Total Affiliated Colleges
Total Affiliated Colleges
Total Affiliated Colleges
7 4237 Peoples Eduaction Societys, Sheka Education B.Ed Smt. Indira P. Sutar
College, Shekh Campus, AP: Belagavi-590 010, 0831-2473253
TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi 9880629846, 9844615387
[email protected],
[email protected]
8 4221/ Sanmathi Shikshan Sahakar Samithi, Mahaveer Mirji B.Com.,M.Com., Prof. N. I. Gadad
9418 Commerce College, Samithi Avaran, Neharu Nagar, 0831-4208443
AP: Belagavi-590 010, TQ: Belagavi, DT: Belagavi 9482635793, 7795574752
[email protected],
[email protected]
9 4242 Sanmathi Shikshan Sahakar Samithi, College of B.B.A., Shri. Nikhil R. Ragashetti
Business Administration, Samithi Avaran, Neharu 0831-6450358
Nagar, AP: Belagavi-590 010, 9916071471, 9901139964
[email protected],nikhilra
[email protected]
10 4227 Maratha Mandals, Commerce College, 1007, B.A.,B.Com., Dr. A. B. Pawar0831-2472982,
9427 Mala Maruti Badavane, Near Police Farade Ground, B.Sc., 2475363, 2475362
AP: Belagavi-590 016, TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi M.Com.,M.Sc. 9481109038, 9480497915
(Chemistry). [email protected],
[email protected]
11 4226/ Anjuman-E-Islam, Anjuman Arts and Commerce B.A.,B.Com., Dr. H. I. Timmapur
9437 College. Opp District Court, AP: Belagavi-590 016, M.Com., Ressi-2478661, 0831-2421932
TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi 9448634403, 9986785471
[email protected],
[email protected]
12 4343/ Suresh Angadi Education Foundations, Angadi B.Com., B.B.A., Smt. Sangeeta Desai
4348/ Commerce and Science College, C.A.Site- B.C.A., 0831-2405146/ 7022590326
4378 02,Benakanahalli, Savaganva Raod, AP: Belagavi, B.Sc., M.Com. [email protected],
TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi [email protected]
13 4013 Government Education College , Kakativees Road, B.Ed. Smt. Mamatha V. Nayak
Near Channamma Circle, AP: Belagavi-590 002, 0831-2460197, 9591539062
TQ:Belagavi, DT: Belagavi [email protected]
14 4428 Kansartium Mainaritys, Associations, Arts and B.A., B.Com., Prof. Alisab Nadaf
Commerce College, CTS No: 2224, M.E.Tower, 0831-4262939, 421659, 6054000
2nd Floor, Khade Bazhar, AP: Belagavi-590001, 9448148868-Chairman
TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],,
[email protected],
[email protected]
15 4222/ Dakshin Maharastra Education Mandals, Bhaourao B.A.,B.Com., Belagavi Dr. S. N. Patil
9426 Kakatkar College, Jyoti Compund, Club Road, B.Sc., 0831-2469512, 2425958
AP: Belagavi-590 001, TQ: Belagavi, DT: Belagavi M.Com.,M.Sc. 9480398120
(Chemistry). [email protected],
[email protected]
16 4247 Dakshin Maharastra Education Mandals, College of B.B.A., Shri. Basavaraj Kolache
Business Administration Jyoti Compund, Club Road, 0831-2423073
AP: Belagavi-590 001, TQ: Belagavi, DT: Belagavi 9880322129, 8951087899
[email protected],
[email protected]
17 4361 Dakshin Maharastra Education Mandals, College of B.C.A., Prof. A. V. Patil
Computer Application, Jyoti Compund, Club Road, 0831-2970484, 2461159
AP: Belagavi-590 001, TQ: Belagavi, DT: Belagavi 9880177097
[email protected],
[email protected]
18 4420 S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institutes, B.Sc. (Sugar Science B.Sc Dr. R. B. Khadagave
and Technology) College, C.T.S. No.4125/1 B, (Sugar Science and 0831-2472483
Ganeshpur Road, Laxmi Tech, AP: Belagavi-590 009, Technology) 9449644679, 9448157757
TQ/DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
19 4236 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Education Societys, Sagar B.Ed Shri. Raju V. Halaba
Education College, C.T.S.No.4125/2B, Laxmi Tekadi, 0831-2447776
Ganeshpur Road, AP: Belagavi-590 009, 9481006310, 8722342703
TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
20 4363 K.L.E.Society's, Commerce College, Near Jakkeri B.Com Smt. Dhanashri D.
Honda, Belagavi-590 001, TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi Kulakarni0831-
[email protected]
21 K.L.E.Society's, Lingaraj College, College Raod, B.A., B.Com., Dr. R. M. Patil
Belagavi-590 001, TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi B.B.A.,M.Com. 0831-2420027
M.A.(English , 9481982242, 9972816349
22 4235 K.L.E.Societys, Education College, Lingraj College B.Ed Shri. Vasantaraj Panchakshari
Campus, College Road, AP: Belagavi-590 001, Kuri, 0831-2403423
TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi 9738611980
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
23 4216/ K.L.E.Society's, Raja Lakhamgouda Science College, B.Sc.,B.C.A., Dr. V. D. Yalamali
9417 College Road, Belagavi-590 001, TQ: Belagavi, M.Sc.(Maths, 0831-2420435
Dt: Belagavi Physics).M.C.A. 9448152629
[email protected],
[email protected],
24 4223 Executive Board of the Methodist Church, Beynon B.P.Ed., Shri. M. T. Patil (Incharge)
Smith Physical Education College, Club Road, 0831-2466457 / 9448543114
AP: Belagavi-590 001, TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],
25 4229 Executive Board of the Methodist Church, Beynon B.A., B.Com., Shri. Syamuyel Dyaniyal
Smith Methodist Degree College, Camp, College 0831-2467712 / 7353921975,
Road, AP: Belagavi-590 001, TQ: Belagavi, [email protected],
DT: Belagavi [email protected]
26 4234 Belagaum Daisis Board of Education And Social B.B.A., Falero. Kendi. Trevor. Josef
Welfare, St, Zeveiors College of Business 0831-2420381, 2446815
Administration, Khanapur Road, Camp, 9739836720, 9902597635
AP: Belagavi-590 001, TQ: Belagavi, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected],
27 4228 Muslim Education Societys, Islamiya Arts and B.A., B.Com., Shri. C. R. Payannavar
Commerce College, Camp, AP: Belagavi-590 001, 0831-2464733, 9448693857
TQ: Belagavi,DT: Belagavi, [email protected]
28 4416 Shikshan Prasarak Mandals, Adarsh Commerce B.Com., Smt. Supriya S. Haladanakar
College, Adarsh Nagar, Vadaganvi, 0831-2496398
AP: Belagavi-590 005, TQ/DT: Belagavi 9482548095, 9900508025
[email protected],
[email protected]
29 4379 Gomatesh Vidyapeeth, Arts College, Hindwadi, B.A., Shri. Mahesh R. Karekar
AP: Belagavi-590 011, TQ: Belagavi,DT: Belagavi, 0831-4217441, 8904809950,
[email protected],
[email protected],
30 4240 Gomatesh Vidyapeeth, College of Computer B.C.A., Shri. Mahesh R. Karekar
Application, Hindwadi, AP: Belagavi-590 011, 0831-4217441, 8904809950,
TQ: Belagavi,DT: Belagavi, 8095849216
[email protected],
[email protected],
66 4016 Government First Grade College, AP: Hukkeri-591 B.A., B.Com., Dr. S. Shrinivas
309, TQ: Hukkeri, Dt: Belagavi B.Sc. B.B.A., 08333-266519, 9844916922
[email protected]
67 4398 Shri. Mahanteshwar Vidya Trusts, Vishwanath M. B.A., B.Com. Prof. V. S. Hugar
Katti First Grade Arts and Commerce College, 08333-267282
Ghataprabha Road, AP: Bellad-Bagewadi-591 305, 9164465251, 7090804026,
TQ: Hukkeri, DT: Belagavi 9164465251
75 4288/ K.L.E.Society's, G. I. Bagewadi Arts, Commerce and B.A.,B.Com., Dr. M. B. Kothale
9423 Science College, AP: Nippani-591 237, TQ: Chikodi, B.Sc.,M.Com., 08338-220116
Dt: Belagavi M.Sc.(MATHS), 9449200570
M.A. (English) [email protected],
76 4291 K.L.E.Societys, Education College, G.I.Bagewadi B.Ed Shri. D. V. Badiger
College Campus, AP: Nippani-591 237, TQ: Chikodi, 08338-221536
Dt: Belagavi 9449105962, 8421378981
[email protected],
[email protected]
77 4331 K.L.E.Society's, College of Business Administration, B.B.A. Shri. Nachiket
G. I. Bagewadi College Campus, 176/A, Akkol Road, Hanamantgouda08338-221516,
AP: Nippani-591 237, TQ: Chikodi, Dt: Belagavi 8296509630
[email protected],
[email protected]
78 4293 K.L.E.Society's, College of Coumputer Applicationn, B.C.A. Shri. Anand Tanvashi
G. I. Bagewadi College Campus, 176/A, Akkol Road, 08338-221516
AP: Nippani-591 237, TQ: Chikodi, Dt: Belagavi 9886162440
[email protected],
[email protected]
79 4423 K.L.E. Society's, Commerce Degree College, Akkol B.Com., Shri. L. R. Maali
road, AP: Nippani-591 237, TQ: Chikkodi, DT: 9538592824, 9538592824
Belagavi. [email protected],
[email protected]
80 4289 V. S. Mandals, College of Computer Application, B.C.A. Shri. S. B. Patil
Behind I.B, AP: Nippani-591 237, TQ: Chikodi, Dt: 08338-222242
Belagavi 9620131146
[email protected],
[email protected]
81 4289 V. S. Mandals, College of Business Administration, B.B.A. Shri. S. B. Patil
Behind I.B, AP: Nippani-591 237, TQ: Chikodi, Dt: 08338-222422
Belagavi 9620131146
[email protected],
[email protected]
82 4400 Vidya Savardhak Mandals, Arts, Commerce and B.A., B.Com., Prof. C. R. Joshi
Science Degree College, Shintre Colony, AP: B.Sc., 08338-222242
Nippani-591 237, TQ: Chikodi, DT: Belagavi 9986012100
[email protected],
[email protected],
83 4399 Sahakar Education and Social Welfare Society's, B.A., B.Com., Shri. Ramesh Rajaram Ramate
Chatrapati Arts, Commerce and Science Degree B.Sc., 08338-276924
College, Nippani Jatrat Road, AP: Nanganoor- 8050513772
Nippani-591 241, TQ: Chikodi, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
84 4257 Chikodi Taluka Education Societys, Physical B.P.Ed., Shri. Iranna B. Ghasti
Education College, R.D.College Campus, AP: 08338-275224
Chikodi-591 201, TQ: Chikodi, DT: Belagavi 9535904261, 9663503741
[email protected],
[email protected]
85 4254 Chikodi Taluka Education Societys, Education B.Ed Dr. Chandrashekaryya V.
