MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board: Description Timer Basics

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MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board Micrel

MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board

High-Speed BiCMOS Timer/Oscillator

Description Timer Basics

The MIC1555/1557 evaluation board is an assembled daugh- Monostable (One-Shot)
ter board with both an MIC1555 IttyBitty™ timer/oscillator A monostable produces a single pulse “one-shot” each time
and MIC1557 IttyBitty™ oscillator. The evaluation board it is triggered. The pulse width is constant, while the time
plugs into 14-pin DIP sockets and 0.1" solderless prototype between pulses depends on the trigger input. One-shots are
boards. generally used to “stretch” incoming pulses of varying widths
The MIC1555 has separate threshold (upper limit) and trigger to a minimum width.
(lower limit) comparator inputs and may be used as an Pulse width is the time it takes to charge a capacitor from
astable (oscillator) or monostable (one-shot). ground to the threshold’s trip point (2⁄3VS) after trigger goes
The MIC1557 is used as a monostable (one-shot) only, has below 1⁄3VS. Capacitor CT (C4) is charged through resistor
a chip select (CS), and usable output up to 5MHz. RT (R4) connected to MIC1555 OUT [7]. Pulse width, when
In monostable mode, the output pulse width is precisely OUT is high, is approximately:
controlled by charging external timing capacitor CT through t = 1.1 × R4 × C4 = (1.1 × 100pF × 1MΩ = 110µs)
resistor RT connected to the output. Time delays may be Diode D1 allows C4 to quickly discharge when OUT is low,
accurately controlled from microseconds to hours. allowing the circuit to be retriggered within a few microsec-
In oscillator mode, OUT pumps external timing capacitor CT onds.
through a resistor RT connected to both TRG (trigger) and MIC1555 pulse width may be reduced by connecting an
THR (threshold). The output is a nominal 50% duty-cycle, external resistor in parallel with R4 between TH [8,9] to OUT
rail-to-rail output up to 5MHz. [7]. Pulse width may be increased by connecting an external
Requirements capacitor in parallel with C4 between TH (threshold) [8,9] and
The evaluation board operates from 2.7V to 18Vdc with no GND [3,5,6 or 13].
external components. External RC timing elements may be When power is applied, the MIC1555 may produce a single
added to tailor the pulse width or frequency. pulse.
If input TR (trigger) remains low longer than the OUT pulse
width, short oscillations may be seen at OUT since TH has
Refer to the evaluation board schematic in Figure 1 and pcb precedence over TR. These pulses occur as OUT goes low
orientation (below). Circuit board pin numbers and pin names when TH rises above 2⁄3VS and then goes high as soon as TH
are shown in bold or brackets. [1] is located next to “R1”. drops below 2⁄3VS and trigger function is reasserted. By AC
The MIC1555 (T10) OUT [7] remains low until input TR coupling the TR pin with a series capacitor and pull-up
(trigger) [10] falls below 33% of the operating voltage VS [4], resistor (with an RC time constant less than the pulse width)
causing OUT to switch to the positive rail, charging C4 will prevent these short oscillations. AC TR [11] has a 100k
through R4. When the voltage at Threshold pin TH [8,9] rises pull-up resistor and 0.01µF capacitor connected to TR [10] for
above 67% of VS after approximately 110µs, OUT switches <1ms retrigger. Place a capacitor in series with AC TR for
low. faster response.
Threshold has precedence over trigger, i.e., OUT is low Rising-Edge Triggered Monostable
whenever Threshold is above 2⁄3VS, reducing power con- Figure 6 in the MIC1555/1557 data sheet shows how to
sumption. obtain a low-going pulse from a rising edge input.

PCB Assembly Orientation Pin [1]

MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board

(14-Pin Daughter Board—Top View)

MICREL INC. 1849 FORTUNE DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95131 USA TEL + 1 (408) 944-0800 FAX + 1 (408) 944-0970
February 1997 1 MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board
MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board Micrel


