Authorised:: Authorised: Foss Version 1 - Approved By: Faec November 8 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
Authorised:: Authorised: Foss Version 1 - Approved By: Faec November 8 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
Authorised:: Authorised: Foss Version 1 - Approved By: Faec November 8 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
Assessment limits Word count: 2500 words+/- 10%. The word count does not include information provided in the appendices or references.
Pass requirement 50%
Write a report whichevaluates The Spice Kitchen’smarketing activities and approach. Your report should draw on relevant marketing theory and provide a
critical commentaryof the organisation and its key findings.Make sure to define key terms used i.e. Marketing Mix, STP etc. You should ensure you
reference your work using Cite them right Harvard.
The report should be based on the use of the following analytical techniques:
External PESTLE Analysis (Make sure to include headings for each PESTLE factor: Using the PESTLE framework, conduct an external analysis of
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Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
sector in which the company operates, highlighting key factors which may be a threat or an opportunity for the organisation going forward. (600 words)
SWOT Analysis: Using the SWOT framework, provide an internal analysis of the organisation’sstrengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in
successfully meeting the needs and wants of the target consumer segment. Review the implications of your findings for the Spice Kitchen. As appropriate, you
should summarise the effectiveness of current marketing arrangements and indicate areas for further development. (600 words)
Marketing Mix Analysis:Using the 7P Marketing Mix framework, detail how marketing tactics could be employed to attract one key consumer segment.Your
report should include the discussion and application of theoretical concepts e.g ‘customer segmentation’(500 words)
STP Strategy:Using the STP framework, describe the organisation’sSegmentation, Targeting and Positioning approach, identifying one target consumer and
the specific needs and wants of that segment. You should clearly apply Kotler’s (1984) DAMP model to your targeting strategy, you must also include a
perceptual map for your organisation and its competitors (500 words)
You should provide evidence of wider reading and market research sources to enhance your work, with clear Harvard referencing throughout. Your market
research sources could include: MarketLine, Mintel, BBC. The Guardian, and other credible sources (Do not use Wikipedia, Tutor4U, MBA Skool or UK
Appendices. You can provide more information on some of the sections above and attach as appendices.
1. SWOT analysis
2. PESTLE analysis
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Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
3. 7Ps Marketing Mix
The evidence gathered through the application of these analytical techniques on the business should be placed in the appendices with their key findings in your
main report. Theappendices provide the evidence base in support of the main report.
Elements which are not included in the assessment word count limit are: the title and contents page, models, diagrams, tables, reference list and appendices.
The appendices should be clearly numbered and signposted in the main text of the assignment report.
Here is a possible structure for your report which you may wish to follow.
In the first part of your report, you should briefly set out the focus of your report and introduce the Spice Kitchen. You should briefly explain how you went
about collecting evidence for your report. You should also set the scene theoretically by summarising changing conceptions of marketing in recent years.
Part two of the report: External analysis of the sector using a PESTEL framework
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Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
Using a PESTEL framework, conduct an external analysis of the sector (business context), highlighting key factors which may be a threat or an opportunity for
the organisation going forward.
This part of your report should summarise your understanding of key concepts relating to the sector. You should then explain how you undertook the analysis
and identify the key factors that emerged from it. The completed PESTEL itself should be placed as an appendix item.
This part of your report should show your understanding of key concepts relating to consumers and end-users. You should then briefly discuss theories of
market segmentation, targeting and positioning before applying the STP framework to the Spice Kitchen.You should then explain how you undertook the
analysis and identify the key lessons that emerged from it.
This part of your report should show your understanding of key concepts relating to marketing activities. You should explain how you used the 7P Marketing
Mix framework to analyse the Spice Kitchen’smarketing activitiesand summarise the key findings. Your completed 7P marketing mix template itself should be
placed as an appendix item.
This part of the report should bring together the findings from the previous analysis and, using the SWOT framework, provide an internal analysis of the Spice
Kitchen’sstrengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in successfully meeting the needs and wants of the target consumer segment. As appropriate, you
should summarise the effectiveness of current marketing arrangements and indicate areas for further development. The completed SWOT template should be
placed in the appendix.
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Part six: Recommendations and conclusion
Finally, you should summarise the key findings from your analyses and make some recommendations in terms of the Spice Kitchen’s marketing approach.
You should also comment on your conduct of the evaluation, identifying any limitations in the evidence gathered and techniques used.
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Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
Assessment criteria A (70-100%) B (60-69%) C (50-59%) D (40-49%) E (30-39%) F (0-29%)
Work of an Work of a good Work of a Work of a Work of an No learning
outstanding, standard. competent satisfactory unsatisfactory outcomes
excellent and standard. standard to standard * fully met.
very good pass.
