Incident Report - North Tower Main Circuit Breaker Tripping
Incident Report - North Tower Main Circuit Breaker Tripping
Incident Report - North Tower Main Circuit Breaker Tripping
tR NO. LMR-2021-05-0078
Aromd 1850H of May 27 ,2021 when our security reported that there is a power interruption at North Tower.
Our maintenance on duty immediately checked the concern and found out that the main circuit breaker located at
basement 1 right wing of North Tower was tripped off again. The circuit breaker has a rated capacity of 800,{
and holds the Elevator, CCTV and common area lightings of the North tower building. It was monitored that the
tripping happened between 1730H to 1900H. When the main circuit breaker trip offl all the CCTV monitors and
lights at common areas were off. Al1 Elevators were stucked up and the lights inside were offltoo. There was an
incident also that the multimedia monitor of elevator 2 of north was damaee during the
lll. lmmediateAction(s): hitiated by:
-Conduct tracing on the main panel and fuund out Date lmplemented:
that the main ckcuit breaker was trip off. May 27,2021
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