College, R.D.College Campus, AP: Chikodi-591 201, Hiremath
TQ: Chikodi, DT: Belagavi 08338-272654
9449511213, 9035056246
[email protected],
[email protected]
86 4256 Chikodi Taluka Education Society's, Arts and B.A., B.Com., Shri. L. N. Hallappanavar
Commerce College, R.D.College Campus, 08338-272250, 9880263336
AP:Chikodi-591 201, TQ:Chikodi, Dt:Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
87 4413 Shri. VeershaivaVidyaSansthe, Amar Shivshri. M. M. Shri. D. B. Patavardhan
Dharmoji Yoga Mahavidyalaya, NM Road, 08338-274566
Certificate Course
NoukararaBhavan, Opposite R.D. High School, AP: 9880456134, 9448693001
in Yoga
Chikodi-591 201, TQ: Chikodi, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected],
88 4402 C.L.E Societys, Degree College, Basav Circle, AP: B.A., B.Com., Shri. S. S. Metagudda
Chikodi-591 201, TQ: Chikodi, Dt: Belagavi B.Sc., 08338-272006
7411486177, 9901088627
[email protected],
[email protected]
89 4255 C.L.E Societys, Shri. B. C. Gangal Education College, B.Ed Shri. Suresh B. Ukkali
Basav Circle, AP: Chikodi-591 201, TQ: Chikodi, Dt: 08338-272258, 481216487
Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected],
134 4012 Government First Grade College AP: Athani-591 304, B.A., B.Com., Prof. D. Y. Kamble
TQ: Athani, DT: Belagavi B.Sc. B.B.A., 8296071136, 7795341482
[email protected],
[email protected]
135 4205 K.L.Esocietys, Y. G. Kulagode Education College, B.Ed Prof. B. D. Gadag
AP: Athani-591 304 TQ: Athani, Dt: Belagavi 08289-286270
[email protected],
[email protected]
136 4335 K.L.E.Society's, Shivayogi Murughendra Swamiji B.B.A., Shri. Shidagouda C.
B.B.A College, AP: Athani-591 304, TQ: Athani, Biradar08289-251660
DT: Belagavi 8197958689
[email protected],
[email protected]
137 4206 K.L.E.Society's, Shivayogi Murughendra Swamiji B.C.A.., Jyoti Kininge
College of Computer Application, AP: Athani-591 08289-251660 / 9901400615
304, TQ: Athani, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
138 4202 K.L.E.Society's, Shivayogi Murughendra Swamiji B.A., B.Com., Shri. R. F. Inchal
Arts, Commerce and Science College, AP: Athani- B.Sc. 08289-251173 / 9901071980
591 304, TQ: Athani, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
139 4204/ Jadhav Education Society's, Shri. K. A. Lokapur Arts, B.A., B.Com., Shri. R. M. Devareddi
4334/ Science, and Commerce College AP: Athani-591 304, B.Sc., B.B.A., 08289-251003
9434 TQ: Athani, DT: Belagavi M.A., (English)., 9972617671, 9632288950
M.Com. [email protected]
140 4414 Model Education Societys, Noble Degree College, B.A., Smt. Shailashri Tukaram
Halyal Road, AP: Athani-591 304, TQ: Athani Dt: Tubachi8095944866/9483074381/
Belagavi 9449384857 / 9741661846
[email protected],
[email protected]
141 4431 Shri. N. L. Banajawad Memorial Educational & B.Sc Shri. Basavaraj Gurki
Chariti Trust, Banajawad Degree College, AP: 7349634085, 9986205655,
Athani-591 304, TQ: Athani Dt: Belagavi [email protected]
142 4415 Shri. Sadguru Rayalingeshwar Gnyana Vidya B.Com. Shri. K. D. Patil
Societys, Matoshri Neelamma First Grade College, 08289-238111 / 9481172027
Shri. Sadguru Rayalingeshwar Sansthanmath, AP: [email protected],
Kakamari-591 265, TQ: Athani, DT: Belagavi [email protected]
143 4281 Shikshan Prasarak Mandals, S. G. S. Arts and B.A., B.Com., Shri. P. M. Chougala
Commerce College, AP: Madhabhavi-591 232, TQ: 08289-236666 / 9945125378,
Athani, DT: Belagavi 9945972899
[email protected],
[email protected]
144 4275 Shri. Mallikarjun Ashram Trusts, Shivanand College, B.A., B.Com., Dr. S. O. Halasagi
AP: Kagawad-591 223, TQ: Athani, DT: Belagavi B.Sc., B.B.A., 08339-264653, 9448827641
com, [email protected],
145 4424 Sanmati Shikshan Sahakari Samiti Limited's, B.Com., Shri. K. B. Samaj
Commerce College, AP: Shedabal-591 315, TQ: 9900371080 / 9964902876
Athani, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
146 4020 Government First Grade College, AP: Kokatanur-591 B.A., B.Com., Dr. Renuka M. Raddi
230 TQ: Athani, DT: Belagavi B.Sc. B.B.A., 08289-257460, 9902348096
[email protected],
[email protected]
147 4028 Mallappa Yegappa Khyadi, Government First Grade B.A., B.Com., Dr. Udayakumar L.
College, AP: Telasang-591 265 TQ: Athani, DT: B.Sc. B.B.A., Doddamani08289-294400,
Belagavi 9886448702
[email protected],
[email protected]
148 4377 K.L.E.Society's, Commerce College, AT: Shiraguppi- B.Com. Prof. A. A. Patil( Incharge)
591 242, TQ: Athani, DT: Belagavi 08339-265391, 9901517133,
7760370529, 9901517133,
[email protected],
149 4339 Peoples Education Society's, College of Business B.B.A., B.Com., Shri. Ramachandra G.
