Effects of Reducing The Value Added Tax Rate On Food in Latvia
Effects of Reducing The Value Added Tax Rate On Food in Latvia
Effects of Reducing The Value Added Tax Rate On Food in Latvia
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Table 1. Effect of a VAT rate reduction to 12% on the basic groups of food products in Latvia in 2013 *
Table 2. Effect of a VAT rate reduction to 12% on the certain groups of food products in Latvia in 2013 *
Basic Total
Unprocesse Unprocesse Fresh Fresh
Indicators/Groups of goods Bread dairy Eggs
d meat d fish fruits vegetables
Change in sales quantity Q,
as a % compared with the 4.3 2.1 3.0 4.0 0.2 3.8 3.5 3.3
basic scenario
Change in price level P, as a
% compared with the basic -5.8 -5.7 -5.8 -5.8 -2.2 -5.8 -5.8 -5.6
Change in VAT revenues in
-6.00 -10.34 -1.42 -11.96 -1.86 -1.52 -5.60 -38.70
the budget YT, mln LVL**
Change in consumers’
5.21 8.40 1.20 10.34 0.59 1.31 4.80 31.85
surplus Sc, mln LVL
Change in producers’ surplus
1.56 2.78 0.36 3.09 1.30 0.39 1.43 10.91
Sp, mln LVL
Change in the society’s total
0.77 0.84 0.14 1.47 0.03 0.18 0.63 4.06
gain ST, mln LVL
* Effect of VAT rate reduction if the VAT rate is reduced in the beginning of the corresponding year
** Latvian lat, 1 LVL=0.7028 EUR
After assessing the effect of reducing VAT rate for • to reduce the VAT rate for all the certain groups
certain food products from 21% to 12% on the of food products;
overall inflation rate in the country, one can • to reduce the VAT rate for a certain group of
conclude that the total one-time decline in inflation food products – the one included in either Table 1
is expected at 0.62% compared with the basic or Table 2.
scenario. However, the experience of other countries in
After analysing the potential effect of each certain reducing the VAT rate has to be taken into account,
group of food products on inflation, one has to as, according to M. Bumpei (2011), the change of
conclude that in 2013, the VAT rate reduction for the VAT rate display three kinds of trends when the
“bread” will decrease overall inflation in the country VAT rate is changed. The first trend is that
by 0.11%, “unprocessed meat” – 0.16%, aggregate consumption and economic growth
“unprocessed fish” – 0.02%, “basic dairy products” increases (or decreases) just before the rise (or
– 0.21%, “eggs” – 0.01%, “fresh fruits” produced in reduction) of the VAT rate. The second trend is that
Latvia – 0.02%, and “fresh vegetables” – 0.08%. they decrease (or increase) relatively dramatically as
Given the calculation results obtained, policy makers soon as the rise (or reduction) is implemented. The
have several options if determining scenarios for third trend is that after the dramatic decrease (or
reducing the VAT rate for food, depending on the increase) they increase (or decrease) gradually.
purpose, expected results, and timing. For instance:
• to reduce the VAT rate for all food products;
The expected decrease in food prices will reduce the
By means of the using interdisciplinary and systemic overall inflation rate in the country. If the VAT rate
approach and computer modelling tool in the is reduced for all food products, the forecasted
research, one can conclude that the VAT rate decrease in inflation will reach 1.35%; if it is
reduction for food will result in a 5.5-5.6% decrease reduced for the certain groups of food products, the
in food prices. forecasted decrease in inflation is estimated at
The VAT rate reduction will result in a decrease in economy_finance/publications/european_economy/2
VAT revenues in the government budget. By 012/pdf/ee-2012-6_en.pdf
reducing the VAT rate for all food products in the
European Commission (2012b) VAT Rates Applied
beginning of 2013, the forecasted decrease in VAT
in the Member States of the European Union,
revenues is estimated at LVL 86.6 mln, while for the
Situation at 1st July 2012, p. 27 [Online] Available
certain groups of food products, it is LVL 38.7 mln.
at: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/ resources/
The society’s total gain from reducing the VAT rate
is positive, as the sum of increases in consumers’
surplus and producers’ surplus slightly exceeds the
decrease in VAT revenues. By reducing the VAT Council Directive (2006) 2006/112/EC of 28
rate for all food products in the beginning of 2013, November 2006 on the common system of value
the consumers’ gain amounts to LVL 69.4 mln, and added tax. [Online] Available at: http://eur-
the producers’ gain is LVL 27.1 mln. By reducing lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:
the VAT rate for the certain groups of food products 2006:347:0001:0118:en:PDF
in the beginning of 2013, the consumers’ gain Kozliskis, V., Pilvere, I., Nipers, A., Brekis, E.,
reaches LVL 31.8 mln, and the producers’ gain Upite, I., Nazarovs, D., Bruvele, L., Siksna, I.
totals LVL 10.9 mln. (2012) Petijuma Samazinatas PVN likmes
The VAT rate reduction has a positive effect on the
piemerosanas partikas produktu grupam ietekme
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observed owing to an increase in sales for those
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