damage types instead of one.
minute for every slot above 1st.
GRASP OF THE TUPILAK 9th-level abjuration (ritual; angelic)
5th-level necromancy (rune) Casting Time: 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch
Range: Self Components: V, S, M (incense and special inks worth
Components: V, S, M (tupilak idol) 500 gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 1 hour or until triggered Duration: 24 hours
This spell is infamous for its use among feuding wizards You inscribe an angelic seal on the ground, floor, or
and witches, because it lets the caster steal one or more other solid component of a structure. The seal creates a
spell slots from the target. Grasp of the tupilak remains spherical, spiritual boundary with a radius of 100 feet.
effective for 1 hour or until it's triggered. When you make For the duration, aberrations, elementals, fey, fiends, and
a successful melee attack, besides doing normal melee undead who approach within 5 feet of the boundary know
damage, the target takes an additional 2d4 necrotic they are about to cross a deadly barrier. If the creature
damage and one or more of the defender's spell slots are comes into contact with the boundary, it must make a
transferred to you, for you to use as your own. Roll 1d6; Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it takes 15d8 radiant
the result equals the total levels of the slots transferred. damage, it's repelled to 5 feet outside the boundary, and it
Spell slots of the highest level possible are transferred can’t target anything on the opposite side of the boundary
before lower-level slots. with attacks, spells, or abilities. If the creature is a fiend
For example, if you roll a 5 and the target has at least one that isn’t on its home plane, it is immediately destroyed
5th-level spell slot available, that slot transfers to you. If instead of taking damage. On a successful save, the
the target’s highest available spell slot is 3rd level, then you creature takes half as much radiant damage and can cross
receive a 3rd-level slot plus a 2nd-level slot, or a 3rd-level the boundary.
slot and two 1st-level slots if no 2nd-level slot is available. While within 100 feet of the seal (inside the boundary),
You can steal either arcane or divine spell slots, at your aberrations, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead have
preference. Crucially, however, spell slots can be stolen disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving
only from casters who prepare spells in advance. If the throws, and each takes 4d8 radiant damage at the start of
target has no available spell slots of an appropriate level— its turn. All of these effects apply to the specified creatures
for example, if you roll a 2 and the target has expended all trying to cross the boundary by any means, including
its 1st and 2nd-level spell slots—then grasp of the tupilak has teleportation and extradimensional travel.
no effect, including causing no necrotic damage. If a stolen Creatures other than aberrations, elementals, fey, fiends,
spell slot is higher than you're able to use, treat it as your and undead can’t be charmed or frightened while within
highest-level slot. 100 feet of the seal.
A spellcaster who's been affected by grasp of the tupilak The seal has 75 hit points, has resistance to bludgeoning,
can't recover stolen spell slots until the stolen slot is used, piercing, and slashing damage, and is immune to psychic
you take a long rest, or they receive remove curse, greater and poison damage. If the seal is reduced to 0 hit points,
restoration, or comparable magic. Unused stolen spell the spell ends.
slots disappear from your inventory when you take a long
rest or when the creature you stole them from receives GREMLINS
restorative magic.
4th-level conjuration (clockwork)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range:60 feet
7th-level transmutation (ley line) Components: V, S, M (a single gear)
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 60 feet
You target a construct and summon a plague of invisible
Components: V, S
spirits to harass it. The target resists the spell and negates
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute its effect with a successful Wisdom saving throw. While the
You set up ley energy vibrations in a 20-foot cube within spell remains in effect, the construct has disadvantage on
range, and name one type of damage. Each creature in attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws, and it takes
the area must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or lose 3d8 force damage at the start of each of its turns as it is
immunity to the chosen damage type for the duration. magically disassembled by the spirits.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the effect lasts for an
1d8 for each slot above 4th. additional 10 minutes for each slot level above 1st.
Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the effect
GRINDING GEARS lasts for 24 hours.
4th-level evocation (clockwork)
Casting Time: 1 action GUIDING STAR
Range:120 feet 1st-level divination (ritual; illumination)
Components: V, S, M (a single gear) Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Range: Self
You designate a spot within range, and massive gears Components: V, S
emerge from the ground at that spot, creating difficult Duration: 8 hours
terrain in a 20-foot radius. Creatures that move in the By observing the stars or the position of the sun, you are
area must make successful Dexterity saving throws after able to determine the cardinal directions, and the direction
every 10 feet of movement or when they stand up. Failure and distance to a stated destination. You can't become
indicates that the creature falls prone and takes 1d8 points directionally disoriented or lose track of the destination.
of bludgeoning damage. The spell doesn't, however, reveal the best route to your
destination or warn you about deep gorges, flooded rivers,
GRUDGE MATCH or other impassable or treacherous terrain ahead.
2nd-level evocation (rune)
Casting Time: 1 action HARSH LIGHT OF SUMMER'S GLARE
Range: 100 feet 8th-level enchantment (high elven)
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 round Range: 90 feet
You reveal how the Norns have entwined the fate of nearby Components: V, S
allies and enemies. For every ally targeted by this spell, you Duration: 1 round
must also target an enemy within range. If the number Your visage radiates the wrath of the shadow fey, which
of allies and enemies targeted isn't the same, the spell bears down oppressively upon your targets in a burst of
fails. For the duration of the spell, every target gains a +2 brilliant light. Only creatures that can see you are affected.
bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill Creatures with darkvision that fail a Constitution saving
checks, and weapon damage rolls made against targets throw are blinded and stunned. Creatures without
also affected by the spell. All affected creatures can identify darkvision that fail a Constitution saving throw are
fellow targets of the spell by sight. If an affected creature blinded. This is not a gaze attack, and it cannot be avoided
makes any of the above checks against a non-subject, it has by averting one’s eyes or wearing a blindfold.
a –2 penalty on that check.
Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, affected
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a creatures without darkvision are charmed instead of
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the duration is increased by blinded.
1 round for every slot above 2nd.
2nd-level enchantment (high elven)
1st-level enchantment (ritual; high elven) Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a silver locket)
Components: V, M (a signet ring worth 25 gp) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 10 minutes
You force an enemy to experience pangs of unrequited
You whisper words of encouragement, and a target that love and emotional distress. These feelings manifest with
you touch gains confidence along with approval from such intensity that creature suffers 5d6 psychic damage on
strangers. For the spell's duration, the subject puts their a failed Charisma saving, or half damage with a successful
best foot forward and strangers associate the target with saving throw.
positive feelings. The target adds 1d4 to all Charisma
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
(Persuasion) checks made to influence the attitudes of
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target an additional
others and gains a +2 bonus to their status score (if used).
enemy for each slot level above 2nd.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the target from waves of uncontrolled energy ripping out from the
is also incapacitated for 1 round, if it fails the saving throw. disembodied spirit. You can maintain the spell, forcing
the subject to repeat the saving throw at the end of each
HEARTH CHARM of your turns, with the same consequence to you for
each failure. If you choose not to maintain the spell or
1st-level transmutation (rune) are unable to do so, the evil spirit returns to its place of
Casting Time: 1 action torment and cannot be recalled.
Range: 25 feet If the saving throw fails, the summoned spirit is
Components: V, S transferred into the waiting soul gem and immediately
Duration: 24 hours animates the constructed body. The subject is now a
This spell makes flammable material burn twice as long as hellforged; it loses all of its previous racial traits and gains
normal. gearfoged traits except as follows:
Vulnerability: Hellforged are vulnerable to radiant damage.
HEARTSTOP Evil Mind: Hellforged have disadvantage on saving throws
2nd-level necromancy (clockwork) against spells and abilities of evil fiends or aberrations that
Casting Time: 1 action effect the mind or behavior.
Range: Touch Past Life: The hellforged retains only a vague sense of
Components: V, S who it was in its former existence, but these memories are
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. enough for it to gain proficiency in one skill.
You slow the beating of a willing target’s heart to the rate Languages: Hellforged speak Common, Machine Speech,
of one beat per minute. The creature’s breathing almost and Infernal or Abyssal.
stops. To a casual or brief observer, the subject appears Up to four other spellcasters of at least 5th level can assist
dead. At the end of the spell, the creature returns to you in the ritual. Each assistant increases the DC of the
normal with no ill effects. Charisma saving throw by 1. In the event of a failed saving
throw, the spellcaster and each assistant take damage. An
HEAVENLY CROWN assistant who drops out of the casting can’t rejoin.
6th-level enchantment (angelic)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-foot sphere) 3rd-level transmutation (rune)
Components: V, S, M (a small golden crown worth 50 gp) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
A glowing golden crown appears on your head and sheds
Duration: 1 minute
dim light in a 30-foot radius, invoking the majesty of the
heavenly planes. When you cast the spell and as a bonus You infuse the metal of a melee weapon with the fearsome
action on subsequent turns, you can target one willing aura of a mighty hero. The weapon's wielder has advantage
creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. If the on Charisma (Intimidate) checks made while aggressively
target can hear you, it can use its reaction to make one brandishing the weapon. In addition, an opponent that
melee weapon attack and then move up to half its speed, currently has 30 or fewer hit points and is struck by
or vice versa. the weapon must make a Charisma saving throw or be
stunned for 1 round. If the creature has more than 30
HELLFORGING hit points but fewer than the weapon's wielder currently
has, it becomes frightened instead; a frightened creature
7th-level necromancy (ritual; clockwork) repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Casting Time: 1 hour (see below) ending the effect on itself with a success. A creature that
Range: Touch succeeds on the saving throw is immune to this effect on
Components: V, S, M (a complete mechanical body the same weapon for 24 hours.
worth 10,000 gp inscribed with demonic runes and
containing a ready soul gem)
Duration: Instantaneous
You spend an hour calling forth a disembodied evil spirit.
At the end of that time, the summoned spirit must make
a Charisma saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds,
you take 2d10 psychic damage plus 2d10 necrotic damage
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
4th level conjuration (Rothenian) 1st-level necromancy (battle)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You summon a spectral herd of ponies to drag off a When you cast hobble mount as a successful melee spell
creature that you can see within range. The target must be attack against a horse, wolf, or other four-legged or two-
size Large or smaller. If it fails a Dexterity saving throw, a legged beast being ridden as a mount, that beast is disabled
spectral rope wraps around the target, which falls prone so that it can't move at its normal speed without incurring
and is restrained. It is immediately pulled 60 feet behind injury. An affected creature that moves more than half its
the galloping herd, in a direction of your choosing. The base speed in a turn takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
target also takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage from being This spell has no effect on a creature that your GM
dragged across the ground. deems to not be a mount.