Administration, AP: Ugar-Khurd-591 316, TQ: Killedar8123483108
Athani, DT: Belagavi 9449985799, 9035385626
[email protected],
[email protected],
150 4310/ Shiragaonkar Education Society's, Arts and B.A., B.Com. Shri. Shridhar Mahadev
9439 Commerce College, Near Railway Station, AP: Ugar- M.Com., Joshi08339-272063, 7204590027
Khurd-591 316, TQ: Raibag, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
151 4024 Government First grade College , AP: Raibag-591 B.A., B.Com., Shri. L. B. Banashankari
317, TQ: Raibag, DT: Belagavi B.Sc. B.B.A., 08331-224563, 9731248480
[email protected],
[email protected]
152 4295/ Shikshan Prasarak Mandals, Arts and Commerce B.A., B.Com. Prof. P. B. Munnyal
9438 College, AP: Raibag-591 317, TQ: Raibag, DT: M.Com. 08331-225210, 9632056363
Belagavi [email protected]
153 4296/ Shikshan Prasarak Mandals, Physical Education B.P.Ed. M.P.Ed., Shri. R. K. Patil
9445 College, AP: Raibag-591 317, TQ: Raibag, Dt: Certificate course 08331-224649
Belagavi in yoga 8105274447, 9449442283
154 4270 Shri. S. S. Jambagi Memorial Education and B.Ed Shri. Husenamiya D. H
Charitiable trusts, Shri Shiddivinayak Grameen 08331-220113 / 9448860250
Education College, AP: Harugeri-591 220, TQ: [email protected],
Raibag, DT: Belagavi [email protected]
155 4375 K.L.E.Society's, Malagouda Patil Commerce College, B.Com Shri. M. S. Ujjenimatha
AP: Raibag-591 317, TQ: Raibag, DT: Belagavi 08331-224614, 9632363364
[email protected],
[email protected]
156 4373 Shri. Bharama Annappa Chaugale Education B.A., B.Sc., Shri. Sunil Diggewadi
Society's, Smt. Hirabi Bharama Chaugale Arts and B.Com. 08331-225357
Science College AP: Raibag-591 317, TQ: Raibag, 9901410103, 8431520011
DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
157 4328 Adarsha Education Society's, Adarsha Arts and B.A., Shri. S. B. Mirji
Commerce College, AP: Soundatti-591 213, TQ: 08331-228421, 9620859938
Raibag, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
158 4391 Shri. Swami Vivekanand Education Societys, Shri. B.A., Shri. Santosh B. Sanadi
Basavaraj Siddappa Sanadi Arts and Commerce 08331-233643, 9900110475
College, Suttatti-Cross, AP: Suttatti-591 217, TQ: 7204171111, 9886242407
Raibag, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
159 4294 Shri. Halasiddeshwar Education Society's, Late. Shri. B.A., B.Com. Shri. K. M. Ager
Janardhanrao Parashuram Shirgurkar Degree College, 08331-233363 / 9740514364
AP: Paramanandwadi-591 311, TQ: Raibag, DT: [email protected],
Belagavi [email protected]
160 4340 Shri. Murugharajendra Education Society's, Shri B.A., Smt. Veena K. Marakatti
Murugharajendra Degree College, AP: Koligudda-591 08331-220305
220, TQ: AP: Raibag, DT: Belagavi 9980361034, 9008046697
[email protected]
161 4280 Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Education Society's, B. B.A. B.Com., Shri Ashok S. Kamble
Shankarand Arts College, AP: Kudachi-591 311, TQ: 08331-235392
Raibag, DT: Belagavi 9632198347, 9620929316
[email protected]
162 4269/ Shikshan Prasarak Mandals, Arts and Science B.A., B.Sc., B.Com Shri. L. M. Metri
9441 College, AP: Harugeri-591 220, TQ: Raibag, DT: M.A(History) 08331-257937,9731327403
Belagavi [email protected],
163 4312 Shikshan Prasarak Mandals, Education College, AP: B.Ed., YOGA. Shri. L. S. Dharmatti
Harugeri-591 220, TQ: Raibag, Dt: Belagavi 08331-220274, 9449792241
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
164 4372 Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya Education and Social B.A., Shri. Tukkappa Shankar Vantgudi
Welfare Societys', Shri Siddeshwar Arts and 08331-257076
Commerce College, AP: Harugeri-591 220, TQ: 9740638585, 9449745945
Raibag, DT: Belagavi [email protected]
165 4268/ Shri. Vrashbhendra Education Society's, Arts and B.A., B.Com. Prof. A. D. Tonage
4318 Commerce College AP: Harugeri-591 220, B.C.A., B.Sc. 08331-257853 9448875221,
TQ: Raibag, DT: Belagavi 9448083419
[email protected],
[email protected]
166 4271 Shri Valmiki Education Societys, Physical Education B.P.Ed Shri. D. P. Sadalagi
College, AP: Harugeri-591 220, TQ: Raibag, DT: 08331-257683, 9538535374
Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected],
167 4371 Shri. Mallikarjun Education Trusts, Shri Gangaram B.A., B.Com. Shri. Basappa Ramappa
First Grade College, AP: Harugeri-591 220, TQ: Ajur08331-257000
Raibag, DT: Belagavi 9986272864, 9916054717
[email protected],
[email protected]
168 4324 Pragatipar Grameen Abhivradhi Sansthe, Bachellor of B.S.W.,B.Com. Shri. S. M. Patil
Social Work College AP: Harugeri-591 220, TQ: 08331-257107, 220022
Raibag, DT: Belagavi 8105640578, 9481714109
com, [email protected]
169 4315 Shri. Sharada Education Society's, Swami B.C.A., Shri. Ramappa Balappa Badagi
Vivekanand College of Computer Application, Gokak 08331-257508
Road, AP: Harugeri-591 220, TQ: Raibag, DT: 8884992421, 9449650660
Belagavi svbbabcacollege_hrg@rediffmail.
com, [email protected]
170 4272 Shri. Sharada Education Society's, Swami B.B.A., Shri. Rahul Machaknur
Vivekanand College of Business Administration, 08331-257508 / 9902632353
Gokak Road, AP: Harugeri-591 220, TQ: Raibag, DT: svbbabcacollege_hrg@rediffmail.
Belagavi com,
[email protected]
171 4326 Shri. Channabasaveshwar Vidyavardhak Sanghas, Dr. B.A., B.Com. Dr. V. K. Nadone
C. B. Kuligod Degree College, AP: Mughalkhod-591 08331-252334
235, TQ: Raibag, DT: Belagavi 9008868875, 9986916699
[email protected]
172 4404 Shri. Shiddalingeshwar Education Societys, Shri. B.Com. Kumari. G. H. Kumbar
Siddarameshwar Commerce College, AP: 08331-252777, 9980522985/
Mughalkhod-591 235, TQ: Raibag, DT: Belagavi 9845907781-Koppad Secretary
[email protected],
[email protected]
173 4309 The Belagavi Peoples Education Society's, B.A., B.Com., Prof. Jagannathreddi S. Chitakur
Vishwabharati First Grade College, AP: Turanur-591 08335-242587
123, TQ: Ramadurg, DT: Belagavi 9591163696, 9900997372
[email protected],
[email protected]
174 4025 Smt. I. S. Yadawad Government First Grade College, B.A., B.Com., Dr. A. S. lalasangi
Vidyachetan Campus, AP: Ramadurg-591 123, TQ: B.Sc. B.B.A., 08335-241545 / 8095748860
Ramadurg, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected],
175 4298 Vidya Prasarak Samithi, C.S.Bembalagi Arts, S.M.R. B.A., B.Com., Dr. S. S. Kodate
Palaresha Esicence and G.L.Rathi Commerce College B.Sc. 08335-242094 / 9448693107
Fort, AP: Ramadurg-591 123, TQ: Ramadurg, Dt: [email protected],
Belagavi [email protected]
176 4299 Vidya Prasarak Samithi, Education College, Killa, B.Ed Shri. L. I. Kalli
AP: Ramadurg-591 123, TQ: Ramadurg, Dt: Belagavi 08335-241428
