What Cyberstalking Is and How To Prevent It

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What is cyberstalking?

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As mentioned, cyberstalking can take many different forms, but in the broadest sense, it is stalking or harassment that takes place via
online channels such as social media, forums or email. It is typically planned and sustained over a period of time.
Cases of cyberstalking can often begin as seemingly harmless interactions. Sometimes, especially at the beginning, a few strange or
perhaps unpleasant messages may even amuse you. However, if they become systematic, it becomes annoying and even frightening.
For example, if you’ve received a few negative comments on Facebook and Instagram, it may upset or annoy you, but this isn’t
cyberstalking yet. For some people, such as semi-celebrities looking for attention, negative comments are actually welcomed.
However, once you start receiving unwanted and annoying messages repeatedly and feel harassed, then the line has likely been
crossed. Cyberstalkers might terrorize victims by sending unpleasant messages systematically, perhaps even several times a day. It is
especially unnerving when such messages come from different accounts managed by the same person. It is probably a good idea to
report this to both the website owners and law enforcement agencies.
Cyberstalking doesn’t have to involve direct communication, and some victims may not even realize they are being stalked online.
Perpetrators can monitor victims through various methods and use the information gathered for crimes like identity theft. In some
cases, the line between cyberspace and real life can become blurred. Attackers can collect your personal data, contact your friends
and attempt to harass you offline.

Who is behind cyberstalking?

Most cyberstalkers are familiar with their victims (https://www.cs.vu.nl/~eliens/sg/local/cyber/social-stalking.pdf). For most people,
frequent messages from friends or colleagues, although often distracting and sometimes annoying, are welcome. However, being
monitored by or receiving intrusive messages from an unfamiliar person or a casual acquaintance can be considered cyberstalking. It
can have many motives including revenge, anger, control or even lust.
Plenty of cyberstalking cases involve someone attempting to get the attention of a former or would-be partner. While some people may
see this behavior as acceptable and even romantic, if the communication is unwanted, it can be considered harassment. If this happens
to you, you can ask that they stop and take measures such as blocking them from your social media accounts. If it persists through
other channels, it may be time to call the police (more on that below).
Other cases of cyberstalking, particularly those involving celebrities or other high-profile individuals, might involve complete strangers.
Some perpetrators suffer from mental health issues and even believe their behavior is welcomed.
Cyberstalking isn’t always conducted by individuals and might involve a group of people. They could be targeting an individual, group or
organization for various reasons including opposing beliefs, revenge or financial gain.

Legal aspects of cyberstalking

It is difficult to find and punish professional attackers because they know how to anonymize themselves behind fake personas
victim-of-cyber-stalker/). Plus, most countries have not yet adopted specific laws that regulate cyberstalking. For example, in the US,
cyberstalking falls under harassment and anti-stalking laws. Depending on the severity of the case, a fine or even imprisonment may be
Cyberstalking specifically has been addressed in U.S. federal law – the Violence Against Women Act
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_Against_Women_Act).  However, there still remains a lack of federal legislation to address
stalking by electronic means, and the majority of legislation is done at the state level. The first U.S. cyberstalking law went into effect in
California. Since 1999, there have been a number of high-profile legal cases (https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/man-
charged-in-california-cyberstalking-case) related to cyberstalking.

How to avoid cyberstalking?

As with many things in life, it’s better to be proactive than reactive when it comes to cyberstalking. Becoming a victim will be far less
likely if you follow our five simple tips below. These guidelines will enable you to enjoy all the benefits of online communication while
remaining completely safe.


