Qexemplar q19b s12006

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cd hoc rotasrionscluvi Call War | debende Of a oat Long Site cae World | a i prea he 9ypasionisd poltet un gor dha, anisten ee me ld tide sal. Such fadbories which cere Wvelvemend f Hho in owusteen ed ve dhe Who umnergen Ce. of ‘hod war » conflick | yhiclM dovaly wahucd dutewhe piilosophios es heal bale Us oh ig La 2. venue er sronres Ido {p< rami cabions anock f “ect a Ingle d crab Ui ae tl Pb wag, a lead Pewiously de Carber Farok ae atrd ‘defends? oe. z pete bashdaiapE ee aren Akges Wvasion Afglenis 5 dhs CE Cmnadian of verbs dover dhe eee cukteh | brought Aho world do. das. abges_o_nockeme Asadauchion’ (R.Konnsiy) coring dhe (262 pes Missile Crisis ana he Czechoskiske tn Se ey quosgks o Bee e eo Gee by eo dotenbe was Rrmed. As pt vechwo, “in dhe idedegi col fist — Shere con never be ony peacefr| coanisben! 967 and in 1973. Sionilonly (Lhd: Lnamnificadions of the overthrow of tas. 1 5. = Fs Shah of Iron Aca . countries gj 0no. hoing sor othe a Saat ew. % Cae Or? a Ivanco neane er sreanes As_ ak as “Hod Wor? qlvoirs begtianina, do develop dhvough tho iachab dihy com thy re Thivol. Wedel W_ mulated tho Lreimplomenba si he= Lead From Ge \Tacleconion praspeddive? Cs. Mead) ot sopermwer deminance , Ragn See eee eile (layitbe bods) of [Whe Scorned anc divided rmorica’ past do the Vvetnam (dar!s falore by \973.. This was sbimulabed by dhe invasion -of -ubfypamistaa Raagen devtoped an : ae ¢ B a u ¢ es p Vicon, school describe os lnsdimenbek _ Ido Who end of dhe call wor. Hisbevianc Such 44 Wembrgerand frente empha Ze hase ths decisive Ledhndsical eye © ) USSR’s econemic rain uw Afghanisdan nena a akon ce 5 oe ouby; = se \icor) Reagan's oa of Vo “Seuil | Eeapice? combinock tuft Cos nea=conc ata ®. jastcvgcnet Thad chor paved to be oe In che end of he Calch ajycur, S-Anbicsa asserts thar & wos Tho aul odherenoe drain jessembicilly flare cl Covio® cyystem. Such _dovoso pmonbs can be Iinkod bore 46 tho distacdous ‘wnvasion of Af glanisten \G by the Sor. Tho end ot de Cold Wor, howovar is oO 7 & to vise ime sock pets oi LOmded dhe | Which was widelised uder Gro invasion of an osa non Worse faced i Vo €as Or reasons behind dhe incendie do nvacle Gnicten- ouvd’s armen tlvorly bess Ov i puna vdhies uidnn Arg yhanisteun _voas Masp.nrcbion, it nas francd dhol) Ihe USSP's Lown _Wingidby. groups such as Jadji ies ogpld Lbecoma invalved un tho confi dhs ae ions. rhe Se oe oe |e domo catbectbsia. b encauragad | wdion wo) aioe bachww ee ghe Valu | Ol ‘ i v Uae Co Gina Sieh st Tha, ia de lacke of Lelie of tho ee Crorboekor Cn Ounced tn a Yo te onl. WP our \ well as [00 ae troops ond Tenks | trom ate Enetem Place. i removal from Vo Glan mission mes Of _ycheon disarmamod sala no’ 2.” or hwo RK ions is -assents Vio mas economic feasons — i ing do USSR?, peme | Loree ond lane ic hog, obi abion qacdics + con Sr ihute of olociv¢ly lial enol oft Cold Wor conich. [for those pro act ive — Cocthot Un She veh Loaolorr could Iave encoot ho Color Lqoar and Gonbachow * Bs ab |_dolib co 2 crecl procal | poli ceh_accomodabian? of and hon Buch enohet wn | wuchoar dueavndrmond, the Map. | padblern in_suthing up Fensions and a lL Afder successive —abhenfls ab—the | Cerove. ; and Gon dhe oe Somat ae 1936, Garbaghor INE ne wh A ces enbiclhy Remove df ee Ma ‘Ons. the aera ‘Uc aby sj ty_ (9a | was Vho produch of — colivabin cc: od esi he es Malha Gummi of 134. Thi billig dhe" sowing inSignificance -of Who li A wt stan Ww (OCLSS' L Vi a KM age cA 2 andi uss mea derrarish- ae tho use_af dhe catel f Ween - Yew : ond Khanh exay Ma hlighd He complex hic 08 for ever “hor chening? vee. Iwas & “softenigg”’” ond he doo a lnsifaatintige enaineatea™ i T Refer ogues drab ows “Sie Gor bachw a key ole Tong eran didnt “change der ything) wa istan cand dhe a. fred icone ond €conamic appeal . | one ov i jon lasti fi cans transforma) ion of Uo : War _conMicb. In _a dewiral eovlti pol a Con ie onsod of glo isadbion Ue Soinos | invasion cli. more hom dhon couy s) ble i in en 5 lavas | Cultivotheal ney ony Yho_ oud of but new formed ail TERN Ts apferession IM the USHA and US. Won u Cror bachen, dv: ue of ro af ahoun COMP egn Thirofve Uurovgh Yo ane uplas.oy obs of a». essoni ally acon) ke eacee “public e@venonbs.> Under Tho nics Spon Melia ond poliPical freer m ) . po 5 . bie Ong fy ; 2 failure of pasha a ecboariues became. nenrnonf) —whon in _|734 Z_bilion te billion roubles. Such cong obec, rn Spheres lod do - Cqilect 0} is on un peut Thovefa Ube Cruml of yho page Uden of Cold wor, and if gute, qho USSR Gho Coll war royghh §o oh enc ag woh ag dha ee of Tho WSSE, by 199

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