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Register No: 19MMB012
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Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC & NBA


APRIL -2021
(An Autonomous Institution)
Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC & NBA


This is to certify that the project work entitled



Is the bonafide record of project work done by


Register No: 19MMB012



During the year


_____________ ________________

Project Guide Head of the Department

Submitted for the Project Viva – Voce examination held on

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Date: …………………

This is to certify that Mr. HARI PRASANTH M (Reg No: 19MMB012) II

MBA of KIT-Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore had
undergone a Project in our organization between 2-1-2021 (Date of Joining) and to

During the project tenure His / Her performance was Good.

We wish him / her all success in future endeavour.

Name and Designation of Organization Guide:

Signature of the Organization Guide

With company seal

* To be obtained in the Letter Head of the Organization

I affirm that the project work titled “A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF CONSUMER


HARI PRASANTH M (Reg. No.19MMB012) being submitted in partial fulfilment for the award
of MASTER OF BUSIESS ADMINISTRATION. Certified further, that to the best of my
knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation
work submitted for award of any degree or diploma, either in this or any other university on earlier
occasion by me or any other candidates.

(Reg. No.19MMB012)

I certify that the declaration made above by the candidate is true, to my knowledge.

Signature of the Guide
The success of any project is the co-operative effort of the people around an individual.
For all efforts, project, I am highly intended to the following personalities without whom this
project would ever be completed.

I wish to express my sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to the,

Dr. N. MOHANDAS GANDHI, Principal and Dr. C. RAMESH, Vice Principal,
KIT -Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore for providing the necessary
facilities to carry out this project work successfully.

I would like to extend my gratitude and sincere thanks to

Mr. S. SIVAGNANABHARATHI, Head, Department of Management Studies who has been
very supportive and encouraging for my project work.

At the Outset, I deem it a pleasure in expressing my deep sense of gratitude and sincere
thanks to my guide Mr. S. SIVAGNANABHARATHI, Assistant professor, Department of
Management Studies who has extended a remarkable support and precious guidance in helping me
for completing the project and shared lot of his knowledge.

I am greatly indebted to thank the faculty members, department of management studies,

who have extended a remarkable support to complete my report.

I extend my gratitude for the encouragement that I received from my family for the
unconditional love in supporting my quest for knowledge.

I express my deepest and sincere thanks to the organization management and organization
guide for allowing me to do this project in their reputed concern, who has extended a valuable
guidance and cooperation in spite of his / her work schedule for helping me in completing the


Abstract I
List of Tables II
List of Charts III
1.1 Introduction of the study 1-2
1.2 Review of literature 3-5
I 1.3 Statement of the problem 6
1.4 Objective of the study 7
1.5 Scope of the study 8
1.6 Limitation of the study 9
1.7 Chapter Scheme 10
Organization Profile
2.1 Company Profile 11-14
2.2 Industry Profile 15-20
Research Methodology
3.1Research design 21
III 3.2 Methods of data collection 22-23
3.3 Sampling methods 24
3.4 Data analysis tools used 25-52
IV Data Analysis and Interpretation
Findings, Suggestions and Conclusions
5.1 Findings 53-54
5.2 Suggestions 55
5.3 Conclusions 56
ANNEXURE – I 58-59
4.1 Gender of the respondents 25
4.2 Age of the respondents 26
4.3 Marital status of the respondents 27
4.3 Income of the respondents 28
4.5 Work experience of the respondents 29
4.6 Educational level of the respondents 30
4.7 Opinion of New Models Advertising 31
4.8 Opinion about New Models Weight 32
4.9 Details of E-bikes Mileage 33
4.10 Opinion of E-bikes Running cost 34
4.11 Opinion of E-bikes Maintenance cost 35
4.12 Providing Value For Money Products 36
4.13 Ampere satisfies its Customer in Vast Range 37
4.14 M-series Specially Designed for Household 38
4.15 Z-Series is very much Cool and Trendy 39
4.16 Compare of Lead Acid Lithium Batteries 40
4.17 Opinion of MITRA 400 Design 41
4.18 Trisul is Very Successful in Textile Industry 42
4.19 TRIGO Successful in Three Wheeler Segment 43
4.20 Price range of Ampere are economical 44
4.21 Government Provides Subsidiary for E-bikers 46
4.22 Ampere is Technologically Advanced in Market 47
4.23 Consumer Needs More Innovated Products 48
4.24 Ampere Present Every 20kms around 49
4.25 Dealers Provide Best Service to its Customers 50
4.26 Dealers Provides Many Offers to Customers 51
4.27 Still Ampere Stick with Direct Marketing 52
4.28 Relationship between Gender and Educational 53
4.1 Gender of the respondents 25
4.2 Age of the respondents 26
4.3 Marital status of the respondents 27
4.3 Income of the respondents 28
4.5 Work experience of the respondents 29
4.6 Educational level of the respondents 30
4.7 31
Opinion of New Models Advertising
4.8 32
Opinion about New Models Weight
4.9 Details of E-bikes Mileage 33
4.10 Opinion of E-bikes Running cost 34
4.11 Opinion of E-bikes Maintenance cost 35
4.12 Providing Value For Money Products 36
4.13 Ampere satisfies its Customer in Vast Range 37
4.14 M-series Specially Designed for Household 38
4.15 Z-Series is very much Cool and Trendy 39
4.16 Compare of Lead Acid Lithium Batteries 40
4.17 Opinion of MITRA 400 Design 41
4.18 Trisul is Very Successful in Textile Industry 42
4.19 TRIGO Successful in Three Wheeler Segment 43
4.20 Price range of Ampere are economical 44
4.21 Government Provides Subsidiary for E-bikers 46
4.22 Ampere is Technologically Advanced in Market 47
4.23 Consumer Needs More Innovated Products 48
4.24 Ampere Present Every 20kms around 49
4.25 Dealers Provide Best Service to its Customers 50
4.26 Dealers Provides Many Offers to Attract Customers 51
4.27 Still Ampere Stick with Direct Marketing 52
4.28 Relationship between Gender and Educational 53


Global warming is a major concern all over the world. There are several policies, promises
and pledges to save environment. With the ever-increasing emission of greenhouse gases, there is
an increased fear of environment pollution at every step. With modern technology and innovation,
transportation and communication have undergone a paradigm shift. Increased numbers of fossil-
fuel dependent vehicles, not only add to greater level of pollution but are also leading to depletion
of fuel resources. This has necessitated automobile companies to innovate motorized vehicles
that get charged through electricity and do not depend on fossil fuels. This led to the expansion
of eco-friendly initiatives and many automobile manufacturing companies have invested in
bringing forth E-Bikes, known as Electric Bikes, which help people save a few bucks by reducing
consumption of already spiral fuel price, besides fighting global warming. E-Bikes are
environment friendly as air and noise pollutions are much reduced. In this backdrop, an attempt
has been made in this study to analyze users’ Consumer Behaviour towards E-Bikes in
Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu. The study has divulged that ‘smooth driving’ is the most
influencing factor in the purchase decision of users; none of the socio-economic variables has
any significant association with the satisfaction of e-bike users; and however, ‘poor battery life’
is the most significant problem faced by them.