While the target is restrained this way, it is dragged At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
another 60 feet and takes another 3d6 bludgeoning spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by
damage at the start of each of your turns. The ponies 2d6 for each slot level above 1st.
continue running in the chosen direction for the duration
of the spell. Once the direction is chosen, you can’t change
it, but the ponies do swerve around impassable obstacles.
They ignore difficult terrain and are immune to damage. 5th-level transmutation (rune)
The restrained creature can escape by using its action Casting Time: 1 round
to make a successful Strength or Dexterity check against Range: Touch
your spell DC. The spectral rope can’t be severed. Components: V, S, M
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Duration: 1 hour
spell slot of 5th level or higher, one additional creature can The target gains blindsight to a range of 60 feet.
be targeted for each slot level above 4th.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration is increased by
HOARFROST 1 hour for every slot above 5th level.
Evocation cantrip (ring)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action HOLY GROUND
Range: Touch 5th-level evocation (battle)
Components: V, S, M (an iron ring that’s been subjected Casting Time: 1 action
to freezing temperature for at least 24 hours)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (a vial of holy water that is
A melee weapon you are holding is imbued with deep consumed in the casting)
cold. For the duration, a rime of frost covers the weapon Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
and light vapor rises from it if the temperature of the
surrounding area is above freezing. The weapon becomes You invoke the divine powers to bless the ground within 60
magical and deals an additional 1d4 cold damage on a feet of you. Creatures slain in the area of effect cannot be
successful hit. The spell ends if you cast it again or if you let raised as undead by magic or by the abilities of monsters,
go of the weapon. even if the corpse is later removed from the area. Any
spell of 4th level or lower that would summon or animate
The spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th
undead within the area fails automatically. Such spells cast
level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
with spell slots of 5th level or higher function normally.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 6th level or higher, the level of spells that are
prevented from functioning increases by 1 for each slot
level above 5th.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
LAIR SENSE At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 8th or 9th level, the damage from both waves
2nd-level divination (ritual; dragon) increase by 1d6 for each slot level above 7th.
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 120 feet LEGEND KILLER
Components: V, S, M (treasure worth at least 500 gp,
7th-level divination (dragon)
which is not consumed in casting)
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 24 hours
Range: 60 feet
You set up a magical boundary around your lair. The
Components: V, S, M (a silver scroll describing the spell's
boundary can't exceed the dimensions of a 100-foot cube,
target worth at least 1,000 gp, which the spell consumes)
but within that maximum, you can shape it as you like—to
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
follow the walls of a building or cave, for example. While
the spell lasts, you instantly become aware of any Tiny or You tap into the life force of a creature that is capable of
larger creature that enters the enclosed area. You know the performing legendary actions. When you cast the spell,
creature's type but nothing else about it. You are also aware the target creature must make a successful Constitution
when creatures leave the area. saving throw or lose the ability to take legendary actions
This awareness is enough to wake you from sleep, and for the spell's duration. A creature can't use legendary
you receive the knowledge as long as you're on the same resistance to automatically succeed on the saving throw
plane of existence as your lair. against this spell. An affected creature repeats the saving
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using throw at the end of its turn, regaining 1 legendary action
a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, add 50 feet to the on a success. It continues repeating the saving throw until
maximum dimensions of the cube and add 12 hours to the the spell ends or it regains all its legendary actions.
spell's duration for each slot level above 2nd.
LAND BOND 3rd-level conjuration (shadow)
Casting Time: 1 action
1st-level transmutation (ley line)
Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a toy soldier)
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (soil taken from a ley-influenced
area) You call down a legion of shadowy soldiers in a 10-foot
Duration: 1 hour cube. They are conjured from the Shadow Realm, and
their features resemble a mockery of once-living creatures.
You touch a willing creature and infuse it with ley energy,
Whenever a creature starts its turn inside the cube, within
creating a bond between the creature and the land. For
5 feet of it, or enters the cube for the first time on its turn,
the duration of the spell, if the target is in contact with
the conjured shades make an attack using your melee spell
the ground, the target has advantage on saving throws
modifier; if it hits, the target takes 3d8 necrotic damage.
and ability checks made to avoid being moved or knocked
The space inside the cube is difficult terrain.
prone against its will. Additionally, the creature ignores
nonmagical difficult terrain and is immune to effects from
extreme environments such as heat, cold (but not cold or
fire damage), and altitude. 5th-level transmutation (ley line)
Casting Time: 1 action
7th-level evocation (illumination) Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 40 feet You set up ley energy vibrations in a 10-foot cube within
Components: V, S range, and name one type of damage. Each creature in the
Duration: Instantaneous area must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or lose
resistance to the chosen damage type for the duration of
A burst of searing heat explodes from you, doing 6d6 fire
the spell.
damage to all enemies within 40 feet of you. Immediately
afterward, a wave of frigid cold rolls across the same area, At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 7th-
doing 6d6 cold damage to enemies. A successful Dexterity level spell slot, choose two damage types instead of one.
saving throw halves all the damage.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
2nd-level evocation (ley line)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 50 feet
Components: V, S, M (a chip of broken crystal infused
with ley energy)
Duration: 1 minute
You create a 15-foot-radius sphere filled with disruptive ley
energy. The sphere is centered around a point you can see
within range. Surfaces inside the sphere shift erratically,
becoming difficult terrain for the duration. Any creature
in the area when it appears, that starts its turn in the area,
or that enters the area for the first time on a turn must
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. If you
cast this spell in an area within the influence of a ley line,
creatures have disadvantage on their saving throws against
its effect.
Special. A geomancer with a bound ley line is “within the
influence of a ley line” for purposes of ley disruption as long
as he or she is on the same plane as the bound line.
to resist the spell, and it gets advantage on the saving throw a successful Wisdom saving throw or be drawn into an
if its CR equals or exceeds your level in the class used to inescapable maze until the sun rises.
cast this spell. Once a command is given, the construct The glyph lasts until the next sunrise, at which time it
does everything it can to complete the command. Giving flares with bright light and anyone trapped inside returns
a new command takes an action. Constructs will risk to the space they last occupied, unharmed. If that space
harm, even go into combat, on your orders but will not has become occupied or dangerous, the creature appears
self‑destruct; giving such an order ends the spell. in the nearest safe space.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the spell targets one You give the target creature a degree of regularity in its
additional enemy for each slot level above 3rd. motions and fortunes. If the target fails a Wisdom saving
throw, then for the duration of the spell it doesn't make
OVERCLOCK d20 die rolls but instead follows the sequence 20, 1, 19, 2,
3rd-level transmutation (clockwork) 18, 3, 17, 4, and so on.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet PERUN’S DOOM
Components: V, S, M (a clock key) 3rd level evocation (Rothenian)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
You cause a targeted piece of clockwork to speed up Range: 60 feet
past the point of control for the duration of the spell. Components: V, S
The targeted clockwork can't cast spells with verbal Duration: Instantaneous
components or even communicate effectively (all its A powerful wind swirls from your outstretched hand
utterances sound like grinding gears). At the start of each of toward a point you choose within range, where it explodes
its turns, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If with a low roar into vortex of air. Each creature in a
the saving throw fails, the clockwork moves at three times 20-foot-radius cylinder centered on that point must make
its normal speed in a random direction and then its turn a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
ends; it can't perform any other actions. If the saving throw takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage, is pulled to the center of
succeeds, then until the end of its turn, the clockwork's the cylinder, and thrown 50 feet upward into the air. If a
speed is doubled and it gains an additional action, which creature hits a solid obstruction, such as a stone ceiling,
must be Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, when it’s thrown upward, it takes bludgeoning damage as
Hide, or Use an Object. When the spell ends, the clockwork if it had fallen (50 feet – the distance it’s traveled upward).
takes 2d8 force damage. It also must be rewound or For example, if a creature hits the ceiling after rising only
refueled and it needs to have its daily maintenance 10 feet, it takes bludgeoning damage as if it had fallen (50
performed immediately, if it relies on any of those things. feet – 10 feet =) 40 feet, or 4d6 bludgeoning damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
PARAGON OF CHAOS a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, increase the distance
8th-level transmutation (chaos) affected creatures are thrown into the air by 10 feet for
Casting Time: 1 action each slot above 3rd.
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 3rd-level illusion (dragon)
You become a humanoid-shaped swirling mass of color Casting Time: 1 action
and sound. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, Range: Touch
and slashing damage, and immunity to poison and Components: V, S, M (a piece of dragon egg shell)
psychic damage. You are also immune to the following Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
conditions: exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
You tap your dragon magic to make an ally appear as a
and unconscious. Finally, you gain truesight to 30 feet and
draconic beast. The target of the spell appears to be a
can teleport 30 feet as a move.
dragon of size Large or smaller. Upon first seeing this
Each round as a bonus action, you can invoke a chaos
illusion, observers make a Wisdom saving throw to see
magic surge, choosing yourself or another creature you
through it.
can see within 60 feet as the caster for resolving the effect.
You can use an action to make the illusionary dragon
You must choose the target before rolling for the chaos
seem ferocious. Choose one creature within 30 feet of
magic surge. The DC of any required saving throw is
the illusionary dragon to make a Wisdom saving throw.
determined as if you were the caster.
If it fails, the creature is frightened of the “dragon.” The
creature remains frightened until is uses an action to
make a successful Wisdom saving throw or the spell's
1st-level enchantment (clockwork) duration expires.