Keeping a subdued online existence is tough for some people, especially those who need to use online platforms for self-promotion or
business-related activities. However, many users could benefit from toning things down a little. You should always avoid posting
personal details such as your address and phone number, and think carefully about revealing real-time information such as where you
are and who you’re with.
In an ideal world, you would avoid using your real name in online profiles. While this is difficult for anything work-related, it’s quite
feasible for things like forums, message boards and certain social media accounts. For example, you can use a nickname on Instagram
or Twitter.
If you must maintain your real name and photo, be very wary about who you accept connection requests and messages from. If it’s not
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In some cases, it’s almost impossible to avoid revealing personal information and connecting with people you don’t know, for example,
on dating websites. Unfortunately, these are popular with scammers (https://www.wikihow.com/Spot-Scams-and-Spam-on-Tinder),
and you may even end up chatting with a potential cyberstalker. For this reason, it’s best to stick with reputable sites, do some research
about a suitor before revealing personal information or meeting in person and report any activity that makes you feel uncomfortable to
the site’s administrators.


Keeping your software up-to-date may not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think about cyberstalking prevention.
However, regular software updates are crucial when it comes to preventing information leaks. Many updates are developed to patch
security vulnerabilities and help ensure your information remains safe.
They are especially important for mobile devices which contain valuable data and track your exact location. There are numerous cases
in which cyberstalking begins when an attacker pays someone to hack your email
(https://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/01/28/cyberstalker_sentence/) or phone and uses the gathered information against you. A such,
protecting yourself from hackers is key to cyberstalking prevention.


Many applications and services reveal your IP addres (https://whatismyipaddress.com/get-ip)s (https://whatismyipaddress.com/get-ip)
to the person with whom you’re communicating. This may seem unimportant, but this information is directly related to your personal
data. For example, your IP address is linked to the internet bill that is sent to your home and which you pay with your credit card.
Cyberstalkers can begin with your IP address and use it to find your credit card data and physical address.
To mask your IP address you can use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). This hides your real IP address and replaces it with from a
location of your choice, so you could even appear to be in a different country. It also encrypts all of your internet traffic, keeping it safe
from the prying eyes of hackers.
Another option is to use the Tor browser (https://www.torproject.org/). This also encrypts your traffic, although it may raise flags for law
enforcement agencies as it’s commonly used by criminals themselves. For the ultimate in privacy and anonymity, you can combine Tor
and a VPN (https://www.comparitech.com/blog/vpn-privacy/the-best-vpns-for-tor/). Note that it’s not recommended you use a web
proxy or a free VPN service, as these can often harm your online security more than they help it.


‘Digital hygiene’ is a new term but represents a very important topic, especially with regard to social networks. Maintaining good digital
hygiene helps protect you from cyber harassment, cyberbullying and cyberstalking.
Adjusting privacy settings (https://www.facebook.com/help/325807937506242) is one of the first steps you can take to “clean up” your
accounts. Most social media platforms and some other types of online accounts will let you adjust who can see your profile and contact
It’s also a good idea to keep things like your timelines, feeds and message threads free from negative comments. Aside from potentially
fueling more negativity from others, these can have a significant emotional impact when you re-read them. For example, psychological
support is regularly provided to website moderators, as they seriously suffer from reading aggressive messages, even those that aren’t
sent to them personally.
Social media hygiene is especially important for girls and women. Studies show (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-
brunswick/cyberstalking-single-women-cyberbullying-statistics-1.3904829) that although the majority of internet attacks are aimed at
men, cyberstalking, in particular, is mostly aimed at women.


Surprisingly, many people constantly share personal information about themselves, even outside of social media platforms. By filling out
questionnaires or submitting applications for coupons, you are increasing the likelihood of someone getting their hand on your personal
data and possibly making cyberstalking more accessible.

What to do in case you are being cyberstalked

Block the person

Don’t hesitate to apply all measures permitted by law, especially those offered by web services. If the tools are there, block anyone who
you wish to stop hearing from, even if these messages are just annoying and not yet threatening. Only you can decide when this
boundary has been passed.

Report to the platform involved

If someone is harassing or threatening you, you should block them immediately and report their behavior to the platform involved.
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,and many other platforms have created easy-to-use buttons to quickly report abusive behavior.

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