KEYWORDS: CO2 Emission, E-Bikes, Environment Friendly, Global Warming,

Greenhouse Gases, Pollution.


The feeling of freedom and being one with the Nature comes only from riding a two-wheeler.
Indians prefer the two wheelers because of their small manageable size, low pricing and
maintenance, and availability of loans on liberal terms. Indian streets are full of people of all age
group riding two-wheelers.

Majority of Indians, especially the youngsters prefer motorbikes rather than cars. Capturing a
large share in the two-wheeler industry, bikes and scooters cover a major segment. Bikes are
considered to be the favorite among youth, as they help in easy commutation. Large variety of two
wheelers is available in the market, known for their latest technology and enhanced mileage. Indian
bikes, scooters and mopeds represent style and class for both men and women in India.

India is the second largest producer and manufacturer of two-wheelers in the world. It stands
next to Japan and China in terms of the number of two-wheelers produced and domestic sales.
Indian two-wheeler industry has got spectacular growth in the last few years. The face of auto
industry that was redefined with the invention of fuel-efficient technology is all set to see dawn of
a new era in two-wheeler industry.

It's not petrol or diesel or any other fuel, but it is electricity that has initiated a revolution in
two-wheeler industry in India. Indian two wheeler industry has embraced the new concept of
Electric Bikes and Scooters that are very popular mode of personal transport in the developed
countries like America, Japan and China.

During the last few decades, environmental impact of the petroleum-based transportation
infrastructure, along with the peak oil prices, has led to renewed interest in electric transportation

Electric vehicles differ from fossil fuel-powered vehicles in that the electricity they consume
can be generated from a wide range of sources, including fossil fuels, nuclear power, and
renewable sources such as tidal power, solar power, and wind power or any combination of those.

Global warming is becoming the major concern all around the world. There are several
policies, promise and pledges with the ever-increasing emission of greenhouse gases.

With increased number of fossil fuel dependent vehicles, there is a greater level depletion of
fuel resource. It is here that automobile company felt need to innovate motor pad vehicle that will
get charged through electricity and will not be depending on fossil fuels.

So many automobile manufacturing companies invested in research and development to bring

forth E-bike that will help people to save the fuel.

Majority of Indians, especially the youngsters prefer motorbikes rather than cars. Capturing a
large share in the two-wheeler industry, bikes and scooters cover a major segment. Bikes are
considered to be the favourite among youth, as they help in easy commutation. Large variety of
two wheelers is available in the market, known for their latest technology and enhanced mileage.
Indian bikes, scooters and mopeds represent style and class for both men and women in India.

The feeling of freedom and being one with the Nature comes only from riding a two-wheeler.
Indians prefer the two wheelers because of their small manageable size, low pricing and
maintenance, and availability of loans on liberal terms. Indian streets are full of people of all age
group riding two-wheelers.

Global warming is a major concern all around and to save Mother Earth, there are several
policies, promises and pledges. With the ever-increasing emission of greenhouse gases, there is an
increased fear of environment pollution at every step. With modern technology and innovation,
transportation and communication have undergone a paradigm shift. Along with this, we are also
experiencing the negative effects of industrialization in the form of global warming.


James Belias, Pyrou Chung, James Macdonald (2016) conducted a study on “Encouraging
E-bike use: This report examines the regulation of power assisted bicycles in Australia and
overseas. The current regulations are reviewed and reasons for revising the regulations in Australia
are outlined. The study explores the issues of relevance to the framing of regulations covering
these vehicles, and identifies the actions that are needed to enable these vehicles to make a larger
contribution to the urban transport task.

Chris Cherry and Robert Cervero November (2017). Reveals in their study on “Use
Characteristics and Mode Choice Behavior of Electric Bikes in China,” the electric bike usage in
two large Chinese cities Kunmming and Shanghai.

This article is about the current motto ‘GO GREEN’ which is followed by all leading
economies. It has a brief description about US President Obama’s vision of targeting One million
Electric bikes on US road (2017).

Is India Ready for a Green Drive” from “The Journal of AIMA (All India Management
Association) Indian Management”, Vol.51 Issue Dated 6 June (2017).

In India from Jan 2020 the Production of electric bikes has been increased inspire from the
speech of Prime Minister Respected Narendra Modi (2018) in the budget Releasing time.

The production and also spare parts duties has been decreased because of increasing the internal
sales of e-bikes is the main motive said by Government of China (2018) to increase the Cost and
Production is very much important for us to Increase of our National Growth and also Gross
Domestic Product.

Chinese and Japanese Government Undertaken Many ideas to Increase the Battery life of the
E-bikes from the scratch of its idea said by Japanese Government. From 2021 the usage of reusing
batteries has been increased in the market because of getting feedbacks for the consumers said by
Okaya Battery Production Company at world E-bikes conference (2019).

Kanojia, A.K. (2019): States that top 4 motorcycle segment control 93% market share. Hero
Moto Corp controls executive segment, Bajaj has premium segment and Honda has the dominant
position in scooter segment. The author studied about various factors responsible for Hero Moto
Corp being able to sustain leadership like highest network penetration, highest customer
satisfaction with one of the fastest complaint resolutions.

Nutan Sharma and Rajesh Mehrotra (February, 2019): The study aims to showcase factors
like product attributes, price, resale value, credit facility, mileage and advertisement plays role in
buying decision by keeping in view that future disposable income of average household people
will increase, so in future their demand and need both increases. To meet their expectations, it
become a prime importance to study various factors influencing their perceptions and hence impact
on purchase decision. In Case with the purchase of an automobile, people prefer motorcycle over
a four-wheeler because motorcycle is economical and affordable. In other words, we can say that
motorcycle is a common man vehicle. The study focuses on major two wheelers brand Hero Moto
Corp, Honda, TVS and Bajaj.

Siddhartha and S Mukherjee (2019): The Study reveals. That, the two- wheelers in India are
used for variety of work such as visiting people, carrying loads, outdoor jobs like selling and
buying. In rural areas it helps people to travel more frequently to nearby towns to their daily needs.
The two-wheeler has become a valuable support for increasing productivity and in turn the profit,
besides helping as a personal mode of transportation.

Priyanka Jain (2019): This research analyses the satisfaction of the customer towards two
wheelers. The study was restricted only to DELHI. India is one of the largest manufacturers and
producers of two-wheelers in the world. The preference of the consumers clearly signifies that
their importance of family and friends influencing their purchase, the additional facilities expected,
and many. In the beginning of the century, the automobile entered in the transportation market as
a teddy bear for the rich.



A study about various factors which influence the consumer behavior towards electric bikes -
a study in Coimbatore City

With increasing in air pollution in urban areas and scarcity of fuels Electric Bikes is in great
demand but it is not used by most of the people because of lack of awareness. Thus, the purpose
of the study is to study the awareness level of consumers towards E-Bikes and also the perception
of the users. by creating awareness, we can enhance the sales of Electric Bikes.


Primary Objectives

• To study about the impact of consumer behavior and awareness towards e-bikes at Ampere
Vehicles Pvt Ltd Coimbatore.

