Lesson Plan Student: Josue Mena Ochoa Subject/Concepts: English/ Writing and Comprehension Grade Level: 12

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Student: Josue Mena Ochoa

Subject/Concepts: English/ Writing and Comprehension
Grade Level: 12

1. Standards: Standard Number 7 in the Nevada Academic Content Standards for English

Language Arts for grades 11/12: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to
answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden
the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating
understanding of the subject under investigation students will a to prepare an essay to express the
unfair treatment and unjust ways of the world in regards to people.

 Observable objective: KNOWLEDGE: “Student recalls or recognizes information, ideas, and

principles in the approximate form in which they were learned.” (Blooms Taxonomy)

My goal is introducing to my student the harsh reality of injustices that take part in everyday life. For
them to have the knowledge to identify injustices in the world, and for them to speak and stand up for
themselves and others. In doing so, they will also learn important writing and research skills that are
critical for higher education.

 Multicultural goal: Develop an educational environment that promotes respect for differences.

 Observable objective: COMPREHENSION: “Student translates, comprehends, or interprets

information based on prior learning.” (Blooms Taxonomy)

My multicultural goal is to have students comprehended what they are reading and research. To be able to
discuss and explain of the injustices that they learned. And to recognize and defend against injustices they
may experience or see. To develop and enhance their empathy for other and develop more respect
towards other ethnic groups.

 Auditory-Visual-Kinesthetic learning styles: Auditory learning styles will be used as I

explain the instructions of the assignment to the students and what is expected from them.
They will also receive visual learning styles as recapitulate and explain and instruct the
assignment for their note taking process. We will continue to use visual learning styles as
students and the instructor go over the definitions of racism, bias, discrimination, and
equality. The remaining research for the assignment will be up to the students to do on
their own.

 Gardner's Intelligence:

 Intrapersonal Intelligence: Students will gain an understanding about

themselves and feelings through the process of research and writing their own
essay. Their essay will allow them to gain the ability to monitor their own
thoughts, feelings, and behavior, especially towards their treatment of others.
 Interpersonal Intelligence: This form of intelligence is the key to allow students
to sympathize and develop empathy for other people cultural through writing their
essay. Students are going to think about other ethic group and how they are
treated and reflect upon themselves in what they can do better to change those
injustices. This intelligence will teach the students more about themselves and
how society treats these groups.
 Linguistic Intelligence: This intelligence has everything to do with this
assignment and about English. Students will use words to express their thoughts,
and comprehension of the subject. Especially in this assignment, where students
are being asked to write and research about the injustices of people and what they
have learned.

2. Materials: Writing instrument, Notebook/Paper, Handouts provided in class, Access to the

Internet, Access to a library

3. Instruction- learning Process:

 Do First: To start the teacher will introduce and explain the assignment to the classroom.
They will be given three handouts, the first of which will cover over what the assignment
is about and what they will be writing. This handout will be done together in class where
we will go over the definitions of racism, bias, discrimination, and equality. The handout
will also provide some examples of ethic groups that have been mistreated, but they may
choose other ethic groups not listed if they choose to do so. The second handout is a web
which will help, and guide students start on their assignment and help organize their
thought and gather as much information as possible. The third handout is an outline for
their essay to help student organize their information and teach them how to properly
start and write an essay.
 Mini lesson: On the first day of class we will go over the handout and discuss the details
of the essay involved in the handout. Students will start thinking about the ethnic group
they want to write about and start filling in the blank to the definition on the handout as
we go over it in class. Afterwards we will have a classroom discussion and address any
comments, questions, or concerns that these students may have.
 Guided Practice: The following day students will meet at the library/computer lab
where they will begin their research on the ethic group they choose. In their notebook
they will keep all their research and citations needed for their final paper. The teacher
will walk around answering any questions or help students who may need assistance in
their research.
 Independent Practice: Students will write their rough drafts handwritten, which will be
seen and approved by the instructor before starting their final drafts. They will be
referencing back to the mapping and outline handout and the information they gathered
independently and in class.
 Exit Slip: Student will submit a hard copy of their final essay to the instructor. Which
will then be graded on length requirements, essay formatting, and grammatical

4. Resources:
Multicultural LESSON PLAN PPT

5. Reflection: This lesson plan reflects what multicultural education is about. I choose this subject
because it allowed me to have a wide net for myself, which allowed me to come up with different ideas
and ways to deliver this lesson plan. Out of English, I choose to do a research and writing assignment to
help 12th grade students prepare for college. At that level of education, these students should have a good
comprehension or start to develop on how to research a topic and write exceptional essays. With this
lesson plan, not only will these students gain more insight and hone on their current skills, but also allow
themselves to see the harsh reality of situations they might face. This research assignment into ethnic
groups and their injustices will allow students to develop the skills of becoming more empathic and
sympathetic towards others and themselves. They will develop an understanding of what truly racism,
bias, discrimination, and equality mean and what they can do to prevent and prevail against these
situations. I believe this will grab student’s attention heavily and will make them participate more for this
assignment can be about their own cultural and they can speak freely about what they see or experience.
This assignment biggest strength is everyone has experienced at one point, discrimination, racism, or
inequality which they can relate to the assignment. This assignment is very open topic and can easily be
written and explained. The only weakness I see from this assignment is that students may try to belittle or
joke about the assignment and try not to take it seriously. That can easily be fix thought however, with a
one on one conversation and showing them the importance of this assignment and the positive outcome
that it has.
Essay handout
Topic: Choose an ethnic group that has been through injustice and explain how we can help
that ethic group by eliminating racism and discrimination and make their lives better and
more equal.

Directions: Students must write a five-paragraph essay about an ethnic group of there
choosing, and speak about the injustice they have been through (past or present.) You will
write about the injustice they went through and support your research and personal finding
and how we can find a way to eliminate racism and discrimination from that ethnic group.





Ethnic Groups:
Hispanic/ Latin Americans Asian American
African Americans Arab American
Native Americans European American
You choose (Before you choose another ethnic group not listed, it must get approved first by
the teacher)
Research Essay Outline
I. Introduction

Thesis Statement

II. Body

1. First Point: __________________________________________________________________

Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________

2. Second Point:________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________

3. Third Point _________________________________________________________________

Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________

III. Conclusion

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