Security Threats and Controls2
Security Threats and Controls2
Security Threats and Controls2
- The rapid growth and wide spread use of information and communication
technology, Internet services as well as numerous occurrences of internationals
terrorism, demands better methods of protecting computers, data and information.
Definition of terms
- The three core principles of data security also referred to as information security
are :
Integrity and
1. Confidentiality
2. Integrity
- Integrity means that data should not be modified without owner’s authority. Data
integrity is violated when a person accidentally or with malicious intent, erases or
modifies important files such as payroll or a customer bank account file.
3. Availability
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- Protect computer against brownout or blackouts which may cause damage or data
loss by using surge protectors and USP such as the one shown below.
- For critical systems, most organizations have put into place fault tolerant systems.
A fault tolerant system has a redundant or duplicate storage, peripheral devices
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- Malicious programme may affect the smooth running of a system or carry out
illegal activities such as , secretly collecting information an unknowing user.
Some of common types malicious programmes include:
1. Boot sector viruses- they destroy the booting information on storage media
2. file viruses- attach themselves to files
3. hoax viruses- come as e- mail with attractive messages and launch themselves
when e-mail is open
4. Trojan horse- they appear to perform useful functions but instead they perform
other undesirable activities in the background.
5. Worms- this is a malicious programmed that self – replicates hence clogs the
system memory and storage media.
6. Backdoors- May be Trojan or a worm that allows hidden access to a computer
b. Physical theft
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c. Piracy
d. Fraud
e. Sabotage
- Sabotage refers to illegal destruction of data and information with the aim of
crippling service delivery, or causing great loss to an organization. Sabotage is
usually carried by disgruntled employees or by competitors with the intention
of causing harm to an organization.
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a. Eavesdropping
b. Surveillance (monitoring)
c. Industrial espionage
d. Accidental access
- A hacker is a person who gains unauthorized access just for fun, while a
cracker gains unauthorized access for malicious reasons. Hackers and crackers
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- There are various motivations for hacking. One is that, some people like the
challenge and feel great after successfully hacking a system, while some do it
commercially for software manufacturers test the security status of a new
software system.
f. Alteration
a. Firewall
- A firewall is a device or software system that filters the data and information
exchange between different networks by enforcing the horst network access
control policy. The main aim of a fire is to monitoring and control to or from
protected networks. People who do not have permission (remote requests)
cannot access the network and those within cannot access firewall restricted
sites outsides their network.
b. Data encryption
- Data on transit over a network faces many dangers of being tapped, listen or
copied to unauthorized destinations. Such data can be protected by mixing it
up into a form that only the sender and the receiver are able to understand.
- This is by reconstructing the original message from the mix which is called
data encryption.
- The message to be encrypted is called the plain text document. After
encryption, using a particular order called algorithm or key, this is sent as
cipher text on the network. The recipient receives it and descript it using a
reverse algorithm to the one used during encryption called decryption key, to
get the original plain text document .therefore, without the decryption key
nobody can be able to reconstruct the initial message.
Ciphertext Black
Black Panther
Panther Black
kclB Panther
0 rehtnpa
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c. Security monitors
- Security monitors are programs that monitor and keep a log fie or record of
computer system and protect them from unauthorized access.
d. Biometric security
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- Some health concerns on the use of ICT devices such as computers and Cellular
phones are:
1. Eye strain and headache — This can be controlled by taking frequent breaks,
using TFT LCD displays or an antiglare screen on CRT monitors.
2. Back and neck pains — Use adjustable furniture and right sitting posture as
shown in Fig. 9.2.
3. Repetitive strain injury (RSI) — Also known as repetitive motion injury or
cumulative trauma disorders results from fast repetitive tasks such as typing. This results
in damage of nerves and tendons. Make correct use of the keyboard, and take frequent
breaks in between.
4. Noise: Some noise, such as that of an impact printer, may leave a person with
“ringing ears”. Use non-impact printers, head mounted earphones and microphones.
- Most countries have acts of parliaments, regulation, laws and policies that
govern data processing and information security. Internationally, data security
issues are governed by bodies such as International Organization for
standardization (ISO) and information security Forum (ISF) . ISO, a
consortium of national standards institutes has published “information
technology- security techniques-Code of practice for information security
- Information security forum (ISF) is a global non- profit making body made up
of several leading organization in financial services , manufacturing ,
telecommunication, consumer goods and governments. The organization
provides research on best practiced summarize in its report standard of goods
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- The following are some example of regulation and laws in Kenya, United
Kingdom and USA that governs data processing and information security.
- The government has developed a national ICT policy that seeks to address
issues of privacy, e- security, ICT legislation, cyber crimes, ethical and moral
conduct, copyrights, intellectual property rights and piracy. For more
information on the policy , download a portable document file (PDF) from
the government website titled National Information & communication
Technology(ICT)policy, ministry of information & Communication, January
2006) or any revised version that may be made available from time to time.
- The family education act rights and privacy, is a USA federal law that protect
the privacy of students education records. To release any information from a
student education record, USA school must have written permission from the
parent or the student.
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In genera, although these data security laws or regulations may vary from
country to country they seek to address the following:
1. Data should not be disclosed to other people without the owners permission
2. Data and information should be kept secured against loss or exposure
3. Data and information should not be kept longer than necessary
4. Data and information should be accurate and up to date.
5. Data information should be collected, used and kept for specified lawful purposes.
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25. Firewall -Hardware or software that restricts access to internet and intranets.
e) Ergonomics — Sitting posture when using a computer.
• Hacking accessing data illegally just for fun while cracking is malicious access.
• Viruses, Trojans, worms.
• i) Encrypt data.
26. Reinforce the computer room security.
27. Assign user accounts in a networked environment.
28. Install firewalls.
29. Enforce security and install antivirus software.
30. Disaster recovery plan.
31. Back up data regularly.
• i) Eye strain and headache. ii) Back and neck pains, iii) Repetitive
strain injury. iv) Fatigue.
Revision questions 9
Part A
17. Private
I. Cracker 7. Antivirus 10. Firewall
UPS/surge protector
6. Hacker
• Worm 9. Encryption
6. Using filter programs such as CyberPatrol, Cybersitter or Net Nanny.
7. Disposal of dead computer parts such as nickel cadmium has resulted in
environmental pollution
8. Spyware
9. Contigency plan
10. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) coerces manufacturers worldwide to
comply with acceptable levels of environmental pollution and radiation.