Secondary Objectives

• To find out the factors influencing the purchase of e-bikes.

• To find out the awareness of consumer about the e-bikes.

• To know the user’s perception about e-bikes.

• To suggest the measures to increase sales of e-bikes.


➢ The study aims at finding the customer behavior towards e-bikes with respect to
Coimbatore city. The study also aims to find out the customer’s awareness towards electric

➢ The study by ascertaining the factors that motivate end users to purchase electric bikes is
expected to enable respective companies to improve their services, sales promotions etc.

➢ The study also aims at analyzing the level of customer satisfaction with respect to the e-
bikes and their dealers. Customer’s expectations are also gauged to help the companies
regarding after sales service.


➢ The awareness level of the respondents.

➢ Respondents are not willing to fill the questionnaire.

➢ Very often the respondent do not express their true feelings, in such case their habit,
preference, practice, cannot be assessed correctly.


❖ Chapter I This project deals with the introduction of the study. This chapter is composed
of a description of the introduction, company profile, review of literature, statement of the
problem, objectives of the study, scope of the study, limitations.

❖ Chapter II This chapter deals with the company profile, industry profile.

❖ Chapter III This chapter deals with the research methodology, research design, descriptive
research design, data collection, primary data, secondary data, research instrument, sample
size, sample unit, sampling procedure, population, contact method, interview schedule,
scaling techniques, period study, applications research tools.

❖ Chapter IV This chapter deals with the data analysis and interpretation. It consists of
various tools for analysis such as simple percentage, regression, anova, correlation and chi-

❖ Chapter V This chapter deals with the findings of the study, followed by the study
suggestions and conclusions.





A world class engineering major, catering to manufacturing sector along with leadership in
electric vehicles.

Core Values:
✓ Business ethics
✓ Customer Focus
✓ Professional pride
✓ Mutual Respect
✓ Speed and innovation
✓ Excellence in manufacturing
✓ Total quality

Corporate Mission:

Develop and provide reliable electric vehicle equipment, products and services at competitive
prices, integrating best manufacturing practices and providing innovative and eco friendly
technologies and products for the benefit of the society.

Corporate Objectives:

 Business Portfolio Growth:

• To further consolidate Ampere position as a leading supplier of Electric bikes in national
and international market.
• To grow its engineering capabilities by providing turnkey solutions to the customers and
implement projects from concept to full commercialization.
• To diversify across the electric vehicle business to become a leading player in battery
operated vehicles in the country.
• To establish a strong product and services brand in the domestic and international market.

 Customer Focus:
• To develop a special relationship with customers to ensure not only customer delight but
customer success.
• To expand the relationship with existing customers by offering additional services in
engineering, energy conservation strategies, environment protection technologies and
best operating practices.
• To expand the customer base by providing them with newer products.
• To use customer feedback for design improvement and new product development.

 Dynamic Corporation:
• To develop an agile and effective organization which adopts and adapts to the changes
in business environment by continuously assessing the opportunities and encashing
them and evaluating the threats to mitigate them.
• To develop a learning organization having technology based competitive edge in
current businesses and future initiatives.

 Performance:
• To continuously improve the performance with emphasis on cycle time reduction and
cost control in order to sustain long term competitiveness.
• To improve on project execution time and cost to ensure long term viability.
• To operate and maintain the manufacturing facilities at par with the best-run
engineering and metallurgical companies in the world with respect to productivity,
equipment availability, operational reliability and product quality.
• To achieve quality by embedding the best practices in all systems and processes.

 Human Resource Development:

• To enhance commitment of employees by rewarding and recognizing superior

• To imbibe a culture of team building, innovation, empowerment and openness in
order to align all individuals towards the company’s goals.
• To build and sustain a learning organization of competent world class engineers and

 Financial Soundness:
• To continuously strive to reduce cost of capital through prudent deployment of funds.
• To develop sound commercial policies which ensure reasonable returns and

 Research & Development:

• To continue efforts in developing cost effective, reliable and efficient technologies
for Indian and overseas customers.
• To pass on the benefit of Research & Development to the customers.
• To carry out research in development of alternate fuels and technologies

Profile of Ampere which is major manufacturers of electric bike.

Board of Directors

◾ Meda Pandurangasetty Shyam,

◾ Hemalatha Annamalai ,
◾ Bidadi Anjani Kumar,
◾ Mohanan Manikram,
◾ Subbu Venkata Rama Behara,
◾ Nagesh Basavanhalli.

Basic Information:
◾ Nature of Business - Manufacturer
◾ Additional Business - Distributor
◾ Founder - Mrs. Hemalatha Annamalai
◾ Company CEO - Mr. Sanjeev
◾ Total Number of Employees - 101 to 500 People
◾ Year of Establishment - 2007
◾ Legal Status of Firm - Limited Company (Ltd. / Pvt. Ltd.)
◾ Annual Turnover - Rs.100 - 150 Crores

Statutory Profile:
◾ GST No. - 33AAHCA0665K1ZQ
◾ CIN No. - U51900TZ2008PTC017628


The face of auto industry that was redefined with the invention of fuel-efficient four-stroke
engine technology is all set to see dawn of a new era in two-wheeler industry. It's not petrol or
diesel or any other fuel, but its electricity that have initiated a revolution in two-wheeler industry
in India.

Indian two-wheeler industry has embraced the new concept of Electric Bikes and Scooters that
are very popular mode of personal transport in the developed countries like America, Japan and
China. With the rising cost of fuel at International and national level, increasing levels of pollution
and congestion in transport system specially in Urban areas, higher running and maintenance cost
of vehicle, the electrically charged bikes or scooters have very bright future in area of personal

“It is estimated that India’s fossil fuel dependency on other countries currently from 70% to
82% in 2012. If we can have three lakhs Electric Vehicles on the roads by 2020, including three-
wheelers, cars, and scooters, this could result in a reduction of over 16 lakh metric tons of CO,
NOx and HC by 2020 savings of over Rs 3,700 crores in foreign exchange and significant health
costs savings”

Economic conditions around the world have been very encouraging. Global growth is
increasing year by year. While the Chinese economy is growing at around 10% without any signs
of slow down, the Indian economy is also continuing to grow at more than 8%. In the coming
years, and Indian economy will be booming owing to the heavy demand on infrastructure. Energy
sector is growing by leaps and bounds as it is receiving the highest attention of both the State
Governments and Central Government.

India has moved from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy. The manufacturing
sector now contributes around one-fourth of the total GDP and the industrial output has now
crossed USD 65 Billion in value. Global steel production is continuing its growth. In spite of some
control measures adopted by Chinese Government the crude steel registered an impressive growth
and has crossed 450 million tons.

India is also witnessing a huge growth in steel production and it is expected that steel industry
will continue to grow by more than 12% per annum.

