Business Process Simulation: Module Guide 2016 - 2017 International Business School
Business Process Simulation: Module Guide 2016 - 2017 International Business School
Business Process Simulation: Module Guide 2016 - 2017 International Business School
Module ID
EC 10
Contact hours 5 * 14 = 70
1. Module overview 4
1.1 Content .............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Learning goals.................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Coherence with other modules ......................................................................... 4
1.4 Study materials & recommended further reading ............................................ 5
1.5 Questions and who to contact .......................................................................... 5
1.1 Content
# You can:
1. execute business processes in an international team within a virtual corporate environment
2. understand the relationship between the processes in the different departments
3. execute business process steps in an ERP system
4. translate functional expertise into current process-oriented company practice
actively contribute to the group product and procure a constructive co-operation climate,
within a diverse team
Appendix 1 defines the relationship of the learning goals within this module with your program’s
profile competences.
This module allows you to apply the theoretical knowledge on Financial Management, Supply Chain
Management and Human Resource Management. Students will execute real business processes within
virtual companies.
Study books
Title Author(s) Publisher Year Edition ISBN
D.J.Schenk and Pearson latest 978-1-
Hands-on with SAP ERP and
C.T.Draijer 78365-452-
Questions about the module’s content and study materials can be addressed to your lecturer(s) during
the lessons. The consultation hours of the individual lecturers as well as their office location can be
found in the lecturers’ profile on the DLWO.
2.2 Assignments
Students need to hand in the results from the SAP introduction course, due in week 3
In addition an evaluation, hours worked and answers to questions on ERP have to be handed in, due
in the last week.
Furthermore, a presentation on the results of the project will be given, due in week 14 or students will
give a presentation on the function of their department, due in week 6
You are required to write a plan of approach with KPI’s and PPI’s for your project, due in week 4
After finalizing the plan of approach students will execute all operational processes within the
department they part of.
At the end of the semester, students need to hand in updated versions of the 5 documents:
department paper for the successors (next semester), process paper, master data paper, customizing
paper, document status list
N.B. The grades for the departmental and individual assignments will be adjusted by deduction with a
maximum of seven points when the uploaded five papers, the minutes and the hours are missing.
Hardcopies will be handed over in consultation with the teachers. The grade for the department will
also be adjusted when the KPIs and PPIs are not met.
2.3 Exams
The assessment methods used in this module are summarised below. The table also shows how the
grade for this module will be calculated.
g goal(s) Weight
# Description Form # Lecture week (%)
1 Project work (33%) Portfolio, 1, 2, 3,
Department work (33%) decentral 4, 5 3, 6, and 14 100%
Individual evaluation (34%)
2.5 Resit
If the average grade obtained for this module is below 5.5 you must do a resit. Which resit(s) you must
do depends on which part(s) is/were insufficient. The different situations are illustrated in the table
In other situations,
students have to
redo the whole
module in the next
1 You are required to prepare for lessons. If you come to class unprepared, the lecturer has the right
to deny you access to the lesson. What is requested of you in terms of lesson preparation is stated
below and/ or on the DLWO for this module.
2 You must bring a laptop to school for each class. It is your responsibility to make sure that the
battery lasts throughout each lesson. If you fail to bring a laptop to class and/or if the battery does
not last throughout class, this is regarded as not being prepared. A lecturer then has the right to
deny you (further) access to that lesson.
3 The assignments will not be graded if the level of English is inadequate. If that is the case, you have
to hand in your assignment again in the appointed resit period.
Lecture Activity
1 Introduction
8.30 Introduction Business Simulation for major students
‘Hands-on with SAP ERP and IDES’ chapter 9-12.1; BE 9.2 11.2, 13, 15
2 8.30 ‘Hands-on with SAP ERP and IDES’ chapter 12.2-14.7; BE: 16,
10.10 Introduction ERP
3 Introduction departments
8.30 ‘Hands-on with SAP ERP and IDES’ chapter 14.8-14.23; BE: 18
Hand in 14.23
Project managers hand in project definition and form the project
Prepare plan of approach department
4 Start business simulation
8.30 Department meeting, plan of approach and SMART KPI/PPI’s
12.15 Project Meeting
5 8.30 Department meeting, approval plan of approach department
10.00 Management meeting
12.15 Project meeting
6 9.00 Presentation 1 Function, status and plans department
11.00 Project meeting
7 8.30 Department meeting (some student have exams)
11.00 Project meeting (Dirk-Jan Schenk not present)
8 8.30 Department meeting
10.00 Management meeting
10.30 Project meeting
9 8.30 Department meeting, hand in progress report department
10.30 Project meeting, hand in progress report project
Hand in hours per student
10.30 Project meeting
10 8.30 Department meeting, extra assignment department
10.00 Management meeting
10.30 Project meeting
11 8.30 Department meeting
International Business School 2016 - 2017
Lecture Activity
10.00 Management meeting
10.30 Project meeting
12 8.30 Department meeting
10.30 Project meeting
13 8.30 Department meeting
10.00 Management meeting
10.30 Project meeting
14 9.00 Presentation 2 Project result and
KPI/PPI per department by General Management
15 Hand in and upload all reports
Hand in individual evaluation
LG You can:
III. International marketing & sales, III. International supply chain management, III. International finance & 3
accounting, III. International human resource management
2. II. Business Processes & Change Management 3
3. II. Business Processes & Change Management 3
II. Business Processes & Change Management, III. International marketing & sales, III. International supply 3
chain management, III. International finance & accounting, III. International human resource management
5. I. Intercultural competency, Co-operation, Planning & Organising 3