Data Structure Programs 12,13 By:-Atul Enrollment No:-01516401520 Btech (I.T 1 Year)

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Data structure

Programs 12,13
Enrollment no:-01516401520
Btech(I.T 1st year)
Program 12:-implement addition of two Polynomial expressions using singly
linked list.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

struct node
int coeff;
int pow;
struct node *next;

#define newnode (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node))

//need two functions
//one to store polynomial
//two for adding polynomial

//helper function
void show(struct node* Node)
while (Node->next != NULL) {
printf("%dx^%d", Node->coeff, Node->pow);
Node = Node->next;
if (Node->coeff >= 0) {
if (Node->next != NULL)

void create_node(int x, int y, struct node** temp)

struct node *r, *z;
z = *temp;
if (z == NULL) {
r = newnode;
r->coeff = x;
r->pow = y;
*temp = r;
r->next = newnode;
r = r->next;
r->next = NULL;
else {
r->coeff = x;
r->pow = y;
r->next = newnode;
r = r->next;
r->next = NULL;

//add polynomials
void add_polynomial(struct node* poly1, struct node* poly2,
struct node* poly)
while (poly1->next && poly2->next) {
// If power of 1st polynomial is greater then 2nd,
// then store 1st as it is and move its pointer
if (poly1->pow > poly2->pow) {
poly->pow = poly1->pow;
poly->coeff = poly1->coeff;
poly1 = poly1->next;

// If power of 2nd polynomial is greater then 1st,

// then store 2nd as it is and move its pointer
else if (poly1->pow < poly2->pow) {
poly->pow = poly2->pow;
poly->coeff = poly2->coeff;
poly2 = poly2->next;

// If power of both polynomial numbers is same then

// add their coefficients
else {
poly->pow = poly1->pow;
poly->coeff = poly1->coeff + poly2->coeff;
poly1 = poly1->next;
poly2 = poly2->next;

// Dynamically create new node

= (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
poly = poly->next;
poly->next = NULL;
while (poly1->next || poly2->next) {
if (poly1->next) {
poly->pow = poly1->pow;
poly->coeff = poly1->coeff;
poly1 = poly1->next;
if (poly2->next) {
poly->pow = poly2->pow;
poly->coeff = poly2->coeff;
poly2 = poly2->next;
= (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
poly = poly->next;
poly->next = NULL;

void operation(){
struct node *poly1 = NULL, *poly2 = NULL, *poly = NULL;

// Create first list of 3x^2 + 6x^1 + 5x^0

create_node(3, 2, &poly1);
create_node(6, 1, &poly1);
create_node(5, 0, &poly1);

//second polynomial 2x^1 + 6x^0

create_node(2, 1, &poly2);
create_node(6, 0, &poly2);

printf("1st Number: ");


printf("\n2nd Number: ");


poly = newnode;
// Function add two polynomial numbers
add_polynomial(poly1, poly2, poly);

// Display resultant polynomial

printf("\nAdded polynomial: ");

int main()

return 0;


Program 13:-implement linear search and selection sort in a single linked list
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct LinkNode
int data;
struct LinkNode *next;

// Singly linked list

struct SingleLL
struct LinkNode *head;
struct LinkNode *tail;
// Returns the new linked list
struct SingleLL *newLinkedList()
// Create memory of head and tail Nodes
struct SingleLL *sll = (struct SingleLL *) malloc(sizeof(struct
if (sll == NULL)
printf("Memory overflow\n");
sll->head = NULL;
return sll;
// Returns a new Node of linked list
struct LinkNode *createLinkNode(int data)
// Create dynamic node
struct LinkNode *node = (struct LinkNode *) malloc(sizeof(struct
if (node == NULL)
printf("Memory overflow\n");
// Set initial node value
node->data = data;
node->next = NULL;
return node;
// Add new Node at end of linked list
void addNode(struct SingleLL *sll, int data)
struct LinkNode *node = createLinkNode(data);
if (sll->head == NULL)
sll->head = node;
struct LinkNode *temp = sll->head;
//Find last node
while (temp->next != NULL)
temp = temp->next;
// Append the node at last position
temp->next = node;
// Display linked list element
void display(struct SingleLL *sll)
if (sll->head == NULL)
printf("\n Empty linked list\n");
struct LinkNode *temp = sll->head;
// iterating linked list elements
while (temp != NULL)
if (temp != sll->head)
printf(" →");
printf(" %d", temp->data);
// Visit to next node
temp = temp->next;
printf(" → NULL\n");

// Swap the linked list node value

void swapData(struct LinkNode *a, struct LinkNode *b)
int temp = a->data;
a->data = b->data;
b->data = temp;
int linear_search(struct node *head, int data)
//traverse the list and compare list->data
int count = 1;
if (head == 0)
return -1;
while (head)
if (head->data == data)
return count;
head = head->next;
return -1;
// Sort the linked list using selection sort
void selectionSort(struct SingleLL *sll)

struct LinkNode*auxiliary = sll->head;

struct LinkNode*temp = NULL;
struct LinkNode*node = NULL;

// Execute linked list node

while(auxiliary != NULL)
node = auxiliary;
temp = auxiliary->next;

// Find the minimum node

while(temp != NULL)
if(node->data > temp->data)
node = temp;
// Visit to next node
temp = temp->next;
if(auxiliary->data > node->data)
// Transfer minimum value to initial position
// Swap the node value
// Visit to next node
auxiliary = auxiliary->next;
int main()
// Create a empty linked list
struct SingleLL *sll = newLinkedList();

// Constructed linked list

// 2 → 5 → 0 → 8 → 2 → 4 → 9 → 7 → 0 → 1 → NULL
addNode(sll, 2);
addNode(sll, 5);
addNode(sll, 0);
addNode(sll, 8);
addNode(sll, 2);
addNode(sll, 4);
addNode(sll, 9);
addNode(sll, 7);
addNode(sll, 0);
addNode(sll, 1);

printf("\n Before sort \n");

// Sort linked list
// 0 → 0 → 1 → 2 → 2 → 4 → 5 → 7 → 8 → 9 → NULL
printf("\n After sort \n");
return 0;



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