Sustainable economic growth of India as well as rest of the world will depend on effective
energy planning. Nearly 40% of the world’s energy comes from petroleum. Natural gas contributes
to another 20% and these two natural resources account for 60% of the world’s energy. The growth
in consumption of oil and natural gas in the past has been such that the consumption has been
doubling every 15 years. This trend is likely to continue and will lead to complete depletion of
natural resources in next 30 years. It is significant to note that more than 20% of the world’s total
primary energy is consumed in transportation. There are more than 410 million cars currently in
the world and in another 20 years the automobile population will reach one billion mark. It is also
significant to note that after 1970 the new oil discoveries have been very few and any new
discoveries will not make any significant contribution to the world’s energy pool.

Transportation sector which consumes a large share of energy resource of the country also
contributes significantly towards pollution. So, the main mission is to provide vehicles which are
emission free, which do not use petroleum products and which are inexpensive to acquire and
operate. Our launch of battery-operated Bikes has been highly successful and Genxt is now
developing several new vehicles for the Indian market. Our launch in India has developed interest
for our vehicles for international market also and in the future, we will be exporting these vehicles
to other countries. Genxt will continue to provide leadership in this segment by delivering
innovative, cost effective, practical and environmentally friendly electric vehicles.

Economic and environmental forces are frequently pitted against each other and many a times
the financial cost of environmentally friendly technologies and goods is so high that one has to
strike a balance or look for Government subsidies. Our Electric Vehicles are unique in this aspect
as they are not only economical but also environment friendly.

Most People are not aware of how long electric bicycles have been around you might think its
something new since the recent fuel shortage and cost spikes we all hate, or even because of Global
Warming and the whole go green awareness. But not true although it might be one reason for their
recent surge in popularity also the technology has improved 10-fold. In the 1890s, electric bicycles
were documented within various U.S. patents. For example, on 31 December 1895 Ogden Bolton
Jr. was granted U.S. Patent 552,271 for a battery-powered bicycle with “6-pole brush-and-
commutator direct current (DC) hub motor mounted in the rear wheel.” There were no gears and
the motor could draw up to 100 amperes (A) from a 10-V battery.

Two years later, in 1897, Hosea W. Libbey of Boston invented an electric bicycle (U.S. Patent
596,272) that was propelled by a “double electric motor.” The motor was designed within the hub
of the crankshaft axle. This model was later re-invented and imitated in the late 1990s by Giant
Lafree electric bicycles. By 1898 a rear-wheel-drive electric bicycle, which used a driving belt
along the outside edge of the wheel was patented by Mathew J. Steffens. Also, the 1899

U.S. Patent 627,066 by John Schnepf depicted a rear wheel friction “roller- wheel” style drive
electric bicycle. Schnepf's invention was later re-examined and expanded in 1969 by G.A. Wood
Jr. with his U.S. Patent 3,431,994. Wood’s device used 4 fractional horsepower motors; each rated
less than ½ horsepower and connected through a series of gears.

Torque sensors and power controls were developed in the late 1990s. For example, Takada
Yutky of Japan filed a patent in 1997 for such a device. In 1992 Vector Services Limited offered
and sold an electric bicycle dubbed Zike. The bicycle included Nickel-cadmium batteries that were
built into a frame member and included an 850 g permanent-magnet motor. Despite the Zike, in
1992 hardly any commercial electric bicycles were available. It wasn’t until 1998 when there were
at least 49 different bikes. Production grew from 1993 to 2004 by an estimated 35%. By Contrast,
according to Gardner, in 1995 regular bicycle production decreased from its peak 107 million
units. Some of the less expensive electric bicycles used bulky lead acid batteries, whereas newer
models generally used NiMH, NiCd and/or Li-ion batteries which offered lighter, denser capacity
batteries. The end benefits usually varied from manufacturer; however, in general there was an

increase in range and speed. By 2004 electric bicycles where manufactured by Currie
Technologies, EV Global, Optibike, Giante Lite, Merida, ZAP.

Yangzhou; in some areas they may outnumber motorcycles or regular bicycles By 2001 the
terms, E-Bikes, power bike, pedelec, assisted bicycle and power- assisted bicycle where commonly
used to describe electric bicycles. E-bike, according to Google, is a term that has increased in trend.
This term generally referred to an electric bicycle which used a throttle. The terms Electric
Motorbike or E-Motorbike have been used to describe more powerful models which attain up to 80
km/h. PEDEGO Electric Bicycles are taking the nation by storm, offering a stylish, and colourful
electric bikes that use a throttle control for power.

In a parallel hybrid motorized bicycle, such as the aforementioned 1897 invention by Hosea
W. Libbey, human and motor inputs are mechanically coupled either in the bottom bracket, the
rear or the front wheel, whereas in a (mechanical) series hybrid cycle, the human and motor inputs
are coupled through differential gearing. In an (electronic) series hybrid cycle, human power is
converted into electricity and is fed directly into the motor and mostly additional electricity is
supplied from a battery.

Pedelec is a European term that generally referred to an electric bicycle that incorporated a
torque and/or a speed sensor and/or a power controller that delivered a proportionate level of assist
and only ran when the rider pedalled. On the opposite side, a Noped is a term used by the Ministry
of Transportation of Ontario for similar type vehicles which do not have pedals or in which the
pedals have been removed from their motorized bicycle. Finally, Assist Bicycle is the technical
term used to describe such a vehicle and Power-Assisted Bicycle is used in the Canadian Federal
Legislation, but is carefully defined to only apply to electric motor assist, and specifically excludes
internal combustion engines (though this is not the case in the United States).

Today, China is the world's leading producer of electric bicycles. According to the data of the
China Bicycle Association, a government-chartered industry group, in 2004 China's manufacturers
sold 7.5 million electric bicycles nationwide, which was almost twice the year 2003 sales; domestic
sales reached 10 million in 2005, and 16 to 18 million in 2006.[8] By 2007, electric bicycles were
thought to make up 10 to 20 percent of all two-wheeled vehicles on the streets of many major

cities. A typical unit requires 8 hours to charge the battery, which provides the range of 25–30
miles (40–50 km),[8] at the speed of around 20 km/h.

A large number of such vehicles is exported from China as well (3 million units, worth 40
billion yuan ($5.8 billion), in the year 2006 alone)

We are looking at practical and true figures of current Indian markets. Current year 2009-10
will end up with Indian total e-bikes sales at 120K bikes. Every year market is expected to rise
initially by 100% and then by 200%. A lots of bikes we will see on the road in coming 5 years,
just like bicycles and petrol scooters. As people started accepting the technology and limitations
of e-bikes, a definite positive trends has started now. Due to collective efforts by manufacturers,
Ads, PRs, dealership networks hard work, people accepting e- bikes in a middle segment between
bicycle and petrol scooter. If you see both ends i.e. bicycles and petrol bikes are showing very
attractive sales figures. The middle segment of e-bikes has turned now to enter in the high growth
curve. Electric Bikes companies are highly optimistic about the e-bikes future.

According to Indian manufacturers of electric bikes, or e-bikes, are gearing up for what they
call a second wave of growth for these “plug and ply” bikes. They say they are on the verge of
launching faster versions of their bikes and this would blunt the edge of traditional two-wheeler
bikes in the country. a survey India may surpass china in numbers of e-bikes sale by 6- 8 years.