Casting Time: 1 action At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Range: Touch slot of 4th level or higher, increase the number of targets
Components: V, S, M (a small pendulum or metronome the illusion can frighten by 1 per slot level above 3rd.
made of brass and rosewood worth 10 gp)
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
POISONED VOLLEY single construct you touch. The construct regains all of
its lost hit points, all negative conditions on the construct
2nd-level conjuration (battle) end, and it can use a reaction to stand up, if it was prone.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet POTENCY OF THE PACK
Components: V, S 3rd-level transmutation (rune)
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 action
Drawing back an imaginary bowstring, you summon forth Range: 25 feet
dozens of glowing green arrows that shower onto your Components: V, S, M (a few hairs from a wolf)
enemies. All creatures in a 20-foot-square within range
Duration: 1 minute
take 3d8 poison damage and become poisoned; creatures
that make a successful Constitution saving throw take half You bestow lupine traits on a group of living creatures.
damage and are not poisoned. Choose one of the following to be gained by all targets for
the duration. All targets receive the same effect.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by • Thick Fur. Targets sprout fur over their entire bodies,
1d8 for each slot level above 2nd. raising their armor class by 2 points.
• Keen Hearing and Smell. Targets have advantage on
POWER WORD KNEEL Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
2nd-level enchantment (hieroglyph) • Pack Tactics. Affected creatures have advantage
Casting Time: 1 action on attack rolls against a target if at least one of the
Range: 60 feet attacker's allies (also under the same effect of this
Components: V, S, M (an emerald worth at least 100 gp) spell) is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't
Duration: Instantaneous incapacitated.
When you shout this power word, creatures within 20 feet At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
of a point you specify are compelled to kneel down facing spell slot of 4th level or higher, the duration increases by 1
you. Up to 55 hit points of creatures are affected, beginning minute for every level above 3rd.
with those that have the fewest hit points. A kneeling
creature makes a Wisdom saving throw at the end of its PRISMATIC RAY
turn, ending the effect on itself with a success. A kneeling
5th-level evocation (rune)
creature is treated as prone. The effect ends immediately on
any creature that takes damage while kneeling. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100 feet
POWER WORD PAIN Components: V, S
Duration: instantaneous, or 5 rounds
4th-level enchantment (hieroglyph)
Casting Time: 1 action A ray of shifting color springs from your hand. Make a
Range: 60 feet ranged spell attack against a single target. The ray's effect
depends on which color happens to be dominant when the
Components: V, S, M (a quill jabbed into your own body)
beam strikes its target, determined by rolling 1d8.
Duration: Instantaneous
When you utter the power word for pain, one creature Saving
within 60 feet takes 22 (4d10) force damage. At the start d8 Color Effect Throw
of each of its turns, the creature must make a successful
1 Red 8d10 fire damage Dexterity
Constitution saving throw or take another 22 (4d10) force
damage. The effect ends when the creature's Constitution 2 Orange 8d10 acid damage Dexterity
saving throw succeeds. 3 Yellow 8d10 lightning damage Dexterity
4 Green Target Poisoned Constitution
5 Blue Target Deafened Constitution
8th-level evocation (clockwork)
6 Indigo Target Frightened Wisdom
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch 7 Violet Target Stunned Constitution
Components: V 8 Shifting Ray Target Blinded Constitution
Duration: Instantaneous
A successful Dexterity saving throw reduces damage to
You speak a word of power, and energy washes over a half. A successful Constitution or Wisdom saving throw
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
negates the effect; an affected creature repeats the saving When a creature leaves the pool of lava, its speed is
throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself reduced by half and it has disadvantage on Dexterity
with a successful save. On a critical hit, the spell causes no saving throws, caused by a hardening layer of lava. These
additional damage but the caster can choose the color of penalties last until the creature uses an action to break the
the beam that hits the target. hardened stone away from itself.
If you maintain concentration on pyroclasm for a full
PUFF OF SMOKE minute, the lava geyser and pool harden into permanent,
nonmagical stone. A creature in either area when the stone
Evocation cantrip (dragon)
hardens is restrained until the stone is broken away.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous 8th-level transmutation (angelic)
Casting Time: 1 action
By harnessing the elemental power of fire, you warp
Range: Self (120-foot sphere)
nearby air into obscuring smoke. One creature you can
see within range must make a Dexterity saving throw. Components: V, S
If it fails, the creature is blinded until the start of your Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
next turn. Puff of smoke has no effect on creatures with By calling upon an archangel, you become infused with
tremorsense or blindsight. celestial essence and take on angelic features such as
golden skin, glowing eyes, and ethereal wings. For the
PUMMELSTONE duration of the spell, your AC can’t be less than 20, you
can’t be frightened, and you are immune to necrotic
Conjuration cantrip (elemental)
Casting Time: 1 action
In addition, each hostile creature that starts its turn
Range: 60 feet
within 120 feet of you or enters that area for the first time
Components: V, S, M (a pebble) on a turn must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be
Duration: Instantaneous frightened for 1 minute. A creature frightened in this way
You cause a fist-sized chunk of stone to appear and hurl is restrained. A frightened creature repeats the saving
itself against the spell’s target. Make a ranged spell attack. throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself on a
On a hit, the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or if the
must roll a d4 when it makes an attack roll or ability check effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the frightening
during its next turn, subtracting the result of the d4 from effect of the spell until you cast quintessence again.
the attack or check roll.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th RAID THE LAIR
level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). 4th-level abjuration (dragon)
Casting Time: 10 minutes
9th-level evocation (elemental) Components: V, S, M (a piece of the dragon whose lair
Casting Time: 1 action you are raiding)
Range: 500 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (a shard of obsidian) You create an invisible circle of protective energy centered
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute on yourself with a radius of 10 feet. This field moves with
You point toward an area of ground or a similar surface you. The caster and all allies within the energy field are
within range. A geyser of lava erupts from the chosen spot. protected against dragons' lair actions.
The geyser is 5 feet in diameter and 40 feet high. Each • Attack rolls resulting directly from lair actions are
creature in the cylinder when it erupts or at the start of made with disadvantage.
your turn takes 10d8 fire damage, or half damage with a • Saving throws resulting directly from lair actions are
successful Dexterity saving throw. made with advantage, and damage done by these lair
The geyser also forms a pool of lava at its base. Initially, actions is halved.
the pool is the same size as the geyser, but at the start • Lair actions occur on an initiative count 10 lower than
of each of your turns for the duration, the pool’s radius normal.
increases by 5 feet. A creature that’s in the pool of lava (but
The caster has advantage on Constitution saving throws to
not in the geyser) at the start of your turn takes 5d8 fire
maintain concentration on this spell.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
3rd-level conjuration (rune) 2nd-level transmutation (clockwork)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 25 feet Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (shard of metal from a weapon) Components: V, S
Duration: 4 rounds Duration: Instantaneous
You call down a rain of swords, spears, and axes, thrown A damaged construct or metal object regains 1d8 + 5 hit
to earth by the sacred dead of Asgard. The blades fill 150 points when this spell is cast on it.
square feet (six 5-foot squares, a circle 15 feet in diameter, At Higher Levels: The spell restores 2d8 + 10 hit points
or any other pattern you wish so long as it forms one at 4th level, 3d8 + 15 at 6th level, and 4d8 + 20 at 8th level.
contiguous space at least 5 feet wide). The blades cause 6d6
slashing damage to creatures in the area at the moment
the spell is cast, or half damage with a successful Dexterity
saving throw. Intelligent undead injured by the blades are 4th-level conjuration (battle)
frightened for 1d4 rounds if they fail a Charisma saving Casting Time: 1 bonus action
throw. Most of the blades break or are driven into the Range: 30 feet
ground on impact, but enough survive that any type of Components: V
piercing or slashing melee weapon can be picked up from
Duration: Instantaneous
the affected area and used normally. When the duration
ends, all the weapons disappear amid roars of laughter. You target up to three friendly creatures (one of which
can be yourself) within 30 feet. Each target teleports to an
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
unoccupied space of its choosing that it can see within 30
slot of 4th level or higher, nonbroken blades can be picked
feet of itself.
up and used as magical +1 weapons until they disappear.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the spell targets one
additional friendly creature for each slot level above 4th.
4th-level necromancy (ley line)
Casting Time: 1 action REVERBERATE
Range: 60 feet
2nd-level evocation (ring)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self (15-foot cone)
You launch a swirling ray of disruptive ley energy at a Components: V, S, M (a metal ring)
creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack. On
Duration: Instantaneous
a hit, the creature takes 6d8 necrotic damage and its
maximum hit points are reduced by an equal amount. You strike the ground with the metal ring, shaking
This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a short the earth ahead of you with the impact. Creatures and
or long rest, or benefits from a greater restoration spell or unattended objects touching the ground in a 15-foot cone
comparable magic. emanating from you take 4d6 thunder damage and fall
This spell has no effect on constructs or undead. prone; a successful Dexterity saving throw halves the
damage and prevents the creature from falling pone.
READ MEMORY At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by
4th-level divination (clockwork) 1d6 for each slot level above 4th.
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a memory gear from a gearforged)
1st-level transmutation (ring)
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
You copy the memories of one memory gear into your own
Range: 120 feet
mind. You recall these memories as if you had experienced
Components: V, S, M (a metal ring for each strike
them but without any emotional attachment or context.
granted by the spell, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 1 hour
You infuse up to two metal rings with magic, causing them
to revolve in a slow orbit around your head or hand. For
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
the duration, when you hit a target within the spell’s range ROBE OF SHARDS
with an attack, you can launch one of the rings to strike the
target as well. The target takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage 6th-level abjuration (clockwork)
and must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed Casting Time: 1 action
5 feet directly away from you. The ring is destroyed when it Range: Self
strikes. Components: V, S, M (a metal shard)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Duration: 1 minute
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect up to two You create a robe of metal shards, gears, and cogs that
additional rings for each spell slot above 1st. provides a base AC of 14 + your Dexterity modifier. As a
bonus action while protected by a robe of shards, you can
RINGWARD command bits of metal from a fallen foe to be absorbed by
7th-level abjuration (ring) your robe; each infusion of metal increases your AC by 1,
Casting Time: 1 action to a maximum of 18 + Dexterity modifier. You can also use
a bonus action to dispel the robe, causing it to explode into
Range: Self
a shower of flying metal that does 8d6 slashing damage,
Components: V, S, M (an iron ring worth 200 gp, which +1d6 per point of basic (non-Dexterity) AC above 14, to all
the spell consumes) creatures within 30 feet of you.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
This spell causes the iron ring to become a faintly ROLLING THUNDER
shimmering ring of energy that spins slowly around you 2nd-level evocation (elemental)
at a radius of 15 feet. For the duration, you and your allies
Casting Time: 1 action
inside the protective energy ring have advantage on saving
throws against spells and gain resistance to one type of Range: Self (30-foot line)
damage of your choice. Components: V, S, M (a sliver of metal from a gong)
Duration: Instantaneous
RIPTIDE A tremendous bell note explodes from your outstretched
3rd-level conjuration (elemental) hand and rolls forward in a line 30 feet long and 5 feet
Casting Time: 1 action wide. Each creature in the line must make a successful
Constitution saving throw or be deafened for 1 minute. A
Range: 60 feet
creature made of material such as stone, crystal, or metal
Components: V, S has disadvantage on its saving throw against this spell.
