Et Iso 12543 3 2011

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ET ISO 12543-3 (2011) (English): Glass
in building -- Laminated glass and
laminated safety glass -- Part 3:
Laminated glass

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Glass in building —— Laminated glass and laminated

safety glass ——
Part 3:
Laminated glass



 Published by Ethiopian Standards Agency


This  Ethiopian  Standard  has  been  prepared  under  the  direction  of  the  Technical  Committee  for      
The  standard  is  identical  with  ISO  ϭϮϱϰϯͲϯ͗ϮϬϭϭ'ůĂƐƐŝŶďƵŝůĚŝŶŐͶ>ĂŵŝŶĂƚĞĚŐůĂƐƐĂŶĚůĂŵŝŶĂƚĞĚƐĂĨĞƚLJŐůĂƐƐͶWĂƌƚϯ͗
>ĂŵŝŶĂƚĞĚŐůĂƐƐpublished  by  /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶĨŽƌƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ(/^K).  
For  the  purpose  of  this  Ethiopian  Standard  ,  the  adopted  text  shall  be  modified  as  follows.    
ͻThe  phrase  “International  Standard”  shall  be  read  as  “Ethiopian  Standard”;  and    
ͻA  full  stop  (.)  shall  substitute  comma  (,)  as  decimal  marker.    
(7+,23,$167$1'$5'(6ISO 12543-3:201(E)

Glass in building —— Laminated glass and laminated safety

glass ——
Part 3:
Laminated glass

1 Scope
This part of ISO 12543 specifies performance requirements for laminated glass as defined in ISO 12543-1.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 12543-1, Glass in building —— Laminated glass and laminated safety glass —— Part 1: Definitions and
description of component parts

ISO 12543-2, Glass in building —— Laminated glass and laminated safety glass —— Part 2: Laminated safety

ISO 12543-4:2011, Glass in building —— Laminated glass and laminated safety glass —— Part 4: Test methods
for durability

ISO 12543-5, Glass in building —— Laminated glass and laminated safety glass —— Part 5: Dimensions and
edge finishing

ISO 12543-6, Glass in building —— Laminated glass and laminated safety glass —— Part 6: Appearance

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 12543-1 and ISO 12543-2 apply.

4 Impact resistance
By definition, laminated glass does not possess an impact resistance or classification.

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5 Durability of laminated glass and laminated glass with fire-resistant properties

5.1 High-temperature test

5.1.1 General

Durability of laminated glass is dependent upon the following factors:

 interlayer type;

 presence of plastic glazing sheet materials;

 presence of encapsulated materials.

The choice of test method is dependent upon the above-mentioned factors.

Laminated glass not incorporating plastic glazing sheet materials shall be tested in accordance with 5.1.2.

Laminated glass incorporating plastic glazing sheet materials and/or encapsulated materials shall be tested in
accordance with 5.1.3.

NOTE A manufacturer can choose to test laminated glass incorporating encapsulated materials in accordance with

5.1.2 Laminated glass that does not include plastic glazing materials

Laminated glass shall be tested in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 5.3.2, and evaluated in accordance
with ISO 12543-4:2011, 5.4. No fault (i.e. bubbles, delamination, haze or cloudiness) shall be found in three
test specimens.

If faults are found in only one test specimen, three new test specimens shall be tested in accordance with
ISO 12543-4:2011, 5.3.2, and evaluated in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 5.4. No fault shall be found in
any of these test specimens.

5.1.3 Laminated glass that includes plastic glazing materials and/or encapsulated material

Laminated glass shall be tested in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 5.3.3, and evaluated in accordance
with ISO 12543-4:2011, 5.4. No fault (i.e. bubbles, delamination, haze or cloudiness) shall be found in three
test specimens.

If faults are found in only one test specimen, three new test specimens shall be tested in accordance with
ISO 12543-4:2011, 5.3.3, and evaluated in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 5.4. No fault shall be found in
any of these test specimens.

5.2 Humidity test

Laminated glass shall be tested in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.3.1, and evaluated in accordance
with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.4. No fault (i.e. bubbles, delamination, haze or cloudiness) shall be found in three
test specimens.

If faults are found in only one test specimen, three new test specimens shall be tested in accordance with
ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.3.1, and evaluated in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.4. No fault shall be found in
any of these test specimens.

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5.3 Radiation test

Laminated glass shall be tested in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, Clause 7, and evaluated in
accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 7.5.1. The luminous transmittance of three irradiated test specimens shall
not change by more than

a) ±3 % of their value before exposure for initial light transmittances of greater than 65 %, or

b) ±2 % of their absolute value for initial light transmittances of less than or equal to 65 %.

When visually inspected, no fault (i.e. bubbles, delamination, haze or cloudiness) shall be found in the three
irradiated test specimens.

If faults are found in only one test specimen, three new test specimens shall be tested in accordance with
ISO 12543-4:2011, Clause 7, and evaluated in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 7.5.1. No fault shall be
found in any of these test specimens.

6 Durability of fire-resistant laminated glass

6.1 General

The durability of fire-resistant laminated glass is dependent upon exposure to direct solar radiation.