The chargeable battery and do not require petrol to operate. All the e-bikes today do not require
registration or license. This means they have to follow certain statutory norms that specify that the
speed of such two-wheelers should not be more than 25kmph.

“Some of the e- bikes companies are now all set to launch a new e-bike—that would have an
engine of 750 watts, compared with 250-watt engines that existing e-bikes have. It would require
registration and license to ride and the average speed would be 35-40 kmph. This would help
explode the demand for e-bikes in India,” says Avinash Bhandari, director of Ahmedabad-based
Electrotherm (India) Ltd one of the major Electric bikes manufacturers, He says “The real game
would begin when we launch our high-powered engine e-bike to compete with TVS Scooty Pep+
and Honda Activa”. Citing the reason for the new models, Bhandari said that potential buyers were
apprehensive as they believed that a scooter has to look like a scooter and must carry more weight

at higher speeds. “To a common user, performance and affordability is important. It does not matter
what fuel is being used or no fuel is being used,” he added.

Hero Cycles Ltd, like Electro therm, launched its range of Hero electric ultra- powered electric
two-wheelers in seven variants of e-bikes and e-scooters branded as Hero Electric and priced
between Rs14,300 and Rs19,000. The e- scooters are in the range of Rs22,000-28,000. With no
organized body to represent these manufacturers, industry players guess that there are between 75
and 80 players manufacturing e-bikes in India.

Still, key hurdles remain for the e-bike industry One of the major issues is that many small
players are flooding the markets with a product that doesn’t meet statutory requirements. “They
are not supposed to have a speed of over 25kmph, but many do as they use a motor of higher
capacity. Some of them launch their vehicle and also give warranty but do not have adequate dealer
or service network. They also do not have spare parts. All this creates a very negative image in the
minds of people and can badly affect the growth of this industry in the medium and long run,”
claims Bhandari.

The chargeable battery and do not require petrol to operate. All the e-bikes today do not require
registration or license. This means they have to follow certain statutory norms that specify that the
speed of such two-wheelers should not be more than 25kmph.

Electric bike manufactures are hoping that the creation of a strong dealer network and service
support will help make a dent in the conventional two- wheeler market.

Ganesh Mahalingam, managing director of Greaves Cotton Pvt Ltd., another entity that
manufactures e-bike in joint venture with Ampere Electric group, says that they too are working
on a faster electric vehicle that would have a speed of about 50-70kmph. “It would take us six
more months but remember that the electric bike market has come of age only in last six months
as, unlike in the west where e-bike is a lifestyle product and for some an environment friendly
technology, in India it is an economical mode of transportation. Primarily it is an aam admi
(common man) vehicle as it is 10 times cheaper to operate an electric two-wheeler that the
traditional petrol bike,” Mahalingam said.




Research in common parlance refers to search for knowledge. The advanced learner’s
dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as a carefully investigation of
enquiry especially through search for new facts in branch of knowledge. The systematic approach
concerning generalization and the formulation of a theory is also research. The purpose of the
research is to discover to questions through the application of scenic procedures.


The research has mainly three objectives-

➢ To know the awareness of e bikes in Coimbatore city.

➢ To know the factors that influence the purchase of e bikes in Coimbatore city.
➢ To know the awareness of people toward e bikes in Coimbatore city.


In this study descriptive type of the research design has been used.


Descriptive research design studies are those studies, which are concerned with describing the
character of a group.They are used when the researcher wants to describe specific behavior as it
occurs in the environment. There are a variety of descriptive research methods available, the nature
of the question that needs to be answered drives which method is used. Traditionally, descriptive
research involves three main categories: observation, case studies, and surveys.


The task of data collection begins after a research problem has defined. Researcher should keep
in mind two types of data, primary data and secondary data. The primary data are those, which are
collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be original in character. The secondary
data, on the other hand, are those which have already been collected by someone else and which
have already been passed through the statistical process. Both, primary data and secondary data
were used in accomplishment of objective of the research.


The primary data are those, which are collected a fresh and for the first time happen to be
original character. It has been collected through a questionnaire.


The secondary data are that which has been collected book, articles, company websites, and


Questionnaire containing open ended and closed ended questions.


In population it covers the total consumer in Coimbatore city.


Sample unit is Users of E-bikes in Coimbatore city.


Sample of 100 respondents were obtained from the population.


The sampling procedure adopted in the present study is convenience sampling.


Respondents are contacted through Dealers.


The interview schedule has been used to collected the data information can be gathered
even when the respondents happen to the illiterate.


Questionnaire was framed on attitude scale having 5-point scales.


The study was conducted for the period of five month.


The following tools were used with the help of statistical software.

❖ Simple percentage analysis

❖ Bar graph and Pie chart Analysis
❖ Regression and Correlation
❖ Chi-square


It is simple analysis tool in this method, based on the opinion of the respondents percentage is
calculated for the respective scale of each other.


Analysis of variance, a statistical method in which the variation in a set of observations is

divided into distinct component.


A bar chart or bar graph is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular bars
with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent. A pie chart is a circular
statistical graphic, which is divided into slices so illustrate numerical proportion. In a pie chart the
arc length of each slice, is proportional to the quantity it represents.


It is statistical modelling regression analysis is a set of statistical process for estimating

relationships among variable.


It is the important test developed by statisticians. I t can be used to make comparison between
theoretical population and actual data when categories are used.



Table No: 4.1

Distribution of the respondents based on their gender


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Male 54 54.0 54.0 54.0

Female 46 46.0 46.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data


The table 4.1 interpreted that, 54 % of the respondents belong to male category and 46 %
of respondents belong to female category.

Table No: 4.2

Age of the respondents


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid less than 25 years 29 28.4 29.0 29.0

25 years - 35 years 25 24.5 25.0 54.0

35 years - 45 years 16 15.7 16.0 70.0

45 years - 55 years 17 16.7 17.0 87.0

Above 55 years 13 12.7 13.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data


The table 4.2 shows that the maximum number of respondents 29% of them are less than 25
years,25% are 25years to 30 years,17% and 16% are of 35 years to 40 years,45 years to 55 years
respectively and 13% are of above 55 years age.

Table No: 4.3

Marital Status of Respondents

Martial Status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Married 58 58.0 58.0 58.0

Unmarried 42 42.0 42.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data


The above the table 4.3 interpreted that 58 % of the respondents belong to married category
and 42 % of respondents belongs unmarried category. The majority 58% of the respondents belong
to the married category.

Table No: 4.4

Income level of the respondents

Monthly Income

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Less than rs 5000 29 29.0 29.0 29.0

Rs 5001-Rs 8000 25 25.0 25.0 54.0

Rs 8001-Rs9000 16 16.0 16.0 70.0

Rs 9001-Rs 12000 17 17.0 17.0 87.0

Above Rs12000 13 13.0 13.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The table 4.4 denotes that the 29 % minimum of the less than 5000 salary,25% of the 5001
to 8000 salary,17 % of the respondents above 8000,16% of the respondents 9001 to 12000 and 13
% of the maximum salary of the up to 12000 salary.