Duration: 1 round While a creature is deafened in this way, it is wreathed
With a sweeping gesture, you cause water to swell up into a in thundering energy; it takes 2d8 thunder damage at
20-foot tall, 20-foot radius cylinder centered on a point on the start of its turn, and its speed is halved. A deafened
the ground that you can see. Each creature in the cylinder creature repeats the saving throw at the end of its turn,
must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the ending the effect on itself on a success.
creature is restrained and suspended in the cylinder; on At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
a successful save, the creature moves to just outside the spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increase by 1d8
nearest edge of the cylinder. for each slot level above 2nd.
At the start of your next turn, you can direct the current
of the swell as it dissipates. Choose one of the following SCALE ROT
4th-level necromancy (dragon)
• Riptide. The water in the cylinder flows in a direction
Casting Time: 1 action
you choose, sweeping along each creature in the
cylinder. A creature takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage Range: 30 feet
and is pushed 40 feet in the chosen direction, landing Components: V, S, M (a piece of rotten meat)
prone. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
• Undertow. The water rushes downward, pulling each You summon death and decay to plague your enemies.
creature in the cylinder into an unoccupied space at the One creature of your choosing within 30 feet of you that
center. Each creature is knocked prone and must make has natural armor must make a Constitution saving
a successful Constitution saving throw or be stunned throw. If it fails, attacks against that creature's Armor
until the start of your next turn. Class are made with advantage, and the creature can't
regain hit points through any means. An effected creature
can end the effect by using an action to make a successful
Constitution saving throw. A successful saving throw ends
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
the effect on that creature and makes the creature immune SHADE
to further castings of scale rot for 24 hours.
2nd-level abjuration (dragon)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 5th level or higher, the number of affected Casting Time: 1 action
targets increases by 1 per slot level above 4th. Range: Self
Components: V, S
SCRIBE Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Transmutation cantrip (hieroglyph) You create a magical screen across your eyes. While the
Casting Time: 1 action screen remains, you are immune to blindness caused by
visible effects, such as color spray. The spell doesn't alleviate
Range: Touch
blindness that's already been inflicted on you. If you
Components: V, S normally suffer penalties on attacks or ability checks while
Duration: Instantaneous in sunlight (such as those caused by sunlight sensitivity),
This spell allows you to create a copy of a written work. By those penalties don't apply while you're under the effect of
placing a blank scroll, book, or page near the work that this spell.
you are copying, all the writing, illustrations, etc., in the At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
original reproduces itself in the new document, in your spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the duration of the spell
handwriting. The new medium must be large enough to increases by 10 minutes for each slot level above 2nd.
accommodate the original source. Magical properties of
the original aren't reproduced, so you can't use scribe to SHADOW ARMOR
make usable copies of spell scrolls or magic books.
1st-level abjuration (shadow)
SEAL OF SANCTUARY Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are
targeted by an attack but before the roll is made
7th-level abjuration (ritual; angelic)
Range: Self
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M (incense and special inks worth
250 gp, which the spell consumes) You siphon energy from the Shadow Realm to protect
yourself from an immediate threat. As a reaction, you
Duration: 24 hours
pull shadows around yourself to distort reality. The attack
You inscribe an angelic seal on the ground, floor, or against you is made with disadvantage, and you have
other solid component of a structure. The seal creates a resistance to radiant damage until the start of your next
spherical, spiritual boundary with a radius of 50 feet. For turn.
the duration, aberrations, elementals, fey, fiends, and
undead who approach within 5 feet of the boundary know SHADOW BITE
they are about to cross a dangerous barrier. If the creature
comes into contact with the boundary, it must make a Illusion cantrip (illumination)
Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it takes 10d8 radiant Casting Time: 1 action
damage, it's repelled to 5 feet outside the boundary, and it Range: 60 feet
can’t target anything on the opposite side of the boundary Components: V, S
with attacks, spells, or abilities. On a successful save, the Duration: Instantaneous
creature takes half as much radiant damage and can cross
You create a momentary needle of cold, sharp pain in
the boundary. While within 50 feet of the seal (inside
a target creature. The target must make a successful
the boundary), aberrations, elementals, fey, fiends, and
Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 necrotic damage
undead have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls,
immediately and have its speed halved until the start of
and saving throws. All of these effects apply to the specified
your next turn.
creatures trying to cross the boundary by any means,
including teleportation and extradimensional travel. This spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th
level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Creatures other than aberrations, elementals, fey, fiends,
and undead can’t be charmed or frightened while within
the area.
The seal has 50 hit points, has resistance to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage, and is immune to psychic
and poison damage. If the seal is reduced to 0 hit points,
the spell ends.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
SHADOW BLINDNESS melee spell attack against the creature. If it hits, the target
takes 2d8 psychic damage and must make a successful
Illusion cantrip (illumination) Intelligence saving throw or be incapacitated until the
Casting Time: 1 action start of your next turn.
Range: Touch At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Components: V, S spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by
Duration: 1 round 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
You make a melee spell attack; if it hits, the target's innate
darkvision is negated for 1 round. This spell has no effect SHADOW REALM GATEWAY
against darkvision that derives from a spell or a magic 5th-level conjuration (ritual; shadow)
item. The target retains all of its other senses. When this Casting Time: 1 minute
spell ends, the creature’s natural darkvision returns.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a piece of black chalk)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
1st-level evocation (illumination)
By drawing a circle of black chalk up to 15 feet in diameter
Casting Time: 1 action
and chanting for one minute, you open a portal directly
Range: Self (10-foot cone) into the Shadow Realm. The portal fills the chalk circle
Components: V, S and appears as a vortex of inky blackness; nothing can be
Duration: Instantaneous seen through it. Any object or creature that passes through
A freezing blast of shadow explodes out from you in a the portal instantly arrives safely in the Shadow Realm.
10-foot cone. Any creature caught in the shadow takes 2d4 The portal remains open for one minute or until you lose
necrotic damage and is frightened; a successful Wisdom concentration on it, and it can be used to travel between
saving throw halves the damage and negates the fright. the Shadow Realm and the chalk circle, in both directions,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a as many times as desired during the spell's duration.
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage dealt by the This spell can only be cast as a ritual.
attack increases by 2d4 for each slot level above 1st.
SHADOW MONSTERS 3rd-level transmutation (ritual; illumination)
4th-level illusion (shadow) Casting Time: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 5 feet
Range: 120 feet Components: V, S, M (Ink made from the blood of a
Components: V, S, M (a doll)
Duration: 1 hour
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You paint a small door approximately 2 feet square on a
Your spell targets up to 2 creatures within range. Each
hard surface to create a portal into the void of space. The
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the saving
portal “peels off ” the surface you painted it on and follows
throw fails, the creature perceives its allies as hostile,
you when you move, always floating in the air within 5
shadowy monsters, and it must attack its nearest ally. An
feet of you. An icy chill flows out from the portal. You can
affected creature repeats the saving throw at the end of its
place up to 750 pounds of nonliving matter through the
turn, ending the effect on itself with a successful save.
portal, where it stays suspended in the frigid void until
At Higher Levels. If shadow monsters is cast with a 5th- you withdraw it. Items that are still inside the shadow trove
level or higher spell slot, one additional creature can be when the duration ends spill onto the ground. You can
targeted for each slot level above 4th. designate a number of creatures up to your Intelligence
modifier who have access to the shadow trove; only you and
SHADOW PUPPETS those creatures can move objects through the portal.
2nd-level illusion (shadow) At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Casting Time: 1 action spell slot of 4th level or higher, the duration increases by 2
Range: 60 feet hours for each slot level above 3rd.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of powdered lead)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You are able to animate the shadow of a creature within
range, causing it to attack the creature who cast it. Make a
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
SHADOWS BROUGHT TO LIGHT Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the spell
summons a banshee instead of a shadow. If you also use a
2nd-level divination (ritual; high elven) higher-level spell slot, additional undead are still shadows.
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S
2nd-level evocation (battle)
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 minute
If the target fails a Charisma saving throw, you cause Range: 60 feet
the target’s shadow to come to life and reveal one of the
Components: V, S
creature’s most scandalous secrets: some fact that the
target would not want widely known (GM's choice). When Duration: 1 hour
casting the spell, you choose whether everyone present will You join your life force to that of up to five allies. Each
hear the secret, in which case the shadow speaks loudly in target takes 5 necrotic damage that can't be reduced but
a twisted version of the target’s voice, or if the secret is only can be healed normally, as they channel their energy into
whispered to you. The shadow speaks Common, unless a pool of life essence containing the donated hit points.
the target does not speak Common, in which case it speaks As an action, any creature who contributed to the pool
in the target's native language. of hit points can heal another creature by touching it
If the target creature does not have a scandalous secret and channeling hit points from the pool into the injured
or does not have a spoken language, the spell fails as if the creature. The injured creature heals hit points equal to
creature's saving throw had succeeded. your spellcasting ability modifier, and the hit points
If the secret was spoken aloud, the target takes a −2 remaining in the pool decrease by the same amount. This
penalty to Charisma checks with anyone who was present can be repeated until all the hit points in the pool are gone
when it was revealed, for the remainder of the day, in or the spell's duration expires.
addition to any information you obtain or any scandal it
Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the target 3rd-level abjuration (illumination)
has disadvantage on Charisma checks instead of the −2 Casting Time: 1 action
penalty, and the target’s status score is reduced by 1 for Range: Self
the remainder of the day (see the Midgard Campaign Setting
Components: V, S, M (a star chart)
for status rules). At the end of the day, the target makes
Duration: 10 minutes
a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. If
this saving throw fails, rumors of the target's indiscretion You wrap yourself in a protective shroud of the night sky
become widespread and the loss of status is permanent. made from swirling shadows punctuated with twinkling
motes of light. The shroud grants you resistance against
SHADOWY RETRIBUTION either radiant or necrotic damage (choose when the spell is
cast). You also shed dim light in a 10-foot radius. You can
4th-level necromancy (ritual; high elven) end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it.
