Simulators For Occlusion
Simulators For Occlusion
Simulators For Occlusion
Dr.Hussam Hussein Othman Ali
'Resident in Fixed Prosthodontics Department'
Minia University
OF: Prof.Dr. Wael Al
Table of content
RELATED WORKS………………………………………………………...…...……3,4
DATA ACQUISITION…………………………………………………………......…4,5
Semi-adjustable articulators have often been used to simulate occlusal dynamics, but
advances in intra-oral scanning and computer software now enable dynamics to be modelled
mathematically. In the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, occlusion is defined as “the static
relationship between the incising or masticating surfaces of the maxillary or mandibular teeth
or tooth analogues” and articulation is defined as “the static and dynamic contact relationship
between the occlusal surfaces of the teeth during function”. Since occlusion is sometimes used
in a broader sense, we refer to occlusion as a comprehensive statement of maxillary and
mandibular dentitions that involves both the static relationship and dynamic transition
expressed with six-degree-of-freedom movement in this review.
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However, because of the dynamic nature of the occlusion and neuromuscular system in the
oral cavity, conventional methods have limitations in providing adequate understanding of
spatial dentition relations and practical procedures for occlusal adjustment. Concepts of
functional occlusion and subsequent occlusal adjustments are difficult to impart using such
static methods.
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The computerized system for simulating the mandibular movements has been the focus of
many studies. Hayashi et al firstly presented a computerized system to simulate mandibular
movement and to visualize and analyze occlusion by measuring tooth shape with a 3D laser
scanner and recording mandibular movement optically. They made use of discrete 2D height-
field data of tooth surfaces, and calculated minimal distances between points on opposing
surfaces to generate occlusion. Okamoto et al reported a similar system that combined an
optoelectronic tracking device for mandibular movements with a 3D contact-type digitizer for
tooth shape. This system could simulate dynamic occlusal situation and estimate occlusal
contact area by exhaustively checking the distances from every point of the height-field to the
points of the opposing surface. Kordass and Gartner developed the VR-articulator software
tool—DentCAM using a 3D laser scanner and an ultrasonic measurement system. This
software allowed users to analyze static and dynamic occlusion as well as jaw relation. In
addition, the movement paths of bilateral condylar points were simultaneously visualized
which were in a sagittal and transversal view.
However, all of the three systems did not mention the penetration between upper and lower
teeth during the simulation. Because the skull model was not incorporated into these
systems, the dynamic situation of the whole mandible (including the TMJ condition) cannot be
visualized. Enciso et al introduced computer methods to precisely visualize the movement of
the whole mandible in 3-dimensions using CT data, digital models produced by destructive
scanning, and mandibular motion capture. Gallo et al presented a method of reconstruction
and animation of the TMJ function using MRI data and jaw tracking technology.
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Dynamic intra-articulator space of the TMJ was computed and visualized in this system.
Nonetheless, these two systems concentrated merely on analyze the dynamic condition of the
mandible or the TMJ, rather than analyzing occlusal situation. Based on the research noted
above, we developed a novel dynamic dentomaxillofacial system, including the following
functions: 1. simulating the movement of the whole skull, and providing time resolved
information on the jaw movement; 2. producing various movement paths of arbitrary points on
the mandible; 3. analyzing dynamic occlusal contact situation and the TMJ condition using a
new method; 4. providing various 2D and 3D measurement tools.
The digital skull models are necessary to visualize the jaw movements on the screen. We
create the 3D CT skull models from CT data. The skull of the patient undergoes CT scanning,
and the digital CT data are transferred from the CT scanner to the computer using a CCD. The
3D skull model is reconstructed using the Marching Cubes algorithm. Thus the upper and
lower jaw models are segmented, and stored in STL format. Afterwards, we reconstruct the
digital dentitions by scanning the plaster models with the optical 3D measuring system. The
upper and lower casts aligned in the relationship of ICP (intercuspal position) are scanned, and
the digital upper and lower dentitions are then registered in ICP. Finally, the digital bone
models are registered into the digital dentitions using an iterative closest point algorithm. The
composite skull models with high detailed dental crowns are created, and exported for
computerized manipulation. Furthermore, we must measure the mandibular movement data for
simulation of the patient’s jaw motion. The ultrasonic-based system (ARCUS digma) is used
to recording various jaw movements with six degrees of freedom.
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This system measures the position of three sensors using four receivers according to the run
times of ultrasonic impulses. In this system, the 3D positions of three virtual points (an incisal
point, and both condylar points) in relation to the standard coordinate system are computed
and stored sequentially with respect to time. In addition, the bitefork with the upper cast in its
silicone occlusal registration is 3D scanned. By registering the composite skull models into the
bitefork, the digital models and the motion data are combined in the standard coordinate
We utilize the Visualization ToolKit (VTK) and OpenGL to provide 3D data visualization.
