- The OS is the main program that controls the execution of user applications and enables the
user to access hardware or software resources.
- The OS therefore supervises all the other Programs in the computer and manages access to the
1. Processor
- It executes tasks called processes.
- The OS arranges the tasks according to priority and has the ability to stop a particular task to
allow the processor to service another one.
2. Main memory
- The OS determines which task will remain in main memory awaiting execution and which one
would be sent back to secondary storage to wait.
- The OS is usually installed in the hard disk and must be loaded to RAM during the booting
NB: It is only a small special part of the OS that is loaded to RAM during booting process
because it contains the most necessary commands and procedures for the booting process.
This special part is called the kernel.
2. Job sequencing
- The OS keeps a list of jobs or tasks currently being run and clocks them in and out of the
- It arranges these tasks in a particular order to make it easy for the processor to execute them
and to know how and when to fetch instructions for each task.
3. Error handling
- The OS provides error correction routines to ensure smooth operations within the C.P.U and
possibly make suggestions on how to correct the errors.
- The OS does this by monitoring the status of the computer system and performing error checks
on both the hardware and software.
4. Input/output handling
- The OS co-ordinates the input or output devices and other peripherals making sure that data
flows properly between them and sorting out any possible confusion.
- The OS also governs the input and output of data and the allocation, storage and retrievals.
5. Interrupt handling
- An interrupt is a break from normal sequential processing of instructions in a programme.
- The OS determines the cause of the interrupt and transfers the control to the most appropriate
- An external request causes the processor to stop executing current tasks and do something else
before returning the control back to the process that was initially interrupted.
- Each hardware device communicates to the processor using a special unique number called
IRQ (Interrupt Request Number)
6. Memory management
- All the data and instructions must be temporarily held in the main memory before and after
- The OS therefore organizes the main memory into blocks of sizes called page frames.
- Processes are divided equally into pieces that can fit into frames called pages.
- The O.S swaps/ exchanges pages between the main memory and the secondary storage.
- When the hard disk is used to hold the pages it is referred to as a virtual memory.
- The OS constantly assigns the main memory storage pages to data and instructions.
- To access a piece of data or instruction the OS knows how to find each piece of data or
instructions as long as the correct address or the page is used.
- The term User Interface refers to the method of interaction between computer and the user and
determines how easily the user can operate the computer.
iii. It does not make use of emerging hardware and software technologies.
d) P - Pointing Device – A device that enables someone to select icons of menus on the
display screen.
1. Hardware configuration of the computer such as memory size, hard disk capacity and
processor speed.
2. User friendliness of the operating system i.e. is it command-line or menu driven or
3. Basic design of the computer i.e. is it an IBM compatible or an apple computer.
4. Availability in the market e.g. Microsoft windows based OS is very common.
5. The cost of the operating system.
6. Reliability i.e. can it run without crushing or hanging
7. The number of users it can support.
8. The application software intended for the computer
9. The documentation available.
Branton Julius khatete
Thika university