Table No : 4.5

Work experience level of the respondents

Work experience

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Less than 2years 10 10.0 10.0 10.0

2years-4years 28 28.0 28.0 40.0

4years-6years 24 24.0 24.0 64.0

6years-8years 25 25.0 25.0 91.0

No Experience 13 13.0 13.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The table 4.5 Indicates that maximum 28% of employees have up to 2-4 years of work
experience,25% of the respondents 4 to 6 years,24 % of the respondents above 6 years,13% of the
respondents have no experience and minimum 10 % of the employees have less than 1 year

Table No: 4.6

Educational level of the respondents

Education Qualification

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Below SSLC 5 5.0 5.0 5.0

SSLC 18 18.0 18.0 23.0

HSC 18 18.0 18.0 41.0

Graduate 14 14.0 14.0 55.0

Post Graduate 29 29.0 29.0 84.0

Diploma 16 16.0 16.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The table 4.6 states that the 29 % of the respondents are Post Graduate is their qualification,
minimum 5% of the respondents are Below SSLC is their qualification,18% of the respondents
HSC,SSLC and below and 14% of the respondents of the under graduate and 16% of the
respondents other diploma course.

Table No: 4.7

New Models are Advertising Properly

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 39 39.0 39.0 39.0

Agree 30 30.0 30.0 69.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 12 12.0 12.0 81.0

Disagree 9 9.0 9.0 90.0

Strongly Disagree 10 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data


The table 4.7 represents that New Models of the Ampere are Advertised properly accepted by
39% are Strongly Agree,30% are Agree and 12% are Neither agree nor disagree,10% and 9% are
Strongly Disagree and Disagree Respectively.

Table No: 4.8

New Models are Light Weighted

Light Weight

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 30 30.0 30.0 30.0

Agree 24 24.0 24.0 54.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 21 21.0 21.0 75.0

Disagree 14 14.0 14.0 89.0

Strongly Disagree 11 11.0 11.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data


The table 4.8 explains that New Models of the Ampere are light weighted accepted by
Respondents of 30% are Strongly Agree,24% are Agree,21% are Neither agree nor Disagree, 14%
are Disagree and 11% are Strongly Disagree.

Table No: 4.9
E-bikes Provides More Mileage


Observed N Expected N Residual

Strongly Agree 1 20.0 -19.0

Agree 5 20.0 -15.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 18 20.0 -2.0

Disagree 43 20.0 23.0

Strongly Disagree 33 20.0 13.0

Total 100
Source: Primary data

The Table 4.9 represents that When compared to Petrol Bikes E-bikes Provides more range in
Mileage which is Totally disagreed by maximum of 43% and strongly disagreed by 33% ,Neither
agree nor disagreed by 18%, minimum range agreed and strongly agreed by 5% and 1%
respondents Respectively.

Table No: 4.10
E-bikes Running cost is Lesser

Running Cost

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 20 20.0 20.0 20.0

Agree 46 46.0 46.0 66.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 15 15.0 15.0 81.0

Disagree 11 11.0 11.0 92.0

Strongly Disagree 8 8.0 8.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.10 shows that When compared to Petrol Bikes E-bikes running cost is lesser which
is agreed by 46%,20% are strongly agreed which is 15% are Neither agree nor disagreed,11% of
respondents are disagreed and 8% are Strongly disagreed.

Table No: 4.11
E-bikes Maintenance cost is higher

Maintenance Cost

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0

Agree 9 9.0 9.0 10.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 11 11.0 11.0 21.0

Disagree 26 26.0 26.0 47.0

Strongly Disagree 53 53.0 53.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.11 interprets that When compared to Petrol Bikes E-bikes Maintenance cost is
higher which is Strongly disagreed by 53% and Disagreed by 26% and 11% of respondents are
Neither agreed nor Disagreed and 9% and 1% are Agreed and Strongly Agreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.12
Providing Value for Money Products

Value for Money Products

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 12 12.0 12.0 12.0

Agree 21 21.0 21.0 33.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 11 11.0 11.0 44.0

Disagree 52 52.0 52.0 95.0

Strongly Disagree 5 5.0 5.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data


The Table 4.12 denotes that Ampere Provides Best Value which is totally Disagreed by 52%
of Respondents,21% which is agreed,12% and 11% which is Strongly agreed, neither agreed nor
disagree respectively and 5% which is Strongly.

Table No: 4.13
Ampere satisfies its Customer in Vast Range

Customer Satisfaction

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 36 36.0 36.0 36.0

Agree 30 30.0 30.0 66.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 16 16.0 16.0 82.0

Disagree 12 12.0 12.0 94.0

Strongly Disagree 6 6.0 6.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.13 Indicates that Ampere satisfies its Customer in Vast Range of its Respondents
of 36% are Strongly agreed,30% are Agreed,16% are Neither agreed Nor Disagreed,12% are
Disagreed and 6% are Strongly Disagreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.14
M-series Specially Designed for Household

M-series for Households

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 40 40.0 40.0 40.0

Agree 44 44.0 44.0 84.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 9 9.0 9.0 93.0

Disagree 1 1.0 1.0 94.0

Strongly Disagree 6 6.0 6.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data


The Table 4.14 represents that Ampere Scooter M-series is Specially Designed for Households
which is maximum Agreed by 44%, Strongly Agreed by 40%, Neither agreed nor disagreed by
9% and 6% and 1% are Strongly Disagreed and Disagreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.15
Z-Series is very much Cool and Trendy


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 17 17.0 17.0 17.0

Agree 53 53.0 53.0 70.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 20 20.0 20.0 90.0

Disagree 7 7.0 7.0 97.0

Strongly Disagree 3 3.0 3.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.15 states that Ampere Scooter Z-series is Very much Cool and Trendy which is
Agreed by 53% of Respondents and 20% are Neither Agree Nor Disagree and 17% are Strongly
Agreed and 7% and 3% are Disagreed and Strongly Disagreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.16
Compare to Lead Acid Lithium Batteries are More Efficiency

Battery Life

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 32 32.0 32.0 32.0

Agree 53 53.0 53.0 85.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 8 8.0 8.0 93.0

Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 97.0

Strongly Disagree 3 3.0 3.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.16 agrees that When Compared to Lead Acid Lithium Batteries are More
Efficiency which is Agreed by 53%,32% are Strongly Agreed,8% are Neither agreed Nor
Disagreed,4% are Disagreed and 3% are Strongly Disagreed.

