9 Drum Dryers: January 2003
9 Drum Dryers: January 2003
9 Drum Dryers: January 2003
9 Drum Dryers
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Screw Screw
conveyor conveyor
dried to produce pregelatinized or ‘‘precooked’’ starch according to the number and configuration of the
for instant food formulations. Exposure of the thin steam-heated drums and the pressure of the atmos-
sheet to the high heat flux and high temperature for a phere around the drying sheet.
short period of time can also impart a porous struc-
ture to the dried sheet because of the rapid formation 9.2.1 ATMOSPHERIC DOUBLE DRUM DRYER
of vapor bubbles within the sheet during ‘‘boiling-
like’’ drying. Porous products are excellent in instant This type of dryer has a higher production rate, can
food formulations because they are more readily wet- handle a wider range of products, and is more effi-
ted and can be easily rehydrated. It is for these cient.1–3,7 The slurry or paste is fed through a pendu-
reasons that the drum dryer is widely used around lum nozzle or through a header with multiple nozzles
the world in the production of pregelatinized starch on to the nip of two steam-heated drums counter-
for instant food formulations. rotating toward each other, forming a boiling pool
at the nip (Figure 9.1). The feed can also be fed at
9.2 TYPES OF DRUM DRYERS the nips of applicator rollers and the drums (Fig-
ure 9.2). Starch slurries gelatinize in the boiling
The drum dryer was first patented for use in the pool forming pastes that become more viscous. The
manufacture of pregelatinized starch in Germany by counter-rotation of the drums spread the slurry
Mahler and Supf in 1921. Since then a host of other or paste into two thin sheets on both drums that
patents have appeared especially in the United States consequently dry conductively.
where extensive variations of feeding methods, num-
ber and configuration of drums, heating system and 9.2.2 ATMOSPHERIC SINGLE DRUM DRYERS
product removal were considered. The diameter of
the drum varies from 0.45 to 1.5 m and its length The slurry or paste is fed through a pendulum nozzle
varies from 1 to 3 m. The thickness of the drum wall or through a header with multiple nozzles similar to
is between 2 and 4 cm. The drum dryer is classified those of the double drum dryers, on to the nip of a
Feed Feed
Doctor’s Doctor’s
blade blade
Drum Drum
Screw Screw
conveyor conveyor
rollers Drum
Drum conveyor
Feed tray blade
FIGURE 9.3 Single drum dryer with applicator roller feed. FIGURE 9.5 Single drum dryer with dip feed.
Screw Screw
conveyor Feed tray conveyor
of drum rotational speeds is from unity to 5. The feed and the wide variety of drying characteristics of sheets
can be preconcentrated and preheated to reduce the of different material make the operation of the drum
drying load but there is a limit to the feed concentra- dryer very complex. In the past, the performance of a
tion beyond which the sheet may not form well.1,2,8 drum dryer drying a specific product cannot be ad-
equately predicted by theoretical or semitheoretical
9.3.1 DRUM DRYER CAPACITY models but must be based on drying performance
test of the product on a pilot plant drum dryer.
The capacity of the drum dryer depends on the drying
rate of the thin sheet, the amount of product in the 9.3.2 STEAM CONSUMPTION
sheet, and hence the sheet thickness and the rotation
speed of the drums. The drying rate in turn depends Typical specific steam consumption of the drum dryer
on the sheet temperature and hence the steam pres- varies from 1.3 to 1.5 kg steam per kg water removed or
sure in the drum, the sheet material, and to a lesser a steam economy of 0.66 to 0.76 kg water removed per
extent the thickness of the sheet. The thickness of kg steam.1–4 It means that the specific heat consumption
the sheet depends on the relative speeds of rotation is typically about 3000 to 3500 kJ/kg water removed.
of the drums, the depth of the boiling pool at the The specific evaporation rate is 10 to 30 kg water
nip, the nip width, and the rheological properties of evaporated per m2/h for difficult to dry materials
the liquid. and 40 to 50 kg water evaporated per m2/h for easy
However, the wide range of material property to dry materials. Recent studies have increased the
values of the different feed materials, the different understanding of the processes in the drum dryer but
complex thermochemical processes occurring during it is still a long way before the drum dryer can be
drying that may change these property values further, modeled completely.
Drum Drum
Splasher or
Screw Screw
conveyor conveyor
Feed tray
FIGURE 9.7 Twin drum dryer with splasher or sprayer feed.
Feed Feed enclosure
Doctor’s rollers Doctor’s
blade blade
Temparature (°C)
evaporated during this initial boiling of the feed (Fig- gr1 (r1 rs )DHv l31
ure 9.11).5,19 The boiling removes a large amount hs ¼ 0:555 (9:3)
m1 Di (Ts Ti )
of heat from the hot drum surface due to the large
latent heat of vaporization of moisture. Since the where m1 is the viscosity of liquid (Ns/m2), Di is the
temperature difference between the feed slurry and inner diameter of drum (m), Ts is the steam tempera-
the drum is of the order of 308C, the slurry boils on ture (8C), Ti is the inner drum wall temperature
contact with the drum surface very near the critical (8C), DHv is the latent heat of vaporization of steam
point of boiling. The critical boiling flux, E in W/m2 is (J/kg), and l1 is the thermal conductivity of water
given by20 (W/m 8C). The overall heat transfer coefficient in
0:25 this zone was reported to be between 2000 and 7000
sg(r1 rv ) W/m2 8C.6,19 The temperature of the drum surface
E ¼ 2:177rv (9:2)
r2v then drops due to the large removal of heat in the
boiling to an extent proportional to the drum rotation
where rv is the density of steam (kg/m3), r1 is the speed. The faster the rotation, the smaller is the tem-
density of water (kg/m3), s is the surface tension of perature drop. The temperature of the liquid remains
water (N/m), and g is gravitational constant (m/s2). at the boiling point of the solution, which is slightly
The correlation of heat transfer of vapor condensing above the normal boiling point of water due to the
inside horizontal tubes is given by21 presence of dissolved solids.
Boiling at
(kg moisture /kg dry solid)
Moisture content
0.4 Boiling
at the
0.4 initial
sheet Drying curve
0.3 zone
Slow drying
0.1 New
zone Doctor’s blade