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S, M (a silver goblet filled with the 2nd-level divination (chaos)
caster's blood)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Duration: 12 hours
Range: Self
You fill a silver cup with your own blood (taking 1d4 Components: V
piercing damage) while chanting vile curses in the dark.
Duration: Instantaneous
Once the chant is completed, you consume the blood and
swear an oath of vengeance against any who harm you. By wrapping yourself in strands of chaotic energy, you
If you are reduced to 0 hit points, your curse is invoked; gain advantage on the next attack roll or ability check that
blood pours from your mouth and steams away into a red you make. Fate is a cruel mistress, however, and her scales
mist that transforms into a shadow. The shadow attacks must always be balanced. The second attack roll or ability
the creature that reduced you to 0 hit points, ignoring all check (whichever occurs first) that you make after casting
other targets, until it or the target is slain, at which point shifting the odds is made with disadvantage.
the shadow dissipates into nothing.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 5th level or higher, an additional shadow is
conjured for each slot level above 4th.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
SILHOUETTE action, you can move the sphere up to 30 feet. If you roll
the boulder into a creature, that creature must make a
Illusion cantrip (illumination) successful Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone
Casting Time: 1 action and take the damage indicated below. Each round the
Range: Touch snow boulder increases in size and effectiveness. Hitting
Components: V, S a creature doesn't stop the snow boulder's movement or
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute impede its growth.
You create a shadow play against a screen or wall. The
surface can encompass up to 100 square feet. The number Round Size Damage
of creatures that can see the shadow play equals your 1 Small 1d6 bludgeoning
Intelligence score. The shadowy figures make no sound
2 Medium 2d6 bludgeoning
but they can dance, run, move, kiss, fight, and so forth.
Most of the figures are generic types—a rabbit, a dwarf— 3 Large 4d6 bludgeoning
but a number of them equal to your Intelligence modifier 4 Huge 6d6 bludgeoning
can be recognizable as specific individuals.
Evocation cantrip (illumination)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You cause a mote of starlight to appear at a point you can
see within 60 feet. The mote explodes a moment later,
doing 1d8 radiant damage to any creature in the mote's
5-foot space. A successful Charisma saving throw negates
the damage.
This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th
level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
5th-level evocation (illumination)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You cause bolts of shimmering starlight to fall from the
heavens, striking up to five targets within 60 feet of you
and in your sight. Each bolt strikes one creature, doing
6d6 radiant damage, knocking the target prone, and
blinding it until the start of your next turn. A successful
Dexterity saving throw reduces damage to half and
prevents blindness and being knocked prone. If there
are fewer than five targets, excess bolts strike the ground
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 6th level or higher, you create one additional
bolt for each slot level above 5th.
9th-level transmutation (illumination)
Casting Time: 1 action prone and become incapacitated and unable to move. A
creature that starts its turn prone and incapacitated makes
Range: 50 feet
a Strength saving throw. Failure means the creature takes
Components: V, S, M (an ioun stone)
8d6 bludgeoning damage; success means the creature takes
Duration: 1 minute 4d6 bludgeoning damage but it's no longer incapacitated
This spell increases gravity tenfold within a 50-foot radius and it can move at half-speed. All ranged weapon attacks
of you. All creatures in the area other than you drop inside the area of effect have a normal range of 5 feet and
whatever they're holding in their hands, fall prone, become a maximum range of 10 feet. The same applies to spells
incapacitated, and can't move. If some solid object (such that create missiles with mass, such as a flaming sphere.
as the ground) is encountered when flying or levitating Creatures under the influence of a freedom of movement
creatures fall, they take triple the normal falling damage. spell or comparable magic have advantage on the Strength
Any creature besides you that enters or starts its turn in the saving throws required by this spell, and their speed isn't
area must make a successful Strength saving throw or fall reduced once they recover from incapacitation.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
STARRY VISION a sharp word, you create a 60-foot-diameter cylinder of
light centered on a point within range. The area inside the
7th-level divination (illumination) cylinder is brightly lit. The light stretches up into the sky for
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when an 100 feet or until it reaches an obstruction, such as a ceiling.
enemy starts its turn
Range: 100 feet SUMMON STAR
Components: V, M (a sprinkling of gold dust worth 8th-level conjuration (illumination)
400 gp)
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 90 feet
As compelling fate except as noted above (starry vision can be Components: V, S
cast as a reaction, has twice the range of compelling fate, and
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
lasts up to a minute). At the end of each of its turns, the
target repeats the Charisma saving throw. On a success, You summon a friendly star from the heavens to do your
the spell ends. bidding. It appears in an unoccupied space you can see
within 90 feet and takes the form of a glowing humanoid
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
with long, white hair. All creatures other than you who
spell slot of 8th or 9th level, the bonus to AC increases by 1
view the star must make a successful Wisdom saving throw
for each slot level above 7th.
or be charmed for the duration of the spell. A creature
charmed by the star repeats the Wisdom saving throw at
STEAM BLAST the end of its turn. If successful, that creature is no longer
4th-level evocation (clockwork) charmed and is immune to the effect from this star. In all
Casting Time: 1 action other ways, the star is equivalent to a deva. It understands
Range: Self (15-foot radius) and obeys verbal commands you give it. If you do not give
the star a command, it defends itself and attacks the last
Components: V, S, M (a tiny copper kettle or boiler)
creature that attacked it. The star disappears when it drops
Duration: Instantaneous to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
You unleash a burst of superheated steam in a 15-foot
radius centered on you. All other creatures in that area SURGE DAMPENER
take 5d8 fire damage, or half damage with a successful
3rd-level abjuration (ritual; chaos)
Dexterity saving throw. Nonmagical fires smaller than a
bonfire are extinguished and everything becomes wet. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 5th level or higher, add 1d8 damage per spell level. Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute, until expended
STEAM WHISTLE Using your strength of will, you cause one creature
other than yourself that you touch to become so firmly
8th-level evocation (clockwork)
entrenched within reality that it is protected from the
Casting Time: 1 action
effects of chaos magic surges. The protected creature gains
Range: Self (30-foot radius) a DC 13 Charisma saving throw to negate the effect of a
Components: V, S, M (a small brass whistle) chaos magic surge that does not normally allow a saving
Duration: Instantaneous throw, or it gets advantage on a normally allowed saving
You open your mouth and unleash a shattering scream. throw. Once the protected creature makes a successful
All other creatures in a 30-foot radius take 10d10 thunder saving throw allowed by surge dampener, the spell ends.
damage and are deafened for 1d8 hours. A successful
Constitution saving throw halves the damage and reduces SYMBOL OF SORCERY
deafness to 1d8 rounds. 7th-level evocation (ritual; hieroglyph)
Casting Time: 10 minutes
SUDDEN DAWN Range: Touch
3rd-level evocation (ritual; battle) Components: V, S, M (specially prepared ink charged
Casting Time: 1 action with magic)
Range: 100 feet Duration: 8 hours
Components: V, S This arcane symbol is drawn onto an object, wall, or
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes other surface at least 5 feet wide. When a creature other
You call upon morning to arrive ahead of schedule. With than you approaches within 5 feet of the hieroglyph, it
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
5th-level transmutation (dragon) 9th-level transmutation (clockwork)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: Sight
Components: V, S, M (a piece of lightning-fused glass) Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You touch a willing creature, and it becomes surrounded You designate a spot within your sight. Time comes under
by a roiling storm cloud 30 feet in diameter, erupting with your control in a 20-foot radius centered on that spot. You
(harmless) thunder and lightning. The creature gains a fly can freeze it, reverse it, or move it forward by as much as
speed of 60 feet. The cloud is transparent to the creature 1 minute as long as you maintain concentration. Nothing
the spell was cast on, but it is heavy obscurement to and no one, yourself included, can enter the field or affect
everyone else. what happens inside it. You can choose to end the effect at
any moment on your turn, and events progress naturally
TICK STOP from there.
Transmutation cantrip (clockwork)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet 8th-level transmutation (clockwork)
Components: V Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 round Range: Touch
Components: V, S
You speak a word and the target construct can take one
action or bonus action on its next turn, but not both. The Duration: Instantaneous
construct is immune to further tick stops from the same You throw a construct forward in time, if it fails a
caster for 24 hours. Constitution saving throw. The construct disappears for
1d4 + 1 rounds, during which time it cannot act or be acted
TIDAL BARRIER upon in any way. When the construct returns, it is unaware
that any time has passed.
1st-level abjuration (elemental)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (10-foot radius)
Components: V, S, M (a piece of driftwood) 7th-level transmutation (clockwork)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
A swirling wave of seawater surrounds you, crashing and
rolling in a 10-foot radius around your space. The area is Components: V, S
difficult terrain, and a creature that starts its turn there Duration: Until dispelled
or that enters it for the first time on a turn must make a You halt the normal processes of degradation and wear
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is in a nonmagical clockwork device, rendering normal
pushed 10 feet away from you and its speed is reduced to 0 maintenance unnecessary and slowing fuel consumption
until the start of its next turn. to 1/10th of normal. For magical devices and constructs,
the spell greatly reduces wear. A magical clockwork
device, machine, or creature that normally needs daily
maintenance only needs care once a year; if it previously
needed monthly maintenance, it now requires attention
only once a decade.