9845288363, 963289659
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
177 4277 Katakol Vidya Vardhak Samithis, Shri Sacchidanand B.A., B.Com. Prof. Shivanand Mudakappa
Swamiji Veerktamath Arts College, AP: Katakol-591 Huddar 08335-262185
114, TQ: Ramadurg, DT: Belagavi 9739397708, 8747880980
[email protected],
[email protected]
178 4369 Shri. Falahar Shivayogishwar Education Samithis, S. B.A., B.Com, Shri. U. M. Shivanagouda
A. Sarangmath Arts and Commerce Degree College, 08335-233734/732 9731296845
AP: Sureban-591 127, TQ: Ramadurg, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected],
179 4284 Janata Shikshan Prasarak Sanghas, Ajjappa Gadami B.A., B.Com, Dr. Mallikarjun Parappa Sobarad
Arts and Commerce College, AP: Munavalli-591 117, 08330-277009 / 9900221842
TQ: Savadatti, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
180 4285 Janata Education Prasarak Sanghas, B. F. Yaligar, B.Ed Shri. A. S. Amoghamath
Education College, AP: Munavalli-591 117, 08330-278138
TQ: Savadatti, Dt: Belagavi 9742373751, 9972715390
[email protected],
[email protected]
om , [email protected]
181 4393 Shri. Murughrajendra Yoga Vidya Kendra, Shri. B.A., B.Com, Shri. K. B. Nalavade
Channabasava Mahasvamiji First Grade Arts and 08330-277660
Commerce College, AP: Munavalli-591 117, 9449794503
TQ: Savadatti, Dt: Belagavi [email protected]
m,[email protected]
182 4395 Shri. Shivanand Bharati Education Societys, Shri B.A., B.Com., Shri. D. B. Mallur-
Shivayogishwar Degree College, AP: Inchal-591 102, B.Sc. 08337-244938 / 9632221032
TQ: Savadatti, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
183 4307 K.L.E.Society's, S. V. S. Bellubbi Arts and Commerce B.A., B.Com, Dr. S. C. Mathapati
College, AP: Savadatti-591 126, TQ: Savadatti, 08330-222311, 9480220632
Dt: Belagavi [email protected]
, [email protected]
184 4338 Shri. Kumareshwar Education Trusts, Education B.Ed Shri. N. L. Kalli
College, Shri Kalmath, APMC road, AP: Savadatti- 08330-222845 / 9611541802
591 126, TQ: Savadatti, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
185 4027 Shri. K. M. Mamani, Government First grade College, B.A., B.Com., Prof. M. B. Bagadi
AP: Savadatti-591 126, TQ: Savadatti, Dt: Belagavi B.Sc. B.B.A., 08330-222015, 9742843882
[email protected],
[email protected]
186 4354 Indian Rural Development Society's, Smt. Saroja M B.S.W., Smt. G. K. Goudar
Hanasi B.S.W. College, AP: Vatnal-Goravankoll-591 8073466824 / 8073466824
116, TQ: Savadatti, Dt: Belagavi [email protected]
187 4352 Shri. Chandrashekhar. M. Mamani Government First B.A., B.Com., Dr. Iranna S. Bhusalli
Grade College, Government Kannada Boys Primary B.Sc. B.B.A., 08337-254454 / 9886446405
School Campus, AP: Yaragatti- 591 129, TQ: [email protected],
Savadatti, Dt: Belagavi [email protected]
188 4409 The Belgaum Peoples Educations Societys, Suvarna B.A., Dr. Shashibhushan S. Utnal
Devendra Nayak Degree College, AP: Yaragatti-591 7353116034 / 9880183483
129, TQ: Savadatti, Dt: Belagavi [email protected]
189 4426 The Belgaum Peoples Educations Societys, Devendra B.Com. Dr. Shashibhushan S. Utnal
Bhimappa Nayak Commerce Degree College, 7353116034 / 9880183483
AP: Yaragatti-591 129, TQ: Savadatti, Dt: Belagavi [email protected]
190 4022 Government First Grade College, AP: Nesaagi-591 B.A., B.Com. Shri. M. Y. Hitargoudar
121, TQ: Bailhongal, Dt: Belagavi B.B.A., 08288-275342, 9481322735
[email protected],
[email protected]
191 4325 Parivarthan Society's, Parivarthan Social Work B.S.W., Shri. Sunilkumar S.
College AP: Kalakuppi Mekalamardi-291 121, Jamanal08337-242577 /
TQ: Bailhongal, Dt: Belagavi 9886360173
[email protected],
192 4210 Shri Neelakantheshwar Vidyavardhak Sanghas, Shri B.A., B.Com., Shri. S. V. Parande
Gangadhar Swamiji Viraktmath Arts and Commerce 08288-237572
College, Murusaveer Math, AP: Bailhongal-591 102, 9731635679, 9916293100
TQ: Bailhongal, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
193 4208/ Kittur Rani Channamma Education Societys, B.A., B.Com, B.Sc. Smt. S. C. Desai
9435 G. G. Deshanur Arts, B. M.patil Commerce and M.Com. 08288-233180,
S. V. Sadhunavar Science College, AP:Bailhongal- 961124099, 9482128167
591 102, TQ: Bailhongal, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
194 4381 Kittur Rani Channamma Education Societys, S. B. B.B.A., Shri. S. A. Deshamuk
Harakuni B.B.A College, AP:Bailhongal-591 102, 08288-234018
TQ: Bailhongal, Dt: Belagavi 9611501040, 9740959400
[email protected],
[email protected]
195 4209 Kittur Rani Channamma Education Societys, B.Ed Smt. M. B. Tallur
Education College, AP: Bailhongal, TQ: Bailhongal, 08288-233389, 9964471107
DT: Belagavi [email protected]
om. [email protected]
196 4408 Bailhongal Vidya Vardhak Sanghas, Degree College, B.A., B.Com, Shri. H. M. Goravanakolla
Kamat Jinning Mill, Belagavi Road, AP: Bailhongal- 08288-233628, 9964471526
591 102, TQ: Bailhongal, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
197 4279 Kittur Nada Vidya Vardhak Sanghas, Arts and B.A., B.Com Dr. G. K. Bhomanagoudar
Commerce College, Saounsthan Kalmath Avaran, AP: 08288-2862439632136631
Kittur-591 115, TQ: Bailhongal, DT: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
198 4019 Government First Gade College, AP: Kittur-591 115, B.A., B.Com., Prof. Maruti M.
TQ: Bailhongal, DT: Belagavi B.Sc. B.B.A., 08228-293029, 9538167386,
[email protected],
[email protected]
199 4367 Shri. Kalmeshwar English School Committee, Shri B.A Shri. Gangappa Rudrappa Wali
Kalmeshwar Arts College, AP: M. K Hubli-591 118, 08288-294251
TQ: Bailhongal, DT: Belagavi 9972475737, 9620078601
[email protected],
[email protected]
200 4410 Shri. Ishaprabhu Education Societys, Arts and Shri. D. A. Hiremath
Commerce College, AP: Belavadi-591 104, TQ: 08288-223746, 8123837705
B.A., B.Com
Bailhongal, Dt: Belagavi [email protected],
[email protected]
201 4239/ Sangolli Rayanna Unit College, ShriNagar, B.A., B.Com., Dr. S. M. Gangadgarayya
9431 Malamaruthi Badavane, AP: Belagavi-590 016, TQ: B.Sc., B.B.A., 0831-2454360
Belagavi, DT: Belagavi. M.Com., M.A., [email protected],
(Kannada) [email protected]
S.T.C Arts, Commerce, BBA & BCA College B.A, B.Com, Dr.J.R. Nayakar
1 At:Banahatti-587311 Tq:JamukhandiDis:Bagalkot. B.Sc, B.C.A, 9449666083,
[email protected].
B.B.A, M.Com, [email protected].
M.A.English [email protected]
B.L.D.E Education Society’s, Commerce B.H.S Arts B.A,, Dr. M.B.Mulimani
and T.G.P. Science College, AP: Jamakhandi-587301, B.Sc, B.B.A, 9986079978,
TQ:Jamakhandi, DT: Bagalkot B.C.A., Certificate [email protected].