NOTE 1 Fire-resistant laminated glass glazed externally is subject to direct solar radiation.

NOTE 2 Fire-resistant laminated glass glazed internally is not normally subject to direct solar radiation.

Fire-resistant laminated glass not normally exposed to direct solar radiation shall comply with 6.2.

Fire-resistant laminated glass normally exposed to direct solar radiation shall comply with 6.3.

6.2 Humidity test for glass that is not normally exposed to direct solar radiation

Fire-resistant laminated glass shall be tested in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.3.2, and evaluated in
accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.4. No delamination shall be found in three test specimens.

If delamination is found in only one test specimen, three new test specimens shall be tested in accordance
with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.3.2, and evaluated in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.4. No fault shall be
found in any of these test specimens.

6.3 Tests for glass that is normally exposed to direct solar radiation

6.3.1 Humidity test

Fire-resistant laminated glass shall be tested in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.3.1, and evaluated in
accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.4. No delamination shall be found in three test specimens.

If delamination is found in only one test specimen, three new test specimens shall be tested in accordance
with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.3.1, and evaluated in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 6.4. No fault shall be
found in any of these test specimens.

6.3.2 Radiation test

Fire-resistant laminated glass shall be tested in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, Clause 7, and evaluated
in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 7.5.2. No delamination shall be found in three test specimens.

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ISO 12543-3:2011(E)

If delamination is found in only one test specimen, three new test specimens shall be tested in accordance
with ISO 12543-4:2011, Clause 7, and evaluated in accordance with ISO 12543-4:2011, 7.5.2. No fault shall
be found in any of these test specimens.

7 Component parts
The description of component parts of laminated glass shall be as given in ISO 12543-1.

8 Dimensions and edge finishing

The dimensions and edge finishing of laminated glass shall be in accordance with ISO 12543-5.

9 Acoustic properties test

The acoustic properties of the laminated glass may be tested according to ISO 22897.

The acoustic properties of the interlayer may be tested according to ISO 16940.

The loss factor for the first mode may be defined when tested in accordance with ISO 16940.

NOTE From the values obtained by the method in ISO 16940, it is possible to calculate Rw and Rw + Ctr ratings of
laminated glazings according to ISO 22897 or EN 12758.

10 Appearance
The appearance of laminated glass shall be in accordance with ISO 12543-6.

11 Designation
Laminated glass shall be designated by:

 type;

 reference to this part of ISO 12543;

 nominal thickness, in millimetres;

 nominal width, B, and nominal length, H, in millimetres.

EXAMPLE A fire-resistant laminated glass with a thickness of 6,4 mm, a width of 2,0 m, and a length of 1,50 m is
designated as:

Fire-resistant laminated glass ISO 12543-3 - 6,4 - 2000 x 1500

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ISO 12543-3:2011(E)


[1] ISO 16940, Glass in building —— Glazing and airborne sound insulation —— Measurement of the
mechanical impedance of laminated glass

[2] ISO 22897, Glass in building —— Glazing and airborne sound insulation —— Product descriptions and
determination of properties

[3] EN 12758, Glass in building —— Glazing and airborne sound insulation —— Product descriptions and
determination of properties

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Organization and Objectives
The Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA) is the national standards body of Ethiopia
established in 2010 based on regulation No. 193/2010.ESA is established due to the
restructuring of Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia (QSAE) which was
established in 1970.

ESA’s objectives are:-

™Develop Ethiopian standards and establish a system that enable to
Ethiopian Standards Agency
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check weather goods and services are in compliance with the

required standards,

™Facilitate the country’s technology transfer through the use of

™Develop national standards for local products and services so as to

Ethiopian Standards
The Ethiopian Standards are developed by national technical committees which are
composed of different stakeholders consisting of educational Institutions, research
institutes, government organizations, certification, inspection, and testing
organizations, regulatory bodies, consumer association etc. The requirements and/
or recommendations contained in Ethiopian Standards are consensus based that
reflects the interest of the TC representatives and also of comments received from
the public and other sources. Ethiopian Standards are approved by the National
make them competitive in the international market.

Standardization Council and are kept under continuous review after publication and
updated regularly to take account of latest scientific and technological changes.
Orders for all Ethiopian Standards, International Standard and ASTM standards,
including electronic versions, should be addressed to the Documentation and
Publication Team at the Head office and Branch (Liaisons) offices. A catalogue of
Ethiopian Standards is also available freely and can be accessed in from our

ESA has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be
reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of ESA.
International Involvement
ESA, representing Ethiopia, is a member of the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), and Codex Alimentarius Commission (CODEX). It also

maintains close working relations with the international Electro-technical

Commission (IEC) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).It is a
founding member of the African Regional Organization for standardization

  More Information?
  Contact us at the following address.
The  Head  Office  of  ESA  is  at  Addis  Ababa.  

   011-­‐  646  06  85,  011-­‐  646  05  65                    

  011-­‐646  08  80
   2310  Addis  Ababa,  Ethiopia  
  E-­‐mail:  [email protected],          

  Standard  Mark                

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