1st-level transmutation (clockwork)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: S, M (an ever-wound spring worth 50 gp)
Duration: 24 hours
You grant machinelike stamina to the target. The target
requires no food or drink or rest. It can move at three times
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
its normal speed overland and perform three times the reaches the spot, it becomes incapacitated, as it devotes
usual amount of labor or read at three times the normal all its attention to scooping imaginary treasure into its
rate. Creatures under the effect of the spell are immune to pockets or a pouch.
nonmagical exhaustion and suffer no consequences for not An affected creature repeats the saving throw at the end
sleeping or for overexertion. This spell does not reduce or of its turn, ending the effect on a success. The effect also
prevent magical fatigue or magical exhaustion. ends if the creature takes damage from you or one of your
TONGUE TIED Creatures with the dragon type have disadvantage on the
5th-level enchantment (high elven) initial saving throw but have advantage on saving throws
against this spell made after reaching the designated spot.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute 2nd-level transmutation (battle)
Casting Time: 1 minute
You make a choking motion while pointing at a target,
Range: 60 feet
which must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or
become unable to communicate verbally. The target's Components: V, S
speech becomes garbled and it has disadvantage on Duration: Permanent
Charisma checks that require speech. The creature can With scooping gestures, you cause the ground to slowly
cast a spell with a verbal component only by making a sink into a trench 5 feet deep, 5 feet across, and 60 feet
successful Constitution check against your spell save DC. long. The trench forms slowly enough that enemies have
If the Constitution check fails, the creature's action is used no chance of falling into it.
but the spell slot isn't expended. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the trench's width increases
affected target also takes 2d6 psychic damage every time it by 5 feet or the length by 30 feet for each slot level above
tries to talk. 2nd. You can make a different choice (width or length) for
each slot level above 2nd.
4th-level conjuration (dragon) TRICK QUESTION
Casting Time: 1 round 1st-level enchantment (hieroglyph)
Range: Self (60-foot cone) Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a piece of obsidian) Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S
You harness the power of fire contained in ley lines with Duration: Instantaneous
this spell. You create a 60-foot cone of flame. Creatures You phrase a question in a way that can be answered by one
in the cone take 6d6 fire damage, or half damage with a word, to a target that can hear you. The target must make
successful Dexterity saving throw. You can then flow along a successful Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to
the flames, reappearing anywhere inside the cone’s area. answer your question truthfully. When the spell ends, the
This repositioning doesn’t count as movement and doesn’t target knows that you used magic to compel an answer.
trigger opportunity attacks.
7th-level transmutation (rune)
2rd-level enchantment (dragon) Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self
Range: 100 feet Components: V, S, M
Components: V, S, M (a gold coin) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You transform one of the four elements into ice or snow.
You cause the glint of a golden coin to haze over the vision The area of effect is a sphere with a radius of 100 feet,
of one creature in range. The target creature must make centered on you. The specific effect varies depending on
a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it sees a gorge, trench, the element targeted.
or other hole in the ground, at a spot within range chosen Air. Vapor condenses into snowfall. If cast on a fog cloud,
by you, which is filled with gold and treasure. On its next stinking cloud, or a similar magic effect, this spell negates
turn, the creature must move toward that spot. When it it. Creatures of elemental air who are targeted take 8d6
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
cold damage, and if airborne must make a successful UMBRAL STORM
Constitution saving throw to avoid being knocked prone
(no falling damage). 9th-level necromancy (shadow)
Casting Time: 1 action
Water. Open water (a pond, lake, or river) freezes to a
depth of 4 feet. Creatures in the water at its surface must Range: 120 feet
make successful Dexterity saving throws to avoid being Components: V, S
immobilized in the ice. A trapped creature can free itself by Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
using an action to make a successful Strength (Athletics) You create a channel to a region of the Shadow Realm
check. Creatures of elemental water take no damage from that is inimical to life and order. A storm of dark, raging
the spell but are paralyzed for 1d6 rounds unless they entropy fills a sphere 20 feet in radius, centered on a point
make a successful Constitution saving throw, and they pay you can see within range. Any creature that starts its turn
double for movement in the affected area. in the storm or enters it for the first time on its turn takes
Earth. Soil freezes into permafrost to a depth of 10 feet. 6d8 necrotic damage and gains one level of exhaustion; a
Creatures burrowing through the area have their speed successful Constitution saving throw halves the damage
halved until the area thaws, unless they can burrow and prevents exhaustion.
through solid rock. Creatures of elemental earth who fail You can use a bonus action on your turn to move the area
a Constitution saving throw take 8d6 cold damage from of the storm 30 feet in any direction.
stress fractures in their bodies.
Fire. Flames transform into shards of ice and their area UNCONTROLLABLE TRANSFORMATION
becomes difficult terrain. Creatures in the burning area take 7th-level transmutation (ritual; chaos)
2d6 slashing damage when the spell is cast and 1d6 slashing Casting Time: 1 action
damage for every 5 feet they move through the area unless Range: Self
they are unhindered by icy terrain; a successful Dexterity Components: V, S, M (the bill of a platypus)
saving throw halves the slashing damage. Lava cools into a
Duration: 1 hour
solid crust 4 inches thick. Creatures of elemental fire must
make a successful Constitution saving throw or take 8d6 You infuse your body with raw chaos and will it to
cold damage and be stunned for 1d6 rounds. adopt a helpful mutation. Roll 1d10 and consult the
Uncontrollable Transformation table below to determine
d10 Mutation
1 A spindly third arm sprouts out of your shoulder. By using a bonus action, you can use it to attack with a light weapon.
You have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks and checks that require the manipulation of tools.
2 Your skin is covered by rough scales that increase your AC by 1 and give you resistance to a random damage type (roll
on the Damage Type table; see the entropy school in chapter 4).
3 A puckered orifice grows on your back which you can use to forcefully expel air, granting you a fly speed of 30. You must
land at the end of your turn. In addition, as a bonus action you can try to push a creature away with a blast of air. The
target is pushed 5 feet away from you if it fails a Strength saving throw. The DC equals 10 + your Constitution modifier.
4 A second face appears on the back of your head. You gain darkvision to 120 feet and advantage on sight‑based and
scent-based Wisdom (Perception) checks. You become adept at carrying out conversations with yourself.
5 You grow gills that not only allow you to breathe under water but also filter poison out of the air. You gain immunity to
inhaled poisons.
6 Your hindquarters elongate and you grow a second set of legs. Your base walking speed increases by 10 feet and your
carrying capacity becomes your Strength score multiplied by 20.
7 You become incorporeal and can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 5
(1d10) force damage if you end your turn inside an object. You can't pick up or interact with physical objects that you
weren't carrying when you became incorporeal.
8 Your limbs elongate and flatten into prehensile paddles. You gain a swim speed equal to your base walking speed
and have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb or swim. In addition, your unarmed strikes do 1d6
bludgeoning damage.
9 Your head fills with a light gas and swells to four times its normal size, causing all of your hair to fall out. You have
advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom ability checks and can levitate up to 5 feet above the ground.
10 You grow three sets of feathered wings that give you a fly speed equal to your walking speed and the ability to hover.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
what mutation occurs. You can try to control the shifting collapses immediately if that 600-pound limit is exceeded.
of your body to gain a mutation you prefer, but doing so A vine that collapses from weight or damage instantly
is taxing; roll 1d10 twice and choose the result you prefer, disintegrates into nothing.
but gain one level of exhaustion. At the end of the spell, The vine has many small shoots, so it can be climbed
your body returns to its normal form. with a successful DC 5 Strength (Athletics) check. It has
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a AC 8, (5 x your spellcasting level) hit points, and a damage
spell slot of 8th level or higher, you gain an additional threshold of 5.
mutation for each slot level above 7th. You gain one level of At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
exhaustion for each mutation you try to control. spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the vine can support an
additional 30 pounds and its damage threshold increases
UNDERMINE ARMOR by 1 for each slot level above 2nd.
1st-level transmutation (chaos) Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the vine is
Casting Time: 1 action permanent until destroyed or dispelled.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S VOLLEY SHIELD
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 7th-level abjuration (ley line)
You unravel the bonds of reality that hold a suit of armor Casting Time: 1 action
together. A target wearing armor must succeed on a Range: Touch
Constitution saving throw or its armor softens to the Components: S
consistency of candle wax, decreasing the target's AC by 2. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
This spell has no effect on creatures that aren't wearing
armor separate from their bodies. You touch a willing creature and create a shimmering
shield of ley energy to protect it. The shield grants the
target a +5 AC bonus and gives it resistance against
nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
2nd-level enchantment (rune) for the duration.
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take immediately In addition, the shield can reflect hostile spells back
before a creature rolls the die for an attack, saving throw, at their casters. When the target makes a successful
ability check, or skill check saving throw against a hostile spell, the caster of the spell
Range: 25 feet immediately becomes its new target. The caster is entitled
Components: V to the appropriate saving throw against the returned spell,
Duration: Instantaneous if any, and suffers all effects the spell normally causes.
Cast this spell as a reaction when a target makes an attack
roll, a saving throw, or an ability or skill check. With a swift
curse (“Unluck on that!”), you bring misfortune to the 1st-level transmutation (dragon)
target’s endeavor; the affected creature has disadvantage Casting Time: 1 action
on the roll. Range: Self
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using Components: V, S, M (a topaz worth at least 10 gp)
a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the range of the spell Duration: 1 round
increases by 5 feet for every spell slot beyond 1st.
You harness the wind itself to move you through the
air like a dragon. You gain a flying speed of 60 feet for 1
VINE TRESTLE round. At the start of your next turn, you float rapidly
2nd-level conjuration (ritual; high elven) down and land gently on a solid surface beneath you.
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a 1-inch piece of green vine that is 6th-level conjuration (labyrinth)
consumed in the casting) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 hour Range: 100 miles
You cause a vine to sprout from the ground and crawl Components: V, S, M (a map)
across a surface or rise into the air in a direction chosen Duration: See text
by you. The vine must sprout from a solid surface (the You and up to five creatures you can see enter the Great
ground, a wall), but it is strong enough to support Maze, a shifting landscape of endless walls and corridors
600 pounds of weight along its entire length. The vine that connect to many places throughout the world.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
To find your way to a destination within 100 miles,
you must know for certain that your destination exists
(though you don’t need to have seen or visited it before), 2nd-level divination (battle)
and you must make a successful DC 20 Intelligence check. Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take immediately
The Intelligence check must be made by you, not by your before a creature rolls an initiative check
companions. If you have the ability to retrace a path you’ve Range: 30 feet
previously taken without a check (such as a minotaur or Components: V
goristro), this check succeeds automatically. If the check Duration: Instantaneous
fails, you fail to find your path this round, and you and
your companions each take 4d6 psychic damage as the You sense danger before it happens and call out a warning
madness of the shifting maze exacts its toll. You must to an ally. One creature you can see and that can hear you
repeat the check at the start of each of your turns until gets advantage on an initiative check made before your
you find your way to your destination or you die. In either next turn.
event, the spell ends.