Table No: 4.17
MITRA 400 Especially Designed For Commercial Purpose


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 35 35.0 35.0 35.0

Agree 38 38.0 38.0 73.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 14 14.0 14.0 87.0

Disagree 7 7.0 7.0 94.0

Strongly Disagree 6 6.0 6.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.17 Explains that Mitra 400 is Especially Designed for Commercial Purpose
Which is Agreed by Maximum of 38%, Strongly Agreed by 35%, 14% are Neither Agree Nor
Disagree and 7%, 6% are Disagree and Strongly Disagreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.18
Trisul is Very Successful in Textile Industry

Trisul is Successful

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 8 8.0 8.0 8.0

Agree 6 6.0 6.0 14.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 17 17.0 17.0 31.0

Disagree 44 44.0 44.0 75.0

Strongly Disagree 25 25.0 25.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.18 represents that Trisul is Successful in Textile Industry is Maximum of
Disagreed by 44%,25% are Strongly Disagreed,17% are Neither Agreed Nor Disagreed,8% are
Strongly Agreed and 6% are Agreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.19
TRIGO Successful in Three Wheeler Segment

TRIGO Successful

Respondents Mean N Std. Deviation

Strongly Agree 1.111 9 .3333

Agree 1.562 16 .5123

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 1.538 13 .5189

Disagree 1.421 38 .5004

Strongly Disagree 1.542 24 .5090

Total 1.460 100 .5009

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.19 Shows that TRIGO Successful in Three Wheeler Segment is totally Disagree
by 38%,Strongly Disagreed by 24% ,16% are Agreed 13% are Neither Agreed Nor Disagreed and
9% are Strongly Agreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.20
Price range of Ampere are economical

Price Range

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 21 21.0 21.0 21.0

Agree 28 28.0 28.0 49.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 21 21.0 21.0 70.0

Disagree 17 17.0 17.0 87.0

Strongly Disagree 13 13.0 13.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.20 Interprets that Price Range of Ampere are Economical which is accepted by
28% are Agreed, 21% are Strongly Agreed, 21% are Neither Agreed Nor Disagreed 17% are
Disagreed and 13% are Strongly Disagreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.21
Government Provides Subsidiary for E-bikers

Subsidiary for E-bikers

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 29 29.0 29.0 29.0

Agree 40 40.0 40.0 69.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 17 17.0 17.0 86.0

Disagree 10 10.0 10.0 96.0

Strongly Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.21 Interprets that Indian Government Provides Subsidiary for E-bikers Purchasers
to Boost up the sales Which is Maximum Agreed by 40%, Strongly Agreed by 29%, 17% Neither
Agreed Nor Disagreed,10% are Disagreed and 4% are Strongly Disagreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.22
Ampere is Technologically Advanced in Market

Technology Advancement

Observed N Expected N Residual

Strongly Agree 5 20.0 -15.0

Agree 8 20.0 -12.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 16 20.0 -4.0

Disagree 32 20.0 12.0

Strongly Disagree 39 20.0 19.0

Total 100
Source: Primary data

Test Statistics
Chi-Square 44.500a
Df 4

A. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency
is 20.0

The Table 4.22 Denotes that Ampere is Technologically Advanced in Market which is totally
Strongly Disagreed by 39%,32% are Disagreed,16% are Neither Agreed Nor Disagreed and 8%
are Agreed and 5% are Strongly agreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.23
Consumer Needs More Innovated Products from Ampere

Innovated Products

Respondents Mean N Std. Deviation

Strongly Agree 1.276 29 .4549

Agree 1.512 41 .5061

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 1.313 16 .4787

Disagree 1.889 9 .3333

Strongly Disagree 1.800 5 .4472

Total 1.460 100 .5009


Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups (Combined) 3.677 4 .919 4.126 .004

Linearity 2.046 1 2.046 9.185 .003

Deviation from Linearity 1.630 3 .543 2.440 .069

Within Groups 21.163 95 .223

Total 24.840 99
Source: Primary data

Case Processing Summary

Gender Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Respondents 100 95.2% 5 4.8% 105 100.0%

The Table 4.23 represents that Customer Needs More Innovated Products From Ampere Which
is Maximum of 41% are Agreed, 29% are Strongly Agreed, 16% are Neither Agreed Nor
Disagreed, 9% are Disagreed and 5% are Strongly Disagreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.24
Ampere Present Every 20kms around

Present Around Every 20Kms

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 42 42.0 42.0 42.0

Agree 24 24.0 24.0 66.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 7 7.0 7.0 73.0

Disagree 14 14.0 14.0 87.0

Strongly Disagree 13 13.0 13.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.24 Explains that Ampere is present around 20kms which is maximum Strongly
agreed by 42%, Agreed by 24%, 14% are Disagreed, 13% are Strongly Disagreed and
7% Neither agreed Nor Disagreed respectively.

Table No: 4.25
Dealers Provide Best Service to its Customers

After Sales

Observed N Expected N Residual

Strongly Agree 38 20.0 18.0

Agree 41 20.0 21.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 9 20.0 -11.0

Disagree 8 20.0 -12.0

Strongly Disagree 4 20.0 -16.0

Total 100
Source: Primary data

Test Statistics


Chi-Square 64.300a
Df 4
Asymp. Sig. .000

A. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is

The Table 4.25 Shows that After Sales Dealers Provide Best service to its customers which is
Agreed by 41% and 38% are Strongly Agreed and 9% are Neither Agreed Nor Disagreed and 8%
are Disagreed and 4% are Strongly Agreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.26
Dealers Provides Many Offers to Attract Customers

Attract through Offers

Offers Mean N Std. Deviation

Strongly Agree 1.135 37 .3466

Agree 1.568 37 .5022

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 1.667 18 .4851

Disagree 2.000 3 .0000

Strongly Disagree 2.000 5 .0000

Total 1.460 100 .5009

Source: Primary data

The Table 4.26 represents that Ampere Dealers Provides Attracts Customers through Offers
Which is Strongly Agreed by 37% of Respondents, again same as 37% are agreed and 18% are
Neither agreed Nor Disagree, 5% and 3% are Strongly Disagreed and Disagreed by the
Respondents Respectively.

Table No: 4.27
Still Ampere Stick with Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 33 33.0 33.0 33.0

Agree 20 20.0 20.0 53.0

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 17 17.0 17.0 70.0

Disagree 19 19.0 19.0 89.0

Strongly Disagree 11 11.0 11.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Source: Primary data


The Table 4.27 interprets that Ampere Still Stick with Direct Marketing which is Strongly
Agreed by 33% of Respondents, 20% are Agreed, 19% are Disagreed, 17% Neither agreed Nor
Disagreed and 11% are Strongly Disagreed Respectively.

Table No: 4.28
Results showing the relationship between Gender and Educational Qualification


Gender Qualification

Gender Pearson Correlation 1 -.057

Sig. (1-tailed) .285

N 100 100

Education Qualification Pearson Correlation -.057 1

Sig. (1-tailed) .285

N 100 100


Gender Qualification

Kendall's tau_b Gender Correlation Coefficient 1.000 -.060

Sig. (1-tailed) . .253

N 100 100

Education Qualification Correlation Coefficient -.060 1.000

Sig. (1-tailed) .253 .

N 100 100

Spearman's rho Gender Correlation Coefficient 1.000 -.067

Sig. (1-tailed) . .255

N 100 100

Education Qualification Correlation Coefficient -.067 1.000

Sig. (1-tailed) .255 .

N 100 100
The Table 4.28 Revails that there is an relationship between Gender and Educational
Qualification of one tailed correlation Ho is Rejected.


❖ Majority of the respondents belongs to the gender group of male.