T/T 1 R1 OUT 14

VS 4

T/T 2 GND 13

C1 T/T
100pF 1 CS
CT ceramic 3


MIC1557 ceramic
+2.7V to 18Vdc
VS 4 R2 AC TRG 11
VS 1 0.01µF
ceramic CT


5 CS




R4, 1M

D1, 1N4148


Figure 1. MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board

MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board 2 February 1997

MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board Micrel
Long Time Delays Duty Cycle
Timing resistors larger than 1MΩ or capacitors greater than Comparator trip points and similar output charge and dis-
10µF are not recommended due to component leakage charge currents produce a nominal 50% ±2% astable
current inaccuracies. Time delays greater than 10 seconds duty-cycle. If a duty cycle other than 50% is desired, a low-
are more accurately produced by dividing the output of an power fast-signal diode (1N4148 or 1N914) may be con-
oscillator by a chain of flip-flop counter stages. To produce an nected in series with the timing resistor (RA), and a second
accurate one-hour delay, for example, divide a 4.55Hz resistor (RB), in series with an opposite facing diode, must be
MIC1557 oscillator by 16,384 (4000hex, 214) with a CD4020 connected in parallel with RA and its diode, as shown in the
CMOS divider. 4.55Hz may be generated with a 1µF CT and MIC1555/1557 data sheet Figure 2. The cycle time is then
approximately a 156kΩ variable RT. made up of two components: charge time:
Astable (Oscillator) tA = 0.7×RA×CT
The MIC1557 (T11) is optimized for astable operation, with a and discharge time:
CS (chip select/reset) input for low power (<1µA) shutdown. tB = 0.7×RB×CT
The MIC1555 (T10) is optimized for monostable operation,
The frequency is the reciprocal of the sum of the two
but may be used as an astable by connecting TR [10] to TH
[8,9]. MIC1557 is enabled when CS [12] is high.
Oscillator frequency depends on the RC time constant, and 1
f =
is approximately: t A + tB
1 Sequencing
f = = (7kHz)
1.4 × R T × C T MIC1555 OUT [7] may be directly connected to MIC1557 CS
[12] to produce a triggered tone burst. Likewise, MIC1557
when R1 is connected from OUT [14] to T/T [1,2]. The
OUT [14] may be connected to MIC1555 AC TR [11] to
frequency may be increased by connecting an external
produce a train of constant width pulses.
resistor in parallel with R1 from T/T [1,2] to OUT [14], or
decreased by connecting an external capacitor in parallel Precautions
with C1 between T/T [1,2] to GND [3,5,6 or 13]. • OUT is not protected against ESD damage. The usual
The first half-cycle of an astable, after power-on or CS precautions for working with CMOS parts are required.
enable, is lengthened to: • If OUT is heavily loaded, less energy is available for
charging or discharging the RC network, so pulse-width
1.1 × RT × CT = (110µs)
may increase with load.
the same as the pulse-width of a one-shot—since CT is • Inductive loads on OUT may cause latch-up, unless a
charging from ground instead of 1⁄3VS trigger trip. diode clamp is used to prevent negative excursions.
Accuracy • Surface-mount components are very sensitive to over-
The two comparators in MIC1555/1557 use an internal resis- temperature during mounting and may shift value.
tor ratio voltage divider to set threshold and trigger trip points • CS must not be left floating (the evaluation board has a
to approximately 2⁄3 and 1⁄3 of VS, ± 2% respectively. Since 100k pull-up resistor). CS must be above 2⁄3VS for
the charge and discharge rates of an RC circuit are depen- reliable operation.
dent on the applied voltage, timing remains proportionally • Device power dissipation may be exceeded at high VS
constant if the operating voltage varies. and low-resistance output loads.
• The astable MIC1557 (T11) is not designed for
Above 1MHz (<1µs), timing and duty cycle are affected by
monostable operation, as the TH and TR pins are
operating voltage, the values and Q of RT and CT and board
connected together as T/T [1,2].
layout. See the chart in the data sheet. A minimum RT of 1kΩ
• For operation above 1MHz, use fast recovery diodes
and a minimum CT of 68pF are recommended for consistent
(<200ns) to adjust duty-cycle.
operation. If two diodes are used to adjust duty cycle, their
• Reversed polarity power supply connections may
forward voltage decreases with temperature, changing the
destroy the device.
frequency slightly.

February 1997 3 MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board

MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board Micrel
Printed Circit Layout

Top Silk Screen Bottom Silk Screen

Pin [1] Pin [1]

Top Layer Bottom Layer


TEL + 1 (408) 944-0800 FAX + 1 (408) 944-0970
This information is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Micrel for its use nor for any infringement of patents or
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© 1996 Micrel Incorporated

MIC1555/1557 Evaluation Board 4 February 1997

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