When the spell ends, you and those traveling with you WILD SHIELD
appear in a safe location at your destination. 4th-level abjuration (chaos)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Casting Time: 1 action
spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can bring along two Range: Self
additional creatures or travel an additional 100 miles for Components: V, S
each slot level above 6th. Duration: 1 minute
You surround yourself with the forces of chaos. Wild
WALKING WALL lights and strange sounds surround you, making stealth
7th-level transmutation (battle) impossible. While wild shield is active, you can spend a
Casting Time: 1 action reaction to absorb a spell that targets you or whose area
Range: 30 feet of effect you are within. An absorbed spell has no effect,
Components: V, S, M (100 miniature axes) but absorbing a spell causes a chaos magic surge as if you
had cast a spell, with you as the caster for all magic surge
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
This spell creates a wall of swinging axes from the pile of Wild shield ends when the duration expires or when it
miniature axes you provide when casting the spell. The absorbs 4 levels of spells. If you try to absorb a spell whose
wall fills a rectangle 10 feet wide, 10 feet high, and 20 feet level exceeds the spell levels remaining, make an ability
long. The wall has a base speed of 50 feet, but it can't Dash. check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 +
It can make up to four attacks per round on your turn, the spell's level – the levels wild shield can still absorb. If the
using your spell attack modifier to hit and with a reach check succeeds, the spell is absorbed; if the check fails, the
of 10 feet. You direct the wall's movement and attacks spell takes its full effect. The chaos magic surge happens
as a bonus action. If you choose not to direct it, the wall regardless of whether the spell is absorbed.
continues executing the last command you gave it. The
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
wall can't use reactions. Each successful attack does 4d6
spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can absorb 1 additional
slashing damage, and the damage is considered magical.
spell level for each slot level above 4th.
The walking wall can be attacked. It has AC 12, 200 hit
points, and is immune to necrotic, poison, psychic, and
piercing damage. If reduced to 0 hit points or when the WIND LASH
spell's duration ends, the wall disappears and the 100 Evocation cantrip (elemental)
miniature axes fall to the ground in a tidy heap. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Your swift gesture creates a solid lash of howling wind.
Make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit, the
target takes 1d8 slashing damage from the shearing wind
and is pushed 5 feet away from you.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th
level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Appendix: Creatures, Magic Items,
and Other Miscellany
The appendix contains new creatures and monsters CLOCKWORK JEWEL SCARAB
mentioned elsewhere in feats, spells, backgrounds, etc.,
Tiny construct, unaligned
plus seven breeds of horses specialized for conditions in
Midgard, magic items related to divine domains or arcane Armor Class 14
traditions presented earlier, and two conditions associated Hit Points 15 (6d4)
with the icy expanses where rune magic is practiced: Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft.
frostbite and snowblindness.
6 (–2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 6 (–2) 11 (+0) 1 (–5)
The following creatures and monsters are presented Skills Stealth +6
first in alphabetical order, followed by magic items, then Damage Immunities poison, psychic
conditions. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
CLOCKWORK JEWEL SCARAB Senses darkvision, passive Perception 10
When deactivated, the clockwork jewel scarab appears to be a Languages understands Common, telepathy 100 ft.
jeweled brooch, though a fine and expensive one. Bewildered (creator only)
thieves and angry merchants have had rude awakenings when a Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
stolen or dearly-purchased brooch reactivated and flew back to its
previous owner. Immutable Form. The clockwork jewel scarab is immune to
any spell or effect that would alter its form.
Magic Resistance. The clockwork jewel scarab has advantage
on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Unique conditions on Midgard led to the development
of distinct horses and ponies. Standard rules for mounts
apply to these animals unless noted otherwise.
Arbonesse Star Mare
These tall, elegant horses are normally white, silver-gray,
or light slate in color. Their long manes are beautiful but
tangle easily, so they must be brushed regularly to keep in a
presentable state. An Arbonesse star mare typically fetches
in excess of 600 gp at market.
While there’s no doubt that these horses are graceful,
well-mannered, and excellent riding mounts, the
Arbonesse star mare is primarily a status symbol for the
elfmarked of Dornig. So much so, in fact, that these mares
are best kept in guarded paddocks, lest they become
targets for thieves.
An Arbonesse star mare uses the stats of a riding horse
but with the added trait Lineage.
Lineage. While mounted on an Arbonesse star mare,
the rider has advantage on Charisma checks against
intelligent creatures.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Bourgundian Destrier certain death. No one has managed to breed this trait out
The fierce and muscled warhorses of Bourgund thunder of them, despite generations of efforts.
fearlessly across the battlefield. The White Knights of Crag ponies happily carry loads that would flatten
Bourgund have bred the horses to remove variation in other horses. Their short, powerful legs are well suited to
color, so all Bourgundian destriers are pure, alabaster marching over tough and uneven terrain.
white. Because of their scarcity, most of them are bred to A crag pony uses the stats of a mule but with Intelligence
order for ancient Bourgund families. On the rare occasion 3 and with the additional trait Giantbane.
that one can be found for sale, its price will be double that Giantbane. If a crag pony starts its turn within 50 feet of
of a standard warhorse. a giant, it moves toward the giant by the fastest route and
Like most warhorses, these animals are known to buck, attacks when close enough to do so. If a creature is riding
bite, and trample any creature other than its rider who the pony or otherwise in control of it (leading it by a rope,
attempts to mount it. They’re also fearless; a Bourgundian etc.), that creature can maintain (or reestablish) control
destrier would charge into the mouth of a dragon if its over the pony with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Animal
rider spurred it forward. The sights, sounds, and smells of Handling) check.
neither battlefields nor monsters disquiet them.
A Bourgundian destrier uses the stats of a warhorse but Dornig Heavy Warhorse
with the addition of immunity to the frightened condition. Known as “sunhoofs” and descended from a bloodline
founded by the elves, these radiant beasts are infused
Capleon Quarterhorse with magic. Their presence is anathema to undead and
Known in the Seven Cities as the “baron’s heels,” these supernatural horrors of Midgard. Their sun-colored coats
horses serve as lightning-fast couriers and race horses and white manes can be seen marching proudly in the
on the dusty racing tracks of Capleon. They are most imperial procession of the Imperatrix. At market, these
often muted brown and tan in color, with legs that appear animal fetch up to 1,000 gp, thanks to their powerful
too spindly to carry heavy loads. They fetch 125 gp when magical natures.
bought from traders in Capleon, and twice that abroad or Dornig heavy warhorses have an unsettling effect on
for one with a winning record at the races. undead. Their sense for and revulsion to necromancy is so
There is no horse faster than the Capleon quarterhorse acute they won’t even carry a rider who’s cast a necromantic
in all of Midgard. They are bred for speed and nothing else. spell in the past month for more than a few miles.
They spook easily, they lack the stamina for long rides, and A Dornig heavy warhorse uses the stats of a warhorse but
their riders must constantly coax them to stay on course. with the additional trait Magical Nature.
A Capleon quarterhorse uses the stats of a riding horse Magical Nature. The attacks of the Dornig heavy warhorse
but with Constitution 10 and 11 hit points. In addition, it are magical. Additionally, the horse adds 2 to its damage
gains the traits Race and Skittish. rolls against undead creatures.
Race (3/day). The Capleon quarterhorse’s speed becomes
90 feet for 1 minute. Fey Walkers
Skittish. During combat, the horse’s rider must make a These horses have a deep connection with the hidden
successful DC 8 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check at the shadow roads that cross Midgard. How these animals
start of the rider’s turn or the horse becomes frightened of came to know the location of shadow roads is unknown;
the nearest enemy until the beginning of the rider’s next some scholars speculate they are descended from horses
turn. While the horse is frightened this way, the rider has that bore the elves south during the Vanir Wars. Fey
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. walkers are still prized by both elves and shadow fey.
Their coloring ranges from light to dark brown, though
Crag Pony the hair near their hooves is often a telling green color.
The sturdy, homely crag pony is beloved by dwarves across Every fey walker knows the entrance to at least one
Midgard. A clever animal with a deceptively jugheaded shadow road, and they can always find and travel that road.
look and an exceptionally strong back, the crag pony is Especially well-traveled fey walkers might know two or
found pulling carts and carrying impossible loads for their three such magical routes. Most are trained for war, and
dwarven owners. Their distinctive dark coloring and long, one seldom can be bought for less than 600 gp.
often braided manes are easily recognized in the dwarf A fey walker uses the stats of a warhorse but with the
cantons and across the dwarfholds of the North. Their additional trait Fey Marked.
slow pace keeps the cost of these animals low. They fetch Fey Marked (3/day). As a bonus action, the rider of a fey
just 40 gp at most markets; only dwarves are willing to pay walker can command the horse to disappear and reappear
more than that. They’re also unreliable in the presence of in a nearby location, with an effect identical to the misty
giants. The animals are known to ignore commands when step spell. The rider, horse, and everything both are
giants are near, instead charging and attacking into almost carrying are transported with it.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Khazzaki Steppe Pony
Born of war and the wild thyme that grows on the
Rothenian Plain, these sturdy ponies carry the Khazzaki
into battle and home from drunken celebration. The Khan
himself oversees their breeding, because he understands
how important the ponies are to his ambitions. They are
mottled brown and white, or coal black in color. They are
also the fastest warhorses in Midgard. A Khazzaki might
part with one, if the prospective buyer offers at least 700
gold coins.
A Khazzaki steppe pony uses the stats of a warhorse but
with Speed 70 feet, Strength 16, and its hooves do 10 (2d6
+ 3) bludgeoning damage. It also has the additional traits
Home on the Plain and Inspire the Herd.
Home on the Plain. The Khazzaki Steppe pony is never
lost on the Rothenian Plain. It can find a path to the City
of Wheels and the territory of the Khan regardless of the
condition of its rider.