Course in Yoga, [email protected]
2 6222 M.A.(Poltical
Science, History)
3 6266 Samuel Memorial Little Angels' Education Society's B.Com. Shri.Ashok E .Gangannavar
Samuel Memorial College of Commerce Ap:Mudhol- 9880636183,
587313 Tq:MudhoolDist:Bagalkot Samuelcollegeofcommere
[email protected]
4 6232 Rabakavi Education Sansthe, B.A,B.Com. Shri M Y Ramdurg
ShriRajashekharGurushantappaShelavant Arts and 9740753981,
Commerce College, AP: Rabakavi-587314, TQ: [email protected]
Jamakhandi, DT: Bagakot
5 6225 SiddarthVidyavardhakSangh, Siddarth College of B.Ed. Dr.B.M.PolicePatil
Education, JamakhandiKatale Plat Vijayapur Road, 9900910925,
Ap: Jamakhandi, Tq: Jamakhandi, Dist: Bagalkot [email protected],
6 6233 S.D.M.Education College, Padma Nagar Ap: Terdal, B.Ed. Shri.P.S. Nagaral
Tq: Jamakhandi, Dist: Bagalkot 9241114424,
[email protected],
[email protected]
7 6242 JanataShikshanaSangha, JanataShikshanSangha B.Ed. Shri, Ramangouda H Goudar
College Of Education, D.NO-4956, 4956,4963 9740406056,
College Road Ap: Banahatti-587 311, Tq: Jamkhandi, [email protected],
Dist: Bagalkot [email protected]
8 6264 B.L.D. Education Societys, (B.Ed)Commerce B.H.S B.Ed. Dr.Husanameyya D. H
Arts and T.G.P. Science College, 08383223333
AP: Jamakhandi-587301, TQ:Jamakhandi, DT: [email protected] ,
BasaveshwarVeershaivaVidyaVardhakSanghas, Shri. B.A,B.Com, Dr.N.B.Ingnala
S. R. Kanthi Arts, Commerce and Science College, B.Sc, Certificate 9448406295,
6240/ AP: Mudhol-587313, TQ: Mudhol, DT: Bagalkot Course in Yoga. [email protected]
6229/ 9626 B.C.A,
K.L.E.Societys, Shri. K.C.P. and D.D.Shirol B.A, Dr. B.M. Patil
11 6228 Commerce College, AP: Mahalingpur-587312, TQ: B.Com, 9448897455,
Mudhol, DT: Bagalkot B.Sc, M.Com. [email protected],
12 6238 BhoomiSevaSansthe, Dr. B. R. Hiremath Social work B.S.W Shri.Rustam m bhagwan
College, AP: Mudhol-587313, TQ: Mudhol, DT: 8861855508,
Bagakot [email protected]
13 6237-9628 NetajiSamagraGrameenAbhivradhiSamste, Netaji B.S.W Prof,M.M.Badigear
B.S.W College, MahalingpurRaod, AP: Mudhol- 9480011035,
587313, TQ: Mudhol, DT: Bagalkot [email protected]
14 6265 K.S.Goutam College of Commerce AP:Rabkavi- B.Com Shri. Rajashekar D Bilagi
587314 Tq: JamkandiDist:Bagalkot 7892165406
[email protected]
,[email protected]
15 6230 Shri. SadashivKaigarikaTarabeti Education Society's, B.ED Shri.Y.S.Savanoor
ShriSadashivB.Ed College Ap: Mudhol-587 313, Tq: 9900559498,
Mudhol [email protected]
16 6019 Govt First Grade College AP: Mudhol-587 313, TQ: B.A,B.Com, Shri. N. N. Teradal
Mudhol, DT: Bagalkot B.Sc,B.B.A,B.S.W. 9632360759,
[email protected]
[email protected]
17 ShriChandrayya M Panchakattimath, Govt First Grade BB.A,.BB.Com, Dr. S P. Kokatnoor
College, AP: Lokapur-587122, TQ: Mudhol, DT: B.Sc. 9945159108
Bagalkot. [email protected],
[email protected]
Shri. VijayaMahanteshVidyaVardhakSanghas, Shri B.A., Dr,SmtBharathi k Naik 9900766450,
Vijay Mahantesh Arts, Science and Commerce B.Com., [email protected]
College, AP: Ilkal-587125, TQ: Hunagund, DT: B.Sc.,
18 6218/ 9623
Bagalkot M.A.Kannada,
6219 Shri.VijayaMahanteshVidyavardhakSangh, S.R.Kanti B.Ed Dr.G.C. Doddamani
Education College, MahantaGangotri, Ap: Ilkal, Tq: 9448945859,
Hingund, Dist: Bagalkot [email protected],
[email protected]
VijayaMahanteshVidyaVardhakSanghas, V.M.S.R. B.A, Smt. S.K.Matta
Vastrad Arts, Science and V.S.Beelihal Commerce B.Sc, 8351260224,
20 6217 [email protected].
College, AP: Hunagund-587118, B.Com.
TQ: Hunagund, Dt: Bagalkot
21 6239 Smt. VimalabaiSaka Education Trusts, S.V.M. BBA B.B.A, B.C.A. Shri. Giresh P. M.TK,
College, Basaveshwar Circle, AP: Ilkal-587125, 9739822055,
TQ: Hunahund, Dt: Bagalkot [email protected]
22 6220 Shri. VijayaMahanteshVidyavardhakSanghas, BBA B.B.A Shri. SrikanthMarra
College, MahantGangotri Campus, AP: Ilkal-587125. 9880562838
TQ: Hunagund, DT: Bagalkot [email protected]
23 9619 VijayaMahanteshVidyaVardhakSanghas, M.B.A Dr. Sudiderha L. N
S.V.M.V.Vinstitute of Management Studies, 9482833468,
MahantGangotri Campus, AP: Ilkal-587125, TQ: [email protected].
Hunagund, DT: Bagalkot [email protected]
24 6221 Shri. VijayaMahanteshVidyavardhakSanghas, B.C.A Shri. SrikanthMarra
AnantraoRaghvendrarao, Jhageerdhar, BCA College, 9880562838
MahantGangotri Campus, AP: Ilkal-587125. TQ: [email protected],
Hunagund, DT: Bagalkot [email protected]
25 6254 Shree. Kalidasa Arts and Commerce Degree B.A,B.Com. Shri.Parasappa .Yellappa. Sagamada
College,Ap:Gudur-587202 9448898226,
Tq: HungundaDist: Bagalkot [email protected]
26 6226 ShriHuccheshwarVidyaVardhakSangha, Grameen B.A,B.Com. Dr.P M Guruvinmath
Arts College AP: Kamatagi-587120, TQ: Hungunda 9980789512,
DT: Bagalkot [email protected].
[email protected]
27 6246 SangameshwarDigree College At:Amingad-587112 B.A,B.Com. Shri. B Bhosmani
Tq:HunagundDis:Bagalkot 7411502217,
[email protected]
34 6202/9627 Shri .Kalidas B.S.W college, Badami-587201 B.A,B.Com,B.S.W, Shri. R.S Jadagi
Tq:BadamiDist:Bagalkot. M.S.W. 7795852184
[email protected],
35 6216 Shri. JagadguruGurusiddeshwar BSW College ,AP: B.S.W ShriVinayShirur,
Guledgudd -587203 Tq: BadmiDist: Bagalkot 9741719698,
[email protected]
[email protected]
36 6227 Shri. Kalidas BA & B.Com Degree College, Po: B.A, B.Com. Shri. N.M. Hotti
Kerur, Tq: Badami, Dist: Bagalkot-587206. 884569914,
[email protected],
[email protected]
37 6011 Govt College,Ap:Badmhi-587201 B.A,B.Com, Shri.Guruswami G. Hiremath
TQ:BadmhiDist:Bagalkot B.Sc,.B.B.A, 9481312927,
[email protected]
[email protected]
39 Govt. First Grade College, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Circle, B.A, B.Com, B.Sc. Dr.Shridevi k Patil
Govt. Model Primary Middle School, Po: KerurTq: 9480073629,
Badami, Dist: Bagalkot-587206. [email protected],
[email protected]
S.R.Narasapur Arts and M.B.Shirur Commerce B.A.B.Com ,M.A Dr.G. B. Kulkarni,
College, P.G Department of Studies In History & History, 9742810260,
40 9620/ 6207 Archaeology, At:Bagalkot-587101 Tq/Dis:Bagalkot BA -Opt English , [email protected],
P.G. Tourism. gururajbk61@gmail.
50 6253 ShriKalidas Arts and Commerce College Navanagar B.A., B.Com. Smt. S.M. Mudagnoor
At:Bagalkot-587103 Tq:BagalkotDis:Bagalkot 9481313726,
51 6212 ShriParappaSangappasajjan Arts College At:Bewoor - B.A.B.Com Shri.J G Barematti
587115 Tq/Dis:Bagalkot 9986513921,
[email protected]
m, [email protected]
52 6214 S.S.V.V.Sangh, ShriMaliyappayya Swami College of B.ED Dr.S.M.Goandi
Education, Ap: Gaddanakeri-587 103,Tq: Bagalkot, 9916058168,
Dist: Bagalkot [email protected]
53 6206 Shri. BasaveshwarVeerashaivVidyavardhakSangh, B.P.Ed Shri.Gurudatta G. Kori
Basaveshwar Physical Education Ap:Bagalkot- 9902368634,
587102 [email protected]
Tq:BagalkotDst: Bagalkot
54 6209 B.V.V Sanghad, Education College, B.ED Dr. V.A. Benakanal
B.V.V.S.CampusRaichurBelagavi Road, Ap: 9448986708,
Bagalkot-587 101, Tq: Bagalkot, Dist: Bagalkot [email protected],
[email protected]
57 6244 Government First Grade College At:Kaladagi-587204, B.A, B.Com, B.Sc. Shri.Ashok c.Hullahalli
TQ/DT:Bagalkot. 9902835026,
[email protected],
[email protected]
58 6257 Govt first college Post Rampur-587102 Tq: B.A, B.Com. Dr. H.M Natikar
Dt: Bagalkot 9900670872,
[email protected].
[email protected]
59 6213 Sir. M. Vishveshwaraya B.B.A College Sonna R C B.A,.B.Com, Shri.M G Muddeebihal
Road Opposite to Dhawaleshwar R C Bilagi-587116 B.B.A. 9480500367,
Tq: Bilagidist: Bagalkot [email protected].