❖ Majority of the respondents belongs to the age group of less than 25 years.
❖ Majority of the respondents are married.
❖ Majority of the respondents belongs to 29% income level of less than 5000.
❖ Majority of the respondents belongs to 28% of the 2 to 4 years of Work Experience.
❖ Majority of the respondents are Completed their Post Graduate Degree.
❖ There is more no. of petrol vehicles in the market than the Electric ones.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 39% are Strongly Agreed Proper Advertising.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 30% are Agreed New E-bikes are Light Weighted.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 43% are Strongly Disagreed with Comparison of E-bikes
Mileage with Petrol Bikes.
❖ Media awareness towards electric bikes is very low.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 46% are Agreed with running cost of E-bikes is lesser than
Petrol bikes.
❖ There is a lack of awareness amongst respondents about the benefits of electric bikes.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 53% are Strongly Disagreed with Maintenance cost of E-
bikes is
higher than Petrol Bikes.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 52% are Totally Disagreed with Ampere Provides Best
Value for Money Products to its Customers.
❖ Female customers are now the biggest target segment of EV Industry.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 36% are Strongly Agreed with Ampere satisfies its
customers in Vast range.
❖ Purchasing decisions of an electric bike is not much influenced by the advertisements.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 44% are Agreed with M-series is Specially Designed for
❖ Majority of the respondents of 53% are Agreed with Z-series is Very Cool and Trendy.
❖ There are no well-established players in the market, with a good brand name.

❖ Majority of the respondents of 53% are Agreed with Compared to Lead Acid Lithium Ion
Batteries are More Efficiency.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 38% are Agreed with MITRA 400 are Especially Designed
for Commercial Purpose.
❖ Lack of regulatory authority and safety Standards are a major concern for the industry
in the long run.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 44% are Disagreed with TRISUL is Very Much Successful
in Textile Industry.
❖ High Charging time, Lower Mileage, low Speed, less battery life, Durability are the
major technical issues faced by the electric bike industry.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 38% are Disagreed with TRIGO is Successful in Three
Wheeler Segment.
❖ Lack of government support in the form of subsidy and infrastructure development, is
affecting the industry.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 28% are Agreed with Price Range of Ampere are
❖ Majority of the respondents of 40% are Agreed with Indian Government Provides
Subsidiary for E-bike Purchasers to Boost up Sales.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 39% are Strongly Disagreed with Ampere is
Technologically Advanced in Market.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 41% are Agreed with Customer Needs more Innovated
Products from Ampere.
❖ Majority of the respondents of 42% are Strongly Agreed with Ampere Dealers are present
around every 20kms in Coimbatore City.

❖ More advertisement is needed for the vehicle as many people are not aware of electric
❖ E-bikes are used only for short distance because of low battery capacity, so manufacturers
should concentrate on research and development to increase the capacity of e-bike.
❖ Another major problem in e-bike is the need for frequent charging of the batteries,
to overcome this problem charging centre should be opened at various places.
❖ The first major concern for the company is to take concrete steps to improve the level of
awareness among the people.
Therefore company has to first educate the people about the product by following
❖ Visit the school and colleges to teach the students on the need to go for a greener
❖ Educate the parents and children about the benefits of having a bike with slow speed,
as it makes them a balanced rider.
❖ Organize Road Shows and Exhibitions to educate the people.
❖ Team Up with Environment Protection Groups, NGOs to promote the concept of Go
❖ Highlight the economic viability of the product against the rising fuel price.
❖ To fully charge an Electric Bike it takes around 6-8 hours, which is very long and it is
practically impossible to charge on the go. o To eliminate such problems the Company
has to start investing on R&D more focus must be on developing Indigenous technology
rather than going for Technology Transfer from foreign countries.
❖ Provide finance option, EMI by collaborating with any Private sector bank or
financial Institution.
❖ To overcome the problem of poor battery life faced by the E-Bike users, the manufacturers
should come up with high-tech batteries that offer extended life time beyond two years.
❖ The E-Bike manufacturing companies may also consider solar energy for E-Bikes that may
support for long travel and reduce the charging time of the battery.

Electric Bike industry is in nascent stage still in India, with lots of apprehension about its
durability and quality being offered. While doing this study it became more and more clear
that lack of awareness, regulatory authority, quality issues are some of the biggest
challenges in front of the industry. But with ever increasing Petrol prices and high
pollution, sooner Electric Bikes are going to put a serious challenge to the Petrol Bikes. At
this stage the primary focus of the company shall lie on R&D, improving quality and
educating people. So with Government support in the form of developing the necessary
infrastructure and subsidy to the end customer, there is possibility of Electric Bike Industry
is getting ready for a golden feature.


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1. www.electricbikee.com
2. www.doaj.org
3. www.amperevehicles.com
4. www.electricbikeworld.com
5. www.ebikeindia.com.
6. www.revolt.in
7. www.mojoebike.com
8. www.turgoebike.in

9. www.heroelectric.in


1. Name

2. Gender

(a) Male (b) Female

3. Age

(a) Below 25 years (b) 26 years to 35 years (c) 36 years to 45 years (d) 46 years to 55

(e) Above 55 years

4. Marital status

(a) Married (b) Unmarried

5. Income level

(a)Up to 5000 (b) 5001 to 10000 (c) 10001 to 15000 (d) 15001 to 20000 (e) above

6. Work experience

(a)Up to 1 year (b) 1 - 3 years (c) 3 years - 5 years (d) 5 years - 7 years (e) above 7

7. Educational level

(a) S.S.L.C and below (b) H.S.C (c) UG (d) PG (e) Other Diploma Courses

STUDY FACTORS: Read the following statements carefully and indicate your
response by ticking ( ) in the appropriate column
SA – Strongly Agree; A- Agree; NN- Neither Agree Nor Disagree: DA- Disagree; SD-
Strongly Disagree

Every new models of the Ampere is
Advertising Commercially.
8 New Models of Ampere are light weighted.
Compared to Petrol vehicles Ampere E-bikes
gives more in range of mileage.
Is that Ampere E-bikes Running cost is lesser.
11 Compared to Petrol Vehicles Ampere E-bikes
Maintenance cost is higher.
12 The Ampere provides best value for money
products to its Customers/Consumers.
13 Whether the company satisfies its customer needs
in vast range ?
Is that M-Series specially designed for households.
15 Indian Gov released an article about Registration
for E-bikes. Is that really needed one?
16 Z-Series is the very Cool and Trendy E-scooter of
17 When Compared to Lead Acid batteries Lithium
Batteries are more Efficiency?

MITRA-400 is specially designed for commercial

19 Whether TRISUL is really very successful in
Textile Industry?
20 Whether the TRIGO model will commercially
successful in Three-wheeler Market segment?
Is that Price range of Ampere are economical?
22 Is that Indian Gov provides any Subsidiary for
Purchase of e-bikes?

Is that Ampere is technologically advanced in

24 Is that Ampere provides consumers
technologically advanced products?

Is that Ampere dealers are present around every

20kms range?
26 After Sales the dealers provides best service for its
27 Is that dealers Provides any kind of offers to
attracts Customers/Consumers .
Still Ampere Stick with Direct Marketing?


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