Inspire the Herd. The Khazzaki steppe pony makes
Dexterity and Constitution checks with advantage. In
addition, horses within 50 feet of the pony and allied to it
have advantage on Dexterity checks made to follow in the
steppe pony’s path and on Constitution checks.
Guards in Zobeck’s kobold ghetto need plenty of
mobility, so they’ve trained dire weasels and giant owls
to act as mounts. These trusty steeds allow their kobold
riders to respond rapidly to reports of irksome too-talls
by bounding through the streets or swooping over the Vicious Jaws. A creature hit by the giant weasel’s bite is also
rooftops of the ghetto. grappled (escape DC 11). While it has a creature grappled,
the weasel’s bite attack hits that creature automatically.
Dire weasels come in a wide variety of breeds, including
the sleek, black nightfoot, the dirty‑brown, brutish sport
weasel, and the pure white kingsruff. Their giant owls are
particularly savage because the kobolds beat them severely The head, arms, and torso of this massive figure are composed
during their training, to instill in them a fear of kobolds of metal plates surrounding a core of glowing energy. The whole
that the owls naturally lack. As a result, only a kobold can resembles a vaguely humanoid figure, with two metal rings
ride a giant owl trained by kobolds; it attacks any other glowing with runes encircling its fists.
creature that tries to climb onto its back. Ring servants are mighty constructs created by ring magic.
Though large in stature, they are deceptively light because
Giant Owl (Mount)
most of their form is composed of energy. A ring servant
The giant owls ridden by Zobeck’s kobolds use the stats of stands 10 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds.
a standard giant owl but they can be ridden as mounts by
Fleeting Form. Ring servants are temporary beings,
kobolds (only) and they gain the additional trait Swooping
brought into existence by transmuting two simple metal
rings into the weapons that surmount the creature’s
Swooping Claws. If the owl flies at least 10 feet in a straight fists. These rings serve as the catalyst that generates the
line toward its target and its attack hits, the target must rest of the thing’s form. Ring servants aren’t mindless.
make a successful DC 13 Strength saving throw or be They understand the fleeting span of their existence and
knocked prone. don’t rebel against it. Exceptions exist, where powerful
ring wardens work tirelessly to imbue a ring servant with
Giant Weasel (Mount)
permanent existence. Such an enduring transformation
The giant weasels ridden by Zobeck’s kobolds use the stats is rare, however, and the resulting creature may have
of a standard giant weasel but they gain the additional trait difficulty coming to terms with lingering in the world.
Vicious Jaws.
Constructed Nature. A ring servant doesn’t require
air, food, drink, or sleep.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Actions Aversion to Fire. If the tupilak takes fire damage, it has
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
of its next turn.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Immutable Form. The tupilak is immune to any spell or effect
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. that would alter its form.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
Lightning Absorption. Whenever the tupilak is subjected to
lightning damage, it takes no damage but instead regains hit
GOLEM, TUPILAK points equal to the lightning damage.
Loping forward, eye fixed hungrily on its target, this grotesque Magic Resistance. The tupilak has advantage on saving
creature sports a rictus grin on its almost skeletal face. The smell of throws against spells and other magical effects.
death and brine surrounds it. Magic Weapons. The tupilak’s weapon attacks are magical.
Tupilaks are constructs created via ritual to attack a hated Relentless Pursuit. A tupilak golem knows the direction and
enemy, often a rival spellcaster. A tupilak doggedly tracks distance to its quarry as long as the two of them are within 2
its victim until it devours the prey and steals a portion of miles on the same plane of existence.
its soul and magical power for the tupilak's master. All Servant of Strength. A successful dispel magic spell cast on
tupilaks are animated by a spirit of Ginnungagap, which the tupilak does not harm it but instead turns it against its
resides in a tupilak idol embedded in the creature's body originator, who becomes the tupilak's target.
where its heart should be. Actions
Grisly Reminders. The tupilak is a hideous creature Multiattack. The tupilak makes two slam attacks.
with a bony carapace and bestial head. Wounds to its Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
bone-and-ivory body reveal its innards of vine, seaweed, Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
and tiny, broken limbs. Its head is made from the skulls of
savage beasts—bears and wolves being favored— and it
usually sports a hideous, skeletal grin. Although mindless,
its eyes burn with an evil longing.
Relentless Killers. Tupilaks have no sense of loyalty
but only hunger and anger, and this makes them risky to
create. Once set loose, a tupilak cannot be recalled but
it can be redirected; if dispel magic is cast successfully on
the construct, the golem is released from the magical
restraints placed on it when it was created and its creator
becomes the sole target of its homicidal impulse. The
original target is forgotten, and the golem's creator can
save himself or herself only by destroying the construct.
Medium construct, unaligned
Armor Class 10 (natural armor)
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
A hulking form in ancient mail emerges from its barrow, bronze
axe gripped in its withered hands. A rictus grin stretches its
moldering face as the stench of death fills the air.
Vættir are ancestral spirits, sometimes protective and
helpful but demanding of reverence and wrathful if
offended. Landvættir dwell in barrows while sjövættir
reside beneath lakes, rivers, or the sea. Servants of the
land, they are favored by the Vanir, who grant them the
ability to curse those who disrespect the wild or ancient
laws and traditions.
A wrathful vættir typically rises from its mound in
response to the theft of items they consider theirs
(including heirlooms passed on to living descendants) or
perceived disrespect (leaving the dragon prow attached
to a longship coming into land is a common offense, as is
failing to make offerings to them). Vættir jealously guard
both honor and treasures, becoming relentless enemies
over matters as small as an accidental word or a single coin.
A vættir’s skin is typically blue-black in color, taut over
its bones and sinews, lips drawn back in a cruel grimace.
There exists a rarer, bone-white variety that cares little for
material possessions, instead guarding their honor or a
patch of land with equal ruthlessness. Both varieties can be
called upon by descendants and those who live nearby for
aid, although there’s always a price. A vættir’s ‘help’ is often
more than the asker bargained for.
Medium undead, lawful evil
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
Speed 30 ft.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Actions target approaches within 333 feet, the pole casts bestow
Multiattack. The vaettir makes two greataxe attacks or two curse (with range 333 feet instead of touch) on the target.
longbow attacks. The DC for the target’s Wisdom saving throw is 15; if the
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one saving throw succeeds, the pole recasts the spell every round
target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) until the saving throw fails, the target retreats out of range,
necrotic damage. or the nithing pole is destroyed. Anyone other than the pole’s
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600 creator who tries to destroy or knock down a nithing pole is
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. also targeted by a bestow curse spell, but only once.
Corpse Breath (Recharge 5–6). The vættir spews forth a The effect of the curse is set when the pole is created. The
15-foot cone of putrid gas. Those caught in the area must pole becomes nonmagical once it has laid its curse on its
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become intended target; an untriggered and forgotten nithing pole
poisoned for 1d4 rounds. remains dangerous for centuries. The curse lasts 8 hours
Maddening Gaze (1/Day). The vaettir can lock eyes with a and doesn’t require concentration.
creature and drive it mad. Any creature within 30 feet of a
vættir that is the focus of its gaze must make a successful DC
12 Charisma saving throw or become confused (as the spell) MUNDANE ITEMS
for 1d4 rounds. If the save is successful, the target is immune
to the effect for 24 hours.
Potions are common tools among the kobolds of Midgard.
Gnolls rely on them, too, when they feel motivated enough
to collect the ingredients and do the work of concocting.
MAGIC ITEMS Alchemist’s Smoke. Kobolds invented these smoke
The elk horn rod and nithing pole are iconic elements of rune bombs, but now they can be found all over Midgard. Each
magic as it's practiced in the northlands. one is a fist-sized clay bulb containing a mixture of volatile
chemicals that produce a cloud of dense smoke on contact
ELK HORN ROD with air. A smoke bulb can be thrown up to 20 feet as an
Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) action. It shatters on impact to create a cloud of smoke
This rod is fashioned from elk or reindeer horn and that fills a 10-foot cube. The cube is heavily obscured for
marked with the algiz rune. As an action, its wielder 5 rounds, then the smoke clears. Price 20 gp, weight 1 lb.
can grant a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells and Specialized versions of alchemist’s smoke that also do 1d4
magical effects to a target touched by the wand, including acid or poison damage to creatures that start their turn in
him/herself. The bonus lasts 1 round. If the elk horn rod is the cube might also be available, for 50 gp.
held when performing the somatic component of dispel Clockwork Caltrops. Clockwork caltrops resemble
magic or comparable magic, it grants a +1 bonus on the regular caltrops but with the following differences. A bag
caster’s spellcasting ability check. of 20 caltrops can be activated by being shaken vigorously;
this takes an action, and the caltrops remain activated
NITHING POLE for one minute. If they’re dumped onto the ground (as a
Wondrous item, rare bonus action) while activated, the spring-driven caltrops
A nithing pole is crafted to exact retribution for an act of hop around erratically in an area of 100 square feet for 5
cowardice or dishonor. It’s a sturdy wooden stave, 6 to rounds (30 seconds). A creature that enters the area must
10 feet long, carved with runes that name the dishonored make a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take
target of the stave’s curse. The carved shaft is draped in 1 piercing damage, stop moving this turn, and have its
horsehide, topped with a horse’s skull, and placed where its walking speed reduced by 10 feet until it recovers at least
target is expected to pass by; typically the pole is driven into 1 hit point. The saving throw succeeds automatically if the
the ground or wedged into a rocky cleft in a remote spot creature moves at half speed and foregoes taking an action
where the intended victim won’t see it until it’s too late. until the start of its next turn. After 5 rounds, the caltrops
A pole is created to punish a specific person for a specific stop hopping and have no further effect. If the caltrops
crime. The exact target must be named on the pole; a are dumped out without being activated, treat them as
generic identity such as “the person who blinded Lars standard caltrops. Clockwork caltrops can be gathered
Gustafson” isn’t precise enough. The moment the named up for reuse after they stop hopping around. Price 25 gp,
weight 5 lb.
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Richard Harris - [email protected] - 265919
Find Adventure in
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• Wrath of the River King
The elves are few, but far from gone…
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