[email protected]
60 6247 ShriGalava Education Sansthe, ShriGalavaMaharshi B.A, B.Com, B.Sc. Shri.B BPatil
Arts and Commerce College, AP: Galagali, TQ: 8904477680,
Bilagi, DT: Bagalkot. [email protected]
61 6262 S.V.S.Sabsthe ,s Shri.Shri .Umesh S Shirol
Swami Vivekanad First Grade College ,Pragati Tower 9448286316,
Opp,Bus stand, Bilagi-587116 [email protected]
,[email protected]
62 6260 Shri.k.K.TungalMemrial Trust's Tungal School of B.Sc Shri. Kirsnha S. Nadapooritha
Back & Applied Science Ap;Jamkhandi-587301 8762154349,
[email protected]
63 6261 Shri.Kalidas College of Education,(B.Ed) B.ED Dr. U. K. Nandanur
AP:Badami-587201 Tq:BadamiDist: Bagalkot 8884113927,
[email protected]
7 5213 Bijayapur District Banjara V. V. Sangh, Banjara Arts B.A., B.Com., Shri A. P. Biradar
and Science College, Banjara Nagar Solhapur Road B.Sc. 9901500751
AP: Vijayapur-586 103 O8352-264180
Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur [email protected]
8 9515 Bijayapur District Banjara V V Sangh, Banjara Arts M.S.W. Shri. S. K. Chavan
and Science College, Banjara Nagar Solhapur Road, O8352-264180
AP: Vijayapur-586 103 Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur [email protected]
9 5219/ Power Society, Jai Gurudev College of Social Work, B.S.W., Smt. Vidya R. Patil
9518 Trimurti Nagar, Plot No:35, Managuli Road, AP: M.S.W. 9844460942, O8352-267638
Vijayapur-586 103, [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur Dist: Vijayapur [email protected]
10 5211 B.D.P.H.W. Association's, Matoshri Ambavva Khed B.A., B.Com, B.Sc. Dr. Sangappa Irashiddappa Metri
Arts, Commerce and Science College, Mathapati 9448245680
Galli O8352-220356
Ap: Vijayapur -586 109 [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur [email protected]
11 5212 Vidya Vardhak Sangha, V.V.S. Arts, Commerce and B.A, B.Com., Shri. G.H.Mannur
B.C.A. College, Station Road, B.C.A. 944824581, O8352-255197
Ap : Vijayapur-586 104, [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur [email protected]
12 5269 Shri Basaveshwar Vidyavardhak Sangha, Sahyadri B.A., B.Com., Shri. B.S.Baapgounda
Degree College, B.L.D.E. East Road, No: 135, B.Sc. 9449711761
Vidyanagar, O8352-261764
Ap: Vijayapur-586101, [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur [email protected]
13 5270 Vedamata Shri Gayatri Pratistan, V.S.G. Arts and B.A., B.Com. Shri Suresh R. Dabbi
Commerce College, Opp. Radio station, Ring Road, 8277039381, O8352-270244
Ap: Vijayapur-586 102, [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur [email protected]
14 5268 Shri. Jagajyoti Basaveshwar Vidyavardhak Sangh, B.A., B.Com., Shri. S.P.Jadhava
Late: Matoshri Kashibai Goudati Basanagouda Patil B.Sc. 9972784982, O8352-278116
Arts and Commerce College, Pulakeshi Nagar, Ap: principalmkbpcollrgr5268
Vijayapur-586 109,
Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur
15 5216/ Dwarakadas Vitthaladas Darabar Memorial Trust, B.B.A., B.C.A., Dr. Vinayak B. Grampurohit
5217 Smt. Kumudaben Darabar Commerce, Science and B.Com. 9448126635
Management Studies College, Jumma masjid Road O8352-241635
Ap: Vijayapur,-586101 Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
16 5205 B.L.D.E. Association, A. S. Patil Commerce College, B.Com, B.B.A, Dr.H.M.Mujavar
Smt. Bangaramma Sajjan Campus, Solhapur Road, B.C.A, M.Com., 9449797070
Ap: Vijayapur-586104, PGDCA, M.B.A. 08352-241635
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. (Autonomus) [email protected],
[email protected]
17 9511 B.L.D.E. Association, J.S.S. Eduction College M.Ed. Dr. M.S.Hiremath
(M.Ed.), S.S. High School Campus, 9449362595, O8352-223290
Ap: Vijayapur-586103, [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. [email protected]
18 5012 Government First Grade College, Navabag, B.A., B.Com., Prof.S.S.Raajmaanya
Ap: Vijayapur-586 101, B.Sc., B.B.A., 9448702951, O8352-240889
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist:Vijayapur M.Com., M.A. [email protected]
(Political Science)
19 5285 Vedant shikshan samsthe B.Com., B.C.A. Shri. Manjunath M. Kinagi
Vedant BCA and B.Com. College, 9686311166
Opposite old mugulkhod math 08352-262110, 9880324617
Near banjara cross, Solapur road, [email protected],
AP: Vijayapur- 586 103 [email protected]
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur
20 5310 Shri Sai Education Society's, Shri Swamy B.A., B.Com. Shri.M.S.Zhalaki
Vivekananda Arts and Commerce College, 3rd Floor, 7338605421
Naagur Campus Ap:Vijayapur-586 101, Shreswamivivekananda
Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur. [email protected],
[email protected]
21 5311 Indira Mahila Mandalad, Mathosri Mahadevi B.A. Shri K.S.Almel
Malabagi Arts College, Near Bhutanal Lake, 9448391955
Ap: Vijayapur-586 103, Tq: Vijayapur [email protected]
22 5288 Sri Shiddeshwar Society's¸ S. C. Uppin College of B.Com. Shri. A. Nagaraj Babu
Commerce, Management And Science Ap:Kavalgi - 9738134123, 08352-236200645,
586127 9738134123,
Tq: Vijayapur,Dist: Vijayapur Scuppincommercecollege,
23 5287 Sri Shivanna Wali Memorial Education Society’s, B.B.A., B.C.A. Shri. Mahammada Suhel Khaji
Konica B.B.A and B.C.A. College Sindgi Naaka, O8352-261337
Labour Office, Rambapur road, Ap:Vijayapur-86101 konikabba.bcacollege
Tq:vijayapur Dist:vijayapur,
[email protected]
24 5286 Bijapur District Education Society's, Bhavani B.B.A. Shri. Sulochana R. Suryavamshi
Management School BBA College, P.D.J College 08352-252192
Ground, Bagalkot Road , [email protected],
Ap :Vijayapur-586 101 [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur Dist: Vijayapur
25 5281 Sri. Jagadaradya Jayashantalingeshwar Education B.A. Dr. Narayan G Bagali
Society, Sri. Jagadaradya Jayashantalingeshwar First 9902345042
Grade Arts College, Ukkali Road Ap: Vijayapur- sjjdegreecollege5281
586104, Tq/Dt: vijayapur,
[email protected]
26 5313 P.N. Memorial Navakarnataka Education Society's, B.A., B.Com., Sri.Vishwanath V. Kalmeshwar
Prakash C.N.Arts, Commerce and Science Degree B.Sc. 9902124039, 08352-272599
College, Adavi Lingeshwar Colony, Ap: Vijayapur- Principalpcnvijaayapur
586 103, Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur.,
27 5320 Lingaraja Vividhodesh Sangha's, Shri Sharada B.Sc. Shri. J. B. Biradar
Science Colllege, Nehru Nagar, K.S.R.T.C 2nd Depo 9448336402
Backside, 9945837634
Ap: Vijayapur-586 101, Tq: Vijayapur shrisharadadegreecollege
Dist:Vijayapur. [email protected],
28 5294 Shri. Kalidas Education Society's, Netaji Subhas B.A. Dr. Appu Jadhava
Chandra Bosa Degree College, Torvi road , 9663828810
AP:Vijayapur-586102 Tq:Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur O8352-270040
[email protected]
29 5309 Dr. Basavaraj Nagur Memorial Education Trust, Yoga Dr. K.B.Nagur
Adinath Diploma Yoga College, Dr. Nagur Education 9448120060
Campus, College Road, 08352-256860
Ap: Vijayapur-586 101, Tq: Vijayapur [email protected]
30 5301 Diamod Education Soceity's, Diamond Degree B.A. Shr. K. A. Kandagal
College , Gunnapur Road, Near Water Tank, Ap: 8660932497
Vijayapur-586 101, Tq/Dist: Vijayapur [email protected]
31 5316 Savitribai Phule Vividhoddeshb Mahila B.Com. Shri.S.L.Metri
Kshemabhivridhi Sangh, Gurubasav Commerce 9448447194
College, Sangamehswar Colony, 9448113507
Ap: Vijayapur-586 101, Gurubasavacommercecollege