The system reads in the 3D models generated from the scan data, and provides various tools
for users to browse, measure and inspect the whole skull conveniently. These tools include
2D/3D measurement tools, clipping planes and specific plane visualization, as shown in Fig. 1.
Distance and angle measurements are provided both in 2D and 3D, clearly distinguished
from each other by different colors and notations. Users can simultaneously perform multiple
measurements on the models. The measurements keep updating during the motion playback,
providing a dynamic view of the statistics which users are concerned about. Also users can
easily create a clipping plane along arbitrary direction, so as to inspect and measure concealed
anatomical structures. The system enables users to freely perform measurements on the
clipping plane, thus a large number of anthropometric parameters of the occlusion, anatomy,
orthodontics, and orthognathic surgery can be measured, which are applicable in operation
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Fig.1. 2D/3D measurement tools, the clipping plane (cyan) and specific plane visualization
(magenta). Different colors are used to distinguish different measurements.
In addition, users can define and visualize a specific plane by picking three points that are
supposed to be on the expecting plane. It can be used to visualize imaginary planes, such as
occlusal plane and Frankfort plane. These planes can be acted as reference planes during the
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2. Motion Paths
The system provides users with various movement paths of arbitrary mandibular points,
including the kinematic center points, and any points that users designate on the mandible
(Fig.3). The system calculates the movements of the points throughout the recorded motions,
and generates a movement path in 3D for each of them. These paths can be browsed, measured
and monitored as the models can, and the system automatically keeps the consistency between
the paths and the models in real time. By measuring these paths, many distances and angles
were provided, such as ranges of movement, opening angle, shift angle. All of these
parameters can be used to analyze the motion of the condyles and specialized points.
Fig.2. The user interface of the system. Video control panel is positioned below the menu.
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Fig.3. Motion path visualization. The points tracked are indicated by the square markers (on
both sides). Users are also enabled to perform measurements on the tracks.
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Fig.4. Real-time occlusal analysis results. Inter-surface distances are indicated by different
Fig.5. Penetration checking algorithm.Different situations are illustrated by (a), (b) and (c).
Fig.6. The results of accurate occlusal analysis and the color assignment dialog.
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Fig.7. TMJ analysis results.
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4. Accurate Occlusal Analysis and TMJ Analysis
As a result of the compromise, the real-time occlusal analysis algorithm gives only less-
detailed version of the occlusion, and has distinct limitation because of its 2D height-field
assumption. To provide users with more comprehensive and detailed information, we design
another occlusal analysis algorithm that is more timeconsuming but gives better results. The
algorithm consists of two stages: the penetration checking stage and the
distance calculation stage. In the first stage, we traverse all vertices of the teeth models and
determine whether a vertex penetrates into the opposing model. This is done via the following
1. Shoot a ray from the vertex in question along the direction away from the opposing model.
2. Check the ray with the opposing model for intersections.
3. If the number of intersections is odd, the vertex in question is considered penetrating the
opposing model.
Some examples are provided in Fig.5 to illustrate the algorithm of this stage. In the second
stage, the system looks for a nearest vertex on the opposing model for each vertex that is not
considered as a penetration. The distance to the nearest vertex is stored, and later used to
generate the occlusion by assigning colors to different ranges of distances (Fig.6). The
occlusion on the models can be browsed and measured with the model, and the details and
concealed areas of occlusion can be explored by zooming in and using clipping planes. The
results provided are helpful for evaluating occlusal dysmorphology and designing dental
prostheses with functional occlusal surfaces. As an extensive application, the new algorithm
can also give satisfactory results in TMJ analysis (Fig.7). We use fossae and condyles models
instead of teeth models, and assign colors to larger distance ranges to visualize interarticular
space. Thus the users can analysis and diagnosis of the TMJ condition according to the
relation between the joint space and the loading.
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All the functions provided are satisfactorily integrated in the system, and can be smoothly
switched using the toolbars around the view. Various visual cues are provided in order to
guide users in 3D operations, such as trackball rotation, and further improve the performance
of the user interface. In addition, users are allowed to use 3D mice for navigation if available.
Users can navigate with a 3D mouse in the non-dominant hand, while operating on the models
with the usual pointing device (mouse, for example) in the dominant hand, according to the
concept of two-handed interaction. All these techniques are employed in order to build a more
efficient, intuitive and natural user interface.
Our system can be used to analyze mandibular movements, occlusal contacts and TMJ
situation. All of these functions are helpful to dental education because many conceptions and
parameters in dentistry become intuitionistic. In addition, many quantitative data are also
provided in our system, which benefit dental research. As far as dental clinic is concerned, this
system assists diagnoses and therapies, and monitors the develop of diseases. We invited ten
specialists among the dentists to perform an evaluation. After a period of trial, the subjects
were surveyed on the degrees of satisfaction of the functions and the interface of our system.
The results are presented in Table 1. It is revealed that our system is sufficient for the
education, the research, and the clinic in dentistry.
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Table1. Evaluation results
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