Classroom Demonstration Teaching: Learning Task
Classroom Demonstration Teaching: Learning Task
Classroom Demonstration Teaching: Learning Task
Numeracy Skills – using numbers to perform calculating and estimating tasks such as
handling cash, budgeting, measuring, and analyzing.
Teachers employ varied strategies to cater to diverse types of learners. Some learners
work best when working alone, while others find joy working with other. These are the
advantages of individual and group work for students.
Work at their own level rather than having Getting to a deeper level understanding
to adapt to suit their group members through having to explain a perspective and
discuss it with others with different
Get more comfortable taking actions on Holding group members accountable and
their own being held accountable in return.
Hands-on activities – provide the learners to explore and discover learning and keep
them actively engaged in the activities. Through these activities they retain the information
longer and accurately remember the things they learned. They also find the activities more
meaningful, enjoyable, and rewarding.
Some hands-on activities are: number maker, play the bag game, algebra tic-tac-toe,
human knot game, verbs relay race, toss and blend, compare fractions, card game, cause and
effect cards, consonant blend, scavenger hunt, multiplication table games, sight words memory
game and the like.
B. Go to the library and research on your topic. Have a pre-conference with your
cooperating teacher. Write your outline and ideas here.
As I was meeting my cooperating teacher, I asked her what will be the lesson
that I am going to discuss, and the textbook or reference that she’s using which I’ll
be using too with regards to her given topic.
My topic is propaganda and its techniques. I have to achieve the following
objectives: my students are expected to define what propaganda is; actively
participate in a group activity; and identify the propaganda techniques in a given
Performance Standards
What to use?
Learning Resources
References: English Arts Textbook for Second Year, Edna M.
Alcober,et’al.pp. 245-247
Materials: Powepoint Presentation, chalk, eraser, visual aid
B. Motivation
- The teacher will ask the following:
1. Have you already been to Jollibee? How about
2. Why do you like to be there?
3. What is your favorite advertisement and why?
C. Presentation
The lesson Proper
- The teacher will present a video presentation
depicting on the propaganda techniques as well as
what propaganda is.
D. The teacher discusses the lesson, then gives and asks examples
from the students.
Teaching Strategies
Checking of attendance
Asking the following questions:
a. Have you already been to jollibee? How about in
b. Why do you like to be there?
c. When you watch teleserye in you television, of
course there are advertisement inserted. What is
your favorite advertisement and why?
Present a video presentation depicting on the
propaganda techniques as well as what propaganda is.
Discussing propaganda and propaganda techniques as
well as giving examples and asking questions to the
Reiterating the current lesson.
Projecting the topic on the screen for student’s notes.
Group activity for the students .
Letting the students answer a quiz activity.
Giving assignment/homework .
Dismissed the class.
B. Complete the matrix by checking the areas you need to improve on:
Improve Learning Outcomes
Learning Environment
√Instructional Materials
Modes of Assessment
Others, please specify _______________________
Enrich √Knowledge
Others, please specify _______________________
Modify Attitudes
Others, please specify _______________________
My Analysis
9|Pre-Service Teaching learning Tasks
1. What went well in my lesson? Why?
Presentation and discussion part, because the students actively participated
and answered my questions. Moreover, the quiz also went well because all
of my students participated this activity.
My Reflections / My Insights
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In preparing my instructional materials, I realized that:
After the demonstration lesson, I felt effusive in the sense that there’s a part in me felt
happy because I was able to discussed the topic simply and understandable. Hence, I also
felt content especially in the delivery of my lesson. At the same time, I also felt relieved
because at first I was so nervous cause that was the first time I demonstrated in the real
classroom environment that I will be teaching in the future with the real secondary
students particularly the grade 8 students. All in all my feelings that time was really
unexplainable and indescribable.
consistent on using the different strategies in teaching my students diversity. I will always
put in mind that their future relies on my hands, so I must assure that in every lesson that I
am going to discussed they can learn academically and personally which they can apply in
their life.
My Learning
Outstanding Artifacts
√ Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fair Needs Improvement
Make a photo collage of the demonstration lesson you have conducted in your
cooperating school. Make a reflective journal too.
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Records, etc.)
Reflective Journal
12 | P r e - S e r v i c e T e a c h i n g l e a r n i n g T a s k s
This experience allows me to challenge myself in facing the real life in the real world
as regards to my future carrier. This was the first time that I experienced teaching with the
real secondary students, with the real high school classroom, and with the real teaching-
learning process. This was also the first time that I was being evaluated by a DepEd teacher,
my cooperating teacher in particular.
At first, I was so nervous and I felt like I’m trembling because my heart beats fast.
But as my discussion went on, I started to calm and able to fought and surpassed my
nervousness. I wasn’t able to finish until the fifth part of my lesson plan in one session
because it is really true that during teaching-learning process, there will be many
things/situations happen beyond your expected plan, and you can’t prevent it from happening.
There were many factors that can distract our discussion, and can distract student’s attention.
But despite all of those, I was still able to finish my lesson successfully. I was happy of my
evaluation from my CT and her comments.
This experience taught me a lot of things. It made me proud of myself for surpassing
successfully which I considered as one of the challenges in life. Though I am still far from
being a license teacher, this experienced gave me an opportunity to enhanced my knowledge
and skills, helped me to be more motivated to become a teacher, and gave me more reasons to
love teaching and be a teacher someday.
My Scoring Rubric
Meets Approaching Meets Does Not Meet
INDICATORS Standard of Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Excellence Standards Standard
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Performance has all the has some aspects has minimal no aspect of
Tasks aspects of work of work that aspects of work work meets level
that exceed level exceed level of that meet level of of expectation.
of expectation expectation. expectation. has errors,
Shows Demonstrates with some errors omissions, and
exemplary solid and MASTERY is misconceptions
performance performance and not thorough
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answers answers answers correct answers
Learning The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of
Artifacts evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of
learning is/ are learning is/ are learning is/ are learning is/ are
aligned with aligned with SOME aligned with ONE NOT aligned with
learning of the learning of the learning the learning
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outcomes. outcomes. outcomes. outcomes.
Creativity and The learning tasks The learning tasks The learning tasks The learning tasks
Resourcefulnes are done very are done are done quite are poorly done
s creatively and creatively and creatively and and need
resourcefully. resourcefully. resourcefully. improvement.
Submission of The assigned The assigned The assigned The assigned
Requirements learning tasks are learning tasks are learning tasks are learning tasks are
submitted on or submitted on a submitted 2 days submitted 3 days
before the day after the after the deadline. or more after the
deadline. deadline. deadline.
Signature of Practicum Supervisor
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