Tq: Vijayapur Dt: -Vijayapur [email protected]
32 5319 Prerana Trust, Prerana Science and Commerce Degree B.Com., B.Sc. Dr. Suresh Chidanand Pattar,
College, Shivyogi Nagara, Ashram Road, Ap: 7676650294
Bhutnal-586 103, Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur. 8792657272,
[email protected],
[email protected]
33 5318 Margdarshi Career Academy, S.B.J Arts and B.A., B.Com. Shri. G.J.Hattalli
Commerce College, Jyoti Nagar, Ashram Road, Ap: 9986620285
Vijayapur-586 101, Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur. 08352-250233,
[email protected]
34 Smt. Meenakshi R. Kallur, Vidya Vardhak Sangh, B.A., B.Com. Shri. R.M. Hugar
Arts and Commerce College, Ap: Aliayabad-586 101, 8904239838, 08352-262604
Tq: Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur. [email protected],
[email protected]
35 5323 Uttaraganga Vividhodesh Society's, Ramkrishna Arts B.A, B.Com. Shri Vivekanand R. Dabbi,
and Commerce College, Ap: Arakeri-586 110, Tq: 9742739928,
Vijayapur Dist:Vijayapur. 08352-270244
[email protected]
36 5202 Gramantara Vidya Vardhak Sangha, Shri. Shantaveer B.A., B.Com. Dr. V.R. Choudhari
Arts and Commerce College, 9741604973, O8355-283148
Ap: Babaleshwar, Tq/Dist: Vijayapur-586101 shrishantaveer5202
[email protected],
[email protected]
37 5242 B.L.D.E. Association, New Arts College, Behind of B.A., B.Com. Dr. S. P. Mudrekar
Post Office, Jatt Road, 9448972457, O8352-231932
Ap: Tikota -586 130, Tq: Vijayapur, Dist:Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
38 5298 Kayakayogi Grameen S.S.D.V. Association, Patanjali Yoga. Shri. Kumargouda Haranal,
Yoga College, Ap: Tidagundi -586119 , 9448118593, 9448118593
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist:Vijayapur [email protected],
39 5256 Kayakayogi Grameen S.S.D.V. Association, B.C.A. Dr. P. D. Nidagi
Ramkrishna Vivekanand BCA College, 9448118593
Ap: Tidagundi -586119, Tq: Vijayapur, [email protected],
40 5241 Kayakayogi Grameen S.S.D.V. Association, B.A., B.Com., Shri S.S.Satihal
Ramkrishna Vivekanad Arts, Commerce and Science B.Sc. 9448118593
College, Ap: Tidagundi -586119 , [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist:Vijayapur
41 5255 Kayakayogi Grameen S.S.D.V. Association B.S.W. Dr. P. D. Nidagi
Ramkrishna Vivekanand BSW College, 9448118593
Ap: Tidagundi -586119, Tq: Vijayapur, [email protected],
42 5015 Government First Grade College, B.A., B.Com., Shri. Ramesh R.H
Ap: Mamadapur, Tq: Vijayapur, B.Sc. O8355-285688
Dist: Vijayapur Principalgfgcmamadapur,
43 5282 Sri. Satya Saibaba Education Society, Sri. Satya B.A. Shri. N. L.Naik
Saibaba Degree College, Jadhav Ngar, AP: Hadagali 8445688840
Tanda-586127, Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur 08352-209292
[email protected]
44 5210 B.L.D.E. Society, jyanayogi Sri. Siddeshwar Swamiji B.Ed. Dr. M. S. Hiremath
Education College, S. S. P. U. College Ground, Ram O8352-223290
mandir Road, Ap: Vijayapur-586 101, [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. [email protected]
45 5261 Bijayapur District Banjara Vidya Vardhak Sangh, B.Ed. Shri. B.M.Juvanaal
Banjara Education College, Banjara Nagar, Solhapur O8352-264180
Road Ap: Vijayapur-586 101, Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: [email protected]
46 5259 Sri. Basaweshwar Vidya Vardhak Society, The B.Ed. Dr.Smt S.T.Bolareddi
Presidency College of Education, 9880698128
No: 135, Vidya Nagar, infront of B.L.D.E. Hospital thepresidencybed5259
East Road, Ap: Vijayapur-586 103,,
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. [email protected]
47 5244 Sri. Siddalingeshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangh, Kum. B.Ed. Dr. R.B.Awati
Monika Basavraj Kanni Education College, Infront of 9591234504, O8352-209562
Al-Amin Medical College, Athani Road Kmbkbedcollegebijapur
Ap: Vijayapur-586 101,,
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. [email protected],
48 5260 Sri. Jagajyoti Basaweshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangh, B.Ed. Dr.S.B.Rajput
Sri. Meti Sharanappa Sanganna Education College, O8352-278116,
Pulakeshi Nagar, Ap: Vijayapur-586 109, [email protected],
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. shivanandrajaput1984
49 5215 Smt. Meenakshi R. Kallur, Vidya Vardhak Sangh, B.Ed. Smt.Dr. B.A.Dafhedar.
Education College, Ap: Vijayapur-586 101, 7259692721
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. O8352-222604
[email protected],
[email protected]
50 5214 Anjuman-E-Islam, Anjuman-E-Islam Education B.Ed. Smt.sharadamani S Hunashal
College, Mahatma Gandi Road, Ap: Vijayapur-586 O8352-220177
101, Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. [email protected],
[email protected]
51 5251 Banjara B.P.Ed. College, Banjara Nagar Solhapur B.P.Ed. Shri. P.M.Koli
Road Ap: Vijayapur-586103 O8352-264180, 9449834180
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. [email protected]
52 5218 Anustan Seva Samities, Narendra B.P.Ed. College, B.P.Ed., Yoga Shri. B. G. Vastrada
Kalebag, Jamakhandi Road Ap: Vijayapur-586101, 08352-208145
Tq: Vijayapur, Dist: Vijayapur. [email protected],
[email protected]
53 5014 Government First Grade College, Bheerappa Nagar, B.A., B.Com., Shri Balachandra S. Patted,
Vijayapur Road, Ap: Indi-586209, Tq: Indi Dist: B.Sc., B.B.A. 9448627794
Vijayapur. 08352-224231
[email protected]
54 5225 Shri. Shanteshwar Vidyavardhak Sangha, B.A., B.Com., Dr.Anand C Naduvinmani
Shri. G.R. Gandhi Arts, Shri Y.A. Patil Commerce B.Sc. O8429-225118
and Shri Shanteshwar Science College, Ap:Indi- 586 [email protected],
205, Tq: Indi, Dist: Vijayapur [email protected]
55 5265 B.D.P.H.W. Associations, Sharanappa M. Khed Arts B.A., B.Com. Shri. B.K. Guggari
and Commerce College, Vijayapur Road, Ap:Indi- 7349617118
586 205, Tq: Indi, Dist: Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
56 5321 Anjuman-E-Islam, Anjuman Arts and Commerce B.A., B.Com. Shri. C.S.Pujari
College, Anjuman Nagar, Ap: Indi-586 209, 9663892524
Tq: Indi, Dist: -Vijayapur 9663892524
[email protected]
57 5224 Shri Revanasiddeshwar Samsthe, B.A. Prof.A.B.Ulagaddi
Shri Renukacharya Arts College, 9113060814
Ap: Horti- 586 117, Tq: Indi 9845736989
Dist:-Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
58 5221/ Shri. Sangameshwar Shikshan Samsthe, B.A., Dr.S.S.Choragi
9512/ 5262 Shri. Sangameshwar Arts and Commerce College, B.Com.B.S.W., 9449169016, O8422-278479
Ap: Chadachan-586205, Tq: Indi B.C.A., M.S.W., ssaccollege_chadchan
Dist: -Vijayapur M.Com.,
[email protected],
[email protected]
59 5227 Shri. Siddalingappa Kalahondappa Patil Shikshan B.A., B.Sc. Shri. S. S. Teli
Sansthe, S. K. Patil Arts and Science College, 6361262793
Ap:Indi-586 204, O8422-276643, 9036942037
Tq: Indi, Dist: Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
60 5220 Tadavalaga Mallikarjun Vidyavardhak Sangha, S. M. B.A., B.Com., Shri. Shashikant A. Patangi
Hilli Degree College, Ap: Hirerugi-Bolegaon- 586 9481708940
215, Tq: Indi, Dist: Vijayapur O8359-243545
[email protected],
[email protected]
61 5240 Shri Vrashabhalingeshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangha, B.A, B.Com. Shri. S. S.Kanal
Shri. S. R. Malage Arts and Commerce College, O8359-236615
Ap:Tamba-586 215, Tq: Indi, Dist: Vijayapur [email protected]