Good evidence
of reading Content relevant
attempt to
outside the to the Limited reading
Material merely address the
recommended question/task. only; mostly just
repeats that found assignment
Evidence of use reading list and Reading based limited to
on Moodle. Too brief or
of independent is beyond on main texts or theonline
little evidence of learning
Level of research and range of reading with the Moodle online materials, but module. Only a
reading, from outcomes or
additional material used. use of a variety module. All not always few sources used
workshop and to engage
of relevant and significant utilized in and those taken
Moodlemodule or with module
up to date source content accurate. supporting from materials
outside. Limited materials. No
materials. A good argument. A provided in
analysis of evidence of
understanding is limited range of workshop and
sources. reading or
demonstrated of sources of wider on Moodle.
analysis of
the background reading is used.
sources. 6
|Page reading.
Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
An excellent
understanding of Good Basic
Competent demonstration
key concepts understanding of understanding of Lacks
understanding of of knowledge
and the key concepts and key concepts and understanding of
key concepts or
implications of the implications the implications the key concepts
and their understanding
them in relation of them for the of them for the and their
application to of key
to the organisation organisation. implications for
the organisation. concepts and
organisation. Full Some key issues the organisation.
Competent their
These are used identification of identified but Few key issues
Understanding of key concepts identification of application to
to provide full key issues, discussed in a identified.
and the implications of them for most key issues the
answers to all which are predominantly Wholly
the organisation which are organisation.
parts of the analysed in a descriptive descriptive.
discussed. A Wholly
assignment thorough way. rather than No evidence of
range of relevant descriptive
supported A good level of analytical way. examination or
theory and lacking in
throughout by application of Limited relevant application of
competently theory.
theory. theory to support theory applied to theory. Failure to
applied to Failure to
Excellent answers which support the answer the
support answers answer the
understanding of are of a good answers. question as set.
in most places. question as
key issues, overall standard.
analysed in
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Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
Excellent use of
Thorough use of No evidence
a broad range of
a good range of Competent use Competent use Limited of application
analytical of fairly good of fairly good application of of analytical
techniques range of range of analytical techniques to
applied to the
applied to the analytical analytical techniques to the the
organisation. techniques techniques organisation. Poor organisation.
Good evidence applied to the applied to the evidence of the No evidence
evidence of the
of the use of organisation. organisation. use of these of the use of
Application of analytical use of these
these techniques Some evidence Some evidence techniques in the
techniques to the organisation techniques in
in practice. of the use of of the use of practice. techniques in
and critical evaluation of its practice. Critical
Critical these techniques these techniques Evaluation and practice.
current marketing strategies evaluation and
evaluation and in practice. in practice. findings not Evaluation
key findings
key findings Evaluation and Evaluation and clearly based on and findings
clearly based on
clearly based on findings broadly findings broadly use of the not based on
use of the
use of the based on use of based on use of techniques. use of the
technique Good the techniques. the techniques. Limited techniques.
level of Some awareness Some awareness awareness of No awareness
limitations of the
awareness of of limitations of of limitations of limitations of the of limitations
limitations of the the evaluation. the evaluation. evaluation. of the
gathered and its
evaluation. evaluation.
Structure of argument, clarity of All arguments Most arguments Key arguments Limited Little or no No evidence
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Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form
writing and Harvard referencing are analysed are analysed, a are analysed, evidence of evidence of of engaging
with effective range of and conclusions analysis, some analysis and with the
conclusions appropriate idea drawn and obvious insights limited insights or assignment
provided and and conclusions presented. offered. conclusions materials,
overall the offered and a Structure and Structure is drawn. Lack of content
structure is clear clear structure writing style muddled, or structure, poor unclear due to
and well laid and writing clear. Repeated writing style writing style with poor structure
out. A clear and style. Minor errors in lacking in extensive errors in and writing
accurate writing repeated errors grammar, coherence. grammar, style with
style. Very few in grammar, spelling, Regular or spelling, extensive
errors in spelling, punctuation and frequently punctuation and errors in
grammar, punctuation and syntax evident. repeated errors syntax. Harvard grammar,
spelling, syntax evident. Repeated errors in in grammar, references spelling,
punctuation and Minor errors in and/or omissions spelling, negligible or punctuation
syntax evident. Harvard in Harvard punctuation and missing in either and syntax.
Harvard referencing, or referencing both syntax evident. the assignment Harvard
referencing all some omissions within the Significant and/or in the references
present and both within the assignment and repeated errors reference list missing in
correct both assignment and in the reference and/or omissions either the
within the in the reference list in Harvard assignment
assignment and list referencing both and/or in the
in the reference within the reference list
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list assignment and
in the reference
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Authorised: Authorised: FoSS version 1 - Approved by: FAEC November 8th 2016. Ref: 2 Module Assessment Briefing Form