62 5272 Shri. Veerabhadreshwar Vidya Prasarak Samiti, Shri. B.A. Shri. L. S. Badiger
Veerbhadreshwar Arts College, Ap:Tamba- 586 215, 9880542221
Tq: Indi-Dist: Vijayapur O8359-236501, 9880542221
[email protected],
[email protected]
63 5292 Government First Grade College B.A, B.Com, B.Sc. Shri. Sheetole. Rajkumar. Bajirao
Ap:Zhalaki-586 204 Tq: Indi 9945416956, 9945416956
Dist:Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
64 5279 Savitribai Phule Vividhoddeshb Mahila B.A. Shri. P.B.Karadiguddi
Kshemabhivridhi Sangh, Gurubasav Arts College, 9591426550
AP: Atharga-586 112 O8352-227001
Tq: Indi Dt: -Vijayapur gurubasavdigreecollege
[email protected]
65 5293 Shri Bhagavan Bhudha Education Society's, Shri B.A. Shri. Basavaraj Tukaram Singe
Balabhima Degree Arts College, Ap- Devar O8325-220999
Nimbargi-586 204, Tq: Indi, Dist:Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
66 5312 Shri Siddeshwar Education Society's Arts College, B.A Shri.Aravinda.S.Biradar
Ap: Bhatagunaki-586 207, O8422-276624
Tq: Indi, Dist: Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
95 5305 1008 Bhagavan Mahaveer Jain Minority Charitable B.A. Shri. Veefhul M. Sagari
Trust, Mahaveer Baramappa Sagari Arts First Grade 9980639693
College, Ap: Muddebihal-586212 Tq: Muddebihal 9448179732
Dist: Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
96 5304 S. S.Vidyavardhaka Sanghad, Swami Vivekananda B.A,, B.Com., Shri. P. L. Rathod
Arts and Commerce Degre College, Basava B.Sc. 9972458283
Tangadagi Road, Ap: Muddebihal-586 123, 9980248489
Tq: Muddebihal, Dist: Vijayapur [email protected]
97 5232 Shri. Veereshwar Vidyavardhak Sangh, B.A, B.Com. Shri. N.R.Sagar
Shri. Veereshwar Arts and Commerce College, 9945650647
AP: Nalatawad- 586 212, O8356-240562
Tq: Muddebihal, Dist: -Vijayapur [email protected]
98 5239 Veerashaiv Vidyavardhak Sangh, Shri. Khasgatesh B.A, B.Com., B.Sc. Dr. M.S.Patil
Arts , Commerce and Science College, Po: Talikote - 9740220318, O8356-266310
586124, Tq: Muddebihal , Dist: Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
99 5291 Sri. Shivayogi Sangmarya Vidya Samste, B.A. Dr. H.B.Naduvinkeri
Sri Sangameshwar Degree Arts College Ap:Talikoti- 994515754, O8356-266332,
586214, Tq: Muddebihal, Dist: -Vijayapur 9945157541
[email protected]
100 Shri. Bhadreshwar Education and Social Welfare B.A., B.Com. Shri. S. M. Sajjan
Trusts, Shri. Ghanamateshwar Arts and Commerce 9448237435, 9740301113
College, Minajagi Cross, [email protected],
Ap: Talikote-586 214, Tq: Muddebihal,
Dist: Vijayapur
101 5245 Sri. Bhadreshwar Education and Social Welfare Trust, B.Ed. Dr.S.M.Sajjana
Sri. Ghanamatheshwar Education College, Minajagi 9448237435
Cross, Ap: Talikote-586214, 97309631055
Tq: Muddebihal Dist: vijayapur. [email protected],
[email protected]
102 5308 Veershaiv Vidyavardhaka Sangh, B.Ed. Sri Ramareddi M. Bhantanur
Shri Khasgateshwar Education College, 9538510581,
Ap: Talikote-586 214, Tq: Muddebihal, O8356-267330,08356-266516
Dist: Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
103 5297 S.G.V.C. Vidya Prasarak Trust, B.Ed. Dr. R. K. Kulkarni
Matoshri Gangamma Veerappa Chiniwar 9448393911
B.Ed. College, Ap: Muddebihal Tq: Muddebihal- [email protected],
586212 Dist: -vijayapur [email protected]
104 5230 Sri. Veereshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangh, B.Ed. Shri B.B.Hugar
Sri. Veereshwar Education College 7353462533, 08356-240003
Ap: Nalatawad-586124 Tq: Muddebihal [email protected],
Dist: Vijayapur [email protected]
105 5246 Sri Shivyogi Sangamarya Vidya Societyt's, Sri. S.H. B.P.Ed. Bhemappa E Arakeri
Patil BPEd College, Post: Talikote-586214 Tq: 7259150142, 9741328265, 08356-
Muddebihal, Dist: Vijayapur. 266335,[email protected],
106 5203 B.L.D.E. Association, Basaveshwar Arts and B.A., B.Com., Dr. S.T. Merwade
Commerce College, Ap: Basavan Bagewadi- 586216, M.A. (History) 9448185705, O8358-245207
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi, Dist: -Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
107 5011 Government First Grade College, B.A., B.Com., Dr. R. M. Reddi
Ap: Basavan Bagewadi- 586203, B.Sc., B.B.A. 9902348096, O8358-244407,
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi Distt:-Vijayapur 9902348096
[email protected],
108 5315 Gramanatar Vidyavardhaka Sangha's Arts and B.A. Dr.Gangadhar Nimbal
Commerce College Ap: Huvin Hipparagi- 586 214, 8296376785
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi, Dist: -Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
109 5267 Shri. Kalikadevi Vidya Samsthe, Shri. Vishwakarma B.A. Shri. Lokesh S Golasangi
First Grade Arts College, 8546646343
Ap: Huvin Hipparagi-586 214, 9902481785
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi, Dist: -Vijayapur [email protected]
110 5278 Shri. S. G. D. E. Samsthe, Shri. S. S. M. Arts and B.A., B.Com. Shri. Sahebgouda B Patil
Commerce College Ap: Huvin Hipparagi- 586 208, 9663244626, 0836-277128,
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi, Dist: -Vijayapur 9663244626
[email protected],
[email protected]
111 5013 Shri. Channamallappa Channaveerappa Hebbal, B.A., B.Com. Dr. Kalinga D Golasangi
Government First Grade College, Ap : Golasangi- 586 9164244838, O8426-284255
208, Tq Basavan Bagewadi, Dist: -Vijayapur [email protected]
112 5228 Shri. Murugharajendra Education Samsthe, Shri. B.A. Shri. B.M.Kolhar
Sanganabasaveshwar Arts College, Ap: Masuti 9901233487
Kudagi Ap: Basavan Bagewadi- 586216, O8426-288058
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi , Dist:Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
113 5233 Grameen Vidya Vardhak Sangh, B.A., B.Com., Shri. Mallikarjun L.
Shri. M.V.Nagathana Arts Commerce and Science B.Sc. Ugalawat9886419689
College, Ap: Nidagundi- 586 212, O8426-282178
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi, Dist: Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
114 5274 Shri. Sangameshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangh, Jalahalli B.A. Shri Andanayya S Kambi
Jayashantalingeshwar Arts College, 9741710234
Ap: Wadawadagi - 586 208 [email protected],
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi Dist: -Vijayapur [email protected]
115 5302 Shir Sangamehswar Vidyavardhak Sanghad, Shri B.A. Shri Sharanubasu G Jamakhandi
Sangameshwar Arts and Commerce College, 9901711678
Ap: Kolhar-586210,Tq: Basavan Bagewadi, [email protected]
Dist: Vijayapur
116 5289 Government First Grade College B.A., B.Com., Shri. H.A.Katagur
Ap:Managuli-586122 Tq: Basavan Bagewadi B.Sc. 9980402656, O835-8240210
Dist:Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]
117 5303 Shri Siddalingeshwar Vidyapeeth Trust, Dr. C. B.A. Shri. B.I.Dawaleshwar
V. Choukimath Degree College. 9880820809
Ap: Ingaleshwar-586 203, O8538-243324
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi, Dist: -Vijayapur [email protected]
118 5243 Grameen Vidya Vardhak Sangh, Education College, B.Ed. Sri D.K.Tambekar
Ap: Nidagundi-586213 Tq: Basavan Bagewadi, Dist: 9902157252, 9028782960
vijayapur [email protected],
119 5296 Shri Shiddhalingeshwar Vidyapeeth Trust, Education B.Ed. Dr. Jagadish B
College Ap: Ingaleshwar-586 203, 9448391737, O8358-243324
Tq: Basavan Bagewadi, Dist: Vijayapur [email protected],
[email protected]